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Sweating Heavily During Menopause, Try Homeopathy

Menopause refers to the permanent end of the menstrual cycle in a woman. A woman is said to have attained it when no periods have occurred for 12 months consecutively. It is a natural process occurring between the age of 45 to 55 yrs. A woman faces different issues during menopause. Among these sweating is a very common complaint that can occur during menopause and perimenopause (before menopause) time. More than 70% women going through menopause face this problem. It is attended with a heated sensation in the body in most cases. Sweating is more commonly noticed during night (night sweats). The sweat at night may wet the cloth and bedsheet excessively. In such cases, a sudden and severe feeling of heat is felt in the body due to the expansion of blood vessels followed by its contraction and sweating. During sweating the heartbeat may increase. It might feel like a panic attack. After this episode is over, a chill may be felt. The severity and frequency of sweating and heat flashes vary from one female to another. Excessive sweating may have many effects on a woman. Sweating can be quite discomforting and hinder day-to-day routine activities. The sweat may also emit foul odoodorur that can be quite unpleasant and may cause embarrassment and lower self-esteem, especially when amongst people. Excessive sweat may result in exhaustion. Sweating may also cause irritation, itching or rashes on the skin. The chances of skin infection also increase due to sweating. If there is sweating at night, it may disturb sleep.

The exact cause behind sweating during menopause is yet not fully understood. But it is suggested that the hormonal changes, including decrease in estrogen levels, tend to cause such complaints. The hormonal changes influence the hypothalamus (this part of the brain functions in temperature regulation) and make it sensitive to even the slightest changes in body temperature. As a result, hypothalamus faces difficulty in regulation of body temperature that leads to sudden heat flashes. To cool it down, our body increases sweat production. Some other factors might also contribute to excessive sweating like stress, smoking, alcohol intake, caffeine intake and excessive body weight (obesity). Family history of sweating during menopause may also contribute to excessive sweating. Women who have attained menopause at an early age and those having conditions like diabetes and thyroid complaints are also at high risk. Besides, intake of certain medicines like antidepressants, also make a woman prone to sweating during menopause.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing sweating during menopause. These medicines are of natural origin that ensure natural relief with zero side effects. These medicines gradually decrease the intensity and frequency of sweating episodes. Along with sweating, they also work to manage other complaints occurring during menopause like weight gain, hair loss, facial pigmentation, hair growth on the face, sadness, depressed feeling, low libido and vaginal dryness. The homeopathic medicines are prescribed in every individual case according to the characteristic symptoms. It is recommended to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic doctor after detailed case evaluation. It is advised to avoid self–medication in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Sweating During Menopause

1. Sepia – Leading Medicine

Sepia is one of the top rated medicines for managing increased sweating during menopause. Females needing it face complaint of sudden hot flashes along with sweating. It is attended with weakness. A woman in menopausal phase may faint. The sweat may occur from even slight exertion. It is also indicated for sweating that occurs particularly at night in certain body areas like chest, thighs and the back.  Besides, Sepia is also indicated for managing other menopausal complaints such as sadness, irritability, depressed feeling, weight gain, hair loss, facial pigmentation, hair growth on the face, low libido and vaginal dryness.

2. Lachesis – For Heat Flashes With Hot Sweat

Lachesis is another highly effective medicine for dealing with sweating during menopause. It is indicated for hot flashes accompanied with hot sweating on the body. Females needing it have excessive sweating at night that wakes them from sleep. The sweat is most marked on the neck in cases needing Lachesis. The sweat may have garlic- like smell. This medicine is also well indicated for other menopausal troubles including headache, palpitations, burning sensation on the top of the head and sleeplessness.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Cold Sweat

This medicine is useful for cases having cold sweating during menopause. The sweat smells bad. The sweat is noticed both during day and night. It may be attended with sleeplessness and restlessness at night. There is weakness from excessive sweating. The sweat gets worse from exertion.

4. Phosphoric Acid – For Sweat, Heat Flashes With Vertigo

This medicine is well indicated for cases where sweat occurs with heat flashes and attended with vertigo (sensation as if person is spinning or the things around are spinning). The sweat is profuse at night as well as in the morning. It is accompanied with anxiety. Mostly neck and back of the head have excessive sweating. There occurs weakness with cold sweat in most cases.

