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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Mouth Breathing

While breathing, the air moves in and out of lungs usually through the nose. However, some persons may be breathing via the mouth which is known as mouth breathing. Mouth breathing occurs when a person is unable to breathe through the nose. It may happen at night while in some persons, it may be present during both, day and night.  Some of the signs and symptoms of mouth breathing are snoring at night, drooling of saliva from the mouth, wetting the pillow at night, bad smell from the mouth due to mouth dryness, feeling tired in the day, irritability in the morning on waking up, hoarseness of voice from dryness of mouth and disturbed/poor sleep. Dark circles may appear around the eyes. Due to mouth breathing, the jaw position can be affected which may result in pain in the jaw and teeth grinding. There may be tooth decay or gum swelling from long term mouth breathing in adults. Children having mouth breathing may also have dry lips along with cracks, enlarged tonsils, sleepiness in the day, irritability, crying spells at night time and concentration problems at school. Their growth may also be slow as compared to normal.

The main reason behind mouth breathing is blockage of the nose. Firstly, it may occur in cases of common cold. Common cold refers to viral infection of the nose and throat. Second cause can be nasal allergies also known as allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis refers to an over-reaction of the immune system to inhaled allergens like dust, pollen, etc that results in sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose and itchy, red, watery eyes. Another cause is sinusitis (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses i.e. air-filled spaces in the skull). Next reason is nasal turbinate hypertrophy (means enlarged, swollen, turbinates which are the bony structures in the nose). Further causes are nasal polyps (non-cancerous painless growths on the lining of the nose or paranasal sinuses, DNS (deviated nasal septum – one sided displacement of the wall that divides the nasal cavity into two) and sleep apnea (momentary pauses in the breathing several times at night). Further causes are enlargement of tonsils and enlargement of adenoids.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers wonderful treatment for the cases of mouth breathing. Homeopathic medicines are 100% natural medicines that go to the root cause of the problem to give great relief in mouth breathing. With these medicines, there occurs gradual decrease in the complaint of mouth breathing. These medicines also offer help in attending symptoms including snoring, bad smell from mouth, mouth dryness, tiredness and hoarseness of voice. Homeopathic medicines for cases of mouth breathing are selected individually for every case as per the characteristic symptoms after detailed case evaluation. Hence, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicines after consulting a homeopathic doctor. In no case, self – medication should be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Mouth Breathing

1. Ammonium Carb – Leading Homeopathic Medicine

Ammonium Carb is the top ranking homeopathic medicine to manage cases of mouth breathing. Person needing this medicine suffer from marked nasal blockage at night. This results in mouth breathing. They wake up multiple times at night due to blockage of the nose. There may be runny nose for a long time. They may sneeze frequently. They have marked dryness of the mouth and throat along with above complaints. Sometimes they suffer nasal bleeding in the morning on washing the face.

2. Sambucus – With Marked Dryness Of Nose

Sambucus is of great use in cases of marked nasal dryness attended with nasal obstruction and mouth breathing. There is dryness of the mouth and throat as well. There is also snoring with a whistling sound. This medicine is well suited to children with dry, blocked nose and mouth breathing. They have trouble breathing from the nose and wake up at night frequently feeling suffocated.

3. Teucrium – In Nasal Polyps Cases

Teucrium is a highly recommended medicine for mouth breathing linked with nasal polyps. There is marked blockage of the nostrils where this medicine is required. The key feature for its use is blockage of the nose on the same side on which the person lies down at night. Along with this, there is mouth breathing. Snoring also occurs while sleeping. Discharge of mucus and water also occurs from the nose. In some cases, there is discharge of greenish coloured scabs from the nose. Tingling sensation occurs in the nose. Loss of smell can be there. At times stinging pain in the nostrils can be felt. Pain is felt in the forehead due to nasal stuffiness. Above complaints can be attended with foul breath from the mouth.

4. Lemna Minor – With Nasal Polyps Or Nasal Turbinate Hypertrophy

Lemna Minor is a highly effective medicine for managing cases of difficult breathing through the nose due to nasal polyps or turbinate hypertrophy. The nose feels obstructed with mouth breathing in cases needing this medicine. There is snoring at night and sneezing during the day. Thick and sticky discharge may emanate from the nose. The discharge can be yellow or white colored. Sometimes there occurs foul- smelling crusty discharge from the nose. Foul smell occurs from the nose as well as mouth. There is also post-nasal discharge (dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat) along with the above symptoms.

5. Lycopodium – With Thick Yellow Nasal Discharge

Lycopodium is indicated when there is blocked nose with mouth breathing along with thick yellow nasal discharge. The nose feels swollen. There is a sensation of dryness in the posterior nares. There may be pain in the forehead along with nasal discharge. Mouth and tongue is dry. There is foul smell in the mouth in the morning on waking up.

6. Nux Vomica – With Nasal Discharge In Day And Blocked Nose At Night

This medicine works well when there is mouth breathing along with nasal discharge in the day and blockage of nose at night. Marked snoring is present at night. There also occurs sneezing along with itching in the nostrils. Headache and excessive mucus in the throat are prominent. There is dryness of the mouth and foul breath in the morning.

7. Agraphis Nutans – In Cases Of Enlarged Adenoids

It is a highly beneficial medicine for cases of blocked nose and mouth breathing in cases of enlarged adenoids. The root of the nose is markedly blocked in cases needing this medicine. Enlargement of the tonsils can also be present. There is a tendency to catch cold easily from exposure to cold air. Difficulty in hearing can be present along with above complaints.

8. Kali Carb – For Mouth Breathing Along With Long Term Cold

Kali Carb is a well-indicated medicine for managing cases of mouth breathing along with long term cold. In cases needing it, there is alteration between nasal discharge and nasal blockage. There is thick, yellow green crusty discharge from the nose. The discharge has bad smell. Post nasal dripping is also present. Itching and burning are also marked in the nose. Voice may become hoarse. Mucus or a lump sensation is felt in the throat.


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Burning Mouth Syndrome: Causes and its Homeopathic Treatment

Burning mouth syndrome refers to a condition in which there occurs burning in the mouth. Burning mainly occurs on the tongue but can also occur on the lips, gums, roof of the mouth or inside the cheeks or in some cases the entire mouth. The burning can occur immediately after waking up in the morning and remain for the whole day. In some cases, burning sensation may not be felt in the morning but starts and keeps worsening in the later part of the day. This syndrome can occur suddenly or gradually over time. The intensity of the symptoms can be from mild to severe. The symptoms may remain constant or may come and go. Some other symptoms can attend the burning. These include changes in taste like bitter taste, metallic taste, or sometimes loss of taste, dryness in the mouth, and tingling/stinging sensation in mouth.

