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5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies For Muscle Pain And Aches

Homeopathic Remedies for muscle pain and aches

Applying an ointment or spraying a pain reliever is the general tendency of almost everyone suffering from muscle pain, medically known as myalgia. However, it only provides temporary relief and the real cause of muscle pain is not addressed. Here’s where homeopathy can be of real help. The natural homeopathic remedies for muscle pain not only provide relief, but also strike at the root of the problem and cure muscle pain effectively. They are also completely safe with no side effects.

Homeopathic Medicines For Muscle Pain

The leading homeopathic medicines for managing muscle pain includes Rhus Tox, Bryonia, Arnica, Ruta, Magnesium Phos and Gelsemium.

1. Rhus Tox – Top-Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is at the top position when it comes to treating muscle pain. This medicine can be used to relieve muscle pain anywhere in the body. The key indication to use it is when muscle pain gets worse at rest but gets better with movement. It is the best medicine to help cases of muscle pain arising from overuse of a muscle, over-straining or over-stretching of muscle, like muscle pain from doing excessive exercise, pain in leg muscles from excessive running, pain in muscles of the arm from carrying heavy weights, neck pain from prolonged working on computers, back pain from heavy weight lifting or a sudden jerky movement and so on. Rhus Tox can be used for pain in any muscle of the body. It is a wonderful medicine for muscular pain, along with stiffness, particularly in the neck which aggravates towards the evening. Secondly, Rhus Tox is a very beneficial for muscle pain and stiffness in the lower back which gets worse on sitting and lying down, but moving about relieves it. It is a leading medicine to help cases of lower back pain due to straining of muscles from heavy weight lifting. This medicine also relieves pain in deltoid muscle (muscle covering shoulder and upper part of outer side of the upper arm) where stitching pain is felt in shoulders while lying down which gets better from movement.

When and How to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine can be used as the first line of treatment in case of muscle pain in any body part. This medicine gives great relief in muscle pain arising from whatsoever reason. Rhus Tox is most frequently used in 30C potency. Initially, it requires frequent repetition and can be taken three to four times a day. Once relief sets in, dose should be reduced. If using in 200C potency, do not take it more than once or twice a day.

2. Bryonia – For Muscle Pain On Movement

Bryonia is a natural medicine sourced from root of plant ‘wild hops’. It is a brilliant medicine for muscle pain treatment. The characteristic symptom to use this medicine is muscle pain which gets worse on movement and better by lying still. It is effective for neck muscle pain and pain in muscles of the lower back. Movement and stooping are not possible. Next Bryonia, is prominently indicated for pain and soreness of abdominal muscles from coughing. Lastly, it offers help for cases of pain in chest muscles.

When and How to use Bryonia?

Bryonia can be given in case of muscle pain during movement, while relief sets in from lying down. It gives excellent results in 30C potency. It can be taken two to three times a day as per the severity of the pain.

3. Arnica – For Sore Painful Muscles From An Injury Or Overexertion

Arnica is the most useful medicine when it comes to treat sore, painful muscles from an injury or overexertion. Muscle injury may occur from a traumatic fall or a blow against something hard. The affected muscle is very tender to touch along with pain. Besides, Arnica is also indicated for muscle pain in case of influenza (a viral infection affecting nose, throat and sometimes lungs).

When and How to use Arnica?

If you have suffered muscle pain from overexertion or an injury, Arnica is the best prescription for you. It is an infallible medicine in such cases bringing relief in pain, along with aiding healing of injured muscle. Take it in 30C potency three to four times a day at a three-hour gap. When pain starts receding, reduce the dose to twice followed by once a day.

4. Ruta – For Muscle Pain Due To Strain (Pulled Muscle)

Ruta is a magnificent medicine to deal with cases of muscle pain from strain, which is overstretching or tearing of the muscle. Muscle pull can occur from using muscle in the wrong way, overuse of muscle, or an accident. Persons needing it feel sore with aching bruised pain in the affected muscle area. This medicine helps in pain relief along with relaxation and healing of the over-stretched muscle.

When and How to use Ruta?

Ruta is most prominently indicated to manage muscle pain arising from overstretching or tearing. 30 C potency of Ruta is the right choice to start with that can be used three to four times a day.

 5. Magnesium Phos – For Muscle Pain From Cramps

Magnesium Phos is the top-listed medicine to relieve muscle cramps – sudden involuntary muscle contraction (tightness). It works well for pain occurring from cramps in any body muscle, especially calves (muscle in the back of lower leg) and feet. In cases needing it, a person complains of cramps from prolonged exertion at night also.

