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Cluster Headaches Making Life miserable ? Homeopathy has a Effective Solution

Homeopathic  Remedies for Cluster Headaches

Homeopathic Remedies for Headache

Homeopathic Remedies for Headache

Severe headache not only slows down a person, but affects his or her general outlook towards life. Severe headache that is typically present around one eye (periorbital headache) and appears in clusters (in a group) lasting for weeks or months is referred to as Cluster Headache. A person experiences frequent headache, which is followed by a period of rest when there is no headache. The headache during the cluster period is mostly noticed at precisely the same hour each day for several weeks or even months. There are cases in which episodes of Cluster Headache show a seasonal occurrence in which the cluster appears in a specific season. Cluster Headache, thus, has two phases. The first phase refers to the period during which bouts of headache appear frequently, and then there is the second phase of pain-free period during which there is no headache. Homeopathic remedies are very beneficial and provide complete relief from Cluster Headaches. Made of completely safe natural substances with zero side effects, Homeopathic remedies for cluster headache provide relief from acute pain and work to remove the disorder from its root so there is no recurrence of Cluster Headache.

Symptoms of Cluster Headache

The typical and foremost symptom of headache around or in the eye is eye discharge, swelling or redness of eyes, drooping of eyelids, nasal discharge or congestion, and sweating of face. In a few persons, the pain also settles in temporal region of head. The accompanying symptoms are always present on the same side on which the headache appears. Restlessness is also experienced by patients.

Homeopathic Treatment for Cluster Headache

The Homeopathic treatment for cluster headache aims at two aspects in treating patients. The first is to provide relief from acute pain and the second is to remove the condition from its root with the most beneficial natural Homeopathic remedies. With the use of Homeopathic medicines, the intensity and frequency of Cluster Headache reduces and with the long-term use of appropriate Homeopathic remedies, Cluster Headache is extracted from its root.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Cluster Headache

Cedron: Best Homeopathic medicine for Cluster Headache at precisely same hour

Cedron is considered the top natural Homeopathic medicine that will provide immidiate relief from Cluster Headaches. Cedron is of great help when the main symptom is severe pain around the eye at a particular hour. Periodicity in occurrence of periorbital pain is essentially marked. This pain may radiate into the ear. In other persons, the pain around the eye may radiate to the temples or back of head. Watering from eyes with burning may also present itself with eye pain. Night aggravation of pain is also noted. Although the pain may appear on any side, the pain over the left side of eye is felt more often for prescribing Homeopathic remedy Cedron.

Belladona: Homeopathic medicine for Cluster Headache with redness or swelling of eyes

Belladona is the ideal natural Homeopathic medicine for Cluster Headache with redness or swelling of eyes and flushing of face. The characteristic feature for using this Homeopathic remedy is deep pain in the eyes, mostly throbbing or shooting in nature, with congestion and redness of eyes. The eyes also show protrusion. Photophobia i.e. intolerance to light or worsening of pain from light may also be noted. In most cases, lying down worsens the pain and tight bandage or pressure seems to provide relief. The sudden onset of a violent headache is also a marked feature. The attacks appear suddenly and with intensity and leave with the same suddenness.

Spigelia: Homeopathic medicine for left-side Cluster Headache

Spigelia is a natural Homeopathic medicine which is very beneficial in treating the left-side Cluster Headache. Its use is recommended when there is a severe violent pain around the eye and in the eye socket specifically on the left side. The eyeballs too appear large. The pain can be of varying nature like digging, boring, shooting, violent, throbbing or stitching pain, with a feeling of needles pricking in the eye on the left side. The main worsening factor given by a patient for using Homeopathic remedy Spigelia is pain in eye on moving or turning the eye. A few persons may also describe noise or touching the eye as the most aggravating factors. Rest in most cases seems to relieve the pain. Along with pain, redness of eyes with sensitivity to light and dropping of eyes also show their presence. Another marked feature for using Spigelia is occurrence of pain around the left eye in morning either on rising or while lying in bed. A characteristic relief from pain by washing with cold water is a peculiar symptom guiding the use of Homeopathic medicine Spigelia.

