What is disc bulge?
Disc or more appropriately intervertebral disc refers to the pad of fibro cartilage lying between vertebras. Vertebras are bone in the back stacked one above the other, 33 of them in all. Each intervertebral disc lies between two vertebrae or in other words, separates two vertebrae. There are 23 intervertebral discs in total. These cartilaginous pads act as shock absorbers whenever excessive stress or strain is put on the spine. An intervertebral disc has two parts – thick outer fibrous ring called annulus fibrosus and inner gel-like material called nucleous pulposus. Disc bulge refers to bulging out of the intact disc from its normal space. Although disc bulge can arise in any part of the spine, it is most common in the lumbar and cervical spine. A person may have single or multiple disc bulges at varying levels in the spine.
Can Homeopathy treat disc bulge?
Disc bulge can be treated with excellence under the Homeopathic mode of treatment. Mild to moderate cases of disc bulge have a good chance of complete recovery with Homeopathic medicines. In severe cases of disc bulge, symptomatic relief can be expected with Homeopathic medicines. In such cases, symptoms of back pain, tingling, numbness and weakness in limbs can all be managed successfully. Among the most well indicated Homeopathic medicines for disc bulge, the major ones are – Rhus Tox, Hypericum Perforatum, Colocynthis, Magnesium Phos and Paris Quadrifolia.
What causes disc bulge?
Various factors can cause a disc bulge. The first among them is age. With advancing age, the discs start to lose their elasticity and lubricating fluid and become brittle, making them bulge out. Injury to the spine can also cause a disc to bulge as also repetitive bending of the back. Lifting heavy weights is another major risk factor. Being overweight also puts a person at a higher risk of disc bulge.
How do I know I have cervical disc bulge?
The first visible symptom of a cervical disc bulge is pain in the neck. The pain may travel to the shoulders, arms and down to the hands and fingers. When a disc bulge pinches upon a nerve, it leads to numbness, tingling, formication in the upper limbs. Weakness of upper limbs may also be present.
What are the symptoms of lumbar disc bulge?
A person having lumbar disc bulge may not experience any symptom at all. Where symptoms do show up in lumbar disc bulge, the first among them would be pain in the lower back. The next symptom that is likely to arise from a lumbar disc bulge from nerve pinching is pain in the lower back that radiates down the lower limbs. The pain radiating from lower back to the lower limbs is termed as sciatica. Sciatica can be right or left sided. Numbness, tingling, weakness of the lower limbs are yet other accompanying symptoms.
What does disc bulge diagnosis involve?
Investigation to confirm disc bulge includes MRI of the back. It will reveal the exact location of the disc bulge and the nerves that are affected.
Does a disc bulge always cause pain?
No, it is not mandatory for all disc bulge cases to feel pain. Many persons have disc bulge without even knowing that they do as they never experience any symptoms.
Is disc bulge the same as disc herniation?
No, disc bulge and disc herniation are not the same. Disc bulge simply refers to bulging out of the intact disc from its normal space. In disc herniation, there is a crack in the outer fibrous layer of disc that makes the gel-like material inside the inter vertebral disc ooze out.
Which part of the spine is most likely to suffer a disc bulge?
Although disc bulge can arise in any part of spine, it is most common in the lumbar and cervical spine.
I have numbness, tingling in hands. Could it be due to cervical disc bulge?
Yes, cervical disc bulge can cause numbness and tingling in hands. These symptoms arise due to pinching of the nerve from disc bulge in the cervical region. However, similar symptoms may arise due to other medical conditions such as carpal tunnel syndrome and peripheral neuropathy as well. Further investigation would be required to confirm disc bulge.
I have had lower back pain for a few months. Should it be investigated for disc bulge?
Disc bulge is one of the major causes leading to lower back pain. However, it is not the only cause of lower back pain. It can arise due to several other reasons including degeneration of the disc, muscle sprain, muscle spasm in the back, osteoarthritis, spondylolisthesis and osteoporosis.
I have been advised surgery for lumbar disc bulge. Can it be avoided with Homeopathic medicines?
Yes, Homeopathic medicines offer great alternative to surgery in treating lumbar disc bulge. Mild, moderate disc bulge cases show complete recovery with Homeopathic medicines. Severe disc bulge cases, too, can be symptomatically managed with Homeopathic mode of treatment.
Can Homeopathic medicines completely cure disc bulge?
