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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Bladder Outlet Obstruction

Bladder Outlet Obstruction (BOO) or Obstructive Uropathy refers to a urinary condition resulting from blockage of the neck at the bottom of the urinary bladder. Here the neck is the area where the urinary bladder joins the urethra. In this condition, urine flow is blocked either partially or completely varying on a case-to-case basis. Bladder Outlet Obstruction is more common in men as compared to women. Persons aged above 65 years are at greater risk of developing this condition though it can also occur in developing fetuses, babies, and children. Bladder Outlet Obstruction can arise from various causes. These include scar formation in the urethra/urethral stricture, stones in the bladder, enlargement of the prostate gland (BPH), tumours in the bladder/rectum/uterus/cervix and severe constipation. Other causes include pelvic muscles spasm (spasm is involuntary contraction of the muscles), inguinal hernia (bulge in the groin area due to pushing of abdominal contents like a part of the intestine via a weak spot in the abdominal muscles), use of certain medicines like anti-histamines and medicines to treat overactive bladder, cancer of urethra, vagina or cervix, prostate cancer and pelvic organ prolapse. Bladder outlet obstruction causes many types of symptoms. These includes difficulty in initiating urine, weak urine stream, straining to pass urine, frequent urge to pass urine, urgency (sudden urge) to pass urine, interrupted (intermittent urine stream), sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder, dribbling at the end of urination, pain while passing urine and pain in the lower abdomen. Leaving Bladder Outlet Obstruction untreated carry a risk of many complications. These include Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Urinary Incontinence (involuntary passage of urine on its own), developing bladder stones and kidney failure.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful for symptomatic management of the Bladder Outlet Obstruction. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances that offer a very safe treatment for cases of Bladder Outlet Obstruction with zero side-effects. These medicines prove highly effective in managing its symptoms. The symptoms such as thin urine stream, difficulty in initiating urine, frequent urination, urinary urgency, interrupted urine stream, dribbling after urination, sensation of incomplete emptying of bladder and pain while passing urine are managed wonderfully with homeopathic medicines. These gradually reduce the intensity and frequency of these symptoms. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed after detailed case evaluation in every individual case. Hence, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician. Self-medication should be avoided in any case. Homeopathy is recommended for cases of Bladder Outlet Obstruction with mild to moderate intensity. In cases having severe intensity of symptoms immediate help from a conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has limitations in handling serious cases of Bladder Outlet Obstruction. Following are some of the medicines that offer symptomatic relief in cases of Bladder Outlet Obstruction in adults. In infants and children help from conventional modes of treatment should be sought.

Homeopathic Medicines For Bladder Outlet Obstruction

1. Clematis – Top Recommended Medicine

Clematis is a top medicine in homeopathy to manage various symptoms related to Bladder Outlet Obstruction. This medicine is firstly administered to manage weak urinary stream. There is a need to strain to initiate the urine flow. Next, it is given to manage cases having interrupted urine flow. This means urine starts and stops many times before one urinates. The bladder is never emptied at once. Another indication to use this medicine is a sensation of some urine in the urinary bladder after one has urinated. Other indications for the use of this medicines are an urge to pass urine that is bare sufficient to pass, sharp stitching pain in the urethra and the dribbling of urine after passing urine.

2. Chimaphila – For Thin Urinary Stream And Straining To Urinate

Chimaphila is another top medicine administered to manage cases of bladder neck obstruction. This medicine is effective for those with very weak, thin urinary streams just like a thread. There is difficulty in initiating the urine flow. The urine passes with a lot of straining. Standing with the feet wide apart and forward stooping is required to strain and empty the bladder. Next, it is a helpful medicine when there is frequent urination after every one to two-hour intervals with passing of a very small quantity of urine. This medicine can also manage well pricking type of pains when passing urine.

3. Conium – For Interrupted Urine Stream

This medicine is very beneficial to manage interrupted streams of urine. For those who need this medicine, the urine starts and stops many times till complete urine is passed. Excessive time is taken to urinate. Sharp pressing pain is felt in the bladder. There is also a sudden urgency to pass urine in addition to the above symptoms. During urination, burning and cutting pain occurs in the urethra. After passing urine, sharp and stitching pain in the bladder can be felt for several hours. There is a frequent urge to pass urine. Even after the passing of urine, the urge to pass it does not go away.

4. Baryta Carb – To Manage Dribbling At The End Of Urination

Baryta Carb is a useful medicine to manage cases who complain of dribbling of urine post-urination. Frequency of urine increases when this medicine is required. There is also an urgency (a sudden uncontrollable urge) to pass the urine. For some patients, burning pain can be felt while the urine is passed.

5. Cantharis – To Manage Pain When Passing Urine

Cantharis is a top medicine for managing pain while passing urine. The pain can occur before and after passing the urine. The nature of pain can be burning or cutting. There is a frequent urge to pass urine. Even a small quantity of urine in the bladder leads to an urge to pass urine. Apart from the above symptoms, a gripping sensation of heaviness is felt in the bladder.

6. Thuja – For Urgent Need To Pass Urine

Thuja is a great medicine to manage cases having urgency to pass urine. Those who need it, complain of a sudden urge to pass uncontrollable urine. They have to hurry to pass urine. The urinary stream is thin. Cutting or squeezing sensations in the bladder and urethra are felt. There is also frequent urge to pass urine especially at night. Sensation of dribbling after urination also occurs.

7. Lycopodium – When Straining To Pass Urine Is Prominent

Lycopodium is another great medicine to manage those patients who strain to pass urine. Those who require this medicine, the urine is slow in the beginning and it needs much straining. There is also frequent urge to urinate mainly at night. Stitching pain occurs in the bladder. Besides these, bearing down sensation occurs over the bladder region.

8. Merc Sol – For Frequent Urination

Merc Sol is also an important medicine for frequent urination. The frequency of urination is increased both in the day and night time and that is where this medicine is required. The stream of urine is always thin. Urgency to pass urine also predominates with a need to rush to pass urine when urge appears. Burning pain is felt when beginning to pass urine.

9. Staphysagria – For Cases Having Sensation Of Incomplete Bladder Emptying

Staphysagria is a prominent medicine to manage cases having sensations as if the bladder didn’t empty. Pressure is felt in the bladder as if complete emptying of the bladder hasn’t taken place. There is a sensation as if a drop of urine is always rolling in the urinary tract. There is a frequent urge to urinate. The urine flow is weak and thin. Burning occurs while urinating. After passing the urine, pain is felt.



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Foul-smelling urine troubling you? Try these best homeopathic medicines

Urine might have a little bit of smell normally, but if urine emits a strong smell then it could have many reasons. Urine is composed of water and waste products from the body that makes it slightly smelly but if the urine contains excessive waste as compared to water then it leads to strong smell in the urine.

Foul smelling urine could simply be arising from dietary factors (some of the examples of food items that can cause smelly urine are coffee, asparagus, garlic, onion and fennel); dehydration in which the urine is concentrated containing more ammonia and decreased water content; use of certain medicines (e.g., antibiotics and some of the diabetes medicines) and intake of some supplements like vitamin B. But in other cases when attended with other signs and symptoms, it could be indicative of certain underlying health issues. The reason could be diabetes mellitus, UTI (urinary tract infection), STI (sexually transmitted infection), liver disease or kidney failure. UTI refers to infection in any part of the urinary system (including urinary bladder, urethra, ureters or the kidneys). In UTI cases, urine may emit offensive smell along with other symptoms like painful/ burning urination, frequent urination, urgency to urinate, pain in the lower abdomen, fever and chills. Some of the STIs like chlamydia can be a reason. Chlamydia leads to vaginal discharge that can cause offensive smelling urine when it passes through from urethra. Offensive urine can also arise in cases of liver diseases in which urine looks dark and emit foul smell along with other symptoms like vomiting and abdomen pain. Kidney failure and liver failure could also be a reason apart from above causes.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are highly effective in managing cases of foul-smelling urine. Homeopathic medicines are very natural remedies that help in such cases with zero side effects. They treat the underlying cause of the problem and boost body’s own restorative mechanism to get rid of this concern. Along with smelly urine, any accompanying symptoms like pain or burning with urination, frequent urination and urgent urination are effectively managed with homeopathic medicines. There is a long list of homeopathic medicines to treat smelly urine. The prescription has to be selected for every individual person based on the characteristic symptom presentation. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician after detailed case evaluation, and avoid self – medication. It is to be noted that homeopathy is advised only for mild to moderate cases occurring without any serious reasons. In case of serious causes, like kidney infection, serious liver problem, kidney failure or liver failure, one must take treatment from conventional mode as homeopathy has a limitation in handling serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Foul Smelling Urine

 1. Nitric Acid – Top Recommended Medicine

Nitric Acid is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage complaint of foul smelling urine. The urine may smell very offensive like that of horse urine in cases needing it. Along with this, burning or cutting type of pain in the urethra is felt in most of the cases. There is frequent urge to urinate with passage of only scanty amount of urine. The urine also passes with difficulty. There is a need to press for a long time before passing urine. Urine passes in a thin stream usually where this medicine is required. In some cases, pus and blood can pass in the urine.

