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Cervical Spondylosis And Its Homeopathic Treatment

Neck Pain? It Could Be Cervical Spondylosis

Dr. Vikas Sharma

Neck pain is very common and most of us do experience this at some point in our lives. It can last from few days to weeks and is usually caused by straining or overuse of neck muscles. Such acute strains are usually due to incorrect postures on work with computers or while reading or driving. Acute conditions of neck get over within few days or weeks and usually require little or no medications. Pain that lasts more than few weeks need to be considered seriously, as it can be a sign of chronic neck pain also called as cervical spondylosis.

Cervical spondylosis results from chronic degeneration of the cervical spine (bones of the neck), As one ages, the intervertebral discs( cushions between the neck bones) lose their elasticity and become drier this causes them to become more brittle .Along with the degeneration of disks, bony out growths also form on the vertebrae which are called as osteophytes. These changes collectively lead to the compression of the nerve arising out of the spinal cord. This compression or irritation of the nerve leads to symptoms of pain, stiffness and numbness in the neck, arms and shoulder. The main symptoms in cervical spondylosis are pain in the neck( which may radiate to arm and shoulder) ,loss of sensation or numbness or abnormal sensation in the arms, hands or shoulders, Neck Stiffness , sensation of imbalance while walking, headache in the back part of the head extending from the back of the neck.

Neck injuries are one of the major causes of early cervical spondylosis. Aging is also one of the major contributors to the degeneration of cervical bones and discs. Men are more prone than women to suffer from it.

Homeopathy offers a very effective solution in controlling and treating the mild to moderate cases of cervical spondylosis. The amount of degenerative changes determines the time it would take for the case to respond to the homeopathic medicine. Early stages of cervical spondylosis respond very favorably and may take only few weeks for the patient to become better. Moderate levels of changes can take few weeks to few months to show appreciable results. Severe cases may or may not show any changes at all.

As homeopathy is primarily a ‘symptom dependant system of medicine’; the kind of symptoms depicted by the patient determines the choice of medicine. Pain and stiffness in the neck are very effectively treated with Rhus Tox, Lachnanthes, Guaiacum and Cimicifuga. Numbness and tingling sensation in the arms responds very well to Kalmia and Paris Quadrifolia. Sensations of imbalance or vertigo are well treated with Conium Maculatum. Degenerative changes and osteophytes respond to Acid Phos and Calcarea Flour respectively. Hypericum is often required to ease out the effects of injury to the nerve.

Please remember that prevention of cervical spondylosis lies in preventing repeated stress to the neck muscles. Repeated strain on muscles that support our cervical spine slowly leads to spondylytic changes; thus an ergonomic posture and an active life style is must in maintaining a healthy cervical spine and also in controlling further damage if already spondylytic changes have started.

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  1. Sir
    I have head spinning in bed during night in sleep position when I raised and turned my head. Doctors told it is vertigo-ear balance problem and will be over by 2-3 days. It was over but neck pain started after that. Then Doctor referred to Neurologist. He identified it as Cervically spondylitis Myelopathy. He has given muscle relaxing tablet for 1 month. Main pain reduced, but some neck fix issues and slight pain and weight in the neck. I had 2 more times slight head spinning during night exactly in the same way (but minor).

    Please advice

  2. Dr.Rakesh sharma says:

    Namstey sir m 30yrs old suffering from cervical spondeleses from since 4to5 days symptoms with headache,stiffness over shoulder n neck plz suggest me sutable homeopathy medicine with proper doses thanks alot

  3. I m suffering from back pain from 2 yrs and it mainly increeases due to sitting and walking and i m a student so it creats lot of problem. and neck pain which radiate to hand and pain is very much and creats problem in working especially writing. and i took allopathy medicine from 9 months .physiotherapy .and acupressure also now i m taking homeopathy medicine. but till no relief is observed

  4. Dhiren Chandra Das says:

    Report say-1. Calcification is seen of wall of abdominal aorta. 2. Narrowing of disc space is seen between L1 & L2. 3. L5 & S1 with mild degree OA change of L. Vertebrae. THE APPEARANCE SUGGEST EARLY L. SPONDYLOSIS.

    please suggest me-what medicine is to be taken.

  5. alok tiwari says:

    Nick pain and low memory and digestion problems.

  6. I am suffering from cervical spondilosis form Feb 2014 along with dizziness. The dizziness does not go away at all. The pain in the neck is mild and tolerable. The pain comes after studying for some hours and while writing.

  7. T.K.GHOSH says:

    Dear Doctor

    I am suffering from neck pain .Its spreading from shoulder to back since march’2014.I have taken Homoeo medicine (Rush Tox-30) and got some relief but not completely .

    can you help me?

  8. souren banerjee says:

    feeling acute pain of nerve in neck and as such my neck is moved repeatedly in my absence

  9. Laxmi rangaiah. Anna says:

    Asiam. Aged 61 and diabetic since 20 years.from 6months as iam. Suffering from. Servical. Spondylitis
    With that problem. Iam. Suffering with right shouldr pain .since 10 days iam suffering with neck pain per doctor’s. taken MRI also.
    The MRI report. -reveals the following
    1. Cervical canal stenosis. From. C3. To c6
    2. Minimal disc osteophyte. Complex. From. C3/c4to. C6/c7with indenting. The Thecal sac and abutting. The. Cord. At c4/c5
    Kindly. Prescribe. Suitable. Homeo. Medicine.any. Surgery. Or. Laser treatment. Required.kindly. Suggest. Immediately

  10. Abhay Kumar says:

    I am suffering from stiffness in back and cervical spondolytis from 20 years due to
    Ankyolosing spondylitis for which I have gone through THR to my both hips. Plz suggest
    best remedy for this.

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