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How To Deal With Hypersensitivity To Cold With Homeopathy

Hypersensitivity to cold is also known as cold intolerance. Everyone feels cold in winter due to a decrease in the temperature in the environment. Those who face cold intolerance feel cold all the time no matter what the season. Cold intolerance may be attended with shivering, besides other features like numbness; pale, red or bluish skin discoloration; pain; stiffness and swelling. Persons with low body fat are usually predisposed to it. Deficiency of vitamin B12 may also be a reason. Other medical reasons could be responsible for this. First among these is anemia. Anemia refers to a condition in which there are not enough healthy red blood cells (RBCs) to take oxygen to different body tissues. Other signs and symptoms of anemia include pale skin, tiredness, headache, dizziness and shortness of breath. Another cause can be hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism means an underactive thyroid which is a condition where thyroid gland is unable to produce enough thyroid hormones usually required in the body to function properly. This results in many signs and symptoms. Among these, hypersensitivity to cold/cold intolerance is an important one. Other signs and symptoms include weight gain, tiredness, puffiness of the hands, feet and the face, constipation, sleepiness, hair thinning, muscle weakness, joint pains, depressed feeling, decreased desire for sex, heavy menses in females, voice hoarseness and numbness in the hands.

Another reason can be Raynaud’s disease. It refers to a condition whereby the fingers and toes tend to become cold and numb from exposure to cold temperature or stress. This may occur due to spasm and narrowing of blood vessels that reduces the blood flow to the hand and toes. Firstly, the fingers and toes become pale white and afterward, blue and red. Hypothalamus disorders can be another reason for hypersensitivity to cold. Hypothalamus is a part of the brain that functions to regulate body temperature so any disturbance in its functioning could lead to cold hypersensitivity. Anorexia is yet another cause. It is an eating disorder in which the sufferer undergoes food restriction and eats small quantities of food due to fear of gaining weight. As a result, he/she suffers weight loss which reduces body fat that makes them prone to cold intolerance.  Another cause may be fibromyalgia. It is a condition that causes pain in different body parts at specific tender points accompanied by tiredness, memory issues, sleep problems and a depressed feeling. Cold intolerance may also be seen in cases of lupus/SLE (systemic lupus erythematosus). Lupus refers to an autoimmune disease in which healthy tissues and organs in the body become inflamed. They are damaged by the body’s immune cells that otherwise help in fighting infectious agents that cause diseases. It may lead to sensitivity to cold along with other main signs and symptoms. These include a butterfly-shaped rash on the face over the cheeks and bridge of the nose, joint pains, tiredness, fever, headache, and memory loss. Cold intolerance can also occur in cases of diabetes.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help to people who have hypersensitivity to cold. Homeopathic medicines to manage such cases are natural remedies that help in these cases by working to treat the root cause behind it. Along with managing cold intolerance, they also help to relieve any attending signs and symptoms as well. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for these cases is selected after taking into consideration the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. So it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription. In no case, self -medication should be done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Hypersensitivity To Cold

1. Calcarea Carb – Leading Homeopathic Medicine

Calcarea carb is a top recommended medicine for managing cases of hypersensitivity to cold. Those needing this medicine have cold intolerance and a tendency of increased sweating. The cold and sweat are marked on the feet. Sweating on the head is also very prominent. The sweat may smell sour. The chilly feeling gets worse when one comes in contact with water. Body aches may occur from exposure to cold wind where this medicine is required. Numbness may be felt in the body parts on the side that a person lies down on. There is a tendency of becoming fat, obese and overweight. Calcarea carb is a major homeopathic medicine for hypothyroidism cases to manage its various related symptoms.

