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Top 11 Homeopathic Medicines to treat Constipation in Old People

Constipation means having three or less than three bowel movements in a week, passing hard stool or incomplete bowel evacuation. Accumulation of stool in the colon for a long time makes stool hard and dry which passes out with difficulty requiring straining efforts for expulsion. Constipation is a very common problem in old age. The elderly are five times more predisposed to suffer constipation in comparison to younger people.

With age, body processes tend to slow down, person’s mobility reduces, changes in the diet occur, there is reduced appetite and decreased thirst that can contribute to constipation. Other factors that that can contribute to constipation include thickening of the colon, motility disorders, decreased strength of abdominal muscles, reduced tone of intestinal muscles, weakness of sphincter muscles and decreased strength of pelvic floor muscles and increased use of medicines (like antacids that contain calcium, diuretics, iron supplements and antihistamines) and anal stenosis. Besides these factors, elderly people face problems in eating routine meals due to dental issues and may prefer soft processed food low in fiber content that can also lead to constipation. Prolonged bed rest from some illness may lead to constipation in old people. Lastly some elderly people make themselves dependent on laxatives out of fear of constipation and those laxatives are habit forming. There comes a time when body’s natural mechanism stops to function without laxatives and rigid constipation follows.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy plays a great role in managing constipation in the elderly people. Homeopathic medicines are very natural remedies that help to soften stool and regularise bowel movements with zero side effects. They boost body’s own restorative mechanism to bring great relief in health problems. Any associated piles, fissures, pain, burning, bleeding from the anus and gas in the abdomen are also wonderfully managed with homeopathic medicines. There are numerous homeopathic medicines to manage constipation in old age and the most suitable medicine among these has to be selected for every individual person based on the characteristic symptoms. Hence it is recommended to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self – medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Constipation In Old Age

1. Alumina – Topmost Remedy

Alumina is a highly recommended medicine for managing cases of constipation in old age. This medicine is mainly helpful when there is a lack of urge to pass stool for many days together and a person skips days without passing stool. No urge for stool occurs until there is large accumulation of stool in the colon. The stool is passed with much straining efforts, whether stool is hard or soft it is difficult to expel. The hard stool may be covered with mucus in some cases. Cutting pains may be felt in the anus when passing stool. At times, bleeding from the anus may occur after passing stool.

2. Nux Vomica – For Constipation With A Constant Urge To Pass Stool

Nux vomica is the most prominent medicine to manage constipation with a constant desire to pass stool. Persons needing it goes to pass stool many times a day but inspite of that, there is a feeling as if some of the stool remains behind and the bowels are not completely emptied yet. Only small quantity of stool is passed at a time. There is never a get-done feeling quite marked in persons needing Nux Vomica. Stool is hard and may be accompanied with pain in the rectum. It is also one of the best medicines for managing piles along with constipation.

3. Bryonia – For Dry, Hard, Lumpy Stool

This medicine is very effective when the stool is dry, hard and passed in lumps. Stool seems dry as if burnt. Great straining is needed to pass stool. Bloating of abdomen may be present. In some cases, prolapse of the rectum occurs with the passage of stool.

4. Baryta Carb – With Burning In Anus And Rectum

This medicine is helpful when there is burning in the anus and rectum while passing stool. The stool is hard which passes out with much difficulty. Stool is scanty, abdomen is distended. Bleeding may occur with stool in some cases. Piles may be present in some cases that protrude out of the anus while passing stool. Shooting pain is felt in piles.

5. Antimonium Crudum – For Hard, Difficult Stool With Obstructed Gas

This medicine works well in cases of hard, difficult stool along with gas in the abdomen. The stool is large and hard and pain in the abdomen occurs while passing stool. Rectal pain may also appear on passing stool. Sometimes there is alteration between constipation and diarrhoea (loose stool).

6. Alumen – When Stool Is Very Hard

Alumen is a suitable medicine when stool is too hard like hard stone. Stool may occur in the form of a large lump or in form of small pieces and is passed with extreme difficulty. Stool may be laced with blood along with pain in the rectum. In some cases, itching may be felt at the anus.

7. Opium – For Hard Stool Passing In The Form Of Balls

Opium is very helpful when dry, hard stool passes in the form of balls. The stool passes with much difficulty. There may be constriction of the anus with marked constipation and difficult passage of gas as well. In some cases, blood-stained mucus may pass from the anus. In most cases, there is a loss of urge to pass stool for many days together.

8. Lycopodium – For Constipation And Excessive Gas In Abdomen

This medicine is recommended when there is excessive gas formation along with constipation. The stool is hard and dry along with constriction of the anus that prevents passage of stool. There may be narrowing of the rectum in some cases. Before passing stool, pain from gas may be felt in the abdomen. During evacuation of stool, intense pain is felt in the rectum. Burning sensation may also be felt at the anus. Headache may occur with passing o stool.

9. Natrum Mur – With Blood And Anal Fissures (Cracks)

This medicine can be used when there is hard stool with anal bleeding and cracks at anus. In cases requiring it, stool is markedly hard attended with pain. The stool may pass on alternate day. There is anal itching and also soreness at the anus.

10. Selenium – For Hard Stool Followed By Mucus Or Blood Discharge

Selenium is a well-indicated medicine when there is passage of mucus or blood along with hard part of stool. The stool is large and hard that needs great straining efforts for expulsion. In some cases, the rectum is weak resulting in constipation.

11. Hydrastis – For Constipation With Headache

Use of this medicine is considered for managing constipation accompanied with headache. In cases needing it, pain is mostly felt in the forehead. The stool passes infrequently after a gap of few days. Severe pain is felt in the rectum after passing stool. A person experiences sour burps and bad taste in mouth. This medicine also offers help in cases of constipation with piles. In such cases, burning and smarting pain occur during and after passing stool.


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