Homeopathic medicine Helonias Dioica is derived from the plant Unicorn Root also known by the name of ‘blazing star’. It belongs to family Melanthaceae. To obtain this medicine the roots of this plant have to undergo potentization (a process of preparing homeopathic medicines which arouses medicinal properties of its crude form). After this process, it is converted into a magnificent homeopathic medicine — Helonias Dioica. It is a highly valuable medicine in homeopathy and manages very well uterus disorders, especially, uterine prolapse, and backache.
The ‘Helonias Dioica’ Constitution
This medicine is most suited for the women who are nervous, and become easily fatigued by any kind of hard work either mental or physical. They may suffer from uterine prolapse. They frequently complain of backache, and a tired feeling in the back that goes down the limbs. It is also suitable for women who have aching, and burning sensation in overstrained muscles.
Drug Action
Among its most notable results are its action on the uterus. Other than this it also acts well on the brain, urinary organs, and back.
Clinical Indications
Uterus disorders, pruritis vulva, leucorrhoea, uterus atony, menopausal complaints, painful menses (dysmenorrhoea), heavy menses (menorrhagia), intermenstrual bleeding (metrorrhagia), weakness, backache, depression, kidney pain, diabetes, impotency
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Female Problems (Prolapse Of Uterus, Vaginal Discharge, Itching, Backache, Weakness, Heavy Menses, Intermenstrual Bleeding)
This remedy’s sphere of action is mainly centered on the uterus. It is a highly suitable medicine to manage cases of prolapse of uterus and also malposition of uterus. There is uterine atony and relaxation of ligaments of uterus. Weight, and heaviness is felt in uterus. A dragging sensation in pelvis, and sacral area may accompany. Excessive weakness, and fatigue accompanies. Sometimes there are ulcers in cervix. It is also accompanied by constant dark, and bad smelling vaginal discharge. There is also soreness, and tenderness in the uterus. A major guiding feature for its use is consciousness of the womb (a woman feels uterus is moving when she moves).
Its use is also recommended to manage itching in vulva (pruritis vulva), the itching may occur on labia, clitoris, and skin just outside vagina. The vulva itches intensely. It is also red and swollen. Heat and burning are felt in vulva. In some cases, there may develop ulcers on vulva.
Further, it is of great clinical significance to manage cases of leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge). For those who need it, the vaginal discharge is lumpy or curdled and has a foul smell. It is accompanied by pain in the lower back. There can be vaginal infections in women needing it since childbirth.
It is a well-indicated medicine to manage long-term weaknesses that women have since childbirth. Weakness after abortion or miscarriage can also be well managed with this medicine. Women who feel weakness during menopause can also be benefitted from this remedy. It proves highly effective in managing back pain among those women who might have encountered it after miscarriage.
It is also indicated for women who have a loss of sexual desire. Another important indication to use it is intermenstrual bleeding from lifting weights or from very little exertion. It can also manage well heavy periods. The menstrual flow is heavy and lasts too long accompanied by marked weakness. Bleeding gets worse from slight motion. Blood is dark and clotted, and it has a bad odour. Back pain and frequent palpitations can also be present.
This medicine is also suitable for managing painful menses (dysmenorrhoea). Women who require this medicine experience sharp, cutting, and drawing pain during menses. The pain passes from the back through the uterus. The ovaries are sore. The breast is swollen along with excessive tenderness. It is a highly useful medicine to reduce swelling of breasts and pain, and tenderness of nipples.
Key Indicating Features
Prolapse of the uterus with a dragging sensation in the sacral region
Malposition of uterus
A dragging sensation in the pelvis, and sacral area with excessive weakness
Consciousness of the womb
Itching in vulva (pruritis vulva)
Vaginal discharge – lumpy or curdled having a foul smell
2. Complaints Of The Mind (Depression)
Helonias also acts wonderfully on the mind. This medicine is suitable for managing cases of depression. Those who need it have profound sadness and a desire to be alone. There is an aversion to any conversation that seems unpleasant. Excessive irritability is present in them. They cannot bear even the slightest contradiction. They are restless and want to be moving continuously. They feel better while they are busy and the mind is engaged in doing some or the other work. In general, they have a fault-finding nature.
Key Indicating Features
Depression with profound sadness, desire to be alone, and aversion to any conversation
Cannot bear contradiction
Relief when one gets busy with work
3. Urinary Issues (Frequent Urine, Burning, Kidney Pain, Diabetes)
It can prove helpful in managing certain urinary complaints. Firstly, it can help cases of frequent urination. The urgency to pass urine is marked. There occurs burning and scalding while urinating. Secondly, it is beneficial in managing kidney pain. Along with this albumin may pass in the urine. The kidney on the right side may be sensitive to touch. The prominent symptom here to use it are burning sensation in the kidney region, the sufferer can trace the outline of the kidneys by constant burning. Weakness and weight is also felt in the kidney region. It is also well-indicated in managing cases of diabetes. There is profuse urine, excessive thirst, weight loss, irritability, and sadness in such cases where it is required. It is also indicated to manage numbness in feet that gets better by motion in cases of diabetes. Males having complaints of erectile dysfunction in the case of diabetes (inability to achieve or maintain erections firm enough to have sexual intercourse) may find this medicine quite useful.
Key Indicating Features
Frequent, urgent urination with burning and scalding
Burning sensation in the kidney region; the sufferer can trace the outline of kidneys by the constant burning
Diabetes – profuse urine, excessive thirst, weight loss, irritability, and sadness
Numbness in feet gets better upon movement in cases of diabetes
Erectile dysfunction in cases of diabetes
4. Back Problems (Backache, Burning, Weakness, Dragging)
It acts very well on the back. It is highly valuable in managing the pain in the back accompanied by weakness and tiredness in the back. Weight on the back is also felt. A characteristic symptom is a burning sensation in the lower back. It worsens mostly upon sitting. In some cases, pain from the lower back may extend down the legs. Stiffness is also there in the back. Among those who need it, the pain in the back worsens at night. This medicine can be considered in cases where aching, and dragging is felt in the sacral region in cases of uterine prolapse.
Key Indicating Features
Backache accompanied by weakness, and tiredness in the back area
The burning sensation in the lower back worsens upon sitting
Pain in the back worsens at night
Aching, dragging in the sacral region in cases of uterine prolapse
Worsening Factors: Complaints get worse from touch, motion, stooping, and from fatigue
Relieving Factors: Complaints get better while one is busy when doing something (mental diversion)
Depending on case to case, it can be used from low to high potency. It can be repeated often in low potency but in high potency, frequent repetition is usually not recommended.
Relationship With Other Remedies
It antidotes Kali Bromatum and Lilium Tigrinum
It can be compared with other remedies including Aletris Farinosa, Ferrum Met, Pulsatilla, Senecio Aureus, Stannum Met, Phosphoric Acid and Lilium Tigrinum