Facial pigmentation, medically known as melisma, refers to the darkening of facial skin as compared to the rest of the skin tone due to the overproduction of pigment melanin (that gives skin its color). In melasma, patches of pigmentation appear on the face, predominantly over the cheeks, nose, forehead, and upper lip. The pigmentation varies from yellowish, brownish, bluish to blackish. Chloasma is another term for facial pigmentation in women during pregnancy. Freckles or tiny dark spots appear on the face in certain cases from repeated sun exposure. Freckles are more likely in persons with fair skin.
Homeopathy offers the safest and highly effective natural treatment for cases of facial pigmentation. Firstly, it helps to prevent further spread of pigmentation as well as further darkening of already present spots. Afterward, it gradually assists in lightening and fading the spots present on the face. Homeopathic medicines work by treating the root cause behind the problem which is the increased melanin production. These medicines control excessive melanin production to reduce pigmentation and promote great recoveries. Homeopathy also works to correct hormonal issues in the body which can cause hyperpigmented skin.
Holistic approach of treatment
Homeopathy follows a holistic approach of treating health issues. This means it treats the person as a whole by considering symptoms related to emotional, mental, physical sphere altogether for making a homeopathic prescription. Such treatment works from within and treats the underlying cause instead of just signs and symptoms to bring a cure.
Safe, natural homeopathic medicines
Due to the utilization of natural remedies in homeopathy, there is no chance of any side effects in any case. These medicines are used in highly diluted forms that promote relief without toxic effects.
Homeopathy Promote self-healing
Every human body has a remarkable innate power to heal itself from within on its own. Homeopathy tends to boost this power and remove any obstacles that are hindering recovery to overcome any health naturally. In cases of facial pigmentation as well, it does exactly that which results in self-healing and fading of the pigmented spots.
No suppression with homeopathic medicines
Homeopathy does not suppress skin complaints with application of external creams rather it uses non- suppressive medicines taken orally i.e. from mouth. The topical creams advised in mainstream medicine cause suppression and temporary results. The complaint always has a chance to recur again even in worse conditions. But as homeopathy is non-suppressive, the results are not temporary but are long lasting.
Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Facial Pigmentation
The top 8 natural medicines for facial pigmentation are Sepia Officinalis, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Cadmium Sulphuratum, Berberis Aquifolium, Sulphur, Psorinum, Lachesis Muta, and Thuja Occidentalis.
1. Sepia Officinalis – Top-grade Medicine for Facial Pigmentation
Sepia Officinalis is one of the top grade medicines for treating facial pigmentation. The person prescribed Sepia Officinalis will have pigmentation on the cheeks, forehead and nose. The pigmentation varies from brownish to blackish in color. The skin may be rough and hard. Sepia is very suitable for women with facial pigmentation arising during pregnancy and after childbirth. It works equally well for women who develop facial pigmentation during menopause. Along with facial pigmentation, dark circles under the eyes are a unique symptom.
When to use Sepia Officinalis?
This medicine is well-indicated to manage facial pigmentation with brownish or blackish spots with rough skin in general. Sepia is one of the best medicines in homeopathy for treating facial pigmentation in females arising from hormonal imbalance.
How to use Sepia Officinalis?
This medicine can be taken once or twice a day in 30 C potency. Its higher potencies can also be used afterward under the guidance of a homeopathic physician.
2. Pulsatilla Nigricans – For Facial Pigmentation with Menstrual Irregularities
Pulsatilla Nigricans is the most effective medicine for facial pigmentation in women with menstrual irregularities. The irregularities include delayed periods, scanty menses, and suppressed menses. They show up as pigmented spots and freckles on the face. Pulsatilla is also helpful for acne resulting from menstrual irregularities.
When to use Pulsatilla Nigricans?
It is a very suitable medicine for females having pigmented spots on the face linked with some sort of menstrual irregularities.
How to use Pulsatilla Nigricans?
It can be used in 30C potency one to two times a day.
3. Cadmium Sulphuratum – For Facial Pigmentation that Worsens in Sun
For facial pigmentation that gets worse with exposure to the sun, Cadmium Sulphuratum is the best prescription. The pigmentation varies from yellowish to brownish in color. Pigmented spots are present over the entire face, but most prominently on the nose and cheeks. Another guiding symptom for the use of Cadmium Sulphuratum is that pigmentation gets worse in the wind. The face may feel itchy.
When to use Cadmium Sulphuratum?
Cadmium Sulphuratum is the best medicine to manage pigmentation increasing from sun exposure.
How to use Cadmium Sulphuratum?