2. Benzoic Acid – For Strong Smelling Urine

This medicine is very effective for cases of offensive urine when the smell of urine itself is highly intensified and smells very strong. The urine is dark in colour. Scalding (hot) is felt when passing urine. There is also a frequent urge to pass urine. Benzoic Acid is a well indicated medicine for cases where offensive urine occurs from suppression of syphilis or gonorrhoea.

3. Sepia – For Sour Smelling Urine

Sepia is well indicated for cases where a person complains of sour smelling urine. In cases needing it, burning is felt in the urethra while urinating. Besides, pressure is felt on the bladder leading to frequent urge to urinate. An urgency to urinate may be felt. The urine is thick and slimy. Yellow or white coloured sediments may be present in the urine. Stitching pain may occur in the urethra. In females, a bearing down sensation is felt in the pelvis along with above symptoms.

4. Apis Mellifica – For Offensive Urine With Burning In Urethra

This medicine is useful when urine is offensive smelling along with burning pain in the urethra during and after urination. There is an urge to pass urine very frequently, almost every hour. Urine is scanty and hot with fetid smell. Sometimes stitching pain is felt in the urethra. The urine passed may be pale. It may contain reddish sediments. In cases needing it, urinary bladder inflammation (cystitis) may be present.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Foul Smelling Brown Urine With White Sediment

This medicine is of great use in cases where urine smells foul and is brown colored with white sediments in it. Cutting and stitching pain is felt in the urethra. Burning is also felt while passing urine at night. There is an ineffectual urge to pass urine along with above symptoms. Blood and mucus may pass in the urine in some cases.

6. Merc Sol – With Frequent And Urgent Urination

This medicine is quite helpful when urine is offensive or sour smelling along with frequent and urgent need to urinate. Though urination is frequent, only little urine passes at a time. There is an urgency to urinate otherwise urine passes involuntarily. The urine passes in thin stream. Burning pain in the urethra is felt on starting to pass urine. The bladder region can be sore to touch in many cases. Urine may contain pus, blood or mucus. Urine may contain white flakes or thick white sediment. In some cases, gonorrhoea may be detected if there is thick yellow-green discharge from the urethra at night.

7. Borax – For Pungent (Sharp And Strong) Smelling Urine

Borax is a beneficial medicine to manage cases having pungent, strong and sharp smelling urine. Those needing this medicine have an urgent desire to pass urine. They are almost not able to control urine and have to rush to pass urine when the urge for urination arises. They have frequent urge to urinate at night. Smarting pain is felt in the urethra after urinating, along with above symptoms.

8. Viola Tricolor – For Offensive Urine Like Cat’s Urine

Viola Tricolor is recommended for cases where urine is very offensive like that of cat’s urine. The urine passes profusely. Frequency of urination is also increased. Along with above, stitching type of pain may be felt in the urethra.

9. Kreosote – With Sudden Urgency To Urinate

Kreosote can be considered when the urine is offensive along with an urgent need to pass urine. The persons needing it have to suddenly rush to pass urine when there is an urge. The frequency of urine is high along with passage of copious urine. White or red sediments may be present in the urine.


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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in Children

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is quite common in children. Urinary tract infection refers to infection in any part of the urinary tract including urethra, bladder, ureters or kidneys.  Urinary tract infections result mainly from a bacterial infection. 90% of UTI cases are caused by E. coli (Escherichia coli) that resides in digestive tract normally and passed in the stool. Some other UTI-causing bacteria include klebsiella, enterobacter, proteus and enterococcus. The bacteria gain access to urinary tract via the urethral opening. From there, they get into the urinary bladder and multiply here leading to an infection. UTI is classified into two types: a lower UTI that affects urethra (urethritis) and bladder (cystitis), and an upper UTI that affects ureters (ureteritis) and kidneys (pyelonephritis).

The risk factors for urinary infection in kids includes wiping anus from back to front after passing stool that increases chance of gut bacteria to enter urinary tract. Babies passing stool in a diaper might soil the urethra, weak immunity, poor hygiene, use of antibiotics for prolonged time and wearing diapers that are super absorbent types are the other causes. Holding urine in bladder even when there is urge to pass urine also increases risk. Girls are more at risk of UTI as compared to boys because the urethra is of short length in females and its opening lies close to the anus. As a result, the bacteria can gain easy access to the urethra from anus in the girls. Besides, boys who are uncircumscribed (with the presence of foreskin over penis head) below one year of age are slightly at little more risk of UTI as compared to other boys.

Constipation is also a risk factor because this can put pressure on the bladder and as a result bladder cannot empty naturally causing retained urine increasing the chance of infection. Another condition is vesicoureteral reflux in which urine goes from bladder back into the ureter and kidneys from an issue in valves of ureters.

Signs And Symptoms of UTI in Children

The signs and symptoms in infants (babies less than one year of age) and toddlers (kids between age one year and three years) cannot be clear as they cannot communicate the symptoms. There occur vague and general symptoms in them like fever, irritability, foul smelling urine, pain in the abdomen, taking feed poorly/loss of appetite, weakness, vomiting and not gaining weight.

In older children, specific symptoms can occur and that might include pain or burning with urination, crying when they urinate, passing only few drops of urine, passing urine involuntarily, bedwetting, frequent urination, urgency to pass urine, foul smell in the urine, pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, fever and chills. Some of the serious symptoms that indicate an infection in the kidney might include high fever with chills and shaking, irritability, intense tiredness, pain in the back or sides of the abdomen (flank region), nausea and vomiting.


Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very safe and natural treatment for cases of UTI in children. These medicines help to fight with the infectious agent and eliminate it from the body. Side by side, they gradually decrease the intensity of the symptoms. Homeopathic prescription for UTI varies from case to case as medicines are selected based on the characteristic symptoms in each and every case after detailed evaluation of the symptoms. These medicines are recommended in mild to moderate cases. Each and every case of UTI in children should be monitored carefully and any of the homeopathic medicine should be taken under supervision of a homeopathic physician and self-medication should be avoided in any case. Homeopathy has a limitation in helping severe cases of UTI, and in cases where infection has spread to kidneys, help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken immediately.

Homeopathic Medicines for UTI in Children

1. Borax – Top Medicine

Borax is a widely recommended medicine for managing urine infection in children. The main characteristic feature to use this medicine is that the child cries or screams before passing urine out of pain. There is increased frequency to pass urine as well. Sometimes there is an urge to urinate at every 10-minute interval. There is also an urgent desire to pass urine. The urine has foul smell. In some cases needing borax, tiny red particles can be seen on the child’s diaper.

2. Lycopodium – With Frequent Urine

This medicine is indicated when there is frequent urination. The urine is pale in color. The urine contains foul-smelling sediments. Child cries before passing urine.  Pain is felt in the bladder region. In some cases, urine passes involuntarily.

3. Sarsaparilla – When Child Scream Before And During Urination

This medicine is recommended when a child screams before as well as while passing urine. The child can pass urine only while standing. Urine passes in thin stream. A severe pain at the end of urination may be felt. The bladder region might be distended and painful to touch. Urine may pass involuntarily at night. Urine may contain white sand-like particles.

4. Cantharis – For Pain / Burning During Passing Urine

Cantharis is a very effective medicine when there is marked pain or burning while passing urine. Pain may also be felt before and after passing urine. The child doubles and scream with pain. There is pain in the bladder along with frequent urination. There is an urge to urinate even if there is little urine in the bladder. Shortly after passing urine, the urge to urinate renews. The urge to pass urine is less while sitting but increases when standing or walking. In some cases needing it, urine passes drop by drop.

 5. Apis Mellifica – For Burning When Passing Last Drops Of Urine

This medicine is well indicated when a burning sensation is felt while passing the last drops of urine. There is frequent urination. Urine passes with much difficulty. The urine may also pass involuntarily in some cases. Itching in urethra may occur.

6. Sanicula – When Child Cries Before Urinating

This medicine, like borax, is indicated when a child cries before urinating. There is an urgent desire to pass urine. Urine passes in small quantities at long intervals. The child may strain to pass urine when passing stool.

7. Kreosote – With Offensive Smelling Urine

Kreosote is a valuable medicine when the urine smells offensive. There is frequent urination during day. The child has to hurry up when the urge to urinate occurs. There may also occur involuntarily urination at night during sleep.