When and How to use Magnesium Phos?

This medicine is the perfect prescription for muscle pain due to cramps. The most frequently recommended potency of this medicine is 6X which comes in tablet form. Magnesium Phos 6X can be used three to four times a day as per intensity of the pain.

 6. Gelsemium – For Muscle Pain Along With Weakness And Heaviness

It is a herbal medicine prepared from root of the plant ‘yellow jasmine’. It is an important medicine to manage muscle pain attended with heaviness and weakness in the affected part. Mostly, it helps with muscle pain in the limbs (arms and legs). The affected muscle area is sore to touch apart from being weak and heavy. It is a highly valuable medicine to manage muscle pain that occurs in influenza cases along with fatigue.

When and How to use Gelsemium?

Use of Gelsemium is suggested when heaviness and weakness in affected area is marked along with muscle pain. Though it works well in both low and high potencies, it is better to begin with low potencies. Gelsemium 30C can be taken twice or thrice a day.

What Are The Causes Behind Muscle Pain?

Muscle pain can be localised in one muscle or a few muscles or generalized, involving muscles all over the body.

Muscle pain can arise from any of the following reasons:

1. Overstretching, overuse / overstraining muscles from excessive physical activity, muscle tension; muscle cramp is the main reason behind muscle pain.

2. Injury or trauma to muscle including strains

3. Certain medical conditions:

a). Fibromyalgia: It is a chronic long-term condition in which there is widespread musculoskeletal pain and tenderness along with other symptoms including fatigue, irregular sleep patterns, loss of concentration and mood swings.

b). Chronic fatigue Syndrome: In this syndrome, a person suffers from extreme fatigue/exhaustion along with unexplained muscle pain, memory issues, loss of concentration and improper sleep

c). Thyroid issues: Muscle pain can occur in both hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid).

d). Certain Infections:  like flu (influenza), COVID – 19, Lyme disease

Flu: it is a contagious viral infection affecting nose, throat and lungs.

COVID – 19: It is a highly contagious viral infection caused by SARS – CoV -2 virus

Lyme disease: It is a bacterial infection caused by the bacterium Borrelia which is spread by ticks.

e). Autoimmune diseases (the diseases in which the body’s defence/immune cells start destroying the body’s healthy tissues out of a mistake). These include dermatomyositis and polymyositis.

Dermatomyositis is an inflammatory disease causing a skin rash and muscle inflammation.

Polymyositis is a muscle disease causing muscle inflammation leading to muscle weakness and pain.

f). Polymyalgia rheumatica: It is a chronic inflammatory condition leading to pain and stiffness in muscles, mainly hips and shoulders.

g). Compartment Syndrome: It arises from pressure build-up in a muscle compartment. It results in obstructed flow of oxygen, blood and nutrients to the muscles, nerves and blood vessels resulting in its damage.

4. Electrolyte imbalance: Low potassium or calcium

5. Certain medicines like statins, bisphosphonates, ACE inhibitors

Which muscles are commonly affected with pain?

The pain can involve any muscle of the body but the main muscles that ache are deltoid muscle (muscle covering shoulder and upper part of outer side of the upper arm), muscles of neck, muscles of lower back, calf muscles (muscles of back of leg) and thigh muscles.

What other signs and symptoms can attend muscle pain?

Muscle pain can be attended with stiffness and weakness of the muscle area involved, and sometimes can be attended with fever. In some cases, rashes can appear on the skin. At times, redness and swelling at the affected area is seen denoting infection.

Tips For Muscle Pain Management

1. Give the affected area proper rest

2. Apply ice pack (for 24 to 72 hrs) to relieve inflammation and pain. After about 3 days, apply heat

3. Massage may be helpful

4. Avoid weight lifting till the time muscle pain is completely gone

5. Take enough sleep and reduce stress

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Top 6 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Body Pains and Aches

Homeopathic Medicines for Body pains

Body aches are very common these days. It can occur from various reasons from mild to serious ones. It may simply arise from exertion, lack of sleep, stress or from different medical reasons, like viral/bacterial infections and arthritis (joint inflammation), among many other issues. The intensity and frequency of pain differ from case to case. The type of pain – aching, sore, cutting, tearing, sharp pain –varies from person to person.

