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24 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Urine Incontinence

Urine incontinence is a condition in which urine leaks out involuntarily. Loss of bladder control results in this common and embarrassing situation. The condition affects persons of both genders. Urine incontinence involves a frequent and sudden urge to urinate, the person leaks urine while coughing and sneezing. The urge is so sudden and strong one does not usually get the time to reach a toilet. Constant dribbling of urine due to a bladder that does not empty is present. The causes are prolapsed uterus, menopause, and prostate problems. Age is a risk factor as well. Children and the elderly are more likely to suffer this condition. Homeopathic medicines for urine incontinence act extensively on restoring tonicity of the weakened muscles.    homeopathic medicines for urine incontinence

Homeopathic Medicines for Urine Incontinence

Homeopathy medicines are of great help in treating urine incontinence. They strengthen the detrusor muscles of the urinary bladder. Involuntary urination occurs mostly when the bladder muscles become weak. Conventional treatments include painful surgical procedures, with chances of recurrence. Homeopathy, on the other hand, takes the non-invasive approach and uses natural medicines to heal the condition.

CantharisSquillaKreosotumBenzoicum Acidum and Digitalis rate among the top grade medicines for urinary incontinence. Cantharis is prescribed in cases where there is an urge to urinate even with the smallest quantity of urine in the bladder. Squilla is one of the best medicines for urinary incontinence with watery spurting of urine when coughing.  Kreosotum acts well when the urge to urinate is very urgent and must be attended in a hurry. Where the person feels as though a lump is being pressed down on the bladder, Kreosotum is one of the most effective medicines for urinary incontinence. On the other hand, in cases where urine incontinence is attended with kidney problems, especially in the elderly, Benzoicum Acidum has shown remarkable results. Homeopathic medicine Digitalis has proved most effective where the urge to urinate increase after passing a few drops. In severe cases, where the person feels like a straw is being thrust back and forth, a symptom that worsens during the night, Digitalis has shown good results.

1. Ipecac, Causticum and Natrum Mur – For Urine and Stress Incontinence

Ipecac, Causticum and Natrum Mur rate among the best medicines for stress incontinence. The most suitable medicine for urine incontinence while coughing is Ipecac. Causticum is one of the most effective medicines for urine incontinence with involuntary urination when sneezing, coughing or with the slightest excitement. Involuntary urine leak when walking, coughing is treated well with Natrum Mur.

2. Cantharis, Pareira Brava, Staphysagria and Sulphur – For Urge Incontinence

Natural medicines Cantharis, Pareira Brava, Staphysagria and Sulphur are recognized as the most effective medicines for urge incontinence. Cantharis is one of the most reliable medicines for urine incontinence where there is a constant desire to urinate. In cases where the urge to urinate is very strong but the person can emit urine only when he goes down on his knees and strains really hard, Pareira Brava is one of the most reliable prescriptions. For ineffectual urge to urinate in newly married women, Staphysagria is the best among medicines for urine incontinence. Sulphur is very effective in cases with pain in the bladder if the urge to urinate is not attended.

3. Clematis, Sarsaparilla, Zingiber and Kali Bichromium – For Overflow Incontinence

The most well-recognized medicines for overflow incontinence include Clematis, Sarsaparilla, Zingiber and Kali Bichromium. For prescription of Clematis, the person must feel the need to strain hard to pass even a few drops of urine. Urine that suddenly stops and starts is also treated well with medicine Clematis. Sarsaparilla is one of the most effective medicines for urine incontinence where a person can pass urine only when standing. Urine that keeps dribbling while sitting is also best treated with Sarsaparilla. One of the top-rated medicines for urine incontinence in cases where the urine continues to ooze in drops even after urinating is Zingiber.

4. Lilium Tigrinum, Sepia, Guaiacum and Senecio Aureus – For Incontinence due to Uterus Problems

Homeopathy medicines for urine incontinence due to uterus problems, a condition that affects women, include Lilium Tigrinum, Sepia, Guaiacum, and Senecio Aureus. The most effective among medicines for urine incontinence from the prolapsed uterus is Lilium Tigrinum. Sepia is the most effective medicine for prolapsed uterus where a marked dragging pain in the pelvis is present, while Guaiacum is very effective for urine incontinence in women who complain of a sharp, stitching pain after urinating. Senecio Aureus works very well in women who feel a constant urge to urinate, together with great heat, making it stand out among the best medicines for urine incontinence of this type.