5. Jaborandi – For Sweat With Palpitations

Next important medicine for managing sweat during menopause is Jaborandi. In cases needing it, sweating occurs on the entire body with palpitations. The sweat begins from the forehead and then occurs on the whole body. It is most profuse on the legs, feet, upper part of the chest and face. Sweating is worse at night in bed. Hot flashes are felt along with sweating.

6. Sulphuric Acid – With Trembling Of Body

Sulphuric Acid works well when there are heat flashes followed by sweat and trembling all over the body. Excessive weakness is also felt. The sweat is most marked on the upper body parts where this medicine is required. The sweat is cold and smells sour. The sweat occurs soon after eating warm food. There is sweating at night along with weakness.

7. Conium – For Sweat All Over Body With Red Face

This medicine is indicated when there is sweat on the whole body with marked redness of the face. There is heat and sweat at the same time. Sweating occurs day and night. Sweat has an offensive odor. The sweating is most profuse on the limbs and genitals.

8. Strontium Carb – For Excessive Sweat At Night

This medicine is beneficial when sweat occur excessively at night. Besides, there are marked heat flashes. There is marked redness on the face with burning heat in cases needing it. The redness and heat on the face get worse from exertion. Itching may also occur on the face.

9. Ferrum Met – For Sweat On Lower Body Part

Ferrum Met is recommended when sweating occurs on the lower body part. Headache may occur before sweating. The sweat may stain the clothes yellow. The sweat has a strong and fetid smell. Nausea might occur along with sweating spells. The sweat is attended with excessive weakness.

10. China Officinalis – For Night Sweats With Weakness

China Officinalis is a very useful medicine to manage night sweats with marked weakness. Sweating follows even the slightest physical activity. Sweating occurs mostly during sleep. Sweat is oily in nature most of the times.


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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Headache during Menopause

Menopause refers to the end of menstrual cycles in a female’s life that occurs as a part of the natural aging process. A female is said to have attained menopause when no menses have occurred for consecutive 12 months together. It occurs between ages 45 to 55 yrs. A woman tends to face different health issues during menopause. One might have commonly heard of issues like hot flashes, emotional disturbance, mood changes, hair loss and weight gain during menopause. Headache could also be one of the concerns that many women complain of during menopause. Not every woman has headache during menopause. However, in some women who have hormonal headaches prior to menopause may feel relief in headache during menopause in terms of frequency or intensity. The reason behind headache during menopause is the hormonal changes taking place. The hormone affected includes estrogen and progesterone. Along with headache, some other symptoms might attend like nausea, sensitivity to light or noise, feeling of a band around the head, some strange sensations in the head, dizziness and fatigue. It may also lead to sleep issues, depressed feeling and anxiety. Women suffering from migraine (i.e. one sided headache often accompanied with nausea and vomiting and sensitivity to light, smell, noise) or tension headache (this type of headache is linked with stress and is characterized by a tight feeling in the forehead and back of the head) may find that their headache gets worse around menopause.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are highly effective in managing headache during menopause. Made from natural substances, these medicines are free from any sort of side effects. These medicine help to gradually decrease the intensity and frequency of headache during menopause. Other associated complaints of menopause like heat flashes, weight gain, mood changes and hair loss are also wonderfully managed with these medicines. Homeopathic medicines for managing headache are selected based on individual symptoms in each and every case. Though it is safe to use homeopathic medicines, it is advised to consult a homeopathic physician prior to taking any of the homeopathic medicines for treating headache.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Headache During Menopause

1. Sepia – Top Remedy

Sepia is the topmost medicine to manage headache during menopause. In cases needing Sepia, headache may be attended with nausea and vomiting. There is bursting type of headache as if the head would burst and the eyes would come out. It gets worse from any kind of movement and stooping. Headache may get better after taking meals. Heaviness and coldness may be felt on the top of the head. Not just headache, this medicine is best suited to manage other concerns during menopause as well, like hot flashes, hair thinning, weight gain and vaginal dryness.

