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8 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Treating Facial Pigmentation

Homeopathic Medicines for Facial PigmentationFacial pigmentation, medically known as melisma, refers to the darkening of facial skin as compared to the rest of the skin tone due to the overproduction of pigment melanin (that gives skin its color). In melasma, patches of pigmentation appear on the face, predominantly over the cheeks, nose, forehead, and upper lip. The pigmentation varies from yellowish, brownish, bluish to blackish. Chloasma is another term for facial pigmentation in women during pregnancy. Freckles or tiny dark spots appear on the face in certain cases from repeated sun exposure. Freckles are more likely in persons with fair skin.

Homeopathy offers the safest and highly effective natural treatment for cases of facial pigmentation. Firstly, it helps to prevent further spread of pigmentation as well as further darkening of already present spots. Afterward, it gradually assists in lightening and fading the spots present on the face. Homeopathic medicines work by treating the root cause behind the problem which is the increased melanin production. These medicines control excessive melanin production to reduce pigmentation and promote great recoveries. Homeopathy also works to correct hormonal issues in the body which can cause hyperpigmented skin.

Holistic approach of treatment

Homeopathy follows a holistic approach of treating health issues. This means it treats the person as a whole by considering symptoms related to emotional, mental, physical sphere altogether for making a homeopathic prescription. Such treatment works from within and treats the underlying cause instead of just signs and symptoms to bring a cure.

Safe, natural homeopathic medicines

Due to the utilization of natural remedies in homeopathy, there is no chance of any side effects in any case. These medicines are used in highly diluted forms that promote relief without toxic effects.

Homeopathy Promote self-healing

Every human body has a remarkable innate power to heal itself from within on its own. Homeopathy tends to boost this power and remove any obstacles that are hindering recovery to overcome any health naturally. In cases of facial pigmentation as well, it does exactly that which results in self-healing and fading of the pigmented spots.

No suppression with homeopathic medicines

Homeopathy does not suppress skin complaints with application of external creams rather it uses non- suppressive medicines taken orally i.e. from mouth. The topical creams advised in mainstream medicine cause suppression and temporary results. The complaint always has a chance to recur again even in worse conditions. But as homeopathy is non-suppressive, the results are not temporary but are long lasting.

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Facial Pigmentation


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