2. Hepar Sulph – For Cold Intolerance With Sensitivity To Draught Of Air

Hepar Sulph is a very prominent medicine for persons who always feel chilly. They are very sensitive to even the slightest draught of air. They tend to cough frequently as soon as exposure to cold air happens. Even if hands and feet get uncovered, it leads to a cough episode. There is a tendency to be wrapped up to the face even in hot weather. They are prone to recurrent cold and sinus infections from cold air exposure. In such cases, they get thick yellow nasal discharge. The nose swells and there is pain at the root of the nose along with soreness. This medicine is also indicated when cold intolerance gets worse when suffering from some health illness.

3. Silicea – For Cold Intolerance With Cold Hands And Feet

This medicine is well indicated for people who always feel cold. They have cold hands and feet all the time. This condition gets worse in winter. They feel chilly even while exercising. Generally, they sweat heavily. They have offensive sweat on their hands, armpits and feet. They also feel exhausted very easily from doing small chores. They also have unhealthy skin prone to easy pus formation from the slightest injuries.

4. Psorinum – For Extreme Chilliness

This medicine is highly recommended to those who feel extremely chilly and are intolerant to cold. They want to cover themselves up with warm clothes even in summer and the hottest weather, especially the head. They are fearful of cold air. They may suffer marked tiredness. They are usually thin and weak.

5. Sepia – For Chilly Feeling Even In Warm Room

Sepia is indicated for chilliness when a person feels chilly even in a warm room. The hands and feet feel icy cold. There is excessive sensitivity to cold air. There is excessive weakness even from walking a few steps. This medicine is indicated when there is hypersensitivity to cold in case of a long-term health illness.

6. Baryta Carb – For Cold Hypersensitivity With Cold, Sweaty Feet

Baryta Carb is another useful medicine for cases of cold intolerance with cold, sweaty feet. The sweat on the feet is foul. Those needing this medicine tend to get affected by cold very easily. Even on the slightest exposure to cold air, sore throat and tonsillitis occur.

7. Rhus Tox – For Cold Intolerance With Joint Pains

Rhus Tox is a well-indicated medicine for hypersensitivity to cold. Those who require this medicine cannot tolerate cold air. This medicine is especially of great help to manage cases where joint pains worsen in cold damp weather. Joints also feel stiff apart from being painful.

8. Aranea Diadema – For Hypersensitivity To Cold And Dampness

This medicine is indicated for those who are hypersensitive to cold and dampness. They feel the cold penetrating their bones. Bones feel as if made of ice. The chilly feeling does not decrease and one is not able to feel warm enough again. The head and feet are markedly cold.


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Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines For Relieving Headache Due To Cold

Headache is a very common symptom when a person is suffering from cold. About 50 – 60 pc persons suffering from cold tend to get headache as one of the attending symptoms. The reason behind it is stuffiness in the nose from swollen mucus membrane that lines nasal passages and sinuses (air-filled cavities inside the skull bone). When a person has a cold, the membranes produce mucus in excess to get rid of the infectious agent. This mucus builds pressure in the sinuses causing congestion that could lead to headache.

Another reason behind it could be cytokines released by body’s defence mechanism that signal to fight against the virus causing cold. Some cytokines that lead to inflammation are linked with headache. The pain can be felt mostly in the forehead, around the eyes and at the root of the nose. One feels like tying a tight band of cloth around the head to apply pressure on the forehead to bring relief. The headache gets worse from sudden head movement and gets worse in the morning as there is a build-up of mucus during sleep that contribute to additional sinus pressure. Other symptoms of common cold include nasal stuffiness, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, post nasal drip (PND), cough, fever, weakness and body aches.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing headache due to cold. These are natural remedies with zero side effects. These bring great improvement in acute cases of headache as well as long term cases of headache due to recurrent cold or sinus congestion. These medicines help fight infection and promote fluid drainage (which is causing headache from pressure build-up) from the nose and paranasal sinuses to aid speedy recovery. Along with headache, homeopathic medicines also work in relieving symptoms of cold including nasal discharge, nasal blockage, sneezing and weakness. Homeopathic medicines for managing headache are selected based on the characteristic individual symptoms in each and every case. As headache can occur from various reasons, it is advised to have your case evaluated by a physician to find the exact reason behind it based on which medicine should be taken.

