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What are comedones and its homeopathic remedies

Comedones or comedonal acne refer to small, dark, white or flesh-colored bumps on the skin resulting from blockage of the hair follicles by sebum (an oily substance secreted by the sebaceous glands) and the dead skin cells. Comedones are one of the different types of acne. The most common location of comedones is the forehead and chin on the face though may also occur on other body parts too. When only one bump occurs it is termed comedo, while multiple bumps occurring together are called comedones. These are common in the adolescent age group though it can affect people at any age. Some risk factors predispose one to comedonal acne. They include increased testosterone secretion that enhances oil production, skin irritation from the secreted oils, chemical peeling, popping an acne, overhydration of the skin, excessive intake of sugar, fat and milk, and smoking. Having a family history of comedones also increases the risk. The comedones get worse from scrubbing and the application of certain skin products that might block the pores. Picking the comedones may result in irritation and infection.
There are different types of comedones. The first one is whiteheads (closed comedones). These look flesh-colored or creamy white. In this type, the oil plug forms below the opening of the hair follicle. The second type is blackheads (open comedones). In this type, the oil plug develops near the opening of the hair follicle. These look dark brown / black not due to dirt but due to oxidation of melanin pigment on exposure to oxygen. When it is popped it looks dark from the top but from the lower part it looks creamy white. Another type is solar comedones that result from excessive exposure to the sun. Solar comedones mainly occur on the cheeks. Other types include microcomedones (the smallest comedones invisible to the naked eye) and macrocomedones (the comedones that are larger than normal-size comedones). These are larger than 1 mm. The blackheads that are larger than usual are termed giant comedones.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is a very natural system of medicine that helps in treating numerous skin complaints including comedones. Homeopathic medicines prove highly effective in treating comedones. They go to the root of the skin problem to ensure great healing. These gradually heal the complaint very gently in a very natural manner with zero side effects. The results vary depending on the duration and intensity of the complaint. It is always advised to get your case of comedones evaluated by a homeopathic doctor to get the best prescription for your case as there are no specific medicines that will help in each and every case. The prescription varies from case to case as per the case details. Do not take any homeopathic medicine on your own without prior consultation with a homeopathic physician.

Homeopathic Medicines For Comedones


Eugenia is a top-recommended natural medicine in homeopathy to manage various types of acne including comedones. It gives excellent results in treating comedones. Besides comedonal acne, this medicine is very effective for cases of acne that are painful and sore. The pain in the pimples goes to some distance around the acne where this medicine is required. It works well in simple as well as hardened acne. The acne worsening during menstrual period in women is also one of the characteristic indications for using this medicine.

2. Silicea

Another prominent homeopathic medicine for managing cases of comedones is Silicea. In most cases requiring this medicine there is pale looking, oily, waxy face. A tendency to excessive sweating is present on the face and other body parts like feet, hands and axilla (i.e. armpits). Red spots may occur on the face attended with a burning heat sensation. Cracks may appear on the face. There is a tendency to get acne especially pus-filled. The acne are prominent on the face, especially the forehead where this medicine is required. The acne tend to itch during the daytime.

3. Graphites

Graphites is a highly effective medicine to manage cases of comedones. In cases needing it, there occur flushes of heat on the face. The face looks pale and bloated. Scabs may occur on the face. There may be itchy spots on the face. In some cases, few spots appear on the cheeks which are covered with dry scales. Besides comedones, this medicine is also indicated to manage pimples on the face that are itchy. After scratching, these become moist. In general, the skin is dry with tendency to develop cracks.

4. Hepar Sulph

Hepar Sulph is the next beneficial medicine for managing cases of comedones. In cases needing this medicine, pus-filled acne are also prominent along with comedones. These acne are attended with a prickly type of pain. There may be bleeding from these acne when they are scratched or popped. There can be sensitivity of acne to touch. There is also tendency to increased sweating that smells sour or fetid.

5. Juglans Regia

Juglans Regia is also a natural homeopathic medicine for managing comedones and acne cases. Those needing it complain of comedones and acne on the face. Small red pus-filled pimples are present where this medicine is needed. These pimples are quite itchy. Small red pimples appear mainly on the face, shoulders, back and neck in those requiring this medicine. There may be redness on the scalp attended with itching.

6. Sulphur

This medicine is highly useful for managing comedones that form mainly on the forehead. Several black points in groups are seen on the forehead in cases needing this medicine. Other than this, pimples may appear on the face that are very itchy. The center of the pimples is red. The pimples present on the forehead are inflamed. These are also painful to touch.

7. Natrum Mur

Natrum Mur is the next highly valuable medicine for managing complaint of comedones. Those needing this medicine have very greasy, oily face. This can be accompanied by heat in the face. Pimples appear on the face, especially pus-filled pimples on the forehead.

8. Drosera

Drosera is an important medicine for cases with blackheads occurring mainly on the chin. The black pores can also be seen on the chest and shoulders. Burning sensation may be felt on the cheeks. Additionally, pricking sensation can attend it.

9. Nitric Acid

This medicine is another homeopathic medicine that works well on comedones. Black pores appear on the face. It is attended with redness on the cheeks, and dark yellow spots around the eyes. Brownish spots may occur on the face in some cases along with above indications. The skin is usually dry that can be attended with cracks.