Causes Of Burning Mouth Syndrome

Burning mouth syndrome could be primary or secondary. If there is no clear reason behind the burning sensation, it is termed primary burning mouth syndrome. In this case, damage to the nerves of tongue is considered to be the reason. In cases where some underlying medical condition or a reason is leading to it, then it is termed secondary burning mouth syndrome. Some examples of such underlying causes include oral lichen planus, fungal infection in mouth, dry mouth, and geographic tongue.

Oral lichen planus is an autoimmune condition that tends to cause white lacy patterned lesions in the mouth (on inner cheeks, gums, lips, tongue or palate). In some cases, red swollen patches form in the mouth. The lesions are painful, may have burning sensation, and sometimes can bleed as well.

Fungal infection in the mouth is known as oral thrush. It causes white or creamy lesions in the mouth. These can develop on tongue, inside cheeks, on gums, and roof of the mouth. Burning and pain can be felt in these lesions.

Geographic tongue refers to the inflammatory condition of tongue characterized by formation of smooth, red bald patches on the tongue that gives the tongue a map-like or geographic appearance. The acid from the stomach going into the mouth (GERD – gastroesophageal reflux disease) or allergy to some food or some product used for mouth care can lead to a geographic tongue.

Apart from the above–mentioned reasons, other causes may include biting the tongue tip, brushing the tongue harshly, excessive use of mouthwash, a dental procedure, eating excessive acidic food/drink, and lack of nutrients like zinc, iron, and vitamin B12. The use of certain medicines like clonazepam, captopril, fluoxetine, hormone replacement therapies, and psychological problems, like stress, anxiety and depression, may also cause burning in the mouth. People who are above 50 yrs of age and those who smoke are at risk of suffering from burning mouth syndrome. Women are at a greater risk than men, especially around menopause or after menopause.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy carries a great scope in treating cases of burning mouth syndrome. Homeopathic medicines help in gradually decreasing the burning sensation. Besides, they work wonderfully in managing any associated symptoms like change in taste, dryness of mouth, pain and stinging sensation in the mouth. They work magnificently in reducing burning in mouth and other symptoms by targeting the root cause behind it. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating these cases is selected after detailed analysis in every individual case. The best part of homeopathic medicines is that they work in the most natural way to treat a condition and there are no side effects of these medicines.

Homeopathic Medicines For Burning Mouth Syndrome

1. Arsenic Album – Top Remedy

Arsenic Album is the most recommended medicine to manage cases of burning in the mouth. Those needing it have marked burning especially on the tongue. It is attended with bitter or sour taste in the mouth. The tongue feels dry with excessive thirst. The tongue appears white like chalk.

2. Merc Sol – With Bitter Or Metallic Taste

Merc Sol is an effective medicine for burning in the mouth along with bitter or metallic taste. Besides the burning sensation, the tongue is dry and red with dark spots. The tongue is also swollen along with pain. Pricking type of pain is felt on the tongue. Applying pressure on the tongue with fingers is painful. Ulcers or cracks may be present on the tongue. In some cases, loss of taste may be there. There is foul breath. Fungal infection in mouth may be present.

3. Iris Versicolor – With Burning Like Fire

This medicine is of great use in cases where burning is felt in the mouth as if from fire. There may be loss of taste. Tongue turns white, as if covered with a greasy substance. Mouth may be inflamed along with burning and pain. Inside the cheeks, ulcers may be present. There may be discharge of ropy saliva. This medicine is also a leading medicine to manage cases of acid reflux where stomach acid flows back to the food pipe and mouth.

4. Arum Triphyllum – For Burning Along With Soreness

Arum Triphyllum is useful in cases of burning mouth with marked soreness (pain on touch).  Burning may also be felt in the throat. Tongue is cracked and painful, along with burning. The tongue is very dry and rough. Bleeding may occur from the tongue. A discharge of thick mucus from the mouth may appear. Bad smell tends to emanate from the mouth.

5. Belladonna – With Dryness Of Mouth

Belladonna is a highly valuable medicine to manage cases of burning along with marked dryness in the mouth. Dryness is marked on the tongue, lips, inside cheeks and roof of the mouth. Excessive thirst is felt. Mouth is red, swollen and inflamed. The taste in the mouth may be sour, bitter or bad. The tongue is white in the center with red edges. The tongue is painful to touch.

6. Apis Mellifica – For Burning On Tongue With Intense Redness

This medicine can be used for cases of burning on the tongue along with intense redness. The tongue is dry. Swelling on the tongue may be present. Shooting type of pain may occur. In some cases, prickling sensation is felt on the tongue. Sometimes vesicles (tiny fluid-filled bumps) are present on the tongue with burning and stinging pain. Sticky, frothy saliva is present in the mouth.

7. Nitric Acid – Along With Stinging Pain

This medicine is helpful in relieving burning sensation in the mouth attended with stinging pain. Mouth is bright red and may be swollen. Bitter taste in the mouth remains after eating. The tongue is dry with cracks. It is sensitive even to soft food.  Ulcers may be quite prominent on the lips, tongue edges and inside the cheeks. There may be increased salivation.

8. Sulphur – With Metallic Taste

Sulphur is well indicated when there is metallic taste in the mouth, besides burning. The mouth and palate are dry. There is excessive thirst. Vesicles may appear in the mouth. Tongue is white with redness on the tip and borders.

9. Natrum Mur – With Loss Of Taste

This medicine is considered when burning in mouth is accompanied by loss of taste. Burning occurs in the mouth but is the most marked on the tip of the tongue. There may be mapped/geographic tongue. Tongue is coated white with red patches. A sensation of hair on the tongue is felt. Mouth, lips and tongue are dry. Mouth is painful and sensitive even to liquid food. Ulcers may be present on the tongue, inside cheeks or gums with burning.



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Homeopathic Medicines To Get Rid Of Bad Taste In Mouth

A bad taste in the mouth is something that everyone experiences at some time or the other.  It is temporary and tends to go away after brushing the teeth and cleaning the mouth. But in some cases, the bad taste in the mouth persists and doesn’t go away even after usual brushing and cleaning. In such cases, there may be some underlying cause that needs to be diagnosed and treated to get rid of this bad taste.

Every person experiencing it defines the bad taste differently. Some may say it is a metallic taste, while for some, it is a bitter taste, some others may describe it as foul, sour, salty or sweet taste.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines for treating this complaint are prepared from naturally occurring substances, so are very safe to use without any side effects and aid gradual recovery. The most suitable medicine for every case of bad taste in mouth is selected individually based on the case details. So it is advised to take medicines under the guidance of a homeopathic physician after detailed case evaluation.