Homeopathic Medicines For Relieving Headache Due To Cold

1. Belladonna – Top Remedy

Belladonna is a top recommended medicine for managing headache due to cold and sinus inflammation. In cases needing it, pain is felt especially in the forehead and sides of the head (temporal region). Usually, throbbing or pulsating pain is felt. Fullness and heaviness is also felt in the head. The face looks red along with heat. Headache gets worse from exposure to draught of air and lying down. It also gets worse from head movement and eye movement. It gets better by applying pressure over the forehead or binding the head tightly. Along with headache there is watery discharge from one side of the nose. Tickling in the nose, along with sneezing, is also present.

2. Natrum Mur – With Thin, Watery Nasal Discharge And Sneezing

Natrum Mur is a very beneficial medicine to manage headache with thin, watery nasal discharge and violent sneezing. A pressive pain is felt in the forehead and eyeballs. There is a sensation as if many small hammers are knocking on the head. It feels as if the head would burst. Headache along with pressure on the eyes is relieved by taking proper sleep. A weight is felt in the forehead. It gets worse on bending the head down and gets better by applying pressure. Nasal discharge may alternate with nasal blockage.

3. Kali Bichrome – For Pain With Nasal Stuffiness

This medicine is suitable for cases of headache with nasal stuffiness. There is pain in the forehead and at the root of the nose due to cold and sinus congestion. Throbbing is felt above the eyes with a sensation as if the head would burst. A pressure or a violent shooting pain is felt at the root of nose. There is thick yellow greenish sticky ropy or lumpy discharge from nose. Nose feels stuffed with discharge. In many cases, post-nasal discharge of ropy mucus is present. Headache gets better by pressing at the root of the nose and also from drinking warm fluids.

4. Aconite – For Headache From Cold With Fever

This medicine is suggested for managing headache from cold with attending fever. There is pulsating pain or bursting sensation in the forehead in cases needing it. Pain at the root of nose can be felt as well. There may be fluent discharge from the nose or dryness in the nose. There is frequent sneezing and redness, swelling of the nostrils.

5. Allium Cepa – For Pain In Forehead With Cold

Allium Cepa is an effective medicine when there is pain in the forehead along with cold. The pain gets worse in a warm room and better in the open. The pain may be dull or stitching type as from pricking of needles. The pain may extend to eyes and face in some cases. There is profuse watery nasal discharge that causes burning in the nostrils and on the upper lips. Intense sneezing is also felt. A lump is felt at the root of the nose. A watery discharge from eyes is also noted. Cough and hoarseness of voice may be present as well.

6. Gelsemium – For Dull Headache With Heaviness Of Eyelids

This medicine is very useful when there is dull headache with heavy eyelids. The pain may be present in the forehead or on the back of head. There is watery nasal discharge along with sneezing and fullness is felt at the root of nose. Tingling is felt in the nose and it also feels stuffed. Excessive weakness may be present. Fever can attend as well. In cases needing it, there may be a tendency to catch cold with every weather change.

7. Silicea – With Foul Smelling Nasal Discharge

Silicea is well indicated when there is headache with foul smelling nasal discharge. Nose feels stuffed. There is alteration between nasal discharge and nasal dryness. Loss of smell is there. Pain can be felt in the forehead, the top or back of the head. Headache gets worse from cold air and head movement. There is relief in headache from wrapping the head with a warm cover. Relief also occurs from binding the head or applying pressure.

8. Pulsatilla – With Thick, Yellow, Green Nasal Discharge

This medicine is recommended for managing headache with thick, yellow, green nasal discharge. There is alternate blockage of nose and nasal discharge. Mostly there is runny nose in the open air and stuffiness indoors. There is loss of smell and taste. Pain is felt on one side of the head and face. Watering in eyes can occur along with headache. Head feels heavy. There is relief from headache by going outdoors.

