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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Scalp Eczema

Eczema is a condition that causes skin inflammation along with red, rough, dry and itchy skin. Other signs and symptoms may appear like flaking of skin, oily skin, thickening of skin, blister formation, itching, soreness, burning sensation, darkening of skin and pain. There are different types of scalp eczema. These mainly include seborrheic dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis and cradle cap. The cause depends on the type of scalp eczema. Seborrheic dermatitis is a skin condition with red, inflamed skin covered by flakes/scales that are greasy and mainly appear on the scalp. Other areas where it may appear are behind the ear, on the face, eyelashes, eyebrows and chest. The exact reason behind seborrheic dermatitis is not clear yet. A few factors that may result in seborrheic dermatitis are overgrowth of mallasezia globose, (a type of yeast) found on the scalp and weak immunity. Other factors include greasy skin, a family history of seborrheic dermatitis, and an increase in androgen hormones.

Atopic dermatitis is a type of eczema which is thought to develop from dysfunction of the immune system. In this kind of eczema, genetic factors are thought to play a role. So persons with a family history of eczema or an atopic disease, for example, allergic rhinitis and asthma, are at risk. Atopic dermatitis commonly occurs in young children though persons of any age group can be affected.

Contact dermatitis refers to skin rash occurring from direct contact or an allergic reaction on coming in contact with an allergen (like hair care products, hair accessories, fragrances). Cradle cap is a skin condition that causes greasy, crusty patches on the baby’s scalp. Along with this, white or yellow scales form that are difficult to detach. Mild inflammation can attend it. Usually, no itching occurs in it. It occurs in the early months of the baby after birth and usually goes away before one year of age. Besides the scalp, the scales may also form on nose, eyelids, ears and groin. Cradle cap is also known as infantile seborrheic dermatitis.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy proves highly effective in managing cases of scalp eczema. Homeopathic medicines aid self-recovery in the most natural way by targeting the root cause behind it. They focus on curing this condition rather than causing its suppression. Homeopathic medicines help in healing the eruptions and prevent new eruptions. Along with this, they also manage discharges and other associated symptoms like itching, burning, and pain. Homeopathic medicines are helpful in acute as well as long-term (chronic) cases of scalp eczema.  These medicines are of natural origin with zero side effects. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. So, it is advised to get any case of scalp eczema evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the most suitable homeopathic prescription. It is advised to avoid self-medication with any of the homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Medicines For Scalp Eczema

1. Graphites – Top Grade Medicine

Graphites is a top recommended homeopathic medicine for managing cases of scalp eczema. Firstly, this medicine is indicated when crusty eruptions appear all over the scalp. The eruptions are painful and sore to touch. Matting of hair happens due to crust formation. The scalp is itchy. Burning sensation is felt on the scalp on the top of the head. Secondly, this medicine is indicated for flakiness or scaliness on the head. It is accompanied by itching. Next, this medicine is prominent for managing eruptions on scalp that ooze fluid. The fluid is sticky. In some cases, pus may ooze out from the eruptions.

2. Arsenic Album – For Eczema With Eruptions Covered With Flakes

This medicine is effective for cases where eruptions on the scalp are covered with dry scales/flakes. Dry crusts or scabs may also form on the scalp. Sometimes the eczema begins from the ear and then spreads to the scalp and the face. The eczema may also extend to the neck and forehead. Itching and burning occurs on the scalp, mostly in the evening. The scalp may be sensitive to touch along with the above complaints.

3. Petroleum – For Thick Greenish Yellow Crusts On Scalp

This medicine is highly beneficial to manage scalp eczema with thick, greenish-yellow crusts. Yellow fluid oozes out from the crusty eruptions. The hair gets glued together and matted by the discharge. The scalp is red and raw. Itching and burning is felt on the scalp. The scalp is also sore to touch especially after scratching. Sometimes, cracks appear on the scalp with easy bleeding.

4. Mezereum – For Eczema With Thick Crusts And Pus Underneath

This medicine is useful for cases where thick crusts form on the scalp with pus underneath. Hair become sticky and matted from the discharge. There is violent itching on the scalp. When scratched, the itching shifts to another location. Burning type of pain is also prominent. Itching eruptions may also extend behind the ears.

5. Natrum Mur – When Eruptions Ooze Fluid That Damage Hair

Natrum Mur is a suitable medicine when fluid discharge from eruptions destroys the hair. There is intense itching on the scalp and neck. In some cases, white scales are present on the scalp. This medicine is also indicated when eczema occurs along the margins of the scalp. Here, crusty dry eruptions occur on the scalp margin.

6. Kali Sulph – For Cases With Yellow, Greasy Flakes

This medicine is very helpful for cases with yellow, greasy, sticky flakes on scalp. The flakes are moist and cause itching. Sometimes hair loss occurs on the scalp.

