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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Thick, Sticky Discharge From Nose

Mucus is normally produced by mucus membranes of the nose and paranasal sinuses (air-filled cavities in the bones of skull) daily without our being aware of it. This mucus is required in the body as it functions to trap germs, infectious particles, pollutants, and dust particles that enter from the nose to prevent their entry into the lungs. Mucus production tends to increase under certain health conditions and in some cases, the mucus is thick and sticky in nature. The first reason behind this is common cold. Common cold refers to a viral infection of nose and throat that usually results from infection with rhinoviruses but can also occur from other viruses like adenovirus, and respiratory syncytial virus. Initially, in the case of common cold, the nasal discharge is thin but in later stages, it tends to become thick and sticky. The next cause could be allergies in which the immune system overreacts to inhaled allergens. As a result, the nose produces mucus in excess to get rid of the allergens.

Due to excessive mucus production, the thick sticky mucus may accumulate in the nose. Another cause can be sinus inflammation and infection. In this condition, the sinuses swell up along with mucus build up in the sinuses and there is mucus discharge from the nose that can be thick and sticky. Fungal rhino sinusitis can also be a cause. It refers to a sinus infection which is caused by fungus usually from mold or yeast. Other causes that may result in thick, sticky nasal mucus include dry environment (breathing in dry air mainly in winters can result in thick, sticky nasal mucus) and dehydration (it changes the consistency of nasal mucus from thin to thick, rubbery, sticky type). Depending on the reason behind thick, sticky discharge it can be attended with some other signs and symptoms. These include sneezing, stopped nose, headache, fever, body aches, weakness, itchy, watery eyes, PND (post nasal discharge means dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat), sore throat, cough, loss of smell and taste.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very effective management for cases of thick, sticky nasal discharge. Homeopathic remedies work naturally to reduce these discharges. They give excellent results by treating the root cause behind it. Along with nasal discharge, other associated signs and symptoms like stopped nose, sneezing, headache, PND, cough also get well managed with these medicines. There are numerous homeopathic medicines to manage these cases. Among these, the most suitable medicine is selected individually for every case based on the characteristic symptoms after detailed case evaluation. It is advised to always consult a homeopathic physician before using any of these medicines. Self – medication should be avoided in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Thick, Sticky Discharge From Nose

1. Kali Bichrome – Top Recommended Medicine

Kali Bichrome is the topmost medicine when it comes to help the cases of thick, sticky mucus from the nose. In cases needing it, the nasal discharges are yellowish or greenish. The discharges are thick, lumpy and very sticky. They are stringy and ropy that can be pulled in the form of long threads from the nose. Along with this, post nasal discharge (PND) is also very prominently present. Along with discharges, a pain or pressure sensation is felt at the root of the nose. The nose feels blocked. Headache can accompany nasal blockage. Sneezing which gets worse in the morning can attend the above complaints. This medicine is of great help in cases of cold and sinusitis.

2. Hydrastis – For White Or Yellow Thick, Sticky Nasal Discharge

This medicine is effective for managing white or yellow colored thick, sticky nasal discharge. Along with this, there is marked headache in the frontal region. Sneezing can also be present. A sensation of fullness is felt over the eyes. Burning type of pain is present in the nose. The nose feels stuffed. There is a constant urge to blow the nose. The air feels cold in the nose. It is accompanied by PND i.e. dropping of mucus from the back of the nose into the throat.

3. Kali Sulph – For Thick, Sticky Foul Smelling Yellow Nasal Discharge

Kali Sulph is a prominent medicine to manage thick, sticky yellow nasal discharge that has a very foul smell. Along with this, there is loss of smell and taste. Nose feels blocked. In some cases, thick yellow discharge alternates with watery nasal discharge.