10. Thuja

Thuja is a very useful medicine for managing cases of comedones with greasy, oily, waxy face. Dark rings under the eyes can be present too. The face looks swollen and bloated. There is well-defined redness on the cheeks with burning sensation. The skin looks dry in general. Brownish spots appear on different areas of the skin.

11. Sepia

This medicine is indicated for comedones with pale, yellow face. Yellowish brownish discoloration mainly occurs on the nose and cheeks. The forehead feels rough along with tiny, red pimples. In women, the problem worsens before the appearance of menses.

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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Acne Due To Hormonal Imbalance

A common problem, acne develops when the pores of the skin get clogged with sebum (an oily substance produced by sebaceous gland in skin) and dead skin cells. The acne may appear as small raised red bumps (papules) or these may be pus-filled (pustules). In some cases, these may be hard and sometimes form large painful lumps (cystic acne) under the skin. The acne occurring from hormonal imbalance / fluctuations are referred to as hormonal acne. Such acne breakouts occur when intense hormonal shifts or changes happen in the body.

Hormonal acne occurs more in women in comparison to men as fluctuation in hormones tends to be more in women. In women such hormonal fluctuations and sometimes associated acne occur during puberty, menstrual cycle (causing breakouts coinciding with women’s menstrual cycle), pregnancy, childbirth, menopause (causing menopausal acne) or some medical reason like PCOS and thyroid problems.  Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a syndrome affecting women of reproductive age group from hormonal imbalance that may cause acne along with other main symptoms like irregular periods, delayed menses, scanty or heavy periods, facial hair, weight gain, hair fall and darkening in the skin folds. Acne may also get triggered from taking oral contraceptive pills or steroids.  Hormonal acne usually occurs cyclically means it occurs each month around the same time and sometimes at the same place on the face. Depending on the cause, other signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance may attend acne like menstrual irregularities, heavy menstrual bleeding, facial hair, weight gain, hair fall, hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

Homeopathic Treatment

Acne due to hormonal imbalance can be successfully treated with homeopathic medicines using a very natural and gentle approach. These remedies are very effective at treating the problem at its roots. They target to set right the imbalance in hormones causing acne. These medicines prevent further formation of new acne and heal the acne already present. These are effective for acne of all types like simple acne, red pimples, pus-filled acne, hard acne or acne presenting as large lumps under the skin. Along with this, these also manage any itching, pain or burning sensation in the acne if present. Homeopathic medicines are natural medicines that provide a permanent and completely safe solution to acne.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Acne Due To Hormonal Imbalance

1. Sepia – Top Remedy

Sepia is a top recommended medicine to manage multiple complaints that arise from hormonal imbalance in women. It is a wonderful medicine to manage acne from hormonal imbalance. The key indication to use this medicine is acne worsens before menses. In cases needing it, small red pimples appear especially on the forehead. It is attended with roughness of skin. Besides acne, it is indicated for treating complaints including menstrual irregularities, facial hair, facial pigmentation, weight gain, hot flashes, hair fall, vaginal dryness – conditions that result from hormonal imbalance.

2. Pulsatilla – For Acne With Menstrual Irregularities

This medicine is very effective to help cases of acne along with menstrual irregularities. This medicine works best when acne occurs around puberty time of the girls.  In cases needing it there is sweating on the face especially more on one side. The facial skin is also sensitive and painful. Along with acne breakouts there is a tendency of late periods. The menstrual bleeding is also scanty. It may be dark in colour and clotted.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Pus Filled Acne

This medicine is most prominently indicated for managing pus – filled acne (pustular acne). It is highly suitable for acne with pus in youngsters. The pimples are attended with prickly pain. The pimples may also bleed at times. It is also indicated for pimples that are covered with crusts. Itchy pimples that occur specifically on the chin are also treated wonderfully with this medicine.

4. Silicea – For Acne That Itch And Burn

This medicine is suitable for treating acne attended with itching and burning. The itching and burning mostly occurs in the daytime. The acne contains pus in most of the cases. Silicea is also indicated for small skin-coloured pimples forming on the face as well as large painful bumps (cystic acne) forming under the skin.

5. Kali Bromatum – For Pimples On Face, Shoulders And Chest

This medicine is most helpful for pimples that appear on the face, shoulders and chest. In case of acne on the face, mostly cheeks and forehead are affected. The pimples may be bluish red and filled with pus. Hard pimples may appear as well. The pimples are itchy. This medicine is also useful for cases where acne leaves scars.

6. Eugenia – For Painful Pimples Worse During Menses

It is an excellent medicine for cases where pimples get worse during menses. In cases needing it the pimples are quite painful. The pimples are sore to touch. This medicine works well in case of simple as well as hardened pimples.

7. Graphites – For Pimples Occurring Before Menstrual Period

Graphites works well in cases of acne breakouts that occur before menses. The pimples are itchy, small and red tipped with pus. On scratching the pimples, fluid may ooze out. Burning may also appear after scratching.

8. Psorinum – For Small Red Pimples Worse During Menses

This medicine is well indicated for small red pimples that are worse during menses. The acne appears on the forehead, middle of cheeks, chin and nose. There is burning heat and redness of face along with acne. This medicine is effective for treating acne of all kinds.

9. Magnesia Mur – For pimples triggered before menses

It is another beneficial medicine that gets triggered before menses. The pimples are the most marked on forehead. Itching occurs in pimples at night. Itching may get worse in a warm room.