7. Sulphur – To Manage Itching On Scalp

This medicine is of great help to manage itching on the scalp. The itching in most cases gets worse in the evening. Pimples or pustular (pus-filled) eruptions may be present on the scalp. Fluid-filled eruptions may develop on top of the scalp. Later, they get covered with yellowish or brownish crusts. Thick moist crust can form on the back of the head. Eczema may also occur along the margin of the hairy scalp on the back side from one ear to another. Lastly, this medicine is indicated for eruptions on the back of head and behind ears. These eruptions may bleed. Burning occurs in these eruptions.

8. Silicea – With Excessive Sweating On Scalp

This medicine can be used when eczema is attended with increased sweating on the scalp. Sweat usually is profuse at night. It has a sour smell. In most cases needing it, pus-filled eruptions i.e. pustules form on the scalp. The pustules can also extend to the neck. There is marked itching in the pustules.

9. Calcarea Carb – For Yellowish White Scales Or Thick Scabs On Scalp

This medicine is well-indicated for yellowish-white scales on the scalp. The scales may be small or big. These can be dry or moist. They can sometimes be thin and at other times thick. This medicine works well in cases of thick scabs on the scalp with yellow pus. It may spread to the face in some of the cases. Another indication for its use is thick scabs on the scalp that bleed when scratched. Lastly, it is a suitable medicine when thick-crusted eruptions appear at the back of the head and then spread to the entire head. It is attended with itching, pain and soreness. One may feel a crawling sensation on the head.


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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Eczema of Hands

Eczema (dermatitis) of hands refers to inflammatory condition of skin on the hands. It usually affects the palms though it can affect other parts of the hands too like back of hands, fingers, space between fingers, etc. Hand eczema usually occurs from chemical exposure or hands getting exposed to some irritant. Those who have jobs where chemicals are used like, laundry workers, hairdressers, healthcare workers, painters and chefs are more predisposed to develop hand eczema. Besides, chemicals and irritants, frequent hand washing (that causes dryness) also increases chances of hand eczema. Excessive washing results in weakening of the barrier of the skin making it prone to allergic reaction when it comes in contact with some allergen.

Stress is also linked with triggering hand eczema. Hormones produced during mental stress cause suppression of the immune system resulting in skin inflammation. Eczema may also get triggered or worsen in cold temperatures and winters. The signs and symptoms may include redness and dark spots on hands, dryness and itching on hands. Blisters (fluid-filled bumps) may form on the hands. In some cases, pustules (pus-filled eruptions) may appear or cracks may develop on the hands. Hands may be sore and at times, there may be bleeding from the affected area on the hand. Scales may appear and thickening of the skin on the palm may occur.  In some cases, peeling of the skin is present. In long term severe cases, marked pain may be felt in the hands that makes working with hands difficult.

It is of following types:

1.Irritant contact dermatitis of hands: It occurs when hands come in contact with some irritants like soaps, detergents, dust that can irritate skin of hand.

2. Allergic contact dermatitis of hands: It occurs from an allergic reaction to some allergen like nickel, rubber, fragrance substances when such an allergen comes in contact with hands.

3. Pompholyx eczema: Other names of this eczema are dyshidrotic eczema and vesicular hand dermatitis that occurs on hands and feet. Its cause is usually unknown but heat, sweating and stress are known to worsen this type of eczema. In this water-filled bumps called blisters form on the palms and soles that are very itchy.

4. Fingertip dermatitis: It can affect one or multiple fingers

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy offers a natural and effective treatment for eczema of hands. The homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances so do not have any side effects. They help in healing the eruptions and managing its discharges. The homeopathic medicines also help to heal the dryness, roughness and cracks on skin and its associated bleeding. Itching, burning sensation and any pain present in eruptions is also wonderfully managed with these medicines. Homeopathic medicines for treating hand eczema are selected based on individual symptoms in each and every case. Though it is safe to use homeopathic medicines, it is recommended to consult a homeopathic physician prior to taking any homeopathic medicines for treating eczema of hands.

Homeopathic Medicines For Eczema Of Hands

1. Graphites – For Small Fluid-Filled Bumps

Graphites is the most frequently used medicine to treat eczema of hands. It is well indicated for cases with small bumps (blisters) on hands and fingers. These ooze out a sticky fluid. There is itching and burning in these eruptions. Graphites is also useful for dryness, roughness and cracks on the hands. The skin on the hands becomes hard in cases needing it. Graphites can be helpful for healing eruptions or cracks developing between the fingers. Cracks on the ends of fingers can also be treated well with this remedy.

2. Petroleum – For Marked Roughness Cracks On Hands

Petroleum is a well-indicated medicine to manage roughness and cracks on the hands. The cracks may ooze blood. Thick crusts may be present on the skin. There is intolerable itching on the hands. Burning sensation is also felt. It is also indicated for fluid-filled eruptions with thick scabs that may ooze pus. Petroleum is a leading medicine for eczema that gets worse in cold environment or winters.