4. Hepar Sulph – For Thin Nasal Discharge Followed By Thick, Foul Discharge

This medicine is well-indicated for cases where thin nasal discharge is followed by thick nasal discharge. The discharge has a foul smell. There is sneezing when one inhales cold air. There is also post nasal discharge. The air feels cold in the nose. The nostrils feels painful and also sensitive to touch. In some cases, crusts may form in the nose that bleed. Nose feels blocked in the morning. There is also loss of smell.

5. Silicea – For Foul Smelling Thick Nasal Discharge

Silicea is a very important medicine to manage foul smelling, thick nasal discharge. The discharge is greenish-yellow in most cases. With this, nasal blockage and loss of smell and taste are observed. The discharge is most marked in the morning. Along with this, headache can be felt. Itching is felt in the nose and sometimes there is excessive sneezing. There is a loss of appetite along with the above complaints. Inflammation of the frontal sinuses can be present. There may be long-term inflammation of the tonsils.

6. Thuja – For Thick Yellow Green Nasal Discharge

Thuja is the next useful medicine for managing cases of thick yellow green nasal discharge. It can be mixed with pus and blood in some of the cases. A pressure is felt at the root of the nose. There is pain in the teeth on blowing the nose. It is indicated for long term sinus infections. In some cases, ulceration in the nose is also noted. In some cases, bloody scabs can be present in the nostrils.

7. Graphites – For Nasal Blockage Along With Thick, Sticky Discharge

Graphites is an excellent medicine to manage a blocked nose along with thick sticky nasal discharge. The discharge has a very bad smell. It is yellow most of the time. Bad smell is felt in the nose like that of burnt hair. In some cases, mucus forms hard crusts in the nose. Nose is internally painful in addition to the above complaints.

8. Kali Iodatum – For Accumulation Of Thick, Sticky Mucus In Nose

This medicine is effective when there is accumulation of thick, sticky mucus in the nose. There is yellowish or greenish black discharge from the nose giving out a very foul smell. Burning sensation is felt in the nose. Excessive sneezing occurs. Tightness is felt at the root of the nose. There may be accompanying loss of smell as well.

9. Chamomilla – For Sticky Nasal Discharge With Loss Of Smell And Dry Cough

This medicine is of great use in cases of sticky nasal discharge with loss of smell and dry cough. The nose is blocked. There is irritation and crawling sensation in the nose. Dry heat is felt in the nose. There is excessive sensitivity to all the smells.



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Blocked Nose troubling you at Night? Simple Homeopathic remedies will bring relief

Blocked nose at night can be quite uncomfortable and disturb a good night’s sleep. It can be caused by different reasons like flu, cold, allergies, polyps, etc. It is not that these conditions do not block the nose during the day, but while we lie down on the bed at night, the blockage of nose can worsen due to some reasons. Firstly, on lying down blood flow to the head increases which can lead to swollen blood vessels in nostrils that worsens stuffy nose. Secondly, lying flat on the bed at night in a person already having a stuffy nose might worsen the complaint. In the day, when standing or sitting, the  mucus keeps draining out from natural gravity pull.

But when lying flat in bed the body has to work against gravity and it becomes difficult for the sinus fluids to drain from nose. As a result fluid builds up in the nose that increases stuffiness. Another reason for blocked nose can be dry air in the room at night. To combat the dryness, nostrils may produce extra mucus to moisten nostrils which further add to the blockage. Blocked nose can be attended with symptoms like sneezing, nasal discharge, nasal irritation, post nasal discharge (PND), snoring, headache, sleep apnea (a sleep disorder in which momentary pauses in breathing occurs several times during sleep) depending on the cause behind it.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help to relieve blocked nose at night. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help in clearing stuffy nose by treating the root cause behind it. Once the root cause is targeted, long term relief in blocked nose follows. The most suitable medicine is selected after taking into consideration the individual symptoms and the cause behind the blockage.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Blocked Nose At Night

1. Ammonium Carb – Top Grade Medicine

It is one of the best medicines for managing nasal blockage at night. It is very suitable for those who have to breathe through the mouth due to blocked nose at night. They may wake up several times from sleep due to nasal stuffiness and difficult breathing. Other symptoms that they may exhibit include profuse watery discharge from nose and a constant urge to sneeze. A very characteristic feature that can occur is nasal bleeding when washing face and hands in the morning.