2. Lachesis – For Pain On The Top Of Head

Lachesis is a highly effective medicine to manage headache that occurs on the top of the head i.e. the vertex. Along with this, a pressure/weight sensation and burning heat is felt on the top of the head. It is also useful to manage a throbbing sensation that occurs on the sides of the head i.e. temporal region. It also feels as if blood has rushed to the head. In some cases, headache may be attended with dimness of vision or flickering in front of the eyes. Pain may be one-sided, the left side is especially affected. Sometimes pain from the head may extend to the neck and shoulders. Hot flashes are quite prominent along with headache. There may be sleeplessness too.

3. Glonoine – For Throbbing Headache

This medicine is recommended to manage throbbing (to pulsate with force rapidly) pain in the head. Besides, there is a feeling of rush of blood to the head causing congestion and sensation as if the head would burst. There also occurs a feeling as if the eyes will protrude out of the sockets. Pain gets worse from walking and shaking the head. There is relief by sleeping. Hot flashes are felt on the head and face. Nausea and vomiting may accompany headache. A weight is also felt on the top of the head. Vertigo may occur along with headache.

4. Sanguinaria Can – For Right-Sided Headache

This medicine is beneficial for managing right-sided headache. In cases requiring it, pain begins in the back of head, then goes upwards and finally settles over the right eye. Headache gets better by vomiting, and taking a good sleep. If headache occurs periodically, means at fixed interval after every 7 days, then this medicine in particular is very helpful. Along with headache, burning sensation in the hands and the soles of feet may be present.

5. Amylenum Nitrosum – For Left-Sided Headache

This medicine is indicated to manage left-sided headache. Throbbing is felt in the head. It seems blood has rushed to the head and face causing marked redness on the face. There is a feeling as if the head would burst. Hot flashes are a prominent indication where this medicine is required. Hot flashes are followed by excessive sweating and cold skin.

6. Cyclamen – For Continuous Sort Of Headache

This medicine is helpful in females experiencing continuous pain in the head. Headache is accompanied with nausea. Vertigo may also occur. Vomiting occurs almost every day that relieves the headache. Though pain may be felt on any region of the head but is worse on the left side. Headache gets worse by movement and in open air. This medicine is also indicated for headache occurring in the morning attended with flickering (to flash on and off) in front of the eyes.

7. Ferrum Met – With Feeling Of A Band Around The Head

This medicine can be used when there is headache and a feeling of a band around the head. The pain is pulsating type in cases needing it. There is a heated sensation in the head. Flashes of heat are also felt in the face. The pain from the head may radiate to teeth. Stinging sensation can be felt in the head. Headache may last for two-three days in cases needing it. This medicine is also indicated for dull pain in the forehead that spreads to the top of the head. It gets better by applying pressure with hands on the head.

8. Strontium Carb – For Pain In The Neck Neck Spreading Upwards

This medicine is selected when pain begins from the neck and then spreads upwards. It is relieved by wrapping the head warmly. The pain from head may go to the upper jaw along with nausea and vertigo. Flashes of heat are felt. Excessive sweating occurs at night.

9. Crocus Sativus – For Headache With Pressure In Eyes

Crocus Sativus is of great use when headache is accompanied by pressure in the eyes. Burning is also felt in the eyes. The pain is throbbing, pulsating in nature. It is felt in different parts of the head. Headache gets better by applying pressure over the head. The blood vessels of the head feel dilated. The headache may disturb sleep as well.

10. Theridion – For Headache With Nausea And Vomiting

Theridion is prominently indicated to manage headache with nausea and vomiting. The pain is mostly felt in the forehead that may extend to back of the head. A pressure is felt behind the eyes. Heat is felt inside the head along with the above symptoms.


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Beat your Climacteric Blues with Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Menopause

Homeopathic Remedies for Menopause

Menopause is a natural biological process faced by women that leads to the permanent end of menses. It is the final result of a gradual decline in the functioning of the ovaries. As women reach menopause, their periods become irregular and scanty, until they permanently cease. In some cases, there are no periods for one month or many months altogether, then appear again until they cease permanently while in others, the periods cease suddenly. After one year of no menstruation, a woman is said to have gone through menopause. Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 yrs and 52 yrs, although in some it may start as early as the late thirties and early forties.