3. Arsenic Album – For Dryness Along With Scales

This medicine works well when the skin is dry and covered with scales. At times, pus like discharge may ooze out. There is intense itching on the affected area. It gets worse at night. After scratching, soreness and burning sensation occurs. The affected portion of the skin may be oversensitive to touch. The complaint may get worse from cold application.

4. Mezereum – For Eczema On Back Of Hands

This medicine is recommended for treating eczema on the back of hands. In cases needing it, small fluid-filled eruptions form in the affected area. They dry up and get covered with crusts. These eruptions are itchy along with a burning sensation. It gets worse from scratching. Putting water on affected area worsens the complaint.

5. Merc Sol – For Eczema On Back Of Hands With Peeling Of Skin

Merc Sol is also effective for eczema on the back of hands. It is used when there is peeling of the skin from back of the hands. It is accompanied with stinging, burning pain. The affected area is moist that may become dry afterwards, covered with yellow crust. After scratching, the surrounding skin may get inflamed.

6. Sulphur – To Manage Itching And Burning

Sulphur is a beneficial medicine to manage itching and burning on the hands due to eczema. The complaint gets worse at night. After scratching, bleeding may occur from the eczema spots. There is pain after scratching. Cuts and cracks appear on the hands. The skin of the hands is very hard and dry. Fluid-filled bumps may be present on the back side of hands.

7. Lycopodium – With Dryness Of Palms

Lycopodium is a useful medicine for eczema with dryness on palms. The skin of palms looks shrunken. The skin is also thick and hard. Cracks may be present in some cases. Besides these complaints, this medicine is indicated for managing pimple-like eruptions on the palms of hands and also in between the fingers. It can also be given for scaly eruptions developing on the back of hands and the fingers.

8. Staphysagria – For Pus Filled Eruptions On Hands

It is a highly valuable medicine to manage pus-filled eruptions called pustules on hands. A yellow fluid oozes out. There is marked itching on the eruptions in the evening. These also burn after scratching.

9. Cantharis – For Eczema On Fingers And In Between Fingers

Cantharis is a suitable medicine to deal with eczema on the fingers and in between the fingers. There are fluid-filled eruptions (vesicles). These soon dry into thin crusts. Itching and burning is marked in these eruptions. Pricking is also felt. The skin of the fingers may peel off causing loss of surface layer of skin. The complaint gets worse from cold water application, it gets better from warmth.

10. Juglans Cinerea – For Painful Eczema

This medicine is considered when there is marked pain in the eczema patches. The hands are sore (painful) to touch. In cases requiring this medicine, the eruptions appear on both the palms and back of hands. The eruptions may ooze fluid or pus. There is intolerable itching also. The eruptions get covered with crusts after fluid oozes out.




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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Fungal Infection

Homeopathic Medicine for Fungal Infection

An infection caused by a fungus is known as a fungal infection. The introduction of an infectious type of fungus in the body can cause infections like ringworm, athlete’s foot, or thrush infection. 

Homeopathy offers natural and highly effective treatment for fungal infections. Homeopathic medicines for fungal infection work by restoring the natural healing processes that help fight fungal infections. It works on two aspects in such cases. Among these, the first includes relieving symptoms like itching, burning, pain and controlling any discharge from eruptions. Next is healing the eruptions or the rash on the skin. In mainstream medicine, various antifungal medications are used in treating fungal infections. These medications may include external applications like ointments, creams, powders and also oral medications. These medicines offer temporary relief by suppressing the complaint, and exhibit side effects. They do little in terms of treating the root cause of the problem internally hence the infection can recur again with more severity. On the other hand, homeopathy offers curative treatment rather than temporary relief in fungal infections on the skin. Homeopathy is the science of internal medicine that works holistically to treat the root cause and gives long-term results without any suppression and side effects.

Homeopathy is highly suitable in treating acute, chronic and recurrent fungal infections. After treating infection in acute stage homeopathic medicines aim to prevent the frequent recurrence of fungal infections and treat the chronicity of the problem. It helps by strengthening the self-healing mechanism of the body and makes it strong enough to overcome acute infection as well as build immunity. Homeopathic medicines are free from any chemicals and synthetic components.

Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Fungal Infections

The top remedies to deal with fungal infection are Sepia, Tellurium, Graphites, Sulphur, Silicea, Thuja, Antimonium Crudum, Bacillinum, Borax and Pulsatilla.

1. Sepia – Top Remedy For Fungal Infection Ringworm

Sepia tops the list of homeopathic medicine when it comes to treating fungal infections especially ringworm of skin (tinea corporis). Circular, ring-shaped lesions on the skin in isolated spots is the key feature of using it. This can be attended with itching and burning when scratched, and increased sweating. Ringworm, if appears in spring season specifically, then Sepia is the right choice of medicine.

When to use Sepia?

The use of Sepia is applicable in ringworm infection with isolated ring-shaped lesions on skin.

