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Top 9 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Blepharitis

Blepharitis refers to the inflammation of the edges/margins of the eyelids where eyelashes grow. The factors that are linked with the cause of blepharitis include clogging of the oil glands at the base of the eyelashes, allergic reactions, bacterial infection, seborrhoeic dermatitis (skin condition causing inflamed patches covered with flakes), rosacea (skin condition causing facial flushing and redness that can involve eyes as well), and eyelash mites. The symptoms of blepharitis include red eyes, watering from eyes, itching of the eyelids, swelling of the eyelid margin, burning in the eyes, grittiness in the eyes, stinging sensation in the eyes, sticking of the eyelids, skin flaking around eyes, sensitivity to light (photophobia) and loss of eyelashes. The symptoms of blepharitis tend to get worse mostly in the morning. Both eyes are involved in majority of the cases.

Homeopathy offers very effective treatment for cases of blepharitis. Natural homeopathic medicines help reduce inflammation, redness, and the swelling of eyelids and manage its symptoms. The symptoms including watering of eyes, itching of eyelids, burning and grittiness in eyes, stinging sensation in the eyes, the sticking of eyelids and sensitivity to light are managed wonderfully with homeopathic medicines. In conventional mode, steroidal eye drops, ointments, medicated creams are prescribed for cases of blepharitis that offer short-term relief. Homeopathic remedies offer permanent cure by addressing the root cause behind it.

Homeopathic medicines help to treat blepharitis from its root by raising the body’s immunity to fight back the underlying cause. Along with reducing inflammation, it relieves the associated symptoms remarkably. With these medicines, a very safe and natural recovery occurs. Homeopathy is helpful in both acute as well as chronic cases of blepharitis. It also aims to treat recurrence of this problem again and again.

Homeopathy works as per the law of Similimum which means while selecting the homeopathic medicine from the list of different medicines for any given case the one that has closest match with the symptoms of the individual is chosen. The same rule applies to finalise medicines for blepharitis cases. After finalising the medicine, the potency and dosage of that medicine is also decided as per homeopathic principles. This properly prescribed medicine is capable of yielding excellent results in cases of blepharitis.

Homeopathy makes use of natural medicines for treating blepharitis. Homeopathic medicines have zero side effects that treat blepharitis naturally by acting internally on the root cause behind it.homeopathic medicines for blepharitis

Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Blepharitis

The top remedies for blepharitis are Euphrasia, Apis Mellifica, Graphites, Argentum Nitricum, Petroleum, Natrum Mur, Belladonna, Sulphur and Silicea.

1. Euphrasia – For Redness and Watering from Eyes

Euphrasia is a natural medicine prepared from a plant Euphrasia Officinalis. Euphrasia is very beneficial for managing redness and watering from eyes in cases of blepharitis. The eyelids are very red and swollen, and there may be burning and biting sensation in the eyes along with grittiness.

When to use Euphrasia?

This medicine is highly recommended to manage red and watery eyes in cases of blepharitis.

How to use Euphrasia?

It is a short-acting medicine that can be taken two to three times a day in 30C potency.

2. Apis Mellifica – For Burning, Stinging Sensation In Eyes

Apis Mellifica is useful for blepharitis with a burning and stinging sensation in the eyes. Eyelids tend to feel heavy, are red, swollen and may be itchy too. Irritation and soreness appear in the eyes. Sensitivity to light may also be present in a few cases.

When to use Apis Mellifica?

This medicine should be considered to manage burning and stinging in eyes form blepharitis.

How to use Apis Mellifica?

It is mostly prescribed in 30 C potency that can be taken once a day.

3. Graphites – For Flakiness/Crusting At The Base Of Eyelashes

Graphites is an excellent medicine for blepharitis with flakiness/crusting at the base of eyelashes. There is marked dryness on the edges of lids with itching and a constant desire to rub the eyes. Margins of eyelids are highly inflamed and may stick together especially at night. Along with this, profuse watering from the eyes may arise. Smarting, burning and biting sensation in the eyes attend the above symptoms.

When to use Graphites?

It is an apt medicine for cases of blepharitis with flakiness or crusts at the base of eyelashes with dry eyelid margins.

How to use Graphites?

It gives excellent results in 3X potency that can be taken once or twice a day.

4. Argentum Nitricum – For Redness, Swelling Of Eyelid Margin

Argentum Nitricum is the next helpful medicine for blepharitis. In cases needing Argentum Nitricum, there is marked redness of eyelids and swelling of the eyelid margin. Thick crusts may appear on the lids along with swelling. This may be accompanied by sticking of eyelids in the morning. Photophobia may attend too. There may be dryness and heat in the eyes. Complaints may get better in cold air and with cold applications when Argentum Nitricum is required.

When to use Argentum Nitricum?

This medicine proves most effective for cases of blepharitis with red, swollen eyelid margins and sticking of eyelids in morning.

How to use Argentum Nitricum?