Yes, disc bulge can be cured with Homeopathic medicines. However, the results vary as per the severity and intensity of the case. Depending upon the severity of the case, either complete cure is possible or Homeopathic medicines can provide symptomatic relief from disc bulge.
FAQs – Homeopathic medicines for disc bulge
Which Homeopathic medicines are most effective in treating disc bulge?
Homeopathic medicines Rhus Tox, Paris Quadrifolia, Colocynthis and Magnesium Phos rate among the most effective for treating disc bulge.
Which Homeopathic medicine can I take for my neck pain from cervical disc bulge?
Neck pain from cervical disc bulge can be treated very efficiently with Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox.
My MRI shows disc bulge at C5-6 and C6-7 level, with pain in neck and numbness in the hands. Which Homeopathic medicine would you advise?
Paris Quadrifolia is the best choice of Homeopathic medicine for treating pain in the neck and numbness in hands from cervical disc bulge.
Which Homeopathic medicine is indicated for treating tingling in upper limbs in a cervical disc bulge case?
Kalmia Latifolia is the prominently indicated Homeopathic medicine for tingling in the upper limbs from cervical disc bulge.
I have had lower back pain for a few months and my MRI shows disc bulge at L4-L5 level. Can Homeopathic medicines help me?
Yes, Homeopathic medicines can treat your lower back pain from disc bulge at L4-L5 level. Rhus Tox and Aesculus Hippocastanum remain the most effective and reliable Homeopathic medicines for treating lower back pain from disc bulge.
Which Homeopathic medicine would you suggest for pain in lower back radiating down the right leg (sciatica) in a lumbar disc bulge case?
Among the wide range of Homeopathic medicines for treating right-sided sciatica from disc bulge, the most beneficial is Magnesium Phos.
Is there a Homeopathic medicine for treating lower back pain radiating down the left lower limb (left sided sciatica) from disc bulge?
Yes, Homeopathy offers a wide range of medicines to treat left-sided sciatica arising from disc bulge. The most significant among these is Homeopathic medicine Colocynthis.
In case of sciatica attended with numbness from disc bulge, which Homeopathic medicine will work?
The most appropriate Homeopathic medicine for treating sciatica attended with numbness from disc bulge is Gnaphalium Polycephalum.
Can Homeopathic medicines treat disc bulge resulting from injury?
Yes, Homeopathic medicines can significantly treat disc bulge arising from injury. In my clinical practice, Homeopathic medicines Hypericum Perforatum and Rhus Tox have shown great results in such cases.
I have developed disc bulge in the lumbar region from lifting heavy weight. Which Homeopathic medicine will help?
For your lumbar disc bulge arising from lifting heavy weight, Rhus Tox is the most suitable Homeopathic medicine.
Homeopathic Medicines for Disc Bulge
Rhus Tox – Top Homeopathic medicine for disc bulge in cervical or lumbar spine
Rhus Tox is one of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for disc bulge cases. Rhus Tox offers great help in disc bulge in the cervical and lumbar region. The key symptom signalling use of Rhus Tox is severe pain in the neck or lower back as per the region of disc bulge. The person who needs Rhus Tox may feel relief in pain with pressure or from massage. Others may feel better with movement or while walking. Another indicative feature for using Rhus Tox is worsening of lower back pain while sitting and while at rest. Rhus Tox is also very useful for disc bulge arising from lifting heavy weights or from injury.
Paris Quadrifolia – Excellent Homeopathic medicine for cervical disc bulge with pain in neck and numbness in upper limbs
Paris Quadrifolia is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for treating cervical disc bulge. The chief guiding feature for selecting Paris Quadrifolia is pain in the neck and numbness in upper limbs. Numbness may be felt in the arms, hands or fingers. Pain in the neck may travel down the arms. Feeling of weight in the neck and across the shoulders is another attending feature.
Kalmia Latifolia – Wonderful Homeopathic medicine for cervical disc bulge with tingling sensation in upper limbs
For cervical disc bulge with tingling, pricking sensation in the arms or hands, Kalmia Latifolia is a most reliable and effective Homeopathic medicine. Weakness in the hands may also arise. Pain from neck travelling down the arms is a key symptom where Homeopathic medicine Kalmia Latifolia will show best results.
Aesculus Hippocastanum – Significant Homeopathic medicine for treating lower back pain from lumbar disc bulge
Aesculus Hippocastanum is a very significant Homeopathic medicine for treating lower back pain from disc bulge. The pain in lower back may radiate to hips. The person needing Aesculus Hippocastanum may feel the pain worsen from walking or stooping. Rising from a sitting position is also very difficult for persons requiring Aesculus Hippocastanum. There is the sensation as if the back might break.