Homeopathic remedies are very effective in treating body pains and aches. As body pain may arise from various sort of reasons, so for curing it that root cause has to be identified and treated. So in these cases, homeopathic medicines give excellent results by healing the internal cause behind it. Along with relieving body aches, these medicines also help in managing the attending symptoms like stiffness, soreness, fever and weakness. In conventional mode, pain killers, NSAIDs (non – steroidal anti – inflammatory drugs), steroids are being utilised to manage body aches as per the cause behind it that may have adverse effects from long-term use. While homeopathic medicines for body pains are a natural substitute for conventional medicines. These medicines help to reduce dependency on allopathic medicines to a great extent.

The selection of homeopathic medicine for body aches depends on the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. So homeopathic prescription varies from case to case and similar medicine is not prescribed in every case of body aches. This is as per the law of individualization in homeopathy.

Homeopathy is recommended for both acute and chronic cases of body aches. By following a regular course of homeopathic treatment as prescribed by a homeopathic physician, most of the cases of body aches recover completely. However, the time taken for complete healing depends on the duration and intensity of the problem.

The best feature while using homeopathic medicines for treating body pains is that they are free from side effects. This is because they are made from naturally occurring plants and substances that do not cause any harmful reaction.

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Body Pains and Aches

The top medicines for body pains and aches are Rhus Tox, Arnica Montana, Bryonia Alba, Magnesium Phosphorica, Gelsemium Sempervirens and Eupatorium Perfoliatum.

1. Rhus Tox – Topmost Medicine

Rhus Tox is a natural medicine that has proved to be the best in treating general body pains and aches. This medicine is prescribed for patients in whom the body aches become worse in resting position and get better by walking. The body pains are accompanied by anxiety and restlessness. The patient feels a need to constantly move to get relief. The body aches trouble a person when a person gets up to walk after rest but as the patient walks, the pain goes on decreasing gradually. Marked stiffness always accompanies body aches. This medicine is specific if the body pain starts after getting wet in rain. Its use is highly recommended in those body pains that are a result of overexertion, overstraining or overstretching of muscles, and joint inflammation.

When to use Rhus Tox?

It is a marvellous medicine for managing body aches that get worse at rest and better from motion. The body aches can be related to overexertion, muscle pain or joint pain.

How to use Rhus Tox?

It is available in different potenices from low to high potency, initially it is advised to take it in 30C potency two to three times a day.

2. Arnica Montana – For Injury-Related Bodyaches

Arnica Montana is also an excellent medicine for body aches. This medicine has the great ability to reduce body aches which occur due to injuries either recent or old. Joint pains that result from injury can be treated with this remedy. This medicine is used where excessive, bruised type of aching of the body is present. The whole body feels sore as if beaten. The patient requiring Arnica finds it difficult to lie down calmly in bed. The bed feels hard on which he lies, which makes him constantly change his/her position in bed. The whole body feels lame. Arnica can very effectively treat the soreness and body aches due to overexertion.

When to use Arnica Montana?

It is a highly effective medicine for managing sore, bruised, aching body aches resulting from an injury either recent or old ones when the body feels as if beaten.

How to use Arnica Montana?

It can be taken in 30C potency three or four times a day initially, gradually decreasing the dose once relief sets in.

3. Bryonia Alba – For Body Aches When Muscle Or Joints Are Affected

This medicine gives excellent results when body pains result from either muscular or joint involvement. The prominent symptom guiding the use of this medicine is –  worsening of the body pains on the slightest motion. The body pains get better on absolute rest. Every part of the body is painful to touch. An increased thirst for large quantity of water is always present in patients requiring this medicine.

When to use Bryonia Alba?

It is the best choice to manage body aches related to muscles or joints when pains are worse from slight movement and better from rest.

How to use Bryonia Alba?

The potency of this medicine differs from case to case from low to high. Low potencies like 30C can be taken two to three times a day. Use of high potency like 200C is limited to once a day.

4. Magnesium Phosphorica – For Body Aches Better From Warm And Pressure

Magnesium Phosphorica is used for a wide range of body pains and aches. The main indications for its use are relief in pain from warm application and pressure application to the affected parts of the body and worsening by cold air exposure. The body pains can be shooting, cutting or stitching in nature.

When to use Magnesium Phosphorica?

It is an apt medicine for cases of body aches in which there is relief from warm application and pressure while there is worsening of pain from cold air exposure.

How to use Magnesium Phosphorica?

Most of the time, it is prescribed in 6X potency and can be taken three to four times a day as per pain severity.

