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Bellis Perennis: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Bellis Perennis is a natural homeopathic remedy derived from the plant Daisy. This plant belongs to family Composite. To prepare Bellis Perennis, the whole fresh flowering plant has to undergo potentization. It is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties from a crude substance. Once turned into a medicine, it is the best medicine recommended to help in cases of injuries, trauma, sprains, strains, tendonitis, back pain, joint pain and carpal tunnel syndrome.

The ‘Bellis Perennis’ Constitution

It is a highly suitable medicine for overworked-labourers, especially gardeners and farmers.

Drug Action

The action of Bellis Perennis is majorly seen on the tendons, ligaments, muscles, joints and muscle fibers of blood vessels. Next, it also helps perfectly on the back, limbs, female organs, head, gastric organs, and skin. Its action is also noted in managing excessive fatigue and venous stasis.

Clinical Indications

Injuries, falls, trauma, sprains, strains, aching pains, sore pains, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, repetitive strain, joint pains, neuritis, neuralgia, tumors, bruises, backache, railway spine, pelvic pain, uterine prolapse, headache, indigestion, spleen disorders, boils.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. For Injuries (Injuries, Bruises, Nerve Injury, Sprains, Strains)

The first and foremost well-known action of this medicine is noted in helping cases of injuries. It is extensively used in managing certain injuries successfully. It is also well-indicated for managing injuries that occur from falls, blows, and accidents. It can work well in healing bruises as well. Bruise refers to black, blue or purple skin discoloration from damaged blood vessels under the skin creating a pool of blood underneath the skin that arises from an injury. It is helpful in case of both, recent injuries as well as managing long-term effects of chronic injury. This remedy is helpful in relieving bruised and sore aching pains, and soreness and swelling that have resulted from injuries. It is also a valuable medicine to manage cases of nerve injuries attended with excessive soreness. Cold bathing helps in relieving it. It works wonderfully in managing muscle pain that has resulted from trauma. It is a great medicine for managing sprains (injury to muscles or tendons) and strains (overstretched or torn ligaments) as well. It is mainly useful to relieve excessive soreness in such cases. This medicine can effectively deal with cases where tumors or cysts have formed due to an injury. It is an important medicine when there occurs injury to deeper tissues after major surgery. It is also known to be helpful for cases of trauma to pelvic organs from blows, kicks or surgery.

Key Indicating Features

Injuries occurring from falls, blows, accidents and bruises

Bruised, sore aching pains, soreness and swelling post injury

Nerve injuries attended with excessive soreness

Muscle pain from a trauma

Sprains and strains with excessive soreness

Injury to deeper tissues after major surgical work

Trauma to pelvic organs from blows, kicks or surgery

2. Back Complaints (Backache, Sprains, Railway Spine, Fall)

Bellis Perennis acts magnificently on the back to deal with certain back issues. It is a brilliant medicine to deal with cases of backache that results from straining, overlifting and from excessive physical labour. In most cases needing it, the pain is sore, aching in nature. It acts really well to treat sprains in the back accompanied by excessive soreness. It is a leading medicine in railway spine (symptoms occurring from concussion of spine typically from railroad accidents). Lastly, it proves highly effective in managing cases of injury occurring from fall on the coccyx (tail bone).

Key Indicating Features

Backache from straining, overlifting and from excessive physical labour

Sprains in back attended with excessive soreness

Railway Spine

Injury from fall on the coccyx (tail bone)

3. Limbs & Joints (Joint Pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Varicose Veins)

Next, it acts prominently on the limbs and joints. It is a valuable medicine for managing joint pains. The joints are also sore. The joints feel lame as if sprained. It also acts well in treating conditions caused by repetitive strains. It is a top-grade medicine to treat cases of CTS – carpal tunnel syndrome (in this syndrome median nerve is compressed resulting in numbness, tingling, and weakness in hands and arms). The wrist feels contracted as from wearing an elastic band. Lastly, this medicine manages varicose veins (swollen, enlarged, twisted veins) quite well. The guiding symptom for its use is bruised sore feeling in varicose veins.

Key Indicating Features

Sore and painful joints

Carpal tunnel syndrome

Varicose veins with bruised sore feeling

4. Female Problems (Pelvic Pain, Injury, Prolapse, Tumours)

Action of Bellis Perennis is well-marked on female organs as well. It is very beneficial in cases of pelvic pain that goes to the back. Here pain is cramping in nature. There also occurs sore pain in the uterus with a sensation as if uterus is squeezed. This medicine is also indicated in case of injuries, and blows to the pelvic organs. Uterus feels sore. A downward pressure is felt in the uterus. Its use is also highly recommended in cases of prolapse of uterus and vagina.  Its use is further considered to help relieve soreness and aching pain in uterus after childbirth. Bellis Perennis is indicated to manage varicose veins during pregnancy. Lastly, it is of great use in cases of breast tumours that result from an injury.

Key Indicating Features

Pelvic pain that goes to the back

Sore pain in the uterus with sensation as if uterus is squeezed

Injuries and blows to pelvic organs, uterus feels sore

Prolapse of uterus and vagina

Soreness and aching pain in uterus after childbirth

Varicose veins during pregnancy

5. Head Complaints (Headache, Migraine)                                                  

With its action on head, Bellis Perennis proves effective in cases of headache. In cases needing it, the pain occurs from the back of head (occiput) to top of head (vertex). Bruised sensation and soreness is marked in the head. Headache getting better by holding the head tightly also indicates its use. This medicine also gives immense relief in migraine when accompanied with pain in eyes and watery secretion from the nose.

Key Indicating Features

Bruised sensation and soreness in head

Headache gets better by holding the head tightly

Migraine with pain in eyes and watery secretion from the nose

6. Gastric Concern (Soreness, Injury, Indigestion, Diarrhea, Enlarged Spleen)

By its action on the gastric system, this medicine can take care of various gastric issues effectively. Firstly, Bellis Perennis is indicated to help cases of soreness in abdominal walls. Secondly, it can be given for cases of rumbling and bloating in abdomen. It is a great medicine for managing injuries to abdominal organs. This medicine is further of special service in treating polyps in the intestines. It can next be used in cases of indigestion. There is pain and heaviness in stomach, with vomiting and acrid burps. It may be given in cases of diarrhea. It is useful for painless, foul-smelling loose stool with excessive gas. The condition gets worse at night. Lastly, its use is preferred for cases of sore, enlarged spleen. It is attended with sharp pain in spleen.

Key Indicating Features

Soreness of abdominal walls

Management of injuries to abdominal organs

Pain in stomach, heaviness in stomach, with vomiting and acrid burps

Sore, enlarged spleen with sharp pain

7. Skin Problems (Bruises, Boils, Itching)

Besides the above, Bellis Perennis acts well to relieve skin issues. To begin with, it can help in healing bruises. In cases needing it, bruises are attended with swelling and sensitivity to touch. Secondly, it can help cases of dry, cracked skin. Thirdly, it can be used in cases of boils (pus-filled painful lump under the skin). Here it works well when boils are accompanied by itching and burning sensation. Lastly, it can give great relief in skin itching. The itching gets worse from heat of bed and from hot bath. It gets better by cold application.

Key Indicating Features

Bruises attended with swelling and sensitivity to touch

Boils with itching and burning sensation

Skin itching worse from heat of bed and from hot bath, better by cold


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from injuries, from exertion, lifting, surgical operations, touch, from cold drinks, from warmth of bed, before storms, from cold wind and becoming chilled when hot

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from pressure, from continued motion


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. One can repeat low potencies frequently but high potencies should not be repeated often.

Relationship with Other Remedies

It can be compared with medicines Arnica, Calendula, Hypericum and Hamamelis in case of injuries.


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Croton Tiglium: Homeopathic medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The homeopathic remedy Croton Tiglium is derived from the oil of seeds of plant Croton Tiglium, also known as Tiglium Officinale. This plant belongs to family Euphorbiaceae. With potentization (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines that extracts and intensify the medicinal properties of a crude substance), oil of the seeds of this plant are converted into a very important medicine Croton Tiglium. It is a very effective medicine to treat cases of diarrhea and certain skin issues.

