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What is Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis And its Homeopathic Remedies

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a joint disorder in which joints get inflamed, swollen, stiff and painful. Joint deformity might also occur with passing time if not treated well on time. It is of autoimmune origin that occurs when our immune cells start damaging the lining of joints out of a misdirected response. In cases suspected of rheumatoid arthritis, antibodies named rheumatoid factor (RF) and anti–cyclic citrullinated peptides (anti – CCP) are the main blood tests conducted. 70 % of such cases are diagnose positive. In case a person suffers from joint inflammation with all signs and symptoms similar to RA but the antibody test including rheumatoid factor and anti – CCP comes out to be negative, then it is termed as seronegative rheumatoid arthritis.

Its diagnosis is made based on the combination of clinical symptoms, physical examination and X-rays of the affected joints. There are certain common factors that increase the risk of both seropositive and seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. Firstly, having a family history of rheumatoid arthritis increases the risk. Women are more at risk of rheumatoid arthritis as compared to men. Obesity, smoking, certain infections also increases risk.

Persons with seronegative RA suffer same symptoms like that of seropositive RA. The signs and symptoms include red, swollen and stiff joints. Joints are tender (painful to touch). Stiffness is worse in the morning and stays for more than 30 minutes. Joints on both sides of the body are affected. The joints mainly affected in the beginning are small joints of the hands and feet but with time, other joints can get involved too like ankles, knee, hip and elbow. Weakness may accompany the above-mentioned complaints.

Homeopathic Management

There is a great scope of managing cases of seronegative rheumatoid arthritis in homeopathy. There are 100% natural medicines in homeopathy that help in decreasing joint inflammation and managing its symptoms magnificently. These medicines strengthen the body’s natural healing mechanism to reduce inflammation and overcome joint pains and stiffness naturally. Besides, swelling, redness and heat in the joints is also managed well. Homeopathy is a symptom based science means medicines for any health concern are prescribed based on the symptoms of the patient in every individual case. There are no separate medicines in homeopathy for seropositive and seronegative rheumatoid arthritis. The medicines remain similar for both these types and as said above homeopathic medicines for health problems including joint complaints are selected among the different available medicines for joint complaints as recorded in homeopathic therapeutics based on symptoms. A thorough case evaluation is required for prescribing homeopathic medicines for any of the case of RA. It is advised to take any of the homeopathic medicines after consulting a homeopathic physician and avoid self – medication in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines for Seronegative rheumatoid arthritis

1. Rhus Tox – Top Recommended Medicine

Rhus Tox is the most widely used homeopathic medicine to manage different joints complaints. The most important characteristic feature indicating its use is marked stiffness in the joints. More particularly, stiffness gets worse in the morning, during rest and after periods of inactivity. Joint movement help in giving relief from stiffness. Warm applications and massage of joints also relieve stiffness. Along with stiffness, joints are also painful. This medicine can be used in any of the affected joints in the body.

2. Antimonium Crudum – For Finger Joint Arthritis

This medicine is the best choice when it comes to treat finger joint arthritis. This medicine is well indicated for swollen and painful finger joints. A drawing sort of pain is experienced in the fingers. In most cases, cold worsens the pain. A decrease in pain could be noted from warm applications on the fingers.

3. Bryonia – For Pains Worse By Movement

Bryonia is the next prominent medicine that is highly suitable when joint pain gets worse from movement and better by absolute rest. The affected joints are swollen and red. The affected joint is also warm and sensitive to touch. The pain can be stitching or tearing in nature. In cases needing it, joints commonly affected are shoulder, hand, elbow and the knee joint.

4. Actaea Spicata – For Wrist, Finger, Ankle, Toe Joints Pain

It is an important medicine to help cases of small joint inflammation. The joints involved includes that of fingers, toes, wrist and ankle. Among these most prominently the wrist joint is affected. It is very much swollen and painful. It is red and also warm to touch. In cases needing this medicine movement worsens the joint pain. The pain is also worse by touch. Lastly slight fatigue also increases the joint pain.

5. Arnica – For Tender (Painful To Touch) Joints

Arnica is a leading medicine for joints pains that are tender. Even the slightest touch is not bearable on the affected joints due of pain. The joints feels bruised as if these were beaten. Any of the joints can be affected but the most commonly affected joints are that of feet. The pain is worse during evening. The big toes are markedly red.

