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Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines for Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow, also known as lateral epicondylitis, is a musculoskeletal condition with pain around the outer part of the elbow. Tennis elbow is mainly caused due to repetitive overuse of muscles and tendons of the forearm near the elbow joint. Contrary to its name, it is not limited to just tennis players and can occur in anyone who puts repetitive stress on the elbow joint, for example carpenters, violin players and painters. Pain and weakness due to tennis elbow can hamper daily activities such as shaking hands, holding a cup, turning a door knob, etc.

Homeopathy extends great help in treating cases of tennis elbow. It can effectively manage pain, stiffness and swelling of elbow. It uses natural and safe homeopathic medicines that act deep and have no side effects. Unlike the conventional mode of medicine, homeopathic medicines do not suppress the disease and its symptoms. In fact, they attack the disorder at the root and set off the body’s own restorative processes, making it strong enough to completely eradicate the disease. Suppressing the disease does not really help, so homeopathic medicines are a natural, healing alternative. Use of homeopathic medicines also reduces the dependency on pain killers remarkably.

homeopathic medicines for tennis elbow

Homeopathy reduces tendon inflammation

Homeopathic medicines work by reducing inflammation of tendons to give long-term relief in tennis elbow cases. They also help in healing damaged/injured tendons. As the root cause is treated, cure automatically sets in.

Homeopathy has no side effects

The best advantage of using homeopathic medicines is that they do not cause side effects in any case. These medicines work in a very safe, gentle and harmless manner to boost body’s self-healing mechanism to overcome this complaint naturally with zero side effects. These medicines also do not cause any dependency. Once the problem has been resolved, one can gradually stop the medication.

Individualized medication

Homeopathic medicines for tennis elbow are selected by taking into consideration the peculiar characteristic symptoms in every individual case. After a detailed case study is done, the homeopathic medicine is finalized. So, the homeopathic prescription varies from case to case. Therefore, it is advised to take homeopathic medicines for tennis elbow after consulting a homeopath. Self – medication should be avoided.

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines For Tennis Elbow

Among the homeopathic medicines for tennis elbow the top-grade ones are Rhus Tox, Ruta, Bryonia, Bellis Perennis and Calcarea Carb.

Elbow joint

Elbow joint

1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is the most frequently prescribed medicine for managing cases of tennis elbow. It is the best medicine to start treatment of conditions that arise from overstraining, overuse of muscles and tendons. It helps to effectively manage inflammation and damaged tendons. It has shown remarkable results in tennis elbow cases with tearing pain in tendons and muscles. Soreness in the condyles of the joints is also present. In cases needing it, the pain in elbow is worse when at rest and gets better with movement. Stiffness at the elbow is also marked along with pain.
When to use Rhus Tox?
Rhus Tox should be given in cases of tennis elbow when pain in elbow is worse at rest and gets better from movement.
How to use Rhus Tox?
It can be used in both low and high potencies among which the most preferred is 30 C potency. Initially, one may use Rhus Tox 30 C three to four times a day depending on the severity. Reduce the dose when improvement in symptoms begins.

Condyle of joint in fingers

Condyle of joint in fingers

2. Ruta – For Sore Pain And Stiffness Of Elbow

It is a herbal medicine prepared from plant ‘garden rue’. Ruta is pretty similar in its action to Rhus Tox in treating cases of tendon inflammation and injury from overuse and overstraining. It is well indicated when there occurs sore pain and stiffness in the elbow. Sore pain means pain from touching the affected area. Weakness of the arm may attend it.
When and How to use Ruta?
Ruta should be considered in tennis elbow cases with sore pain and stiffness of elbow. It helps to relieve these complaints by reducing tendon inflammation and healing damaged tendons.
How to use Ruta?
Ruta is most frequently used in 30C potency that can be taken three to four times a day.

3. Bryonia – For Pain And Swelling Around Elbow

This natural medicine is prepared from root of plant ‘wild hops’. Bryonia is a wonderful medicine to manage tennis elbow with marked pain and swelling around the elbow. The characteristic feature to use it is worsening of pain in the elbow from movement and relief from rest. At times, pain may radiate down from the elbow to the wrist.
When to use Bryonia?
This medicine should be used when pain in elbow is accompanied by swelling, with pain getting worse from every movement and relief from rest.
How to use Bryonia?
Its 30C potency is the right choice to start with that can be used two to three times a day.