Drug Action

This medicine has its most important action on the rectum. It has a very limited sphere of action. Besides rectum, it acts well on the skin, and male and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Diarrhea, colic, skin disorders, eczema, herpes zoster, vesicles, blisters, pustules

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Rectal Complaints (Diarrhea)

Croton Tiglium has its most prominent action on the rectum. It is predominantly a medicine of great clinical significance to treat cases of diarrhea (loose stool). In cases of diarrhea, it is highly suitable when there is sudden gushing profuse watery stool. Stool is yellowish or dirty green that is shot out forcibly. The stool may contain undigested food particles sometimes. Along with sudden passage of stool, much gas is also expelled as well. The urge to pass stool is constant. Slight eating or drinking worsens the condition. A swashing sensation or gurgling is felt in the intestines. Passing of stool is followed by weakness in most of the cases. It is one of the best medicine to treat cases of diarrhea in summer. In some cases needing it, the stool is dark green with sticky mucus or it is watery that contains white flakes. While passing stool, pain may be felt in the abdomen along with nausea. After passing stool, pressure is felt in the upper part of abdomen and in the navel region. Person requiring it may have burning sensation and pain at the anus. There is itching and stitching sensation at anus. Lastly, pulsations at the anus can be felt.

Key Indicating Features

Sudden gushing profuse watery stool

Loose stool gets worse from slight eating or drinking

Loose stool that may be yellow or dirty green shot out of rectum forcibly

Loose stool passed along with expulsion of much gas

Diarrhea in summer

2. Skin Issues (Eczema, Itching, Eruptions, Herpes Zoster)

This medicine also acts wonderfully on the skin. By acting on the skin, Croton Tiglium  firstly offers great help to treat eczema with violent itching. Mostly, it use is preferred for treating eczema that occurs on the face and the genitals. Secondly, it is very effective in managing skin itching. Along with itching, there is redness and soreness on the affected area of the skin. Stinging sensation may also be felt on the skin, apart from itching and redness. Itching is very intense but scratching causes pain, gentle rubbing gives relief. Croton is useful for cases of vesicles (fluid-filled eruptions) and pustules (pus-filled eruptions) on skin. These eruptions are mostly present on the face and the genitals. These eruptions burst and form crusts mainly brown-colored attended with much itching. Itching is followed by painful burning. Another skin problem where it is very suitable is Herpes Zoster. It refers to a painful skin rash with blisters (fluid-filled bumps) that is caused by varicella zoster virus. The striking feature for its use in Herpes Zoster is smarting and stinging pain in the herpetic eruptions.

Herpes Zoster

Herpes Zoster

Key Indicating Features

Eczema with violent itching

Eczema on the face and the genitals

Itching with redness and soreness of the skin

Intense skin itching with pain on scratching and relief from gentle rubbing

Herpes zoster with smarting and stinging pain in eruptions

3. Male Problems (Eczema, Eruptions, Itching)

The action of Croton Tiglium is well marked on male genitals. It is an important medicine for treating eczema on the scrotum. There is much itching on the scrotum which gets worse at night. The affected area on the skin is sore and sensitive due to which the patient is unable to scratch it. It is also highly valuable in treating vesicular (containing fluid) eruptions on the scrotum and penis. This medicine is very effective in relieving itching on the scrotum and glans penis. Scrotum is red while itching on the scrotum disturbs sleep.

Key Indicating Features

Eczema on the scrotum with itching worse at night time

Itching with sore, sensitive skin leading to inability to scratch

Vesicles on the scrotum and penis

Itching on the scrotum and glans penis

4. Female Problems (Itching, Breast Nodes)

In females, this medicine can be used to give relief in complaint of genital itching. Females needing it complain of intense itching in the genitals. It gets better by rubbing gently. Secondly, it is well-indicated to treat nodes in the breast. It is mostly used when nodes in the breast are attended with pain from the nipples to the scapula (a triangular bone in the upper back one on either side). There is also soreness in nipples. Besides these, it is prominently indicated for cases in which there is pain starting from the nipple to the back when breastfeeding the child.

Key Indicating Features

Itching of genitals better by gentle rubbing

Nodes in the breast with pain from nipples to scapula

Pain from nipple to back when breastfeeding the child


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from least food or drink, from touch, pressure, during summer, and from washing

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from gentle rubbing and after sleep


It can be used in potency 30 C and even higher potencies. In low potencies, it can be repeated often but frequent repetition of high potencies should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Anacardium, Antimonium Tart, and Ranunculus Bulbosus

Followed well by: Rhus Tox

It can be compared with medicines including Colchicum, Phosphorus, Silicea, Apis Mellifica and Mezereum


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Muriaticum Acidum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Muriaticum Acidum is derived from Hydrochloric Acid. To obtain this homeopathic medicine, Hydrochloric Acid is potentized (potentization refers to the process of preparing homeopathic medicines by arousing the medicinal powers of a crude substance). It is a highly recommended medicine to treat rectal problems, especially piles that are sore, tender, and cases of typhoid fever.

Drug Action

Muriaticum Acidum acts wonderfully on the rectum and treats numerous complaints among which sore, tender piles stand out as the most prominent. It works magnificently to manage cases of typhoid fever. Other than this, its action is well-marked on the gastric system, mouth, tongue and skin.

Clinical Indications

Piles, typhoid fever, diarrhea, dysentery, rectal prolapse, stomatitis, dry tongue, mouth ulcers, stomach disorders, stomach ulcers, gas, acidity, belching, bedsores, ulcers, eczema, freckles.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1.Rectal Complaints (Piles, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Rectal Prolapse)

Among various body parts, Muriaticum Acidum acts best on the rectum. It is one of the best medicines to manage piles. Piles are swollen, inflamed veins in the anus or the lower rectum. It is the most effective in those cases of piles that are sore and become highly sensitive to even a slight touch. The piles protrude like bunch of grapes, look bluish or purple. It is accompanied by burning and violent stitching pain. Piles tend to protrude during stool or at the time of passing of urine. But there is relief in the affected area when heat is applied. Another noticeable feature is bright red bleeding from piles. Its use is also indicated for treating piles during pregnancy and if one has diarrhea. Another striking feature for its use is loose stool with gas and intense anal itching. Smarting and burning in anus is an accompanying factor. Its use is also recommended in case of dysentery (blood accompanies loose motion). In such cases, it is used when there is passage of blood and slime along with stool. Before passing stool, rumbling and pain is felt in the abdomen. During the passing of stool, smarting, cutting, and burning at the anus is felt. After passing stool, anal itching, soreness and tenderness are felt . Another complaint where it proves effective is prolapse of rectum while urinating or while passing gas. If someone passes involuntary stool when urinating or passing gas even then, this medicine proves to be very beneficial.

Key Indicating Features

Piles that are sore and highly sensitive upon slight touch

Piles that protrude like bunch of grapes, and look bluish or purple

Burning and violent stitching pain in the affected area

Protrusion of piles during stool or while passing urine

Prolapse of rectum while urinating or when passing gas

Involuntary stool while urinating or passing of the gas

2. Fever (Typhoid Fever)    

This medicine is most recommended for typhoid fever. It is mostly indicated when chill is more dominant than heat. Also, coldness is most felt in bed in the morning. There is either constant restlessness or deep sleep. There occurs either confused talking or loud moaning. The lower jaw is droopy. There may be fetid smell in mouth with ulcers, and the tongue goes dry like leather, shrunken and is coated at the edges. The stool has offensive smell, may pass involuntarily even while passing urine. The person has excessive weakness and may even slide down the bed.

Key Indicating Features

Typhoid fever with constant restlessness or sleepiness

Typhoid with confused talking, loud moaning, droopy lower jaw, excessive weakness.