9. Nux Vomica – With Nasal Discharge In Day And Nasal Blockage At Night

Nux Vomica can be used in cases where headache occurs during the day and there is nasal blockage at night. There is watery nasal discharge in day time and nasal dryness at night. There is excessive sneezing and a crawling sensation is felt in the nose. Other symptoms are watering from eyes and headache in the forehead with urge to press the head against something hard.



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6 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Treating Common colds

Homeopathic Remedies for Cold

Common cold is a viral infection of the nose and throat that can be caused by different viruses, mostly rhinoviruses. On an average, adults may get three to four colds a year but young children may have even more.

Homeopathic medicines offer wonderful treatment for cases of cold. Natural homeopathic remedies for colds go to the root of the problem and ensure that the viral infection is rooted out of the body. They fight the infection-causing agent and give excellent relief in the symptoms of common cold including runny nose, stuffy nose, sneezing, sore throat, coughpost-nasal drip (PND). Once you get a cold, the instant human reaction is to somehow get rid of it as soon as possible. Allopathic medicines over the counter may provide you with some instant relief from a runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, headache and body ache for a short duration, but the viral infection does not leave your body. The cold, or the viral infection of the upper respiratory tract, recurs and that can be even more troublesome. Here is where homeopathic remedies can be of great help. They can cure it effectively by eradicating the virus from the body.

Homeopathy boosts self-healing mechanism

Every person has a self-healing mechanism in the body. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s own healing mechanism. They help to fight the infection causing cold and eliminate it from the body to aid natural cure in cases of cold. These medicines also cut short the recovery time and prevent complications.

Homeopathic medicines are entirely natural

Homeopathic medicines to treat cold are made from natural substances. They lack any type of chemicals or toxins, hence, are completely safe to use. They ensure natural recovery and do not cause any kind of side effects. These medicines suit persons of all age groups.

Homeopathy is a symptom based science

Homeopathic medicines for cold are selected as per the characteristic symptoms in every individual case. Further the potency, dosage and repetition vary according to the age of the person, type of medicine, duration and intensity of cold. So it is advised to take homeopathic medicine for cold as recommended by a homeopathic doctor for best results. Self-medication should not be done.

Homeopathy builds immunity against recurrent cold

There are different sets of medicines in homeopathy to treat acute cold and to treat the tendency to get recurrent colds. The treatment for acute cold needs to be taken for few days to a week’s time. On the other hand, the treatment period for chronic cold includes a few months depending on the individual case. Homeopathic medicines are constitutional remedies selected individually for every case as per the detailed symptom analysis. These medicines gradually build immunity to prevent recurrent catching of cold thus reducing the number of cold episodes per year. With its use dependency on conventional medicines like antibiotics, decongestant nasal drops/sprays, etc. is reduced to a great extent.

Top 6 Homeopathic Remedies For Common Cold

The top homeopathic medicines to treat common cold are Arsenic Album, Aconite, Natrum Mur, Hepar Sulph, Belladonna and Pulsatilla.

1. Arsenic Album – For Common Cold With Thin Watery Nasal Discharge

Arsenic Album is beneficial for curing common cold, especially when there is a thin watery discharge from the nose. Nose may feel stuffy inspite of the discharge which causes a burning sensation in the nose. Most of the time, it is accompanied by sneezing. Those needing it feel worse in cold air. Being in a warm room can provide some relief. Weakness can be marked along with the above complaints.

When to use Arsenic Album?

It is a highly recommended medicine for initial stages of common cold when there is thin, watery nasal discharge. Stuffed nose may attend it.

How to use Arsenic Album?

Though it can be used in various potencies, the most frequently used potency is 30C twice a day.

2. Aconite For Cold Due To Exposure To Cold Air

Aconite is a natural medicine sourced from plant ‘monkshood’. It is undoubtedly the best and most effective remedy when someone catches cold after sudden exposure to cold air, like from the air conditioner or in cold weather. The symptoms to use Aconite are scanty nasal discharge with a stuffy nose. Sneezing may also be experienced. The other accompanying symptoms are pain at the root of the nose, headache and fever.