Sanguinaria Can: Homeopathic medicine for right-side Cluster Headache

For treating right-side Cluster Headache, natural Homeopathic medicine Sanguinaria Can is the ideal remedy. The use of Homeopathic medicine Sanguinaria Can is considered in all those cases of Cluster Headache where the pain settles over or around the right eye. A bursting sensation with a feeling as if the eyes will be pressed out is very marked. Periodicity of pain is noted mostly with beginning of pain in morning and continuing till evening. The most aggravating factors in pain to be kept in mind where Sanguinaria Can is applicable are motion and light. And sleep and lying down still are the soothing factors. Characteristic relief from pain may also be brought about by walking in open air for some patients needing Sanguinaria Can. Along with pain over right eye, there is a profuse watering of eyes. The eyes are also very congested, and red with burning sensations. The face, especially cheeks, shows flushing. In a few persons, nasal congestion is a prominent feature.

Homeopathic remedies for Cluster Headache on left-side 

Spigelia is a top natural Homeopathic medicine for left-side cluster headache. The other useful Homeopathic medicines like Cedron, Oreodaphne Californica, Bryonia and Epiphegus are amongst the best natural remedies for cluster headaches specially on left side.Cedron is the best Homeopathic remedy when pain around or above the left eye appears at precisely the same hour of day. Oreodaphne Californica is of great help when pain in left eye is accompanied by dropping of eyelids. In most cases, the person has a need to close the eye to get relief. Light and noise seem to worsen the pain. Perfect silence is what is needed to get relief. Homeopathic medicine Bryonia is the ideal remedy when the main feature to be considered is pain in left-side eye worsening by the slightest of motion. The pain is bursting in nature with a sensation as if the eyes will be pressed out. Epiphegus is the Homeopathic remedy of great help and can provide immediate relief from cluster headaches when the pain is located in the left temple region. The most peculiar and characteristic feature for using Epiphegus is appearance of pain when a person engages or exerts in any activity apart from the daily routine activities, be it physical or mental activity. After getting a good sleep, the pain is relieved.

Homeopathic treatment for Cluster Headache on right side

For dealing with right-side Cluster Headache, the best natural Homeopathic medicine is Sanguinaria Can. The other very effective Homeopathic medicines for right-side Cluster Headache are Magnesium Phos, Chelidonium, Silicea and Iris Versicolor. Magnesium Phos is among the top Homeopathic remedies for right-side supraorbital pain. The main indication for using this Homeopathic medicine is relief from pain by heat applications. Chelidoinum is another beneficial Homeopathic remedy when profuse watering from the eyes accompanies the pain in right eye. The pressure application seems to be relieving. The pupils too are contracted. Homeopathic remedy Silicea is the ideal mode of treatment when pain that has settled over the right eye worsens from a slight cold air exposure, and the person gets relief by wrapping up warmly. Iris is the best Homeopathic medicine when pain in right temple or supraorbital region gets worse from taking rest and motion provides relief. Vomiting or nausea may also show prominence with pain for using Iris Versicolor.

Homeopathic remedies for Cluster Headache as per periodicity 

When selecting the best natural  remedies for Cluster Headache, a precise note is made of the time of the recurrence of pain. Homeopathy has very efficient medicines for control of bouts of Cluster Headache returning at a particular time of day — it may be every day, every alternate day, every week, or every month. The time of periodicity is to be added with the other modalities of increase or decrease of pain to select the best Homeopathic remedy as per the case.

Write To Dr . Sharma

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  1. hello sir my name is Deven patel and i have cluster starts any time during day and night
    it last long for 1-2 hours and its very painful.i cant explain the pain.Is there any cure for cluster headache in homeopathy?if yes then how much weeks or months does it takes to cure?

  2. Divya Nowland says:

    My cluster headache experience started following a severe motor vehicle accident 12 and a half years ago – Since the Motor vehicle accident I have not been free of head pain – It is almost always worse when I wake up in the morning and after some green tea, some yoga and meditation and breathing in steamed hot air and the use of ice packs and hot tea bags on my eyes and a hot shower in 2 or 3 hours or so it usually gets some better but not always. I am 68 years old and I volunteer at an Animal Shelter and getting outside walking dogs and petting them usually helps me feel better and sometimes I almost forget about the pain I’m having – the pain is most pronounced on my right side around the temple area and right eye but occasionally it becomes a band of pain that is very severe – Your Homeopathic suggestions would be so deeply appreciated – Thank you so much and many Happy Wishes to You !!
    Divya Nowalnd – Taos, New Mexico

  3. Cluster headache really makes people run around.
    It is much different in this way than migraine.
    My late husband suffered with it.
    Through this i met more sufferers in special clinics.
    And just to let you all know as well:
    What helped them in the end was a treatment with OXYGEN.
    10 to 15 minutes. Not to high.
    Perhaps that will give you relieve intil the homeopathic temedy sets in.
    Thank you so much for caring Dr. Sharma!

