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10 Golden Rules for Autism Recovery

Here are the 10 golden rules for autism recovery.

Rule one – Have Hope

The first and foremost rule for autism recovery is to have abundant hope. After making the diagnosis of autism, a doctor concluding or saying directly to the parents that there is no recovery path for autistic children is not right. Saying that autism is not recoverable and breaking the hope of parents is not fair as recoveries do happen in autism cases as cleared by different, recent research. It is only hope that keeps parents optimistic, keeps them going and pushes them to try different modes of treatment like medicines, therapies and engagement in anticipation of recovery. Having plenty of strong hope is a key to autism recovery.

Rule two – Acceptance

The second rule is the acceptance of the diagnosis made by the doctor which is very important. To be more precise, early acceptance of diagnosis is very essential. This is because early acceptance of diagnosis and early intervention and treatment is directly proportional to the chances of recovery. It means accepting the problem early and starting the treatment which increases the chances of recovery and vice versa. This rule applies to cases of mild autism too as even mild cases are not self–recoverable and need treatment. Crucial time should not be wasted once the diagnosis is confirmed as starting the treatment early is of paramount importance to increase possibilities of recovery.

Rule three – Start Homeopathic Medicines

The third golden rule is about homeopathic treatment of autism. Homeopathy can be a boon for treating autism cases. Many autism cases can recover with homeopathic medicines but at the same time, a huge number of cases might not respond. But for those cases which respond, it can be life changing. The age of the child is a very important determining factor for recovery. The chances of recovery are more if the treatment is started at an early age when the child is around 2-3 year old. Some of the homeopathic medicines used in homeopathy for autism treatment are Baryta Carb, Carcinosin, Hyoscyamus, Veratrum Album, Stramonium and Tuberculinum. The mention of these medicines is only for information purposes, it is strictly advised to avoid using any of these medicines on your own without consulting an experienced homeopathic doctor having expertise in autism.

Rule Four – Engage, Engage, Engage

The fourth rule is engage, engage, engage, means keep the child in a constant state of connectedness throughout the day. Just being with the child does not serve the purpose and active engagement is required. Being left alone gives the child time to slip into his own world.

Rule Five – Therapy Is Not Rocket Science

The fifth rule is therapy which is not rocket science. There is no technicality in therapies and the fundamental behind it is very simple. The objective of therapies is to keep the child connected with his surroundings by doing the right things. Once the child is connected with the environment around him, he will start learning things on his own. Here doing the right things, means playing and doing fun-filled engaging activities, in a simple way is highly valuable rather than doing costly therapies. A common mistake one should refrain from doing is to avoid teaching and making the child learn things. This is because 90- 95 % of learning is passive which means we learn passively from our environment on our own by being in a state of connectedness with the environment. Active learning from what is being taught is not easy for a child especially when he has a developmental challenge. Our first aim should be simply to make the child connect with his immediate environment in the first place, and learning on his own will eventually follow in the due course of time. To summarize, keep the child playfully engaged throughout the day by doing fun-filled activities. Teaching the child should be avoided.

Rule Six – Connectedness And Happiness

The sixth rule is keeping connectedness and happiness together. The child should be kept connected through happiness means the child should be happy when we are trying to engage him. He/She should not be sad at all, irritable, frustrated and angry in any way because then it will not yield the desired results. To keep him happy and connected simultaneously, the salient rule is to avoid pushing the limits of the child to keep him connected. This will help in preventing anger, throwing tantrums, irritability, and hyperactivity in the child.

Rule Seven – Avoid Negating Effect

The seventh rule is to avoid negating effect. Giving therapies for an hour or two and leaving the child in his own world for the rest of the day might have a negating effect. Here negating means leaving the child in his own world will nullify the positive effects which we have achieved by efforts put in through therapies. Though difficult, make sure to keep the child constantly connected throughout the day and don’t let the child go into his own mental space to avoid negating effect.

Rule Eight – Understand His Emotions

The eight rule is regarding understanding the child’s emotions which is the most important rule. This is because different states of emotions like crying, anger, agitation, throwing things by a child becomes a hurdle in the child’s improvement because such emotions make the child go into his shell and he/she stops engaging. So, we really need to understand that if a child is crying, irritated, anxious or showing any other kind of negative emotions as mentioned above, then something is definitely troubling the child. That troubling factor needs to be found out and removed that could otherwise become an obstacle in recovery.

Rule Nine – Control His Sugar

The ninth rule is to reduce the sugar intake of the child. This is owing to the fact that sugar intake can increase hyperactivity in the child. As a result, concentration is affected due to which the child is not able to receive therapies. So it is advised to keep a check on the amount of sugar the child is consuming.