4. Bellis Perennis – For Healing Tendon Injury, Inflammation

Bellis Perennis is another medicine of natural origin to treat tennis elbow cases. It is prepared from the flowering plant ‘english daisy’. Repetitive stress injury and inflammation of tendon of elbow due to exertion or overuse of muscles is treated best with this medicine. The action of this medicine is similar to that of Rhus Tox and Ruta. This medicine is also indicated to help cases of direct injury to elbow. It helps to heal injured tendons and reduce its inflammation and reduce elbow pain.
When to use Bellis Perennis?
This medicine can be used to heal injured tendons and control tendon inflammation of elbow and provide pain relief.
How to use Bellis Perennis?
This medicine can be used in 30C potency twice a day.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Pain Extending From Elbow To Wrist

Calcarea Carb is very effective on pain arising on the outer side of the elbow and radiating down to the wrist. This pain occurs mostly when the sufferer tries to hold an object. The nature of pain is mostly tearing type. Besides, stiffness in elbow may be present.
When to use Calcarea Carb?
It is a highly effective medicine for managing pain on the outer side of elbow extending down to wrist.
How to use Calcarea Carb?
It can be taken in 30C potency. Dose should be limited to once a day.

Symptoms Of Tennis Elbow

1. Pain: The main symptom of tennis elbow is pain on the outer side of elbow where tendons (tissue band connecting muscle to bone) of muscles of forearm connect to the bony bump of the elbow. In some cases, pain may extend down to the forearm and the wrist. The pain may get worse from bending the arm, twisting the forearm, turning a door knob, writing, lifting things, griping objects. Sometimes the sufferer may experience burning in the outer side of the elbow.

2. Stiffness in elbow while extending the arm

3. Swelling of elbow and tenderness (pain on touching) of elbow

4. Weak grip on holding objects

 Causes Behind Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow arises from the overuse of muscles of the forearm. This happens from the repetitive use of forearm muscles in some activities that put stress on tendons that unite forearm muscles to the bony projection of elbow. As a result, tendons get inflamed, damaged and in some cases tear as well. Tennis elbow is common in tennis players. However, it is often seen in people performing other activities involving repetitive use of wrist and arm muscles like painters, plumbers, bowlers, gardeners, carpenters, swimmers. In some cases, a direct injury to elbow may result in this condition. Though tennis elbow may affect people of any age group but people between age of 30 yrs to 50 yrs are commonly affected. In some cases, tennis elbow occurs without any reason which is called idiopathic tennis elbow.



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  1. SWARUP DAS says:

    Please give medicine for tennis elbow – very painful.

  2. Dinesh Mohan says:

    Just checking to help a person unable to afford doctor, you have suggested very good medicine, thanks

  3. How would I take the medications you recommended for overworked tennis elbow. Thanks.

  4. Soumyendra Saha says:

    I am having lots of tiny swellings on the skin on both arms near the elbows along with tennis elbow pain . Is this common ? Any special medicine for that ? Thank you.

  5. Prabir Das says:

    Dear Doctor,
    I am having pain in my right hand elbow which becomes severe when I squeeze my fist by keeping my hand straight or lift a water bottle from floor.
    Please recommed medicine

  6. Rajesh Kumar tiwari says:

    I am suffering from fatty liver and stomach problems ( over formation of gas in whole abdomen)where my cholesterol and triglycerides are every time high ,I have sidentry life pls help me.

  7. R VENKATESWAR says:

    Respected sir, my wife suffering from severe pain elbow region, X-RAY REVEALS TENNIS ELBOW, SIR PLEASE SUGGEST MEDICINE plz help sir

  8. Narayan Biswas says:

    I feel lower back pain for long time since 10-17 years.I want to be free from pain.Please prescribe me

    Thank you
    Narayan Biswas

  9. Hi
    My husband has been suffering for more thatn a year with severe pain in the right elbow around the joint this creaates a pain up and down the arm around the wrist and on the upper part of the arm you can see the muscle pulsating. There is also swelling in the fingers of the smae hand.
    I studied Homeopathy and have recently qualified, I have tried Arnica (Massage oil) and pipets, Wwe then tried Rus tox cream after that treatment and finally he has just finished a course of Causticum which also has not worked.
    The pain is easier for warmth and he has taken to wearing a strap around the elbow.
    I’m a bit lost now what to try. I have also had him on an anti inflamitory Juice and an authritic juice?