How to use Sepia?

In the beginning, its 30C potency is safe to start with that can be used once or twice a day. For switching to high potencies like 200C or 1M, consider prior consultation with homeopathic expert.

2. Tellurium – For Ringworm With Multiple Rings Connected Together

Tellurium is also a major medicine for ringworm infection. It is prescribed for cases where multiple ring-shaped lesions are joined together forming intersecting rings crowded over each other. The lesions are elevated and spread across the whole body. Sometimes mild scaling covers these lesions. In a few cases, vesicles (tiny fluid-filled bumps) over the rings may appear, attended with a heated sensation on the skin.

When to use Tellurium?

This medicine can be given when a case of ringworm presents with numerous ring-shaped lesions on the skin joined together.

How to use Tellurium?

It is advised to take Tellurium 30C once or twice a day as per the severity of the complaint.

3. Graphites – For Fungal Infection With Rash Between Skin Folds

Graphites is highly effective for fungal infections that affect skin folds. It can be used when a rash appears in the groin (crease formed at the junction of abdomen and thigh), bends of limbs (like behind knees, elbow bend), neck fold, behind ears and between toes. The affected area is red, sore and painful. In some cases, a characteristic watery, sticky discharge may ooze out from the affected parts. It is also helpful when cracks develop in skin folds. There is intense itching in the affected area which gets aggravated at night. It is also very useful for cases of Tinea Cruris or Jock’s itch presenting with rash in the groin area.

When to use Graphites?

The use of this medicine is highly recommended when there is fungal infection causing a rash between skin folds. Additionally, it is the most effective if cracks appear in the folds and watery sticky fluid oozes from the affected skin area.

How to use Graphites?

It is usually prescribed in 3X potency. One may start with Graphites 3X one tablet once a day in mild cases and one tablet twice a day in case of moderate intensity. Avoid using higher potencies without the physician’s guidance.

4. Sulphur – For Fungal Infection With Marked Itching, Burning

Sulphur is a highly effective medicine to manage itching and burning on a skin rash. In cases needing it, the affected portion is dry and scaly along with itching which gets worse at night. Washing also makes it worse. Burning sensation is felt on the skin after scratching. The affected portion is painful and sensitive to touch.

When to use Sulphur?

This medicine can be considered in cases of fungal infection on the skin when there is marked itching and burning.

How to use Sulphur?

Though it can be used in different potencies, 30C potency is most frequently recommended. For mild cases, Sulphur 30C should be used once or twice a week. If itching and burning are moderate to severe, one may use Sulphur 30C once a day. Avoid using it more than once a day. It is a strong medicine, so do not self – medicate with its high potencies.

5. Silicea –  For Fungal Infection on Feet: Athlete’s Foot ( Tinea pedis)

Silicea is the best prescription for cases of fungal infection of feet. In cases needing it, there is rawness and soreness in the affected part, along with cracked skin in between the toes. Peeling of skin also occurs. There is itching and pain in the affected area. Excessive sweating having fetid odour is felt on the feet, with blisters in severe cases.

When to use Silicea?

Anyone who has a fungal infection on his feet can go ahead with this medicine. It will heal the skin lesions and provide relief in pain and control further progression of complaint.

How to use Silicea?

Silicea 6X (4 tablets) three to four times a day is the optimal dose to start with.

6. Bacillinum – For Ringworm And Tinea Versicolor

Bacillinum is another prominent medicine indicated for treating fungal infections. Firstly, it is very beneficial for cases of ringworm. Apart from treating acute ringworm cases, this medicine also helps to control the tendency for ringworm infection occurring time and time again. Secondly, this medicine is well indicated to treat cases of tinea versicolor in which skin pigmentation is affected resulting in discolored patches on the skin.

When to use Bacillinum?

This medicine can be given in cases of ringworm in both acute as well recurrent cases and also in cases of tinea versicolor with discolored patches on the skin..

How to use Bacillinum?

The use of this medicine is usually recommended in 30C potency (should never be used below this power). This medicine is used in infrequent doses. Just one dose a week of Bacillinum 30C is suggested in any case. Wait to see the changes for about one week after taking its one dose. Do not rush into repeating the medicine often.

7. Thuja – For Fungal Infections in Beard and Moustache Area (Tinea barbae)

Thuja is a natural medicine sourced from the plant Arbor Vitae.  It is highly suitable for fungal infections that appear as ringworms in the beard, mustache, and neck area. Persons needing it may have pimples (small red eruptions) or hard nodes in the affected areas. Itching and burning may worsen upon cold washing.

When to Use Thuja?

This medicine is apt for cases of fungal infection in beard and moustache with pimples, and itching and burning.

How to Use Thuja?

One may start with Thuja 30C once a day only.

