The immediate reaction on seeing any abnormal swelling or lump in the body, particularly one that does not subside and is located in a sensitive part, is to go in for surgery and have it removed. In case of Hernia too, surgery is often considered the only option by the patients. Homeopathic remedies for Hernia, can effectively treat the condition and that too without any side effects.
What is Hernia?
In medical terms, the protrusion of an organ or a part of an organ through an abnormal opening in the wall of the cavity that normally contains it is referred to as Hernia. The main cause of Hernia is the weakness of the abdominal muscles. This can either be congenital or acquired. The congenital weakness of abdominal muscles is present since birth and the acquired muscle weakness results from various factors like surgical incisions, repeated pregnancy, excess fat in abdomen, chronic cough, constipation and even excessive weight lifting. Homeopathic medicines, which are sourced from natural substances and are completely safe with zero side effects, are of great help in curing various types of Hernia.
Types of Hernia
Inguinal Hernia: This is the commonest type of Hernia. It can occur in infants or adults and since the swelling is in the groin, the panic button is pressed quite early. In InguinalHernia, a part of abdominal contents, mainly intestines, protrudes through the inguinal region of the abdominal wall. The inguinal region is present in the groin.
Umbilical Hernia: This Hernia is more common in females than males and also in infants. In Umbilical Hernia, the abdominal contents bulge out from the umbilicus or navel of abdomen.
Femoral Hernia: This Hernia is also more common in females and very uncommon in children. In Femoral Hernia, the abdominal contents protrude through the femoral canal present in the upper inner thigh region.
Obstructed/Incarcerated Hernia: In this type of Hernia, the lumen of intestine (colon) gets obstructed, leading to intestinal obstruction.
Strangulated Hernia: In this type of Hernia, the arterial supply of the contents of Hernia stops along with intestinal obstruction. Femoral Hernia is most liable to get strangulated.
Symptoms of Hernia
The main symptom of Hernia is swelling or formation of a lump. In Inguinal Hernia,the swelling appears in the groin.In Femoral Hernia, the swelling appears in the upper inner thigh region and in Umbilical Hernia, the swelling is apparent around the navel. Swelling is often accompanied by discomfort or a dragging type of pain around the swelling. In case of obstructed or strangulated Hernia, abdominal colic, vomiting, distended abdomen and constipation are the main symptoms.
Top Homeopathic Remedies for Hernia
1. Nux Vomica: Top Remedy for all Types of Hernia
Nux Vomica is a natural medicine which is of great help in treating all types of Hernias — be it femoral, inguinal or umbilical. It can be given to patients of Hernia in whom the abdominal muscles have been weakened due to long-standing constipation. The patient complains of a constant urge to pass stool or poop but scanty unsatisfactory stool is passed. Such a patient also usually feels very cold. There’s also an excessive craving for stimulants like alcohol or coffee. Weakness and soreness in the abdominal muscles are always experienced. For treatment of Umbilical Hernia in infants, Nux Vomica is very beneficial.
2. Calcarea Carbonica: For Hernia in obese people
Calcarea Carbonica is a top medicine for treating Hernia. It is mainly prescribed for obese people with weak abdominal muscles due to excessive fat in the abdomen. Such patients cannot bear tight clothes around the waist. Calcarea Carbonicaalso gives excellent results in treatment of Hernia in children who sweat excessively on the head. The patients requiring this medicine are sensitive to cold air. There is alsoan unusual craving for boiled eggs or chalk or lime.
3. Lycopodium Clavatum: For Hernia with Weak Digestion, Excessive Flatulence
Lycopodium Clavatum is of great help to patients of Hernia who suffer from weak digestion and excessive flatulence in the abdomen. The patients requiring this medicine loveto eat sweets and have a craving for hot food and drinks.
4. Rhus Toxicodendron: For Hernia due to Excessive Weight lifting
Rhus Tox is very beneficial for treatment of all such cases of Hernia where the abdominal muscles become weak due to excessive strain by lifting heavy weights. Rhus Toxicodendron helps the patients by strengthening the abdominal muscles.