Among its various available potencies, the most frequently used is 30C potency. In the beginning, it can be taken in 30C potency one to two times a day as per severity of complaint.

5. Petroleum – For Dry And Itchy Eyelids

Petroleum is beneficial for cases of blepharitis where dryness and itching of lids are prominent. There is a need to rub the eyelids frequently. The skin around the eyes is also dry and scurfy. Burning and sticking in the eyes may also appear. In some cases, smarting sensation is felt in the eyes.

When to use Petroleum?

Petroleum is of great use to manage dryness and itching of eyelids in blepharitis cases.

How to use Petroleum?

Petroleum 30C can be used once a day.

6. Natrum Mur – For Prominent Gritty Sensation In Eyes

Natrum Mur is well-indicated medicine for blepharitis with gritty (sand-like) sensation in the eyes. It is mostly felt in the morning. Along with this, there is marked sensitivity to light. Smarting and burning sensation is felt in the eyes. A burning sensation appears that gets worse during the evening. Eyes remain red with watering and feel sticky in the morning.

When to use Natrum Mur?

This medicine is helpful to deal with grittiness means sensation of sand particle in eyes in cases of blepharitis.

How to use Natrum Mur?

This medicine is usually prescribed in 6X power two to three times a day.

7. Belladonna – For Swollen and Painful Lids

Belladonna is considered for blepharitis cases with swollen and painful eyelids. Pain, pressive in nature may appear in the eyes. It gets worse on closing the eyes. Eyes are sensitive to light. There may be marked redness and itching in the eyes. A sensation of heat and burning in the eyes are prominent. Sand- in-the-eye sensation also appears.

When to use Belladonna?

Belladonna should be opted for blepharitis cases presenting with swelling and pain in eyelids with pain worsening when eyes are closed

How to use Belladonna?

Belladona 30C power is recommended once or twice a day .

8. Sulphur – For Dry Crusts In Lashes And Falling Of Eyelashes

Sulphur is a well-indicated medicine for blepharitis with dry crusts in lashes and falling of eyelashes. The inner surface of the lids is dry and inflamed. Burning and smarting sensation on the edges of the eylids along with itching is marked with an inclination to rub it. Itching is worse in the evening. Biting sensation in eyes with lachrymation is felt especially in the evening.

When to use Sulphur?

Sulphur is a good choice of medicine to manage dry crusting in eyelashes accompanied with falling of eyelashes in blepharitis cases.

How to use Sulphur?

It works well in both low and high potency. To start with 30C potency is usually preferred that can be taken once a day.

9. Silicea – For Sticking of Eyelids

Silicea works well in cases of blepharitis with sticking of eyelids. This is most marked in the morning. Cold air exposure tends to worsen it. Smarting sensation is also felt in the eyelids. It worsens from closing the eyes. In some cases, thjere is photophobia. Pain and sand-like sensation in the eyes. Pain may be throbbing, tearing, shooting, stinging in nature. Lachrymation may be present that gets worse in open air.

When to use Silicea?

This medicine should be selected to manage blepharitis cases where sticking of eyelids occur especially in morning.

How to use Silicea?

Though it can be used in different powers, but generally its 6X power is mostly used. Silicea 6X can be used twice or thrice daily.


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  1. Margaret says:

    Dr Sharma, I have puffiness and swelling below the eye, right sided, and around the eye, and the appearance of Raccoon Eyes with dark rings under both eyes. Is there homeopathy for this?

    • Mohd tariq Khan says:

      पलक के बाल गिर रहे है सीधी हाथ की तरफ़ निचे वाली सिर्फ एक ही है

  2. Patricia Brown says:

    hello Dr sharma,
    i am a believer in doing things naturally. the gels and wipes that have been given to me by my pharmacy/chemist seem to contain alcohol and i am looking for a remedy from the list above to purchase. (there seems to be many listed)
    at present there is crusts and and persistent itching. there is also swelling of the eyelids and surrounding tissue. (i look beaten up!) . and persistent streaming eyes which are now burning my skin. Can you help me choose the correct remedy

  3. Antara roy says:

    I have post stevenjohson keratinisation of b/l eyelids.. leading to pain redness smarting and burning photophobia dryness of eyes.. which medicine can i have

  4. Sonya Moses says:

    Can using slices of tomato on the eyes kill the blepharitis bacteria?

  5. Hello Dr. Sharma,
    Good afternoon

    Sir my nice age of 9 years facing problem of falling hairs of eyelashes and eyebrows. Can you kindly help me to inform any suitable homeophatic medicine fot this?

    Thanks a lot and kind regards.


  6. Peter Hoyle says:

    Hi Dr Kaur,I’ve been reading about Blepharitis I’m not too sure if I have this condition.
    I have been doing a heavy metal detox for 1 yr and recovering from CF and Fibromyalgia last two years.1 year ago I noticed a foul cheesy vomit like smell on my fingers after rubbing gently around my eyelid.Myeyes don’t get itchy or become swollen or red.I don’t even get a build up or crust on eyelids although they can get a bit watery at night sometimes and a couple of years back I would have blurry vision on and off.I do respond well to Homeopathic medicine and would like to know is this a ongoing bacterial infection without inflammation.