Magnesium Phos – Well indicated Homeopathic medicine for lumbo sacral disc bulge with right-sided sciatica
Magnesium Phos is a prominently indicated Homeopathic medicine for lumbar sacral disc bulge, especially where accompanied by right-sided sciatica. The person needing Magnesium Phos feels pain in the lower back radiate down the hip, leg and down to the foot on the right side. The nature of this pain may be shooting, sharp, stitching or cutting type. The person needing Magnesium Phos may feel relief from applying pressure on the painful area.
Colocynthis – Excellent Homeopathic medicine for lumbar disc bulge with left-sided sciatica
Colocynthis is an excellent Homeopathic medicine for treating lumbar disc bulge where the main compliant is left-sided sciatica. The major symptom is pain in the lower back extending down the hip, leg and foot on the left side. The character of the pain may be cramping, shooting, lightening and shock-like or tearing in nature. Pressure and warm applications may relieve the pain. Lying on the left side may also provide relief.
Gnaphalium Polycephalum – Best Homeopathic medicine for treating lumbar disc bulge with sciatica and numbness in lower limbs
Gnaphalium Polycephalum is a very suitable Homeopathic medicine for disc bulge where sciatica, attended with numbness in lower limbs, is the chief symptom. Pain in the lower back radiates down the lower limbs along the course of the sciatic nerve. The person may feel better by flexing the thigh on abdomen.
Hypericum Perforatum and Rhus Tox – Homeopathic medicines for treating disc bulge from injury
For disc bulge resulting from injury, Homeopathic medicines Hypericum Perforatum and Rhus Tox come highly recommended. Hypericum Perforatum is given in case of violent, sharp pain in the lower back following injury. Walking and stooping is impossible and cause violent pain. It is also indicated for pain shooting up the spine and down the limbs. The person who needs Hypericum Perforatum may also have neck pain. The neck may be extremely sensitive to the touch from cervical disc bulge following injury. Movement of arms worsening neck pain is also a sign that Hypericum Perforatum is the choice of Homeopathic medicine. Hypericum Perforatum is also the medicine to use for tingling and burning in the limbs from a pinched nerve in the back. Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox is indicated for disc bulge of both cervical as well as lumbar region. In case of cervical disc bulge, it is useful when neck pain gets better with heat or massage. In case of lumbar disc bulge, Rhus Tox is considered if the lower back pain gets better with movement or hard pressure.
Lifestyle measures can help better manage disc bulge
Some basic lifestyle measures, if adopted, will be of great help in managing the disc bulge complaint:
- Avoiding lifting heavy weight
- Avoid bending the spine; if need be, consider bending on the knees instead of waist
- Exercise to strengthen the back and maintain flexibility
- Avoid sitting for long hours and jumping
- Lose that excess weight
- Take proper sleep
- Meditate, do calming exercise to keep stress away
I am momotaz begum 60 years old.i have lumbar disc protrusion with mild to moderation nerve compression in lumber 4/5 region, which is l5 right and left. now I can not walk. At night my pain becomes severe and I can not tolerate. the doctor told me that I have to do a surgery but I do not want to do. please suggest some homeopathy medicine.
dear sir,my father is of 70 years old. he has been suffering back pain for the last 20 years. pain started from his hipjoint. now his left foot is in numbness. he walks with great difficulty. His legs are becoming weaker.please write me some homeopathic remedy.
I am now 66 yrs.Old .There is Pain in my left outer side thigh from 4 yrs. when waking or standing for half hour. As per MRI there is loss of disc hydration at L2-L3 to L4-L5 levels. Pl. Suggest Homeo medicine.and advice.bobadepc
Dear Doctor,
This is the conclusion of my MRI Report:
Lumbar spondyloarthropathy with multilevel intervertebral disc dessication and L4-L5 intervertebral disc bulge compressing thecal sac and bilateral neuroforamina and nerves.
I usually get pain in my left leg when walking or standing for long.
Please advice.
Dear doctor I am 35 years old i faced degenerative desiccation and right centrolateral extrusion with mild craniocaudal migration of the L2-L3 disc causing thecal and cauda compression. please could you help me in this regard?
sir a lot of pain in leg thigh and right dusk and swelling in right hand and legs. doctors said that vein block in lv4 and Lv5 .please sugges.