When to use Aconite?

This medicine should be the first choice of medicine for anyone who catches cold from sudden exposure to cold air.

How to use Aconite?

The suggested dose of this medicine is usually Aconite 30C twice or thrice a day as per the intensity of symptoms.

3Natrum Mur – When Common Cold Starts With Sneezing

Common colds that begin with sneezing are apt to be treated wonderfully with this medicine. Along with sneezing, there is thin watery nasal discharge. It may be followed by stuffy nose which may also cause loss of smell.

When to use Natrum Mur?

It should be used as the first line of treatment when cold starts with sneezing as the first symptom followed by thin watery nasal discharge.

How to use Natrum Mur?

The most widely used potency of this medicine is 6X which can be taken three to four times a day at a gap of minimum three hours.

4Hepar Sulph – For Stuffy Nose

This medicine is the most effective to help out cases of stuffy nose. In cases where the nose feels stuffy and blocked, this medicine is known to promote secretions and ease the complaint. To be more specific, it is indicated for a stuffy nose from exposure to cold air which causes sneezing.  A very particular symptom that may attend is inhaled air that feels cold. It is also the best medicine for treating cold in winters.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

If you have a stuffy nose due to cold, this medicine is for you. It will kickstart the nasal discharge and bring relief. For treating winter colds too this medicine is the best indicated medicine.

How to use Hepar Sulph?

It is advised to take this medicine in 30C potency once or twice a day to get good results.

5Belladonna – When Sore Throat Is Marked With Nasal Symptoms

It is the most frequently prescribed medicine when pain in the throat  attends nasal symptoms. It is used when there is watery discharge from nostrils especially one-sided, with sneezing and ticking in the nose. Along with this, there is sore throat, painful swallowing, marked redness and swelling in the throat. There may also be bouts of cough and headache.

When to use Belladonna?

This medicine is best for cold that presents with nasal symptoms (like nasal secretions, sneezing) and sore throat with marked throat pain. Additionally, it is also a top choice for managing headache in colds.

How to use Belladonna?

Use this medicine in 30C potency two to three times a day for relief.

6. Pulsatilla – For Thick Yellow Green Nasal Discharge

This natural medicine derived from the plant ‘wind flower’ possesses magnificent healing properties in treating common cold. This medicine is best suited if you are in the late stage of common cold when the nasal discharge starts to change color to yellow-green and consistency from thin to thick.  Along with this, there may be nasal blockage and loss of smell.

When to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla can be used whenever a characteristic thick yellow or green nasal discharge is present.

How to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla 30C can be taken one or two times a day.

Note One may use this medicine for about a week’s time in the recommended dosage. Do not exceed self-medication for more than one week. In case symptoms do not get under control within a week’s time, consult a homeopathic expert for the next course of action. In case of any complications, like any lungs-related problem (eg. asthma, pneumonia), it is advised to take urgent help from conventional mode of treatment.

What Is The Cause Behind Common Cold?

Common cold can be caused by approximately 200 different strains of respiratory viruses. Among these viruses, rhinoviruses are the most common, followed by adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, etc. Once the virus enters the nose or throat, it attaches to the mucus lining and starts multiplying. Our body responds to this infection resulting in inflammation in the nose or throat and excess mucus production.

Are common cold and flu same?

Though the symptoms of both these conditions are quite similar, these are two different conditions. Both are caused by different viruses (common cold usually arises from rhinovirus infection and flu is caused by influenza virus) and symptoms of flu are more severe than common cold. Fever, chills and headache with nasal symptoms more commonly point towards flu than common cold.

How Does Common Cold Spread?

Common cold is very contagious spreading via direct contact from sick people to others. The common cold virus can enter the body through the nose, mouth or eyes.

Firstly, one tends to catch cold by inhaling virus-infected droplets in the air from coughs or sneezes of a sick person having common cold.