2. Lemna Minor – With Nasal Polyps Or Turbinate Hypertrophy

Turbinate Hypertrophy

Turbinate Hypertrophy

It is a highly recommended medicine for blocked nose from nasal polyps or turbinate hypertrophy. In cases needing it, nostrils feel stuffed causing difficulty in breathing through the nose. A foul smell from nose may emanate. There may also occur nasal discharge which is thick, yellow or white and sticky in nature.

3. Teucrium – From Nasal Polyps

This medicine is suitable to relieve blocked nose from polyps. In cases needing it, the side on which the sufferer lies down gets blocked means lying on right side causes blockage of right nostril and lying on left side results in blockage of left nostril. There may be loss of smell. Lastly, crawling sensation in the nostrils along with sneezing, nasal discharge and watering from eyes may be present.

4. Sambucus – Blocked Nose In Children

Sambucus is the top-listed medicine to help cases of blocked nose in children. It works well both in cases of blockage due to nasal dryness as well as blockage from nasal discharge. In case of discharge from nose, the secretions are mostly thick and sticky. Children needing it have trouble breathing through the nose. They wake up several times at night from a feeling of suffocation.

5. Calcarea carb – For Stuffed Nose With Yellow Discharge

This medicine is beneficial when nasal stuffiness occurs along with yellow nasal discharge. The person needing it can hardly breathe through the nose at night. Besides, there is an offensive smell in the nose. A tendency to suffer from frequent cold from exposure to cold air may be present in those needing it.

6. Hepar Sulph – Stuffy Nose In Case Of Cold

This medicine is very effective to relieve stuffy nose from cold. Those needing it have watery nasal discharge or sometimes yellow sticky matter discharge from nose. In some cases, the nasal discharge may be blood stained. There is a desire to blow the nose continuously. Itching is felt in the nostrils along with sneezing. The nostrils feel painful with marked pain at the root of the nose. Burning sensation is felt in the nose. The nose is also sensitive to touch and also cold air.

7. Natrum Mur – In Case Of Allergies

This medicine can be used in case of blocked nose linked with nasal allergies. In cases needing it, nasal blockage and fluent nasal discharge occur alternately. The discharge is of clear white fluid. There is excessive sneezing, besides soreness inside the nose along with burning sensation. There may be loss of smell and taste.

8. Kali Bichrome – In Sinusitis Cases

This medicine works well in case of nasal blockage linked to sinusitis. Persons needing it have a constant sensation as if the nose is blocked. There is thick, sticky, ropy yellow or greenish discharge from nose. Mucus plugs or hard crusts in the nostrils may get formed in the nose. When these crusts are blown out by force, blood is seen at the edges of crusts. Post nasal discharge also occurs prominently. A pressure or tightness is felt at the root of the nose. A fetid smell is present in the nose. Pain in forehead is quite marked along with above symptoms.

9. Sticta – With Nasal Dryness

Sticta is well indicated when there is marked nasal dryness with blocked nose. Persons needing it feels like blowing the nose constantly but no discharge flows. The stuffed nose causes sleeplessness. There is relief in nasal blockage in the morning and in open air. The nostrils are painful along with dryness. The nasal secretions dry up quickly and form scabs which are difficult to expel. There is excessive sneezing, and frontal headache along with stuffiness in the nose.

10. Agraphis Nutans – From Enlarged Adenoids

It is the most prominent medicine to help cases of nasal blockage due to enlarged adenoids. In cases needing it, there is difficulty in sleeping from blocked nose. Tonsils may get enlarged. There is a tendency to catch cold easily from exposure to cold winds.

