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10 Effective Homeopathic Medicines for Burning Feet

Burning feet is the sensation of excessive heat in the feet. It is a very common sensation that usually is experienced at night. Sometimes burning feet may be painful enough to interfere with sleep. Mostly it arises from nerve damage. The intensity can vary from mild or severe. It can be constant or intermittent. Homeopathic medicines for burning feet offer natural, gentle, effective treatment for a variety of cases. Homeopathic medicines for burning feet

Burning feet may also be attended with tingling, prickling, pins- needles sensation or numbness, redness, swelling, increased sweating, pain in feet.


It most commonly occurs from nerve damage. The nerve damage can be from various reasons. 

The most common reason is diabetes (diabetes neuropathy). Uncontrolled high levels of sugar in blood for a long time damages blood vessels and nerves. The nerve damage hinders normal travel of nerve signals to many body parts and also feet. Nerve damage in legs and feet refers to peripheral neuropathy. Persons who have high blood pressure, take alcohol, are overweight and smoke are at high risk of nerve damage. In case of diabetic neuropathy along with burning sensations,  tingling, numbness, sharp pain, weakness in hands and feet can also accompany. 

Secondly, it can arise from excessive alcohol use that causes nerve damage called alcoholic neuropathy.

Thirdly, it can occur from certain nutritional deficiencies. Deficiency  of vitamin B12, B6, folate can lead to nerve damage and burning sensation in feet. Vitamin B deficiency also causes anaemia that contributes to it. 

Another reason is small fiber sensory neuropathy (SFSN) which is a type of peripheral neuropathy  affecting small nerve fibers in the skin. In this painful burning in the feet arise. 

Hypothyroidism (an underactive thyroid) is yet another reason behind burning feet. In this condition swelling appears which puts pressure on nerves and causes a burning sensation. Other symptoms of this condition include weight gain, loss of energy, hair loss, dry skin.

Other than these, it can occur in Charcot – Marie – Tooth disease (CMT). A Common form of hereditary neuropathy that causes nerve damage in arms and legs. Burning, pins and needles in the feet / hands is among the initial symptoms.

Another reason is Athlete’s foot (Fungal infection of the foot). It is also known as tinea pedis. In this condition burning, tingling, itching sensation between the toes or in the soles of the feet arise. Other than these fluid filled eruptions (blisters) cracked skin, peeling of skin, dry or raw skin on the feet may occur. Sometimes toenails get thick, discoloured, crumble and get detached from the nail bed.

Long term or chronic kidney disease – When kidneys get damaged and are not able to carry their function properly means not able to remove toxins from the body then these toxins build up in blood and damages the nerves.

Erythromelalgia – it is a rare vascular disorder in which blood vessels in lower limbs or hands get blocked on and off followed by hyperemia (excess blood flow) and inflammation. Redness, congestion, heat and pain in feet occur though symptoms can also occur in hands, arms, ears, legs, face and other body parts.

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) – In this condition the arteries that carry blood to the legs and feet becomes narrow. It leads to burning in feet and legs.

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) – A condition causing severe pain usually in just one arm or leg and develops typically after an injury or a surgery. Its symptoms are swelling, burning pain, swelling, skin colour or texture change.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome – It is a condition arising from compression of nerves that runs from the ankle to the foot. It can arise from swelling or an injury. In this there occurs  pain, burning, tingling or numbness in the foot. 

Guillain – Barre syndrome (GBS) – It is an autoimmune disease in which the immune cells attack and cause damage to the peripheral nervous system. In the beginning it is mostly present with numbness, tingling, and weakness in feet.

Some other diseases can have burning feet as one of its symptoms. Some examples include Lyme disease ( a tick-borne, infectious disease caused by a bacteria of the type borrelia), HIV, shingles  (a viral disease caused by Varicella zoster virus in which painful skin rash with blisters appears).

Pregnancy and menopause – Burning feet may be complained about by some women during pregnancy and menopause. This is due to hormonal changes leading to increase of body  temperature.

Heavy metal poisoning can also cause it. Exposure to heavy metals like arsenic, mercury and lead can lead to burning sensation in the feet.

Side effects of certain medicines like chemotherapy drugs, some medicine used to treat HIV and seizures (fits), overdose of vitamin B6.

It can also occur from wearing poor footwear and standing / walking for an extended time period.

Homeopathic Medicines for Burning Feet

Homeopathic medicines offer natural, gentle, effective treatment for cases of burning feet. These medicines focus to address the root cause behind it to bring great improvement in these cases. These medicines in addition to relieving the burning of feet also helps to improve attending symptoms. Such symptoms include tingling, prickling, sensation, numbness, redness and swelling, increased sweating and pain in feet. As burning of feet can arise from numerous reasons, its important to take homeopathic medicines after complete case analysis by a homoeopathic physician and self medication be avoided.