5. Baryta Carbonicum, Iodum and Prunus Spinosa – For Urine Incontinence due to Prostate

The prime medicines for urine incontinence due to prostate complaints are Baryta Carbonicum, Iodum, and Prunus Spinosa. Baryta Carbonicum has shown wonderful results in urine incontinence in males having an enlarged prostate. When testicles are swollen, causing twisting pain in the spermatic cord, Iodum is rated as one of the best medicines for urine incontinence. Prunus Spinosa is a very effective option in urine incontinency cases where the urine seems to pass as far as glans and then returns, causing pain in the urethra.

6. Alumina, Alfa Alfa and Secale Cornutum – For Urine Incontinence in Elderly

The three prominent medicines for urine incontinence in the elderly include Alumina, Alfa Alfa and Secale Cornutum. Alumina, one of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for urine incontinence, treat the condition most effectively in the elderly. Alfa Alfa is prescribed where the elderly feel a frequent urge to urinate as the kidneys are inactive. Secale Cornutum is rated among the best medicines for urine incontinence involving involuntarily urination in elderly who have suffered a paralysis of the bladder.

7. Equisetum Hymenale, Cina and Kreosotum – For Urine Incontinence in Children

Equisetum Hymenale, Cina and Kreosotum are known prescriptions for urine incontinence in children. One of the most effective medicines for urine incontinence or bed-wetting in children, who also have nightmares, is Equisetum Hymenale. Cina, another of the effective medicines for urine incontinence in children, has shown great results in cases where the child is very irritable and nervous. Kreosotum has proved itself as one of the most useful medicines for bed-wetting in children, especially when it is very difficult to wake the child even as he wets the bed.

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  1. Carol tohow says:

    Dear doctor, I am 72 years women with diabeties 2
    Over years I have developed urinary incontinence which is worse at night causing me to to to toilet upto 20 times in night. Urine tests do not conclusively show any infection. I need to wear heavy pads day and night to contain urine. It slowly leaks all the time my dies tries is not fully under control but I take Metaformin and herbs and mostly strict diet. I am low in energy and of course do not sleep well at night due to need for toilet.
    I need help and feel despairing of this condition
    In last 6 months my medical dr gave me a wrong medicine for my diabeties which had bed effect making d bladder 100% worse and also creating terrible thrush. I was taking that medicine 4 months before realising it was wrong then stopped it
    Plese can you help me
    I am in Australia and have a background as a homeopathic doctor but am now retired

  2. Dilip Hajare says:

    Good evening, I have problem in urine. When I busy urine come late but when I am not busy urine pass after half an hour. I want homeopathy medicine

  3. Hello, My name is Dee Wind. I have urinary incontinence. I’m very comfortable with homeopathy and would like a suggestion for a good rememdy for a sudden need to urinate. Sometimes I’m fine for several hours and then I suddenly have to go and often don’t make it to the toilet. I’ve tried Causticum , but that doesn’t seem to be effective for me. Thanks for your help.

  4. suprasada das says:

    Sir, Namaskar
    Can you please help me for my urinal problem?
    Actually when I fill to go passing urine immediately
    come out in heavy force and falling in my cloth.

  5. Leakage of small amount of urine after about an hour of using the toilet. Person is laying down when this occurs. This is for female 21 years of age that required a hysterectomy.

  6. SAIFUDDIN Lokhandwala says:

    I am 59now. I seem to be suffering from frequent urination and sometimes very suddenly. I feel i am leaking at times.Wanted to know if homeopathy has some medicine to control urination to make me comfortable.

    • Saira Patel says:

      My name is Saira and I am 56 yrs of age, I suffer from very weak bladder, I have a sudden urge of going to the toilet but I can feel my self leaking even before I get to the loo

      Please advice

  7. i have dhaat problem slight dhaat out and it us watery can it will more quantity and milky. pls

  8. Malik Shabbir says:

    Age 47
    From last 2 years I m suffering urine dropping after urinate in toilet. When I wash the hands in cold water suddenly feeling urinate

    • Age 47
      From last 14 years I m suffering urine dropping after urinate in toilet. When I wash the hands in cold water suddenly feeling urinate

  9. Debashis Das Roy says:

    I am 62 years old . Weight of my prostate is 32 grams.
    I am suffering from urin incontinance for the last 7 years. I take a medicine named veltum plus every evening..Result is so so. At times it is very hard to hold.and as a result garments are soiled. I have no other complications like pain etc. Urea and creatinine report is normal.
    Would you kindly suggest me some Homeopathic medicines to get better result ?