11. Lycopodium – For Blocked Nose With Mouth Breathing

This medicine is valuable to manage cases in which nasal blockage is accompanied with mouth breathing. It is highly useful for nasal blockage in children. The child needing it wakes up suddenly from sleep rubbing the nose. There may occur nasal discharge, along with red, watery eyes. The nasal discharge is thick yellow along with frontal headache.

12. Nux Vomica – For Blocked Nose At Night And Nasal Discharge In Daytime

This medicine is suitable when the nose is blocked at night but in daytime, nasal discharge flows. There is blockage of the nose on alternate sides. A crawling sensation is felt in the nose, besides sneezing. There is oversensitivity to smell. Snoring along with nasal blockage is also there.

What Are The Causes Of Blocked Nose At Night?

1. Cold, flu: It is a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract (nose, throat, sinuses, larynx)

2. Nasal polyps:  These are soft non-cancerous growths arising from the mucous membrane of the nose or paranasal sinuses.

3. Turbinate hypertrophy: Swelling or enlargement of small sausage shaped structures (made up of bone and covered with soft tissue called mucosa) located within the nose.

4. Deviated nasal septum (DNS): Condition where thin wall separating right and left nasal passage is displaced to one side.

5. Enlarged adenoids: Enlargement of lymphoid tissue present at the back of nose (nasopharynx).

6. Sinusitis: Inflammation of any of the paranasal sinuses i.e. air-filled cavities in skull bone.

7. Nasal allergy/Allergic Rhinitis: It refers to an allergic reaction to allergens like dust, pollen resulting in nasal inflammation causing symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy/watery eyes.

8. Dryness of nose (rhinitis sicca)



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Top Homeopathic Medicines For Dry Nose

 Dryness in the nasal passage is medically known as rhinitis sicca. It can be uncomfortable yet harmless, and rarely serious. The inner membrane of the nasal passage secretes mucus daily. It lubricates the nasal cavity, moisturises the air so that it smoothly passes through the respiratory tract and traps dust, irritants and the germs that we may breathe in. If mucus production is not adequate or it dries up, it results in dry nose.

Homeopathic Management

Complaint of dry nose can be effectively managed with use of homeopathic medicines. These medicines help by working to treat the root cause, as a result nasal dryness gradually decreases. The attending signs and symptoms like nasal congestion, itching, burning in nose, redness, swelling and pain in nose, scabbing inside nose, recurrent sneezing also get managed with these medicines. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances so are very safe to use without any side effects. These medicines can be used in most cases of nasal dryness but in case of nasal dryness along with high fever, excessive difficulty in breathing, uncontrolled bleeding from nose, urgent help from conventional mode of treatment is advised.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Dry Nose

1. Sticta – Top-Grade Medicine

Sticta is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing cases of dry nose. Persons needing it have excessive dryness and pain inside the nose. They may have nasal secretions that dry up quickly and forms scabs in nostrils. These are difficult to dislodge and cause nasal stuffiness. The nose feels obstructed; it gets worse at night which disturbs sleep. There is a feeling of stuffiness at the root of the nose. There can be excessive sneezing and loss of smell.

2. Kali Bichrome – For Nasal Dryness And Pain At Root Of Nose

It is a very effective medicine for cases having nasal dryness and pain at the root of nose. The nose feels constantly blocked. Swelling and burning sensation in the nose is felt. Its use is also indicated when the nose is filled with dry, hard crusts that can be blood-tinged. There can be discharge of ropy mucus from the posterior nares (post nasal discharge). Foul smell in nose may also be present along with the above symptoms.

3. Calcarea Carb For Dry Nose At Night

This medicine is helpful for managing cases in which there is dryness in the nose at night. Nostrils may have soreness and ulceration. The root of the nose may be swollen. It is also useful when there is offensive yellow discharge from the nose. Frequent sneezing from itching/tingling in the nose can accompany these symptoms.

