Nerve tonics are medicines that help to support and strengthen the nervous system. These help to relax the mind and body and make one feel energetic and strong. People may consider the use of nerve tonics in cases of stress, anxiety, low energy levels (exhaustion, tiredness), mental fatigue, reduced focus and concentration, and sleeplessness.
Homeopathic Medicines As Nerve Tonic
Homeopathic medicines can work as a superb nerve tonic when prescribed after proper evaluation of the individual symptoms in every case. These tonics help to improve energy levels, improve concentration power and help in cases of sleeplessness, anxiety, stress as well. In homeopathy, the same medicines used to treat different health conditions are used as nerve tonics. In general, there are no specific nerve tonics in homeopathy that differ from homeopathic medicines. And also there is no universal one medicine that can be used as tonic for each and every case of fatigue, low concentration, sleeplessness and anxiety. Rather the medicine that can act as the best tonic for a given case has to be selected based on the individual concerns in every case. Persons who wish to take a homeopathic nerve tonic should consult a homeopathic physician for the correct customized prescription and to afford best results. No one should use any homeopathic medicine on their own.
Homeopathic Medicines That Can Be Used As Nerve Tonic
1. Kali Phos – Leading Nerve Remedy
Kali Phos is a top-recommended medicine that can be used as a nerve tonic. It has a pre-eminent action on the nervous system that works magnificently to improve the energy levels in the body in a very natural manner. People who feel tired, weak, exhausted due to different reasons can benefit greatly from Kali Phos. It helps to improve both mental and physical fatigue in a very effective manner. In cases where there is weakness due to an acute disease, this medicine proves to be a great tonic to rejuvenate the body and increase energy levels. Cases of mental fatigue like that resulting from over exertion of the mind as from over study can be effectively helped with Kali Phos. It is highly effective in cases of stress and helps to calm and relax the mind and promote a general feeling of well–being. Further, this medicine is known to offer help in cases of sleeplessness. It helps to improve sleep wonderfully. This medicine is also highly suited to manage anxiety issues and irritability. Kali Phos also improves dullness of the mind and memory weakness. Lastly, it helps in improving weak nerves and nerve functioning in general.
2. Avena Sativa – To Improve Weakness, Tiredness
Avena Sativa is a great nerve tonic in homeopathy to improve weakness, tiredness that has resulted from some exhausting disease. This medicine will help to strengthen the nerves and restore energy levels. Avena Sativa further helps in cases of an exhausted mind and brain fag. When these complaints occur from overwork, this medicine suits very well. This medicine can help to improve concentration power as well. Avena Sativa functions well to improve sleeping pattern in persons facing sleeplessness.
3. Gelsemium – For Cases Of Dullness, Drowsiness And Weakness
Gelsemium is a wonderful and highly effective nerve tonic in homeopathy. It is indicated when there is marked dullness, drowsiness and weakness. The use of Gelsemium can also be considered to overcome long-term weakness after a bout of viral infection. Gelsemium helps to enhance energy levels in the body and also makes the mind active by taking away dullness. Those facing issues of reduced concentration and decreased focus and attention in doing work can get help from this medicine. Gelsemium works in an excellent way to improve the concentration power of mind. Another action of Gelsemium is noted to deal with cases of nervousness, irritability and anxiety issues.
4. Withania Somnifera (Ashwagandha) – To Enhance Energy Levels
It is a great herbal medicine in homeopathy with prominent action on nervous system. This medicine is employed to rejuvenate the body, increase vitality, and enhance energy levels. It can be used in any case of weakness or debility. This herbal medicine works brilliantly in cases of brain fatigue and decline in memory. Besides the above, this medicine is known to be good for overcoming complaints including nervousness, anxiety, depression and sleeplessness.
5. Picric Acid – To Help Cases Of Brain Fag
Picric Acid works wonderfully well in cases of brain fag. Brain fag includes a group of symptoms i.e. exhausted mind, concentration problem, decline in focus, confused mind in addition to complaint of forgetfulness. Picric Acid is best indicated for memory weakness and forgetfulness. Memory weakness may be the result of a long-term stress and anxiety in a person. The mind feels exhausted in those needing it. This occurs from even a little reading or writing. There is inability to collect thoughts in the mind and do any sort of mind exertion. There is an aversion to do mind- related work. Any type of mind exertion brings on an episode of headache. It is a well-indicated medicine when brain fag results from excessive study in a person.
6. Anacardium Orientale – To Manage Weak Memory And Forgetfulness
It is an important medicine for cases of weak memory and forgetfulness. Those needing it have poor memory and are absent-minded. There is difficulty in remembering and retention in the memory is poor. Next, it is indicated for cases of exhausted mind from overstudy. There is an aversion to doing any work. There is desire to lie down or sit all the time in persons needing this medicine.
