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Best Homeopathic Medicines for Premature Ejaculation

Homeopathic Remedies for Premature Ejaculation

A type of sexual dysfunction, premature ejaculation is a term used for uncontrollable emissions occurring before or shortly after sexual penetration. They happen to occur very soon, at times even before sexual stimulation begins. Premature ejaculation is diagnosed when a person always or most of the time ejaculates within one minute of sexual penetration; a person is unable to delay ejaculation during intercourse. It is associated with several factors such as erectile dysfunction, stress, anxiety, relationship problems, and some biological factors. Premature ejaculation can be very distressing and can affect one’s self-esteem and relationship with a partner.

Homeopathic Treatment For Premature Ejaculation

Homeopathy is a very effective and highly safe mode of treatment for cases of premature ejaculation. Homeopathy is a science which acts at the root of the problem. These medicines are very easy to take and not habit-forming in nature.

Homeopathic Medicines for Premature Ejaculation

The top-grade homeopathic medicines for premature ejaculation are Selenium, Agnus Castus, Conium,  Staphysagria and Caladium.

1. Selenium Top Grade Medicine For Premature Ejaculation 

It is a leading and most commonly prescribed medicine for treating cases of premature ejaculation. Early emissions with extreme sadness are treated well with Selenium. It is a wonderful medicine for sexual weakness with thin and odourless semen. Persons requiring selenium have great irritability and weakness after coitus. It is also the best medicine for involuntary seminal emissions during sleep with obscene (related to sex) dreams.

When and How to take Selenium?

Premature discharge with thin semen, sadness, and weakness is the key explanation to use this remedy. It is used in 30C potency and can be used once a day. Normally higher potencies, 200C and 1M are not recommended in the beginning. It is best to consult a homeopathic physician if there are no desired results after taking 30C potency.

2. Agnus Castus For Premature Ejaculation Along With Diminished Sexual Desire

This natural medicine sourced from ripe berries of the plant ‘chaste tree’ has brilliant action on male genitalia. It is one of the most prominent medicines for premature ejaculation with less sexual desire. Agnus is also an indicated medicine for ailments from sexual excesses. It is also a top-grade medicine for weak erection with diminished sexual desire.

When and How to take Agnus Castus?

It is indicated in those cases in which there is reduction in sexual desire, feeble erection, and early ejaculation. The best potency to start with is 30C, it can be repeated 2-3 times in a day at regular intervals. It can also be taken in high (200C) potency but one should clearly observe the symptoms beforehand.

3. ConiumFor Premature Ejaculation Along With Weak Erections

The most effective medicine for premature ejaculation along with diminished sexual power and weak erection is Conium. Conium is widely used for treating early emissions, weak erection and excessive sexual desire. There is involuntary discharge of thick seminal fluid from just the thought of sex and in some cases even thinking about women.

When and How to use Conium?

It is helpful in males who suffer from complaint of premature ejaculation with feeble (weak) erection but get excited on the slightest sexual stimulation. Usually, the course of treatment starts with 30C potency once or twice in a day. Although it is also used in 200C and 1M potency, frequent repetition is not suggested for these potencies.

4. Staphysagria For Premature Ejaculation Due To Excessive Sex

Staphysagria is best indicated in persons who suffer from premature ejaculation having a history of excessive sex in the past. Their mind is occupied with constant thoughts of sexual sphere. They constantly dwell on sexual subjects and are highly excited even before the sexual stimulation starts. This highly excited state leads to premature ejaculation. Staphysagria acts well in treating premature ejaculations followed with backache and fatigue.

When and How to use Staphysagria?

A very common symptom found in this medicine is early emissions in persons who are excessively active sexually and who constantly think about sex. It can be administered in various potencies like 30C, 200C and 1M. In most of the cases, it can be given in 30C potency 2-3 times in a day. Once the symptoms improve, repetition of doses is not required. If there is no improvement, it is best to seek professional guidance.

5. Caladium Excellent For Premature Ejaculation Along With Erectile Dysfunction

This remedy has marked action on the male genital organs. It is particularly suited for treating premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction (inability to obtain or sustain erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse). In cases, where this problem is linked to lifestyle habits like smoking, Caladium is often prescribed. It has been noted that emotional and stress-linked problems are often the underlying cause of pre-mature ejaculation. In such cases,  Caladium can be considered.

When and How to take Caladium?

Prescription of caladium is more common among men who suffer from erectile dysfunction with weak erection resulting in premature ejaculation. Early ejaculation is more commonly associated with men who are exhausted or suffering mental trauma. In such cases, Caladium is recommended. Though it requires expert opinion to decide on the potency,  30C potency can be used twice a day. This is the usual dose suggested in most of cases. If the symptoms prevail, avoid self-medication in high potencies (200C and 1M), seek help from homeopathic practitioner.