4. Sambucus  For Nose Dryness With Difficult Breathing Through Nose

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh leaves and flowers of a plant Sambucus Nigra, commonly known as ‘elder’. It belongs to family caprifoliaceae. This is a prominent medicine for managing nose dryness with difficulty in breathing through the nose. In cases needing it, the nose is dry and obstructed. In some cases, nose is blocked with thick tenacious mucus. Sambucus is the most commonly indicated medicine for nasal dryness in babies.

5. Ammonium Carb For Excessive Dryness Of Nose

It is a well-indicated medicine for cases in which nose is extremely dry. There is marked blocking of nostrils that forces a person to breathe from the mouth, especially at night. There can be swelling, pain and sensitivity in the nostrils. Sometimes, there is bleeding from nose in the morning.

6. Natrum Mur For Nasal Dryness And Sneezing

This medicine works well in cases in which nasal dryness and sneezing are present. In some cases needing it, loss of smell and taste can be there. Scabs in the nose occur sometimes. There may be burning and soreness in the nose. It is also a suitable medicine for managing cases of alternate fluent and dry coryza.

7. Silicea  For Dryness In Nose With Crusts

It is a well-indicated medicine for cases having dryness of the nose with crust formation. The nose feels blocked from hardened mucus in it. There can be hard, dry masses of mucus in the nose in the morning with an offensive smell. Itching in the nose can attend it. It is also indicated for cases having alternate dry and fluent coryza. History of long-term coryza may be present in the cases needing it.

8. Graphites For Dry Nose With Loss of smell 

Graphites is an important medicine for managing cases in which there is dryness in the nose along with loss of smell. Dryness in nose may be sometimes painful. There can also be dry scabs in the nose. It is accompanied by soreness, cracks and ulcers in the nostrils. In some cases, there is discharge of thick yellowish offensive mucus from the nose.

 9. Petroleum For Dryness and Burning In Nostrils

It is an important medicine to manage dryness and burning sensation in the nostrils. The nostrils can be cracked and ulcerated too. Next, there can be swelling in the nose with pain at the root of the nose. There may occur scabs or discharge of mucus and pus from the nose.

10. Belladonna For Dry Nose With Frontal Headache

This medicine is prepared from the plant ‘deadly nightshade’. Use of this medicine is considered when there is dryness in the nose accompanied by frontal headache. Frequent sneezing may be present along with it. Swelling, redness and inflammation in the nose may be marked too. Pain may be felt on touching the nose. In cases needing it, dryness in the larynx, trachea may also be present along with dry nose.

 What Are Causes Of Dry Nose?

1. Dry nose may simply be due to environmental factors like low humidity levels (from very hot or cold climates), excessive use of air conditioners or blowing the nose very frequently.

2. In other cases, it may also result from colds or nasal allergies and long-term nasal inflammation.

3. It may arise from use of certain medications(for example, antihistamines, antibiotics, prolonged use of nasal sprays, nasal decongestants).

4. Some women may get it from hormonal changes during menopause.

5. High blood pressure and dehydration may also result in a dry nose.

6. Tobacco smoking is another reason that can lead to dry nose.

7. In some cases, it can occur from some medical conditions.  These conditions includes atrophic rhinitis and sjogren’s syndrome. Sjogren’s syndrome is an autoimmune disorder that affects the mucous membranes and glands (that secrete moisture) of eyes and mouth which leads to decreased tears and salivation. The main symptoms of this syndrome are dry eyes and a dry mouth. Dryness in the nose and skin may be felt sometimes. Atrophic rhinitis refers to chronic inflammation in the interior of nose resulting in atrophy of nasal mucosa.

What Are The Other Signs And Symptoms?

Dry nose may be attended with other signs and symptoms depending on the underlying cause. These include nasal congestion, itching, burning sensation in nose, redness, swelling and pain, scabbing or crust formation inside the nose, bleeding from nose, change in smell or alteration in the smell, recurrent sneezing and breathing from the mouth. In case it is attended with high fever, nasal bleeding that doesn’t stop, weakness, extreme difficulty in breathing, urgent medical help should be taken.