AGR aap chahte h ki aapke patient ka acha ilaj ho to main janti hu ek Ayurveda dr. Ko Jo ESS trha ka ilaj puri tarha se karte h call me or send me ur WhatsApp no on this no-9871718065,,,I m shikha..
moning doctor i loss my weight within 6 mouth and i fill pain when i aet food or drinking water,i god no test on sugar things coldriks and my noises he god no semiling so pls i need help
Hi Doctor
Below is my MRI report findings :
Small Posterocentral and left paracentral disc protrusion at L5-S1 level indenting the thecal sac. Mild left lateral recess narrowing at this level with indentation of the traversing left S1 nerve root.
I am having pain in my lower back if i sit for long, also if I stand or walk for long i experience pain in my left leg with slight numbness in my foot. I am 24 yrs old and experiencing pain since a month though the intensity has reduced after resting. Please let me know the cure.
pain start in the lower back and many a times travels to left leg–patient –smt-susheela singh age-62 years.
dear doctor for last 4 months i was having hedace once in a week then i went to see the ortho doctor he advised me some physotherpic exercise with some medicines but for last week i am feeling giddy with vomiting symptoms unconciousnous then doctor suggested me MRI and MRI report shows ………..
Intervertebral discs desiccation C5
C6 level.
Right postero
lateral disc protrusion C5
C6 level causing
of anterior sub
arachnoid space and right
lateral recess.
cant you please suggest me what is the best permanent treatment for this
Ifeel pain in my neck and left side back And also jhin jhin in left hand.my xrY report….prence of osteophytes in body margins of c3to t1 with diminesd disc spaces in between and loss of cervical lordosis.no survival ribs present.no bony abnormality in left scapula noted…………pls help me to ghive advice
I have pain in left arm from months.sometimes it radiates to fingers also.
MRI fi dings-c5/6 left posterolateral focal dusc protrusion encroaching on anterior epidural fat and compresses left lateral recess left ventral aspect of cord with also evudence of left posteriolateral annular tear.
1. madian disc protrusion (herniation) at L5-S1 level cousing stenosis of bileteral neural foramina copressing the exiting nerve root
2. diffuse poster disc bulge at L4-L5 level cousing mild stenosis of right neutral formina abutting the sxiting nerve root
3. diffuse posterior disc bulging at L3-L4 level cousing mild indentation of thecal sac.
Minimal Retrolisthesis is seen at L2-L3. Diffuse posterior annular bulge with ligamentum flavum thikening is seen at L2-L3 and L4-L5 levels causing thecal sac indentation and mild bilateral foraminal narrowing.
Sir, My left toes fees like numbness for last 1 year and now the effect starting coming on right Toes.
“Broad-based posterior disc protrusion in L4/5 along withspondylolisthesis causing anterior thecal sac indentation and severe narrowing of bilateral lateral recesses/neural foramina(L>R)
Sir above is my problem causing severe pain(only lower back not in legs) while standing sitting walking n somemovements pl suggest a good medicine
Hi Sir,
I am facing the backpain from a long time. I have shown to many doctors but it could not help. My MRI report is saying- “screening of lumbosacral spine shows posterior bulge of l4-l5 disc compressing thecal sac and cauda equina nerve roots”. Could you please help me to get rid of this.
Hi Doctor,
My MRI reporst says grade 2 disc desiccation changes c3-c4 to c5-c6 and d3-d4 levels, Focal posterocentral disc bulge at D3-D4 level effacing anterior the cal sac. Please suggest me the appropriate solution to resolve this.
Dear sir iam divya 25 yrs old.i have got severe buttock bone pain at both sides.doctor scanned me and said it wss disc prolapse and i have took lumbar spine tablet and sciatica drops by homeo doctor.but i was not releaved from my problem it was stilling paining.pls prescribe some homeo medi for my slipped disc.
Disccompression atD7 andD12causing extending painti both sides of ribs.please prescribe homeo medicine.
Hi Dr Sharma,
disc space stenosisand spondylotic changes at L5/S1 with lumbarisation of S1
unbearable pain in the lower back region
pain radiates down the legs sometimes
coughing or sneezing is painful
difficultly in urinating and passing stools due to pain/numbness
what natural/home based treatment can i use.
thank you
Mark Naidoo
South Africa
Can u send me ur watswatsapp no-9871718065, shikha…