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Delirium – Homeopathic Medicines for Symptomatic Treatment  

Delirium refers to a sudden change in mental abilities of a person resulting in confusion, emotional disruption and reduced environment awareness. Homeopathic medicines for delirium are recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity, as the use of these medicines helps reduce the intensity and frequency of the symptoms. Homeopathic Medicines for Delirium 

It can occur for various reasons. Generally, it tends to arise from certain factors that cause impairment in sending and receiving signals in the brain.

Some of the causes behind delirium includes inflammation of brain, drug toxicity, use of some medicines (like sleeping pills, certain medicines to treat high blood pressure, mood disorder medication, Parkinson’s disease drugs and some drugs for  treating  convulsions), alcohol intoxication,  alcohol withdrawal, emotional stress, pain, extreme sleep deprivation, low sodium or calcium levels. Next there are some medical conditions that can lead to it. These include pneumonia, urinary tract infections, heart attack and stroke. It can also result in case of an injury, surgical procedures done under anaesthesia, brain tumour, exposure to a toxin like  carbon monoxide, cyanide. Other causes are malnutrition, dehydration, fever and some acute infection. In some cases no cause is present behind it.


Its symptoms include confusion, problems in concentration, changes in sleep pattern, poor memory or memory loss and disorientation. Its next symptoms are mood changes, inability to think and speak clearly, slurred or rambling speech, trouble understanding, problem with reading and writing, hallucinations (sensory perceptions experienced in the absence of external stimulus), loss of muscle control. Some of the other symptoms are restlessness, agitation, withdrawn, lethargy, slowness of movement, moaning or making other sounds. Rest of the symptoms include fear, anxiety, depression, mood swings, irritability, anger.

Types of Delirium 

  1. Hyperactive delirium

In this case, the person is restless, agitated, aggressive, has quick mood changes, hallucinations and is uncooperative.

  1. Hypoactive delirium

In this type a person move slower than normal, is sluggish, drowsy, tired, inattentive, disorganized

  1. Mixed delirium

In this type a person has symptoms of both hyperactive and hypoactive types. There may be rapid shifting between hyperactive and hypoactive states.

  1. Delirium tremens

It is seen among people who are trying to stop alcohol drinking. They have a history of drinking excessive quantities of alcohol for many years altogether.

Homeopathic Medicines for Delirium 

Homeopathy offers help in managing the cases of delirium. These medicines are recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity. With use of these medicines the intensity and frequency of the symptoms gradually reduces. In homeopathy the medicine which will suit a case of delirium is selected as per the symptom present in every individual case. In every case it is advised to take homeopathic medicine after consulting a homeopathic physician. In cases of severe intensity or serious causes (like stroke) it is advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.   

  1. Belladonna – For Laughter and Restlessness

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant deadly nightshade. This plant belongs to family solanaceae.This medicine is well indicated for delirium with fits of laughter and restlessness. This is attended with a tendency to bite and strike others. Confusion of mind is also there. Next symptom that may be there is excessive talking. Sometimes there are violent motions of arms and legs with this. Apart from above it is indicated for delirium with lethargy. Face is flushed and there is heat in the head along with the above symptoms. Another indicating symptom for using it is delirium with seeing frightful images or monsters before eyes. For using this medicine excessive weakness may follow delirium. Last indication to use it is screaming, loud weeping with delirium and anxiety.

  1. Stramonium – With Talking and Hallucinations

This medicine is prepared from a plant known as thorn – apple. This plant  belongs to family solanaceae. This medicine is best suited for persons having delirium with excessive talking and hallucinations. Their speech is unclear and they talk continually. They become joyful with laughter, making faces with staring eyes and clapping of hands. There is also confusion of mind. Next they act foolishly and behave like an intoxicated person. Sometimes they get furious and wild with a tendency to bite others. In some cases needing it the delirium of active form alternates with much fright. In fright they fear some imaginary monster which is approaching him. Along with the above symptoms there is great restlessness and sleeplessness. It is also important medicine for cases of delirium tremens with hallucinations. In such cases a person hears scolding voices.  Restlessness is also there in these cases. Praying with above symptoms can also be present. Intense anxiety may be there too. Trembling of the limbs, inability to differentiate objects at a short distance, unsteady and hasty motions are some other accompanying symptoms.