5. Gelsemium Sempervirens – For Body Aches Attended With Weakness, Dullness And Drowsiness

Gelsemium Sempervirens is a wonderful natural medicine for treating body aches that are accompanied by dullness, drowsiness and weakness. The whole body feels tired. Pain is mostly present in the neck, back and lower limbs. The body pains are attended with weakness even from slight exertion. This medicine can also help in relieving the neck and shoulder pain with headache.

When to use Gelsemium Sempervirens?

It is a well-indicated medicine to manage body aches attended with marked weakness, tiredness, dullness and drowsiness.

How to use Gelsemium Sempervirens?

It can be used in 30C potency one to two times a day.

6. Eupatorium Perfoliatum – For Body Pains And Aches During Fever

Eupatorium Perfoliatum is the best natural medicine for treating body pains during fever. This is mainly given where severe and general bone pains predominate. This medicine gives quick relief in the body aches during fever like malaria or influenza. The patient feels as if the whole body is broken.

When to use Eupatorium Perfoliatum?

It is a highly suitable medicine to deal with body aches occurring during fever.

How to use Eupatorium Perfoliatum?

This medicine may be taken two to three times a day in 30C power.

Causes behind body aches

The causes may include exertion, vitamin D and calcium deficiencies, low potassium levels, lack of sleep, and injuries. Various medical conditions lead to body aches. First is fever. Second is arthritis which means inflammation of the joints. Third is fibromyalgia which causes widespread pain in different body parts at specific tender points attended by tiredness, memory issues, and sleep problems. The fourth cause can be Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) which causes marked weakness along with muscle / joint pains, sleeplessness, and poor memory. Other causes may include anemia (lack of sufficient red blood cells to carry enough oxygen to body tissues); lupus (an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks and inflames the healthy tissues and organs of the body that leads to a butterfly-shaped rash on the face and may cause joint pains, fever, tiredness, chest pain, dry eyes and memory loss; Lyme disease which is a bacterial infection spread by tick bites; myositis (inflammation of muscles); and fluid retention.

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Top Homeopathic Remedies for Pain in Hands and Fingers

Homeopathic remedies for pain in fingers and hands are very effective in treating all conditions that lead to pain in these parts of the body. Homeopathic remedies are natural medicines and use bod’s own innate restorative powers to cure the disorders causing pain in fingers, hands, and thumb. Homeopathic remedies for pain are very safe and cause no side effects.

This pain in fingers and hands can be caused by these  conditions 

Homeopathic Remedies for Pain

Rheumatoid arthritis: Rheumatoid arthritis as an autoimmune inflammatory disease affecting joints leading to pain, swelling, stiffness in joints of hands. In long standing cases of rheumatoid arthritis the affected joints of hands and fingers are damaged leading to varying degrees of deformity.

Carpel Tunnel Syndrome:  Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that results from pressure on the median nerve of wrist. The resulting symptoms include pain in wrist, palm, thumb and fingers (index finger, middle finger and sometimes ring finger) and the pain is usually worse at night than day time. The pain from wrist can sometimes travel up to the arms and in some cases even up to shoulders. Other symptoms of Carpel tunnel syndrome include weakness, numbness and tingling in hands and fingers. The weakness  of hands lead to difficulty in gripping objects leading to dropping of things out of hand .

De Quervain’s Tendinitis/Tenosynovitis: De Quervain’s tendinitis is a condition that arises due to swelling in tendons of thumb side of wrist leading to pain in wrist. Repetitive activities and overuse of hands are responsible for the onset of this condition. The pain in wrist is worse on making fist, grasping/holding objects, turning wrist like in wringing the clothes. Sometimes the wrist pain can extend to thumb and forearm.

Writer’s cramp: Writer’s cramp refers to sudden, involuntary contraction of muscle of hands or fingers leading to severe pain in hands/fingers. Jerking and trembling of hands while writing may also be present. This condition arises due to over use of hands and fingers in writing or typing.

Ganglion cyst: Ganglion cyst is a small fluid filled cavity/lump that form near a joint or tendons mainly on the wrist on back of hand. This can cause  pain in hand if a nerve gets pressed under this cyst.

Injury to hand and fingers: Pain in hand and fingers can occur due to Injury to hand because of varied reasons like a fall on hand, due to a blow, due to hand getting blocked in between window of a car or a door of house etc leading to sprains, fractures etc.

Homeopathic Remedies For pain in Hands and Finger

1. For Pain due to Rheumatoid Arthritis

Antimonium crudum is an excellent medicine for pain in fingers due to rheumatoid arthritis. The symptoms that guide towards using this medicine in pain of fingers in rheumatoid arthritis are that the pain in fingers is aggravated in cold weather and washing hands in cold water and better by hot applications on fingers. Another very prominent symptom that guides towards usage of this medicine is that the arthritic pains alternate with stomach complaints and the tongue of affected patient is thick white coated. The arthritic pains of fingers that are worse from taking wine can also be relieved by using this medicine.