Homeopathic Medicines To Get Rid Of Bad Taste In Mouth

1. Merc Sol – Top-Grade Medicine

Merc Sol is a very effective medicine for managing bad taste in mouth. It works well when there is metallic, putrid, bitter, or sweetish taste in the mouth.  Excessive salivation may be present with this. Next, there may be complaint of offensive breath.  It is a well-indicated medicine for managing many conditions like gingivitis, tonsillitis,  sinusitis, thrush, tooth decay, dental cavities, etc. So the cases that require it may also have sore throat, inflamed tonsils, swollen gums, mouth sores/ ulcers.

2. Pulsatilla – For Bad Taste Mainly In Morning

It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant Pulsatilla Nigricans, commonly known as ‘wind flower’. This plant belongs to family ranunculaceae. It is indicated for cases in which there is bad taste in the morning time. With this the tongue may be coated white. Next, there can be loss of appetite and nausea. Mouth dryness may attend it. In some cases, bitter taste, sweetish taste or burnt taste in mouth is present. Other than this, there may sometimes be greasy taste in mouth.

3. Nux Vomica – For Sour Taste In Mouth

It is helpful when there is sour taste in mouth. It can occur after eating or drinking. It may also be present in the morning. There may be mouth dryness with this. In some cases, small ulcers may be present in the mouth and throat with putrid smell. Sour or bitter belchings, regurgitation of food and heartburn are some symptoms that can accompany.

4. Arsenic Album – For Bitter Taste

Use of this medicine is considered for cases of bitter taste in mouth. This is mostly felt after eating and drinking. Other than this, it is also used for unpleasant or woody taste in mouth. Lastly, it is useful for cases having sweetish taste in the throat.

5. Nux Moschata – For Bad Taste And Dry Mouth

This medicine is prepared from powdered seeds of plant nutmeg. It belongs to family myristicaceae. It is beneficial for those who have a bad taste in mouth and a dry mouth. They may have a foul taste, earthy, chalky or slimy taste in mouth. Sometimes bitter or sour taste is present too. The mouth and tongue are very dry. Dryness is so marked that the tongue sticks to the roof of the mouth. Saliva feels like cotton in the mouth. Next, there is white-coated tongue and bad smell from mouth.

6. Natrum Phos – For Acid Taste In Mouth And Acid Reflux

This medicine works well for cases having acid taste in mouth. It is one of the best medicines for managing acid reflux also. Those needing it frequently complain of heartburn, sour belchings, sour vomiting and heaviness in the stomach. Along with the above symptoms, there may be yellow creamy coating at the base of tongue.

7. Borax For Bitter Taste, Mouth Sores And Oral Thrush

This medicine is valuable for managing bitter taste in mouth, mouth sores and oral thrush. The food tastes bitter to the persons who require it. Even the saliva may taste bitter. They can have sores in the mouth especially in the cheeks and on the tongue. These are painful and may bleed easily. The tongue may be cracked. It is a very suitable medicine for managing cases of oral thrush.

8. Natrum Carb For Metallic Taste In Mouth

It is an important medicine to manage metallic taste in mouth.  A constant dryness of mouth and lips can be present where it is required. There is marked burning sensation on the tip of tongue. Next, there can be redness and soreness in mouth with painful blisters.

9Belladonna For Putrid Taste In Mouth, Sore Throat, Tonsillitis

This medicine is prepared from plant commonly known as ‘deadly nightshade’. It belongs to family solanaceae. This medicine is recommended for managing putrid taste in mouth. In cases needing it, there may be sore throat or tonsillitis. The throat and tonsils are inflamed, red, shiny and painful where it is required. There is pain in the throat and tonsils along with this. Throat may feel dry. Sometimes cough can attend it.

10. Calcarea Carb – For Salty, Sour Taste

This medicine is indicated to manage salty and sour taste in mouth. Dryness in the mouth at night can be present. There may be heat in the mouth. Its use is also indicated for a taste like that of ink or iron in mouth. An unpleasant taste in mouth with cough is another indication.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

It can simply be arising from eating food having strong taste (for eg, garlic) or poor oral hygiene, but there are other reasons too including medical conditions.

Sometimes taking vitamins and supplements may bring metallic taste in the mouth. For example, calcium, iron, zinc and copper supplements.

Use of some medicines (like antihistamines, antidepressants, anti inflammatories, antibiotics) may cause metallic or bitter taste in the mouth.

Cancer treatment including chemotherapy and radiotherapy may also leave a bad taste in the mouth, including metallic and sour taste.

It can also occur in cases of dry mouth. Dry mouth is medically known as xerostomia that occurs from lack of saliva in the mouth. Saliva helps to decrease bacterial growth in the mouth and removes food particles from the mouth. In case of reduced saliva in the mouth, the bacteria overgrow and food bits may remain there leading to a bad taste in the mouth. Dry mouth can happen from various reasons like taking certain medications, advancing age and use of tobacco. But in some cases, it can arise from blocked nose leading to mouth breathing and some medical conditions like diabetes, nerve damage, and some auto-immune diseases.

There are other medical conditions that can lead to bad taste in the mouth.

First medical condition is dental problems. These include gingivitis (inflammation of the gums), tooth decay, dental cavities, infection, dental abscess (a pocket of pus that can occur at different regions of the tooth). In cases of dental issues, other symptoms that can occur are swelling/ redness of the gums, bleeding gums, bad breath and sensitive teeth.

Second medical condition is oral thrush (an infection in the mouth with fungus known a candida albicans). It is also known as oral candidiasis. It can cause bad taste in the mouth in addition to its other symptoms. Such symptoms include redness, soreness, pain in the mouth, burning sensation in the mouth, cotton like feeling in the mouth, white sores in the mouth mostly on the tongue and inner cheeks, slight bleeding from these sores, cracks at the corners of the mouth and difficulty in swallowing.

Third cause is acid reflux (a condition in which the stomach acid rises up into the food pipe back from the stomach and flows upwards). It can cause sour taste in mouth along with its other symptoms, like heartburn, nausea, vomiting, pain in upper abdomen, sore throat and cough.

Fourth reason is respiratory infections mainly viral infections. These include colds, tonsillitis (inflammation of tonsils that are the two oval shaped mass of lymphatic tissue present at the back of the throat one on each side), sinusitis (inflamed paranasal sinuses which are air filled spaces in skull). Along with bad taste, the other symptoms of these conditions include sore throat, nasal blockage, PND (post nasal drip), headache, facial pain.

Hepatitis B (a viral infection of liver) can also result in bitter taste in the mouth along with other symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, appetite loss, fever.

Next, it may occur from hormonal changes in women like during pregnancy and menopause.

Lastly, it may occur in some of the neurological conditions. For example,  epilepsy (tendency to have recurrent seizures means fits), dementia (loss of memory and decline in thinking and  other mental abilities), brain tumours.