6. Caulophyllum – For Shifting Small Joints Pain

Caulophyllum is a well indicated medicine for managing small joint pains that keep shifting from joint to joint. The pain wanders between finger, wrist, ankle and the toe joints. Quick travelling of pain among these joints is seen. Besides pain, the affected joints are also stiff. One feels occur pain on closing the hands.

7. Ledum Pal – For Joint Pain Beginning In Lower Limb Joints

This medicine is very helpful when pain starts in the joints of lower limbs and then goes upward to the joint of upper limbs. The affected joints are swollen and hot. Stiffness is also present in the joints. Drawing or stinging pain is felt in the joints. The pain gets worse from movement. It gets worse in evening and from warmth of the bed. Cold water application on the affected joints helps to relieve the joint pains.

8. Pulsatilla – For Shifting Joint Pains

Pulsatilla is an effective medicine for managing shifting joint pains. The pains become worse at night. Sleep gets disturbed due to joint pain. Movement also worsens the joint pain. The affected joints are red and swollen.

9. Formica Rufa – When Pains Get Better From Pressure

Formica Rufa is indicated when joint pains get better from pressure. The pains appear suddenly and are worse on the right side as compared to the left side. The joints feel stiff and contracted. The pain is most commonly present in the elbow joint, knee joint and wrist joint. Along with pain marked restlessness is there.

10. Kalmia – For Pain In Nearly All The Joints

Use of Kalmia is suggested when pain is present in almost all the joints. The pain keeps shifting from one joint to another. Pain is worse from movement and also from cold air exposure. Apart from pain, the joints feel hot and are red and swollen. In cases needing it, pain mostly begins in the joints of upper limbs then shifts to the joints of lower limbs. There is an increase in pain during evening. Among all the joints, the ankle joints are most prominently affected.


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What are Shifting Joint Pains and their Homeopathic remedies

Joint pains are a very common problem occurring from various reasons. In some cases it is seen that pain and swelling shifts / travels from one joint to another. This is medically known as migratory arthritis. In this condition, pain and swelling initially appear in one or two joints. When these symptoms get better, similar symptoms begin in some other joint. Besides pain and swelling, redness, stiffness and heat in the affected joint may be felt. In some cases, depending on the cause, a rash may appear, along with tiredness, weight loss and fever. Shifting joint pains can accompany many inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, gout, osteoarthritis, lupus.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution for treating shifting joint pains. Homeopathic medicines stimulate healing processes of the body to naturally overcome health problems. These medicines reduce joint inflammation and manage signs and symptoms including pain, swelling, redness, heat and stiffness of joints. With the use of these medicines, the intensity and frequency of symptoms reduces gradually. These medicines are safe to use with zero side-effects. The homeopathic prescription for shifting joint pains varies from case to case as per the presenting symptoms of the individual. So it is advised to consult a homeopathic doctor for suitable medicine, its potency, dose and repetition.

Homeopathic Medicines For Relieving Shifting Joint Pains

1. Kalmia – Top Remedy

Kalmia is the most prominently indicated medicine to manage shifting joint pains. It is the most helpful when pain occurs in the beginning in the joints of upper limbs. When the pain starts subsiding here, pain is felt in the joints of lower limbs. The affected joints are painful, red, swollen and hot. Pain gets worse from the least movement of the affected joint. The pain may trigger from exposure to cold air.

2. Pulsatilla – When Pain Shifts Rapidly

Pulsatilla is a natural medicine when pain shifts very rapidly from one joint to another. The pain does not stay for long in one joint. The joints are swollen and red along with pain. The joints feel as if beaten. Pain also gets worse when trying to move. It may increase at night, disturbing sleep. Stinging sensation is also felt in the affected joint.

3. Colchicum – For Painful Joints Sore To Touch

This medicine is well indicated when joints are painful and very sore to touch. The pain arises suddenly and also fades away suddenly. The pain can be tearing or stitching type. It may disturb night’s sleep. The joints are swollen, though not red. Stiffness in the joints also occurs. Joints feel heavy, weak and are difficult to move. It works most wonderfully in cases of joint pain that arises from gout (increased uric acid levels).