Causes Of Acne

The hormones that lead to such acne may result from fluctuations in the estrogen and progesterone hormones, and an increase in androgen levels like testosterone. The proportion of estrogen and progesterone hormones with each other also influences testosterone levels in the women resulting in hormonal acne. Increase in hormone testosterone tends to increase oil production in skin pores which along with the dead skin cells and dirt cause clogging of pores along with skin inflammation. These pores may get infected with bacteria that tend to cause acne. Fluctuation in the sex hormones including progesterone may stimulate the sebaceous glands in the skin during periods that may lead to acne. During menopause, hormonal imbalance (normal androgens but reduced estrogen levels) may cause an increase in the sebum production and cause acne flare-ups.



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9 Top Homeopathic Remedies for Acne Rosacea

Homeopathic Remedies For Acne Rosacea

Homeopathic Remedies for Acne Rosacea

Homeopathic Remedies for Acne Rosacea

Acne Rosacea is a skin condition affecting the face characterized by marked redness or the flushing of face followed by appearance of acne/pimples. The skin of the mid-forehead, nose, cheeks, and chin are the most affected. As the condition advances, the blood vessels over the face get dilated, and become visible. If the condition continues unabated, connective tissue grows around the blood vessels, and it results in thickening of the skin. Nodules are formed, especially, on the nose, and they get enlarged. In the more complicated cases, there is redness, itching, and watering from the eyes.

Homeopathy promises great results in cases of Acne Rosacea. Homeopathic medicines help wonderfully to manage signs and symptoms of Acne Rosacea. Further, it helps in reducing the frequency of flare-ups, and the intensity of its symptoms.  Besides, it also helps in a complete cure if taken regularly for a few months as suggested by the physician. Homeopathic medicines for Acne Rosacea have no side effects and do not carry any risk of dependency, unlike conventional medicines.

Homeopathy prescribes medicines as per signs and symptoms in every case of Acne Rosacea. So the homeopathic prescription varies from person to person.  Additionally, the potency, dose and repetition of medicines differs from case to case as per the age of the sufferer, type of medicine, duration of the complaint and the intensity of symptoms. Hence one should consult a homeopathic doctor for individualized prescription and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathic medicines offer safe, natural treatment for cases of Acne Rosacea as these do not have any adverse side effects. This is because it uses medicines prepared from natural substances that are free of any toxins. These medicines boost body’s natural way of healing to provide excellent results in Acne Rosacea.

Another advantage of homeopathic medicines is that they do not suppress Acne Rosacea with any medicated creams and gels that are being recommended in conventional treatment. These creams and gels only act superficially and suppress the skin issue. After giving initial temporary relief by way of suppression, the skin complaint may recur in a more severe form anytime in future as they do not treat the cause behind Acne Rosacea. But homeopathy does not use any such suppressive medicines and aims to cure it from the roots by addressing the underlying cause.

9 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Acne Rosacea

The top recommended homeopathic medicines to treat Acne Rosacea are Belladonna, Carbo Veg, Hepar Sulph, Lachesis, Psorinum, Eugenia, Sulphur, Hydrocotyle Asciatica and Euphrasia Officinalis.

1. Belladonna – Top Medicine To Treat Red, Flushed Face

Belladonna is a leading medicine for Acne Rosacea when the main complaint is red, flushed skin of the face. The skin appears very shiny and is very hot to touch. Facial swelling may accompany. Besides the cure of skin, it is a wonderful medicine when rosacea affects eyes with marked eye redness. Dryness in eyes accompanies. Sensitivity to light may also be present.

When to use Belladonna?

The key indication to use Belladonna in acne rosacea is red, hot, flushed face that may be attended with swelling of the face.

How to use Belladonna?

This medicine gives good results in both low and high powers. However, in the beginning of the treatment, it is advised to use low power 30 C two to three times a day.

2. Carbo Veg – For Red Face With Prominent Blood Vessels

Carbo Veg works well as a homeopathic cure for rosacea in case the facial skin appears red, glowing along with prominently visible small blood vessels. The cheeks are, especially, prominently red. Cold sweating on the cheeks may occur. The face may be swollen along with the above-mentioned symptoms.

When to use Carbo Veg?

This medicine is recommended to manage marked facial redness along with prominent blood vessels and cold sweating on the face.

How to use Carbo Veg?

One may take this medicine in 30C potency once or twice a day.

3. Hepar Sulph – To Manage Pus-filled Pimples On Face

It is a magnificent medicine for the treatment of pimples on the face. It is used for pus-filled pimples (pustules) on the face. The pimples may be painful. Pricking pain is felt. Pimples may bleed upon being scratched. The face is fiery red. There is an accompanying heat sensation.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

Hepar Sulph is the best choice of medicine to manage pus-filled pimples on the face that can be painful in cases of Acne Rosacea.

How to use Hepar Sulph?

Hepar Sulph 30C can be administered one to three times a day.

4. Lachesis – For Circumscribed Red Spots On Cheeks & Flushes Of Heat

Lachesis gives good results where the skin has circumscribed red spots on the cheeks. Flushes of heat are felt on the face . Blood vessels are visible on the face. Face becomes swollen with itching, especially at night.

When to use Lachesis?

Lachesis can be used for treating Acne Rosacea with well-defined red spots on the face along with flushes of heat.