8. Petroselinum – With Sudden Urgency To Urinate

This medicine is the best when there is sudden urgency to pass urine. Children needing it have a sudden urge to urinate and if the urge is not attended immediately, they jump up and down with pain. Excessive pain occurs while passing urine. They also have a frequent urge to pass urine. There may be an urge to urinate every half an hour.

9. Merc Sol – With Frequent And Urgent Urination

Merc Sol can be considered in cases with frequent and urgent urination. The child needing it shows increased frequency to pass urine but passes only a little urine at a time. There is an urge to urinate every hour. There is also a need to hurry to urinate otherwise urine passes on its own. The urine flows in thin stream. The child tends to hold the urethra and cries from pain. Pain or burning is felt in the beginning of urination in most cases.

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Increased Frequency of Urine in Elderly and its Homeopathic Remedies

Elderly people tend to suffer from different kinds of urinary problems, among which increased frequency to pass urine is quite common. Frequent urination may have a belittling effect on the sufferer. Those facing these problems may restrict them from engaging in social activities and traveling; they may feel anxious and frustrated. They may suffer irritation in the genitals and skin rashes may appear from frequent urination. Frequent urination can also lead to fluid loss (dehydration). The reasons behind the increased frequency of urine in the elderly could be multiple.

First among these is changes that occur in the urinary bladder as a result of aging. It mainly includes weakness of the bladder muscles that control urination process and reduced capacity of the bladder to hold as much urine as it used to previously due to stiffening of bladder tissue and its decreased stretchiness with age. The second cause could be an overactive bladder which is a condition in which a person has a sudden irresistible urge to pass urine along with frequent urination. It can next arise from dysfunction of bladder either from weak muscles of bladder or from defective nerve signals. In males, enlarged prostate (BPH – benign prostate enlargement) remains one of the main causes of frequent urination. UTI (urinary tract infection) also occurs commonly in the elderly that can cause frequent urination along with other symptoms including pain/burning while urinating, the urgency to urinate, lower abdomen pain, and offensive-smelling urine. Urine retention in the elderly can also be a cause in which the bladder does not empty completely at a time which causes frequent urge to urinate to empty the bladder of urine left behind.

In females, prolapse of the uterus/bladder in the vagina may cause frequent urination. The other causes include diabetes mellitus, stress, anxiety, sleep issues and use of certain medicines, like diuretics (medicines that increase quantity of urine) and medicines for treating high blood pressure. Depending on the cause, frequent urination can be attended with other symptoms including urgency to urinate, pain/burning while urinating, involuntary urine passage (urinary incontinence), weak urine stream, straining to urinate and lower abdomen pain. In the elderly, the frequency of urine may further increase at night medically termed nocturia. It tends to disturb night’s sleep and leads to tiredness, sleepiness, and mood changes during the day.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing the increased frequency of urination in the elderly along with the use of natural remedies. These medicines are entirely safe to use as they are prepared from naturally occurring substances having zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines help magnificently in managing this concern by working to fix the root cause behind it. Along with frequent urination, any associated symptoms like urgency to urinate, pain/burning while urinating, involuntary urine passage, weak urine stream and pain in the lower abdomen are also managed wonderfully with these medicines. Increased frequency of urine in the elderly could arise from many reasons so it is advised to consult a physician for the correct diagnosis and its treatment. Homeopathic medicines are selected for every individual separately after detailed case evaluation based on the symptom presentation that varies from case to case. So, one must take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopath and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Increased Frequency of Urine 

1. Baryta Carb – Top Remedy

Baryta Carb is a leading homeopathic medicine to manage cases of increased frequency of urine in the elderly. Urine passed is also profuse in cases needing it. There is irritation in the bladder mostly at night with an increased urge to urinate. Along with increased frequency, there is also an urgency to pass urine. Burning sensation while urinating may be present. After urination, dribbling (drop-by-drop passage) of urine may occur.

2. Sabal Serrulata – For Frequent Urine From Enlarged Prostate (BPH)

Sabal Serrulata is a highly suitable medicine to manage frequent urine from an enlarged prostate. This medicine is the most recommended for people who have a constant urge to urinate at night. There is always a feeling that the bladder is full. Pain is felt when the person begins to urinate. This medicine is also helpful to manage the dribbling of urine in case of prostate enlargement.

3. Lycopodium – For Increased Frequency At Night

Lycopodium is a well-indicated medicine for cases of frequent urination at night. The urine passed at night is quite profuse. To begin urine, straining may be required. Burning sensation is felt during urination and sometimes even after passing urine.

4. Merc Sol – For Frequent Urine Along With Marked Urgency

Merc Sol is recommended when there is an increased frequency to urinate with an urgency to pass urine. The persons needing it have a sudden urge to pass urine immediately. Frequency of urination is high both during day and night. There may be a desire to pass urine every hour or so in many cases. Burning during and after passing urine may be there. The bladder may be sore to touch.

5. Conium – For Difficulty In Beginning To Urinate

Conium is quite an effective medicine when there is frequent urination with difficulty in beginning to urinate. Another characteristic feature is an interrupted stream of urine, which means the urine starts and stops many times till the complete emptying of the bladder. Urine feels hot. Pressure is felt around the bladder.

6. Sepia – For Frequent Urine From Uterine Prolapse

Sepia is of great value to manage frequent urination in females due to uterine prolapse. Fullness sensation and pressure is felt in the lower abdomen. Cutting or burning pain is felt when urinating. A bearing down feeling is marked in the pelvis. Due to pressure on the bladder frequent urge to urinate is present. There is also sudden urgency to pass urine and if the urge to urinate is not immediately attended, urine passes involuntarily. Urine may have an offensive smell. Besides, it is an important medicine to help cases of involuntary urination while coughing or sneezing.

7. Cantharis – In Case Of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

Cantharis suits best when frequent urge to urinate occurs in cases of urinary tract infection. In cases needing it, a person urinates frequently with pain/burning during, before or after urination. Even the slightest quantity of urine in the bladder causes an urge to pass urine. Urge to urinate is more while standing and walking, while it gets better better while sitting. Heaviness is felt in the bladder, which is sensitive to touch.

8. Causticum – With Involuntary Urine Passage

It is an important medicine for people suffering from frequent urination along with involuntary passage of urine at times. Though there is a frequent urge to pass urine, scanty urine is passed every time a person goes for urination. Pain and itching may be felt in the urethra while passing urine. It is also well indicated when urine passes involuntarily while coughing, sneezing or blowing the nose.

9. Phosphoric Acid – In Case Of Diabetes

This medicine is prominently indicated when frequent urination is related to diabetes. Persons needing it have a frequent urge to urinate, and the urination is profuse. The frequency increases at night. They have to wake up several times at night to pass urine. Excessive weakness can attend frequent urination.

10. Kreosote – With Foul Smelling Urine

Use of Kreosote may be considered when urine smells foul along with increased frequency. There is profuse urination during the day, besides increased frequency. There is also a need to rush to pass urine when the desire to urinate occurs. A sensation of lump pressing against the bladder attends the other complaints.


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Do You have a Weak Urine Stream? Try Homeopathy

A weak urine stream is a very common problem, especially in elderly people aged above 50 years. Though it can occur in both men and women, it occurs more commonly in males. A weak urine stream indicates that the bladder is not getting emptied properly. When a person has difficulty initiating or maintaining urine flow, it is medically termed which urinary hesitancy. Weak urine stream can arise due to various reasons, among which benign prostate enlargement (BPH) and urinary stricture (narrowing of urethra through which urine leaves the body) are the main causes. Weak urine stream can be attended with other symptoms as well depending on the cause behind it like dribbling after finishing urine, frequent urination, discomfort in the lower abdomen, sensation of incomplete emptying of bladder, and pain while urinating. If not diagnosed and treated well, the condition may worsen and lead to urinary retention (means complete inability to urinate). Urine retention that occurs all of a sudden is a serious health issue needing immediate medical help. 

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic mode of treatment carries a great scope to manage cases of weak urinary stream. Homeopathic medicines aim to correct the underlying cause behind the thin urine stream to give great relief. These are natural remedies that treat this condition with zero side effects. Along with a weak urine stream, they also manage any associated symptoms present. These medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases where no associated complication is present. In case of acute urine retention, one should immediately take help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitations in treating such critical cases.  Homeopathic prescription for weak urine stream varies from case to case based on the cause and characteristic individual symptoms, so one should take homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self–medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Weak Urine Stream

1. Clematis – Top Remedy For Weak Stream For Stricture

Clematis is a highly recommended medicine to deal with cases of weak urinary stream due to a urethral stricture. Persons who require this medicine have to strain to initiate urine flow. Urine passes in a thin stream and quite slowly. Urine may start and stop several times till complete urination. After finishing urination, dribbling (passing drop by drop) of urine occurs. There is a frequent desire to pass urine. Urine passed is scanty. Burning may sometimes be felt while urination.