Rule Ten – Make Home A Therapy Centre

The tenth rule is to make your home a therapy center. Avoid sending the child to a regular school as it takes away much of the productive time of the childin a day. About 80 pc of an active day goes waste (if we calculate the time from waking the child up in the morning, getting him ready, travelling time to reach school, attending school till coming back home and sleeping after coming from school). However, if the school has an integrated plan where active engagement, active therapies like ABA (Applied Behaviour Analysis) are done and the child is engaged on one-to-one basis and the child is happy in the real sense, then one can put the child in such a school. But it is wise to avoid a regular school and make your home a therapy center. Also note that if the traveling time to the therapy center from your home is more, then it is not worth spending energy and money. In that case, make your home a therapy center and keep your child constantly engaged through fun-filled playful activities.




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Role of Early Homeopathy and Behaviour Therapy in the treating Autism

I have personally seen that early intervention ( both behavioral and homeopathic ) have the ability to do the great turnaround . If One is able to start interventions before the child hits the age of three, the chances of good recovery are very high.  Although It is very difficult to quantify the level to which the child will improve; I have even seen kids coming totally of Autism Spectrum disorder with good behavioral therapy and homeopathic intervention

Early intervention entails that a child is put on therapies to treat autism before his third birthday. Early remedies can take the shape of homeopathic medicines, physical therapy, social, behavioral and speech-based treatments. Usually, an early intervention program for a child with autism that has been diagnosed early will be a blend of these.

The three primary reasons why early intervention plays an integral role are as follows:

Catch ‘em young.

The Chances of the child recovering with homeopathic medicines are much higher if the treatment is started before the age of three and the biggest reason is That If homeopathic medicines are started early there will be less gap to bridge as far as the child’s mental development is concerned.

Since the first five years are the formative period of a child’s growth, therapeutic intervention before the age of three enables him to imbibe new communication skills at a stage when he is able to grasp them more easily. It is easier for the child to “unlearn” undesirable traits at this stage before they get ingrained into his system. Preschoolers are not set in behavior and less given to temper tantrums, so it is simpler to shape them with teaching techniques tailored to their special needs. I recommend Applied behavior therapy as behavior technique for stimulating kids suffering from autism.

Doing it with the diet

In case a child with autism is in need of dietary intervention owing to the existence of some food allergies, early therapy is easier to implement at a younger age. A tiny tot may possess certain food likes and dislikes, but is not too fastidious. He is more malleable to the introduction of new food items in his diet and adapts more easily to a tailor-made diet. Kids with autism are often susceptible to food allergens like gluten found in wheat and grains, casein found in dairy products, to soy or to corn. Food substitution is thus easier to carry out in a tiny tots’ diet than for an older autistic child.

Talking of speech

The same logic governs speech therapy for autistic children as well. Preschoolers are still learning to pronounce and making corrections in their speech is relatively easier at this stage than when they’re older and more set in their pronunciations and lip movements.

The idea behind early homeopathic, behavior and speech interventions is to enable the child to imbibe a strong and functional communication system at the earliest. Children with autism could employ either speech to communicate, or rely on picture cards, signs, or assistive techniques. The idea is not so much to make the child learn to talk as much to equip him for back-and-forth, reciprocal communication skills.



Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Autism Treatment

AUTISM TREATMENT HOMEOPATHYAfter having seen over 5000 cases of autism spectrum disorder I can tell you with great certainty that homeopathy really works effectively in autism treatment. But there is a lot of discussion that not all cases respond to homeopathy; which is in reality true and there is a solid medical basis behind it, which I would be describing in my further posts. In this post which is going to be the first in the series of ‘Homeopathy and Autism’ I am going to discuss which type of autism cases improve with homeopathy. I am writing this feature considering in mind the hundreds of mails that I receive every week asking how I am able to help kids with homeopathy.( apologies for all those whose mails have gone unanswered ) I hope this series does answer the required info that the parents seek. Il try and put this feature in as less medical jargon as I can ; ‘cause I know that more parents would be reading this series

Dr. Vikas Sharma is a neuro-developmental specialist who has been working in the field of Autism Treatment (neuro developmental disorder) and homeopathy since 1996.

