Scabies is a very common skin infestation caused by a tiny mite. It is also called the seven-year itch and is caused by the female mite Sarcoptes scabiei. Scabies is very contagious and is mostly transmitted by direct contact with the infected person. The itch mite is mostly passed from skin-to-skin contact. The main symptoms of scabies are severe itching accompanied by superficial burrows and skin rashes. Homeopathic medicines for scabies stimulate the disease-fighting mechanism of the body to fight scabies.
Once a person is exposed to scabies, it usually takes four to six weeks for the symptoms to start showing. In cases where scabies have occurred earlier, it takes one to four days for the symptoms to appear, after exposure. The most common symptom is severe itching, especially during the night. The superficial burrows and skin rashes appear mostly on the feet, wrist, fingers (especially web of fingers), elbow, back, and hips. The severe itchiness compels the person to scratch constantly which may lead to the breakdown of the skin, leaving it open to further infection.
Homeopathic Medicines for Scabies
Homeopathy is a wonderful science that treats diseases with natural and safe medicines. As the healing system of the body is strengthened, the disease is completely eradicated. Its holistic approach attacks the infection at the root and prevents recurrence of the disease.
Top rated medicines for scabies include Sulphur, Causticum, Sepia, Arsenic Album, Kali Sulphuricum, and Psorinum.
1. Sulphur – One of the leading Medicines for Scabies
One of the most prescribed medicines for scabies is Sulphur. The symptoms to look out for include intense itching and scratching which worsen with washing and heat, especially during the night. The condition is characterized by unhealthy skin with pimply eruptions which are painfully sensitive to air, wind, and washing.
2. Causticum – Most Effective Remedy for Scabies
Causticum is one of the most well-indicated medicines for scabies. Scabies, especially in the folds of the skin and between the thighs, responds well to Causticum. Causticum is also one of the best medicines for scabies with intense itching and scratching in the finger webs, leading to great soreness. Burning, rawness and soreness are the key symptoms to look out for in scabies cases where Causticum will prove effective.
3. Sepia – Top Remedy for Scabies
Sepia is one of the most effective medicines for scabies cases where a person complains of itching vesicles not relieved by scratching. The skin turns pinkish from scratching. The condition gets worse in the open air while the person feels better in a warm room. Scabies which is present mostly at the bends of the elbows and knees and where scratching does not provide any relief is also treated well with Sepia, making it a popular prescription among Homeopathic medicines for scabies.
4. Arsenic Album – Top rated among Medicine for Scabies
Scabies with violent itching along with great restlessness is treated well with medicine Arsenic Album. The skin peels off in large scales and is very sore to touch in such cases. Dry, rough, scaly, dirty skin like parchment burns intensely. Over-sensitiveness of the skin with acute itching and burning is observed in cases where Arsenic Album will prove the most effective among medicines for scabies. The person is unable to sleep due to violent itching in the affected areas.
5. Kali Sulphuricum – Excellent Remedy for Scabies
Kali Sulphuricum is considered one of the most suitable medicines for scabies cases where the symptoms include dry and harsh skin with extreme itching. Peeling and flaking of the skin are observed. Kali Sulphuricum is one of the best medicines for removal of scabs (desquamation of the skin) after skin infections. Scabies that worsens with heat is also treated well with Kali Sulphuricum, rating it among the best medicines for scabies.
6. Psorinum – Effective Remedy for Scabies
Psorinum is another of the most prescribed medicines for scabies. It has shown the most remarkable results in case of unhealthy skin with an abnormal tendency to skin diseases. In such cases, the person complains of intolerable itching which gets worse from lying in bed. In fact, so severe is the itching that the person scratches until the skin starts to bleed. Psorinum is the best treatment option among medicines for scabies with dirty, rough, scabby, greasy skin along with violent itching.
I just have had scabies on my hands now for a long time–over a year. Previously, I had scabies on other parts of my body as well for a short time, but now it’s just on my hands.. I have been using essential oils topically–tea tree, clove, neem & peppermint. Lately I’ve been applying DMSO topically to help the oils penetrate the skin, but it makes the flesh swell up rather alarmingly. I also take Wormwood complex (green black walnut , wormwood and clove) orally and Olive Leaf extract. These all seem to help, but nothing seems to eliminate scabies altogether. The allopathic remedies are too toxic for me and the ones I’ve tried also don’t seem to work. I think if I could quite eating sweets and get my Candida down, it would help but it’s an addiction. Any homeopathic recommendations? Is it perahps a different kind of scabies that inhabits just the hands? Thanks