2. Chimaphila – For Weak Stream From Enlarged Prostate

Chimaphila is an effective medicine for weak urine stream due to prostate enlargement. Those needing it have difficulty in starting urine flow, and urine stream is thin like a thread. They need to strain a lot to pass urine. They may need to stand with feet apart and bend forward and strain to empty the bladder. Burning sensation may be felt while passing urine. This medicine is also recommended for cases of difficult urination in cases of prostate enlargement.

3. Cantharis – For Thin Stream Due To Stricture, Urine Infections

This medicine is helpful to manage weak urine flow in case of urethral stricture as well as urinary tract infections. Pain or burning sensation while passing urine is prominent. Burning/ pain may be present before as well as after passing urine. The urge to pass urine is also quite frequent and sometimes almost constant. There is an urge to pass urine even if there is little quantity of urine in bladder.

4. Thuja – For Weak As Well As Split Stream Of Urine

Thuja works well in cases where urine stream is poor as well as split (which means the urine stream goes in two directions instead of one). There is increased frequency to urinate especially at night. The urge to pass urine can also be sudden. In some cases, urine dribbles and has foul smell.

5. Sarsaparilla – Along With Pain Towards End Of Urination

This medicine is useful for persons having weak stream of urine along with severe pain towards the end of urination. The urine passed is scanty. It may contain flakes or sandy particles. This medicine is also of great help for cases of kidney stones.

6. Merc Sol – With Frequent And Urgent Urination

Merc Sol is of great help in cases in which the urine stream is small and weak along with increased frequency and urgency. Only little urine passes at a time. There may be an urge to pass urine every hour. Burning in the urethra may occur especially in the beginning of urination. Sometimes, urine passes drop by drop and may contain mucus and blood. The bladder area may be painful to touch.

7. Alumina – For Frequent And Poor Urine Flow In Elderly

This medicine is highly beneficial for elderly people who suffer from frequent urination attended with poor urine flow. They also face difficulty in initiating urine. They need to strain to start urination. Little amount of urine is passed. One feels burning and smarting pain while urinating. There is always a feeling as if some drops of urine have remained back in the urethra that could not be passed out.

8. Hepar Sulph – With Feeling Of Incomplete Bladder Emptying

Hepar Sulph is suited to those having poor urine flow and a feeling as if the bladder has not been emptied completely. The urine stream does not start immediately when there is an urge to urinate, one has to wait for urine to start. After urinating, one feels that some urine has remained behind in the bladder. Burning or stitching pain may be felt in the bladder.

Causes Of Weak Urine Stream

1. Benign prostate enlargement (BPH) – It refers to the enlargement of prostate gland that surrounds the first part of urethra in males. When prostate enlarges, it puts pressure on the urethra thus blocking flow of the urine. It results in symptoms including frequent urge to urinate, straining to initiate urine, weak urine stream and dribbling after urination.

2. Urinary stricture – It refers to narrowing of urethra (a tube through which urine leaves the body). It is common in males as compared to females. It results when there occurs scar tissue in urethra following an injury to urethra, catheter use, recurrent urinary tract infections, some urinary tract surgery like done for stone removal or prostate surgery. The first complaint it causes is weak urinary stream. Other complaints arising from it includes split stream of urine, frequent and urgent need to urinate and interrupted urination.

3. Underactive bladder – A condition in which the bladder has reduced strength to contract and results in slow emptying of bladder. Its symptoms include poor urinary stream, needing to wait to start urine flow, straining to pass urine, interrupted urine stream, prolonged time to pass urine, decreased sensation of bladder fullness and a feeling as if the bladder has not emptied entirely.

4. Bladder outlet obstruction – It indicates blockage at the base of bladder. It causes symptoms like constant feeling of bladder fullness, abdominal pain, slow urine flow, frequent urine and straining to pass urine.

5. Kidney stones and any tumor blocking the urinary bladder or urethra

6. Nerve damage (for example from diabetes) and nervous system disorders like multiple sclerosis (an autoimmune disease in which there is damage to the myelin sheath that protects the nerves) and Parkinson’s disease (a disorder of nervous system starting with hand tremors at rest followed by muscles stiffness, stooped posture, changes in speech, impaired balance and reduced arm swing).

7. Infections like prostatitis (inflammation of prostate gland that causes pain/burning when urinating, increased frequency and urgency to urinate, weak urine flow, pain in pelvic region, genitals or groins and painful ejaculation) and UTI (urinary tract infection that causespain/ burning with urination, increased frequency to urinate, strong smell from urine and in case of upper tract UTI fever, chills, pain in the upper back and sides and nausea and vomiting occurs.)

8. Use of certain medicines (for example nasal decongestants, anti-allergy medicines, some medicines used to treat cold and antidepressants) and psychological reasons.


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Frequent Urination from Enlarged Prostate causing trouble, try Homeopathy

Enlarged prostate causes many urinary problems and frequent urination is one of the most commonly occurring complaint from enlarged prostate. Prostate gland is a walnut size gland that surrounds the first part of urethra underneath the bladder in males. It secretes prostatic fluid and also functions to expel semen during ejaculation. The enlargement of prostate gland is very common in elderly males (between age of 50-60 yrs).

The enlarged prostate may push against the bladder and urethra and lead to an urge to pass urine even when the bladder is not full. In most cases, frequent urination occurs usually at night and the person has to rise several times at night to pass urine. Even after passing urine several times, there is a sensation of the bladder not being empty. Besides frequent urination, other complaints that can occur from enlarged prostate include urgency to urinate, straining to initiate urine, weak urine stream, interrupted urine, dribbling at the end of urine and burning/pain while urinating.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy has a very effective solution for many complaints associated with prostate enlargement including that of frequent urination. With use of homeopathic medicines, the increased frequency of urination is controlled wonderfully. Along with controlling frequent urination, they also help to manage other accompanying concerns. These medicines work in the most natural way to overcome prostate complaints. With zero side effects, they are very safe to use. The homeopathic prescription to manage frequent urine varies from case to case depending on symptoms. So it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of homeopathic physician and avoid self -medication.

Homeopathic medicines for treating frequent urination

1. Sabal Serrulata – Top Remedy

Sabal Serrulata is the topmost medicine to manage various complaints related to enlarged prostate including frequent urination. This medicine is recommended when urination is very frequent at night. There is almost a constant urge to urinate at night which disturbs the person’s sleep at night. There may be difficulty in passing urine. It can be accompanied with burning and smarting pain. It is painful when the flow of urine starts. Besides, Sabal Serrulata can also be used when there is dribbling of urine due to enlarged prostate. There may be dull pain in the prostate gland that extends to the abdomen in cases requiring this medicine.

2. Lycopodium – For Frequent Urine At Night

Lycopodium is yet another prominent medicine to manage frequent urine from prostate enlargement. Those needing it show increased frequency to urinate at night. Urine is passed in increased quantity at night while it is scanty during the day. Though there is increased desire to urinate, when the sufferer tries to urinate he has to wait for some time before urine passes. Straining efforts may be needed to initiate passage of urine. The urine passed is dark in color or have red sediments in it. During urination, burning pain may be felt in urethra. Sometimes burning pain is felt even after passing urine.

3. Thuja – For Frequent Urine Attended With Urgency To Urinate

Use of this medicine is suggested when a person indulges in frequent urination along with urgent need to pass urine. Frequency to pass urine increases in the evening and at night. In case of an immediate urge go pass urine, a person has to rush immediately to the toilet. The urinary stream is interrupted. It seems as if something is obstructing urine flow. The entire bladder does not get empty at one time. The sufferer has to go for urination multiple times (five or six) one after another to empty the bladder. During urination, a person may feel burning or stitching pain.

4. Baryta carb – For Immediate Urge To Urinate

Like Thuja, this medicine is also useful when there is frequent urination along with urgency to pass urine. The person is unable to retain urine once urge is felt. He needs to quickly pass urine. The urine passed is profuse in quantity. Bladder irritation is worse at night and much urine is passed at night. Burning is felt on urination. After urinating, there is renewed straining to pass urine along with dribbling of urine at times.

5. Apis Mellifica – When There Is Straining To Initiate Urine

This medicine is recommended when there is increased frequency to urinate along with straining efforts to initiate urine. Persons requiring it have to press a lot to begin urination. They have the urge to pass urine very often during day and also at night. The urge to urinate arises every half an hour. At night, they have to rise from sleep 10 to 12 times to urinate. Burning sensation when passing urine can be quite prominent and most specifically, it is most intense, while passing the last drops of urine.