  4. Hi Dr. Sharma,
    My name is Kuldeep.I have been experiencing right side pain in eye for last two years .It radiates to temportal area and upper gum also,my eye looks like very tired,red and watery..
    I usually suffer from this pain when I am stressed or when I am in contact with strong fumes or heat .
    I consulted a doctor and he said it’s nothing .I was disappointed because I am suffering and it’s not a normal thing .So I started reading online regarding this and finally I found you. Could you please suggest me something .
    I will be really very grateful to you.

  5. Hy father has cluster headach from last month.the period lasts for 30 to 60 mints thrice a day ( 2 time in day and 2 more time in night)
    Its starts again after a year gap.the pain is on right side of eye with acute condition .bloody mucus nosy flu.tears from eyes and
    Treatments s5arted with english medicine
    Clan (verapamal)
    Zumig (triptan) but not get reliefvfrom pain anyofbthese
    Pls recomend medicine for them
    Pain is out of bear.

  6. I have a block on the right side of my face. Above my eyebrows is somewhat swollen and on the right side of my nose I feel some pressure. I have no headaches or drainage in fact I wish my nose would run sometimes. I am about to go to the eye dr because my right eye behind and to the right side of my eye I feel pressure and my sight has gotten worse a year ago but no change in my sight since and I’m getting it checked out. I don’t want to take antibiotics but that has been suggested I have had this for many years and I feel tired and my doc thinks it is from my sinuses.

    • Hy father has cluster headach from last month.the period lasts for 30 to 60 mints thrice a day ( 2 time in day and 2 more time in night)
      Its starts again after a year gap.the pain is on right side of eye with acute condition .bloody mucus nosy flu.tears from eyes and
      Treatments s5arted with english medicine
      Clan (verapamal)
      Zumig (triptan) but not get reliefvfrom pain anyofbthese
      Pls recomend medicine for them
      Pain is out of bear.

  7. Devendra Padiyar says:

    My mother having acute headache a lots o time… it occurs in a period of 7 days or 15 days or sometimes in 30 days.. I just want to know a medicine by using which my mother never feel such severe headache.
    Please sir..

  8. My son is diagnosed with CH. He is 19 years a D student of Engg. In US. THE BOUTS HAVE CONTINUED since 08 March 16 till today in varying frequency worsening to 3 to 4 attacks per day. He is taking 480 MG calan but no relief. O2 and Sumatriptan provide relief in 15 min. But with University and classes he can not bear the pain occurring for 4 hours a day. Please help CH is occurring at fixed hours on the left eye with stabbing and excruciating pain. All other tests and MRI are normal. I M writing to u with a lot of hope.

  9. Somanath sahoo says:


    is there treatment for cluster headache

  10. lakshya sharma says:

    Hello Dr. Sharma
    my name is lakshya sharma, my age is 24, i’m getting all these symptoms f cluster headache, it happened last year for good 1 week and upto half an hour of unbearable pain (5-6 times a day). i was on medication, got temporary relief but now from last 4 days i’m again suffering from the same pain. please suggest me a good treatment, your expert advice can be much more fruitful.
    thank you

  11. c v mudaliyar says:

    if i apply oil to my hair i get the headache from rightside for two days after that leftside starts i have tried all types of oil and cream but no use

  12. Narendra Inamdar says:

    Dr I am getting sever headache in the night times two to three times in interval of two hours lasts for 30 minutes, as I was going through the net, it looks like cluster headach symptoms.
    Dr please suggest what kind of headach and is there permanent cure,

  13. S.H.AKHTAR says:

    Dear Sir
    My daughter has symptoms of cluster headache on right side eye. The pain stays for 10, 15 days or even sometimes for a month. once headache starts it doesn’t go itself. she has to take pain killer for temporary relief. eye doesn’t get red and there is no watering of eye. The pain is periodic comes with a gap of every two three months.
    The pain is not always in right side. Sometimes it is on right eye and other time in left eye. At present it is in right eye. I one spell it is only in one side, either right or left. The pain spreads to forehead and to front side of head.
    The pain increases with exertion and stress. Warm wrapping give some relief. Please suggest medicine.
    Age of patient is 15 years.
    Father of the patient.