4. Caulophyllum – When Small Joints Are Affected

This medicine works best when small joints are involved. The affected joints mainly include that of fingers, toes, ankles and wrist. Pain keeps shifting among these joints. The pain may travel every few minutes from one joint to the other and follow quite an unpredictable course. Pain causes restlessness at night. Stiffness is also felt in the joints.

5. Kali Bichrome – Involvement Of All Joints

It is an effective medicine when all joints are involved in wandering joint pains. The affected joint is quite swollen and stiff. A cracking sound is heard when the affected joint is moved. Pain travels from one joint to the other very fast. It usually occurs in small spots and gets worse from exposure to cold air.

6. Lac Caninum – When Pain shifts From Joints Of One Side To The Other Side

This medicine is beneficial when pain shifts from one-sided joint to other side especially when knee, hip and ankle joints are involved. In cases needing it, pain initially occurs in the right-sided hip and knee joint. The pain gets worse from touch, pressure and movement. When pain subsides on these joints, then the hip and knee joint on the left side start to hurt. When pain resolves on the left side, then again the right- sided hip/knee joint gets painful. So pain keeps shifting from one side to another frequently. Same is the case with shifting of pain from one-sided ankle joint to another. There may occur relief in pain from application of cold treatment on the affected joints in cases requiring this medicine.

7. Phytolacca – With Marked Swelling And Redness Of Joints

Phytolacca is a highly useful medicine when along with pain, the joints are intensely swollen and red. The pain transmits rapidly from one part to the other like electric shocks. The pain can be lancinating or shooting type. In cases needing phytolacca, the pains usually worsen from movement and also in the morning time.

8. Rhododendron – When Pains Get Worse At Night

This medicine works well in cases where joint pains get worse at night. The pain keeps wandering from joint to joint. The pains also get worse from rest. It is also a well-indicated remedy when pains occur in damp cold weather.

9. Stellaria Media – With Marked Stiffness Of Joints

This medicine is recommended when there is excessive stiffness of joints along with pain. The pains can occur in almost any of the joints and keep travelling among various joints.  The affected joint is also sore to touch. Worsening of pain occurs from movement.

10. Kali Sulph – When Pain Gets Worse From Heat

The use of this medicine is suggested when the joint pains keep moving from one joint to other and get worse from heat. The pains are relieved from cold applications and also in cold weather. Nodes (small hard bony lumps) may appear on the joint in cases needing Kali Sulph.

Forms Of Arthritis And Other Conditions Linked With Shifting Joint Pains

Shifting joint pains may occur along with other forms of arthritis or other medical conditions as follows:

1. Rheumatoid arthritis: It is an autoimmune joint disorder that causes inflammation and damage to joints due to a misdirected response of immune cells (disease fighting cells). It starts from small joints (like finger joints) in most cases and later affects large joints as well.

2. Osteoarthritis: It is the degeneration of joints happening from age-related wear and tear of a joint cartilage (a flexible connective tissue cushion that lies between two bones of a joint). Besides ageing, degeneration may occur from injury also. It most commonly affects joints including that of knee, hip, hands and spine.

3. Gout: It refers to joint inflammation arising from high uric acid levels in blood. It usually affects joints of the big toe but can also affect other joints like fingers, ankles, wrist and elbows.

4. Infectious arthritis: It is inflammation of the joints caused by some infectious agent (like bacteria, virus or fungus).

5. Reactive arthritis: In this, joint inflammation occurs when there is an infection in some other body part like a urinary tract infection, or an infection of bowels / genitals.  It usually arises within 2 to 4 weeks of an infection.

6. SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus): A chronic inflammatory disorder of autoimmune origin that can affect multiple body parts like lungs, joints, heart, skin, kidneys and brain.

7. Rheumatic fever: It is an inflammatory disease occurring as a complication of infection with group A streptococcus bacteria. It can affect joints, heart, skin and the brain.

8. Fibromyalgia: A chronic disorder in which there is pain in different body parts along with tiredness. One may face temporary memory loss, sleep problems and depression.

9. Lyme disease: A tick borne disease caused by a bacteria of Borrelia group called Borrelia Burgdoferi. It may cause joint inflammation in the late infection stage.

10. IBD (inflammatory bowel disease): It includes ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s Disease which are inflammatory disorders of the gastric tract. Ulcerative colitis causes inflammation and ulcers in the large intestine and rectum. Crohn’s disease can cause inflammation in any part of the gastric tract. It can lead to various complications and joint inflammation may be one among them.