  10. What remedy do you suggest for urine incontinence after prostate removal surgery (also removed lymph node and some surrounding tissue as it was an aggressive cancer). Still healing, surgery just last week, just catheter removed today. Every time he stands up or sits up he gushes about 4 ounces of urine.

  11. Y.A.Seethstan says:

    I am seetharaman aged 82 years. I have been operated for prostate in the year 2011. For the Last 6 to 8 years this problem started I consulted dome allopathic doctors and took some. medicine and was little better like this I was managing the problem.. In the mean time I got the prostate was investigated with USD and it was only 23. But still this problem persisted. About 4 months back I met the doctor who operated the prostate.. He investigated further and gave me minirin melt
    After taking this medicine my urination ,,6. to 7 times reduced to once in the night.. he said it is all due to nerves problem. So I met neuro physician doctor said all problems of my limbs and urination is due to nerves problem in the spine. . I was given
    Medicine for my pain in my limbs due Bi cervical ribs. I am suffering from bi cervical ribs , cervical spondylitis lumber spondylitis with degeneration of cervical and lumbar portion I want treatment for my urine problem .that during sleep I pass urine at least twice in the night or may be more when I get up for night urination. I have change th underpaint and the bermuda. This is more for last 1 month. Apart from this I get urge immediately after lunch or breakfast .. kindly advise me

  12. Ratan Banerjee says:

    Good afternoon Dr sharma.
    My wife is suffering from 2019 due to incontinence and residue urine. She got treatment from apolo chennai. They suggest intermittent cathiteraization 4times ina day. Dr said due to weakness of urine bladder it’s happened. We believe in homeopathy. She is using NL2, Dr rekweg R18, . Please suggest how to gain urine bladder mussle power so residue urine should clearout in natural way. She is having no blood sugar, cholestrol, heart deases, . Blood pressue110/72.creatinine 1.1

  13. Debal Chandra Kar says:

    I am 65 years। have high pressure, thyroids । have urine continuence। when I get pressure of urine , I couldn’t reach to toilet , urine drops when I walk to toilets, while seated I did not find the pressure of urine

  14. Hello,
    I am 65 now. I seem to be suffering from frequent urination and sometimes very suddenly. I feel i am leaking at times.Wanted to know if homeopathy has some medicine to control urination to make me comfortable.

  15. Hello,
    I am 65 now. I seem to be suffering from frequent urination and sometimes very suddenly. I feel i am leaking at times.Wanted to know if homeopathy has some medicine to control urination to make her life bit more comfortable

  16. Hello,
    My mother is 67 now. she is suffering from frequent urination and that to very sudden. Wanted to know if homeopathy has some medicine to control urination to make her life bit more comfortable

  17. Dropping of urine after urinating and dropping of urine while walking and sitting after urinating, I’m have facing this issue around 2.5 years please give me suggestions and my age is around 24 year

    • dropping of urine after urinating while walking and sitting. I have been facing the problem for many years. Now I am 60. what is its homeopathic medicine.

  18. W Trevor Roberts says:

    I’m 83 and have been pressing Regurin and Desmomelt neither of which agree with me and would like to take homeopathic medication.
    Can you recommend something for me

  19. Preeti Roy says:

    My mother is 67 now. she is suffering from frequent urination and that to very sudden. Wanted to know if homeopathy has some medicine to control urination to make her life bit more comfortable

    • Kashyap Maradia says:

      My mother age 77 forgets what to do but not complete loss of memory.
      Also she has trouble of frequent urination in little quantity and she has to go for toilet 4/5 times and little quantity of stool pass every time she is very weak. Also have severe headaches and burning sensation in head and body
      Please suggest homeopathic or biochemic medicine
      She has more faith in biochemic medicine

    • Anup Kumar Varshneya says:

      I am 65 yrs old. Underwent TURP. My urinary bladder is weak. I have no other problem. Physically fit and
      sound. No sugar no BP . Not on any medication except Atorva 10 mg for cholesterol.

      May I request for homeo medicine for weak bladder

  20. Nagendradutt Mishra says:

    Involuntary urination mostly near the bed while standing to proceed to bathroom.

    • Purnachandra sahu says:

      My wife aged 62 facing urine incontinence at night getting down from bed feels very urgency to toilet, urinate at once before going two to three steps. No other urinary problems only weak involuntary muscles of blodder. Can she be given Kreosotum200
      She has under gone Uterus removal. Mvr due to calcific mitral valve, now knee pain and Lumbar spondylitis since last two yrs.

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