Homeopathic Treatment of Autism  and the Modalities related to it

I will first answer the part ‘Which autism cases improve with homeopathy?’ Or in other words what kind of autistic kids improve with homeopathy and what are the factors that govern their improvement?.
Autism treatment – my observation One day, As I was going through my autism treatment record stats (compiled for my post graduation in homeopathy the topic of my thesis being “ autism treatment and the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines” I came across some very startling facts on why autistic kids show remarkable improvement with homeopathy where as some kids will show less or no improvement. The whole issue is multi-factorial and is complicated but I’ll try and explain it in simple language.

Factors Determining Autism Treatment with Homeopathy

Autism children treatment -The factors although many , can be broadly divided into three sections a) the age of the child at which theautism treatment starts , b) the severity of autism ( has many dimensions to it ; ill try and discuss as many I can in this and the subsequent post) , the third is the c) homeopathic intervention ( the skillful application of homeopathic medicines )

Role of age Factor in Autistic children treatment with homeopathy

The part a) that is the ‘age factor’ is very easy to understand that the age of the childwith autism, at which the homeopathic intervention starts has a very big impact on the outcome of the Autism treatment. In other words autistic kids who start receiving homeopathic treatment at a young age have much brighter chances of recovery than kids who start receiving homeopathic intervention at an older age.
It is not very true to say that once the child is diagnosed with autism around the age of two, that his condition would not regress further. Quite a few autistic kids do regress further between the ages of 3 -7 though very slowly and in some cases even beyond that age. This regression can be very slow at times slow enough to be noticed by parents. My observation is that the autistic kids regress the max in between the ages of 18 months and 3 years. After which if the regression is there, is very slow. The severity benchmark gets defined by the age of three or so. Although, I can predict the severity even at the age of two by careful observation.
So when we say ‘age factor’ we in reality are speaking about the severity of autism too. In simple words the autism levels may increase along with age causing more difficulty in treating with homeopathy. Thus, earlier the intervention starts the better it is. My stats show that the autistic kids who started Autism treatment at the ages between the 18 months and three years are much low now in the autism rating scale compared to the autistic kids whose autism treatment was started at later age but at the same time. Three and a half and four is not also very late age but the affectivity of theautism treatment can be compromised. Most of the cases that come late (especially kids showing milder forms of autism) are usually late due to the fact that the parents have been haggling with the issue of ‘yes autism’ and ‘no autism’. i.e the parents are always shuffling between whether their child has autism or not , because his symptoms are mild ; my advice for such parents would be to not get scared or traumatized by autism as autism is a spectrum disorder and can range from mild to severe; so kindly don’t waste the essential time and go ahead and meet a homeopathic specialist in the field of neuro dev disorders and start the autism treatment as early as possible. Or else By the time you will reach a person who could have treated your child , his autism might have grown enough not to respond to homeopathy.
In some rare case I have had remarkable improvement at the age of eight. At younger age the when the autism is less complicated the chances a very effective recovery are very high. A very important cases that always comes to my mind when I speak about age factor is about a child with clear cut signs of autism (confirmed by PGI NEURO DEV DEPT. Chandigarh,India.) starting homeopathic autism treatment at the age of two and being nearly out of it by the age of three and a half. It was pretty shocking for everybody but that’s how homeopathy can bring very astonishing results.

My stats and observation combined for autism treatment with Homeopathic Remedies

Please remember that age factor is also complicated by the severity factor. This means that a child even at the age of five if he has less of autism will still respond favorably to homeopathic autism treatment in comparison to the child whose intervention starts at three but has severe form of autism. So remember the age factor is strongly governed by the severity factor, which inversely is also true. (I know this may sound complicated, but I have tried to be as simple and explicit as possible.
Please remember that the autism treatment outcome with homeopathic medicines is governed by many factors thus the plain simple contextual understanding of the following Para may not be completely understood until the relationship between the age and severity factors is understood
Please read the above Para gain before you read this
Autistic kids between the age of 18 months and 42 months are most favorable to respond to homeopathic autism treatment and come out of autism. 42 to 60 months have good to moderate chances of recovery. This means that they show gradual and limited improvement with autism treatment. Beyond this the chances are fair to poor.

Click on the link below to read the second part of the post.

Part 2 read further –  The role of Homeopathy in Treating Autism

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321




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Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321




IMAGINE living in a fast-moving kaleidoscope where sounds, images and thoughts are constantly shifting. You feel easily bored but you are helpless in keeping your mind on the tasks you need to complete. Distracted by unimportant sights and sounds, your mind drives you from one thought or activity to the next. Perhaps you are so wrapped up in a college of thoughts and images that you don?t notice someone speaking to you.For many people, this is what it is like to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD patients may be unable to sit still, plan, finish tasks, or be fully aware of what?s going on around them.

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