3. Gastric Issues (Stomach Ulcers, Acidity, Pain & Enlarged Liver)

This medicine acts wonderfully on the gastric system. Muriaticum Acidum is very effective in cases of stomach ulcers. Burning pain in the stomach is felt. Vomiting may occur along with burping. It works well in cases of acid reflux. The stomach contents back flow in the food pipe. There appears bitter belching. Further action of this medicine is noted to relieve cramping pain in the abdomen. It can also manage well gripping pain in the umbilical region. It proves effective in cases of abdominal distension and fullness that arises from eating even small quantity of food. Lastly, it can be used in cases of sore and enlarged liver.

Key Indicating Features

Stomach ulcers with burning pain in stomach

Acid reflux with bitter belching

Gripping pain in umbilical region

Sore & enlarged liver

4. Mouth (Stomatitis, Dry Tongue)

This medicine also acts well on the mouth. Here it is mainly useful in cases of mouth dryness, and mouth inflammation (stomatitis). There is redness inside the cheeks, and mucus lining of lips along with pain. There occurs fetid breath in the mouth. Next, it is helpful for dryness of tongue. The tongue is dry, leathery and looks burnt. It is swollen as well, and is bluish or pale. There may occur deep ulcers on the tongue.

Key Indicating Features

Mouth inflammation with dryness in mouth

Redness inside the cheeks, and mucus lining of lips with pain

Tongue dry, leathery and looks burnt, may be swollen as well and is bluish or pale

5. Skin Complaints (Bedsores, Ulcers, Eczema, Freckles)

Lastly, Muriaticum Acidum has brilliant action on the skin. By acting on the skin, it proves to be highly effective for cases of bedsores. It can be given in cases of skin ulcers too. The ulcers are deep, painful mainly occur on lower legs. Foul smell emanates from the ulcers. Burning sensation is felt at the margins of ulcers. Throbbing occurs in ulcers while walking. Its use can also be considered in cases of eczema that occurs on the back of the hands. Its last indication for use in skin complaints is freckles (small brown spots arising on skin area exposed to sun).

Key Indicating Features


Deep, painful ulcers on lower legs with foul smell and burning sensation at the margins

Eczema on the back of hands



Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from touch, cold, sitting, walking, bathing and in damp weather

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from warmth, motion and lying on the left side


Its use can be done in both low and high potencies. The potency and repetition varies from case to case depending on the type and duration of complaint. In general, low potencies can be repeated often while high potencies should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Bryonia and Camphor

It antidotes Merc Sol and Opium

Followed well by: Calcarea Carb, Kali Carb, Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea and Sulphur

It can be compared with medicines including Arsenic Album, Baptisia, and Acid Phos


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Hecla Lava: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Hecla Lava is prepared from volcanic ash from Mount Hecla in Iceland. This ash contains lime, silica, alumina, magnesia and some oxide of iron. With potentization procedure (a process that extracts medicinal properties from crude substance), this volcanic ash is converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Hecla Lava. This medicine is of great clinical significance in treating complaints related to teeth, jaw, bones and also facial neuralgia.

Drug Action

Hecla Lava shows most prominent action on teeth, jaw, bones and nerve of face. Other than this, it also acts well on the joints. Besides these, its action is marked on the breast to treat breast tumors and deficient milk production.

Clinical Indications

Toothache, dental abscess, teeth decay, facial neuralgia, bone spurs, exostosis, bone disorders, osteomyelitis, bone tumors, Osgood – schlatter disease, jaw pain, maxillary polyp, arthritis deformans, arthritic nodosities, breast tumors, deficient milk, nodosities

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1.Teeth and jaw (Toothache, tooth decay, nerve pain after tooth extraction, dental abscess, dental fistula)

This medicine is known to have marvelous action on teeth and jaws. It is extensively used to treat numerous problems related to teeth and jaws. It is a brilliant medicine to manage toothache. It is well indicated when there is marked sensitivity of teeth to pressure along with swelling around the jaws. There is boring or digging type of pain in the jawbone. It is highly preferred to deal with cases of decayed teeth. It is also usually first choice of medicine to relieve facial nerve pain that is related to decayed tooth. If there occur facial nerve pain after tooth extraction, then also this medicine proves to be highly effective to relieve pain. Another prominent complaint where its use is highly recommended is dental abscess (it is a pus-filled pocket inside teeth or gums). It can be given when there is pus along with swelling and pain on pressing the affected tooth. Another striking feature to use it is abscess (pocket of pus) formation or enlargement of jaw bone near the area where tooth extraction had been done. Its role in managing cases of dental fistula is also highly noteworthy. Besides these, it works well in cases where swelling of upper jaw is present along with soreness (painful on touch).

Key Indicating Features

Toothache with marked sensitivity to pressure and swelling about jaws

Decayed teeth

Facial nerve pain related to decayed tooth

Facial nerve pain after tooth extraction

Dental abscess with pus, swelling and pain on pressing the affected tooth

Dental fistula

2. Face (Facial Nerve Pain, Polyp In Maxillary Sinus)

Hecla Lava acts wonderfully on the face. With its action on the face, it proves very beneficial in cases of facial neuralgia (nerve pain). It gives substantial relief when facial nerve pain arises from irritation by a decayed teeth or as a result after tooth extraction. Other than this it works well in cases of polyps that start forming in maxillary sinus (maxillary polyp is non-cancerous growth developing on the lining of maxillary sinus) and therefrom advances to nearby structures. It deforms the facial features, forces eyeball up, causes eversion of eyelids and nasal blockage. It also results in difficult breathing, bleeding from nose and pain in head.

Eversion of eyelids

Eversion of eyelids

Key Indicating Features

Facial nerve pain resulting from irritation by a decayed teeth or after tooth extraction

Polyps beginning in maxillary sinus

3. Bones (Bone Spurs, Osteomyelitis, Periostitis, Osgood – Schlatter Disease, Bone Necrosis, Bone Tumours, Osteosarcoma)

Hecla Lava manifests remarkable action on bones. It is a very powerful medicine to resolve various bone-related problems. It is a principal medicine to help cases of bone spurs and exostosis. Bone spurs and exostosis refer to extra bone development on an existing bone. It proves successful when bone spur or exostosis occurs especially in jaw, head, fingers or leg bones. The way it helps to dissolve bony outgrowths is noteworthy. It has a great affinity to treat cases of inflammation of bone (osteomyelitis) and inflammation of periosteum means connective tissue surrounding the bone (periostitis).

Hecla Lava is a superb medicine for cases Osgood – Schlatter disease (painful lump forming below knee cap from repetitive use injury in children). Further, this medicine can help cases of bone damage and necrosis (bone necrosis means the death of bone cells). Bone tumors especially forming after injury, and bone cysts can also be managed effectively with this medicine. Not only this, in homeopathic therapeutics, its role in managing cases of osteosarcoma (a type of bone cancer) is also mentioned to provide supportive help.

Key Indicating Features

Bone spurs or exostosis in jaw, head, fingers or leg bones

Inflamed bone or periosteum

Osgood – Schlatter disease

Bone tumors after injury

4. Limbs (Pain, Exostosis, Joints Problems)

By acting on limbs, it can manage well pain in lower limbs when pain is continuous. It is an important medicine for cases of exostosis of tibia bone. Here it gives excellent results when attended with intense pain that occurs continuously. Hecla Lava has a well-defined action on joints where it is best suited when there is node formation especially on finger or toe joints. It is also indicated to manage cases of deformed joints from arthritis (joint inflammation). In such cases, it can help to halt further deformity of joint but cannot reverse the deformity that has already occurred.

Key Indicating Features

Continuous pain in lower limbs

Exostosis of tibia bone

Nodes on joints mainly finger or toe joints

Joint deformity

5. Breast Complaints (Breast Tumors, Diminished Milk Production)

This medicine can be given for certain breast complaints. It can be used to help cases of nodes or tumours in breast. It can work well in cases where milk production is diminished in nursing women.

Key Indicating Features

Breast nodes or tumors

To boost milk production in nursing women


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from touch, pressure, rest and on the left side


This medicine is recommended in low potencies in general. The dose and repetition varies in every individual case.