How to use Lachesis?

It is advised to use Lachesis 30 just once or twice in a week.

5. Psorinum – For Red, Hot Face With Red Pimples

Psorinum is an excellent homeopathic medicine when the face is red and hot with red pimples. The pimples form on the nose, the cheeks and the chin. The skin on the face is very rough along with the above-mentioned complaints.

When to use Psorinum?

This medicine can be considered in cases of Acne Rosacea with facial redness and heat accompanied by formation of pimples and roughness of facial skin.

How to use Psorinum?

This medicine is usually given in 200C power only one dose in a week or in 15 days.

6. Eugenia Jambos – For Treating Pimples

Medicine Eugenia Jambos works in cases of simple and hardened acne. The pimples and the area around it is painful. The pimples are also sore to touch.

When to use Eugenia Jambos?

Use of this medicine is suggested for treating simple and hardened acne with pain in cases of acne rosacea.

How to use Eugenia Jambos?

This medicine can be used in 30C power one or two times in a day.

7. Sulphur – For Circumscribed Red Cheeks & The Burning On Face

Sulphur is most helpful when there is circumscribed redness of cheeks, and burning on the face. It is also useful when pimples appear on the face. The pimples are very itchy. There are also prominent swollen blood vessels on the forehead.

When to use Sulphur?

Sulphur is of great use to manage redness on the face along with burning sensation and itchy pimples.

How to use Sulphur?

It is usually prescribed in 30C potency once a day.

8. Hydrocotyle Asciatica – For Thickened Skin

It is a wonderful medicine when there is a growth of connective tissue over the skin making it thickened, and hardened. There are pimples, especially pus-filled on the skin. Scaling of the skin may also be present.

When to use Hydrocotyle Asciatica?

This medicine is apt for cases of acne rosacea with hardened, thickened skin from overgrowth of connective tissue.

How to use Hydrocotyle Asciatica?

It can be taken one to two times in a day in 30C potency.

9. Euphrasia Officinalis – For Rosacea Affecting Eyes

This medicine holds good promise in giving natural relief when rosacea affects the eyes. The eyes are red, itchy, and watery. Burning and biting sensation in the eyes is also felt. A gritty sand-like sensation in eyes is felt.

When to use Euphrasia Officinalis?

Opt this medicine for managing itchy, red, watery eyes along with burning in Acne Rosacea cases.

How to use Euphrasia Officinalis?

The suggested dose of this medicine is Euphrasia Officinalis 30 C one to three times a day, as per the intensity of symptoms.

Note: When exposure to sun excites the condition, Cantharis Vesicatoria is the medicine to fall back on. However, Bovista Lycoperdon medicine can give good results when one uses cosmetics excessively. When there is excessive consumption of alcohol or spices, Nux Vomica is a very effective medicine. The above-mentioned homeopathic remedies for Acne Rosacea should only be used after consulting a qualified homeopathic doctor.  

Signs and Symptoms

The signs, and symptoms vary from person to person and at a given time not all signs, and symptoms may be apparent.

Areas Affected

1. Face: The mid part of the face is typically affected including the forehead, nose, medial cheeks (towards the nose side) and chin.

2. Areas other than face: In some cases, signs, and symptoms may go beyond the face including chest, scalp, neck, ears and upper back.

Following are the Signs & Symptoms:

1. Flushing (Redness) of Face: Facial flushing, and redness are often the first signs of rosacea. It affects the mid part of the face and appears symmetrically. The redness may tend to come and go or may persist.

2. Visible Blood Vessels: The small, and dilated blood vessels on the face may be visible.

3. Pimples on the Face: There may be presence of red bumps on the face called papules or pus-filled bumps called pustules.

4. Burning and stinging on the face and itching at times. The skin area involved may be hot, and painful to touch (tender)

5. Facial Swelling: It may occur alone or along with other signs and symptoms.

6. Dryness, Roughness & Scaling Of Facial Skin: In some cases, thickening of skin can be present.

7. Nasal Enlargement: With the progression of the condition, the skin of the nose may thicken leading to its bulbous condition known as rhinophyma. It is common in women as compared to men.

8. Ocular Rosacea: Redness of eyes, dryness, burning, stinging, grittiness, itching in eyes, watery eyes, light sensitivity, blurred vision.

Types of Acne Rosacea

1. Erythematotelengiectatic Rosacea (ETR): In this condition, there is redness (erythema), and flushing. With this, tiny widened blood vessels are seen on the skin surface (telangiectasias). Itching, burning, and stinging are usually seen along with the above features.  Other than the face, the neck, chest, ears, scalp an,d upper back may be affected.

2. Papulopustular rosacea: Here facial redness is accompanied by red eruptions (papules) or pus-filled bumps (pustules). Most middle-aged women are seen to be affected by this problem.

3. Rhinophyma: It is a rare problem in which there is an enlargement of the nose (rhinophyma). The skin of the nose gets thickened with irregular nodes (lumps) and an accompanied enlargement. It is mostly seen in men.

4. Ocular rosacea: This type of Acne Rosacea affects the eyes. The eyes appear red and there may occur dryness, gritty sensation, itching, burning stinging or irritation in eyes. Sensitivity to light may also accompany. If cornea is affected, vision may get blurred and vision loss may occur.