Secondly, it can spread through hand-to-hand contact with a person having common cold.

Thirdly, one can get an infection if he/ she touches a surface or shares an object (like utensils, towels) contaminated by viral droplets emanating from a sick person, and then touches the eyes, nose or mouth without properly washing hands.

What Are The Symptoms Of Common Cold?

The symptoms of common cold start to show up within 1-3 days after exposure to the virus that causes common cold. The symptoms include stuffy or runny nose, sneezing, sore throatcough. Some general symptoms like headache, low-grade fever, general fatigue, and body aches tend to accompany.  Loss of smell or taste, post-nasal drip (PND) can also be there. The nasal discharge is initially thin and clear which turns thick and yellow/green as the condition progresses. The symptoms of common cold can last from one week to 10 days’ time. The signs and symptoms vary from person to person.

Who Is At Risk Of Common Cold?

Though anyone can be affected with common cold, some factors increase the risk.

1. Age: Although cold can affect people of any age group, young children are the most at risk. This is because the immune system of children is gradually building up and is is still learning how to fight infections. The risk of catching infection increases if a child goes to a daycare facility.

2. Time of year: Though common cold can hit a person at any time of a year, the chances are higher in autumn, winter and rainy season.

3. Weak immune system: People having weak immunity due to some long-standing health issues are more prone to catch common cold frequently.

4. Environment: Being in crowded places like schools, shopping centres, malls, tourist places, etc seems to increase the risk of getting exposed to viruses and catching cold.

Are There Any Complications Of Common Cold?

In most cases, recovery from common cold occurs in a week’s time to 10 days without any complications. People having weak immunity might face some complications like ear infections or sinus infection. In some cases, the infection travels downwards and can lead to acute bronchitis (also called chest cold which refers to inflamed bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs), asthma (inflammatory airway disease that leads to difficult breathing, wheezing, chest tightness and cough) and pneumonia (inflammation of air sacs of lungs) that need to be treated by a doctor and self-medication should be strictly avoided.

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Sinusitis – Homeopathy for Sinusitis

Sinusitis in Cold Weather – Homeopathy

Although sinusitis can occur in any weather but for those who suffer from sensitivity to cold weather, sinusitis can be a major issue in these months. ‘Sinusitis’ is a term referred to the inflammation of the sinuses (4 pair of air spaces in the skull). People who are sensitive to cold weather have a tendency to develop recurrent colds cough and sinusitis. Cold weather itself does not cause sinusitis but predisposes individuals who are sensitive to cold weather to develop recurrent colds and upper respiratory infections, which in turn causes issues like sinusitis. Homeopathy has an excellent treatment for sinusitis and also for helps in treating ones ‘cold weather sensitivity’ very effectively – Thereby by improving ones resistance to cold weather related problems. [Read more…]

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First aid when cold starts

With the change in the weather, the chances of getting an exposure or a cold-related illness have increased considerably. One medicine that works wonders in saving you in the initial stages from any problem that arises out of an exposure to cold is Aconitum napelus, also commonly known as Aconite. Remember to have it in your pocket if you are trying to venture out on an extremely cold day. This medicine is effective only if it is used when the symptoms are just setting in. After the initial stages are over, it hardly gives any relief but is extremely effective in aborting nearly any kind of cold-related illness – common cold, headache, fever, runny nose, sneezing, etc. This can be taken as a preventive measure if you feel you’ve been exposed to a cold air and feel symptoms are bound to come sooner or later.

Take a few shots of aconite 30c and be rest assured that the attack is going to be aborted. If the first stage has just passed by and symptoms have been there for a while and signs of inflammation, heat and redness and swelling have already set in, Belladonna will work very effectively.

Runny nose: For colds with runny nose that starts off when one suddenly gets chilled or is exposed to cold air while being overheated, homoeopathic medicine Arsenic Album will help.