6. Merc Sol – For Frequent Urination During Day And Night

Merc Sol is a well-indicated medicine when there is frequent urge for urination both during day and night. There may be an urge to urinate every hour. The urine passed can be either copious or scanty but the increased frequency of passing urine remains. The stream of urine may be very weak as well. There may be sudden urge to pass urine sometimes when the person has to hurry up immediately to pass urine. Burning sensation is marked which remains even after urination. Sometime itching is felt when passing urine.

7. Staphysagria – When Urine Is Scanty And Passes In Thin Stream

This medicine is indicated for managing frequent urination with scanty urine passed in thin stream. In some cases, urine passes drop by drop. After passing urine, a sensation of the bladder not being completely empty remains. A pressure is felt in the urinary bladder. A sensation as if a drop of urine is rolling constantly in the urethra persists. Burning sensation persists during and after passing urine.

8. Conium – For Interrupted Urine

Conium can be used in cases where the urine stream is interrupted along with frequent urination. There is difficulty in initiating urine as well. After urine initiates, it starts and stops several times till the entire urine passes. The urine may feel hot. Even after passing urine several times, an urge to pass urine occurs quite often. Sharp pressing pain or pressure on the bladder may be felt. After passing urine, cutting pain can be felt.

9. Chimaphila – For Frequent And Scanty Urine

This medicine can be considered when there is frequent urination along with scanty urine. There may be an urge to urinate every one or two hours. Straining may be required to pass urine. The sufferer may have to pass urine by standing with feet apart and bending forward. Pain is felt while urinating.

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Top 8 Homeopathic Remedies for Urethral Stricture Treatment

Urethral stricture refers to narrowing of the urethra due to scar formation. The urethra is the lowermost part of the urinary tract through which urine passes out from the urinary bladder. Urethral stricture is more common in males than in females.

Homeopathy, which is a completely natural science of healing, can be very beneficial in the treatment of urethral stricture. In the beginning of homeopathic treatment, these medicines work to provide wonderful relief in signs and symptoms of urethral stricture, like straining to urinate, weak / split urine stream, frequent urge to urinate, interrupted urine and ensure that passage of urine becomes normal again and there is no pain in the process. Once the symptoms are alleviated, it aims to dissolve the scar in the urethra for long-term recovery.

In mainstream medicine, frequent dilatation and surgical intervention is often recommended in cases of urethral stricture. These procedures carry a risk of many side effects. Additionally, they offer temporary, short-term relief as there is always a chance that the stricture appears again. On the other hand, homeopathy treats it very gently and offers long-term relief without any adverse aftereffects. In many cases of mild to moderate intensity, one can get away with surgical intervention too. The earlier the homeopathic treatment is started, the higher are the chances that surgery won’t be required in such cases.

Homeopathy works as per the Law of Similimum, which means while selecting the homeopathic medicine for any individual case, a medicine is chosen which matches most closely with the symptoms of the individual. In urethral stricture cases as well, this law is applied. Once the medicine is finalised, the potency and dosage of that medicine is also decided as per homeopathic principles. The potency and dosage vary from case to case as per the age of the person, the intensity of symptoms and chronicity of the complaint.

Homeopathy is 100 % safe for treating urethral stricture as it uses medicines prepared from natural substances which do not have any chemicals or toxins in them.


Homeopathic Remedies for Urethral Stricture

Top 8 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Urethral Stricture

The top ten homeopathic medicines for urethral stricture management are Clematis, Chimaphila, Cantharis, Thiosinaminum, Conium, Arnica, Cannabis Sativa and Merc Sol.

1. Clematis – For Weak Urine Stream, Straining To Urinate And Interrupted Urine Flow

Clematis is the best prescription to manage urethral stricture. This natural medicine can relieve many symptoms associated with urethral constriction. In cases needing it, there is feeble stream of urine with slow passage of urine. To pass urine, straining is required to initiate urine flow.  An extreme constricted sensation is felt in the urethra while passing urine. The bladder does not empty in one go and the flow of urine starts then stops and starts again several times (interrupted urine stream). At times, urine is passed drop by drop. The patient always feels as if some urine is still left behind in the bladder. Dribbling of urine occurs after passing urine. Clematis helps in establishing the proper flow of urine in a stream. Frequency to pass urine also increases. Burning in urethra when passing urine also occurs. It is also helpful for all those patients of Urethral Stricture who have a history of gonorrhoea for a long duration.

When to use Clematis?

Clematis is a leading medicine to manage urethral stricture when urine flow is initiated with straining efforts and urine stream is weak and interrupted as well.

How to use Clematis?

In the beginning of the treatment, it is advised to use Clematis in 30C potency two to three times a day.

2. Chimaphila – For Thin / Split Urine Stream and Straining To Pass Urine

Chimaphila is of great help when urine stream is thin, like a thread or split urine stream. Additionally, a lot of straining is required to pass urine. In spite of the efforts, the urine passed is very less in quantity. A characteristic feature is patients needing it are able to empty the bladder when standing with feet set wide apart and body stooped forward. When such peculiar symptoms come to light, the selection of the correct medicine becomes easy. Besides the above, it can be used when there is frequent urge to urinate, like every one to two hours. Cutting and burning pain when passing urine may be felt.

When to use Chimaphila?

This medicine can be used for urethral stricture cases having thin or split urine stream with marked straining to pass urine.

How to use Chimaphila?

Its use is mainly recommended in the form of mother tincture (Q) that can be taken twice / thrice a day as per symptom severity.

3. Cantharis – For Pain Or Burning While Urinating

Cantharis is a very well-known and widely used medicine for various kinds of urinary troubles. It is beneficial in urethral stricture cases when the foremost complaint is pain or burning while passing urine. The burning or pain may even start before urination, and continue even after passing urine. Urine may be passed, drop by drop. The urge to pass urine is almost constantly present.

When to use Cantharis?

It is the best choice of medicine to manage pain or burning felt during, before or after urination in urethral stricture cases.

How to use Cantharis?

Its 30C potency can be repeated up to 3-4 times in a day. It is equally effective in 200C and 1M potency but these potencies should not be used without consulting a homeopathic doctor.

4. Thiosinaminum – To Dissolve Scars in Urethral Stricture

Thiosinaminum is known for its ability to dissolve scars formed anywhere in the body. Thiosinaminum can work wonders in Urethral Stricture cases where the scar tissue is formed in urethra due to any cause. The scar resolving power of this natural remedy cannot be matched by any other medicine. Pain while passing urine and increased urination at night are the main symptoms found in people needing this medicine.

When to use Thiosinaminum?

Thiosinaminum proves effective to dissolve a scar in urethral stricture cases, along with symptoms of painful urination and increased frequency to pass urine at night.

How to use Thiosinaminum?

Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, in the beginning, it is advised to take it in 30 C potency once or twice a day.

5. Conium – For Intermittent Urine Stream

This medicine can help patients of urethral stricture where the main trouble is the intermittent stream of urine. It takes a lot of time to complete the act of urination. The urine starts to flow and then stops, and this process of starting and stopping is repeated several times to completely drain the urine out. Burning pain after passing urine may be felt.

When to use Conium?

Its use is highly suggested for urethral stricture cases with interrupted urinary stream.

How to use Conium?

One may take Conium in 30 C power one or two times in a day.

6. Arnica – For Urethral Stricture With A History Of Injury Or Trauma

Arnica is a highly recommended natural medicine for its universal curing action in trauma and injury cases. Arnica can be given in cases of Urethral Stricture where history of an injury is found. Injuries basically caused by blunt objects, a blow or a fall are covered by this medicine. The patient needing Arnica usually complains of frequent urge to urinate and sore and bruised pain in urethra while urinating or otherwise.

When to use Arnica?

It is a highly recommended medicine to manage urethral stricture cases that occurred after an injury.

How to use Arnica?

Arnica 30 C can be used twice or thrice a day.

7. Cannabis Sativa – For Split Stream Of Urine

This medicine is useful when urination occurs in a split stream. Straining to pass urine is also required. Dribbling of urine occurs after urine flow ceases. Burning in the urethra when urinating appears.

When to use Cannabis Sativa?

This medicine can be considered in cases of urethral stricture cases having a complaint of split urinary stream, straining to urinate and dribbling of urine after passing urine.

How to use Cannabis Sativa?

This medicine is usually given in 30C potency once or twice a day.

8. Merc Sol – For Increased Frequency Of Urine And An Urgent Need To Urinate

Merc Sol proves effective in managing increased frequency of urine and urgency to pass urine. A person has to rush/ hurry to pass urine as the urge cannot be controlled. While urinating, the stream of urine is very weak. Urination is attended with burning pain.