Causes Behind Acne Rosacea

The exact cause behind Acne Rosacea is not clear yet. However, it is thought that hereditary, and environmental factors collectively play a role.

Some of the factors that may worsen Acne Rosacea symptoms as follows:

1. Certain Food and drinks:Drinking tea, hot coffee, caffeinated beverages, alcohol, eating spicy food, chocolates, tomatoes, food having cinnamon

2. Extreme of temperature, heat of sun

3. Excessive exercise

4. Stress and anxiety

5. Use of Topical Steroids(steroid-induced rosacea) and certain treatments for acne, and wrinkles removal like chemical peels, microdermabrasion and also isotretinoin and benzoyl peroxide

6. Excessive cosmetic use

7. Demodex Mites: It has been found that some persons suffering from rosacea have increased demodex mites. In a study, it has been revealed that mites demodex folliculorum may be a triggering factor for Rosacea. A bacteria Bacillus oleronius present in these mites leads to inflammation of Acne Rosacea as well as papules and pustules.

8. Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO):It is found that SIBO is more prevalent in persons having Acne Rosacea which suggests that the gut bacteria may be involved in causing lesions of rosacea.

9. Increased Cathelicidin & Stratum Corneum Tryptic Enzymes

10. H. pylori Bacteria In the Gut: It can increase the secretion of gastrin (digestive hormone) that may cause flushing of skin.

Risk factors

1. Age:Persons between 30 and 50-year-old are at the highest risk

2. Women are more at risk compared to men though it can occur among men

3. Fair-skinned people are more prone

4. Family history of Acne Rosacea

5. Those who smoke are at risk

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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Acne

homeopathic-medicines-for-acne Acne, medically known as acne vulgaris and commonly called pimples, is a common skin condition mainly affecting face, occurring mostly among teenagers. Acne arises from the clogging of pores with dead skin cells and oil (sebum). Though acne usually occurs on the face but can also affect shoulders, upper chest, and back.
Homeopathy offers safe, natural, outstanding treatment for cases of acne. Homeopathic medicines offer great relief in acne by abating the production of excessive oil by the overactive sebaceous glands. They also help to treat any associated bacterial infection if present. Firstly, homeopathic medicines work to stop the further progression of acne along with simultaneous healing of acne already present. Secondly, these help to relieve any pain, itching, burning sensation in acne. Next, any pus or bleeding from acne is also well controlled with these medicines. Further homeopathic medicines make sure to clear any scars /acne marks present along with the acne. With regular use of homeopathic medicines, the frequency and intensity of acne outbreaks is also cut down gradually.

Homeopathy does not work just on the skin surface, but it works from inside out to treat acne. To treat acne, the root cause needs to be identified and addressed. Ointments are commonly prescribed in mainstream medicine for acne that may temporarily reduce inflammation, pain and itching and suppress acne. There is a chance acne may appear again with more intensity after stopping of medicine. But homeopathy rather than suppressing the acne, treats the root cause of the problem to aid relief.

Homeopathy is the best treatment option for acne as it does not have any side effects and always heals in the most gentle and natural way. Homeopathic medicines for acne are prescribed taking into consideration the cause and type of acne and other associated symptoms after a thorough in-depth analysis of the case. The homeopathic prescription varies from individual to individual. So, it is advised to take homeopathic medicines for acne after consulting a homeopath for best results.

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Acne

The top 6 homeopathic medicines to treat acne are Hepar Sulph, Belladonna, Silicea, Kali Bromatum, Sulphur and Pulsatilla.

1. Hepar Sulph – Best For Pus-Filled Acne

It is the most frequently used remedy to treat pus-filled acne. Medically these are called pustular acne. It is a highly reputed medicine that has proved effective time and again in healing acne. If there is any pricking pain in acne, then also this medicine is of great help. Though it works well for people of any age group, it is most suitable for young people. This medicine also gives good results in cases of acne that bleed.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

It is an ideal prescription for treating pimples filled with pus.

How to use Hepar Sulph?

In the beginning, it is best to use it in 30C potency once or twice a day.

2. Belladonna – For Red-Colored Acne

This natural medicine is most preferred when pimples are red. Along with pimples, the face becomes red and shiny. Increased sweating on the face may also be noticed. Though pimples may be present on any part of the face, they usually appear on the chin and the corners of the mouth where Belladonna is required.

When to use Belladonna?

It is a highly preferred medicine for red-colored pimples with a red, flushed face.

How to use Belladonna?

Though this medicine can be used in both low and high potencies, initially it is safe to take 30C potency twice a day. Potency can be raised after consulting a homeopathic physician.

3. Silicea – For Pus-Filled And Cystic Acne

This medicine is also highly effective for pus-filled pimples and cystic acne (painful pus-filled bumps forming deep under the skin due to infection and inflammation from blocked pores in the skin). This medicine helps to dry the pus-filled acne aiding prompt healing. It also works well on pimples that cause itching and burning sensation, which gets worse in the daytime.

When to use Silicea?

This medicine is apt for those with pus-filled pimples or cystic acne.

How to use Silicea?

This medicine is usually recommended in 6X potency. Silicea 6X can be taken three to four times a day depending on the intensity of the problem.

4. Kali Bromatum – For Pimples On Face, Chest And Shoulders

It is the main medicine to deal with acne breakouts on the face, chest, and shoulders. It can be used for simple/hardened acne or when acne contains pus. This acne may look bluish red and can be itchy too. It is also an excellent remedy for acne that leaves scars.