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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Knee Arthritis

image Knee arthritis refers to the inflammation of knee joints. It can lead to pain in the knee along with swelling, stiffness, tenderness (pain on touching affected area), cracking or popping sounds on moving the knees, and restricted motion of the knee joint. In chronic cases, knee deformity may be seen.

There is an excellent scope to treat knee arthritis in homeopathy. Homeopathy primarily works in providing relief in its symptoms such as pain, stiffness and swelling of the knee. Simultaneously, it reduces inflammation in the joint and stops further damage to the joint thereby controlling the advancement of the disease. Homeopathic medicines prove effective in both acute and chronic knee arthritis cases. Homeopathic intervention done at the right time and stage can give highly promising results in knee arthritis cases. In mild to moderate cases, complete recovery may occur depending on the cause behind it. However, in severe cases, symptom management may occur though the degenerative changes that have already occurred cannot be reversed. In severe cases, these medicines can be taken along with allopathic medicines as well, as they do not interfere with their action.

Homeopathy works magnificently in cases of knee arthritis by treating the root cause behind it. As knee arthritis can arise from various causes like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, injury, gout, etc, the action of homeopathic medicines is not superficial but quite deep that goes to the core of the problems targeting the root cause to provide wonderful results in such cases.

Homeopathic medicines are natural and safe to use which does not have any side effects. In conventional mode, medicines such as pain killers, NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti – inflammatory medicines, corticosteroids, and DMARDs (disease modifying anti rheumatic drugs) are prescribed for knee arthritis as per the cause. These medicines give temporary relief, can make one dependent on them and also have various kind of side effects. The homeopathic system of medicine has an edge over conventional treatment by providing relief that is not short-lived but has a lasting effect and it does not create any dependency.

Homeopathic medicines are selected individually for every case after thorough case taking followed by deep evaluation. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for knee arthritis after consulting a homeopathic physician. Self -medication should not be done as the medicine prescription, potency, dosage and repetition varies from case to case and only a homeopath can be your best guide.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Knee Arthritis

The most important homoeopathic medicines to treat knee arthritis are Rhus Tox, Bryonia Alba, Apis Mellifica, Benzoic Acid, Osteo-Arthritis-Nosode, Arnica Montana and Ledum Pal.

1. Rhus Tox – Top-Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is used as the first line of treatment for managing most of the cases of knee arthritis. The foremost indication for its use is pain in the knees while at rest and on taking the first few steps, with relief setting in with continuous walking. The pain is tearing type along with marked stiffness. Knee can be swollen as well. This medicine helps in relieving pain, stiffness, swelling of knee and improving its range of movement.

When to use Rhus Tox?

Rhus Tox can be used when knee pain worsens during rest and on taking initial few steps and relieved by continuous walking, along with knee stiffness.

How to use Rhus Tox?

It may be used in both low and high potencies, but it is usually recommended in 30C potency three to four times a day as per the intensity of the pain.

2. Bryonia Alba – When Knee Pain Occurs On Movement And Gets Better By Taking Rest

It is the second most important medicine for knee arthritis sourced from the roots of plant ‘wild hops’. It is the most frequently recommended medicine for persons who experience knee pain with every little movement and only complete rest is comforting. Most times, they bear stitching type of pain while walking. The knee may be red and swollen as well.

When to use Bryonia Alba?

This medicine is the best solution for the knee pain which is restricting you from all kind of movements (as the slightest knee movement causes pain) while rest eases the pain.

How to use Bryonia Alba?

You may take this remedy in 30C potency two to three times a day.

3. Apis Mellifica – For Painful Swollen Knee

This medicine is of great service in knee arthritis cases where pain in knee is accompanied by marked swelling. The nature of pain most of the time is of stinging/ shooting type. There is a burning sensation in the knee and is also sore (sensitive to touch).

When to use Apis Mellifica?

This medicine can be considered when knee is swollen and painful with prominent stinging pain.

How to use Apis Mellifica?

To start with, one can take Apis Mellifica 30C twice or thrice a day and gradually reduce the dose when intensity seems to decline.

4. Benzoic Acid – For Knee Arthritis Due To High Uric Acid Level (Gout)

Benzoic Acid is the best prescription for managing knee arthritis and pain arising from high uric acid (gout). Those needing it complain of pain and swelling in the knee. Along with this, cracking sound emanates on moving the knees and dryness can be felt inside the knee.