The use of this medicine is suggested in 30C potency once or twice a day.
4. Berberis Aquifolium – For Treating Facial Pigmentation from Eruptions
Berberis Aquifolium is a highly effective and reliable remedy for treating pigmentation spots and scars on the face left behind by any kind of eruption, or acne (simply called pimples). The skin may feel waxy. The cheeks may feel hot.
When to use Berberis Aquifolium?
This medicine is apt for cases of pigmentation left behind from some type of eruptions like pimples.
How to use Berberis Aquifolium?
Two to three doses of Berberis Aquifolium 30C can be taken as per the intensity of the complaint.
5. Sulphur – For Facial Pigmentation with Dry Skin
Sulphur is a highly reliable medicine for facial pigmentation with dry skin. The skin looks unhealthy and dirty. The person complains of itching and burning sensation on the face. Itching gets worse in the heat. Sulphur is also a good choice of medicine to treat facial pigmentation that has been subjected to ointments and external topical applications in the past.
When to use Sulphur?
It is an excellent choice of medicine for treating pigmentation with dry skin frequently attended with itching and burning sensation.
How to use Sulphur?
Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, initially 30C potency is good to go start with. Sulphur 30C can be taken once a day. Keep away from using its high potencies without consulting a homeopathic physician.
6. Psorinum – For Facial Pigmentation with Oily, Waxy Skin
For facial pigmentation attended with greasy, oily, waxy skin, Psorinum is the medicine to go to. Facial skin looks dull, pale and sick. The face is covered in pigmented spots that may be attended with itching. Acne – papular or pustular – may be present on the face.
When to use Psorinum?
This medicine can be prescribed when a person with pigmentation has very oily, greasy skin sometimes along with acne.
How to use Psorinum?
This medicine is usually recommended in 200C potency. It is usually used in infrequent doses like once a week or once in 15 days depending on the case.
7. Lachesis Muta – For Facial Pigmentation in Pre-menopausal Women
In addition to Sepia Officinalis, another helpful medicine for treating facial pigmentation in women of menopausal age is Lachesis Muta. A woman who needs Lachesis will have facial pigmentation ranging from bluish–purple to bluish-black in color, along with the other menopausal symptoms.
When to use Lachesis Muta?
This medicine is very useful for women around their menopausal age who are concerned about facial pigmentation along with other menopausal complaints such as hot flushes.
How to use Lachesis Muta?
This medicine is mostly used in 30C potency just once a day, not more than that.
8. Thuja Occidentalis – For Facial Pigmentation and Freckles
Where facial pigmentation and freckles are both present, Thuja Occidentalis works wonderfully well. The skin looks dirty, and dry and is covered in brown spots. The face may look pale, with dark circles under the eyes. Pigmented spots may also be present on the hands and arms. The skin is very sensitive to touch.
When to use Thuja Occidentalis?
The use of Thuja Occidentalis is especially preferred for cases having both pigmentation and freckles on the face.
How to use Thuja Occidentalis?
It is advised to use this medicine in 30C power once a day.
Causes behind Facial Pigmentation
The root cause of facial pigmentation is excess melanin production. Facial pigmentation is very common in women, but may also arise in men. The causal factors are many, the major among them being hormonal changes in women during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menopause, from intake of contraceptive pills, from hormone replacement therapy and hypothyroidism. Other factors that trigger facial pigmentation are stress, loss of sleep and sun exposure. Heredity also plays an important role in predisposing a person to facial pigmentation. Acne may also lead to scarring and facial pigmentation.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. At what age does facial pigmentation occur?
Facial pigmentation can occur at any age, but it is most prominently seen between 20–40 years of age.
2. Does the weather have anything to do with facial pigmentation?
Most cases of facial pigmentation worsen during the summer months, it has been found.
3. I have been on a contraceptive pill for a while now. Will stopping the pill cure my facial pigmentation?
Once you stop taking contraceptive pills, you will be able to stop further pigmentation. However, the pigmented spots that are already there will not fade away by themselves. They will require proper treatment.
4. Will taking proper sleep reduce pigmentation marks?
Lack of sleep is a contributing factor to facial pigmentation. Lack of sleep raises the level of stress hormones which worsen the pigmentation. Hence, proper sleep is needed to prevent worsening of facial pigmentation.
5. Should I take vitamins to reduce facial pigmentation?
Vitamins A, B12, C and E are known for their properties to reduce facial pigmentation. However, these vitamins should be taken in recommended doses, only after consulting a health professional. Taken together with medicines, these vitamins can work wonders and fade out facial pigmentation marks.