When to use Kali Bromatum?

Its use is highly recommended for pimples occurring all over the face, chest and shoulders. The same goes for pimples that leave scars. In both cases, it is a perfect remedy.

How to use Kali Bromatum?

One may take this medicine once or twice a day as per the severity of the complaint.

5. Sulphur – For Itchy Acne

This medicine has unmatched value when it comes to treating pimples that turn itchy, particularly at night. Though acne may occur on any area of the face, if it is prominent on the forehead, sulphur is the best answer. These may be inflamed and painful to touch as well. Lastly, it is suitable to treat comedones, commonly called blackheads (the blockage of pores with oil, dead skin cells occurring on forehead and chin).

When to use Sulphur?

This medicine can be chiefly used to treat itchy pimples.

How to use Sulphur?

Sulphur 30C can be taken once a day and no more. It is a strong medicine thus it should be used with caution.

6. Pulsatilla – For Pimples In Young Girls

Pulsatilla is a natural medicine sourced from a plant called ‘wind flower’. It is the most suitable medicine to treat acne in young girls at puberty. It is also a leading medicine used mostly to treat acne associated with any sort of menstrual irregularities.

When to use this Pulsatilla?

This medicine can be used to treat acne in young girls at puberty and when acne is linked with menstrual irregularities.

How to use this Pulsatilla?

This medicine can be taken in 30C potency. The dose should be just once a day.

Note You may use any of these medicines for about 2 to 3 weeks. To continue using them beyond this period, seek consultation from a homeopath. It is also strictly advised not to take high potencies of any of these medicines without consulting a homeopath.

What causes Acne?

The primary cause of acne is the rise in the level of the hormone androgen in the body. Androgen levels rise around the age of adolescence. Androgen activates the sebaceous (oil) glands under the skin and makes them grow bigger and produce excess oil. The hair follicles get plugged with this oil and dead skin cells, giving the bacteria a chance to thrive and cause acne.

Trigger / Worsening Factors For Acne

 Stress: Stress triggers acne. A stressful mind causes hormonal fluctuation that leads to increased production of oil by the sebaceous glands. The result is an acne break-out.

Dietary factors: The relationship between diet and acne is not yet clear, but some evidence supports that certain food products can worsen acne. These are high glycemic products (like white bread) and dairy. High glycemic products break down quickly and are rapidly absorbed, resulting in high blood sugar. The spike in blood sugar levels can lead to inflammation which can cause acne. Also, it can affect hormone levels which, in turn, affect the activity of oil glands in the skin and lead to acne.

Oil-based skin cosmetics

Lack of sleep:  Inadequate sleep is linked to acne though it is not directly a cause. Sleep deprivation leads to stress that causes cortisol levels to rise, which in turn makes the skin produce more sebum, resulting in acne.

Hormonal changes, irregular menstrual cycles: In women acne may be a part of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) along with menstrual problems. So if acne and any menstrual problems occur at the same time, get proper consultation to rule out PCOS

Use of drugs: Cortisone and hormone replacement pills are a few of them which can cause acne.

Gastric issues such as constipation can trigger acne

 Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can adults also get acne?

Acne begins around puberty and gets worse during adolescence. The 12 to 25 years age group is most vulnerable with 80-90 percent chance of getting the disease. Yet, acne before puberty is not unheard of. Also, there are those who continue to suffer this condition way past their teens and through their adult years. Hormonal imbalance is usually the culprit.

2. What makes women more likely to get pimples or acne?

The androgen hormone which mainly causes acne rises during adolescence. In women, however, several other hormonal changes take place during menses, pregnancy, and menopause, all of which have the potential to set off acne.

3. Can the same medicines be used to treat acne in men as for women?

Homeopathy works just as well in men who suffer from acne. What will work for women will work for men too. General medicines like Sulphur, Hepar Sulph and Kali Bromatum are used based on specific symptoms.

4. My mother had acne, does that mean I, too, will have it?

Yes, heredity does influence acne to an extent. A person having a positive family history of acne has an 80 percent chance of getting it. There is also, however, the 20 percent chance that one may not get it. Acne is caused by the enlargement of sebaceous glands under the influence of androgens, mainly during adolescence.

5. Is acne contagious?

Acne is not contagious. In other words, direct or indirect contact with a person with acne or pimples will not pass on the condition.

6. Does acne always cause itching?

Acne can be itchy, but not in every case. Mainly, cystic acne is known to cause itching

7. Can dandruff cause acne?

Dandruff is a condition characterized by flakes on the scalp. Dandruff may arise due to excessively dry or excessively oily scalp. When these flakes shed off and fall on the face, they can clog pores and cause pimples. However, such pimples are mostly found in the forehead region.

8. Will taking vitamin or mineral supplements help manage acne?

Yes, taking vitamins and minerals daily can help manage acne. But they are not substitutes for medicines. They can manage acne, not treat it. Vitamin A, vitamin E and zinc are helpful supplements. These can be taken along with natural medicines, but strictly in doses prescribed by a homeopathic doctor.

9. Will treating blackheads help my condition?

Yes, clearing out blackheads in time can prevent acne. For treating blackheads, homeopathy essentially falls back on medicines, such as Sulphur and Eugenia Jambosa.