When to use Merc Sol?

This medicine can be opted for managing frequent and urgent urination in cases of urethral stricture.

How to use Merc Sol?

Both the lower and the highest potencies of Merc Sol have proved to be efficacious with excellent results. However, initially, it is advised to use it in 30 C power one or two times a day.

Signs And Symptoms Of Urethral Stricture

The symptoms of urethral stricture include the following:

1. Weak/feeble urine stream and straining to pass urine

2. Spraying or splitting of urine stream: It means urine flow split and goes in two directions instead of one normal urine stream in one direction

3. Sensation as if urinary bladder is not completely emptied after passing urine

4. Increased frequency of urine and an urgent need to urinate

5. Interrupted/ intermittent urine stream: Urine starts and stops several times while passing it

6. Pain or burning when passing urine

7. Loss of bladder control, urethral discharge, swelling / pain of penis, pain in lower abdomen, urine passing out in drops are other symptoms

8. Dark urine, blood in urine/semen

9. Acute urine retention when a person is unable to urinate at all (it is serious condition and should be immediately treated)

Causes Of Urethral Stricture

The main cause behind urethral stricture is scar formation within urethra from an injury or instrumentation or surgery. The causes are enumerated as follows:

1. Trauma or injuryto the urethra: The trauma may follow any hit or blow on the urethra/ trauma to pelvis. Falling on the bar of a bicycle is very common injury that can lead to urethral stricture.

2. Instrumentation: Endoscopy, catheter introduction

3. Surgical operations (Post-operative Urethral Stricture): It  may follow a prostate operation, kidney stone removal surgery, hypospadias surgery (to correct urethral opening position in penis)

4. Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) and inflammatory conditions of the urethra (urethritis).

5. Sexually transmitted infections: Few infections include gonorrhoea and chlamydia infection.

6. Passage of kidney stone

7. Radiation therapy

8. Cancer of prostate or Urethra

9. Less commonly, urethral stricture can be congenital (present since birth) or occur from pressure by a tumour near urethra. In some cases, no cause can be ruled out.

Risk Factors

1. Males are more at risk as compared to females, to develop urethral Stricture

2. Having recent catheter use

3. Recurrent UTI (urinary tract infection) or STI (sexually transmitted infection)

4. Urethritis (inflamed urethra)

5. Enlarged prostate

Complications Of Urethral Stricture

Urinary retention, Urinary Tract Infection, Kidney stones, urethral fistula and Hydronephrosis (swollen kidneys from build-up of fluid inside them) are a few complications.


1. Uroflowmetry Test: It measures the amount of urine passed out from the body and the speed of its passage, plus the total time taken to pass all urine

2. Retrograde urethrogram (RGU): In this case, an X-ray film is taken after injecting a contrast agent through penis opening. It will reveal location and length of stricture in urethra, if present.

3. Cystoscopy:  A camera is inserted in the penis to view inside urethra and to look for a stricture

4. MRI, CT scan and Ultrasound: These are done to view urethra and adjacent structures


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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Managing Irresistible Urge To Urinate

Urinary urgency is the urge to urinate immediately. It happens from sudden build-up of pressure in the bladder and sudden contraction of the muscle wall of the bladder resulting in difficulty to hold urine and urgent need to evacuate the bladder.


Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for cases of urinary urgency. These medicines act on the root cause. Along with bringing relief, homeopathic medicines also address its attending symptoms like frequent urge to urinate, burning sensation, painful urination, bladder pain and involuntary passage of urine. It is advised to take homeopathic medicines under supervision of a homeopathic physician who will prescribe medicine after a detailed case analysis.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Urinary Urgency

1. Kreosote – Top-grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine for persons who need to hurry up to empty their urinary bladder when they have an urge to urinate. They may also have frequent urination with profuse urine. With the problem usually occuring during the day, sometimes urine passes involuntarily on coughing. Urine may have a very offensive smell where this medicine is required.

2. Merc Sol

Use of this medicine is recommended when there is sudden irresistible urge for urination. Apart from urinary urgency, frequent urination both during day and night time is present. Sometimes at night urine passes involuntarily. Besides, the bladder region may be sore to touch. Lastly, burning in the urethra may also attend above symptoms.

3. Thuja

This natural medicine is prepared from fresh twigs of the plant Thuja Occidentalis having common name ‘Arbor Vitae’. It is beneficial when there is sudden uncontrollable urge to urinate. There is cutting pain in the urethra, and sometimes in the bladder as well, while urinating. Increased frequency of urine is noted at night. Urine may be foul smelling, another symptom that can be present is leakage of urine while coughing.

4. Petroselinum

This medicine is prepared from the plant Petroselinum Sativum,  commonly called ‘parsley’. It is helpful when there is a sudden and frequent urge for urination. The urge for urination occurs nearly every half an hour. Excessive pain is felt while urinating. A tingling sensation and pressure in the urethra may also accompany these symptoms.

5. Cantharis

Cantharis is recommended  when there is pain and burning in urethra along with urgent need to urinate. The urge to urinate is felt even if there is the smallest quantity of urine in the bladder. There is burning or cutting pain during, before or after urinating. Another symptom that can attend it is heaviness and soreness in the bladder. There may be frequent or ineffectual urge for urination. It is one of the best medicine for cases of urinary tract infection (UTI).

6. Phosphoric Acid

Phosphoric acid is useful when along with sudden irresistible desire for urination, there is frequent almost constant desire to urinate. Urine passed is copious, the frequency is most marked at night. Before urinating, there is cutting pain while burning sensation is felt in the urethra while urinating.

7. Pulsatilla

It is prepared from the plant Pulsatilla Nigricans, commonly known as ‘wind flower’ or ‘pasque flower’. This medicine is well indicated for cases in which there is urgent desire to urinate that seems impossible to delay. Persons needing it can scarcely wait for urination when the urge comes.  The area around the bladder may be sore; there is frequent, ineffectual urge to urinate due to pressure on the bladder. Another symptom that can be present is involuntary urination while coughing or passing gas.

8. Equisetum

This natural medicine is prepared from the plant Equisetum Hyemale, commonly known as ‘Scouring Rush’. It is a prominent medicine for cases in which urination is urgent. In cases requiring it, dull pain in the bladder is there.  There is a feeling of pressure in the area around the bladder with frequent and profuse urine. Fullness in the bladder is felt which is not relieved by urinating. Sharp, cutting, burning pain is felt while urinating.

9. Causticum

Use of this medicine is considered when there is involuntary dribbling of urine while coughing or sneezing. There is frequent urination and burning sensation is felt while urinating.

10. Conium

Conium is effective when sharp pressing pain in the bladder is felt apart from urgent need to urinate. Pressure on the bladder is attended with a feeling as if urine would be passed instantly. Burning or cutting pain in the urethra is experienced while urinating.

11. Borax

Persons requiring it have sudden desire to urinate and can scarcely hold it. Along with this, there is frequent urination at night. Burning sensation is felt before urinating, while pinching pain is felt in urethra after urinating. The urine has a pungent smell.

12. Baryta Carb

This medicine is used when there is a constant urge to urinate apart from the urgency. Burning sensation is felt in the urethra. After urination, dribbling of urine may occur.

13. Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur is helpful when urine is copious. At night urination is frequent and occurs almost every hour. During urination, burning type of pain is felt. There can also be stitching pain in the bladder.  Sometimes, burning or cutting type of pain persists after urination. It is also indicated when there is involuntary urination while laughing, coughing, or sneezing.

What Are The Reasons Behind Urinary Urgency?

It can arise from various reasons. The first among them is UTI – urinary tract infection (an infection in any part of the urinary tract that includes kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra).

Second common cause is OAB – overactive bladder, a condition in which there occurs frequent and sudden uncontrollable urge to urinate. In OAB, the bladder muscles begin to involuntarily contract even from a little amount of urine in the bladder.

Another reason is use of diuretics ( medicines that increase the production of urine) and intake of excessive liquids mainly caffeine or alcohol. Other than this, it can arise in case of BPH – benign prostate hyperplasia (means enlarged prostate gland) or an infection of prostate gland (prostatitis).

Interstitial cystitis (a condition characterized by long-term inflammation in the muscle layer of the urinary bladder) is yet another cause. It can also occur in case of vaginal infection.

Person who are obese and pregnant women can also experience it.

Some other causes include anxiety, tumours in the pelvis, damage to bladder occurring during childbirth or from surgery and radiation therapy to pelvis.

Lastly, diseases like diabetes and multiple sclerosis (an autoimmune disease in which the myelin sheath that cover nerve fibers is damaged) can lead to it.