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Is Jaw Cracking, Jaw Pain Troubling You? Try Homeopathic Remedies

Jaw pain is a very common problem experienced by a number of people. It may be accompanied by some other symptoms depending on the case. These include stiffness in the jaw, swelling or tenderness around the jaw, burning sensation around the jaw, clicking sounds on opening or closing the jaw, pain in face with jaw movement, headache, pain in ear, ringing in ears and toothache.

 Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing complaints of jaw pain. These medicines help in reducing the intensity and frequency of the pain gradually. They also help to relieve its attending symptoms like stiffness in the jaw, swelling or tenderness around jaw, pain in face, headache, pain in ear. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for jaw pain only after evaluating the reason behind it after consulting a doctor. These medicines can be taken only when the cause is mild to moderate, but in case of jaw pain from a serious cause like heart attack, it is advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.  Some of the symptoms like chest discomfort, difficult breathing, nausea, sweating or fainting along with jaw pain signal urgent help from allopathic doctor.

Homeopathic Medicines For Jaw Pain

1. Rhus Tox – Top-grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is a leading medicine for managing jaw pain. In cases needing it, there may be stiffness of the jaw along with pain. There is a feeling as if the jaw would break. Cracking sound in jaw joint with its movement is heard. There can be cramping pain in the lower jaw near the ear. It may get better by applying something warm and also by pressing it. Lastly, it is indicated for pain in the teeth that extends to the jaw and side of the head.

2. Causticum – For Jaw Pain With Difficulty In Opening Mouth

Causticum is a well-indicated medicine for cases having jaw pain along with difficulty in opening mouth. For using it, the pain can be tensive or dragging type. It is also indicated for arthritic and rheumatic pain in the lower jaw. A sensation of tension and swelling under the jaw is also indicative for using it.

3. Hecla Lava – For Upper Jaw Pain After Tooth Extraction

This medicine is beneficial for cases in which upper jaw pain follows tooth extraction. With this, the upper jaw is sore and swollen. Other than this, it is useful for managing toothache with sensitivity to pressure and swelling about the jaws.

4. Spigelia – For Lower Jaw Pain Radiating To Ears

It is prepared from a plant Spigelia anthelmia, commonly known as ‘pink root’. It belongs to family loganiaceae. Use of this medicine is recommended when there is pain in the lower jaw that extends to the ears. It may also extend to temporal (sides) region of the head. For using it, the pain is mostly present on the right side.  In some cases needing it, the pain may extend from the jaw to the neck. It is one of the best medicine for cases of facial neuralgia with above symptoms. Another indication for using it is pain in the right side of the lower jaw while chewing, with a feeling that the lower jaw has split from the joint.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Drawing Pain In Jaw

It is a helpful medicine for managing drawing type of pain in the jaw. It is effective to manage pain in the upper jaw felt while chewing. In some cases needing it, there is swelling of the lower jaw bone on the right side. Apart from these, it works well in cases of toothache with red, inflamed gums which is followed by pain in the jaw. There may also occur swelling in the jaw. Lastly, it is used there is digging, stitching pain in left side of the head during movement of lower jaw.

6. Carbo Veg – For Drawing Pain In Jaw

It is an important medicine for cases having drawing pain in jaw. For using it, the pain can be present either in the upper or the lower jaw.  The drawing pain can be felt in the head too. Soreness (pain on touching) is felt on facial bones of upper and lower jaw where this medicine is required. Sometimes rustling noises in the ears may occur from movement of the jaw.

7. Agaricus – For Tearing Pain In Face And Jaw Bones

This medicine offers help to those who complain of tearing pain in the face and jaw bones. Mostly the pain is felt on right side of lower jaw. Along with this, there may occur a sensation of splinters being run into the right lower jaw. Sometimes trembling is felt in the muscles of lower jaw.

8. Alumina – For Jaw Pain While Chewing Or Opening Mouth

It is a prominent medicine to help cases in which jaw pain occurs while chewing or opening the mouth. Pain is tensive type (stressful). Swelling of the jaw may accompany it. Along with this, there may be a sensation as if the lower jaw has shortened. Another indication for using it is intense pain in the jaw and the cheeks.

9. Carbo Animalis – For Pain In Cheek Bones, In Teeth And Lower Jaw

This medicine is indicated for managing cases presenting with pain in the cheek bones, in teeth and the lower jaw. In cases needing it, pain can be stitching type or shooting type.

10. Phosphorus – For Tearing Pain In Jaw Bones

Its put into use when there is tearing type of pain in the jaw bones. The pain occurs mainly in the evening time. Persons who need it feel increase in the pain when lying down. Jaw movement may offer relief in the pain.

11. Silicea – For Throbbing Toothache With Pain In Jaw

This medicine is considered when a person has throbbing type of toothache with jaw pain. The jaw may have swelling too. It is also indicated for rheumatic pain in jaw that extends to sides of the head.

What Are The Causes Behind It?

Jaw pain can arise from various reasons. The most common cause behind jaw pain is temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ disorder).  TMJ is a hinge joint one on each side of the jaw that connects the jawbone to the temporal bones of the skull. This joint helps in jaw movement while talking, chewing or yawning. Any problem with this joint or in the muscles around this joint refers as TMJ disorder. This disorder can lead to jaw pain. TMJ disorder has many causes and some of them include an injury to the jaw, teeth grinding, arthritis and muscle inflammation around the jaw. Apart from jaw pain, other symptoms of this disorder include pain in the face or around the ears, clicking/ popping sound on opening the mouth, ringing in ears, headache and dizziness.

Second cause for jaw pain is trauma to the jaw. It can arise from a blow on the face or if one falls directly on the face. Trauma may result in dislocated or a broken jaw.

Thirdly, jaw pain may follow a dental surgery during recovery period.

Next cause is dental problems. These include tooth damage, cavities, crowded teeth, misaligned teeth, dental abscess (a pocket of pus that can occur in any part of a tooth), gum disease, teeth grinding and jaw clenching.

Another cause is sinusitis or sinus infection which is the inflammation of any of the paranasal sinus, the air-filled spaces in the skull. In case of infection or inflammation of these sinuses, there is excessive production of mucus that puts pressure on the jaw joint and can result in pain in the upper jaw. Its main signs and symptoms are thick nasal discharge, nasal congestion, dripping of mucus from the back of nose at the back of the throat (also called PND, means post nasal drip), pain, tenderness and swelling around the forehead, eyes, cheeks, nose and decreased sense of smell and taste.