Symptoms And Causes Of Premature Ejaculation

The main symptom of premature ejaculation is when one is not able to delay ejaculation for more than three minutes after penetration. It can happen in any kind of sex situation including masturbation.

A. Psychological causes

1. Stress

2. Anxiety

3. History of sexual repression (negative feeling about the idea of sex).

4. Lack of confidence

5. Relationship problems

6. Early sexual experience

B. Hormonal Imbalance

Serotonin: The body naturally produces serotonin through the nerves. The time it takes to ejaculate is lengthened by high levels of serotonin in the brain. Low doses can speed up the ejaculation process and cause PE.

A physiological issue that affects oxytocin levels which are important for a man’s sexual performance. Luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin, and thyroid stimulating hormone are other hormone levels that affect sexual performance.

C. Infection: Inflammation or an infection in the prostate or urethra.

D. Age: Men of any age can experience PE. Even though aging alters erections and ejaculation, it does not directly cause PE. Erection may not be as strong or as long in elderly men. It might take less time for erection to end before ejaculation starts. There might be a shorter period of anticipation before ejaculation occurs. An older guy may start ejaculating early as a result of these changes.

Risk Factors Of Premature Ejaculation

Many factors can increase the risk of premature ejaculation.

Erectile dysfunction: If a person is having trouble getting or keeping an erection, he is at increased risk of premature ejaculation. One might hurry through sex because of fear of losing an erection.

Stress: Emotional or mental strain can limit the ability to relax and focus during sex. This can play role in premature ejaculation.

Classification Of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation can be classified into two types.

Lifelong (primary): Lifelong premature ejaculation occurs nearly every time starting with the first sexual encounter.

Acquired (secondary): Previous sexual experiences occur without any problem in ejaculation, but premature ejaculation develops later.

Pathophysiology Of Premature Ejaculation

 Pathophyiology of PE is largely unknown and can cause many changes in the body.

Biological, organ systems directly affected by premature ejaculation: 

1. Male reproductive tract (penis, prostate, seminal vesicle, testicles, and their appendages)

2. Portion of central and peripheral nervous system controlling male reproductive tracts

3. Reproductive organ systems of sexual partner that may not be stimulated sufficiently

4. Hyposensitivity of 5-HT2C receptor, hypersensitivity of 5-HT1A/5-HT2B  receptor, hypersensitivity of the glans, psychosocial and relational factors, etc.

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Top 5 Homeopathic Remedies for Erectile Dysfunction and Sexual Weakness in Males

Homeopathic remedies for erectile dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction (ED), or impotency as it is commonly known, refers to difficulty or an inability to get or sustain an erection firm enough to perform sexual intercourse. It is a very common problem in men. It is a disorder that can devastate a man’s self-esteem and spoil his relationship. Many men experience problems with erection occasionally, having it once in a while is not a concern. When this problem occurs frequently, it may indicate some underlying health issue that needs to be addressed.

Homeopathy provides natural and effective treatment for erectile dysfunction with medicines made of substances sourced out of nature that have zero side effects. These medicines can be used in cases of weak erection or even in cases with no erection at all. They help to gradually improve erection. Homeopathy works to improve blood flow to the penis by clearing off any obstructions which are causing impaired blood flow. Additionally, they also strengthen and improve functioning of the muscles and nerves involved in getting erections. Any hormonal issues linked with causing ED are also treated well with these medicines. By working collectively on improving all these four factors including blood flow, nerves, muscle and hormones associated with achieving and maintaining erections, homeopathy does bring great improvement in ED cases.

Homeopathic medicines along with improving erection, also help to improve sex drive, and treat the other associated complaints like premature ejaculation, or involuntary semen discharges if present in any case.

The most important advantage of using homeopathic medicines for ED is that these are very safe as they are derived from naturally occurring substances. Treatment options in conventional mode lead to use of certain medicines that are known to have many side effects. So, to prevent that one may opt for homeopathic treatment that can treat ED effectively with no adverse effects.

Homeopathy is a symptom-based science. So the most suitable medicine for any case of ED is selected after a detailed symptom evaluation of the individual. The potency, dose, and repetition of the selected medicine is also finalized for every single case separately according to homeopathic principles. So, one must consider using any homeopathic medicine for ED after consulting a homeopath. Self-medication might not help as improper medicine, potency, and dose selection out of lack of knowledge may not give expected results.

Top 5 Homeopathic Remedies For Erectile Dysfunction (Impotency)

The five highly recommended homeopathic medicines to treat ED are Caladium, Agnus Castus, Lycopodium, Selenium and Damiana.

