Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, commonly called BPPV, refers to a disorder that causes mild to severe attacks of vertigo resulting from a problem within the inner ear. BPPV gets triggered by changes in the head position leading to spinning sensation of oneself or inside the head. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is one of the most common causes of vertigo.
A homeopathic mode of treatment can help treat BPPV efficiently and gently. Homeopathic medicines address the core problem to bring excellent results and prevent movement of calcium carbonate crystals from the utricle to the inner ear. Homeopathic medicines help reduce the frequency and intensity of the associated vertigo spells. These medicines also help relieve the associated nausea and vomiting. They prove equally effective in managing acute as well as chronic cases of BPPV. After treating BPPV in its acute stage, homeopathic medicines aim to prevent frequent recurrence of vertigo episodes. In mainstream medicine motion sickness medicines are prescribed to relieve symptoms that may cause side effects with long-term use. Homeopathy stimulates the body’s healing mechanism to overcome health issues including BPPV naturally with zero side effects.
Prescribing a suitable homeopathic medicine for a particular case of BPPV requires detailed case analysis. The homeopathic medicines to treat BPPV are selected individually for every case. Homeopathy works wonders when the medicine is prescribed following this individualized approach. It is advised that one should consider the use of homeopathic medicine for BPPV under the supervision of a homeopathic physician, and avoid self-medication.
Homeopathic medicines for BPPV being sourced from natural substances are very safe to use.
Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for BPPV
The top listed homeopathic remedies for treating BPPV are Conium Maculatum, Gelsemium Sempervirens, Belladonna, Cocculus Indicus, Phosphorus, Bryonia Alba and Calcarea Carb.
1. Conium Maculatum – For Vertigo Felt On Turning Head Sideways
Conium Maculatum is a well-indicated medicine for BPPV when vertigo appears upon turning the head sideways. A whirling sensation is felt in the head, and the person wishes to keep the head entirely still. Vertigo from shaking the head also indicates the need for this medicine. Vertigo may worsen from turning over in the bed or from stooping. A person may feel as if the bed is floating.
When to use Conium Maculatum?
It is the best choice of medicine for BPPV when vertigo worsens from turning head to sides, shaking head, stooping or turning in bed.
How to use Conium Maculatum?
Though it can be used in different potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M, but the most frequently recommended potency is 30C that can be used twice or thrice a day.
2. Gelsemium Sempervirens –For Vertigo from Sudden Head Movement with Loss of Balance
Gelsemium works well in cases of BPPV when dizziness arises from sudden head movement with loss of balance. The person staggers while walking as if intoxicated. Head feels light, sometimes attended with dimness of vision. A feeling of a band tied tightly around the head above the ears is another prominent symptom.
When to use Gelsemium Sempervirens?
This medicine can be used in BPPV cases when vertigo happens from sudden movement of head along with loss of balance, dimness of vision and tight band sensation around head.
How to use Gelsemium Sempervirens?
One may take it in 30C potency two to three times a day as per severity of complaint.
3. Belladonna – For Vertigo on Turning in Bed
Belladonna is beneficial for cases of BPPV with vertigo spells appearing on turning in bed. There is a sensation as if everything is turning around in a circle. There appears a rush of blood to the head, and it may be attended with noises in the ear. Vertigo may be followed by a headache of throbbing nature. Belladonna is also useful for vertigo that appears when getting up in the morning.
When to use Belladonna?
This medicine can be considered in BPPV when vertigo occurs when taking turn in bed with sensation of things turning in a circle.
How to use Belladonna?
It is available in different potencies from low to high potency, initially, it is advised to take Belladonna in 30C potency one to three times a day.
4. Cocculus Indicus – When Nausea and Vomiting Attend Vertigo
Cocculus Indicus is useful in cases of BPPV when nausea and vomiting are present along with episodes of vertigo. For using Cocculus, the vertigo attacks appear mostly when rising from the lying position. Things appear to be whirling around, and there is marked nausea and vomiting. A headache and ringing in the ears may also be present. A person may fall due to vertigo in some cases.
When to use Cocculus Indicus?
This medicine is the topmost medicine for BPPV when vertigo is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
How to use Cocculus Indicus?
It is recommended to use this medicine in 30C potency once or twice a day.
5. Phosphorus – For Vertigo While Moving The Head Up Or Down
Phosphorus offers a natural treatment in cases of BPPV when vertigo appears from moving the head up or down. Other symptoms that indicate the need for this remedy include vertigo that arises upon rising from a seat. A sensation of floating may be felt. A sensation of emptiness may be felt in the head along with vertigo. Fainting and exhaustion may be the other guiding symptoms.
When to use Phosphorus?
