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Eye Floaters – A Homeopathic Treatment for Black Spots Before Eyes

Eye floaters are something everyone is familiar with – they are little black spots in the vision that move or float when a person moves their eyes. When you try to focus on the spots, they seem to move quickly out of the visual field. The medical term for eye floaters is muscae volitantes. Eye floaters are mostly harmless and do not affect the vision significantly, but it is recommended to get the eyes examined by an ophthalmologist on a regular basis if eye floaters are a frequent occurrence. The top homeopathic remedies to treat eye floaters are Phosphorous, Natrum Mur, and Argentum Nitricum.

homeopathy eye floaters

Homeopathic medicines for eye floaters.

Homeopathic Treatment of Eye Floaters

The homeopathic mode of treatment can help in effectively treating eye floaters. Before beginning a course of homeopathy to fix eye floaters, it is recommended that you visit an ophthalmologist to rule out the cause of eye floaters and any other critical conditions. There is an enormous therapeutic list for eye floaters in homeopathy. Among them, the most suitable homeopathic medicine for eye floaters is selected individually after a detailed analysis of the case. The homeopathic medicines for eye floaters should be taken under the consultation of a homeopathic physician, and self-medication should be avoided.

Homeopathic Medicines for Eye Floaters

Phosphorus – Homeopathic Medicine for Eye Floaters with Black Spots

Phosphorus is a natural medicine for eye floaters when a person complains of black spots floating before eyes. Apart from this, it also works in cases where a person sees spots like flashes of light or red dots. This may be attended with diminishing sight. Looking at any bright, shining object also worsens the complaint. There may be short-sightedness. Colored spots before the eyes before a migraine attack also indicate the need for Phosphorus.

Natrum Mur – Homeopathic Remedy for Eye Floaters with Zig-Zag Lines Before Eyes

Natrum Mur is a natural remedy for eye floaters where a person sees zigzag lines before the eyes. This may be attended with dimness of vision. Some people may also experience double vision. Natrum Mur also helps treat glimmering before the eyes with a headache. Zig-zag dazzling lines in the eyes, like lightning, followed by a headache (migraine) also indicates the need for this remedy.

Argentum Nitricum – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Brown Colored Eye Floaters

Argentum Nitricum is a homeopathic medicine for eye floaters that seem like brown – colored spots. Intolerance to light in the eyes may be present. Weakness of sight along with grey spots in the eyes also indicate the need for Argentum Nitricum.

Cyclamen – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Eye Floaters with Changing Spots Before Eyes

Cyclamen is a natural remedy prepared from the root of a plant named Cyclamen Europaeum, commonly known as Sow-bread. The natural order of this plant is Primulaceae. Use of Cyclamen is considered in cases of eye floaters where a person sees various changeable spots before eyes. The changeable spots include yellow spots, green spots, and glittering needle-like spots. Other types of spots include flickering of light and fiery specks. Dimness of sight may also start developing.

Physostigma – Natural Homeopathic Treatment for Eye Floaters with Myopia

Physostigma is a natural medicine prepared from the bean of a plant named Physostigma Venenosum (also known by the name of Calabar bean.) It belongs to the natural order Leguminosae. Physostigma is a useful remedy for treating eye floaters in cases of myopia (short-sightedness). The person sees flashes of light before the eyes. Pain after using eyes is a prominent feature with floaters.

Arnica – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Eye Floaters with History of Eye Injury

Arnica is prepared from a plant called Arnica Montana, commonly known by the name of Leopard’s-Bane or Fallkraut. This plant belongs to the natural order Compositae. Arnica is useful for treating cases of eye floaters where a history of an eye injury is present. Flickering before the eyes, diplopia (double vision), a heaviness of the eyes along with a headache may be present.

Belladonna – Effective Natural Medicine for Eye Floaters with Eye Inflammation

Belladonna is prepared from the plant named Deadly Nightshade. This plant is of the natural order Solanaceae. Belladonna is beneficial for eye floaters in cases of eye inflammation. The person needing Belladonna may have flickering before eyes or bright sparks before eyes. Flashes of light may also be seen before eyes. Burning in eyes and lachrymation may be present. Photophobia or dimness of vision is another accompanying feature.