5. Silicea: For Hernia with Excessive Perspiration on Feet
Silicea is a medicine of great help for patients of Hernia who experience excessive and offensive perspiration on the feet. The patient always feels very chilly and desires warm clothing. Silicea is also a very helpful remedy for the treatment of Hernia in children who are weak, very obstinate and headstrong.
Other Important Remedies
Lycopodium Clavatum is an excellent Inguinal hernia remedy, specially benefcial for treating Inguinal Hernia of right side. The main symptoms for using this medicine are excessive flatulence in abdomen. Excessive craving for sweets and hot drinks is usually experienced by patients requiring this medicine. For treating left-sided Inguinal Hernia, Cocculus Indicus is of great help. For prescribing Cocculus Indicus, the symptoms are distended abdomen due to flatus with relief when lying on the side and a craving for cold drinks. Nausea is almost always felt by patients requiring Cocculus Indicus. For left-sided Inguinal Hernia in children, Nux Vomica gives best results. The child is usually very angy and suffers from chronic constipation.
1. For Umbilical Hernia
Calcarea Carbonica is considered the best Umbilical hernia remedy. It is of particular help for treatment of Hernia in patients who also have an abundance of fat in the abdomen. The abdomen is sensitive to the slightest pressure. An unusual craving for eggs may be felt and milk always makes the condition of such patients worse. Nux Vomica is a natural remedy which can help in treating Umbilical Hernia which is accompanied by constipation of long duration. Strangulated hernia of umbilicus can also be treated with this medicine. For treating Umbilical Hernia in children, Chamomilla gives good results. The children requiring this medicine usually complain of intense pain in the umbilical region. Irritability of the utmost degree is always noticed in such children.
2. For Femoral Hernia
Both Nux vomica and Lycopodium Clavatum are equally good medicines for treating Femoral Hernia. The patients requiring Nux Vomica feel very cold and sufferfrom chronic constipation. They have a craving for fatty food, alcoholic drinks or coffee. The patients requiring Lycopodium Clavatum are weak, emaciated and suffer from excessive flatulence in abdomen. They crave for warm drinks and warm food. The complaints are always worse between 4pm and 8pm in patients requiring Lycopodium Clavatum for Femoral Hernia.
3. For Treatment of Obstructed Hernia
Opium is the top medicine for treating patients of Obstructed Hernia. The patients requiring Opium have an extremely bloated abdomen, which is hard to touch, with retention of faeces in intestines. There is also no desire to pass stool and vomiting containing faecal matter is always experienced. Tabacum is of help to patients of Incarcerated Hernia in whom the abdomen is distended and is painful to touch. Such a patient wants to uncover the abdomen. The patient also experiences excessive nausea along with constipation. Vomiting of faecal matter occurs as well.
4. For Strangulated Hernia
Plumbum Metallicum is an excellent medicine for the treatment of Strangulated Hernia. This is prescribed when the patient complains of extreme colic in abdomen with obstruction of stool and flatus. The patient feels as if a string is pulling the abdominal wall towards the spine. Colocynthis can help in relieving the colicky pain in abdomen in Strangulated Hernia where the patient is relieved by bending double or by applying pressure on the abdomen.
Left side pain,& swelling. To take asculus hip30, relief in pain.
But today’s high pain at walking.
To cure this problem tell me medicine.
When we give a one month old baby in the lower abdomen on the left and the boy is crying very loudly, it seems that the place is swollen. We showed it to the local doctor he called is this hernia.
श्रीमान डाकटर
मै 72 साल का हू पिछले 8 माह से हर्निया से पीड़ित हू। मेरा हर्निया जाघो के बराबर मूत्राषय कै उपर left , right side है । मेने अभी तक कोई hemeopethy दवा नही ली है ।
बैल्ट का इसतै माल करता हू ।कोई अच्छी दवा बतायें मेहरबानी होगी ।
Respected Dr,
My mother has a large paraumbilical hernia. But her ejection fraction is very low. It is 42. Operation is impossible. Doctors are afraid of strangulation. Could you please suggest any medicine for hernia? Is it possible to increase EF by homio?