Relationship With Other Remedies

It can be compared with remedies including Calcarea Fluor, Silicea, Kali Iodatum, Merc Sol, Phosphorus, Symphytum, Ruta and Sulphur



Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Veratrum Album: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The homeopathic medicine ‘Veratrum Album’ is prepared from the plant ‘white hellebore’. It belongs to family Melanthacea of the Liliaceae. The rootstocks of this plant collected early in June before flowering are used to prepare homeopathic medicine via potentization. This process extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties and converts it into an important homeopathic medicine Veratrum Album. It is a highly effective medicine to treat certain brain related concerns, especially, mania and some gastric issues mainly cholera, vomiting and diarrhea.

The ‘Veratrum Album’ Constitution

Though, it can be used among people of any age-group, it is most suitable for children, and elderly persons. People needing it are very sensitive to cold. Generally, they have a happy, joyful nature.

Drug Action

This medicine acts best on the brain and the gastric system. Other than this, its action is best felt on head, face, female genitals, limbs, and respiratory system.

Clinical Indications

Cholera, vomiting, diarrhea, mania, colic, meningitis, dysmenorrhoea, menstruation problems, nymphomania, headache, neuralgia, cough, bronchitis, asthma, cramps, sciatica.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Brain Related Complaints (Mania, Delirium, Meningitis)

Veratrum Album acts magnificently on the brain and helps in a certain type of complaints. It is a well-indicated medicine for managing cases of mania. Mania is a psychological condition in which a person becomes hyperactive, have high-energy levels, elevated mood and may experience delusions (fixed, false beliefs even when there is supporting evidence that these are not real). The most prominent feature for using it is mania with desire to cut and tear things. There is a desire to hit those in the vicinity. The person runs from place to place, sings, laughs and is violent in nature. There also occurs urge to indulge in sexually overt conversations. The violent mania may alternate with silent behaviour and aversion to talk. Those who indulge in religious mania are also examples of such cases. Those who need require such medication are always praying, and cursing. It is attended with bouts of shrieks. Such people have fear that they will not be protected from a harmful situation.

This medicine is also used to treat those patients who alternately feel sad, and maniacal. Such patients wish to remain alone, sit in silence, brood, and are unaware of what’s happening around them. This is followed by mania accompanied with restlessness, they get a delusion of imminent misfortunes, and there is a desire to cut things. It can be given in cases of nymphomania (excessive sexual desire among women). In such cases, women keep on hugging everybody. Before periods, they have a desire to kiss everybody. Its use is highly suited to those suffering from delirium (sudden change in brain function resulting in confusion of mind, disorientation and reduced awareness of surrounding). Here, it is administered when a person shows violence, tears clothes, bites shoes, curses and has a desire to run away. Besides these, it is of great service in meningitis (inflammation of meninges surrounding brain and spinal cord) cases. Here, it is used when the person rolls his head from side to side in pain or bores head in the pillow, intense headache and delirium. The neck muscles are also weak to hold the head. Vomiting, weakness, and cold sweat all over the body may also occur.

Key Indicating Features

Mania with running from place to place, singing, laughing and desire to cut and tear things

Religious mania with constant praying, and cursing

Nymphomania with desire to hug everybody

Meningitis with rolling of head from side to side, boring of head in pillow, headache, delirium, weak neck muscles

2. Gastric Issues (Cholera, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea)

Veratrum Album acts magnificently on the gastric system to settle numerous gastric issues. This medicine is highly recommended to manage cholera (infection of intestines caused by bacteria vibrio cholerae) cases. There is constant nausea, vomiting, watery stool followed by cold sweating and exhaustionCramps in abdomen and in legs and feet are also prominent .  There is excessive thirst. It is a superb medicine to manage vomiting. This complaint gets worse from the slightest motion and drinking any liquid. After vomiting, excessive weakness is felt. Next, it works effectively to manage diarrhea. There is watery stool gushing out with force attended with cold sweat all over the body and marked weakness. It is also well indicated when diarrhea occurs as a result of fright, in summers, and after eating potatoes. Lastly, it is used to manage cutting pain in abdomen with sensation as if bowels are twisted in knots with cramps in limbs.

Key Indicating Features

Cholera with constant nausea, vomiting, watery stool, cramps in abdomen, legs followed by cold sweating and exhaustion

Excessive vomiting and nausea

Diarrhea with watery stool gushing out with force attended with cold sweat on entire body and weakness

3. Female Problems (Painful Menses, Heavy Periods, Nymphomania)

Clinically, this medicine has been found to be effective in managing some women-related problems. Firstly, it is useful in managing painful menses (dysmenorrhoea). With this, there is coldness, cold sweating, vomiting, and loose stool. It also benefits women who undergo heavy menses. It is accompanied by loose stool, nausea and vomiting. Next, it is an important medicine for managing nymphomania (excessive sexual desire in women), worse before menses.

Key Indicating Features

Painful menses with coldness, cold sweating, vomiting, and loose stool

Heavy periods with loose stool, nausea, and vomiting

Nymphomania worse before menses

4. Head (Headache)

It helps manage headache quite well. The characteristic use of it is headache attended with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and frequent urination. Vomiting is of greenish mucus. Urination is profuse. Headache gets worse from movement and stooping. A unique feature that occurs with this is feeling of ice lump on top of the head. There is also cold sweating on the forehead.

Key Indicating Features

Headache attended with nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and frequent urination

Sensation of ice lump on top of the head

Cold sweating on the forehead

5. Face (Trigeminal Neuralgia)

This medicine acts well on the face. Its use is preferred for trigeminal neuralgia (intense facial pain resulting from compression, damage or injury to trigeminal nerve). It is suitable when there is facial pain with pale, sunken face, and vomiting. There is tearing pain in face located in cheeks, temple of head, and eyes. It gets worse in damp weather. There is icy coldness felt on the face, and the tip of the nose. Blue circle around the eyes can be seen. Lastly, it helps in managing cramping pain in jaw upon chewing.

Key Indicating Features

Trigeminal neuralgia when attended with pale, sunken face and vomiting

Tearing pain in in cheeks, temple of head and eyes, worse in damp weather

Icy coldness felt on face, and the tip of the nose

6. Limbs (Sciatica, Brachial Neuralgia, Leg Pain)

With it action on limbs, it can successfully manage sciatica (pain along sciatic nerve starting in lower back radiating down the hip, back of thigh, leg up to the feet). Those who need it feel electric flashes like pain in the leg. They have to sit and hang the legs down for relief. It can also handle well cases of cramps in calves (muscles in the back of legs) felt during the passing of stool. Other than this, it gives good results in cases of tingling in hands and fingers. Another important complaint where it proves effective is brachial neuralgia which is a condition characterised by severe pain in shoulder and upper arm along with weakness in upper arm. Here it can be used when there is pain in the shoulder that can extend to wrist. With this there is difficulty in moving the arm. Pain gets worse upon lying and gets better upon getting up and moving about. Lastly, it is beneficial in managing leg pain in wet weather. It gets worse from the warmth of the bed. It also gets better after walking up and down.

Key Indicating Features

Sciatica with electric flashes like pain in the leg better when sitting and hanging down the legs

Brachial neuralgia with shoulder pain extending to wrist, worse upon lying, better from getting up and moving about

  7. Respiratory Complaints (Asthma, Cough, Bronchitis)

If we talk of respiratory issues, Veratrum Album can take care of complaints including cough, bronchitis and asthma. One may take it if cough gets worse from cold drinks or when cough gets worse on entering a warm room from a relatively cold place. Involuntary leakage of urine may occur while coughing. Veratrum suits asthma patients when it gets worse in damp cold weather. Relief in asthma attack is felt by bending head backward. There is marked rattling in chest. It is known to be helpful for bronchitis (inflammation of mucus membrane of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs) in aged people. There is excessive mucus in bronchial tubes which is difficult to be coughed out.