1. Caladium – Top-Grade Medicine

Caladium is a natural remedy sourced from the plant ‘dumb cane’. It is a well-known medicine used very frequently in ED cases.  This medicine is recommended for males who are unable to have an erection despite having sexual desire or urge. During sexual excitement, the parts remain relaxed with an inability to perform sex.  The sexual parts may feel cold. Erection problems may be accompanied by depression. Sometimes, a person may have painful erection without sexual desire. Caladium is also used when there is a problem with erection along with premature ejaculation of the semen. Males who have ED with a history of tobacco consumption may also find this medicine helpful.

When to use Caladium?

This medicine can be used as a first line of treatment in males who do not get erection despite having sexual desire.

How to use Caladium?

Caladium can be used in varying potencies from low to high, but in the beginning, it is best to use it in 30C potency. One can take Caladium 30C two to three times a day.

2. Agnus Castus – When Erections Are Entirely Absent

It is a natural medicine prepared from ripe berries of a plant commonly known as ‘The Chaste Tree’. Its use is particularly considered when no erection occurs at all, and the genitals are relaxed and cold. Another important attending symptom is a complete loss of sexual desire. In some cases that require it, spermatorrhea (involuntary semen discharge) during urination or stool may be present too. This medicine also helps when there is a history of excessive masturbation and sexual excesses.

When to use Agnus Castus?

This medicine can be used in cases of ED where there is no erection and sexual desire at all.

How to use Agnus Castus?

Most commonly it is used in 30C potency that can be used two to three times a day with a gap of minimum three hours.

3. Lycopodium – For Erectile Dysfunction With Performance Anxiety

This medicine is prepared from the plant club ‘moss’. This medicine works well in cases of erectile dysfunction with marked performance anxiety (means stress and anxiety before the act due to negative thoughts about their ability to perform). Those needing it may either have weak, imperfect, short erections or complete absence of erections. The genitals are relaxed and cold. The sexual desire can be high, a person may have premature ejaculation. It is a well-indicated medicine for treating ED in those having a history of sexual excesses.

When to use Lycopodium?

Use of Lycopodium is recommended for weak, short, or zero erection along with performance anxiety. Additionally, its use is suggested to treat ED in men having a history of sexual excesses in the past.

How to use Lycopodium?

Both low and high potencies of Lycopodium are found to be helpful. Treatment usually starts with 30C potency. Lycopodium 30C can be taken once in the morning and once in the evening. The dose can be reduced to once a day when there are signs of improvement.

4. Selenium – For Erectile Dysfunction With Increased Sexual Thoughts And Desire

It is a very useful medicine when there is an ED with increased sexual thoughts and strong sexual desire but physical inability to perform sexual activity. During sexual activity, the penis relaxes. It is also a leading medicine to manage quick emission of semen (premature ejaculation). Selenium is a very important medicine for involuntary seminal emissions. This may happen during sleep, while walking or when passing stool. When it occurs during sleep, a person is in sexual dreams. This awakens the male from sleep and causes weakness in the lower back.

When to use Selenium?

This medicine suits all cases of ED with excessive sexual thoughts and increased sexual desire. It is also very effective in cases of premature ejaculation and involuntary seminal emissions.

How to use Selenium?

Its use is recommended usually in 30C potency and it can also be used twice a day. The potency can be increased after some time based on how well it is acting to bring improvement, however, it is to be done only after consulting a homeopathic doctor.

5. Damiana – For Impotency And Spermatorrhea

It is a natural remedy prepared from dried leaves of the plant ‘Damiana Aphrodisiaca’. It has a marked action on the male genitals. It is a natural tonic to enhance sexual power in males. It proves to be very helpful in cases of sexual weakness, ED, and spermatorrhea (involuntary seminal emissions).

When to use Damiana?

It is a homeopathic tonic used widely to improve sexual power in males and treat involuntary seminal emissions.

How to use Damiana?

It gives the best result in mother tincture (Q) form. Damiana Q can be taken 8 -10 drops in half a cup of water two or three times a day depending on the intensity of the problem.

Note One may take the above medicines for a month or two only in recommended potency and dose. To continue or to increase potency or dose, it is advised to consult a homeopathic practitioner.

What are the Symptoms of ED?

In case of erectile dysfunction, symptoms that can arise include problems in getting an erection, weak erection or difficulty in maintaining an erection hard enough for sex. In some cases, there is a complete inability to get erections. ED is diagnosed when such symptoms are recurrent or persistent for a minimum 3 months’ time.

Along with the above symptoms, there may be a decrease in sexual desire. Premature ejaculation may be related to ED in some cases. Sometimes anorgasmia (inability to reach orgasm during sex) occurs. Person may also have associated emotional symptoms like anxiety, feeling embarrassed and depressed.