    Thank you for your time in advance

  10. Subodh Kumar says:

    Dr. Sharma
    I am suffering from Tennis Elbow in Left forearm for approximately 20 yrs. I am 60 yrs of age.
    The pain worsen with movement of forearm.
    Can you suggest the homeopathic medicines.

  11. Lee-anne Munro says:

    Dear Dr . Sharman,
    I have suffered from intermittent Tennis elbow pain for the last couple of years i am a health care worker moving heavy clients around i am of slight build. The pain normally starts in one arm and takes about 8 months to clear and then it moves to the other arm so im never really free form the pain. The pain is normally at its worst during the night and in the morning the pain is a dull pain mainly coming from the arm crease where blood would be drawn from, this pain then moves down the front of my arm .
    I dont normally have to take painkillers for the pain but sometimes i have to, i have ment to try Homeopathy as it looks like i may be prone to Tennis Elbows! but dont really know the best one for me.
    Advice on the correct remedy would be much appreciated.
    Kind Regards.
    Lee-anne Munro.

  12. Vinod Kumar says:

    Hello sir… I am suffering from tennis elbow… Ple advise medicine..

  13. Anjandeep singh says:

    Hello doctor!
    My grand fathers is suffering from tennis elbow and sciatica problem and is taking ruta, rhustox and kali carbonicum for tennis elbow but he is still facing a lot of problem and is a lot of pain.
    Pls suggest changes in the medicines if needed for both the problems
    Thank you

  14. 52 yr old female .. active .. pain just below lateral epicondylitis of right elbow constant but worse when gripping hard. Caused / made worse by by gardening, cleaning and tennis . Also pain right anterior shoulder radiating down top of biceps ? Linked ?

    • Hello, I’m a 53 year old female with lateral and medial epicondylitis that will not go away. Lateral for 3 years worse on my right side and medial which has hurt for a year but only just aches all the time now.
      I have difficulty doing everything from arm pain and aching. I feel like a cripple from weakness and pain. I was looking for Inflamyar adel 27 but that is no where to be found. I’ve tried many things to get better. What can you recommend to help ease the pain and heal this awful condition.

  15. Syamal Adhikari says:

    Dr Sharmaji, I’m 66 years having left elbow cutting pain. I used to do weight lifting 10kgs with dumble for 70 times, I did for two years but suddenly 2 month before left elbow start paining, please give me medicine.

    • Syamal Adhikari says:

      Dr Sharmaji, I’m 66 years having left elbow cutting pain. I used to do weight lifting 10kgs with dumble for 70 times, I did for two years but suddenly 2 month before left elbow start paining, please give me best medicine to get rid of pain. Thank you Sir.

  16. Anand Swaroop says:

    Dr. Sharma ji, my wife is 49 years old. See is suffering from tennis elbow pain since two months. See s also used the bend. But pain is not controlled. Pain move tennis elbow to lower arm finger. Pl. Suggest best homeopathic medicine for that.

  17. Poonam joshi says:

    My husband has problem in tenis elbow in both arms .plz suggest the best homopathic fr that .

  18. i have severe pain in both wrists, the disease is called De Qervain tenosynovitis which is infalmmed condition of either the tendons or its sheath. What all medicines do i take?

  19. Ashwani Pareek says:

    Dear Doc.,

    I am a 26 year old guy who loves playing badminton. I am playing this game off and on from around 1.5 years but never able to play it continuously. I get suffered from a severe pain right above my right elbow which is my lower bicep. I have to take rest after 2 days of continuous play. I have a lot of faith in Homeopathy. Kindly provide me a remedy for the said suffering.

  20. Mr Utpal says:

    Dear Doctor,
    There are many comments about his/her medical problem which may be replied from your end for knowledge of all concern.
    With thanks.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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