Homeopathy is a very safe, harmless option to manage complaints related to menopause. Natural homeopathic medicines are of great help in dealing with various symptoms experienced by women during menopause.  Complaints like heat flashes, hair fall, headache, weight gain, facial hair, depression, low mood, and vaginal dryness can be wonderfully managed with homeopathy. In conventional mode, hormonal therapy is mostly recommended for managing menopausal complaints but it has its side effects. The use of hormones for treating menopause has always been questioned, so the need for a completely harmless treatment becomes stronger than ever. So, here homeopathy serves as a great boon to manage menopausal complaints.

Holistic treatment

Homeopathy prescribes medicines following a holistic approach in each and every case of menopause. Holistic means treating the person as a whole taking into consideration the symptoms of emotional, mental, physical sphere collectively to finalise a homeopathic prescription. As the signs and symptoms vary from one woman to the other, so does the homeopathic prescription. Further the potency, dose and repetition of medicines is finalised from case to case. Hence, self-medication should be avoided and one should always consult a homeopathic doctor for the correct prescription.

 Safe, gentle medicines

As mentioned earlier homeopathic remedies are entirely safe with no adverse effects. This is due to the fact that homeopathic medicines do not contain any harmful chemicals or toxic components. They boost the body’s natural healing mechanism to get relief in a very natural manner.

Top 7 Homeopathic Remedies For Menopause

The top homeopathic medicines for menopause include Sepia, Lachesis, Amylenum Nitrosum, Graphites, Ignatia, Sabina and Calcarea Carb.

1. Sepia – Top Homeopathic Remedy For Menopausal Complaints

There are many natural homeopathic remedies to consider, but Sepia tops them all when it comes to the treatment of symptoms associated with menopause. Sepia can work wonders, making the woman’s transition through menopause a comfortable one and bringing back her vivaciousness. This medicine proves highly effective in managing numerous complaints related to menopause. Firstly, Sepia is extremely helpful in managing heat flashes during menopause. It is beneficial when women suffer from intense hot flashes with fainting spells. The whole body gets drenched with sweat. Secondly, it is beneficial to manage hair loss and headache during menopause. Further, Sepia is well-indicated to manage weight gain (obesity) during menopause. Next, Sepia is recommended for managing vaginal dryness, decreased libido (sexual desire) and painful intercourse. Besides, females needing Sepia may feel a dragging or bearing down sensation in the uterus, feeling the desire to cross their legs to hold everything in. It also aids in managing heavy vaginal bleeding (flooding) during menopause. For women requiring Sepia, a change in temperament requires a special mention. From being calm and gentle before menopause, she gets irritated at the slightest cause, shows indifferent behaviour towards family. She becomes less caring towards her family. The feeling of sadness, with no desire to meet friends and no interest in daily activities, makes her feel worse. She feels tired easily.

When to use Sepia?

Sepia is the most commonly used homeopathic medicine to manage various menopausal complaints like hot flashes, headache, hair fall, weight gain, vaginal dryness, sadness, and indifferent behavior.

How to use Sepia?

It can be used in low and high potencies, the most preferred being 30 C potency. Sepia 30 C can be taken once or twice a day depending on the symptoms severity.

2. Lachesis – To Manage Heat Flashes And Depression

One of the main symptoms that may cause great discomfort during menopause is heat flashes – it is a feeling of extreme heat, mostly in the upper parts of the body, accompanied by drenching sweat. Lachesis is a useful remedy (other than Sepia) for extreme heat flashes during menopause. The woman requiring Lachesis cannot bear tight clothing mainly around the neck or waist. The next sphere where Lachesis works wonders is depression during menopause. Here, it is indicated when there is an aversion to social interaction. There is a desire to run away from the world. There is aversion to doing any work; lack of interest in daily routine work is common.

When to use Lachesis?

This medicine is a great choice to manage hot flashes when tight clothing is unbearable, especially around the neck and waist. It is equally good for managing depression during menopause.

How to use Lachesis?