Arthritis may also cause jaw pain. In case arthritis affects TMJ, then jaw pain can result. It includes osteoarthritis (wear and tear of the protective cartilage at the ends of bones), rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune disease in which the immune cells mistakenly attack the lining of the membranes that surround joints and causes its inflammation and damage.)

Another reason is cluster headache. This type of headache mainly causes pain behind or around one eye and lasts for weeks or months altogether, followed by a long period of no pain. In some cases, the pain can spread to the jaw.

Trigeminal neuralgia is also one of the causes for jaw pain. It is a chronic painful condition affecting the trigeminal nerve and mainly arises when a blood vessel puts pressure on this nerve. Pain occurs on one side of the face, mainly on the jaw, cheeks, teeth, gums and lips.

Lastly, it can be a sign of heart attack. Though in case of heart attack, chest pain is the major symptom but in some of these cases, pain can be felt in the neck, back or jaw. Jaw pain can happen on left side during a heart attack, mostly in women.

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Treatment Of White Tongue In Homeopathy

White tongue means white coating on the tongue. The coating may occur at some places on the tongue or on the entire tongue varying from case to case.

It may simply arise from poor oral hygiene, not cleaning the tongue properly, eating soft foods in excess but in some cases, it may occur from some medical reason (for example, oral thrush). In most cases, it is a harmless sign but rarely may indicate some serious issue.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very effective in managing the cases of white tongue. With use of homeopathic medicines, the coating on tongue gradually decreases. Along with this, if there are any attending symptoms, these help to provide relief. As the reasons for white-coated tongue vary from mild to serious ones, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of homeopathic physician after complete case evaluation. Use of these medicines is recommended only when the cause is mild, but in case of serious causes like cancer, it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For White Tongue

1. Antimonium Crudum For Thick White Coating

It is a very effective medicine for cases having thick white coating on the tongue. The tongue looks milky white. There is excessive salivation that may have a salty taste. There may be pain, soreness and redness on the edges of the tongue. Sometimes there is bitter taste in the mouth. In some cases, slimy mucus is present in the mouth.

2. Merc Sol For Tongue Coated White Like Chalk

It is a well-indicated medicine for cases in which tongue is coated as white as chalk. It appears as if covered with white fur. The tongue is moist and may be swollen. This is attended with a bad, putrid, slimy or metallic taste in the mouth. Bad breath may also be there. Excessive salivation attends the above symptoms. The saliva is fetid, thick, soapy and stringy. Sores or ulcers may be present in the mouth and on the tongue. It is one of the prominent medicines for managing cases of oral thrush with thick white coating.

3. Pulsatilla For Coated Tongue With Bad Taste In Mouth

This medicine is prepared from a plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly known as ‘wind flower’. It is useful for cases having white tongue in the morning accompanied by bad taste in the mouth. Tongue may be dry in morning. In some cases, a burnt taste is present in the mouth. The edges of the tongue may feel sore and scalded. Other than the above, mucus may cling to the mouth or tongue. In some cases, painful blisters are present on tongue.

 4. Nitric Acid For White Tongue With Sore Spots

Nitric Acid is a beneficial medicine for cases of white tongue with sore spots. The tongue is sensitive even to soft food.  It is dry especially in the morning. In some cases, blisters with burning type of pain are present on the tongue. A foul smell attends the above symptoms. Next, there may be ulcers in the mouth with splinter-like pain.

 5. Bryonia For White Tongue With Red Edges

It is prepared from root of the plant Bryonia Alba, commonly known as ‘wild hops’. This medicine is indicated for cases having white coated tongue with red edges. In most cases needing it, the tongue is dry. There is bitter taste in mouth. The breath is offensive. Little ulcers on tip of tongue may be present.

6. Kali Mur For Thin White Coating On Tongue

Use of this medicine is considered when there is thin white coating on the tongue. Along with this, the taste can be sour, bitter or salty. Coldness may be felt on the tongue. In some cases, the tongue is inflamed. Sometimes, blisters occur on the tongue with burning, stinging sensation.

7. Borax For White Fungus Like Growth On Tongue

It is a helpful medicine for a white fungus-like growth on the tongue. It is a very suitable medicine for cases of oral thrush. Persons who need it may have dryness and cracks on the tongue. Next, they can have ulcers in the mouth and on the tongue. These are painful, tender and may bleed easily.

8. Arsenic Album For White Coated Tongue As If Painted White

In cases requiring it, the tongue is white coated as if painted white. The taste of mouth is also bad. It can be sour, metallic, putrid or woody. The tongue is dry. Violent burning sensation is felt on the tongue along with the above complaints.

9. Petroleum For White Tongue In The Centre

It is an important medicine when there is white coating in the centre of the tongue. There are dark streaks along the edges of the tongue.  The taste of mouth is slimy, sour or putrid. The mouth smells like odour of garlic. The mouth and throat are very dry.

10. Taraxacum For White Patches On Tongue

This medicine is used when there is white patchy coating on the tongue. It is a prominent medicine for geographic tongue (loss of papillae on the tongue’s surface forming geographical shapes).

Geographic tongue

Geographic tongue

The white spots may clear off leaving behind dark red, tender spots. These spots are very sensitive. Sour or bitter taste in the mouth accompanies it. Lastly, rawness, smarting, burning in the mouth can be felt.

11. Rhus Tox For White Tongue On One Side

This medicine helps cases having white coated tongue only on one side. The tip of the tongue is red and triangular. Tongue is sore and dry. Taste of mouth can be metallic or bitter.

12. Phosphorus When Tongue Is Coated Like Fur

This medicine is indicated for cases in which the tongue is coated like fur. The tongue is uniformly white, it is also dry and sometimes cracked. A stinging pain on the tip of the tongue can attend. Aphthous patches (small shallow lesions) may be present on the roof of mouth and tongue. The taste in the mouth is bitter, sour, sweet or salty in nature.

13. Chamomilla For Coated Tongue And Burning Sensation On Tongue

It is prepared from a plant Matricaria chamomilla. It works well in cases having white tongue and burning sensation on the tongue. In some cases needing it, the tongue is white only on the sides and red in middle. Sometimes blisters on tongue are present attended with stinging pain.

 What Are The Causes Behind It?

Mostly white tongue is a result of poor oral hygiene, poor brushing of teeth and not properly flossing the teeth. Initially, there may occur overgrowth, swelling and inflammation of the papillae (tiny bumps) on the tongue surface. Following this, debris, dead cells, dirt, germs, bits of food get trapped between these papillae. Lodging of all these particles gives white-coated appearance to the tongue. White tongue can next arise from dry mouth that may arise from mouth breathing or some medical condition. Smoking or chewing tobacco, regular alcohol intake may also lead to it. It may arise in case of fever, dehydration or from irritation from sharp edges of the teeth or braces etc. Sometimes, use of certain medications may cause it (like prolonged use of antibiotics).

