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7 Top Homeopathic Medicines for Diarrhea after eating

Diarrhea refers to the passage of loose, watery stool more frequently in a day than usual. Some people suffer from diarrhea specifically after eating. Medically diarrhea after eating is known as postprandial diarrhea. This can occur from multiple reasons. First reason could be food poisoning or viral gastroenteritis. Food poisoning is the gastric infection due to bacteria, virus or parasites that occurs as a result of consumption of contaminated food or drinks. Viral gastroenteritis is a stomach infection caused by virus mainly norovirus.

Use of antibiotics and antacids can also be a reason for diarrhea after eating. Next common cause can be IBS i.e. irritable bowel syndrome. IBS is a functional disorder of the large intestine or colon in which there occurs diarrhea, constipation or in some cases alternate diarrhea and constipation, cramps in the abdomen and bloating of abdomen.

Diarrhea after eating may also be seen in cases of lactose intolerance and celiac disease. Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose (a type of sugar in milk) due to lack of enzyme lactase. Celiac disease is an autoimmune gastric disorder in which eating gluten present in wheat, rye, barley results in damage to the lining of the small intestine.

Another cause is IBD which refers to inflammatory bowel disease that includes two gastrointestinal diseases named Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s disease can cause inflammation in any part of the gastrointestinal tract while ulcerative colitis leads to inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine and/or the rectum. Further causes may includes parasitic infection (e.g., infection with parasites like entamoeba histolytica and giardia lamblia), endocrine diseases like hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) and removal of gallbladder (cholecystectomy). In cases of diarrhea after eating, along with loose stool, there may occur other signs and symptoms as well. These might include cramps or pain in the abdomen, gas in the abdomen, bloated abdomen, a sudden urge to pass stool, mucus / blood in the stool, nausea and vomiting. This condition can be acute that occurs suddenly and lasts for a short time period (one or two days) or it may be chronic that is persistent (more than 4 weeks) or keeps recurring from time to time.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines offer a very natural, safe and effective treatment for cases of diarrhea after eating. Homeopathic medicines gradually decrease the intensity and frequency of this complaint. These medicines help by working to treat the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines also manage associated symptoms like abdomen pain, gas in the abdomen, bloated abdomen, a sudden urge to pass stool, nausea and vomiting. Homeopathic medicines are helpful in managing this acute complaint as well as in overcoming the tendency to have recurrent episodes of this problem. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed individually for every case as per the presenting symptoms. So, it is recommended to get any case of diarrhea after eating evaluated by a homeopathic physician and take medicines as per physician’s advice. Self-medication should be avoided. Homeopathy is recommended for mild to moderate cases. In severe cases and cases with fever, blood in stool or dehydration, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has limitations in helping such severe cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Diarrhea After Eating

1. Aloe Socotrina – Topmost Medicine

Aloe Socotrina is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage complaint of diarrhea after eating. The persons needing this medicine have a desire to pass stool immediately after eating or drinking anything. They have a sudden urge for stool with a need to rush to the washroom for bowel evacuation. The stool is watery and may contain mucus in it at times. There is pain in the abdomen. A constant bearing down sensation is felt in the rectum. Sometimes stool passes involuntarily on its own when passing the gas. Along with the above complaints, there may occur fullness, heaviness and bloating in the abdomen. There may be excessive gas in the abdomen.

2. Croton Tiglium – For Gushing Stool After Eating

Croton Tiglium is a well indicated medicine when there is gushing stool after eating. Gushing stool means quick and sudden passage of the stool at once with a great force. Excessive gas passes out along with passage of the stool. The stool can be yellow or dirty green. It has a very foul smell. Stool may contain mucus or white flakes in it. While passing stool, there is pain in the abdomen along with nausea. Passing stool is followed by weakness. In some cases, pain or burning in the anus is also felt.

3. Podophyllum – For Yellow – Greenish Watery, Foul Smelling, Gushing Stool

Podophyllum is a prominent medicine for yellow-greenish, watery, foul smelling, gushing stool soon after eating or drinking. Though this complaint can arise from eating anything but is most prominently indicated when it happens specifically after eating acidic fruits or from drinking milk. There is also a sudden urgency to pass stool. While passing stool, burning and pain are felt in the anus. The stool may contain undigested food particles. After passing stool, cutting pain is felt in the abdomen and one feels weak.

4. Arsenic Album – Along With Vomiting

Use of Arsenic Album is highly recommended when loose stool is attended with vomiting. The stool is watery along with a burning sensation in the navel area. Cutting type of pain is also felt in the stomach. Rumbling occurs in the abdomen. Mucus is passed in the stool in many of the cases needing this medicine. Before and during passing stool, a chilly feeling is experienced. Intense weakness is present along with the above symptoms. Arsenic Album is the most prominently indicated medicine to manage loose stool and vomiting in cases of food poisoning.

5. Colocynth – With Stomach Cramps Or Pain

Colocynth is a useful medicine when there is loose stool after eating even a slight amount of food along with stomach pain or cramps. The stool is yellow, watery and frothy. The stool has a sour smell. It may contain mucus as well. Along with stool, excessive gas is passed from the anus. After passing stool, burning is felt at the anus. Abdomen pain is better from bending double or from pressure. The pain is also relieved after passing stool.

6. China Officinalis – When Attended With Weakness

This medicine proves effective for cases in which weakness is present along with diarrhea after eating. The stool is loose. Stool is brownish, frothy and may contain undigested food particles in it. The smell of stool is very foul. With this excessive gas and bloating of the abdomen is present. Stomach pain due to excessive gas can be felt. This medicine is very important to manage cases where diarrhea results from eating fruits in particular.

7. Pulsatilla – Urge For Stool As Soon As One Begins To Eat

Pulsatilla is a highly valuable medicine to manage cases where an urge to pass stool arises as soon as one begins to eat. The stool is greenish yellow and slimy. Pain in the abdomen may occur while passing stool in some cases needing it. Burning and cutting type of pain can be felt in the rectum sometimes. Nausea is also felt. Pulsatilla is a leading medicine to manage diarrhea that occurs from eating fatty food or ice cream.




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  1. Vishal Choudhary says:

    My bhanja is very thin in his age of 20 yrs now earlier he has infaction in stomach (antoo may) now infaction all clear he is eating food properly but wait gain not start he is felling very unhappy for it . Treatment taken 3-4 yrs back now he is normal
    Our problem is wait gaining
    Pls help and suggest


  2. Good evening sir, my grand son is 2.5 years every day after meals he gets stools, like light yellow, some hard ,and he face some problem. I can observe he is drining very few water. and he when release stool he feel soming. and the baby condition is very anxuity. he can never stay 1 min.running and running. whant is the medicine. and suggest me.

  3. Col Som Prakash Sharma says:

    Congratulations Dr Sharma
    A very informative and excellent information for management. Stopped repeatedly refering to Materia Medica.
    A child case was dealing where child goes for stool about half an hour after eating. White, loose and Mucus mixed loose Stool.
    Thanks ji
    Om Brahm Satyam ji 🌿

  4. Janaki G. Iyengar says:

    Chronic diarrhoea, just after an hour or two of eating very simple vegetarian food in small quantity, every time. Need to rush to the toilet. I am 70 years old. At times, even at mid night, I get the feeling and have to immediately rush to the toilet. Suffering like this since a long time. Very weak digestion. Please help me with medicine name.

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