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10 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Bronchiectasis

Bronchiectasis is a form COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) characterized by damage, thickening, and widening of the bronchi. Mucus tends to build up in these widened airways that allow bacteria to flourish there and lead to frequent lung infections. Bronchiectasis can arise from any lung injury. Homeopathic medicines for bronchiectasis can help prevent further progress of pathology but cannot reverse the damage that has already occurred in the airways.
Most cases arise from damage from a condition known as cystic fibrosis. Other conditions that can lead to bronchiectasis include repeated lung infections, abnormal immune system function, an allergic reaction to a fungus known as allergic aspergillosis, alpha 1 – antitrypsin deficiency, HIV, autoimmune diseases and primary ciliary dysplasia. It can also develop in cases of inflammatory bowel disease (Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) and rheumatological diseases (rheumatoid arthritis and Sjogren’s disease).   homeopathic medicines for bronchiectasis

Homeopathic Medicines for Bronchiectasis

Homeopathy has a supportive role to play in cases of bronchiectasis along with conventional help. These remedies help a person manage the symptoms of bronchiectasis including cough, expectoration, wheezing, shortness of breath in an excellent manner. Antominium Tart, Kali Bichrome, Pulsatilla, Silicea, Phosphorous and Arsenic are the top medicines for bronchiectasis.

1. Antimonium Tart – Top Grade Medicine for Bronchiectasis

Antimonium Tart is a top listed medicine for treating bronchiectasis. The key feature to use Antimonium Tart is an excessive rattling cough. Rattling worsens on lying down and is better on sitting in upright position. There is a collection of enormous mucus in the lungs and the chest feels full. The expectoration is difficult. Expectoration, when arising, is yellow, thick, tough and sometimes mixed with blood. Cough is attended with suffocation. Chest feels oppressed. Chest pain also arises on coughing.

2. Kali Bichrome – For Bronchiectasis with Cough and Thick, Tenacious Expectoration

Kali Bichrome is useful medicine for bronchiectasis with thick, tenacious expectoration. Expectoration is highly viscid, sticky in nature that can be drawn in long strings. The expectoration is copious and can be transparent, white, yellow, green or slate – coloured. There is cough with pain and soreness in the chest. Chest also feels heavy as from a weight / heavy load on chest

3. Pulsatilla – For Cough and Yellowish Green Expectoration

Pulsatilla is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known by the name of windflower or pasque flower of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla is indicated for bronchiectasis when there is cough with yellowish green colored expectoration. The cough worsens in a warm room. Expectoration appears in large quantities of yellow-greenish thick, lumpy mucus, especially in the morning time. It may have a slimy, bitter, sweet or salty taste. The person needing Pulsatilla may also have weakness and fever.

4. Silicea – For Offensive Expectoration

Silicea is helpful for cases of bronchiectasis with offensive expectoration. Expectoration is profuse. It can be thick and purulent in nature. The expectoration appears in badly smelling granules. Cough appears day and night with copious expectoration. Cough tends to get worse from a cold. Chest feels sore. Pain in chest appears that gets worse from motion and deep breathing.

5. Phosphorus – For Bloody Expectoration

Phosphorus is a prominent medicine for bronchiectasis with bloody expectoration. The blood is bright red, reddish brown or rust colored. This can be attended with chest pain. The pain tends to be stitching in nature. A heated sensation may be felt in the chest. The chest also tends to feel heavy as from a weight lying on it. Breathing is very oppressed.

6. Arsenic Album – For Cough and Marked Wheezing

Arsenic Album is a well-indicated medicine for bronchiectasis with marked wheezing. This is attended with cough and expectoration which is mainly of frothy nature. The phlegm can be bitter or saltish. Shortness of breath also frequently attend. There is marked difficulty in breathing and the person is able to breath better with chest inclined forwards. Lying down worsens the difficulty breathing episodes. An aggravation of all symptoms is there at midnight. Constriction/tightness of the chest also accompanies. Sometimes chest pain is also felt. Anxiety and marked restlessness are felt with the above symptoms.

