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Headache along with Eye Pain? Treat with Homeopathy

Headache is sometimes accompanied with eye pain. It could be because of different reasons, but the first one that comes to mind is eye strain. It may be because of uncorrected refractive errors (myopia and hypermetropia). Other causes include migraine, cluster headache, sinus headache, tension headache and glaucoma.  Depending on the causes behind it, apart from pain in the eyes, other symptoms may appear, like nausea, vomiting, itchy eyes, watering from eyes, redness of eyes and sensitivity to light.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution for cases of headache along with eye pain. Homeopathic medicines boost body’s healing mechanism to overcome health issues naturally. These medicines target the root cause behind the problem for great relief with zero side effects. With use of these medicines, the intensity and frequency of complaint decreases gradually. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self – medication. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity. In case of severe pain and when pain occurs from serious issues like glaucoma, kindly take help from conventional mode of treatment.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Headache With Eye Pain

1. Ruta – Due To Eyestrain

Ruta is a prominent medicine to manage cases where headache and eye pain are occurring from eyestrain. There is pain in forehead. Pain is pulsating or pressive type. Pain may extend from the front of the head to sides of the head. Heat may be felt in the eyes. Eye pain occurs along with redness, heat and burning sensation in eyes. A pressure is felt deep in the eyes. Pain may be experienced over the eyes. There is blurring of vision as well. Watering from eyes can appear too.

2. Natrum Mur – For Pain In Forehead And Eyes

Natrum Mur is highly beneficial when there is pain in forehead and eyes. A feeling of somebody beating your head is felt. A sensation of little hammers knocking on the head is marked. Heat is felt in the head along with redness of face. Headache may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. A very characteristic feature is pain begins with sunrise and is at peak at noon and remains till sunset. Watering from eyes may occur. One may experience zig-zag dazzling in front of the eyes before headache sets in. The eye pain gets worse from eye movement. Along with this, bright light becomes unbearable to the eyes.

3. Cedron – For Pain Occurring At Same Hour Of A Day (Periodical Pain)

A very peculiar feature to use this medicine is pain occurring with clock-like accurate periodicity means pain appearing at the same hour of a day. Cedron is highly suitable for managing pain in head and deep in the eyes, forcing the sufferer to keep his eyes closed. There is marked pain in the eyeballs that radiates around the eyes as well. It is accompanied by watering from eyes along with a burning sensation. Eyes may look red. It is also one of the best medicines for cases of pain above the eyes (supraorbital pain) too. In cases needing it, there may occur pain emanating from above the eyes and spreading to the sides as well as back of the head.

4. Belladonna – For Pain From Side Of Head / Forehead To Eyes

This medicine is suitable for cases where pain travels from the side of the head or forehead to the eyes. The pain gets worse from the movement of head and eyes and also from the slightest noise. Pain also increases from bright light. There is relief from binding the head tightly or pressing the head with hands. There may be redness of eyes and face. Pain in head is throbbing, pulsating type.

5. Glonoine – For Pain With Excessive Heat In Head

Glonoine is a useful medicine for throbbing pain in the head which is worse on the sides of head and above the eyes. It is accompanied with marked heat in the head. Eyeballs protrude out during headache, along with eye redness. Headache gets worse from exposure to sun. Relief in pain sets in by sitting still, lying down and applying pressure over the head.

6. Spigelia – For Left-Sided Pain

Spigelia is a highly recommended medicine for pain in the left side of the head and left eye. It is one of the best medicines when pain starts from the back of the head and then radiates upwards to the top of head and finally settles over the left side of eye. It is also indicated when there is pain in left eye and left side of head. Headache gets worse from movement and stooping while there is relief on pressing the head and taking rest. Excessive eye watering and eye redness on the affected side may be present.

7. Sanguinaria Can – For Right-Sided Pain

This medicine works well in cases of right-sided pain. It is of great value in treating cases where pain begins from the back of the head that extends to the top of the head and further to forehead and settles over the right eye. Headache gets better by sleep and if one vomits out. There may be pain in the eyeballs on movement. Burning and dryness may be felt followed by excessive eye watering. Redness of eyes may be there. The person is extra-sensitive to sound and odors.

8. Gelsemium – For Pain From Neck Towards Forehead And Eyes

This medicine can be considered when pain starts from the neck and extends over the head causing bursting pain in the forehead and eyes. It gets worse on lying down. Besides, one may feel nausea and vomit. A feeling of a band tied around the head may be present. Heaviness is marked in the eyelids, along with dizziness.

9. Phosphorus – For Pain Which Gets Better By Lying Down

Phosphorus is indicated when there is pain in the entire head and eyes which gets better by lying down and also after sleeping. Along with headache, one feels strain in the eyes. Increased sensitivity to odor and bright light is felt.

Causes Of Headache Along With Eye Pain

1. Eye strain: Using computers or mobiles for long without breaks could lead to eye strain. It may result in headache and eye pain. Besides, other symptoms may be felt like watering or dryness of eyes, sensitivity to light, itching, burning in eyes and pain in neck and shoulders.

2. Refractive errors: These include myopia and hypermetropia. Myopia is a condition in which a person can see close objects clearly but farther objects appear blurry. Hypermetropia is a condition in which a person can see far away objects clearly but the nearby objects look blurry.

3. Migraine: It is a type of headache in which throbbing type of pain occurs mostly on one side of the head often attended by nausea and vomiting. Eye pain can also occur, along with other symptoms like sensitivity to light, noise, odor, tender scalp and tiredness.

4. Cluster headache: Such headache appears in clusters in which a person gets frequent bouts of pain for weeks to months called cluster period, followed by a remission period in which there is no headache for months and years. It causes pain on one side arising behind or around eye that may radiate to head, face or neck. Besides, other attending symptoms include excessive tearing from eyes, redness of eye on affected side, swelling around eye on affected side and droopy eyelid or stuffy/runny nose on affected side.

5. Sinus headache: This type of headache arises from congestion of paranasal sinuses located in forehead, cheeks, behind nose and eyes. The pain may occur in the forehead, cheeks, root of the nose and behind the eyes depending on the sinus involved.

6. Tension headache: This type of headache is often felt like a tight band around the head. It can cause pain behind eyes, in head and neck.

7. Glaucoma: It is a serious eye condition caused by increased intraocular pressure in eyes that damages optic nerve. In case of angle closure glaucoma, eye pain and headache arise along with blurred vision and red eyes. It is a serious condition that needs to be treated immediately to prevent worsening of eyesight and loss of vision.



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