8. Antimonium Crudum – For Nail Fungus (Onychomycosis / Tinea Unguium)

Antimonium Crudum is a highly-ranked medicine to treat nail fungus. It works well for discolored, brittle nails that break off easily. Nails are distorted and grow out of shape, sometimes there may be pain in nails.

When to use Antimonium Crudum?

Antimonium Crudum should be used as the first remedy when it comes to treat nail fungus. It will improve discoloration, help to strengthen the nail, and gradually eliminate the infection.

How to use Antimonium Crudum?

From its different potencies, 30C potency is the right choice to start with a treatment that can be taken twice a day.

9. Borax – For Fungal Infections In The Mouth (Oral Thrush)

Borax is the main medicine to treat fungal/yeast infections that occur in the mouth. Signs and symptoms to look for to its use are whitish patchy growths in the mouth and tongue that are tender and sore, along with redness in the mouth. Besides, bitter taste and dry mouth attend to it.

When to use Borax?

Borax is an incomparable medicine when it comes to treat fungal infection in the tmouth. It can be used when white fungal patches appear in the mouth that are tender.

How to use Borax?

It is used in different potencies varying from case to case. When using it in 30C potency, it can be taken twice a day. While in 200C potency, the dose should be limited to just once a day.

10. Pulsatilla – For Vaginal Candidiasis

Pulsatilla is a natural medicine for treating fungal infections in vagina – vaginal candidiasis.  This medicine is used when there occurs thick white, milky or cream-like vaginal discharge. The discharge cause burning and irritation in the vagina. Itching is also felt in the vagina. The discharge gets worse after menses.

When to use Pulsatilla? 

This medicine can be given if there is a fungal infection in the vagina with white-colored vaginal discharge.

How to use Pulsatilla? 

Pulsatilla 30C can be taken twice a day, and when symptoms are intense even thrice a day.

Note One may use these medicines only in the recommended doses for about 3 to 4 weeks. If in this time span no changes are seen in the skin condition, then kindly consult a homeopathic doctor for further action.

Causes Behind Fungal Infections

A fungal infection is caused by microorganisms like Tinea, Dermatophytes, Candida albicans, yeast, etc.

Fungal infections can occur in two ways.

1. Harmful fungi enter the body throughdirect contact with an infected person or an infected animal or soil contaminated with fungi. It can also spread by using an object infected with fungi, like clothes, combs, towels and bed sheets.

2. It occurs when there is excessive multiplication of the fungi normally present in the body in a small amount. The growth of fungi present naturally in the body is kept under control by the immune system. When excessive multiplication of fungi occurs under certain circumstances due to a weak immune system, it results in an infection.

Signs And Symptoms Of Fungal Infections

The signs and symptoms depend on the type of fungal infection but some frequently noted symptoms common in most fungal types are redness in the affected area, irritation or itching, burning sensation, and cracked or peeled skin. Scaling on the skin and blisters (fluid-filled eruptions) may also be noted.

Which skin areas can be affected by fungal rash?

Although a fungal rash may arise anywhere on the skin, the most-affected areas are folds of skin, like behind knees, bend of elbows, groin, under-breast area, etc.

Risk Factors For Fungal Infection

Though anyone can contract a fungal infection but certain factors predispose a person.

1. Warm, damp, humid environment: Dampness, moisture, and humidity – these three conditions are enough for fungi to flourish.

2. Weak immune system:A healthy immune system keeps a check on the excessive growth of fungi naturally present in the body. If immunity drops, fungi get an opportunity to overgrow resulting in an infection. Diseases that decrease immunity, medicines that suppress the immune system, and stress that weakens immunity increase the risk of fungal infections. People with HIV deal with a weakened immunity that can give rise to opportunistic diseases.

3. Heavy sweating provides a favorable environment for fungal growth

4. Diabetes Mellitus: A hyperglycemic (high in glucose) environment favors immune dysfunction that gives fungi a chance to overgrow.

5. Sharing personal things like clothing, bed sheets, towels, combs, shaving razors, etc. with an infected person.

6. Obesity: In obese people, the skin folds tend to trap excessive moisture, which can promote fungal growth.

7. Use of certain medicines: Corticosteroids or immunosuppressants, and chemotherapy drugs reduce the body’s immunity. Antibiotics prescribed to kill harmful bacteria affect the useful bacteria in the body. These good bacteria help keep fungal growth in check as a result of inter-related factors. When the concentration of good bacteria decreases, the fungi get an opportunity to grow in excess, leading to fungal infections.

 Types of Fungal Infections

A. Ringworms (Tinea infection):It is not caused by a worm but is named so as it causes ring-shaped lesions on the skin.

Cause: Fungi of the genera Trichophyton, and epidermophyton.

Spread: Direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person.

Signs and symptoms: Red, circular ring-shaped patches on the skin along with itching.

Tinea infection can develop on different parts of the body and has different names as per the part affected. These are given below:

1.. Tinea Cruris: Ringworm infection on skin in the groin area.

