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Treat Diverticulitis Naturally with Homeopathy

Diverticula are small bulging pouches or pockets that can form in the lining of the large intestine or colon. Diverticula develop when weak spots in the intestinal walls bulge out. Diverticula don’t cause any symptoms, but if the pouches of diverticula get infected or inflamed, the condition is known as diverticulitis. Homeopathic medicines for diverticulitis help reduce inflammation of diverticula and symptomatically manage cases of mild to moderate diverticulitis. Colocynthis, Magnesium Phos, and Nux Vomica are the top homeopathic medicines for diverticulitis.

homeopathy diverticulitis

Homeopathic medicines for diverticulitis.

One or more pouches can be inflamed in diverticulitis. The cause for diverticulitis is not exactly known, but there are certain risk factors associated, like aging (it is common after age 40), a low-fiber diet, a sedentary lifestyle, history of constipation, smoking, obesity, lack of exercise and family history of any similar complaint. Apart from these, certain medications like NSAID’s and steroids also raise the risk of diverticulitis.

Homeopathic Treatment of Diverticulitis

Homeopathic remedies for diverticulitis help treat symptoms like abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, and blood in the stool. But in case of severe diverticulitis where peritonitis (a fatal condition) has developed, it is necessary to seek urgent medical care as homeopathy does not offer any help here.

Homeopathic Medicines for Diverticulitis

Colocynthis – For Abdominal Pain in Diverticulitis

Colocynthis is a natural remedy prepared from the pulp of a fruit of a plant named Citrullus Colocynthis. This plant is commonly known by the name of Bitter Apple of the natural order Cucurbitaceae. Colocynthis is used to manage the complaint of abdominal pain in diverticulitis. The pain is present in the lower part of the abdomen. The pain may be colicky, cramping, griping, sharp, cutting in nature. The pain from abdomen may radiate to thighs or small of the back. The abdomen may also be distended, sensitive and painful to touch. Eating and drinking make the pain worse. Relief appears by bending over double or on lying on the abdomen. Passing flatus may also relieve the pain. Above symptoms may be attended with nausea, vomiting and frequent loose stool.

Magnesium Phos – For Diverticulitis when Abdominal Pain is Relieved by Warmth

Magnesium Phos is a homeopathic medicine for diverticulitis where there is abdominal pain. It is indicated in cases where abdominal pain is relieved by warm applications and by applying pressure. The pain is cramping in nature and there is a lot of flatus present. People needing Magnesium Phos also feel better in abdominal pain by pressure. The abdominal pain may be accompanied by watery diarrhea.

Nux Vomica – For Treating Constipation in Diverticulitis

Nux Vomica is a homeopathic remedy for constipation arising in cases of diverticulitis. People needing Nux Vomica have a frequent, ineffectual urge to pass stool. Every time the person goes for stool only a little is passed, and the urge is renewed again. The stool is dry, scanty and always unsatisfactory. It may also be blood streaked sometimes. Abdominal pain may be felt before passing stool that gets better after passing stool.

Bryonia – For Constipation in Diverticulitis

Homeopathic medicine Bryonia is prepared from the root of a plant named Bryonia alba, White Bryony or wild hops. This plant belongs to natural order Cucurbitaceae. Bryonia is also helpful to treat constipation in diverticulitis. For using Bryonia the key feature is a hard, dry, tough, large stool. Sometimes stool is so dry and dark that appears to be burnt. The stool is passed with difficulty only after much straining. Burning at the anus may be felt. A pinching abdominal colic may also be present. Motion tends to worsen the abdominal pain where Bryonia is indicated.

Arsenic Album – For Diverticulitis with Nausea and Vomiting

Arsenic Album is an effective homeopathic medicine diverticulitis where nausea and vomiting are marked. In cases needing Arsenic Album, vomiting appears soon after eating or drinking. Vomiting consists of ingesta or yellow-green liquid and sometimes clear water. It is attended with excessive nausea. Along with these features, abdominal pain with anxiety and restlessness may be present. Sometimes watery and offensive diarrhea appears. Marked fatigue and weakness arises with the above symptoms

Ipecac – To Manage Constant Nausea in Diverticulitis

Homeopathic medicine Ipecac is prepared from the dried root of A plant Cephaelis ipecacuanha that belongs to natural order Rubiaceae. Ipecac is an excellent remedy to manage constant nausea in diverticulitis. Nausea is extreme, distressing, persistent in nature. Vomiting of white glairy mucus or watery fluid may arise, soon after which nausea reappears. Cutting and pinching colic in the abdomen is mostly present. The tongue is clean.