  1. Sulphur – Top Grade Medicine 

Sulphur is a leading medicine for burning sensation in feet. Persons needing it have burning especially in soles of feet. They wish to place them on a cool place to get relief. The burning worsens at night and they put them out of bed to cool them. They may also feel burning in soles on stepping after sitting for a long time. Itching may also be present on soles in addition to the above complaint. Another symptom that can attend it is prickling in balls of feet when putting feet to ground. 

  1. Kali Phos – For Burning in Soles and Toes

It is a great nerve remedy. It is a very suitable medicine for cases having burning in soles and toes. In some cases needing it stinging sensation in soles may be present. It is also indicated when prickling sensation is present in the feet. 

  1. Arsenic Album  For Burning, Swelling of Feet

This medicine works well in case of burning, swelling on feet. There is internal burning but when touched the feet feels cold from outside. Red spots on the feet may be present with this. Other additional symptoms that can accompany numbness and weakness of feet.

  1. Medorrhinum – For Burning of Feet and Sharp Pain

This medicine is beneficial for cases of burning feet and sharp pain in soles. Persons needing it uncovers the feet and fan them to aid relief. The sharp pain in soles is felt while taking the first step on them in the morning. They may also have swelling of feet. Sore feeling under feet especially on the left side may be present.

  1. Apis Mellifica – For Burning in the Toes

This medicine is prominent for burning sensation in toes. With this there is redness in toes. Sometimes numbness is felt in feet. Swelling in feet may be present too.  

  1. Pulsatilla – For Burning in Back of Feet

This medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as wind flower or pasque flower. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is well indicated for burning in the back of feet. Redness and swelling of feet can be present with this. Tearing pain from back of foot to heel is present sometimes. Soles of feet may also be painful and feel sore. Some people requiring it also have a tingling sensation in feet while standing.

  1. Phosphorus – For Burning Sensation in Feet and Numbness of Toes

This medicine is helpful for burning sensation in feet and numbness of toes. Burning sensation can be felt in legs also. Swelling of feet may also be there. Pain in soles as if from ulceration can be felt during  walking. Another symptom that can attend is a shock like sensation in feet.

  1. Silicea – For Burning and Tingling in Soles

This medicine is very useful for burning in soles and also tingling sensation in soles. The burning is most marked in evening and night time where it is required. Along with this there is swelling of feet with redness. A peculiar accompanying symptom is excessive sweating on feet. The sweat is offensive. Soreness of feet is also there in some cases. It is also one of the best medicines for cases of athlete’s foot. 

  1. Arnica – For Violent Burning in Feet

This medicine is prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana having the common name Leopard’s – bane or fallkraut. This plant belongs to family compositae. Its use is recommended in cases presenting with violent burning in feet. Along with this tingling sensation may be marked in feet. Sometimes there is attending numbness of feet.

  1. Natrum Carb – For Burning in Feet While Walking

This medicine helps cases of burning in feet while walking. Burning is mainly present in soles for using this medicine. Swelling with stinging in feet may also attend while walking. In the right foot stitches as from needles can be felt.

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  1. Jalan in feet .which homeo medicine we should take

  2. ब्रजेश कुमार बिहार says:

    मेरे पैरों में जलन हो रही है पिछले 3 महीने से चलने पे और बढ़ जाता है त्लबा में ज्यादा महसूस होता है
    घुटने के पास सनसनाहट सी होती है

  3. दीपांकर चौहान says:

    सर कुछ दिनों से मेरे पैर के पंजे के उपर जलन हो रही है, कृपया मार्गदर्शन करें।

  4. Ujjwal Kumar Adhikari says:

    Pichhle 1 saal se mere pairo ke talvo me jalan or dard rahta hai alopaty medicine se koi fayda nahi milta ab pichhle 4 month se ungaliyo me jaln jyada hoti h kya dawa lu pls bataye

  5. Hi Dr. Sharma,

    My mother is 82 years old and has diabetes for the last 20 years. She is having sever itching and burning in her feet and hands. Please suggest what medication she should take as this happens mainly at night and she is unable to sleep.


  6. Please Kindly Inform Why Foot Sole And Upperside Of Foot Sole Burns Excessively in Summer Sometimes Unnecessarily, Though Not A diabetic Nor Alcoholic, Then Too Why it’s So, How To Get Rid Of it Naturally?

  7. Ajit Padhi says:

    Feeling burning upper and lower part of foot 🦶 in winter there is not an issues but temperature going up slowly my leg started burning 🥵. Please suggest what type of medicine continue for remedy.