This medicine is mostly recommended in 30C potency. This medicine is usually not repeated often and is given once or twice a week in most of the cases. Do not use it too frequently as it is a strong medicine.

3. Amylenum Nitrosum – For Managing Hot Flashes And Headache

Amylenum Nitrosum is also recommended for managing hot flashes in women in the menopausal stage. Its use is mainly considered when heat flashes are accompanied by anxiety and palpitation. After heat flashes, excessive sweating follows. There is a desire to go out in the fresh air. The bed coverings are always unbearable from excessive heat. Next Amylenum Nitrosum can also relieve headache during menopause with marked congestion in the head. In cases needing it, there is a sensation that the head would burst due to pain and congestion.

When to use Amylenum Nitrosum?

This medicine can be used to manage heat flashes when accompanied by anxiety and palpitation. It can also be given in cases of headache during menopause.

How to use Amylenum Nitrosum?

This medicine can be used in 30 C potency once a day.

4. Graphites – For Obesity During Menopause

Graphites is another useful medicine for menopausal suffering. It mainly helps in controlling obesity (weight gain) during menopause. It suits women having marked sensitivity to cold air. One feels sad and cannot make decisions easily.  They may begin to weep easily even while listening to music.

When to use Graphites?

Graphites is used in menopause when weight gain is the main issue during this phase.

How to use Graphites?

Graphites can be taken once a day in 30C potency.

5. Sabina –  To Manage Heavy Bleeding During Menopause

It is a natural medicine prepared from the plant Juniperus Sabina. Its use is considered when there is heavy, gushing, bright red vaginal bleeding. The bleeding is watery mixed with clots. During bleeding, there is pain in the uterus. Pain from the sacrum (a triangular bone at the base of the spine) to the pubis (area in front of the pelvis) is a key symptom attending it.

When to use Sabina?

Sabina can be given for controlling excessive vaginal bleeding or flooding during menopause.

How to use Sabina?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency – two to three times a day as per the severity of the complaint.

6. Ignatia – To Manage Depression During Menopause

In a few women, symptoms of clinical depression — excessive weeping, sadness, feeling of loneliness, sleeplessness, and reduced social interaction — are seen during menopause. Natural homeopathic medicine Ignatia is a good choice for coping with depression during menopause other than Sepia and Lachesis. It can be used in all cases where a woman feels sad all the time with no desire to talk to others. She may sit alone and continue weeping for long. She excludes herself from society and does not want to talk to anybody. She wants to be left alone all the time. Homeopathic medicine Ignatia can also best control mood changes during menopause. The woman needing Ignatia has sudden changes in her mood. The mood shifts rapidly from happiness to sadness without any apparent cause.

When and How to use Ignatia?

Ignatia should be considered in cases of depression and mood swings during menopause.

How to use Ignatia?

Though Ignatia can be used in different potencies (like 30C, 200C, 1M), it is best to begin with 30C potency. It can be taken twice a day in 30C potency. Do not use high potencies without a doctor’s advice.

7. Calcarea Carb – To Manage Osteoporosis

One of the main effects of menopause is osteoporosis. It refers to the progressive loss and weakening of bones. Bone mass loss averages 1-2 percent every year after menopause and results in easy fractures and other symptoms related to osteoporosis such as backache and pain in bones. Natural homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb is the top remedy for women who are suffering from osteoporosis and helps in managing bone pain. It helps in decreasing the loss of calcium from bones and also increases its absorption from food.

When to use Calcarea Carb?

This medicine is indicated for cases where the pain in bones occurs as a result of osteoporosis during menopause.

How to use Calcarea Carb?

Calcarea Carb can be used in 30C potency once a day.


1. Menopause occurs naturally when there is a decline in hormones estrogen and progesterone in a woman around her 40s. As the hormones decline, active ovarian follicles get lost and the release of eggs stops and no periods occur.

2. Surgical removal of ovariesmay also result in menopause all of sudden. The symptoms that occur are severe in this case because the hormonal changes occur suddenly and not gradually as in natural menopause.

3. Chemotherapy and radiotherapyto ovaries can cause menopause.

4. Sometimes there may occur premature menopause inaround 1% of females when ovaries fail to produce hormones adequately.