7. Ammonium Carb – For Shortness of Breath

Ammonium Carb is beneficial for bronchiectasis with shortness of breath. Persons requiring Ammonium Carb has difficulty in breathing even on walking a few steps. This gets better in the open air but may be attended with cough and spitting of bloody phlegm either light or dark colored. Chest feels contracted and heavy along with a burning sensation.

8. Kali Carb – For Chest Pain Attending other Symptoms

Kali Carb is indicated for bronchiectasis with chest pain attending other symptoms. For using Kali Carb the chest pain may be cutting, stitching or stabbing in nature. Cough is present with suffocation. Wheezing may be present with cough. Cough most times gets worse around 3:00 am. Shortness of breath may be felt in the morning hours. There is expectoration of offensive, lumpy copious phlegm.

9. Hepar Sulph – For Purulent Expectoration

Hepar Sulph offers help in cases of bronchiectasis with purulent expectoration. It may have a sour or sweet taste and smells bad. Along with this cough and wheezing in the chest are present. Symptoms worsen from cold air exposure. Wrapping up warmly helps to relieve the symptoms. Difficulty in breathing may arise that prevents sleeping in some cases with the above symptoms.

10. Stannum Met – For Copious Green Expectoration

Stannum Met is another indicated medicine for bronchiectasis with copious greenish expectoration. It has sweetish taste in most of the cases where Stannum Met is indicated. There is a cough with shortness of breath. The person tends to take deep breaths frequently. Chest feels oppressed on coughing. There is a sensation of weakness in the chest.

Symptoms of Bronchiectasis

The symptoms of bronchiectasis include a chronic cough with a large amount of phlegm (yellow, green or clear), offensive expectoration, cough with blood-stained phlegm, shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain, fatigue, weight loss and clubbing of fingertips.

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  1. Katherine Bhana says:

    I was extremely short of breath and constantly tired due to my Emphysema. I was advised to take Montair plus one tablet every night which would give me temporary relief and help my sleep. But I didn’t want to depend on tablet fully which only offers relief not cure. I slowly started Ayurveda, and was introduced to Natural Herbs Centre and their COPD Ayurveda Programme, my symptoms gradually diminished including my shortness of breath, wheezing and fatigue. Reach them at natural herbs centre I know I’ll get negative comments but I’m sharing this perhaps someone is also looking at genuine alternative treatment. I can vouch for this Ayurvedic treatments but you still need to decide what works best for you. Sending prayers

  2. Sir I am suffering from bronchiatasis.i lost weight and suffering from cough with phlem production

  3. Harish Joshi says:

    I an suffering from bronchiectasis for last 56 years I am now 75 usually sputum get accumulated in lungs and difficult to get it out I do regular exercises I usually take kali bich when I have severe attack I want know what is alternative medicine I can take with kali bich as I get mild fever running of nose and sneezing and back pains

  4. I have this disease for 8 years. Please recommend any natural remedies. I take albuterol, stiolto respimat, acetlycysteine & azithromycin. Thank you for your time.

  5. Ameer faisal says:

    I have established bronchiectasis. Fever, phelgm, blood are a circle. How homoe can help me.

  6. shanker Merchant says:

    Dear Dr. Sharma,

    I am a chronic patient of Bronchiectasis NTM for several years. For the past three years and continuing, I have been taking the usual medication for NTM, which includes Azithromycin, Ethambutol, and Rifampin. Recently added Clofazimine to these three medications. I hope to get rid of NTM, but do not know the outcome. Can you suggest and help me with Homeopathic treatment, if there is one, to get rid of NTM. I would your help. Thank you and Best Regards

    Shanker Merchant

  7. Lhaj Mohamed Nacik says:

    Hello Dr Sharma,
    I suffer from Bronchiectasis, can you help me?
    My email

  8. M K Arora says:

    Dr. Sharma I saw your programme on YouTube and I am impressed a lot,
    I am suffering from Nagla ( cough and cold) right from my childhood , lot many treatments are taken from AIIM, other reputed doctors and it never stopped, as a result I am loosing my hearing power and memory.
    I am now 78 years old and a vegetarian. How can contact you.