  8. Maturi Radhika says:

    I am having burning sensation in feet even pricking like pain all over the foot
    It worsens at night imassage and wear socks while sleeping
    I have daibetes taking Pregabalin tablet once at night but not getting complete relif
    Pl suggest sm homeo med which can reduce the pain.

    • I m having burning feet, mostly left foot for 6-7 months. It aggravates with walking, shoes n socks give me discomfort. Cold water gives comfort. Kindly suggest best medicine to cure it.
      Isampal Sharma

      • Hello Dr.sharma

        I am 50 yrs old. Being in menopause for the past 2 years. Since sept 2023 I have developed left foot burning in the sole. Especially when I stand for a little while also. Once I sit I feel better. Sometimes it’s their in the nights and even during day while resting too. I have tested negative for sugar, thyroid, took an x ray of my knees to check fof arthritis, that too was good…though at times I do have mild knee pain. I have done nerve conduction test as well. Negative. Then I did blood sample for RA factor & HLA – b27…all of which is normal.

        What could be my problem. Can homeo medicine help me?? Please advice.

      • ब्रजेश कुमार बिहार says:

        मेरे पैरों में जलन हो रही है, खासकर बाएं पैर में पिछले 6-7 महीनों से। चलने पर यह बढ़ जाती है, जूते और मोजे पहनने से मुझे तकलीफ होती है। ठंडा पानी आराम देता है। कृपया इसे ठीक करने के लिए सबसे अच्छी दवा बताएं।

  9. George Autar says:

    I have burning feet due to diabetes

  10. Feeling walking in water-Numbness==Burning sensation
    Kindly Suggest suitable Homeo Drops/Pills

  11. పద్మావతి వయసు 53 says:

    అరికాళ్ళు సూదులతో గుచ్చినట్లు ఉంటుంది నడవటం కష్టంగానే ఉంది నాకు అన్నీ కాలాల్లో విపరీతంగా జలుబు దయచేసి హోమియో మందులు చెప్పగలరు

    • M shamshadbegam says:

      Good evening sir age 40years naaku mókalla Pina swelling undi anduvalana naaku chala pain untundi kurchovadaniki levataniki chala ibbandi ga untundi. Alage arikalla padalu kuda yekkuva pain untundi pains taggataniki yedaina parishkaram chupagalaru

  12. Dr. C K Teckchandani says:

    I have Prostate cancer which was detected in May 2023. I am told that it has spread. I am feeling burning sensation in my feet. Could you please suggest some medicine to ease my this burning sensation

  13. Ashok kumar Bhandari says:

    For last 4 month I am suffering burning in feet. When walking too.
    In night also get pain and burning.
    In left feet I get pain below knee when walking.
    Please advise.

  14. Burning -tingling in feet paws. Medicine?

  15. Tapas Mitra says:

    Are Burning sensation of leg and burning sensation of foot both their treatment Same?

  16. Hey. My mom have burning sensation in her hands and feet. She has done every test from sugar to CBC and everything is normal. She has eaten almost every tablet and even left them for a month or two to see difference but it was of no use in both situations.

  17. Ashok Kumar Bhandari says:

    My feets paws are burning as you mentioned from 1 to 8 I am problems
    Please advise homeopathic medicine.
    I am suffering to much.
    I am having diabetes.
    Alcohol I stopped now.
    Thanks and regards

  18. Burning of feet at night time

    • I too had this problem and a lady who does massages suggested this:
      Get a small bowl of Kansa, this is a metal alloy, put a drop of ghee on the bottom of the bowl and rub your soles with it.
      The soles will start blackening . Do not wash them right away. Wipe them clean with a towel or tissue.
      I need to do this at least once or twice a week. Works wonders and I sleep well.

  19. Lakshmikantham says:

    What is the dosage of Arsenicum Album 30 CH for me (Female 82 years; Not a diabetic. No BP

  20. Hello Dr.Sharma!
    I am Mr. M.H.Adil from Calcutta,aged 66 years.
    I am a diebetic with hypertension patient for the last 15 years.
    I am suffering from feet neuropathy with violent burning and tightening sensation especially at bed time sleeping.
    It becomes intolerable thereby causing great disturbance in my sleep.It becomes a bit relief when I put a water soaked cloth on my feet.
    I would request you to kindly prescribe an appropriate medicine to me for treatment. With Best Regards!

    • The doctor has not responded to any of the comments on this page. He has not even mentioned the fee to get a reply from him for medical advice by email. Can anyone tell me whether you get genuine treatment from him and how much he charges.

Please click the link to understand Scientific basis on homeopathy . Click This link To Understand the Side Effects of the above mentioned Homeopathic Medicines.

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