Kali Carb – Natural Treatment for Eye Floaters that gets Worse While Reading

Homeopathic medicine Kali Carb proves to be useful for eye floaters that get worse while reading. The indicating factors for Kali Carb are floaters that may be black, blue, or green in color or bright specks. Sharp, stitching pain in eyes may also be present.

Causes of Eye Floaters

In a majority of cases, eye floaters arise due to age-related changes that appear in vitreous inside the eyes. Vitreous humor is a liquid that occupies back two third of the eyes. Vitreous humor is jelly-like, clear and transparent matter. It consists majorly of water with a minor content of collagen, salt, and sugar. In aged people, the vitreous begins to liquefy, and the collagen fibers clump together. These strands cast a shadow on the retinal surface that a person perceives as eye floaters. Other causes behind eye floaters include hemorrhage in the vitreous, posterior uveitis and tearing of retina. Tearing of retina may lead to the retinal detachment that needs prompt treatment to prevent permanent vision loss. Some factors including diabetes mellitus, injury to the eye and nearsightedness raise the risk of eye floaters. Eye floaters may also be a part of aura in cases of migraine.
A person may see the floaters as black/gray dots, cobwebs, cloud-like spots, curved lines, rings, fine strands/strings. A person may see a single floater or the number may be up to hundreds varying from case to case. Floaters appear more prominent when a person looks on light colored backgrounds like the sky or a white wall. However, in the event of a sudden increase in eye floaters (especially if a person see flashes of light or there is a loss of vision), an eye specialist should be consulted on an emergency basis as it may be a signal of some critical condition like retinal detachment.

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  1. Sanjay Kitture says:

    Sir I am 50 year old. I had RK laser operaation ob both
    Eyes before 30 years back. After that before 7 years
    in 2013 I had Cataract operation on right eye. Now
    there are no if floaters in both eye. Also I had epiretinal membrance in my right.
    Sir can I get treatment from you ?

  2. .

  3. Palelli Sai Chethan says:

    Sir I am having eye floaters from 1 year and I am also having sight . I went to eye doctor but they said that it is all good . I am still having the floaters and doctors tell that it will be with you for all the time. Sir I need the cure of it.

  4. Jacqueline koll says:

    Hi ,thank you for this information ,after reading about the different homeopathic medicines for eye floaters,I think the phosphous and natrum mun( only a zig zag a few times) are what I should be taking….think this started 4 years ago when I fell and hit my head hard on the cement ,so maybe due to an injury also (arnica) also?… the black spots are increasing yearly,saw a doctor in the beginning ,but have not gone back… what do you suggest and is there one remedy with the ones I need or can I use them individually? Can you recommend brand names dosage or where one can purchase homeopathic medicines ? From you?? So far what I have come across has the ingredients of sucrose and lactose , which I prefer not to take……. thank you for your time …..jacqueline

  5. Rekha Saxena says:

    Dr Sharma,
    I am a senior aged woman who recently had my cataract surgery in the left eye. I had cataract surgery in my right eye in 2016 which went well and doing quite ok with that eye except for dryness for which I use Refresh eye drops.
    However for the left which had surgery on 30 th July I have been having problems of blurriness etc and a YAG laser was performed on it recently. Since then the vision I see is wavy and distorted. The object looks closer , bigger and distorted. My Retina doctor has identified it as EpiRetinal membrane. He told me to wait it out for another three months if surgery needs to be done. Meanwhile I am having these floaters too in both eyes which are bothersome. Is there a homeopathy medicines (tabs)to dissolve these floaters?
    Thanks- Mrs Saxena

  6. Michele Bao says:

    Hello my mother is 62 and has almost lost all vision in her left eye. She has floaters and has had laser surgery on her other eye, now the dr. Is stalling to do surgery on her left eye. I was trying to find the best medicine to help her floaters. It has become so big it covers most of her vision in that eye. It gets better then regresses. Please help my mom is so bbn important to us. She takes care of my younger sister who was born disabled and need medical care every day. I would be honored and very appreciative if you could help me find the best homeopathic medicine to help her. Thank you so much

  7. Louise Ross says:

    Dear dr, the VITREOUS detached five weeks ago and a few days later the retina tore. Laser treatment was applied to retina. My vision has been cloudy since the VITREOUS detachment, which happened suddenly. There are many black floaters. Please advise on correct remedy. Thank you. Louise ross

  8. Dear Dr Sharma,

    I started having floaters and very thin wispy lines going across my vision since April. They are becoming increasingly annoying and I’m getting quite depressed about it. The optician says they will not go away but has checked my retina and vision which is alright. I suffer also from dry eyes. I really don’t know what to do to alleviate symptoms of floaters as they are now encroaching on my daily life. I am a school teacher. Is there anything you could suggest? Thank you so much – I’m desperate to try anything.