  1. Agaricus – With Mood Changes

This medicine is beneficial for cases in which sudden mood changes/shifts from happiness and sadness are present. 

Along with this, people needing it may have irrational or incoherent talking. They may be unable to recognize people in their relations. They may throw things away. They may also have headaches. It is prominently indicated for delirium associated with fever or pain. It is also suitable to treat cases of delirium tremens.

  1. Lachesis – For Drowsiness and Speech Issues

This medicine is very useful when there is drowsiness and slow difficult speech. Redness of face is marked with it. It is well indicated for delirium occurring from over exertion. The delirium is usually present at night time in cases needing it. Other than above it is beneficial for cases of delirium tremens. In these cases it is helpful when there is excessive talking with frequent jumping from one subject to another. These attacks mostly occur after sleep. In cases needing it sadness, irritability, moaning, loathing of life and suspiciousness are present.

  1. Hyoscyamus – With Marked Physical Restlessness

This medicine is prepared from plant Hyoscyamus niger commonly known as Henbane. This plant belongs to family solanaceae. It is considered in cases where marked physical restlessness is there. Person needing it moves from one place to another. Along with this he is constantly muttering or talking. The talk is incoherent. The face is red with a wild staring look. Sometimes the jerking of the limbs is there. Delirium from pain is highly indicative of its use.

6. Veratrum Album – For Delirium with Heavy Sleep

This medicine is prepared from root stocks of plant White Hellebore. This plant  belongs to the family melanthiaceae of liliaceae. It is a significant medicine for cases in which delirium is accompanied with heavy sleep. Persons who need it may have coldness of body and cold sweating, and tingling sensation in the body. Other than this sometimes they are also  restless and have cramps in the legs. They may talk foolishly and about religious subjects. It is also helpful to manage cases where  violent outbreaks are there. In such cases there is desire to strike those persons present around and desire to cut and tear everything. Lastly it is indicated for delirium and headache in case of meningitis.

7. Kali Bromatum – For Delirium with Delusions

It is a valuable medicine for cases in which delirium is accompanied  with delusions. Persons requiring it imagines that someone is following them, or someone will poison them. Next there may be loss of memory and difficulty in concentrating mind on any of the subjects. Its use is also recommended in cases of delirium tremens in the first stage with red eyes, flushed face and hard and quick pulse. 

  1. Opium – For Delirium with Frightful Vision before Eyes 

This is yet another useful medicine for these cases. It offers help when the delirium is attended with frightful visions before the eyes. Mostly there are visions of animals coming out of different parts of a room. The face has an expression of fright continually. With this there is a desire to run away. Excessive talking is also present with above symptoms. The person needing it is furious with redness of the face and rambling speech. It is also indicated for sleeplessness, burning heat in the body with anxiety, restlessness, agitation and delirium.

  1. Aconite – For Delirium with Childish Talk 

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as monkshood. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is well indicated for delirium with childish talk that does not make any sense. With this there is great heat in the body. Sometimes convulsions are present. Dullness and confusion of mind can be present. Next attending signs and symptoms are crying out, dilated pupils, staring looks and excessive sweat.

  1. Nux Moschata – For Delirium with Sleeplessness

This medicine is prepared from a plant Myristica fragrans commonly known as nutmeg that belongs to the family myristicaceae. Its use is considered in cases of delirium with sleeplessness. Its use is also done for delirium with loud improper talking and making of strange gestures. There may be an inclination to laugh at everything or sometimes mood changes are there from sadness to happiness. Memory loss can also be there. Its last indication is delirium tremens with slowness of senses and imaginary fancies.

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  1. Karthikeyan B says:

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  3. Lakshmi Madhuri Panchagnula says:

    Hi Dr sharma

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