  7. Darshan Saini says:

    My 2 year old daughter has blepharitis and doctor has prescribed warm compresses only. My daughter does not speak yet and the symptoms I notice are watery eyes, she’s very sensitive to light and always rubbing her eyes. Please advise if there’s s homeopathic treatment for her and if so what can I get her to receive her symptoms

  8. Laura A Mowrey says:

    Interested in treating my dogs blepharitis. There is redness, swelling, but very little discharge, and the fur on her upper eyelids has become sparse. No crustiness. The Vet has her on a steroid/antibiotic ointment but I worry about the steroids as it can cause blindness if she scratches her cornea (she is wearing a cone) but also concerned about asteroids because of her liver disease.

  9. Wendy Mclean says:

    Is there any natural remedy for inverted lower eyelashes?

  10. Marie Hartwell says:

    I have intense burning and itching in the inner corner of both eyes. I also have blepharitis, cataracts and AMD. The itching is almost unbearable at times. I was given some steroid drops which do help some but I don’t like to use it. Do you have any suggestions?

  11. Samantha von Däniken says:

    Hello Good Morning
    I have an eye problem for over a week since having contact with black mould in my flat
    My eyes are swollen, have reduced in size, my cheeks are red and puffy ,
    I went to my Homeopathic Doctor who was in holiday and had a retired Doctor who looked in my eyes briefly said there was no infection pus didn’t want to give me Cortisone and told me to into the forest.
    This solved nothing
    My eyes are burning, itching so I have to rub , I use Euprasia Drops, Cucumber which helps tremendously, have take Salts no 2/8/24 for breathing.
    Went to chemist who gave me something for hay fever with luffa operculata,galphinia glazes,cardiaspermum,
    This helps to reduce the pressure in Nynorsk and sinus, I have greyish colour snot
    My eyes are 1/2 the size my vision is blurry my pupils are strange small and color of eye has faded
    The burning and watering is intense. Lids look like rubber , almond shaped
    I had manage to get a reduction but went back in house in process of moving and have deadlines to get out it’s become worse again
    Please advise which is right remedy I have to do an exhibition work long hours ..
    Kind regards


  12. Jason Davis says:


    Came across your website and need help with Blepharitis. Eyes are very red and swollen and I have dark purple lines underneath eyes.

    I have tried hot compresses, antibiotics, eyelid wipes, eyelid cleaners, all natural medicine and now working with kinesologist and still no results.

    It is embarrasing to have red swollen eyes all the time. No pain and very little itchiness. They get really red if I cry or my eyes water after crying or coughing. Please help!

  13. Dora Raymundo says:

    I have seborratic blephartis what is the best treatment

    • Hi Dr
      I’m taking Doxsig for my Blepharitis (1 month) and have not experienced any change. In fact it has gotten worse although I don’t have crusty eye lids it’s just the skin around the eyes and my nose that is affected.
      I’d be so grateful for your advice.


  14. Where can I buy homeopathy treatments to treat blepharitis

    • Hi Dr
      I’m taking Doxsig for my Blepharitis (1 month) and have not experienced any change. In fact it has gotten worse although I don’t have crusty eye lids it’s just the skin around the eyes and my nose that is affected.
      I’d be so grateful for your advice.


  15. Lorraine Valentine says:

    I have Bletharitis with gritty burning and smarting sensation, particularly during and after close work, ie painting.
    It is not itchy and I don’t have sticky eyelids n mornings though it is very hot and stinging sensation. I have noticed on both eyes in the eyelash margin small white pimples have developed on both top eyelids.
    I don’t have the symptom of particularly swollen or red eyelids. But I do have a heavy feeling and stinging, sometimes watering
    Symptoms throughout the day. I am using hot compresses, cleaning eyelash area and eye drowps for dry eyes.

  16. Kaushal soni says:

    Mem meri eye dendarff aata hai

  17. Shweta Singh says:

    I have suffered from blepharitis. And it’s very painful for eyes I have to check out many doctors but I have no relief .

  18. Stan Musick says:

    I’ve had Blepharitis for a few years and have it under control. However, I”m looking for a permanent cure.
    Is this something that you can offer?

  19. Brenda Liddiard says:

    Hi Dr Sharma – could you tell me whether euphrasia is safe to use for blepharitis for someone with a transplanted cornea?

    Thanks you

  20. Nancy Holzhauser says:

    My eyelids burn, my eyes are dry with very little tear and oil production. The burning is worse when riding in a car. The most pain is the eyelids, however, and it is a burning sensation that lasts all day. When I wake up during the night my eyes are dry. I get a grittiness sensation. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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