  14. S,SADASIVAN says:


    Please help me. I am sufferring from Left side Cluster head ache for the past 12 years.
    The pain starts most commonly during sleep. I will wake up with the pain. The pain
    concentrates over the left eye brow and radiates up and continues upto back head.
    It is so painful and very horrible experience.

    However, I used Spigilia 200 potency and had some relief. Please guide me what
    dosage to be taken for relief

    and also adivse me the full course of homeopathy treating for the above problem

    I shall be highly thankful to you sir

    • Hi ! Mera naam vijay h .or mujh ko 10 saal se cluster headache h right side may.mujh ko right eye k aas pass dard hota .nose ki bone may dard hota h jo dono eyes k bich may h.nase ful jati h .nose block ho jati h. Ghabraht hoti h ..dard eyes se hota hua phir head se hota hua head k piche tk jaata h ..face or eye red ho jati h .eye se pani bhi nikalta h karta h ki wall pr apna sir tej tej maru..buhat pain hota h.plz mijh ko bataye ki kya medicine lu kya es ka permanent teartment h homeopathy may ..thanku

  15. Leigh Jones says:

    Dr. Sharma, my daughter is suffering from cluster headaches and has a ringing in her right ear. Where can we get Cedron, Snaguinaria Can, and Spigelia ? Sometimes she has one behind both eyes with the ringing. Thank you for a response. She does not have health insurance and cannot afford to go to a physician.

  16. Samiran Ray says:

    Sir, I am a patient suffering from Cluster Headaches for long years.The pain begin from middle place of both eyes and spred to right side of forehead. The pain stays about 3 to 4 hours. with redish and shawlled eye ,burning sensation in right nostril. Reputed allopath doctors in India raised their hand as CH is incurable disease. Now I am to much depresed .Unbareble pain is going on. Only high flow oxygen can give some relief which is more costly to me. In this situation you are requested to give advice or suggest medicine for instant and permanent relief by Homeopatic way please.With regards, Samiran Ray. (9474117122)

  17. Akash Bansal says:

    Good Afternoon Doc Sharma,

    This year summer has bought a new trouble to my skin. The upper layer of my arms skins has some etching in starting resulting in white dotted patch with irritation at regular intervals. Also the etching starts when ever i am travelling and sunlight get in contact with arm.

    Request for your kind advice on the same.

  18. Shyamsundar says:

    Respected Sir,

    I have been taking every mrng Omnacortil 60 mg, 40 mg, 20 mg, 10 mg each 3days for a period of 12 days every 5/6 months. It has been almost 4 years I have been taking like this. I have also been taking Calptin 40 mg for 30 days while and after taking omnacortil every 5/6. Now, I am suffering from red skin rashes(appear in patches at different places, visible for hours) all over body with huge itching. I may be wrong but I understand this as a side effect of prednisone. To get relief from this red skin rashes I am taking half cetrizine 10 mg tablet(5mg) everynight.

    I do not drink coffe, tea, alcohhol the only things I drink are water, juice, milk once in a blue moon.
    I started eating curd to control this skin rash thing I don’t know if it really works

    Please suggest me on what I shall do to get rid without any side effects of cluster headache and its medicine prednisone side effect/ red skin rashes with itching.

    This can really save lot of my life time. Thanks.

  19. sever pain on left temple of eye treated by dr parimal banerjee, in india but did not get relief
    chronic cluster headche since 20 years, kindly suggest and oblige

  20. eswarchundi says:

    sir iam suffering with headche from around 3 years symptoms are some time right side and some time left side forehead above eyes chronic pain, and nosal conjection and runnynose suppose if i have the right side pain right nasal conjunction ,left side pain left nasal conjuction and water from the eyes pain is changing both sides please advice me the suitable madition

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