Key Indicating Features

Cough gets worse from cold drinks and on entering a warm room

Asthma gets worse in damp cold weather

Asthma attack gets better by bending head back

Bronchitis in elderly people


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold drinks, exertion, wet cold weather, fright, tobacco chewing

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from hot drinks, warmth, covering and from lying


Both low and high potency of this medicine can be used. In low potency, its frequent repetition can be done but in high potency, it should not be taken often.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Aconite, Arsenic Album, China and Coffea Cruda

It antidotes:  Cuprum Met, Opium and Tabacum

Followed well by:  Belladonna, Chamomilla, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox, Sepia and Sulphur

It follows well: Arnica, Camphor, Carbo Veg and Ipecac


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Cannabis Sativa: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Cannabis Sativa is derived from a plant known as ‘hemp’. It belongs to Cannabinaceae family. The flowering tops of this plant undergo potentization process that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties. As a result, we get homeopathic medicine Cannabis Sativa of great clinical significance. It is a very effective homeopathic medicine to treat numerous urinary issues and male problems.

Drug Action

This medicine seems to have its most marked action on urinary system and sex organs. Its action is also seen on the respiratory system and the limbs.

Clinical Indications

Cystitis, gonorrhoea, urethral discharges, urethral stricture, nephritis, sexual disorders, priapism, infertility, leucorrhoea, asthma, pleurisy

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Urinary Issues (Cystitis, Stricture, And Gonorrhoea)

This medicine acts magnificently on the urinary system to treat various urinary concerns. It is a wonderful medicine to manage cases of cystitis which is the inflammation of urinary bladder. In cases requiring it, burning is felt while urinating. Urine is scanty and it passes drop by drop. Stitching pain is also felt in the urethra. It is well indicated for cases of urethral stricture (narrowing of the urethra as a result of scar formation). Persons needing it have to strain to pass urine. They have to wait for a while before the flow of urine is initiated. Urination occurs in a split stream. After urine flow stops, dribbling occurs. The urgency to urinate is also marked along with the above symptoms. This medicine is also given for treating cases of nephritis (kidney inflammation). It is indicated to manage kidney pain that is specifically ulcerative or drawing in nature.  It is a top-listed medicine for the management of gonorrhoea (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). The urethra is inflamed and painful to touch in cases needing it. It works well when there is discharge of yellow watery mucus from the urethra.

Key Indicating Features

Burning while urinating with scanty urine that passes drop by drop

Urethral stricture with straining to urinate, split stream of urine and dribbling after urination

Gonorrhoea with yellow watery mucus discharge from the urethra

2. Male Problems (Gonorrhoea, Pain In Testes, Inflammation, Priapism)

In males, this medicine works very effectively to manage certain health issues. To begin with, it gives good results in cases of gonorrhoea. It is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae. It is given when there is yellow watery mucus discharge from the urethra. Secondly, it is beneficial to manage pain in the testes. The pain in the testicle is pressive dragging in nature where this medicine is required. It is felt mainly while standing. Thirdly, Cannabis Sativa is helpful for the management of inflammation of the prepuce, glans and the penis. Prepuce and glans are dark red and swollen. Prepuce is sensitive to touch. Burning sensation is felt on the glans and the prepuce along with redness and swelling. There is pain in the penis felt while walking. This medicine can also be given for managing tensive pain felt during erections. Lastly, it is helpful for managing cases of priapism (persistent erection of the penis mostly painful that is unrelated to sexual stimulation)

Key Indicating Features

Gonorrhoea with watery mucus discharge from the urethra

Pain in the testicle of pressive dragging nature when standing

Inflamed prepuce, glans and penis

Priapism means persistent erection of penis usually painful unrelated to sexual stimulation

3. Female Problems (Gonorrhoea, Vaginal Discharge, Heavy Periods, Nymphomania And Infertility)

In women, this medicine proves effective in managing gonorrhoealeucorrhoea, heavy periods, nymphomania and infertility. It is one of the major medicine for managing gonorrhoea. Females needing it feel cutting pain between the labia when passing urine. The vagina is also swollen. The urethral opening is closed with mucus and pus. It is next used for leucorrhoea (means vaginal discharge) cases. Its use is mainly recommended for leucorrhoea in babies and young girls. Another characteristic symptom to use it is heavy periods attended with difficult and painful urination. Its use is also done to manage nymphomania (uncontrollable, excessive sexual desire in females) cases. Lastly, it is also used for the treatment of infertility in women.

Key Indicating Features

Gonorrhoea with vaginal swelling, cutting pain between labia when urinating and mucus and pus discharge from urethra

Leucorrhoea in babies and young girls

Heavy periods attended with difficult, painful urination

To control increased sexual desire

4. Respiratory System (Asthma, Pleurisy)

With its action on the respiratory system, Cannabis Sativa offers help to treat asthma and pleurisy management. There is cough, wheezing, rattling in the chest and difficult breathing. A sensation of weight on the chest is also felt. During asthma attack, the sufferer has to stand near an open window leaning forward for relief. Cough is accompanied by sticky and green expectoration.  A burning sensation is also felt in the chest. Its use in pleurisy (inflammation of the lining around the lungs) cases is also done. In such cases, it is given when there occurs cough with spitting of blood and pain of stitching type in the right side of the chest.

Key Indicating Features

Cough with sticky, green expectoration

Pleurisy with cough, blood spitting and stitching sort of pain in the right sided chest

5. Limbs (Cramps, Foot Pain, Hip Pain, Formication)

By acting on limbs, Cannabis Sativa helps to manage cramps. It is effective in managing cramps in thighs, legs, hands and fingers. It can be used for relieving stretching type of pain in feet. It is useful for contracted achilles tendon (this tendon is a fibrous tissue that connects lower part of calf muscle in back of leg to the heel bone) accompanied by intense pain. Another complaint where it proves effective is cramping, digging pain in hip on the right side. Lastly, it works well to manage formication (sensation of insects crawling under the skin) and numbness in finger tips.

Key Indicating Features

Cramps in thighs, legs, hands and fingers

Pain in the feet of stretching type

Contraction of Achilles tendon with intense pain


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse while urinating, at night, from exercise, walking, going upstairs and in darkness

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by taking rest and in fresh air


It can be used in potency 30 C and even higher potencies. In low potencies, it can be repeated often but frequent repetition of high potencies should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor and Merc Sol

Followed well by: Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Opium, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox and Veratrum album

It can be compared with some other homeopathic medicines including Arnica, Bryonia, Cantharis, Petroleum, Petroselinum, Stramonium and Sulphur




Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Paeonia Officinalis: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Paeonia Officinalis is derived from a plant commonly known as ‘peony’. It belongs to family Ranunculaceae. To obtain homeopathic medicine Paeonia, fresh root of this plant particularly dug in spring undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extracts and intensifies medicinal properties from a crude substance). This homeopathic medicine has great clinical importance to treat numerous anorectal conditions among which it is extensively used for treating piles, anal fissures and anal fistula cases.

The ‘Paeonia Officinalis’ Constitution

Paeonia is the most suitable medicine for those suffering from anorectal complaints. It suits those prone to ulcers, especially, on the lower body parts like legs, foot, rectum, and additionally skin ulcers.

Drug Action

This medicine shows works wonderfully on the rectum, and related complaints — mainly piles, fissures and fistula. Other than this, it acts well in cases pertaining to skin, limbs, eyes, and throat. Lastly, it helps manage certain sleep-related problems.

Clinical Indications

Anal disorders, piles, anal fissures, anal abscess, anal fistula, ulcers, varicose veins, nightmares.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1.Rectum Complaints (Piles, Anal Fissures, Anal Abscess, Anal Fistula, Ulcers)

To pick the prime area of action of this medicine, it would undoubtedly be the rectum. It settles various concerns pertaining to the rectum. It is the best remedy to treat piles. Piles are swollen, enlarged, inflamed veins in the anus and the lower rectum. It is most beneficial when there are large piles or piles that ulcerate. Those who need it for piles-related issues, complain of intense intolerable rectal pain during and after the stool. They have swelling around the anal area. Next, there is itching, burning and a biting sensation felt around the anal along with above-mentioned symptoms. Constipation too is present.