What Symptoms Can Accompany It?

The urgency to urinate is felt whether the bladder is full or not. Along with this, frequent urge to urinate may be there. In some cases, involuntary passage of urine occurs (urinary incontinence), urine may also leak while coughing or laughing.  Pain in the bladder, burning or painful urination may also be there depending on the cause.


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What is Nocturia? Top Homeopathic Medicines For Treatment

Nocturia refers to an increased frequency of urination at night. A person suffers from it if he/she wakes up two or more times at night to void urine. If not treated, it can result in sleep deprivation, weakness, drowsiness, lack of concentration and mood changes during the daytime.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines are very effective to treat cases of nocturia. These medicines are very natural, gentle and safe that bring improvement by working on the root cause behind it. With these medicines, there occurs gradual decrease in the frequency of urine at night. Along with this, there also appears relief in its attending symptoms like burning sensation while urination, painful urination, and urgency to urinate. The prescription of homeopathic medicine for nocturia varies from case to case as per the symptoms of an individual. So it is advised to take medicine for treating nocturia under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. These medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases but in severe cases and in case of some underlying serious disorders (compression of spinal cord, for example) it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Nocturia

1. Lycopodium – Top Grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicine in homeopathy for managing nocturia.  It is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as ‘club moss’. Persons needing it have frequent urination at night. The urine flow is also profuse at night, while during the day, they have less frequency and scanty urine. At night, the urine can be pale. The symptoms that can attend include heaviness over bladder, dull pressing or stitching pain in bladder. Burning sensation in the bladder during urination may be present.

2. Phosphoric Acid – For Frequent And Excessive Urine At Night

This medicine is well indicated when a person has to rise often at night to pass urine. The urine is passed in large quantities. During urination burning in urethra can be felt. Other than this, it is also indicated for cases in which there is constant desire to urinate and there is sudden irresistible urge to urinate.

3. Merc Sol – For Frequent Urine At Night And Urgent Urge For Urination

Merc Sol is a beneficial medicine when there is frequent urination at night and an urgent desire to urinate. In cases needing it, there is sudden urge to urinate and the person has to hurry to pass urine. The urine can be copious or scanty. Cutting, burning pain while passing urine can be felt. In some cases, there occurs involuntary urination at night.

4. Baryta Carb – For Irritation Of Bladder At Night

This medicine works well in cases of excessive irritation of bladder at night. Persons requiring it passes much urine at night. They have an urgent desire to urinate and are unable to retain it, if the bladder is not emptied immediately. It is one of the most suitable medicines for frequent urination in old age.  It is a very beneficial medicine for prostate issues.

5. Cantharis – For Frequent Urine At Night And Painful Urination

This medicine is helpful in treating cases in which there is frequent urination at night along with pain. The pain can be burning or cutting in nature. This may be felt before, during or after urination. There is also urgency to pass urine. The urge for urination occurs even when there is little urine in the bladder. Heaviness and soreness in the bladder may also be present. Sometimes the urine passed at night is cloudy with white sediment. It is a very effective medicine for treatment of urinary tract infection.  

6. Causticum – For Frequent Urination Day And Night

This medicine is beneficial in treating cases in which there is frequent urination day and night. Along with this, there is burning sensation in urethra while urinating. In some cases, itching of urethral orifice is felt. Sometimes there is involuntary dribbling of urine also. The urine may be thick white or dark brown.

7. Sarsaparilla – For Frequent And Profuse Pale Urine

It is prepared from dried rhizome of plant Sarsaparilla Officinalis, commonly known as ‘wild liquorice’.  This medicine is very useful to manage frequent and profuse pale urination at night.  Person needing it passes too much urine. Burning while urination may be there. Excessive pain at the conclusion of urination is another characteristic symptom that can be present.

8. Equisetum – For Frequent Urination And Bladder Pain

This natural medicine is sourced from the plant Equisetum Hyemale, also known as ‘scouring rush’. This medicine is helpful when there is frequent urine at night and bladder pain. The pain is dull in nature. The bladder may be painful if pressure is applied during urination. The urge to pass urine is sudden. Along with these symptoms, there can be a feeling of fullness in the bladder that doesn’t get better even after urinating.

9. Thuja For Nocturia And Sudden Urgent Urge To Urinate

It is prepared from fresh green twigs of plant Thuja Occidentalis, commonly known by the name of ‘Arbor Vitae’. This medicine is significant for cases having frequent urine at night and urgent desire to urinate that cannot be controlled. Cutting pangs of pain are felt after urinating. A sensation of a drop running down the urethra is felt after urination.

10. Borax – When Urine Has A Pungent (Strong) Smell

This medicine is indicated for persons who pass urine several times at night which has a very strong smell. With this, there is urgent desire to urinate. The urine is hot. After urination, soreness and smarting in urethra is felt.

11. Calcarea Carb – For Nocturia And Foul Smelling Urine

It is an important medicine when there is nocturia and foul smelling urine. The urine smells sour where this medicine is required. Other than this, there is ineffectual desire to urinate. With this, there is cutting or stitching pain in the urethra. Before urination, burning sensation can be felt. The urine may be dark brown or milk-white. There may be whitish sediment in urine in some cases.

What Are Its Causes?

The causes behind nocturia are variable. It can simply arise from intake of excessive fluid or taking fluids close to bedtime, or taking alcohol and caffeinated drinks. In some people, it may be just a habit to wake up at night to pass urine. However, it can also arise from some medical conditions as follows:

1. Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) is an infection in any part of the urinary tract — kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra, but mostly it occurs in urinary bladder and urethra. The symptoms include painful or burning urination, frequent urination or constant urge to urinate and urgency to pass urine.

2. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlarged prostate gland which is a common condition in elderly men. Its common symptoms are frequent urination, nocturia, urgency to urinate, difficulty in initiating urination, weak urine stream and dribbling at the end of urination.

3. Inflamed prostate gland (prostatitis) causes pain or burning sensation during urination, nocturia, urgency to urinate, difficulty in initiating urine, dribbling urine, pain in groin, abdomen, blood in urine, pain in penis or testes.

4. Fourth is diabetes.

5. It can arise from an overactive bladder. In this condition, the bladder muscles start to contract involuntarily even with a small amount of urine in the bladder. It mainly causes symptoms like sudden urge to urinate, frequent urine, nocturia and involuntary urine passage immediately after an urge for urination is felt.

6. Tumours in the bladder or pelvic area and bladder prolapse can also lead to nocturia.

7. Other than this, it can happen in case of anxiety, obstructive sleep apnea (a serious sleep disorder in which breathing stops momentarily and then starts occuring several times during sleep), during pregnancy and  from use of certain medicines (eg, diuretics which are the drugs that increases urine flow). It can also be a symptom in case of heart or liver failure and some neurological disorders. These neurological disorders include Parkinson’s disease which is a nervous system disorder that affects part of the brain that controls body movements. It begins with tremor in one hand and causes stiffness, slow movement, impaired posture and balance. It can lead to several complications one of which is bladder problems. Second such disorder is multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune disease in which there is damage to the myelin sheath of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. Next neurological disorder is Alzheimer’s disease, a progressive neurological disorder in which the brain cells gradually die that leads to memory loss, difficulty in thinking, reasoning and social skills. Last is compression of the spinal cord.

8. Elderly persons are more at risk. Though nocturia can affect persons of any age group, it is common in elderly people. As a person ages, production of hormone that concentrates urine is reduced, so he/ she is unable to hold urine until the morning.

9. In some cases, the urge to urinate at night does not wake a person, if a person wakes there is need to pass urine. This can arise in case a person has restless leg syndrome, depression, chronic pain that disturbs sleep.



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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)

Urinary tract infection or UTI refers to an infection in any part of the urinary tract which consists of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra. Most infections involve the lower urinary tract – the bladder and the urethra termed cystitis and urethritis respectively. Women are more prone to UTI than men.
Homeopathy holds a great promise to give excellent results in cases of UTI. Homeopathic medicines are very safe, gentle, natural and effective for UTI. These promote quick symptom relief in UTI. Symptoms such as pain, burning with urination, frequent and urgent urination all get significantly better with these medicines. Homeopathic medicines stimulate the body’s innate healing mechanism to fight the infectious agent which is causing UTI and exclude it from the body. To boost this mechanism, homeopathy uses very tiny amounts of highly diluted medicines procured from natural sources. This way it aids excellent natural cure with no side effects. Homeopathic medicines are highly recommended for mild to moderate cases of UTI. However, in severe cases and cases where kidneys are involved urgent help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken.
Homeopathy is a symptom-based science. Among a wide range of homeopathic medicines available to treat recurrent UTI, the most appropriate is selected after a thorough assessment of the detailed symptoms of the individual. Afterwards its potency, dose, repetition is decided as per homeopathic principles. In this way, effective cure happens with correctly selected medicine.
Homeopathic medicines work wonderfully well in urinary tract infections, whether acute or chronic and recurrent types. Homeopathic treatment gradually reduces the frequency and intensity of recurrent UTI episodes remarkably. It also helps to reduce chances of any complications. With proper homeopathic treatment the need for frequent antibiotic use can be highly minimized.

homeopathic medicines for UTI

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

The seven  top-most homeopathic medicines that are highly reliable for treating urinary tract infection are Cantharis Vesicatoria, Apis Mellifica, Sarsaparilla Officinalis, Nitric acid, Sepia, Colibacillinum and Merc Cor.