Sore throat: Sore throat in the winters and rattly cough that is very common is very well treated with Hepar Sulph. For throats and tonsils that, after an exposure, usually end up developing severe inflammation, Hepar Sulph is the best choice. Great pain while swallowing or even on touching the throat from outside is the key indication for Hepar Sulph to be prescribed. Coughs that come after an exposure which are of rattly nature and yield yellowish phlegm respond very well to Hepar Sulph.

Headaches: For people who develop headaches after a little bit of exposure, homoeopathic medicine Silicea will solve the problem immediately.

Body pain: For pains that may occur in joints and other parts of the body after an exposure to cold air, few doses of Rhus Tox can be of great help.

Chilblains: Low humidity levels and cold weather lead to the loss of moisture from the skin, resulting in a condition called “xerosis” or chapped skin. The skin becomes dry cracked and itchy. Homoeopathic medicine Petroleum is extremely effective in healing chapped skin and cuts in heels that arise in winters.

Chilblains occur due to an overexposure to cold. Some individuals develop it otherwise also in winter. They form due to the inflammation of the small blood vessels in fingers, toes, tip of ear, nose, etc. The skin gets red swollen and itchy and has a burning sensation which may even progress to form ulcers. Homoeopathic medicine Agaricus leads the table in treating chilblains very effectively.

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Cold sensitivity and Homeopathy

You dread winters! Because cold makes life hell for you – runny nose, sneezes, headache, stuffed-up feeling, and that cold damp feeling in the feet. Your defences are also too high, with a muffler wrapped around your head all day long, layers of woolens, more than a pair of warm socks, still nothing seems to keep you warm and if you thought that’s only the way to beat out your sensitivity, believe me you are totally wrong. Homeopathy may just be the right choice for you. A well-directed homeopathic treatment can actually help reduce and cure your sensitivity towards cold and disorders associated with it. In homeopathy we call it a “chilly constitution” and certain specific medicines are there for it.

Medically speaking, slow metabolism is one of the main causes for cold intolerance. Some people (often very slender women) do not tolerate cold environments simply because they have minimal body fat and are unable to keep warm. General poor health, faulty diet and medical conditions such as anorexia nervosa, hypothyroidism, AIDS and other chronic illness can also lead to intolerance.

Be it the lack of warmth in the body or symptoms that sensitive individuals develop, homeopathic medicines such as Silicea, Calcarea Carb offer a big promise in their treatments. Personally, I would rank Silicea ahead of other medicines in treating cold intolerance. Silicea is an invaluable constitutional remedy, and is indicated in the over-sensitive, imperfectly nourished (generally), not for want of food, but because of imperfect assimilation. There are very high levels of cold intolerance. Nothing makes the Silicea patient feel warm and take cold easily, especially from uncovering the head or the feet.

The main indication for Silicea is that no matter how hard the patient tries, feet don’t seem to get warm and also there is an increased cold intolerance on the head. Least exposure seems to bring on a severe headache, only to be relieved by warm applications. Chronic conditions – sinusitis, cold, asthma, bronchitis and cough caused in such oversensitive individuals – are effectively treated with Silicea. Calcarea Carb is very useful in constitutions where metabolism seems to slow down; it is indicated in cold intolerance associated with hypothyroidism and one of the main indications for the use of Calcarea Carb is constant sensation of cold damp feet.image

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Homeopathy for sinusitis ,colds and cough

image After the scorching spell of Indian summers, winter is a big respite for many; but for some individuals winter brings its own set of miseries too. Sensitivity to cold weather can really disturb ones life. Recurrent cough and cold are the main diseases that affect these individuals during this period. Recurrent cough and colds can lead to episodes of sinusitis and may even trigger attacks of asthma in some patients. It is not the winters that is the culprit but their body’s sensitivity to cold that makes them susceptible. Homeopathy can play a major role in treating these individuals. Homeopathy not only treats the cold cough and other symptoms that occur due to weather sensitivity but also cures ones sensitivity to this cold.

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