Symptoms of Menopause

All women have to go through menopause, but it affects each woman differently. The symptoms of menopause are many, and most women go through a body and mind-altering period during menopause. The symptoms of menopause may range from hardly any to severe ones. The common menopausal symptoms may be divided into three categories:

Physical symptoms: Among these, the most common is hot flashes (feeling warm suddenly usually attended with sweating) that can be mild to intense, weight gain (obesity), hair loss, joint and muscle pain, headache, skin dryness, urinary urgency, sleeplessness, facial hair

Mental symptoms: Depression, low mood, mood swings, anxiety, irritability, sleeplessness

Local symptoms: Vaginal dryness, loss of libido (sexual desire), excessive vaginal bleeding (flooding)



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Hot Flashes During Menopause – Homeopathy Can Work Wonders

homeopathic medicines for hot flashes

A hot flash is a sudden and intense feeling of heat that is felt in the upper part of the body, like the face, chest, and neck. An episode of a hot flash can last for between one to five minutes, or occur multiple times in an hour. In some cases, it occurs less frequently, (like a few times a week or month) while some experience it daily. Heated sensation may be accompanied by redness of the face, night sweats, increased heartbeat and, sometimes, a tingling sensation in the fingers. These symptoms are very commonly noted in menopausal and peri-menopausal women, however hot flashes may occur from several other causes as well. Hot flashes usually occur in women between the age group of 40-55 years. Some females also experience these during their regular cycles. They tend to occur more during night and tend to affect sleep.

Homeopathy works magnificently in managing various complaints occurring during menopause. It offers a natural solution for hot flashes. With the help of natural homeopathic medicines, hot flashes can be reduced remarkably, thereby improving the quality of life. Homeopathic medicines gradually reduce the intensity and frequency of hot flashes by balancing the hormones in the body. Conventional mode recommends hormone therapy, anti-depressants and anti-seizure medicines to treat hot flashes, which have side effects. It is a well-known fact that homeopathy has zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines can only help cases of heat flashes and can never harm.

Besides, heat flashes homeopathy offers a great help in managing other associated complaints of menopause. Homeopathy helps to manage problems of menopause both on physical and emotional levels. Homeopathy can wonderfully address issues like headache, weight gain, hair fall, depression, facial hair, low mood, vaginal dryness during menopause.

Homeopathy is a symptom-based healing science whereby medicines are prescribed individually for every case as per the characteristic symptoms. So, guidance from an expert homeopath is required and self-medication should be avoided as the recommendation of medicine differs from case to case. Homeopathic treatment followed under the guidance of a homeopathic doctor for the recommended period can yield excellent results.

Homeopathy is a great choice of treatment method for managing heat flashes during menopause safely. Homeopathy is a natural system of medicine in which homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances hence are totally safe to use. Homeopathic remedies are devoid of any chemicals.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Hot flashes

The most prominently indicated homeopathic medicines for hot flashes during menopause include medicines like Sepia, Amylenum Nitrosum, Lachesis, Sulphur, Glonoine, Sulphuric Acid and Pulsatilla.

1. Sepia – For Hot Flashes With Weakness

Sepia is a medicine indicated for hot flashes in a female during the menopausal period. Sweat accompanies the episodes of hot flashes. Another fundamental indicative feature of Sepia is that there is marked weakness with a tendency to faint (along with hot flashes). There is a lack of energy with a feeling of fatigue. It is very helpful for several ailments arising during climacteric/menopausal period and is suitable for females who are emotionally very sensitive and can become easily nervous.

When to use Sepia?

Sepia is a wonderful medicine to manage hot flashes during menopause attended with excessive weakness.

How to use Sepia?

It is usually used in 30C potency and initially it can be taken once a day.

2. Amylenum Nitrosum – For Hot flashes With Excessive Sweat

Amylenum Nitrosum is a remedy for hot flashes where there is sweating with hot flashes. Its sphere of action is on the vasomotor nerves which affect the arteries and capillaries (causing their dilatation). Therefore, it is one of the top remedies for hot flashes. Hot flashes which are followed by an episode of drenching sweats are a marked feature of this remedy. One may also experience headaches along with hot flashes. There is a prominent flushing of the face. Episodes of hot flashes are usually followed by a period of coldness and pallor (paleness). There can be a throbbing sensation in the whole body during the hot flashes.