    M K Arora

  9. During childhood got bronchial asthma. at 4 years old. asthma attach after midnight. And aggravated at wet or damp weather in summer and winter. Now asthma is subsided. but bronchactiasis in Rt middle lob and left upper lobe. sputum thick green, yellow, dark brown etc. Dr diagnose u have Psudomanoa bacteria infection. when i enter into warm hot car, i get chest infected. winter i also got chest infection rapidly. Age 45 recurrent chest infections
    any cure for me in homeopathy

  10. Manoharan says:

    Good morning Doctor
    My 7 years daughter had a previous infection with adeno virus,influenza B,and phnemonia jointly at her age of 2 years 8 ,months,hospitalised and got treatment ,now for the last 4.5 years we are giving homeopathy treatment continuesly but there is no that much improvement Doctor
    Need your valuable suggestions please Doctor

  11. Naela se says:

    Dear Dr Sharma,

    My 8 month old baby has been diagnosed with bronchiectasis he’s fully breastfed but not putting weight on. He’s always breathing heavy and sweating a lot. He wakes up in the middle of the night around 2am crying and coughing and stretching like he’s in pain initially we thought it’s reflux but now we are thinking it maybe pain he’s experiencing.he’s cough is a rattling and wheezing type. He has clear mucus sometimes thick sometimes thin. When it’s hot or humid his cough gets worse with a mucus cough. Also when cold air hits him he he becomes ill with frothy mucus present in his mouth.

    Please can you advise he has been tested for Cystic Fibrosis and it was negative currently under investigation for PCD. However we believe it was caused by recurring infections.

    Thank you
    Hope to hear from you asap
    Best Wishes

  12. Dear Dr Sharma,

    My 8 month old baby has been diagnosed with bronchiectasis he’s fully breastfed but not putting weight on. He’s always breathing heavy and sweating a lot. He wakes up in the middle of the night around 2am crying and coughing and stretching like he’s in pain initially we thought it’s reflux but now we are thinking it maybe pain he’s experiencing.he’s cough is a rattling and wheezing type. He has clear mucus sometimes thick sometimes thin. When it’s hot or humid his cough gets worse with a mucus cough. Also when cold air hits him he he becomes ill with frothy mucus present in his mouth.

    Please can you advise he has been tested for Cystic Fibrosis and it was negative currently under investigation for PCD. However we believe it was caused by recurring infections.

    Thank you
    Hope to hear from you asap
    Best Wishes

  13. Renu Sharma says:

    Sir I am having bronchiectasis since last two years and some time I am having blood suptom , what will I do, pls suggest me

  14. Vijaya Kumar says:

    Sir I’m having bronchiectasis since last 10 years and most of the time I’m having blood in suptom what will i do please suggest me

    • My daughter having these allergic bronchitis since last 5 years and she was treated by allergy specialist with inhaler and other steroids including anti allergic. Since, last 1 year she is under homeopathy treatment, however with this treatment she have the problem 3to4 times a year. Is the homeopathy, permanently cure this problem?

  15. Vivek Agarwal says:

    Hello Doctor
    How can get rid of this problem ? I m fighting since 2010 with this ‘COPD’ called problem. Please treat me as I’d got never before. My contect no. is 7017413296.

  16. Arvind kumar shrivastava says:

    Dear sir
    Mr Vikash sharma ji
    I am suffring from Bronchitis since 15 years
    there large quntity of Mucus produce in My lungs and i am feeling very much weakness
    wgat should i di please guide me as a doctor
    thanks regards
    Arvind kumar shrivastava
    mob no.9977033761

  17. Sir,I have been suffering from bronchitasis since 2010
    Please guide me I need your help.
    Please share your contact number

  18. DHAVAL Morvadiya says:

    This is dr.dhaval..My 58 years old father is k/c/o bronchiectasis with cystic fibrosis diagnosed before 5 years…with diabetes + osteoarthritis..

    Now on antibiotics amoxicillin & neb.duolin

    Now c/o thick mucus expectations

    Kindly advice appropriate homeopathic medications


  19. Deepankar Dey says:

    I came to know that l have bronchiestasis. Which medicine should l take to recover?

  20. T. Balachandran says:


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