Dear Dr. Sharma
I take Homeo-medicines regularly,one thing that has perplexes me the most is that does onion really antidote the effects of homeopathic medicine? do I really need to avoid onion and other stimulants like alcohol , coffee etc while I am on homeo drugs? what are the other dos and don’t that I need to take care off? … Jasbir Singh NJ
I have been a regular onion-eater. Hardly a day passes when I don’t take raw sliced onions as part of my meals. Still homeopathy works on me, and the same is true of my patients who are fond of onions.
We all have heard that onion, mint and coffee are the “super antidotes” to homeopathy and their complete abstinence is a must while using homeopathic medicines. But it has always been very difficult for me to comprehend this; how is it so that these three substances, which are so dissimilar in chemical composition, can work against all the known 2000 homeopathic drugs?
In this pursuit and without any bias I searched nearly all the known literature in the homeopathic software and my library, which includes invaluable contributions by Hahnemann (founder of homeopathy). To tell you the truth, I found no conclusive evidence that supported the antidotal effect of these three substances. Instead, I found a book in the local British Council Library quoting a recent research according to which mint has no antidotal effect on homeopathic medicinal value.
It surely is one’s prerogative to interpret anything as one wishes, but all that Hahnemann has said is that one should avoid substances of medicinal value while on homeopathic treatment. There is no mention of coffee or onion as an antidote by Hahnemann himself, although he advises against the use of coffee as a stimulant.
Hahnemann’s literature has been misinterpreted over the ages. On the contrary, what Hahnemann had actually said is often what is not practised. According to him, patient’s food cravings (strong desires) should be satisfied as they represent the voice of nature.
Hahnemann had warned of overindulgence to a stage where they would act as stimulants. This is very easily understood by the fact that every homoeopath would warn of indulgence in alcohol as a stimulant during treatment even though every homoeopathic medicine is dispensed in alcohol.
It is quite possible that the consumption of certain foods can trigger an allergic response and would aggravate the disease condition, but this does not imply the “antidoting” of homoeopathic drugs. Also certain food substances that are not permitted during disease conditions (e.g. coffee and tea in acidity) should not be misunderstood as antidotes to homoeopathic medicine.
It is often advised not to chew medicated homoeopathic globules and that they should be sucked or left to dissolve in the mouth. This has a great deal of truth in it and is supported by a biological fact that there is a rich supply of blood vessels in the mouth and thus absorption is much faster. That touching by hand can change the medicinal value and should be avoided is also true.
One should keep in mind that homoeopathic medicines are in highly diluted form and prepared with great sensitivity. So any contamination even with the minutest amount of another chemical can alter its constitution. Obviously, hygiene adds another factor. One should avoid touching the medicated globules.
Scientific knowledge is an ever evolving process and its evolution is based on inferences drawn from the process of exactitude. Thus, assumptions, beliefs and suppositions have no place in its advancement and should be dispensed with as soon as possible.
Dr. Vikas Sharma
Dear Dr Sharma,
Namasker, I am just > 50 Yrs under going homeopathy treatment 1) ‘enlargement of prostrate’ for last 2 months
i.e taking Sabal Serr & proscenat ( ADEL-21): 2)” for high cholesterol” my total cholesterol level is :- 223 & taking Fel tauri , as prescribed by my Doctor. Before starting of this medication I used to drink occasionally i.e that is 2 drinks of 30 ml each for 2-3 days a week. Now due to social cause, can I drink the same now? or only after my said medication is complete. Please send me your valuable advice.
Thanking You.
Yours sincerely
sir i have taking homopathy medicine from last 7months for skin allergy problem as my skin got swelled up when it get rubbed ,for this i consult the doctor and he gave medicine for this and i asked him what are those things which i do not do,he told nothing,and sir.can i take liquor while taking medicine.because i m addicted of alcohol,will my disease be cured or not suggest me sir as early you can
Can thuja occidental 30
3 pellets thrice a week cure lone genetial wrath.
After how many dosages it will cured?
Excellent write up Dr.Sharma. (Onion and Coffee- no need to avoid) Was very helpful. Precise and to the point. Thank you for this.