We are waiting for your valuable advices.
I have Inguinal Hernia on left side & I am a senior male of 66+ age, some times ago intestine gets in this hernia & I feel very uneasy but when intestine is inside ,I feel comfortable. I don’t want to operate it as I am a heart patient, plz write me some Homeopathic medicines to control hernia pain .Thanks.I live in Pune , Maharashtra.
Hello Dr,
I am having hernia and suffering since in 10 yrs. It’s placed left side of the bottom of the corner below. And it’s very painful while walking and weight lifting items. Please suggest me if you have any homeopathy medicine.
Thank you.
Prakash Gamini
Sir I am suffering from left inguil Hernia for last seven years and taking LYCOPODIUM 200 but of no use. I went through internet I found NUX VOMICA 200 but still I not started it . please suggest if suggested then how much qty. mbile 9043425869
I am suffering from Right side inguinal hernia . Pl advise me whether there is any treatment to cure completely
I am a male, age 72, who recently noticed a small inguinal hernia. It doesn’t hurt, but there is a small lump that seems to fit the description of hernias that I have read.
I am healthy, active and take no medications.
I am looking for a natural way to handle the hernia.
Is there a homeopathic treatment that has shown to work?
I have right side inguinal rejion swelling but not hernia appear in sonography it problem is last 7 year which medicine is best for that. I am 49 year old male.
Dear Doc, Do you know of a homeopathic that contains all the above hernia problems in one supplement?
Thanks so much…faye oliver
the pain from these problems is debilitating
Dr Sharma,
Thank you so much for your amazing work offering such support. I will tell friends. Do you do on line appointments?
Thank you 🙏🏼
My 20 months son detected inguinal hernia with right sided encysted cord hydrocele. We are from Guwahati, Assam. Kindly advise whether there is any tratment under Homeo. His pediatrician has advised operation. Kindly help. My no is 9864408285
Sir, I have undergone umbilical hernia surgery about one year back.
Now again there is pain during coughing on the right side of my abdomin. I am 68 plus female. Pain is not continuous. It comes only when there is coughing or sneezing or even laughing.
On getting USB done for whole abdomen, it has been found by the doctor who has done surgery leproscopy with mesh also that there is a small 6 mm cavity ( hernia )on extreme right side of abdomendue to which this pain is there. Please advice me some Homeo medicine and how shall I take the same since now I do not want to undergo surgery again. Please reply. My mobile 9799885225 and e mail I’d groverkc123@ yahoo. co. in
सर मेरी उम्र 50 साल है और मैं तीन साल से इन्गयुनल हर्निया से परेशान हूँ जोकि दाईं तरफ है। मुझे खांसने मे छींकने मे चलने मे और ज्यादा देर तक खडे होने मे परेशानी होती है। कब्ज नहीं है। कृपया कोई दवाई बताऐं।
Lycopodium 200 ch
I have a small reducible bilateral inguinal treatment
I have a small reducible bilateral inguinal hernia pl.suggest homeopathy treatment
I have inguinal hernia. Are homoeopathic medicines available so that I can avoid surgery. I met a homoeopathic doctor but he says surgery is the only option available and there are no homoeopathic medicines to treat hernia. Please guide and advise.
Right groin hernia what homeo medicine is advised
Sir As per my report My HERNIA IS INCOMPLETE NOT DEVELOPED early right sided Inguinal hernia best medicine to get rid off
Namaste Doctor,
In 2016, my wife underwent a Gallbladder operation. Since then, she feels extreme pain after her main meals. She stays in that way for sometime, after which she feels relieved. This persists for sometime. Please suggest a homoeopathic medicine so that she can overcome this pain.