    • Q1 I have eye floaters due to hit on my left eye. F checked with retina part. Everything is normal. But the floaters are not going. Any homeopathy medicine for this?

  9. Siraj.Parikh says:

    I saw all medicines for floaters

    I have right eye vvv small many bkack spots eye is white
    Left eye webs and one big spot and that eye is yellow.
    Which combination i shall take


  10. Qasim Shuja says:

    I am suffering from eye floaters, started this year, as I observed. It was a crystal like thread or some DNA like structure in my right eye. Now, I have a single or two in left and 3 to 4 shadowd spots, web like in right eye. I consulted two eye specialists for this problem, both checked my eye sight, it was and is good. They asked me to ignore these along with some medication like systane and some vitamins for eye.
    Now I’m worried that these will go increasingly, in numbers and I’m a computer graphic artist. For me it’s really annoying when I look straight in to the screen and see these structures in my eyes.
    What should I do?
    Thanks in advance for your response.

  11. Lyn attwell says:

    Hi dr Kaur i bruised my big toe nail badly on the left foot and it feels like my blood is constricted from that toe up my leg to my head and floaters are appearing in my left eye . Would you recommend lachesis

  12. Sharda tewari says:

    Hello dr Sharma
    My daughter son is having ADHD and we are giving
    Chammovera in 30 potency since one month and with that
    He become calm otherwise he is very restless and try to talk too much and very noisy
    Is there any side effect of this medecine
    We are giving 3/4 small pulles. 2/3 times in a day

    Please advise what else can be done
    This boy is in USA

  13. Isampal Sharma says:

    Dear Dr. Saheb, I m Isampal Sharma,aged 62 years. I m suffering of Blurred Distant Vision for last about six months. And it happened all of a sudden. Consulted an eye specialist here in Noble Hospital, Pune,who has recommended three times salaad, 3 litre water, two eye drops and eye glasses.I ve been doing it but there is temporary relief only. I understand u ve a permanent cure for it in homoeopathy, Kindly help.
    Best regards
    Isampal Sharma
    F 504, daffodils, Magarpatta City, Pune 411013
    Mob 7389230863

  14. Hi Dr. Kaur, accidently hit right my eye socket on corner of wall. Ever since I believe I have vetrous gel or floaters on right vision. They look light patches of film like matetial moving around. Which remedy would I need? Thank you

  15. Sivaranjani says:

    Hello Dr.Sharma,

    I am Sivaranjani(30 years). I have nearsighted on right eye(-6.75) and left eye(-5.75). I’m started to seeing floaters from last year. Initially it looks like water bubbles and now I’m seeing more floaters suddenly and also having headache also. I’m seeing Blackspots on my right vision. Please, suggest any treatment for this issue.

  16. Dear sir. I am suffering with floater and flashes last 1 month
    Because some time priour I was do eye exercise. I am feeling flamation and pain I. Eye. Which medicine can help to cure it.

  17. Satyam Sharma says:

    I am Satyam at the age of 16 we got injured by ball and develop more floters they desterbed me in reading so please give suitable medicine thankyou


    I am aged 54 and works in office using computer and also uses smart phone for viewing youtube and other videos. On my my Right eye i am seeing black spots and zig zag lines. I contacted eye doctor and he advised me to take antioxidant capsules. However in the evening and night i can view properly without any floaters. may kindly advise.

  19. SPENCER WATTS says:

    I am aged 79. I got both my eyes operated for cataract one year ago. My right eye has cobweb like floaters and vision is very very low. My right eye is OK but seems there is a beginning of it though very mildly.

    I see flashes now and then in the right eye.

    Can you suggest to me any good remedy.

    Thank you.

  20. Khalid Habib. says:

    I got lens transplant.But HYPOPYN developed of 2mm.Left eye.I can only see dim shadows but mostly colors are somewhat clear.
    I am in Pakistan.Age 55.Kindly help me out.
    WhatsApp 00923006910343

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