When to use Amylenum Nitrosum?

This medicine can be considered when heat flashes are accompanied with intense sweating and flushing of face.

How to use Amylenum Nitrosum?

It works most wonderfully in 30C potency that can be taken once a day.

3. Lachesis – For Hot Flashes With Palpitation And Headache  

Lachesis is well suited to females during or around the menopause phase. It is helpful for hot flashes which are accompanied by palpitation, headaches, and a feeling of fainting. One may also have hot perspiration along with the hot flashes. Hot flashes are also felt at the top of the head (vertex area). The flashes usually occur on falling asleep or on waking up but generally occur at night. There is an overall feeling of congestion in the head causing congestive headaches. The palpitations get worse in a warm room or during the morning hours after waking up. One cannot tolerate tight clothing, especially around the waist area.

When to use Lachesis?

This medicine is suggested for heat flashes attended with palpitations, headaches and intolerance to tight clothing mainly around the waist.

How to use Lachesis?

Its use is mainly recommended in 30 C potency in infrequent doses. One dose of Lachesis 30C can be used once a week or once fortnightly as per the intensity of the symptoms.

4. Sulphur – For Hot Flashes With Heat Sensation In Whole Body

Sulphur is a remedy for frequent episodes of hot flashes with a sensation of heat in the entire body. One may also experience a sensation of emptiness in the stomach during an episode. Another indicative feature to use sulphur is profuse sweats at night, especially in the neck area and the back of the head (occipital area).

When to use Sulphur?

This medicine is well indicated to manage hot flashes with heated sensation in the entire body. Excessive sweating at night also accompanies it.

How to use Sulphur?

It can be used in different potencies from low to high as per severity of the complaint. Initially it is advised to use Sulphur in 30 C potency once a day.

5. Glonoine – For Hot Flashes That Are Frequent And Sudden

Glonoine is also among the important remedies for hot flashes during menopause. It is indicated for sudden onset of hot flashes. This is accompanied with pressure in the head, nausea and vertigo. One feels loss of senses, dizzy and light headed. It is also indicated in cases where there is a flushing of heat in the head. The hot flashes occur daily, and there are frequent episodes during a day. Complaints are worse after sun exposure.

When to use Glonoine?

It is the best choice of medicine to manage hot flashes that begin suddenly along with pressure in the head, nausea and vertigo. There is worsening of complaints from exposure to sun.

How to use Glonoine?

It is advised to take Glonoine 30C once or twice a day depending on the severity of the symptoms.

6. Sulphuric Acid – For Hot Flashes With Trembling

Sulphuric Acid is indicated for hot flashes during climacteric (menopausal) period with feeling of tremors all over the body. There is marked weakness and debility during menopause. There is a lot of restlessness with a sense of wanting to do everything hurriedly. There are palpitations without any anxiety or fear.

When to use Sulphuric Acid?

This medicine can be selected to manage heat flashes during menopause when trembling occurs all over the body.

How to use Sulphuric Acid?

This medicine can be used once a day in 30C potency.

7. Pulsatilla – For Hot Flashes Followed By Chilliness

Pulsatilla is of great use for cases of hot flashes where the person experiences a spell of chilliness following a hot flash. Hot flashes are worse in a closed room. Profuse sweating on the face and scalp especially at night, flushes of heat with redness of the face, hot flashes with mood swings and depression during menopause are other associated symptoms. The person is very irritable and tends to weep. She may also be very sensitive and cry easily. Generally, the woman tends to overall feel better in the open air.

When to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla is a natural medicine to help cases of hot flashes during menopause where a chill is felt after an episode of hot flash.

How to use Pulsatilla?

In the beginning, it is suggested to use it in 30C potency once to thrice a day, but for high potencies like 200 C or more, consultation with a homeopathic physician is advised.