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Homeopathic Medicines for Scars Caused by acne

Getting pimples or Acne is irritating and embarrasing enough for young people, but the thought of scars being left behind by Acne can lead to sleepless nights. Acne is one of the most common skin diseases affecting young people of 12 to 18 years in the puberty and adolescent age. Acne is a result of inflammation of sebaceous glands present in the skin. It can appear in various forms on the skin like small red-coloured elevations (papules), eruptions containing pus (pustules), fluid containing deep sac like eruptions (cysts), or thick, hard eruptions (nodules). The most common sites of appearance of Acne are face, shoulders, chest and back. Acne mostly disappears on its own without leaving any mark behind. Small Acne or pimples do not lead to any scar formation. But the large-sized deep Acne like Cystic Acne and Nodular Acne leave rigid scar marks on the skin after their disappearance. Excessive pricking and scratching of Acne worsens the condition. The more the pricking of Acne, the higher are the chances of inflammation and infection and thus scar formation. In the beginning, scars appear to be red or pink in colour. Later on, the scar colour becomes purplish or deeply pigmented. The scar can present itself in various forms like small, deep holes in skin as if the skin is pierced by some sharp-pointed object(ice pick scars); or round, oval depressions in the skin(boxcar scars); or unevenly pitted scars giving the skin a wave-like appearance (rolling scars); or only as pigmented skin. Although not a serious health condition, Acne scars can be a cause of continuous feeling of low self-esteem and confidence levels and even embarrassment. Here’s where natural Homeopathic remedies for acne scars can be of great help. With no side effects, the natural Homeopathic treatment for acne scars can effectively and gently cure these scars.


Homeopathy has a wide range of natural medicines to deal with the problem of Acne scars. The natural Homeopathic remedies, which are completely safe, are prescribed taking into view the mental and physical makeup or constitution of the patient along with the skin symptoms. Acne scars can be treated in the most gentle and mild manner with the help of natural Homeopathic remedies.


Berberis Aquifolium: Best natural Homeopathic remedy for pigmented Acne scars

Homeopathic medicine Berberis Aquifolium is a wonderful natural remedy for acne scars and is of great help in treating them completly. This natural Homeopathic remedy is mainly recommended for the treatment of pigmented Acne scars. Berberis Aquifolium acts by clearing the skin pores and toning up the skin. It decreases the pigmentation of scars and efficiently cleanses the complexion of the face. It can be used in 30 potency internally and as a tincture externally for best results.

Psorinum: Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Acne scars on dirty face

Natural Homeopathic remedy Psorinum is of great help for treatment of Acne scars of face where the face looks very dirty as if it has never been washed. The patients requiring this natural Homeopathic medicine have a very oily skin due to highly active sebaceous glands. The Acne scars that have been worsened by external application of skin ointments can also be cured by Psorinum. Another marked symptom along with the scars that guides towards this natural Homeopathic treatment is that the patient feels extremely chilly even in summers and wants to be totally covered up. In patients who experience worsening of Acne by taking excessive coffee, fats and sugar,natural Homeopathic medicine Psorinum can be very beneficial.

Kali Bromatum: Natural Homeopathic remedy for Pustular Acne scars

Kali Bromatum is a natural Homeopathic medicine of great help for the treatment of Acne scars and is mainly prescribed where indurated or Pustular Acne has left the scars. Pustules are inflammatory lesions and become nodules when left untreated. The Acne scars on the face, chest and shoulders can be wonderfully treated with this natural Homeopathic remedy.

Mercurius Solubilis: Top Homeopathic remedy for Acne scars accompanied by profuse perspiration

Mercurius Solubilis is among the best natural Homeopathic medicines for reatment of Acne scars and is mainly given to patients who perspireprofusely and the perspiration is very offensive. The patients requiring this natural Homeopathic remedy have an unusually excessive thirst with moist mouth and a lot of salivation from mouth. If the face of the patient ofAcne scars appears pale and unhealthy or dirty, Mercurius Solubilis is the ideal natural Homeopathic remedy.

Silicea: Natural Homeopathic treatment for Acne scars with pits of varying sizes

Silicea is the natural Homeopathic cure forAcne scars which are a result of deep-rooted Pustular Acne and where the skin of the face shows pits of varying sizes and the scars give a sensation of pain. The patients for whom Silicea can be of great help usually feel very cold and also have an offensive foot sweat. This natural Homeopathic medicine is beneficial for patients of Acne scars who are very obstinate and headstrong mentally.

Belladona: Natural Homeopathic medicine for red-coloured Acne scars

Belladona offers the natural Homeopathic treatment for patients with red-coloured scars due to Acne. This natural Homeopathic medicine is beneficial for patients whose face is dry, hot and gives a shining and flushed appearance.

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Top 5 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Cystic Acne

Having acne during teens can feel bad but having cystic acne is terrible. Cystic acne is a severe type of inflammatory acne characterized by the formation of pus-filled lumps under the skin. These are usually large and painful and have a tendency to leave big scars. Although the causative factor of cystic acne is same as that of regular acne (i.e. increased secretion of sebum which is an oily substance produced by sebaceous gland), these are the most severe forms of acne. The excessive sebum makes the skin pores clogged that favours growth of bacteria. The excess oil, bacteria, dead skin cells altogether result in formation of cystic acne. The acne mainly results from hormonal changes occurring in adolescent age that stimulate sebum production. Though acne mostly affects the adolescent age group but can occur in persons of any age group. Some of the factors that increase the risk of acne are hormonal changes linked to menstrual periods, increased sweating, using hormonal pills, greasy cosmetics, stress and family history.