Actea Spicata is a wonderful homeopathic medicine used in treatment of pain in wrist and fingers of a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis. Tearing and tingling type of pains in fingers and wrist that are worse from touch and motion can be tackled by this medicine usage. This medicine also gives good results for excessive swelling and redness in wrist and fingers that come from slight exertion/fatigue. The next Natural medicine that comes into play for treating pains and stiffness of wrist and fingers in rheumatoid arthritis is Caulophyllum. This homeopathic remedy Caulophyllum can give good results where the pain in wrist and fingers constantly shifts from one part to another with much stiffness. Viola odorata is yet another homeopathic medicine to be utilized in patients in cases of pain in hand and wrist where the right hand is more predominantly involved.

2. For Pain in Fingers due to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Hypericum perforatum is an excellent remedy for pain in fingers and hands due to carpal tunnel syndrome where pains are of tingling and burning in character. The numbness and crawling in hands along with pain is another useful symptom for application of this medicine. Another great homeopathic medicine Causticum is equally effective medicine for tearing type of pains in hand and fingers with numbness. Causticum can be given in those cases where pain is worse in cold air and better from warm applications on hand. Next medicine Plumbum metallicum is used in homeopathic treatment of pain in hand and finger when along with numbness and tingling there is weakness in the hand , making it impossible for the hand to lift or grasp anything medicine Ruta graveolans is excellent for treating pain in hand and wrist due to carpal tunnel syndrome where the condition arises due to swelling of tendons in the wrist leading to pressure on median nerve . This causes symptoms of pain and numbness in hands and fingers .

3. For pain due to De Quervain’s Tendinitis

The medicines that are used in treatment of pain in hands and fingers due to De Quervain’s tendinitis are Ruta graveolans, Phytolacca decandra, Bryonia alba and Rhus toxicodendron. Ruta graveolans is a medicine for pain in hand, thumb and wrist due to De Quervain’s tendinitis and can be utilized with great results where the pain is worse by cold and condition has raised due to overstraining/overexertion of hands. The second medicine Phytolacca decandra is used in pain of wrist due to inflammed tendons where the character of pain is electric or shooting type and shifts rapidly from one point to another. Next two mentioned medicines Bryonia alba and Rhus toxicodendron are also used in the pains of thumb, wrist and hand due to tendinitis but the main differentiating feature that is to be taken into account while using them is that the for patients requiring Bryoinia alba complains of pain in wrist are worse by motion and  relief in pain is by rest ; while the patient requiring Rhus toxicodendron complain of pain that is worse during rest and is much better by movement of affected hand.

4. For Pain in due to Writer’s Cramp

Magnesium phosphoricum is a wonderful medicine for pain in hands and fingers caused by writer’s cramp.  Cramps and pains in hands in fingers due to excessive use in writing which are better by hot application and pressure can be treated very effectively by this medicine. For patient’s who complain of pain numbness and weakness along with involuntary shaking of affected hand can be given this medicine. Stanum metallicum is yet another well indicated medicine that is of immense use in the treatment of pain in hands and fingers due to writer’s cramp.  For this medicine to be used the main indications are pain and cramp in fingers with weakness of hands  , causing  the pen or  the held objects to fall down . Conium maculatum can be given to those patients who get cramps with numbness of fingers. Another marked feature where this medicine can be given is excessive perspiration and trembling of hands with pain in hands . Gelsemium sempervirens is an excellent choice when along with pains and cramps in hands there is excessive trembling and weakness .

5. For Pain due to Ganglion Cyst

Calcarea fluorica is an excellent  medicine for pain in hand and fingers which occur due to ganglion cyst, especially when the ganglion is formed on back of wrist. It is very effective when the ganglion is causing a nerve compression. It can ease out the pain . For dissolving ganglion homeopathic medicine Ruta is an excellent choice .

6. For Pain due to Injury

Arnica montana is an excellent medicine for pain in hands and fingers when the injury is the cause. If the pain in hands and fingers occurs due to injury by sharp pointed objects, two medicines Hypericum perforatum and Ledum Palustre can be used. Homeopathic medicines Ruta graveolens and Rhus toxicodendron  are equally marvellous medicines for homeopathic treatment of pain in hands and fingers when muscles and tendons are injured.

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