What Are Its Complications?

Irritation in the nose and respiratory discomfort can lead to disturbed sleep. Dry nose increases chances of infection in the nose and rest of the respiratory tract (this is because dry nose makes it unable to trap the germs that can enter from nose due to lack of mucus production in nose). Constant dryness of nose may lead to nose bleeding. Other than this, sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis and sinusitis may occur. Sore throat means irritation, scratching sensation or pain in the throat.  Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the pharynx (back of the throat). Laryngitis refers to inflammation of the larynx (voice box).  Sinusitis means inflammation of the mucous membranes that lines the para nasal sinuses (air-filled spaces surrounding the nasal cavity).


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6 Homeopathic Remedies for Stuffy and Blocked Nose

Homeopathic Remedies For Blocked Nose

Breathing is a continuous second-by-second process, and it’s no wonder then that a blocked nose is as irritating as a medical condition can get. Blocked nose is a very common complaint that can affect a person of any age group. The nose can be partially or completely blocked, and it can be blocked on one side or both sides varying from case to case. A blocked nose can be attributed to various reasons. It can be caused by cold, flu for a week or two but if it persists for more long time then it could be from some other health conditions. First among these is nasal polyps (soft, non-cancerous growths in the nose), second it nasal allergies. Another reason can be a deviated nasal septum (DNS) in which there is a displacement of the wall separating the nostrils to one side. Further causes includs sinusitis (inflammation of tissue lining the paranasal sinuses) and hypertrophy of nasal turbinates (the enlargement of bony structures inside the nose). Enlarged adenoids (the enlargement of the tissue present at the junction of the back of the nose and throat) are an important cause of blocked nose in kids. The nose can also be blocked in isolation or in conjunction or alteration with nasal discharges. Some other symptoms may also attend like sneezing, headache, post nasal discharge, cough, loss of smell depending on the cause.

Homeopathy is a very effective mode of treatment for nasal blockage cases. Homeopathic medicines, which are made of natural substances are completely safe with no side effects, are best for the treatment of a blocked nose. They function on the core of the issue for effective cure in blocked nose. Simultaneously, symptoms like nasal discharge, sneezing, post nasal discharge, headache, cough, loss of smell are also cured. The instant reaction when a person has a blocked nose is to pop in over-the-counter pills or take a  nasal spray / nasal decongestant, but relief with these is temporary. There can be a relapse even after you think you are out of the blocked nose phase. However, natural homeopathic remedies for blocked nose not only ensure relief from symptoms but also roots out the cause of the blocked nose.

Homeopathy addresses root cause

Homeopathic medicines aim to treat the root cause in every case of blocked nose for complete cure rather than just providing relief for the time being. It can effectively treat nasal blockage causes like allergies, cold, sinus infections, nasal polyps, hypertrophy of nasal turbinates, and enlarged adenoids. Once the underlying cause is targeted, relief in blockage follows and gradual cure occurs in few months.

Prescription as per case characteristics

These homeopathic medicines are not selected and prescribed as per only one symptom of nose blockage, but a complete case study is done to select the right medicine to get rid of the problem. The most suitable medicine is chosen after analysing the characteristic symptoms in each individual case. The symptoms that are taken note of are the side of nose blockage, the time at which the blockage is at its peak, peculiar worsening and relieving factors, any attending symptoms like nasal discharges, the character of nasal discharge, sneezing, headache, post nasal discharge. Individual medicine prescription leads to excellent recovery in cases of nasal blockage.

Homeopathy is safe and natural

Homeopathic medicines for treating stuffy, blocked nose are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Due to this reason, these medicines are 100 % safe and effective. These medicines are suitable for persons of all age groups. These medicines work gently in the most harmless way in cases of blocked nose.

Top 6 Homeopathic Remedies For Blocked Nose

Ammonium Carb, Lemna Minor, Natrum Mur, Kali Bichrome, Sambucus and Agraphis Nutans are the top remedies to treat stuffy, blocked nose.