Apart from the above, in some cases a white tongue may arise from some medical conditions.

It firstly includes oral lichen planus (OLP). It is an inflammatory condition of autoimmune origin that affects mucous membranes inside the mouth. In this disease, the tongue, inside of the cheeks, gums, inner surface of the lips or palate can be affected. White, lacy patterned lesions or sores occur in the mouth in this condition.

Next is oral thrush (oral candidiasis). It is an infection in the mouth caused by a fungus called candida albicans. In this, there occur white or creamy yellow patches in the mouth. These patches may form on inner cheeks, tongue, gums, roof of mouth or on the tonsils.

Third condition is leukoplakia. In this condition, thick, white patches form inside the cheeks, on gums, and on tongue. This condition is thought to arise usually from chronic irritation as from tobacco and alcohol use.

It may also arise in case of geographic tongue. It is an inflammatory condition of tongue characterised by appearance of island-shaped patches on the tongue giving it a map-like or geographic appearance.

Syphilis is yet another condition linked with it. It is a STI (sexually transmitted infection) caused by bacteria Treponema pallidum. It can cause white patches on the tongue if the infection is not treated.

Lastly, in rare cases it may arise from cancer of tongue or mouth.

What Are The Symptoms?

In many cases, there is just a white coating on the tongue. But in some cases, there may be a bad taste in the mouth or bad breath. In some case, white lacy thread-like patches in the mouth, sores in the mouth or tongue, pain, soreness and burning sensation in mouth or tongue may occur depending on the cause behind it.

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Top Homeopathic Medicines For Ranula, A Cyst In The Mouth

Ranula is a cyst (fluid-filled sac) that forms on the floor of the mouth under the tongue. It arises from blockage of the salivary gland (that makes saliva) in the mouth. It is filled with saliva that comes out from the damaged salivary gland. The fluid in the ranula has a viscous, jelly-like consistency like white of an egg. It is a benign (means non-cancerous) growth which grows slowly. In some cases, the cyst can by itself empty into the mouth and again fill up slowly within weeks.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is highly effective in treating cases of ranula. Homeopathic medicines are natural and safe to use in such cases. There is gradual reduction in the size of the cyst and surgical incision and drainage can be prevented in most of the cases. The results vary from case to case depending on the size and duration of the cyst. There are numerous medicines in homeopathy for its treatment and the prescription varies from case to case as per the individual’s signs and symptoms. It is advisable to take any homeopathic medicine under guidance of a homeopathic physician.

Homeopathic Medicines For Ranula

1. Calcarea Carb

Calcarea Carb is a leading homeopathic medicine for treating ranula. In cases needing it, a semi- transparent cyst is present on the floor of the mouth under the tongue. It is a big growth that pushes the tongue upwards. Along with this, there is swelling in the sublingual glands (major salivary glands that produce saliva). Dryness in the mouth alternates with excessive salivation where this medicine is required.

2. Ambra Grisea

It is the next prominent medicine for cases of ranula. It is useful for small growths under the tongue. There may be an offensive smell in the mouth. Bitter taste may be felt in the mouth in the morning.

3. Thuja

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh twigs of plant Thuja Occidentalis, commonly known as ‘arbor vitae’. This medicine is well indicated for cases in which the cyst is bluish-red. Though it can be present on any side of the tongue, it is most likely to develop on the left side in cases needing it. For using it, the cyst can be transparent or semi-transparent. It is soft and painless, however, there is difficulty in speech.

4. Merc Sol

This medicine is valuable to treat cases of ranula that appear on the right side. The persons who need it may have complaints of recurrent ranula. The sublingual glands are swollen, hard and painful where this medicine is required. Excessive salivation may attend it. An offensive odour from mouth can be there along with above complaints.

5. Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur is the next prominent medicine for cases of ranula. This medicine is indicated for cases in which there is swelling under the tongue accompanied with a stinging type of pain. Along with this, long-term inflammation of salivary glands is present. There may be copious salivation that tastes salty.

6. Nitric Acid

Persons requiring it have a very foul smell in the mouth. They can either have a dry mouth or profuse salivation. The salivary glands may be swollen too.

7. Mezereum

This natural medicine is prepared from fresh bark (gathered just before the flowers appear) of plant Daphne Mezereum commonly known as ‘spurge olive’. This medicine works well in cases of swelling under the right side of tongue. It tends to gradually increase in size.  At its apex, it is red and  bluish. It is painless in cases that require Mezereum. There may be leaking of watery fluid from the cyst while talking or chewing food.

8. Chromicum Acidum

It is a rare medicine that is indicated for periodical (that occurs from time to time) ranula. It is attended with dryness of the mouth. While chewing, soreness is felt in it.

9. Sacharum Album

The last homeopathic medicine in the list to treat these cases is Sacharum Album. This medicine is helpful in cases in which there is cyst under the tongue and there is inflammation of the salivary glands.

What Is The Reason Behind It?

Mostly these occur from trauma to the floor of the mouth. In our body saliva is formed by three glands — parotid glands, submandibular glands and sublingual glands. In case any of these glands (mostly the sublingual gland) gets injured (as from an oral surgery), blocked or diseased, then saliva is not able to enter the mouth but gets swallowed. In such cases, the saliva leaks from the injured gland and accumulates in the tissue around the gland to form a cyst. The plunging ranula forms due to rupture of simple ranula. In some cases, the reason behind ranula is not known.

What Are Its Signs And Symptoms?

Ranula appears as a growth on the floor of the mouth. It can be clear or bluish or pink, depending on how deep-rooted it is. Its size also varies from case to case.  It is not fixed and is soft to touch. It is not painful but in rare cases, can cause a little pain.

The cyst can be simple or plunging. In case of simple ranula, the cyst is confined to the mouth under the tongue.

But in case simple ranula ruptures and a pseudocyst forms that extends down the neck and result in a mass in the submandibular space, it is referred as plunging ranula. It is also known as diving ranula or cervical ranula in which the swelling occurs in the neck rather than the floor of the mouth. In case of a plunging ranula, symptoms like problem in swallowing or speaking can occur. It may also cause compression of the trachea.

What Are Its Complications?

The complications that can occur in case of ranula is rupture of cyst when it becomes large. Next complication that can arise is difficulty in swallowing. Other than this, there may be problem in speaking.  There are also chances of infection developing in the ranula. Lastly, bursting on its own, reformation and recurrence of these cysts after draining is another possibility.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Stomatitis

Stomatitis refers to inflammation inside the mouth. The mucous membrane that lines the inner surface of the mouth is affected. The inflammation can occur inside the cheeks, and on tongue, inner side of lips, gums or palate. In stomatitis sores, blisters, ulcers may also form inside the mouth.