Types of Erectile Dysfunction

ED can be primary or secondary.

1.In primary ED, men may have never got an erection and ED is there from the beginning. Usually, the cause behind it is related to the psychology of a person, rather than any anatomical or physiological defect.

2.Secondary ED is the one in which a man has had normal erections earlier, but at some point started having problems with erections. Mostly secondary ED occurs from a physical cause. Cases of primary ED are rare and mostly cases of ED are secondary.

Pathophysiology behind ED

For erections to occur several factors collectively play a role.  These involve the role of nerves, blood vessels, muscles and hormones.  During sexual arousal, the brain sends signals via nerves to penis causing its stimulation and relaxation of corpora cavernosa. Corpora cavernosa are two columns of spongy tissue that run through the length of the penis. It contains blood vessels that fill with blood leading to an erection. Its relaxation is followed by a rush of blood to the arteries of corpora cavernosa that fill them up. The pressure created by blood in these arteries causes the expansion of penis creating an erection. When orgasm occurs, nerve signals reach the penis and cause the contraction of muscle tissue in penis. It is followed by the release of blood into the general blood circulation that causes relaxation of penis and brings it to its original state of not being sexually aroused.

If there occurs a problem in nerves, blood vessels, muscles, hormones, then ED can occur.

What are the Causes behind it?

The main reason behind ED is impaired blood flow to penis and damage to nerves that can happen due to several reasons.

ED can result from physical or emotional causes.

Physical causes that contribute to ED are as follows:

1.The first among these causes is diabetes. Complaints of ED are common in men who suffer from diabetes which can cause damage to the nerves that send signals to the penis and blood vessels of the penis which can result in ED.

2. The second cause linked with ED is hypertension means high blood pressure, heart disease, atherosclerosis (which means narrowing of blood vessels), and increased blood cholesterol levels. In men having hypertension, poor blood flow to the penis may occur. This is because high BP causes hardening and narrowing of the arterial walls which decreases blood flow to the penis. There is a strong link between ED and heart disease. According to many studies, males with ED are at high risk of heart disease. In the case of atherosclerosis due to the narrowing of arteries, blood flow is obstructed to the penis which results in ED. Atherosclerosis can be due to different reasons, among which the most common is an increase in levels of blood cholesterol which can build up in the arteries narrowing them, consequently reducing blood flow that can lead to ED.

3. The chances of ED also increase with advancing age. Erection may get weak as a male gets older.

4. Low testosterone levels are another factor linked to ED. Testosterone is required for normal erections and low testosterone may cause ED, but what exactly is the relationship between these two is not known. Low testosterone may be linked with obesity, heart disease, and diabetes which can contribute to ED. The extent of the low level of testosterone at which ED may occur is not yet clear. Low testosterone may also reduce sex drive. It is also noted that many men with low testosterone have no issues with erection.

5. Smoking or tobacco use, alcoholism and use of recreational drugs may also result in ED. Smoking causes damage to blood vessels, mainly the lining of blood vessels that can result in decreased blood supply to the penis which is the main reason behind ED. Men who have been consuming excessive alcohol for many years are at 50-70% of the risk of suffering from ED. This is because alcohol reduces the flow of blood to the penis. Some recreational drugs like cocaine, marijuana, opiates, barbiturates, nicotine, etc. may lead to ED.

These drugs damage blood vessels and suppress the central nervous system contributing to ED. Obesity also increases the risk of ED by 30 – 90%. It can cause ED by damaging the blood vessels and causing a decrease in testosterone levels. The damage to blood vessels is often the result of high BP, high cholesterol, atherosclerosis, diabetes and heart disease. Males who have any of these conditions along with obesity are at more risk of ED as compared to males who are only obese but do not have any of these medical conditions.

6. Damage to the spinal cord or pelvic area can lead to ED and also some other disorders linked to ED, like metabolic syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, Peyronie’s disease, sleep disorders, and kidney disease.

Metabolic syndrome is a condition in which there is increased blood pressure, high cholesterol, high insulin levels, and excessive body fat around the waist.

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder in the nervous system that mainly starts with shaking tremors in the hands followed by other symptoms like slow movement, rigid muscles, impaired balance, and speech changes.

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune cells damage the protective covering of nerves. Due to the damage to the nerves, communication between the brain and the body is hampered.

Peyronie’s disease is the one in which scar tissue develops in the penis.

7. The use of certain medicines may also lead to ED, for example, certain medicines used for the treatment of depression, high blood pressure, Parkinson’s disease, chemotherapy; diuretics (drugs that increase urine flow), and medicine used to treat seizures.

8. Certain psychological causes linked to ED include stress, anxiety, depression, fear of intimacy, relationship problems, etc.

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