Nitric Acid – For Diverticulitis Where Blood in Stool Appears

Nitric Acid is an effective homeopathic remedy for diverticulitis where there is blood in the stool. The blood is bright red. The stool is hard, dry, difficult and irregular and may alternate with thin, liquid stools. Splinter-like pain may be felt in the rectum during stool. The lower part of the abdomen is distended and painful to touch.

Aloe – For Managing Diarrhea in Diverticulitis

Aloe is prepared from the gum of leaves of plant Aloe Socotrina of the natural order Liliaceae. Aloe is a significant medicine for managing complaint of diarrhea in diverticulitis. The stool is frequent, thin, yellow and may have undigested food particles. An urgency to pass stool is marked. In most cases, urge to stool appears soon after eating. A constant bearing down in the rectum is felt. There is abdominal pain with bloating (especially left side abdomen). There is also a discharge of much offensive flatus that relieves the abdominal pain.

China – For Diverticulitis with Abdominal Pain and Flatus

Homeopathic medicine China is prepared from the dried bark of a plant Cinchona officinalis that belongs to natural order Rubiaceae. Use of China is considered in cases of diverticulitis where there is abdominal pain, bloating and excessive flatus. The abdomen feels tight with rumbling and moving of flatus. Bending over double gives relief in pain. Along with this profuse, watery, offensive stool may appear frequently. A marked debility arises due to frequent loose stool.

Symptoms of Diverticulitis

The symptoms of diverticulitis include abdominal pain usually on the lower left side, abdominal tenderness, nausea, vomiting, changes in bowel habits (mostly constipation and less commonly diarrhea), blood in the stool and fever. Some complications may appear in cases of diverticulitis. The main ones include abscess formation, peritonitis (most serious one that can be fatal thus require immediate help from conventional mode of treatment), fistula (between bowel and bowel or between the bowel and urinary bladder ) and stricture/blockage in the colon from scarring.

Write To Dr . Sharma

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  1. Hello Dr, how we can treat ub diverticular with grade 1 bep

  2. Arvind Mishra says:

    I am facing acute constipation, stool is very hard.I have to apply pressure. As my hemoglobin content was very low I am taking iron supplement therefore my stool is always black. About 4 months back I was hospitalized for treatment for blood in my stool.Now I don’t want to that symptoms to repeat again. Therefore kindly suggest any homeopathic medicine for the same. Thank you sir

  3. Linda Lee Benton says:

    Hi I have diverticulitis as well as prolapse rectum. I do not want surgery. Do you have a great homeopathic doctor who can help me? Thank you

  4. Inna Zaidlina says:

    Dear Dr. Sharma
    I am diagnosed with Diverticulitis. I have pain on left side but no vomiting or blood in my stool. Please give me advise what to take.
    Thanks a lot

  5. Col SK Sethi says:

    Dear Mam,
    I am suffering from prostrate and Diverticulitis. I am on Urima D for Prostrate and a course of Antibiotics for Diverticulitis. However I feel dull and irrating pain in lower abdomen which is more relevant during sitting position. Request advice me homopathic medicine for Diverticulitis please.

  6. Hi mam how k connect with you regarding my father Diverticulas

  7. Jan Bourdelle says:

    Dear Dr. Sharma, I love your site which is my favorite place to go for help. I try to never use medical help with prescriptions. Thank you for years of health, Dr. Sharma.

  8. Mia Lorenzen says:

    Hi, Dr. Sharma!