2. Tinea Pedis/Athlete’s Foot: It affects feet, especially the area between toes

3. Tinea capitis: This ringworm infection affects the scalp.

4. Tinea unguium (Onychomycosis): It refers toenail fungus commonly affecting toenails

5. Tinea Barbae: It is the ringworm infection of the beard, mustache area of the face, and the neck.

6. Tinea Corporis– Ringworm on the body

B. Tinea Versicolor also named Pityriasis Versicolor

This type of fungal infection occurs when fungus Malassezia grows extensively on the skin. Discolored patches appear on skin that may be light or dark, as compared to the surrounding skin. Mild itching and scaling can occur too. The main affected areas are the chest, back, shoulders, neck and upper arms.

C. Candida Infection

Candida Albicans is a type of fungi present in the human body in a small amount. The fungus only causes a problem when it multiplies and increases in number. The infection caused by this fungi is known as candidiasis.

Some of the most common Candida fungi infections include:

1. Oral Thrush: An oral thrush is an infection of Candida Albicans inside the mouth or on the tongue. It is commonly seen in infants, older adults, and people with low immunity.

2. Vaginal Candidiasis– Vaginal candidiasis is also more commonly known as a vaginal yeast infection. It is caused by the fungi candida, which is normally present in the vagina in a small amount. It causes vaginal candidiasis when it grows to an abnormal amount.
The infection tends to develop as a result of a weak immune system, intake of oral contraceptive pills, uncontrolled diabetes and use of extensive antibiotics.

3. Diaper rash: A red rash that develops on a baby’s buttocks due to overuse of diapers is known as diaper rash. There are many reasons for a diaper rash, but a candida infection is one of the most common. The warm and moist areas between a diaper and a baby’s skin serve as a favorable environment for the growth of fungi.

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6 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Eczema

Homeopathic Medicines for Eczema

Eczema, also known as dermatitis, is an inflammatory disorder of the skin characterized by inflamed skin with rough, red, itchy rash. The rash may be dry and have cracks without any eruptions. In other cases, eruptions may arise in the form of papules (small eruptions without any fluid), vesicles (fluid-filled eruptions) or pustules (pus-filled eruptions), or skin peels. Eczema may cover a small area or may spread all over the body. Itching, with mild or severe intensity, may be felt. Upon scratching, the skin may bleed.

There is an outstanding treatment for eczema in homeopathy. Homeopathic remedies help to reduce skin inflammation by optimizing the overactive immune system and work in restoring the skin barrier to retain skin moisture. Simultaneously, they focus on healing the rash and eruptions on the skin extremely well along with managing attending signs and symptoms like itching, burning, tenderness, pain, dryness, flaking and bleeding. Further, these remedies control the progression of eczema and function to treat the root cause of eczema that provides long-term relief rather than temporary alleviation of the symptoms. Homeopathy also helps in reducing reliance on harmful topical creams like corticosteroids, hydrocortisone ointments and immunosuppressants prescribed in conventional medicine. External, medicated creams only remove the outer manifestation and cannot cure eczema, rather they cause harm by driving the disease into some important, centrally-located organ in the body and manifest itself in a more harmful way (asthma, for example).

Safe and effective treatment

Homeopathy offers safe and effective treatment for eczema in persons of all age groups. Homeopathy assures zero side effects of its medicines which are prepared from naturally-occurring substances.

Homeopathy heals with oral medicines

Homeopathy believes in the doctrine that skin ailments are an outward expression of some internal disturbance in the body. So that kind of medicine that can heal internally, rather than externally (like ointments) is offered by homeopathy. Homeopathy mostly recommends medicines taken orally (by mouth) that treat the internal turmoil in the body that is being expressed on the skin. Once the internal system attains a state of balance, the eczema also goes away.

Homeopathy considers case-specific symptoms

It is the totality of symptoms that helps in the correct diagnosis in every individual case and is the sole guide in selecting the most suitable homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy does this by a thorough case-taking followed by deep evaluation to come to the conclusion regarding the prescription to give the best results. So, one should always use any homeopathic medicine for eczema after consulting a homeopathic physician having expertise in homeopathy. Self-medication may not help as a person not well acquainted with homeopathic laws does not know how to prescribe the medicines, select the potency, dosage, and repetition.

Homeopathy offers relief without suppression

Homeopathic remedies are non-suppressive which means they do not suppress the symptoms of eczema, rather they follow an approach to cure it from its origin. With suppression, there are always chances of some graver manifestation in the body internally. Homeopathy medicines provide natural cure without suppression.

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Eczema

The top six medicines for the treatment of eczema are Graphites, Sulphur, Natrum Mur, Petroleum, Psorinum and Mezereum.

1. Graphites – Top-grade Medicine For Eczema

Graphites is a renowned homeopathic medicine to treat eczema. It works well in case of both, dry eczema and moist eczema. The key symptoms to recommend in dry eczema are excessively rough, dry skin along with intense irritation. Cracks may develop on the affected skin.