7. Phosphoric Acid – To Help Cases Of Low Energy And Poor Concentration
This medicine is valuable as a tonic for cases of low energy and decreased concentration. This medicine works well to improve energy in both the mind and body. It is next effective when there is slowness of the mind and poor concentration power. This medicine is also a prominent one for weakness and drained-out feeling after some kind of fever. Weight loss can be present with this.
8. Coffea Cruda – For Cases Of Sleeplessness
It works very effectively to help cases of sleeplessness. Those needing it have a chain of thoughts going on in the mind that prevents sleep. The thoughts come one after the other jumbling together and disturbing sleep. They remain restless at night tossing and turning in bed. It is also indicated for managing sleep problems occurring after acute diseases. Coffea Cruda promotes mind’s tranquillity, calms the mind and helps in sleeping.
9. China Officinalis – For managing Low energy After Loss Of Fluids
China Officinalis is a well-suited tonic to improve energy levels. It is well indicated for cases when energy levels have dropped down from excessive loss of fluids like diarrhea (loose stool), and medical problems involving loss of blood. Here this medicine is very beneficial to increase energy levels.
10. Natrum Carb – For Cases Of Weak Memory And Poor Concentration
This medicine is helpful as a tonic where memory is weak and concentration is poor. It helps improve memory and concentration power. In cases needing it, there is difficulty in thinking and comprehending things. Mind-related work seems impossible. This medicine can also be used in cases of sadness, and depression with constant sad thoughts in mind.
I m suffering last 10 years los of memory and weekness of muscular and nervous system plz suggest me medicine for
My age is 63 and i am suffering depression / negative thoughts and sleeping problems at night from last 2 years. .
Plz advise me remedy
बाएं पैर की एड़ी से तेज दर्द की शुरुआत हुई जो कि शुरु शुरु में पेन किलर टैबलेट के इस्तेमाल से चली जाती थी लेकिन इन दिनों ये दर्द काफी परेशान कर रहा है पिछले एक महीने से दवा लेने पर दर्द घटता तो है पर दो दिन बाद फिर से वापस आ जाता है। धीरे धीरे ये दर्द एड़ी से उठता हुआ घुटने जांघों कुल्हे से होता हुआ कमर के बाएं तरफ वाले हिस्से तक पहुंच गया है स्थानीय चिकित्सक ने इसे साइटिका बताया है। सबसे बड़ी समस्या ये हो रही है कि बायां पैर की जंघा दाये पैर की जंघा से थोड़ी पतली हो गई है जो कि भयभीत कर रही है।
कृपया उचित मार्गदर्शन करें।
Hello , I have read this interesting article about homeopathic remedies. Where should I look to explore options for inner trembles from long time stress and damage to nerves/ endocrine from pharmaceuticals… inner tremor, adrenal rushes,
Hi I have neuropathy and stiff swelling in both legs n burning pain
Which is the best medicine for that
I’m so much tired of this
Hi how can you help me with my sadness and depression please can you tell me thank you
Side isweak walk problem and balance problem and sifen right eyes watering and dust in morning sexual not irritate in peninsula moment problem not working well
How to use it for diabetic neuropathy and also for prostate health
Urgentcy to pass urine at nights results in disturbed sleep in a 82 year old who has enlarged prostrate. Any homeo remedy to cure this
How to use it for diabetic neuropathy
Which Homeo Tonic is best for middle & main nerve cramp with heavy pains?
I am in search for a Homeopathic medicine to cure resperidone dementia.
I am in search for a Homeopathic medicine to cure resperidone dementia.
அற்புதமான தீர்வு ஹோமியோபதி
My father had suffered from brain stroke and after the treatment he is feeling like electric current in his right legs and arms. What will be treatment for him ??
Dear Dr. Sharma!! I need help, i am scared because i cannot remember, my mind is foggy, i forget stuff, i cannot concentrate and do my job properly anymore. My brain is very slow, my ability to speak and use vocabulary is declining tremendously. I am useless if i cannot use my brain for everyday life. I am coming to the end of my journey if i cannot improve my memory, my judgment and critical thinking. Please help!!
Dear Dr Sharma I have been battling anxiety and low mood now for 3 yrs 4 mths been on different medications from doctor been to CBT been to council.The medication I am on at moment is mirtazapine a yr last May this medication work straight away felt wounderful back to me again.I then got covid and the mirtazapine as stopped work it’s ok to help me sleep. I started with mild anxiety 3 yrs ago now I suffer from fear phobias and anxiety and haven’t got the same confidence. I am up and down just can’t get better. I hate waking up in the morning I feel sickly very nervous my appetite is not the same. I have more bowel movements from time to time. I have had blood test bowel test and camera down my throat I have a hiatus herna a sliding one. I used to be able to eat anything I can’t have a take away or chocolate and coffee. I only feel like eating when I have a sherry or a glass of. I feel like I will never get better. It effects my thinking and I feel weep sometimes. Don’t know where to turn.