1. Ammonium Carb – Effective medicine for Blocked nose at night

Ammonium Carb is a leading medicine to manage blocked nose at night. There is inability to breathe through the nose leading to mouth breathing. Along with blockade, watery discharge may flow from the nose along with a burning sensation. A constant urge to sneeze may also attend.

When to use Ammonium Carb?

It is a highly beneficial medicine to help cases of stuffy blocked nose at night.

How to use Ammonium Carb?

This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. In most cases, 30C potency is selected to start with the treatment that can be taken two to three times a day.

2. Lemna Minor – For Blocked Nose due to Nasal Polyp

Lemna Minor is the top natural remedy for the removal of nasal blockage due to polyps. The symptoms guiding its use are nasal stuffiness and loss of smell with difficulty in breathing. Posterior nasal dripping also accompanies nasal blockage. A few persons experience nasal discharges, while in others, the nasal cavity remains dry. Another symptom is an offensive odor in the blocked nose. Lemna Minor is also the most effective remedy for the polyp that worsens in wet weather.

When to use Lemna Minor?

Lemna minor is the most prominent homeopathic medicine to treat nasal blockage linked with nasal polyps.

How to use Lemna Minor?

It proves to be most effective in Q (mother tincture) form. Lemna Minor Q can be taken once or twice a day

3. Natrum Mur – For Blocked Nose linked to cold and Nasal Allergies

In cold and nasal allergies, the best natural homeopathic remedy is Natrum Mur. It is mainly prescribed when there is blocked nose alternating with watery nasal discharge. There is intense sneezing especially marked in the morning. Loss of smell and taste attend the above complaints, along with watering from the eyes.

When to use Natrum Mur?

Natrum Mur is an effective medicine to manage blocked nose associated with cold and nasal allergies when there nasal blockade and watery nasal discharge occur alternately.

How to use Natrum Mur?

It gives excellent results in 6X potency that can be taken three to four times a day.

4. Kali Bichrome – For Blocked Nose Due To Sinusitis

Kali Bichrome is a highly recommended medicine for blocked nose due to sinus inflammation. Kali Bichrome is selected when the main symptoms are nose blockage with posterior nasal discharge. Extreme nose stuffiness is felt at the root of the nose. There is thick, sticky, ropy yellow, greenish nasal discharge.  There is difficulty in breathing besides loss of smell.

When to Kali Bichrome?

Kali Bichrome suits well cases of nasal blockage in sinusitis along with post nasal discharge and thick ropy sticky yellow green nasal discharge.

How to use Kali Bichrome?

Among its various potencies, it is best to begin with 30C potency once a twice a day.

5. Sambucus – For Nasal Blockage with Excessive Dryness of Nasal Cavity

Sambucus is the best medicine for nose blockage with extremely dry nasal cavities. One gets a suffocating feeling, and there is difficulty in breathing due to blockage that forces the person to sit up. Mostly at night, the person wakes up from sleep due to suffocation and difficulty in breathing. Sambucus is also very beneficial for kids having nasal blockage.

When to use Sambucus?

Sambucus is a great choice of medicine to manage blocked nose with marked dryness in the nostrils.

How to use Sambucus?

One may take this medicine two to three times daily in 30C power.

6. Agraphis Nutans – For Nasal Blockage Due To Enlarged Adenoids

For managing nose obstruction due to enlargement of the adenoids. Agraphis Nutans is a wonderful medicine. The blockage is felt at the root of the nose mostly where this medicine is required. There is a tendency to suffer from cold from exposure to cold winds. Additionally, the tonsils may get enlarged.

When to use Agraphis Nutans?

This medicine should be considered in cases of nasal blockage in children when it is associated with enlarged adenoids.

How to use Agraphis Nutans?

It is advised to use Agraphis Nutans 30C once or twice a day.

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