When to use Benzoic Acid?

This medicine can be prescribed as the first remedy in case of knee inflammation, pain and swelling from high uric acid level.

How to use Benzoic Acid?

It usually works well in low power. It is usually recommended in 30C potency two to three times a day.

5. Osteo-Arthritic-Nosode – For Osteoarthritis Of Knee

Osteo-Arthritic-Nosode (OAN) is a homeopathic medicine prepared from the synovial fluid of an osteoarthritic knee. This medicine is a specific medicine to treat cases of osteoarthritis of knee. This medicine is known to relieve pain (especially at night) and stiffness in the joint (especially in the morning). It reduces knee swelling and also helps improve the range of joint movement.

When to use Osteo-Arthritic-Nosode?

It is mainly used as an intercurrent remedy (in cases where improvement has come to a standstill to help to remove any factors that are blocking further improvement) in knee osteoarthritis cases. It helps to relieve joint pain at night and stiffness in morning.

How to use Osteo-Arthritic-Nosode?

It is mostly taken in 200C potency on weekly basis (means one dose once a week only). Do not exceed this dose.

6. Arnica – For Arthritis Post Injury

This medicine is the top most in the list to manage arthritis that might arise from an injury. It is highly effective to reduce swelling in the knee and pain which is sore and bruised type. Along with pain management, Arnica heals the injured areas of knee joint and decrease joint inflammation, and halts further progression of the complaint.

When use Arnica Montana?

This medicine can be given in cases presenting with knee arthritis post-injury with swelling and pain in knees as sore and bruised type.

How to use Arnica Montana?

It can be taken in 30C potency three to four times a day depending on the intensity of pain.

7. Ledum Pal – For Knee Pain With Cracking Sounds On Knee Movement

Ledum Pal is a highly suitable medicine for managing knee pain attended with cracking sound on knee movement. The pain in knee is worse from movement. Along with this there occurs swelling, stiffness and weakness in the knees.

When to use Ledum Pal?

The use of this medicine is advised to manage cases of knee pain with cracking sound when knee is moved.

How to use Ledum Pal?

This medicine can be taken twice a day in 30 C potency. Its higher potencies can also be used afterwards under guidance of a homeopathic physician.

Note Do not exceed use of any of these medicines in more than the recommended power and dose. You may continue these medicines for about a month. To use beyond that or to use high potencies, kindly consult a homeopathic physician.

Causes Of Knee Arthritis And Its Symptoms

Before learning the causes of knee arthritis, let us first review the structure of knee joint. Knee is the strongest and the most complex joint in the body. It is responsible for bearing body weight and movement. It is made of bones, meniscus, muscles, ligaments and tendons. The bones that can get affected in knee arthritis include lower end of thigh bone (femur), upper end of a bone in leg called tibia and knee cap called patella in front of knee. Between thigh bone and tibia, two meniscus are present. Meniscus are C-shaped tough, rubbery cartilages that work as a shock absorber and stabilize the joint and prevent direct rubbing of bones against each other. Knee joint is surrounded by synovial membrane that releases fluid to keep the joint lubricated and reduces friction on movement.  Small fluid-filled sacs called bursa are present in the knee joint that function to decrease friction between knee tissues during movement. Any of these components of knee can be affected in case of knee arthritis.

Knee arthritis can happen due to various reasons but the major causes are osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gouty arthritis and injury (post traumatic arthritis).

1. Osteoarthritis

One of the most common causes of knee arthritis is osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Among the over 100 different types of arthritic conditions, osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. This is most common in old and middle age. Osteoarthritis generally affects the weight-bearing joints such as the knee, but it may harm any other joint too.

What is the Cause and How does it affect the knee joint?

The real cause of osteoarthritis is not very clear. Medical researchers believe that it is due to a combination of factors that include aging, injury to the joint or stress, being overweight and genetic factors.

Osteoarthritis affects the knee joint by damaging the cartilage in the knee joint which slowly degenerates. Cartilage is made up of a protein substance that acts as a cushion between the bones of the joints. In advanced cases of osteoarthritis, the cartilage may disappear and the bones start rubbing against each other causing more pain. When bones start rubbing against each other, bony growth may occur around the joints.