In moist eczema, it should be used when the skin oozes moist, sticky fluid in any part of the body-bend, such as the elbow, behind the knees, behind the ears, on one’s face (especially around the mouth, chin, and nose), on one’s hands, between fingers, eyelids, and scalp.

When to use Graphites?

It is an excellent choice of medicine for treating eczema which is dry with rough skin or cracks as well as moist eczema with discharge of sticky fluid.

How to use Graphites?

In the majority of cases, it works well in low potencies. Initially, it can be taken in 3X potency once or twice a day depending on the intensity of the complaint.

2. Sulphur – For Itchy Eczema

Sulphur is the best medicine for itchy eczema. It can control itching in eczema patches very effectively. Those who need it, complain about worsening of itching in the evening and night. Warm temperatures worsen itching which leads to scratching followed by a burning sensation. Upon scratching, a person is relieved of itching in the affected part but it appears in some other part of the body. Sulphur can also be used for the symptoms of moist eczema when there is a discharge of yellow fluid from eruptions. Sulphur is also the most appropriate choice when eczema cases have been treated with ointments in the past with no relief.

When to use Sulphur?

Sulphur should be used to manage itching in eczema rashes that get worse in the evening and night.

How to use Sulphur?

Though it can be used in both low and high potencies, it is safe to take this medicine in 30C power initially. Its dosage should not exceed one dose a day. Do not use its high potencies without a physician’s consultation.

3. Natrum Mur – For Eczema on the Margins of the Hairline

For eczema on the edges of the hair, Natrum Mur is a highly recommended medicine. There is marked redness and inflammation on the edge of the hairline. The rash may ooze fluid. It may also damage the hair.

When to use Natrum Mur?

This medicine can be prescribed when eczema is specifically located on the margins of the hairline with excessive redness and inflammation.

How to use Natrum Mur?

Natrum 6X can be taken three to four times a day as per the severity of the symptoms.

4. Petroleum For Eczema with Deep Cracks on the Sskin accompanied by Bleeding

The foremost indication to use petroleum in eczema is when you see deep cracks on the skin, accompanied by bleeding. Where eczema hits, the skin is dry, hard, and rough. This medicine helps reduce the dryness of skin and heals cracks most effectively and gently.  Although cracks can develop on the skin in any part of the body, hands are the most affected which may feel the burning sensation and itching. In many cases, eczema tends to get worse in winters, for which petroleum is the most frequently prescribed medication.

When to use Petroleum?

The key feature for using it is eczema with deep cracks and bleeding. It is also one of the best homeopathic medicine to soothe flare-ups of eczema in winter.

How to use Petroleum?

It can be taken in 30C potency twice a day.

5. Psorinum – For Eczema in Bends (folds of skin)

Psorinum is a very effective medicine when eczema appears in the bends or the folds of skin. Rashes may occur in the bend of the elbow, armpit-folds or area behind the ear. In case of eczema behind the ear, a discharge may ooze out, the rash may be itchy which disturbs sleep as it gets worse at night.

When and How to use Psorinum?

It is recommended to use this medicine when eczema occurs in bends/folds of skin like elbow, armpits.

How to use Psorinum?

It is advised to use it in 200C potency and even potencies higher than this. It is advised not to use this medicine without consultation with a homeopathic doctor as it is a strong medicine and the dose varies for every individual and is usually not to be repeated very frequently.

6. Mezereum – For Thick, Crusty Eruptions with Pus Underneath

Mezereum is an important medicine for managing cases of eczema having thick crusty eruptions with pus underneath. It is attended with intolerable itching. At times the eruptions may bleed when touched. In case of eczema on scalp gluing / sticking of hair

When to use Mezereum?

The characteristic feature guiding its use in eczema is eruptions covered with thick crusts and pus collection underneath.

How to use Mezereum?

The suggested dose of this medicine is Mezereum 30 C once a day. Take homeopathic doctor’s advice before using its higher potencies like 200C.


One may consider using these medicines for about two-three weeks. For prolonging their use and switching to high potencies, consultation with homeopathic doctor is important.

What causes Eczema?

The exact cause of eczema is not known. A combination of genetic and environmental factors is believed to play a major role. Persons with a family history of eczema or any other allergy (over-reaction of the immune system to something that does not have any effect on the majority of people) such as nasal allergy, asthma, etc. are at higher risk of developing eczema. According to research, those suffering from eczema do not produce adequate protein filaggrin, which is responsible for keeping skin moisturized and healthy.

There are a few environmental triggers that can flare up eczema. These include irritants (like soaps, and detergents), certain food products (like dairy products, nuts, eggs, and wheat), extreme temperatures (either very hot or very cold), low humidity (dry air), increased sweating, allergens (e.g. dust mites, pet dander), synthetic fabric, wool, and stress.

What are the various Types of Eczema?