Secondly, it is of great value for anal fissures treatment. Anal fissures refer to crack or tear in the tissue that lines the anus. Here the characteristic feature to use it are anal fissures that ooze a foul discharge. The discharge causes a constant wet feeling in the anus area. There is also intense pain during and after stool. An accompanying factor is that the anus becomes sore. The sufferer may feel a smarting pain in the region. It is also highly recommended to treat anal abscess and anal fistula cases. Anal abscess is a lump that is filled with pus near the anus. Anal fistula refers to an abnormal passage or a tunnel that forms between the anal canal and the skin near the anus. Furthermore, it proves to be highly effective in cases of ulcers that form in the rectum, anus and perineum (area between anus and genitals). Ulcers are very painful, sensitive and ooze fluid in cases that require this medicine. The ulcers around the anus and perineum are covered with thick crust of purple colour. Last indication for using it is diarrhoea (loose stool) with thin, and frequent stool, and there is burning sensation in the anus after passing the stool. It may be accompanied by a chilly feeling. Abdominal colic (pain) may be experienced along with loose stool.

Key Indicating Features

Piles that are large, ulcerated with intense, excruciating, intolerable rectal pain during and after stool

Anal fissure with oozing of foul-smelling discharge, and pain during and after stool

Anal abscess, and anal fistula

Ulcers in rectum, anus, perineum with pain and oozing of offensive fluid

2. Skin (Ulcers, Itching)

Paeonia acts well on skin to treat ulcers, varicose veins and itching. It is an important medicine to deal with cases of skin ulcers. It works well when the ulcers form mainly on the lower body parts like legs, feet and toes. It is one of the best suited medicines when ulcers occur due to pressure. For example, bedsores also named as pressure sores that may develop in a person who spend a long time in the same position that puts prolonged pressure on a particular body part. Another example is shoe bite. It is a leading medicine for healing ulcers that form due to repeated pressure and rubbing of feet against an ill-fitted shoe. It is highly recommended to treat ulcers on perineum when it tends to ooze an offensive fluid. Next ulcers forming around the sacrum (bottom part of back) also heal well with this medicine. One can also use this medicine in varicose veins (swollen, enlarged, twisted, engorged veins due to back flow of blood in veins due to defective valves in veins). Lastly, it is helpful in managing itching on the calve area (back portion of the lower leg) if it gets better from rubbing. Itching on the head, limbs, and the chest with burning, and biting sensation is another important indication pointing towards its use.

Key Indicating Features

Ulcers on the lower body parts like legs, feet, toes, around sacrum


Shoe bite

Ulcers on perineum that ooze an offensive fluid

3. Limbs (Pain, Ulcers, Corns)

It acts well on the skin and can effectively deal with pain, weakness of legs, ulcers, and painful corns. It can be administered to manage pain in the knees (mainly on the right side), toes, fingers, wrist, upper arm and the ankles. The pain is usually crampy in nature. If the pain is in the fingers one feels shooting pain. In case of pain in the upper arm, it is administered mostly when the pain is felt on the right-side and radiates to the elbow.

In case of pain in the toe, the pain is sticking in nature along with swelling and contracted feeling. In the wrist, the pain is mostly felt on the left side and the pain is sticking, and griping in nature. Ankle pain is weary in nature that is felt mainly while sitting. Paeonia can be used to manage weakness in legs that hinders walking. It also helps treat ulcers on the legs and the toes. This medicine is of great use when ulcers form on the right leg with intense shooting pain. It is specifically indicated for ulcers on the big toe on the left side. Besides these, it gives good results in cases of painful corns (corns are thick, hard skin area forming mainly on feet due to excessive friction and pressure).

Key Indicating Features

Cramping knee pain on the right side

Right-side upper arm pain radiating to the elbow

Ulcers on the right leg, and left toe

Painful corns

4. Eyes (Dryness, Itching, Burning, Conjunctivitis)

By acting on the eyes, Paeonia can settle complaints including dryness, itching, burning and conjunctivitis. Its use is suggested to relieve dryness of the eyes and eyelids wonderfully. Smarting sensation in the eyes can attend with difficulty in opening the eyes. One may find great relief in itching and burning of eyes too with this remedy. It can manage conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva which is the membrane lining the eyeball and eyelid) cases when there is excessive eye watering.

Key Indicating Features

Dryness of eyes and eyelids

Itching and burning in the eyes

Conjunctivitis with profuse eye watering

5. Throat (Burning, Sticky Mucus)

Paeonia acts on the throat where it manages heated and burning sensation in throat. There can be scraping sensation in the throat as well that causes coughing and hawking. Swallowing is difficult too. It can offer relief in sticky mucus in the throat leading to hawking.

Key Indicating Features

Heat and burning in throat

Sticky mucus in throat resulting in hawking

6. Sleep Issues (Nightmares, Unrefreshing Sleep)

One may find this medicine quite helpful for certain sleep issues. Major among these is nightmares. Persons needing it have frightful dreams and may dream of ghosts, death of relatives, etc. It is of great service to a person who has had an unrefreshing sleep disturbed by multiple dreams. It can also give good results in case of restless sleep.

Key Indicating Features

Nightmares, frightful dreams, dreams of ghosts and dreams of death of relatives

Disturbed sleep from multiple dreams


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse during stool, from touch, pressure and movement


Its use is recommended in both low and high potencies. If using it in low potency, then repetition can be done frequently. But in higher potencies frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Aloe Socotrina and Ratanhia

It can be compared with some other homeopathic remedies that includes Hamamelis, Silicea and Aesculus


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Kalmia Latifolia: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Kalmia Latifolia is derived from the plant ‘mountain laurel’ also known as ‘calico bush’. It belongs to family Ericaceae. To obtain this medicine, fresh leaves of the plant in its flowering stage have to undergo potentization. It is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines which arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance. After this process, it is converted into a magnificent homeopathic medicine Kalmia Latifolia. Its use is highly recommended for managing neuralgia (nerve pain), joint pain, back pain, neck pain and certain heart issues.

The ‘Kalmia Latifolia’ Constitution

This medicine suits well people having predisposition to suffer from joint complaints and nerve pain. It is also suitable for persons who have certain heart-related issues.

Drug Action

Though this medicine acts well on many body parts, the most important ones are joints, back, neck, limbs, nerves and heart. The other parts where it shows its action include eyes, face, stomach and head.

Clinical Indications

Joint pains, neuralgia (nerve pain), back pain, neck pain, heart disease, angina pectoris, palpitations, headache, ptosis, trigeminal neuralgia, tobacco heart, stomach pain, diarrhea.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Back And Neck (Pain, Neuralgia – Nerve Pain)

This medicine has a well-defined action on the back and neck. Here it is highly effective in managing neck pain that radiates down the arm. Additionally, neck muscles are sore to touch as well as on movement. It has shown great clinical improvements in neuralgia cases when pain from the neck radiate to fingers particularly fourth and little finger, worsening in the early part of the night. Neck feels tender and stiff. Kalmia Latifolia is well indicated for Brachialgia cases in which a pinched nerve in the neck causes pain in the arm. It is a prominent medicine for pain specifically in the upper three dorsal vertebrae (these vertebrae lie below the base of neck) that extends to the shoulder blade. Besides these, it acts well on the lower back where it helps to relieve back pain when attended with heat and burning sensation. Pain increases from motion. There is weakness in the lower part of the back where spine curves at the waist. It gets worse in the evening in bed. Lastly, it is beneficial to manage back pain during menses.