Symptoms of knee osteoarthritis

In the initial stages of knee osteoarthritis, one may simply feel deep pain in the knee joint. As the problem advances, common symptoms include pain that is worse after an exercise session or weight bearing, swelling in the joint, limited movement of the knee joint, stiffness during periods of inactivity such as sleeping or sitting; cracking or grating sounds in the knee joint. As the damage to the knee joint worsens, the joint may become less movable and pain may occur even when the joint is at rest and can keep the person awake throughout the night.

2.  Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)

What is it? It is an autoimmune disorder resulting in joint pain, stiffness, swelling and decreased movement of joint. An autoimmune disorder means the immune cells start damaging the healthy tissue of the body due to a misdirected response. In most cases, RA starts from small joints but afterward affects large joints as well, including the knee. It tends to affect the same joint bilaterally (on both sides) at a given time.

Why and How it occurs?

The exact reason for it is not clear. However, it seems to begin from an interaction between genetic susceptibility (persons having HLA – DR1 and HLA – DR4 genes are at high risk of it) and environmental factors (some infection with virus, bacteria, smoking). In RA, inflammation occurs in the synovial lining of the synovial membrane and with progression causes destruction of the cartilage and the bone of the joint.

Signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis affecting knee

1. Knee pain and swelling

2. Knee stiffness worse in morning lasting for an hour with gradual relief as day progresses, and after inactivity

3. Heat and tenderness in knee joint

3. Gout

What is gout and Why does it occur?

Gout means inflammation of the joint due to high uric acid level. This type of arthritis arises when uric acid crystals (monosodium urate crystals) collect in the joint. These are needle-like crystals that trigger inflammation and swelling in the joint. Though commonly it affects the big toe joint but can occur in other joints as well, including knee.

Symptoms when gout attacks the knee

1. Knee pain

2. Knee swelling

3. Redness, warmth and tenderness on knee

4. Injuries (Post-Traumatic Arthritis)

Injury to knee joint can also trigger arthritis referred to as post-traumatic arthritis, which can result in osteoarthritis. It may begin after an injury to ligament, meniscus tear or broken bone. The wear and tear makes the knee joint unstable and puts extra pressure on the joint that may develop into arthritis later.

How to diagnose knee arthritis?

The first test recommended to diagnose a case of knee arthritis is an X-ray of the affected knee. This test helps to find bone spurs, narrowing of joint space and other bone changes. In some cases, blood tests including ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and CRP (C-reactive protein) are advised to get an idea of the intensity of inflammation. In cases suspected of rheumatoid arthritis, blood tests including rheumatoid factor qualitative and Anti CCp (anti – citrullinated protein antibody) are recommended. If symptoms point towards gout, then a blood test to check uric acid levels may be recommended. In advanced cases, MRI or CT scan could be required to get more details of bones and to look into changes in the soft tissue of the joint.


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Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Osteoarthritis

homeopathic remedies for osteoarthritis
Joint pain can cripple movement along with the distress it causes. Osteoarthritis, in fact, is a degenerative disease of joints. The cartilage — a firm and flexible connective tissue in joints between the bones which holds the bones together and act as a cushion between joints — gets degenerated. The cartilage prevents the bones from rubbing against each other by reducing the friction when any movement occurs at a joint. So, when the joint cartilage degenerates, the bones rub against each other during joint movement, leading to pain. The main risk factors that lead to Osteoarthritis are advanced age, overuse of joints, obesity and trauma. After the joint cartilage becomes soft, irregular, rough and thin, there is a growth of osteophytes at the margin of joints. These later get enlarged and calcified, resulting in reduction in joint space. As a result of reduced joint space, the bones rub against each other while movement. The pain that follows can be devastating. Osteoarthritis is mainly of the knee joint, hip joint and finger joints. The main symptoms are pain in joints during movement, stiffness of joints after a period of immobility, swelling and tenderness of the affected joint, formation of hard nodes mainly in finger joints, limitation of movement of joints, and wasting of muscles near affected joints. In advanced cases of Osteoarthritis, there is a distortion of joint contours that can lead to even deformity. Natural Homeopathic remedies for osteoarthritis are of great help for patients of Osteoarthritis, both for providing relief from pain and ensuring that this degenerative disease is stopped in its tracks.