Homeopathic remedies for cystic acne are a great form of natural treatment that are very safe and natural for our body. These medicines help in controlling excessive sebum production that prevents the further spread of acne and heals the acne already present. Such medicines help heal these acne by causing prompt release of pus or absorption of pus as the case may be. Besides, they manage the associated inflammation, itching, burning, pain and tenderness in the acne. Conventional mode of treatment recommends antibiotics, ointments and hormonal pills (in some cases of acne in women). These may offer short-term relief but may have side effects. But homeopathic remedies for cystic acne do not produce any side effects and once treated with homeopathic remedies, cystic acne do not recur.

Homeopathic medicines work on the root cause of cystic acne for permanent results. As the main cause behind acne is the increased sebum formation, so these medicines reduce the secretion of sebum by moderating the function of sebaceous glands. This results in halting acne formation and healing the acne already present. As the underlying cause is targeted, the results are magnificent. Homeopathic medicines may even help in lightening the old scars. For getting best results, it is advised to follow a complete treatment plan as per guidance of a homeopathic doctor.

Homeopathic medicines to treat cystic acne are chosen from among the list of medicines recorded in homeopathic therapeutics for acne. The medicine selection is done as per the characteristic symptom presentation of every individual case. Post medicine finalisation, the potency and dosage of medicine is decided for the given case that helps in getting remarkable results.

Homeopathy offers the most safe, gentle treatment for cystic acne. The medicines used in homeopathy for treating these acne are of natural origin that do not contain any type of toxins or chemicals in it. This makes them totally safe with zero side effects.

Besides being safe, another advantage of these medicines is that they never cause any suppression. It is a fact that if any skin ailment including acne, are suppressed with any form of medication, then though for the time being, these may disappear from skin surface but they are not cured. They always have a chance to show up again any time if these get triggered again. So, as homeopathic medicines are non-suppressive, they give permanent cure rather than temporary results.

Top 5 Homeopathic medicines for Cystic Acne

The list of the top five homeopathic remedies for cystic acne that proves to be highly effective are Hepar Sulph, Silicea, Sulphur, Calcarea Sulph and Kali Bromatum.

1. Hepar Sulph – Top Homeopathic Medicine Cystic Acne

Hepar Sulph is a highly recommended medicine for treating cases of cystic acne that are filled with pus. In cases needing it, the pus keeps forming in acne and the acne tend to extend further. The acne are quite painful along with a prickling sensation. Pus oozes from acne and sometimes they can be blood stained as well. Hepar Sulph also helps in healing the acne and controlling the pain associated with it.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

This medicine should be considered as a first-line treatment for painful acne filled with pus.

How to use Hepar Sulph?

Among its different available potencies it is advised to begin treatment with 30C potency once or twice a day as per intensity of complaint.

2. Silicea – For Large Pus-filled Cystic Acne

Silicea is another top medicine to treat various skin conditions with pus formation including pus-filled acne. It gives good results in cystic acne. The acne cyst are usually very large and painful. The acne have a rosy red color and are filled with pus. There is marked itching and burning in the acne in the day time. The acne are most prominent on forehead where this medicine is required. Silicea also comes handy in treating the scars left by acne.

When to use Silicea?

This medicine is highly suggested for the treatment of cystic acne that are quite large and filled with pus along with itching and burning during daytime.

How to use Silicea?

Silicea gives remarkable results in 6X potency that can be utilized twice or thrice a day as needed.

3. Sulphur – For Cystic Acne With Itching

Sulphur is an excellent homoeopathic medicine for treating cystic acne that cause a lot of itching usually at night. Acne are mainly located on forehead and nose. The acne are inflamed. There is marked pain in acne on touching them.

When to use Sulphur?

This medicine is apt for cases of cystic acne that are very itchy and sore to touch.

How to use Sulphur?

This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies but initially it is preferred in 30C potency once a day.

4. Calcarea Sulph For Cystic Acne That Ooze Pus Along With Blood

Next medicine that has a magnificent action in treating skin conditions with pus formation is Calcarea Sulph. This medicine is suitable for treating acne breakouts, which tend to ooze pus stained with blood. The pus is yellowish thick. A heated sensation may be felt on the face.

When to use Calcarea Sulph?

Calcarea Sulph is a wonderful choice of medicine for cystic acne that oozes out yellowish pus stained with blood.

How to use Calcarea Sulph?

Calcarea Sulph can be taken in 6X potency one to two times a day.

5. Kali Bromatum – For Cystic Acne Leaving Scars

This medicine is prominently indicated to treat cystic acne that leaves scars. The acne are reddish-blue filled with pus. They appear on the face and in some cases on shoulders and chest as well. On the face, acne are mainly present on cheeks and forehead. This medicine is also recommended for acne that gets worse before menses.

When to use Kali Bromatum?

Kali Bromatum suits well cases of cystic acne developing on the face, shoulders and chest that tend to leave scars. This medicine helps to heal pustular acne and also clear the scars.

How to use Kali Bromatum?

This medicine can be used once or twice a day in 30C power.

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