1. Cantharis Vesicatoria – For Extreme Pain / Burning Before, During and After Urination

Cantharis Vesicatoria is among the primary medicines for treating urinary tract infection. The key symptom to look out for while prescribing Cantharis Vesicatoria is intense pain or burning before, during or after urination. There is a constant urge to urinate. Scanty urine or urine passed in drops from UTI is also best treated with Cantharis Vesicatoria. At times, blood in the urine can also be seen.

When to use Cantharis Vesicatoria?
The most striking feature to use this medicine is pain / burning sensation — before, during and after urination, along with frequent desire to pass urine.

How to use Cantharis Vesicatoria?
Cantharis is best suited in 30C potency. It can be repeated 2 times in a day.

2. Apis Mellifica – For Severe Burning, Stinging While Passing Urine

Apis Mellifica is the next important medicine for urinary tract infection. The person requiring Apis Mellifica will complain of burning or stinging pain while passing urine, especially last drops of urine causing intense burning. There is also bladder tenesmus (sensation of incomplete bladder emptying even when there is no urine left behind in the bladder). In some cases, blood appears in urine.

When to use Apis Mellifica?
It can be used when there is burning, stinging sensation while passing urine mainly when passing last drops of urine.

How to use Apis Mellifica?
It can be taken in low 30C potency that can only be repeated twice in a day. It is also used in 200C but in order to do so, one should carefully look for the symptoms and not repeat it frequently.

3. Sarsaparilla Officinalis– For Intense Burning Towards The End Of Urination

To treat UTI with intense burning when a person finishes urination, Sarsaparilla Officinalis is the most reliable medicine. Other accompanying characteristics for use of Sarsaparilla are – scanty urine, urine with pus and blood and pain in the urethra extending to the abdomen.

When to use Sarsaparilla Officinalis?
The key guiding symptom for the use of Sarsaparilla Officinalis is unbearable pain after the urination is done.

How to use Sarsaparilla Officinalis?
It is recommended mainly in 30C power that can be repeated depending on the severity of the symptoms but not more than 3 times in a day.

4. Nitric Acid – For Burning During Urination With Foul Smelling Urine

Nitric Acid is one of the most effective medicines for urinary tract infection where the major symptoms include burning while passing urine that is highly offensive (foul-smelling) like horse’s urine. Urine is scanty, cloudy, dark or bloody.

When to use Nitric Acid?
This remedy is best suited to patients who have foul smelling urine passed with burning and stinging pain.

How to use Nitric Acid?
It works well in low potency i.e. 30C, normally use of this medicine is limited to once to twice in a day. Higher potencies are not recommended until a physician asks you to do so.

5. Sepia – For UTI In Women

Sepia is rated among the most beneficial medicines for treating urinary tract infection in women. Sepia is prescribed when there is cutting pain in the bladder and there is a feeling of the pubic area getting pushed down. The urinary stream is weak and the urine smells bad. Sepia is also very useful in cases of chronic cystitis (bladder inflammation). It is also recognized as the best medicine for urinary tract infection in women going through menopause.

When to use Sepia?
Sepia is a highly recommended medicine for UTI in females to manage symptoms of painful urination with a feeling of pubic area getting pushed down. It works great in chronic bladder inflammation.

How to use Sepia?
It gives remarkable results in 30C potency that can be administered once a day.

6. Colibacillinum – For Escherichia Coli (E.coli) Positive UTI

For urinary tract infection that tests positive for Escherichia coli bacteria, Colibacillinum is the best medicine. The symptoms to use it include an urge to pass urine frequently, scanty urination and pain while passing urine. The urine may smell. Blood in urine is noted in certain cases.

When to use Colibacillinum?
This remedy is specific for cases of urinary tract infections with Escherichia coli (E. coli) Positive culture report with symptoms of painful, frequent urination.

How to use Colibacillinum?
It is advisable to use it in lower potency 30C only once a day. If there is no improvement, it is strongly recommended to consult a homeopathic physician.

7. Merc Cor – For Hot Urine Passed In Drops With Severe Pain

It is an excellent medicine for cases having hot urine passed in drops with intense pain. There is frequent almost a constant urge to pass urine with this. Severe burning is also felt in the urethra along with these symptoms.

When to use Merc Cor?
Passage of hot urine in drops with severe pain is the most remarkable symptom guiding use of this medicine.

How to use Merc Cor?
One may take this medicine one or two times a day in 30 C power.

Note The above-listed medicines can be taken for 1-2 weeks. If the symptoms still persist, it is best to consult a homeopath before taking it further or using high potencies (200C, 1M or higher).

Pathophysiology And Causes Of UTI

A urinary tract infection arises when bacteria gain access to the urinary tract and begin to multiply there. Escherichia coli, commonly known as E.coli, (a type of bacteria commonly found in Gastrointestinal tract, GI) is the most common bacteria infecting the urinary tract. The bacteria mainly enter the urinary tract via the urethra and gut. Other less commonly known bacteria causing UTI are Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas and Klebsiella.
Cystitis is mainly caused by Escherichia coli (E coli), 90 % of bladder infections are caused by E coli, however, sometimes other bacteria are also responsible.
Urethritis: This type of UTI occurs when GI bacteria spread from the anus to the urethra. Also because urethra in females is close to vagina, sexually transmitted infections such as gonorrhoea, herpes, Chlamydia and mycoplasma can cause urethritis.

Risk factors include:
Suppressed immune system: People who suffer from conditions like diabetes (high blood sugar) are more likely to develop UTIs because their bodies are less capable of fighting infection effectively.
Obstruction in the urinary tract: Prostatitis, or obstruction of the urethra by an enlarged prostate, can cause insufficient bladder emptying in men which raises the risk of infection. Most elderly men experience it.
Usage of Catheter– People who are unable to urinate on their own and use a tube(catheter) to pass urine are at more risk of developing UTI.

Risk Factors specific to women
Women are more likely to contract this disease. Risk factors specific to women for UTI are mentioned here:
1. Anatomy of female urethra: The length of urethra is short and its orifice being quite close to the anus in women, makes it easier for the bacteria to spread to the bladder. This leads to higher chances of acquiring a urinary tract infection in women as compared to men.
2. Menopause: After menopause, there is a decline in circulating oestrogen that causes changes in the urinary tract that makes the females more prone to UTI. Some women have urinary tracts that make the bacteria easy to cling to and are genetically prone to UTIs.
3. Sexual activity: Sexually active women suffer from UTI more times than women who are not sexually active.
4. Birth control agents: Women using diaphragms for birth control and also those using spermicidal agents are at higher risk of UTI.

Symptoms Of UTI

Lower UTI Symptoms: It affects urinary bladder and urethra, the symptoms are:
1. The most typical symptom is burning or pain when urinating.
2. Increased urinary frequency without passing much urine.
3. Strong need or urge to urinate but only producing a few drops of urine.
4. Urine has a foul odour and is cloudy.
5. Non-visible or visible haematuria (urine can appear bloody)
6. Pain in the lower back, lower abdomen, and even the pelvic region will typically make you feel the need to urinate more frequently.

Upper UTI Symptoms: It affects kidneys, the symptoms are:
1. Fever and chills
2. Nausea and Vomiting
3. Flank Pain (pain on either side of lower back between pelvis and ribs)
If the bacteria moves from the infected kidney to the blood, it can be life threatening, the condition is termed as ‘urosepsis’ which can cause extremely low blood pressure, shock and death.

How to diagnose UTI?

In cases presented with symptoms of acute UTI, a simple test of routine urine examination is the first step. In this test a sample of urine is tested in the laboratory. If pus cells are revealed in the urine report of this test then it means UTI is present. Next recommended test is a urine culture test in which a sample of urine is checked in the lab for growth of any bacteria that might be causing this urinary tract infection. In cases of recurrent UTI an ultrasound may be recommended to check for any issues in bladder and kidneys.


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