Various types of eczema include atopic dermatitis, seborrhoeic dermatitis, contact dermatitis, dyshidrotic eczema, and venous/stasis eczema.

1. Atopic dermatitis

Characterized by skin inflammation with a dry, itchy rash, this disease runs in the family and starts during childhood. Atopy means a genetic tendency to develop allergic diseases. Asthma and hay fever are often reported in addition to eczema in atopic dermatitis. The signs and symptoms vary as per the age group. In kids up to 2 years of age, the rash mainly appears on the scalp and face, especially on the cheeks. In 3-18 years of age, rashes occur frequently in the bend of the elbow or knees, wrist, ankle, or neck. In adults, the rash mainly is seen in the bend of the elbow, knee, and neck and sometimes may cover the entire body.

2. Contact dermatitis

It is mainly of two types – allergic contact dermatitis and irritant contact dermatitis. In allergic contact dermatitis, the allergic reaction appears on the skin when exposed to a foreign substance, like metals (nickel, gold) or cosmetics. Irritant contact dermatitis arises when the skin comes in contact with a toxic or irritant substance, such as detergent, bleach, or battery acid.

3. Seborrhoeic dermatitis

It mainly affects the scalp, face, and eyelids. It will show up as flakes or as greasy/ crusty eruptions. In infants, thick, crusty eruptions appear on the scalp and are referred to as cradle caps.

4. Dyshidrotic eczema

It is mainly visible on the soles and palms. It is characterized by the presence of vesicles (fluid-filled bumps)

5. Venous/stasiseczema

It mainly develops on the lower limbs due to poor blood circulation and varicose veins. There is a tendency to develop leg ulcers in such cases.

How to diagnose Eczema?

A doctor can easily diagnose a case of eczema by looking at the skin eruptions/rash and reviewing its attending symptoms and the medical history of the patient. A family history of eczema adds to the likelihood of its presence. There are no specific lab investigations required for eczema diagnosis. However, in some cases, a doctor may recommend tests to check for skin allergy. It includes a patch test to find out specific allergens that might be triggering the symptoms. In this test few allergens after being put on a patch is applied to the skin. In case any of these allergens are triggering the complaint that area will become inflamed.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. At what age is eczema likely to appear?

In a majority of the cases, eczema starts early, before five years of age. However, eczema can show up in the teenage years and adults as well.

2. Which part of the skin is more vulnerable to eczema?

Eczema can develop on the skin anywhere from head to toe but may vary with the age group. In children, common areas are the face, scalp, and chest. Adults are more likely to get eczema at the elbow bends and behind the knees.

3. Why does my child have eczema?

The answer could lie in his genes. If a child has eczema, there is a chance he has atopic dermatitis. Atopy is a term applied to a genetic predisposition toward developing allergic diseases like hay fever, dermatitis, and asthma. But, there are chances that your child’s eczema will go away as he gets older. However, the age at which a child will start to show improvement varies though most children do start to get better by the age of three years.

4. Is eczema an allergy?

There are cases of eczema that are allergic in origin, but not every case is an allergy. In allergic eczema, the skin reacts to coming in contact with an allergen. A few common allergens are poison ivy (a plant), nickel, cosmetics, and antibiotic creams.

5. Can eczema spread from skin contact?

No, eczema is not contagious. It does not spread from one person to another via the skin.

6. Is eczema related to weather?

Eczema can occur irrespective of the weather conditions though it usually gets triggered in cold weather.




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Eczemas and Homeopathic Treatment

Eczema refers to an inflammatory condition of the skin often called as dermatitis by physicians. The word Eczema is a broad term and usually incorporates many types of inflammatory skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis and contact dermatitis. Homeopathy offers a great solution to treating and curing this disorder. Homeopathic medicines, while treating skin disorders are non suppressive in nature and do not have any side effects. The great advantage that homeopathy offers over conventional skin treatments is that its medicines give a long term solution by curing it permanently. [Read more…]

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Eczema Homeopathy


Homeopathic Treatment of Eczema

Why do most knowledgeable people strongly advocate the use of homeopathy in skin disorders? What makes it so effective in chronic skin conditions? The answer is short and simple, because healing with homeopathic medicines is very effective, non-suppressive and non-toxic.

As homeopathic medicines are highly diluted, the risk of developing any toxicity is negligible and also when effectively prescribed, the side-effects are very uncommon. Homeopathy, when correctly prescribed, can cure even the worst forms of chronic skin disorders like eczema, psoriasis, lichen, etc.

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Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Eczema ;Atopic Dermatitis ;Skin Problems

Homeopathic treatment of eczema and Atopic dermatitis

184458871_6ca637d9d6_m It is a general term for the several types of inflammation of the skin. It is a condition that refers to a number of skin conditions in which the skin is red irritated and at times also has fluid filled and oozing eruptions. Eczema may also cause mild to very severe itching any where on the skin.

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