Key Indicating Features

Neck pain radiating down the arm

Neuralgia means nerve pain when neck pain goes down specifically to fourth and little finger

Pain in upper three dorsal vertebrae (that lies below the base of neck) extending to shoulder blade

Lower back pain accompanied by heat and burning sensation

2. Limbs (Joint Pain, Neuralgia – Nerve Pain)

Kalmia shows prominent action on limbs as well. Here it can settle issues related to joints and nerves primarily. It works wonders in case of joint inflammation when there is redness, heat and swelling of the joints. The slightest motion worsens the pain. The pain can also increase in the evening and from exposure to cold wind. There may be pain in the shoulder, arm joints and wrist, especially the left one. Pain may be felt in the hips radiating to legs and feet, knees and in the ankles along with swelling. A peculiar feature is the sudden shifting of pain from one joint to the other. The pain is sharp and shooting type. Pain mostly begins in the upper limbs and then shifts to the lower limbs.  Pain may also occur in a large part of the limb and then quickly shift to another part. This medicine also helps to give substantial relief in the deltoid muscle (triangular muscle in shoulder) pain, especially on the right side. Apart from the joints, it is a great nerve remedy. Kalmia shows tremendous benefits in managing neuralgia (nerve pain). Its use is considered for nerve pain that shoots down the limbs. Numbness and pricking sensation with weakness in the limbs is a classic symptom guiding its use. Limbs may feel cold too. It is the main medicine for pain felt along the ulnar nerve (this nerve travels from neck downwards near ulna bone which is a bone in the forearm towards the little finger side) radiating to the third and fourth fingers.

Key Indicating Features

Sudden shifting of pain from one joint to another

Neuralgia for nerve pain that shoots down the limbs

Numbness and pricking sensation with weakness in limbs

Pain along ulnar nerve radiating to third and fourth finger

3. Eyes (Pain, Iritis, Scleritis, Ptosis)

With its action on eyes, it proves helpful in cases of eye pain that gets worse from eye movement. There is a drawing sensation in the eyes along with stiffness that is felt when the eyeballs move. Its use is recommended for cases of Iritis and Scleritis. Iritis refers to inflammation of iris. Scleritis is inflammation of white part of the eye. The specific indication for using it is iritis or scleritis in cases associated with joint inflammation. Other than these, it can be given to manage itching in the eyes. This medicine is also successful for managing cases of ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid).

Key Indicating Features

Pain in eye worsening from eye movement

Drawing sensation in the eyes and stiffness on moving eyes

Iritis or scleritis in cases associated with joint inflammation


4. Face (Trigeminal Neuralgia, Facial Pain)

Trigeminal nerve

Trigeminal nerve

Further action of this medicine is on the face. Here it is preferred for treating trigeminal neuralgia (sudden severe pain in the face from pressure over trigeminal nerve or damage/injury to this nerve). It is the most helpful for right-sided neuralgia. Pain is shooting, pressing or sticking type in cases needing it. Pain may be attended with numbness. It gets worse from exposure to cold, while it gets better by eating. Another noteworthy indication of this medicine is nerve pain in the face after Herpes Zoster (a viral disease caused by varicella zoster virus, characterised by painful skin rash with blisters).  Lastly it is valuable to manage pain in teeth of upper jaw.

Key Indicating Features

Trigeminal neuralgia of right side

Facial pain of shooting, pressing or sticking type that may be attended with numbness

Facial pain worse from cold exposure and better from eating

Nerve pain in face after Herpes Zoster

5. Head (Headache)

The most important feature based on which Kalmia is selected is headache beginning at sunrise, worsening at noon and leaving at sunset. A very unique symptom is relief from headache after profuse urination. The pain is felt in the front and the temples of the head that extends to the nape of the neck or to teeth. It also works well when pain begins in the nape of the neck and goes to the top of the head and face. Additionally, it is capable of relieving pain in head above the right eye (supra orbital pain). Vertigo may occur along with headache.

Key Indicating Features

Headache beginning at sunrise, worsening at noon and leaving at sunset

Headache gets better by profuse urination

6. Heart (Angina Pectoris, Pain, Tobacco Heart)

Kalmia is an important medicine for managing certain heart complaints. This medicine is well indicated for cases of Angina Pectoris (heart pain occurring from reduced blood supply to the heart), heart pain that is sharp, stabbing/burning/shooting type. The pain extends to the left scapula and arm. Pulse is slow and feeble. Its use is also indicated when there are palpitations, that get worse from leaning forward and better by sitting erect. It is attended with anxiety and difficult breathing. It is a leading medicine for managing heart-related issues that appear from excessive use of tobacco (tobacco heart).

Key Indicating Features

Heart pain of sharp, stabbing, burning, shooting nature radiating to left scapula and arm

Palpitations worse from leaning forward and better from sitting erect

Tobacco heart (heart-related problems resulting from excessive use of tobacco)

7. Gastric Problems (Stomach Pain, Loose Stool)

This medicine can tackle certain gastric issues as well. First among these is pain in the pit of stomach that worsens from bending forward and better from sitting erect. The pit of stomach is sore to touch. Kalmia is used to relieve cramping pain in stomach along with belching of wind. Kalmia can be given for loose stool when accompanied by stomach pain, nausea, weakness and dullness. Rest of its indications include obstructed gas with nausea, abdomen pain above the navel and sensation of weakness in abdomen.

Key Indicating Features

Pain in pit of stomach worse from bending forward and better from sitting erect

Loose stool attended with stomach pain, nausea, weakness and dullness


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse by bending forward, stooping, turning eyes, motion, from sunrise to sunset.

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by  eating, sitting, in cloudy weather


It can be used in both low and high potencies. Its frequent repetition can be considered in low potencies but in high potencies, frequent repetition of this medicine should be avoided. In case of heart problems, this medicine should only be taken after consulting a homeopathic physician and self – medication be strictly avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Aconite and Belladonna

It antidotes: Tabacum

Followed well by: Calcarea Carb, Lycopodium, Natrum Mur, Pulsatilla and Spigelia

It follows well Nux Vomica and Spigelia


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Equisetum Hyemale: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Equisetum Hyemale is derived from the plant ‘scouring rush’. It belongs to family Equisetaceae. To obtain this medicine the fresh scouring rush plant has to undergo potentization. It is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines which arouses medicinal properties from its crude form. After this process, scouring rush is converted into a magnificent homeopathic medicine — Equisetum Hyemale. It is the best medicine for treating various bladder and kidney-related problems.


Drug Action

This medicine acts best on the urinary organs. It is considered a great tonic for kidney and urinary bladder. This medicine helps treat cases of frequent urination and bedwetting. Other than this, its action is best felt on the head, gastric system, and back though in a limited manner.

Clinical Indications

Polyuria (excessive urination), bedwetting, cystitis, dysuria, bladder disorders, kidney disorders, kidney stones, kidney pain, urinary retention, haematuria

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Urinary Complaints (frequent urination, cystitis, bedwetting, kidney pain, urinary retention)

Equisetum Hyemale is pre-eminently a remedy for managing several urinary problems. It helps treat urinary bladder and kidney-related problems. Firstly, it is the most-suited medicine to manage cases of frequent urination. Those who need it have frequent or constant urge to urinate and the urine is profuse. It can be accompanied by biting, prickling sensation or itching in urethral meatus. The frequency to urinate could worsen during the night hours, and it may have a person in and out of the bed several times. Next, it is an effective medicine to manage dull pain in urinary bladder. The bladder feels full even after it has been emptied. The bladder is tender on pressure. It is a well-known medicine that manages cases of bedwetting in children. It is particularly administered when there is no reason linked to bedwetting. In some cases, bedwetting among children is accompanied by nightmares.  Next, it gives great clinical results in cases of cystitis (inflamed urinary bladder). Those who need it have burning, and stabbing sensation in the urethra while urinating. Pricking sensation may accompany. There may occur severe pain as the last urine drops trickle out. It is one of the best medicines to manage retention of urine among women after childbirth. Another main indication for its use is involuntary urination among the elderly women along with involuntary stool. Besides these, it is well-indicated to treat kidney pain. The presence of pain is felt in the right kidney and it may extend into the lower abdomen. There is urgent need to urinate even as the pain in the kidney continues.

Key Indicating Features

Frequent urge to urinate & profusely

Urgency to urinate accompanied with biting, pricking sensation or itching in urethral meatus

Fullness in the bladder even after urination

Bedwetting among children without any reason

Bedwetting among children with nightmares

Involuntary urination among elderly women along with involuntary stool

2. Head (Headache)

Equisetum manages headache very well. It works well in cases of severe headache with marked pain in the upper part of the eyes. Headache is accompanied by heat in the face. In some cases, there could be stabbing pain that keeps changing its location. Lastly, it can be used in cases where a person feels compression over the entire scalp.