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in treating cases of stomatitis. These are very safe and natural medicines that help to reduce the redness and inflammation in mouth and heal the sores, blisters, ulcers in mouth. These medicines help by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. These also effectively manage attending symptoms like pain, soreness, burning, stinging sensation inside the mouth. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for a given case is selected as per the signs and symptoms in every individual case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Stomatitis

1. Merc Sol – Top-Grade Medicine

It is a highly recommended medicine for managing cases of stomatitis. In cases needing it, there is redness inside the mouth. Along with this, blisters or ulcers are present. The ulcers can be present inside the cheeks, tongue, lips or the gums. The ulcers have a white or yellow base and red inflamed edges. Burning sensation is marked in the ulcers. Along with this, there is profuse flow of saliva. Offensive smell from mouth is present. It is well-indicated for managing fungal infection of the mouth (thrush). Besides, inflammation of the tongue and pricking type of pain is felt.

2. Borax – For Marked Redness In Mouth With Ulcers

It is another prominently indicated medicine for cases in which mouth is very red along with ulcers. It is attended with dryness and heat in the mouth. The ulcers are mostly present on the inner surface of the cheek and on the tongue. These have a tendency to bleed easily. In some cases, blisters appear on the tongue which are very painful. Every movement of the tongue causes pain. The taste of the mouth gets bitter. It is a very useful medicine for cases of oral thrush.

3. Natrum Mur – For Cold Sores

It is a leading medicine for managing cases of cold sores. In cases needing it, small blisters are present around the mouth. These occur usually on the lips attended with burning sensation. Afterwards these get covered with a scab. The scab falls off after some days and a red spot remains back for few days. Natrum Mur is also well indicated for cases when there is soreness in mouth which is highly sensitive even to liquids. Next indication for using it is blisters and ulcers in mouth, cheeks, gums, tongue. These have a smarting and burning pain when touched by food. Profuse saliva with constant spitting can attend it.

4. Petroleum – For Sore Mouth With Ulcers Inside Cheeks

This medicine is very effective for cases in which there is sore mouth along with ulcers inside the cheeks. It is accompanied with dry mouth. An offensive, fetid smell emanates from the mouth. The tongue is white in the centre with dark streaks along edges in addition to the above symptoms.

5. Nitric Acid – For Sore, Red Mouth With Burning, Stinging Pain

It is a well indicated medicine for cases having red, sore mouth with intense burning and stinging pain. The mouth is bright red in such cases. Next it is indicated for mouth ulcers attended with splinter like pain. In cases requiring it, the mucous membrane in the mouth is swollen and ulcerated. The ulcers are present inside cheeks, the edges of the tongue and also on lips. The gums may also be tender. This medicine is also indicated when the mucous membrane inside the cheeks comes between the teeth and gets easily bitten. In such cases, swelling and ulceration with pricking pain is there.

6. Kali Iodatum – For Swollen Mouth With Heat In Entire Mouth

This medicine is beneficial for cases presented with swelling inside the mouth attended with marked heat in it. Irregular superficial ulcers may be there on the mucous lining of the mouth. These look white as if coated with milk. There may be burning blisters in the mouth in some cases needing it. There is an increased salivation along with other symptoms.

7. Sulphuric Acid – For Painful Ulcers In Mouth

This medicine works well in persons having painful ulcers in the mouth. The ulcers may be white or yellow coloured.  The entire inner surface of the may be affected. It is an important medicine for cases of oral thrush.  Apart from these indications, Sulphuric Acid also offers help when there are blisters inside the cheeks.

8. Iris Versicolor – For Stomatitis With Burning Pain

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant commonly named as ‘Blue flag’.  Use of this medicine is considered when there is marked burning pain in mouth in cases of stomatitis. The burning is very intense  with profuse flow of saliva. Lastly, ulcers on the mucous lining of cheeks can be there.

9. Cantharis – For Redness And Blisters In Mouth

This medicine is indicated when there is redness and blisters in the mouth. The blisters may be small or large in size. Burning and dryness in mouth is felt with this.

What are its signs and symptoms?

The symptoms includes pain, irritation, soreness inside the mouth. Burning (oral dysaesthesia) or stinging sensation in the mouth may also be there. Red patches in the mouth can be seen. There may also occur sores, blisters or ulcers inside the mouth. The ulcers may be white or yellow in colour, and have a red base.

What are Different Types Of Stomatitis?

There are two main types of stomatitis. First is aphthous stomatitis / canker sore. Second is herpes stomatitis, also named as cold sore.

1. Apthous stomatitis/ canker sores

In this round or oval ulcers that can be white or yellow with red outer ring develop. These are non-contagious. The ulcer can be single or multiple in clusters. These can form inside cheeks, lips or tongue. These can be painful. The sores can be small or large in size varying from case to case. Smaller ones usually heal in 7 – 14 days with no scars left while large ones can take 6 weeks or sometimes more than that to heal. The large sores can leave scars. The canker sores can run in families.

2. Herpes stomatitis / cold sore.

These are caused by HSV (herpes simplex virus) and are very contagious. In this type, multiple blisters form usually around or on the lips mostly at the edge of mouth. Before formation of blisters, burning, tingling, sensation and tenderness may be felt.  Fever may also be present few days before the appearance of blisters. The blisters that form are small and filled with fluid, and are attended with pain. Afterward, these dry up and crust forms on it. In some cases, blisters can burst and form ulcers. Infection may sometimes occur in these ulcers. This infection resolve within 7 – 10 days.

What Are Causes And Factors That Can Cause it?

It can arise from various causes and factors.

1. It firstly includes deficiency of nutrients including vitamin B-12, iron,  folic acid or zinc and also  a dry mouth.

2. Next is trauma from braces, ill-fitting dentures or from accidental biting inside cheeks. It may occur also occur from burns caused  by eating hot food or drinking hot liquids. Irritation from strong chemicals, some allergic reactions, food sensitivities to some food items (eg, nuts, coffee, eggs, citrus fruits, coffee, chocolate) may also result in stomatitis. Smoking or tobacco chewing is yet another cause.

3. Another reason is infections that can be bacterial or viral infection like herpes and yeast infection like thrush.

4. Use of certain medications (eg, some antibiotics, sulfa drugs), radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment for cancer may also cause it.

5. Sores in the mouth can arise from some diseaseslike crohn’s disease, lupus, celiac disease and Behcet’s disease.

Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes inflammation in any part of digestive tract from mouth to anus.

Lupus / SLE systemic lupus erythematosus is an autoimmune disease in which inflammation occur in different body systems. It can have various signs and symptoms among which some common ones are pain and swelling of joints, red rashes usually on face, mouth ulcers, hair loss, tiredness and swollen lymph nodes.