This medicine is advised in cases of BPPV chiefly when vertigo occurs from upward or downward movement of head or when rising from sitting position.
How to use Phosphorus?
One may consider its use in 30C power once a day.
6. Bryonia Alba – BPPV when Dizziness Arises from Least Motion
Bryonia is another effective medicine for BPPV. The main symptom to use Bryonia Alba in BPPV is dizziness arising from the least motion. Vertigo on stooping is also indicative of using Bryonia. There appears a feeling of looseness of the brain in the skull. A feeling that the head is turning in a circle is also present. Along with vertigo, there is pain in the back of the head (occipital region).
When to use Bryonia Alba?
This medicine is mainly prescribed when dizziness/vertigo happens from the slightest movement attended with pain in the rear part of the head.
How to use Bryonia Alba?
This medicine can be taken one to two times in a day in 30C potency.
7. Calcarea Carb – Vertigo upon Turning Head Suddenly
Calcarea Carb is helpful for BPPV with vertigo appearing on turning the head suddenly. In cases needing Calcarea Carb, a sudden head movement (even at rest) triggers a vertigo spell. There may be nausea and vomiting, and one may fall backward or sideways.
When to use Calcarea Carb?
This medicine is effective for BPPV when vertigo is triggered from sudden head movement.
How to use Calcarea Carb?
It is recommended to use it in 30C power one or two times a day.
Symptoms of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo – BPPV
The primary symptom of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo – BPPV is dizziness/vertigo with a sensation as if you are spinning or the surroundings are spinning. The vertigo episode lasts from a few seconds to a minute or two. The attacks of vertigo vary from mild to intense in nature. Severe vertigo attacks may lead to falling. Vertigo triggered by different kinds of head movements like turning the head up or down, tilting the head, sudden head movements, turning in the bed or getting out of the bed are other indications. Keeping the head still brings relief in vertigo cases. There may be nausea or vomiting. The patient may also experience difficulty in standing and walking, along with a loss of balance and unsteadiness.
Causes behind BPPV
Our inner ear has a labyrinth and semicircular canals that contain fluid and delicate hair sensors. The movement of the fluid inside the ear moves the hair that lines the labyrinth. The hair movement helps send nerve messages to the brain via the vestibular nerve about the position of the head, thereby helping maintain a proper balance. BPPV is thought to arise when a calcified stone otolith (that is usually present in the utricle) gets dislodged and enters the semicircular canal. When the head moves, these calcified stones in the semicircular canal also move. The movement of these stones brushes the hair cells in semicircular canals and sends messages to the brain via the vestibular nerve. As a result, upon moving the head, the brain gets confused with the signals from the (affected) ear and (the unaffected) ear, resulting in a spell of vertigo. The reason for dislodging the otolith is not clear. A person above 50 yrs of age is at greater risk of developing BPPV. An injury to the head is another contributing factor. The chances of getting BPPV are more in females as compared to males.
I get BPPV occasionally when I’m sleeping at night and turn my head a certain way. Also have anxiety and wonder if this can make it worse? Is there a remedy that can help?
I am having BPPV. I get spinning sensation while moving left or right in bed. I should need Belladonna. What potency should I take. My age is 60. I had a C4 cervical surgery 2 years back.
Iam looking for treatment for vertigo pls help
Hello i hv bn dealing with vertigo/floating sensations for over 1 yr now. I find it hard too turn normal ffom side to side in bed as too much pressure on my head. Also im scared it will set off another attack. Im at my witts end with this problem& just wana feel normal again. What can i do too help this?
Hi Dr. Sharma,
I believe that the afore-mentioned medicines can be used in line with the symptoms, but there are a few things were not included in all these.
Apart from, those patients who have been down with spondylosis or vertebral problem, what medicines will address BPPV in such patients who have anatomical changes?
Hi Dr. Sharma,
I believe that the afore-mentioned medicines can be used in line with the symptoms, but there are a few things were not included in all these.
Apart from, those patients who have been down with spondylosis or vertebral problem, what medicines will address the BPPV in such patients who haveanatomical changes BPPV?
Pl tell how can I get rid from Vertigo on turning head right and left and up and down with homoeopathic medicine.
i am a patient of meniers disease and bppv has started since last one year.Now i have left side positinal vertigo for few second .pl advice
Hello dr
I hav Bppv Problem in my left ear . It happened two times once in April and again in August this yr.Both times in the
Morning after I woke up.I felt everything spinning and my bed is floating . I never had head or ear injury. I don’t know why it happened but I m seriously very much afraid of this . Can u help me which homeopathic medicine should I take to stop bppv coming in future
Exactly Same here
I also need the treatment for this