Key Indicating Features

Severe headache with marked pain in the upper part of the eyes

Stabbing pain in the head that changes location frequently

Compression felt over the entire scalp

3. Gastric Problems (Abdomen Pain, Anal Pain)

This medicine can be administered if the patient feels dull heavy pain on the sides of lower abdomen with frequent urge to urinate. It can also be used if pain is felt in the lower abdomen accompanied by breaking of the wind and resultant offensive smell. Frequent urge to pass stool is felt the entire day. It also acts well on the rectum. It is particularly beneficial in case of smarting pain in the anus during and after stool. Passing of stool can be accompanied with excessive breaking of the wind.

Key Indicating Features

Dull heavy pain on the sides of the lower abdomen with frequent urination

Pain in the lower abdomen with passing of offensive smell

Smarting pain in the anus during and after stool

4. Back (Backache)

This medicine helps relieve backache. The guiding symptom to use it is when backache gets worse while sitting, and it gets better upon walking or from lying on the back. Another indication for its use is pain in the sacral lumbar joint (it is the region between the lumbar and sacral spine in the lower back) and in left hip joint radiating down the outer side of the left leg.

Key Indicating Features

Backache worsens while sitting

Back pain gets better upon walking or from lying on the back

Pain in the sacral lumbar joint and in the left hip joint radiating down the outer side of left leg


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse upon touch, pressure, sitting down, on right side and during the last trickling of urine.

Relieving Factors: Complaints get better upon lying, in the afternoon or from continued motion


It can be used in tincture form to 6C potency. The tincture form is recommended to be ingested in hot water to relieve urinary tract irritability, difficult and painful urination, and kidney stones.

Relationship with Other Remedies

It can be compared with other remedies including Apis Mellifica, Berberis Vulgaris, Chimaphila, Sarsaparilla, Cantharis, Cannabis Indica, Ferrum Phos and Pulsatilla


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Argentum Metallicum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Argentum Metallicum is derived from metal silver. When metal silver undergoes potentization as per homeopathic formula which is a process of arousing the latent medicinal properties from a crude substance, we obtain a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Argentum Metallicum. It is a suitable medicine mainly for managing hoarseness of voice, laryngitis and joint complaints.

 The ‘Argentum Metallicum’ Constitution

This medicine is mainly suitable for tall thin people who have pale skin and irritable nature.

Drug Action

This medicine acts very well on larynx, bone, cartilage, ligaments, and joints. Its action is also well noted on head, nose, lungs, male and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Laryngitis, hoarseness, cough, joint disorders, cartilage disorders, hip joint disease, headache, exostosis, sneezing, cold, nasal polyps, nose bleeding, orchitis, emissions, gonorrhoea, ovaries disorder, ovarian cyst, uterine prolapse, cancer of uterus

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Throat complaints (hoarseness, laryngitis, pharyngitis)

Argentum Metallicum acts wonderfully well on the throat, and larynx. Here it is the best-suited medicine to manage cases of hoarseness of voice and laryngitis (inflamed voice box). There is inability to speak a loud word. This is accompanied with rawness and soreness in larynx. Public speakers and professional singers who have hoarse voice highly benefit from the use of this medicine. There is also alteration in the voice timbre. In some cases, there is loss of voice as well. Its use is also well-indicated in cases of chronic pharyngitis. There is hawking of grey jelly-like mucus from throat.

Key Indicating Features

Hoarseness of voice and laryngitis

Hawking of grey jelly-like mucus from throat

2. Respiratory Issues (Cough)

This medicine can also treat cases of cough very well, particularly, for cough triggered by laughter and results in expectoration of grey gelatinous mucus. It is also a suitable medicine when a tickling inside the throat excites cough. In most cases, cough is accompanied by a raw feeling in throat. Stitching pain occurs in the chest while talking, or in some cases while reading aloud. Those who need it may have a sensation of soreness and rawness in the chest.

Key Indicating Features

Cough worsens after a bout of laughter

Cough with expectoration of grey gelatinous mucus

Tickling in throat excites cough

3. Head (Headache, Exostosis)

This medicine manages headache quite well. The pain is dull in nature, and mostly present in the left side of the head, and is accompanied by a feeling of emptiness. An accompanying factor may be congestion of the head followed by redness of cheeks. The scalp may be very tender to touch. Its use is also recommended for cases of exostosis (extra growth of bone) on skull.

Key Indicating Features

Dull left sided headache

Emptiness feeling in head

Exostosis on skull

 4. Nasal Complaints (Cold, Sneezing, Nasal Polyps, Nose Bleeding)

It gives excellent results in cases of chronic cold. The main indication to use it is continuous nasal discharge with sneezing ultimately leading to exhaustion. Nostrils may be blocked as well. It is also indicated for treating nasal polyps (non-cancerous, painless growths that develop on the lining of nasal passage or paranasal sinuses). It can be given in cases of nose bleeding with tickling in the nose.

Key Indicating Features

Cold with continuous nasal discharge & sneezing which leads to exhaustion

Nose bleeding with tickling in the nose

5. Limbs (Joint Pain, Writer’s Cramp, Numbness)

Argentum Metallicum acts well on the limbs, especially, the limb joints. It treats joint pain, especially, in the elbows and knees quite well. Burning, and lancinating pain is felt in the elbows and knees. At times, there may also occur pain in the knees while sitting. Other than this, it is useful to manage hip pain, especially, stitching pain which is mostly felt while walking.

Stiffness is felt in the hips in the morning. It can manage very well weakness in the legs, particularly, when the legs are shaky, and trembling is felt. Its use is also considered in writer’s cramps (muscle spasm or cramps in the hands and fingers while writing). Besides the above-mentioned problems, it can help manage ankle-swelling. This medicine can be used for pain in the feet as well. The pain is tearing in nature. While walking soreness in the soles is felt as if they are ulcerated. It can be administered in cases of numbness in the limbs also. The limbs feel stiff as well.

Key Indicating Features

Burning, and lancinating pain in the elbows, and knees

Bruised pain in the knees while sitting

Hip pain, especially, stitching in nature is felt while walking

Weakness of legs which feel shaky

6. Male Problems (Orchitis, Emissions, Gonorrhoea)

Among males, this medicine is mainly administered for managing pain in the testis. The pain may be present on right or left side of the testis. On the left side, mainly bruised pain is felt while on the right side, crushing pain is felt. It is a helpful medicine for orchitis cases. Orchitis refers to inflammation of testicles. It is also the best medicine to manage frequent seminal emissions at night. These occur without any sexual excitement and erections. Lastly, it is of much help in cases of gonorrhoea (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). In such cases, results are good when there occurs yellowish green discharge from urethra.

Key Indicating Features

Bruised pain in left testis

Crushed pain in right testis

Frequent seminal emissions at night without any sexual excitement & erections

Gonorrhoea with yellowish green discharge from urethra

7. Female Problems (Ovarian Cyst, Leucorrhoea, Uterine Prolapse)

This medicine is helpful in treating ovarian cysts and tumours. The ovaries feel large, and pain is mostly felt in the left ovary. It is also beneficial in cases of vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). It is helpful when vaginal discharges are foul-smelling and has bloody water. It can also be administered in managing cases of uterine prolapse. Here it is applicable when pain occurs in left ovary and lower back that extends to the front. As per homeopathic therapeutics, it can be used in the management of cancer of the uterus as well.

Key Indicating Features

Ovarian cysts and tumours

Vaginal discharge that is foul smelling and there is bloody water

Uterine prolapse with pain occurs in left ovary and lower back that extends to the front


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse upon touch, pressure, using voice, cold damp, lying on back, talking, from sitting and stooping

Relieving factors: Complaints get better upon movement, in the open air and after drinking coffee


Use of this medicine can be done from low to high potency. In low potencies it can be repeated often depending on the case presentation. Frequent repetition of this medicine is not recommended in higher potencies.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by:  Merc Sol

It antidotes: Zincum Met, Palladium and Stannum Met

Followed well by: Calcarea carb, Pulsatilla and Sepia

It follows well Alumina and Platina


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