    My name is Mia and I’ve had abdominal and colon problems for the past 9 months. I’ve had high alkaline phosphatase numbers since 2016. This past year my A1C and CRP have been high as well. I had a GI stool map test last April and it showed that I had H Pylori and other things as well. I retested my stool in May and it showed negative for H Pylori. I was scheduled to have an endoscopy and colonoscopy with Mayo clinic in Dec. of 2023, however, my current insurance does not accept them. Most of my stomach pain is on the left side. I do have dicyclomine for that pain and it does help some. My stool is lighter colored than usual…I am having at least 1 bowel movement a day. any help would be amazing. I also have very low energy, no appetite, some bloating, I use to have gastritis and gerd, but I’m controlling that with diet now. Thank you again…I am very grateful! best, Mia

  9. Hi Dr Sharma!
    I am 43 years old and my diverticular disease was diagnosed in 2012. Initially I had acute uncomplicated attacks of diverticulitis every 5 years or so but for the last 2 years I’m having recurrent attacks of diverticulitis few weeks apart. I complete one course of antibiotics alongwith dietary restriction and after about a week, my symptoms reappear. I have severe lower abdominal pain, crampy in nature which later localizes to the left iliac fossa. Alongwith pain I experience bloating, severe nausea, anorexia. Bowel movements also change during the period I have these attacks. I pass 2 to 3 stools even more accompanied by tenesmus during this period. Stools are formed, bulky and often offensive. Abdomen is very much bloated and most of the times, I feel gas movement but unable to pass it as my gut wall becomes really edematous and it blocks the passage of gas. I have never had fever or blood in my stools in any of my attacks. Every time, I have this attack, its so severe that it does not respond to oral meds and I have to switch to iv toradol for pain relief alongwith iv antibiotics. I have also lost about 5 kgs weight since last year since my attacks have been very frequent.My gastroenterologist has advised me surgery as these recurrent attacks are greatly affecting my quality of life. Please prescribe some treatment so I can avoid surgery at this age and also to prevent future attacks. Thank you and best regards
    Tazeen Nazar

  10. Forrest Grammer says:

    I am a 54 year old male who was diagnosed with diverticulosis after a colonoscopy on 3/16/2022. For many years I was asymptomatic, except for occasional bleeding, and rarely painful spasm in my sigmoid colon. That all changed after my second covid-19 vaccine on 11/16/2021. Around 2 weeks after the shot I began developing pain throughout my large intestine. I slowly recovered to a point over many months. However, now I seem to live with pain daily. Sometimes mild, often moderate or worse. I take vitamin c to bowel tolerance, along with my whole food base multivitamin, and essential fatty acids. My trigger foods seem to be; peanuts, tree nuts, chocolate, coconut oil, and animal fats. I have seen some improvement with diet changes, and am hoping for a homeopathic treatment as a prn or routine dosage. Thank you.

  11. Patricia Wilson says:

    Dr Sharma, I seem to be experiencing Diverticulitis 2-3 times a year. Is there a combination of supplements available? Can I take them on a daily basis?y

  12. I am having symptoms of diverticulitis again that is cramping, pain in my right side and pressure in my bowel every time I urinate. My abdomen is tender when I put pressure on it. What can I do to get rid of this discomfort. Should I go and get antibiotics from a doctor?

  13. Do you know how to help cure Zenkers Diverticulum holistically w homeopathy? Are there similarities to that and diverticulitis of the stomach w the cures and why? Would there be a special diet for Zenkers? I cannot find any natural cure regimes on the internet for Zenkers.

    Thank you so much for your insight

  14. Rajiv Gupta 9311098018 says:

    I am rajiv Gupta having diverticolitis
    Excessive gas formation
    Want to know the treatment in homeopathy

  15. mary mcmanus says:

    dear Dr. sharma,,,, my 30yr old son has diverticulitis for the last 6yrs, he got an absccess in the colon and had to be drained,, over the years we tried many things, diet, etc, we took him to india for ayurvedic and this worked very well while there but he got sick again when we came back,,,,the abscess opens up every 6 to 8 weeks now and pours out (the opening from the drain is still there) he is sick for about 4 days to a week and then recovers very well until the next time he is vegan, has good exercise , we are ISKCON devotees and he was brought up vegetarian, he does not drink , smoke, take any drugs or medicines, he lives on buckwheat and steamed vegetables mostly, he gets sick often from stress,,we live here in Ireland now and are hoping to move to India in new year if possible for good if visas come through…i would be most grateful for any info and how to get unusual medicines and high potencies as we cant get them here,, can we order from you,, do you do online consultations, thank you Mary McManus,, galway, ireland

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