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease in which eating gluten ( gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye) by a person leads to an immune reaction in his / her small intestine resulting in its damage.

Behcet’s disease is a rare disorder in which there is inflammation of blood vessels  throughout the body. Among its various signs and symptoms, some of the common ones are painful mouth sores, skin rash, eye inflammation and genital sores.

6. Stomatitis may also occur in some sexually transmitted infections – STI’s (eg. HIV).

7. Lastly, these can occur from weakened  immune system and stress.

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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Bad Breath – Halitosis

Bad breath refers to foul odour of varying kinds exhaled from the mouth. Bad breath is medically known as halitosis. Having a bad breath is one thing, admitting that you have it is a big step forward because this is something only someone close to you can convince you about. Since you have reached that stage, it’s time to take care of it. Having a bad breath is a medical condition, and if you have it, you need help.

Homeopathy is of great help for the treatment of bad breath. Homeopathy provides a natural treatment for bad breath. With homeopathy, the root cause is identified and then treated effectively. The attending signs and symptoms of bad breath are also well managed with homeopathic medicines. Methods like mouthwash, mint gum are very temporary solutions for cases of bad mouth odour. Homeopathy offers permanent results by acting deeply on the underlying cause of the problem.

Homeopathy with its medicines works naturally to ensure that the root cause of bad breath is tackled. It can effectively deal with various causes of bad breath, for example sore throat, mouth ulcers, dental issues, etc. As the attending cause is targeted, the results are long term. For complete recovery, a proper treatment plan curated by a homeopathic doctor is recommended.

There are numerous effective medicines for treating cases of bad breath. All the cases of bad breath are not treated with the same medicine, rather the medicine selection is done for each case individually. This individualized medication gives remarkable results in these cases. As the medicine for every case differs as per case presentation, one should always rely on a homeopathic doctor’s advice for medicine prescription and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathy uses natural remedies for managing bad breath, which are completely safe and can help to get rid of bad breath very efficiently. Homeopathic medicines boost the natural healing power of the body to overcome health issues including bad breath naturally with zero side effects.homeopathic medicines for bad breath

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Bad Breath

The top homeopathic medicines for bad breath are Merc Sol, Pulsatilla, Kreosote, Nux Vomica, Carbo Veg, Carbolic Acid and Nux Moschata.

1. Merc Sol – For Bad Breath With Increased Salivation

If Bad Breath is accompanied by a moist mouth and increased saliva, Merc Sol is the top remedy. All the persons needing this natural medicine emit a highly offensive odor from the mouth with a constantly moist mouth due to increased saliva. The salivary glands are overactive and produce saliva in high amounts. The saliva is also offensive. The odor of breath is so severe that it fills the whole room. Along with excessive saliva, the thirst for water also increases. Merc Sol is also helpful in the treatment of Bad Breath arising out of dental conditions like tooth decay and gum infection with spongy, bleeding, discharging gums. Merc Sol is a highly preferable medicine for Bad Breath with ulcers in the mouth as well. A sweet metallic taste may be present along with Bad Breath in all the conditions mentioned above.

2. Pulsatilla – For Bad Breath In Morning

Pulsatilla is a natural medicine for managing bad breath in the morning. The mouth is dry and there is no desire to drink water in spite of a dry mouth, which adds to the offensiveness of the odour. The tongue seems to be covered with thick mucus. The taste of mouth is also varied, ranging from salty, bitter and foul.

When to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla is the best medicine to manage bad breath in the morning.

How to use Pulsatilla?

This medicine can be used in low as well as high potencies. To start with, it can be taken once a day in 30C potency.

3. Kreosote – For Bad Breath From Decayed Teeth or Cavities

Kreosote proves helpful for cases of bad breath due to decayed teeth or cavities in tooth. Some persons may also complain of bleeding from gums along with decayed teeth. Bitter taste in mouth is felt frequently.

When to use Kreosote?

Kreosote works very well in cases of bad breath that results from tooth decay or tooth cavities.

How to use Kreosote?

One may use this medicine in 30C potency once a day.

4. Nux Vomica – For Offensive Smell Due To Mouth Ulcers or Indigestion

This medicine is well-indicated for bad mouth odour associated with mouth ulcers. Sour or bitter taste is felt in the mouth in the morning. There is excessive salivation. The mouth feels slimy. Nux Vomica is also indicated for bad smell due to indigestion.

When to use Nux Vomica?

Nux Vomica should be considered for managing bad smell in the mouth linked to mouth ulcers and also from indigestion.

How to use Nux Vomica?

Nux Vomica is available in low as well high potencies. When using 30C potency, it can be used two to three times a day. In 200C potency, the dose should be limited to once a day.

5. Carbo Veg – For Bad Breath with Gum Infection

Carbo Veg is a wonderful medicine to manage bad breath in cases of gum infection. Along with bad breath, there is oozing of pus and blood from gums. There may be receding of gums. The gums are painful when chewing. There is heated sensation in the mouth.

When to use Carbo Veg?

This medicine is prominently indicated for cases of bad breath due to gum infection accompanied with discharge of pus and blood from gums.

How to use Carbo Veg?

Its use is mostly preferred to deal with bad breath related to gum infection.

6. Carbolic Acid – For Bad Breath with Constipation

This medicine is suggested for managing foul smell from mouth related to constipation. The accompanying symptoms to use Carbolic Acid include a bloated abdomen due to constipation. The abdomen is painful due to excessive wind in it. The person may also complain of decreased appetite. Nausea and bad taste in mouth are the added symptoms.

When to use Carbolic Acid?

Carbolic Acid is advised for cases of bad mouth odour from constipation.

How to use Carbolic Acid?

It is recommended to take Carbolic Acid 30C once a day.

7. Nux Moschata – For Bad Breath With Mouth Dryness

This medicine suits well cases of bad breath along with marked dryness of mouth. Saliva is very less and feels like cotton in the mouth. The tongue sticks to the roof of the mouth due to dryness. The tongue is coated white and the person does not feel thirsty.

When to use Nux Moschata?

This medicine should be highly preferred to treat bad mouth odour marked with dryness in the mouth.

How to use Nux Moschata?

Nux Moschata should be taken once a day in 30C power.


Bad breath can arise simply from taking certain foodstuff (garlic, radish, onion, spices), dry mouth, poor dental hygiene, tobacco chewing, smoking but in others it could be linked to certain health issues. These include decayed/caries teeth, ulcers in mouth, gum infection (Gingivitis, Pyorrhoea Alveolaris), sinus infection, GERD (gastro oesophageal reflux disease in which the stomach acid back-flows in the food pipe), throat infections, post-nasal drip, fever.

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