Homeopathic Remedies for Osteoarthritis

Homeopathy has a wide range of natural remedies for Osteoarthritis. Made of natural substances with zero side effects,Homeopathy for osteoarthritis can be  very beneficial in reducing the pain, swelling and stiffness of joints. In advanced cases of Osteoarthritis, although these remedies cannot revert the degeneration that has already taken place in the cartilage of joints,these natural medicnes definitely help in slowing down the progress of cartilage degeneration. The natural remedies for osteoarthritis are completely safe and will always help, never harm, the patient.

1. For Osteoarthritis affecting Knee Joint

Bryonia Alba is of great help in the treatment of Osteoarthritis of knee joint where the pain in the knee joint gets worse by walking and the patient feels better by taking absolute rest. The pain is accompanied by stiffness and swelling in knees. The patients of Osteoarthritis who complain of pain in knee joint on using the stairs to go up can greatly benefit by natural remedy Bryonia Alba. This natural treatment for osteoarthritis is also recommended for patients who experience pain in knee joint with a crackling sound while walking. Calcarea Carbonica is also a very beneficial natural remedy for Osteoarthritis of knee joint. The patients who are recommended this natural medicine complain of swelling and pain in knee joints, which get aggravated when getting up from a sitting position and also by walking. Calcarea Carbonica is also a good natural remedy for pain in knee joints which gets worse by working in water like washing clothes. Another symptom that guides the use of this natural treatment for Osteoarthritic pain in knees is that the knees remain excessively cold along with the pain. The patients requiring this medicine are mostly obese. Ruta Graveolans is another natural remedy of great help for Osteoarthritis of knee joint. The main indicating symptoms for its use are pain in knees that gets aggravated by bending the knee joint while kneeling and while going down the stairs, and when the pain in knee joint gets better by applying pressure on the affected knee. The pain in knees that gets better by stretching the limb is also relieved by natural medicine Ruta Graveolans. Natural medicine Sulphur is also of immense help in treating Osteoarthritic patients of knee joint. The knee joint pains that are aggravated while using the stairs, along with stiffness and pain that gets worse on standing, are also treated with this natural medicine. Sulphur is also the natural remedy for patients who complain of excessive heat in the feet along with the knee pains. Causticum is yet another natural Homeopathic medicine for treating knee joint Osteoarthritis where the knee pains are associated with much stiffness and cracking in knee joints. When the knee pain gets better by applying heat and gets worse by exposure to cold air, Causticum is the ideal natural Homeopathic medicine.

2. For Osteoarthritis of Hip Joint

Colcynthis is of great help for the treatment of hip joint Osteoarthritis when the pain in hip is of cramping type and gets better by applying pressure. When the pain in hip joint increases by motion, standing and stooping, Colcynthis is again the natural remedy you should turn to. Rhus Toxicodendron is an excellent natural medicine for the treatment of hip joint Osteoarthritis when the patient experiences pain in hip joint on going up the stairs or sitting down. Rhus Toxicodendron is also the best natural remedy for stiffness and pain in hip joint on getting up from a sitting position and when the patient gets relief by walking or by throughapplication of heaton the affected joint. Pulsatilla Nigricans is another very helpful natural medicine for hip joint Osteoarthritis patients who complain of pain in hip joint as if it is dislocated and who feel better when in motion. Patients who complain of shifting of pain from one joint to another with much restlessness can also benefit with natural remedy Pulsatilla Nigricans.

3. For Osteoarthritis of Finger Joints

Antimonium Crudum is the best natural medicine for pain in finger joints in a patient suffering from Osteoarthritis. The patients who complaint of pain in finger joints which gets worse in cold weather or by washing hands in cold water and feelbetter by applying something warm on the fingers can also benefit immensely with natural remedy Antimonium Crudum. It also yields good results in patients of Osteoarthritis in whom the pain in finger joints alternates with stomach complaints with a thick white-coated tongue. Benzoic Acid is also a natural remedy of great help for Osteoarthritis of finger joints where the pain in fingers is associated with cracking sounds on moving the fingers. If nodes have been formed on the finger joints that are very painful, this medicine is the ideal natural remedy. The characteristic symptom of excessive offensiveness of urine along with pain in finger joints also guides towards this natural treatment. Calcara Fluorica, on the other hand, is the ideal natural medicine for Osteoarthritis of finger joints where nodes of stony hard character have formed on finger joints, thus reducing the mobility of fingers.

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