Causes of Hot Flashes

There is no specific cause given as to why hot flashes occur, but there are various theories which explain their occurrence. About 60-70% of all women experience it during their menopause. However, it is not mandatory that every female will have it during menopause. Given below are the various factors which are related to cause hot flashes:

A Drop in the Estrogen Levels

Before menopause, the hormone estrogen is present in the body in the form of estradiol (released by the ovaries). During and after menopause there is a drop in the estrogen levels. This decrease in the levels affects the hypothalamus (thermostat of the body), which regulates the body’s temperature. Reducing one’s ability to tolerate heat makes her more vulnerable to experiencing hot flashes.

An increase of Thyroid Hormone (Hyperthyroidism)

An increase in thyroid levels increases the metabolic rate of the body. This increase in metabolism leads to hot flashes and excessive sweating.

Anti-depressants and Other Medications

Certain drugs like anti-depressants and anti-hypertensive medications also cause hot flashes in many cases. The onset of hot flashes is noted after the use of either of the drugs. In these cases, substituting the medicine or reducing the dosage can help reduce hot flashes.

Stress, Anxiety, and the Production of Adrenaline

During stress or anxiety, the body increases the production of adrenaline. This excess of adrenaline can cause hot flashes or a general increase in body temperature. The body feels hot, and this can be associated with the symptoms of palpitations and increased sweating.

The factors that can trigger hot flashes during menopause include smoking, obesity, alcohol, exposure to hot temperature, wearing tight clothes, stress, anxiety and excessive intake of caffeine.


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Menopause and Homeopathy

homeopathy menopause

I am a 45-year-old lady working in a bank.. I am suffering from depression, and my periods have become irregular for the last six months. In addition, I have burning sensation in my palms and various parts of the body. My gynaecologists says it is. menopause and these symptoms can last another five years. Can these flashes (burning sensations) and depression be cured? Kindly suggest some therapy. ….. Mrs Rita

Menopause is a natural biological event, not an “estrogen deficiency disease.” Menopause represents the permanent cessation of menses resulting from loss of ovarian follicular function. At menopause, the decline in ovarian hormones (particularly estrogen) may result in short-term unpleasant effects such as hot flashes, mood changes, that can adversely affect the qualify of life, and may increase the risk of osteoporosis and possibly coronary heart disease.

Menopause happens to all women, but affects each woman uniquely. For some, the end of fertility (and end of concerns about contraception and menstrual periods) brings a sense of freedom. Menopause is a bridge to a part of life when many women report feeling more confident, empowered, involved, and energized than in their younger years. For some women, however, menopause coupled with mid-life emotional and social crises can contribute to serious health problems. Homoeopathic, medicines are extremely effective in curing the symptoms associated with menopause. You can take Sepia 200. A dose taken on alternate days for a period of two weeks will help reduce depression and other symptoms of menopause.

In a similar case, a 57-year-old woman who had become very depressed due to menopause was cured by Ignatia 200 (one dose every alternate day taken for a period of two months). In another case where the flashes had become extremely severe to an extent that the patient had to immense her feet in cold water for hours, a few doses of Amyl Nitrosum 200 worked wonders.

The majority of women are afflicted by symptoms that may include mood swings, poor memory, vaginal atrophy, night; sweats and hot flashes with possible long-terms symptom of heart disease and osteoporosis. Despite these factors, many women refuse to expose themselves to the risks of hormonal replacement therapy, which is the common prescription offered by conventional medicine for addressing menopausal symptoms. A recent study of 50,000 women, published by the American Medical Association (Jan 26, 2000) who took hormonal therapy for five years fond out that they had a 40 per cent increased risk of breast cancer.

A natural approach to menopause includes a nutritional diet, lifestyle modifications and a regular exercise programme. The most important dietary recommendation for all menopausal women is to increase foods containing natural phytoestrogens. All soya foods are rich in phytoestrogens and are thus extremely beneficial for all menopausal women.

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Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Menopause Homeopathic Treatment

MenopausessaManaging Menopause safely with Homeopathy

As the controversy regarding the use of hormone for treating menopause deepens, the need for a completely harmless treatment becomes stronger than ever, and a notable shift is now seen with more and more people opting for safer systems of medicine like homeopathy.

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