I am an asthma patient. Dust and sitting in ac room are the allergies. I also have sneezing. I am taking ars alb 200, nat sulph 200 and pothos f 200 in between 2 hours. Still asthma and sneezing is present in between two days. Please help me to cure this desease.
Sir I take homeopathic medicine , but I like coffee. Can I consume coffee or not
cna we take lemon along with homeopathy medcine.
I am taking homeo medicine.Can I eat lemon like foods?
Respected sir, I m taking homeopathic medicines for arthritis .I want to know that can I have lemon juice while having homeopathic medicines. Thanking you
what are the food items should be avoided when taking homeo medicine and what are the food items which is good when taking homeo medicine
Is there any problem when 2 or 3 days discontinue medicine
What should do for the best effect of medicine in the body
Dear Dr. Sharma,
I am a 46 yrs man and have very high uric acid levels = 8.8 (tested 2 days ago). Presently, I feel slight pain in movement of my shoulders (esp. left one) and in the knees also (esp. right knee), which is negligible.
I would also like to tell you that my uric acid level is continuing at 7.0 to 8.2 for almost last 3-4 yrs. Only twice or thrice during the last 4 yrs did I had to face pain in my heels during the winter season, which lasted for 4-5 days. However, I have not yet faced any acute attact of pain till date. I have been regularly taking Utrica Urens Q (10 drops twice a day) on daily basis for the last 3 yrs., however, I found no decline in the uric acid levels.
I take 3-4 pegs of whisky once a week only. And take non-veg food like chicken or fish only twice or thrice a week. I avoid taking mutton, paneer items completely. My cholesterol level is 256 (higher side) and triglyceride level is 160 (on the border). My blood serum shows: Albumin = Normal range; Urine Test = No protien. However, Sodium (133) and Chlorine (97) are just below the minimum normal range.
No sugar at all.
My friends take more non-veg food than me. I don’t understand what is the reason of my uric acid level heing so high. Kindly throw some light on the symptoms, i.e. the reason, precaution to be taken and medication to be taken in future. Regards,
Thanks alot for reply
My mother is suffering from this diseasis for last 3 years & continously take homeophathy medicine but from different doctors.Now she take homephathy medicine from last 9 months continously from one doctor.My mothers serology report on december 2013 was Rheumatoid factor(quantitative) 160.9
But on august it was 383.0
Plz tell me it is dangerous.what is normal Rf ?
What precautions she can do?
How much time she can continue this medicine.I love my mother very much & cannot live without her.l m so much worried about her health.Plz help me
I have heel spur can it be cured completely in homeo
Dear Dr.sharma i take haemeopaethic medicine regularly.I want to ask you that can i eat lemon or not while using haemeopaethic medicine.
Dr. Sharma,
thank you for your column.
In a homeopathic book by Dr. Andrew Lockie I am finding that nearly all – if not all – homeopathic remedies have a homeopathic antidote; eg: Nat. Mur. – antidote: Arsenicum and Thuja. Does this mean that these remedies antidote possible negative effects of Nat.Mur. or do they negate Nat.Mur. the positive effects as well? And how far apart do they have to be taken, if I want to take them all?
Dr. Sharma:
I have a very strong pain in my right toe because de elevated uric acid. I have been homeo treated with Apis mell 30c, calcarea charbonic30c and and parsley 1c.
I drink 2 cups of Coffee in the morning daily.
Should I Avoid drinking coffee while the homeo treatment?
Thanks a los.
i was having cough with a losenge from the past one n hlf year, i hd m tst done for blood n x ray of chest bt nothing came out,it had cured in between but again it started with a losenge. And becuause of dis i m nt ble to sleep.and while coughing vomitting also start coming.
I have thirod problem hypothirodism like my weight is gaining I’m taking homeopathy medicine from almost 2month I feel better but I’m confused about eating what should I eat or what I have to avoid like pizza ,pasta,oily things plz tell me properly. Thnxx
good morning sir iam from india resently i am causing from diabetic. i want homeo treatment how much it cost & also i usually take coffee that will effect for treatment can u kendly advice me to take what type of medicine can i use
I have kidney stone of calcium oxalate 8mm in upper ureter,what is medicine,what are dos and donts
berberis vulgaris mother tincture LENA BROTHER THEK HO JAYOO GE…..