Bone pain can be a result of various reasons. It could be due to deficiency of calcium or vitamin D, an injury, or joint inflammation (arthritis). Other causes may be fever due to influenza (a respiratory illness caused by influenza virus) and dengue, AVN (avascular necrosis meaning death of bone cells due to decreased blood supply to bone), osteomyelitis (serious bone infection), fracture (a break in the bone) and osteoporosis (a condition causing weakness and brittleness of bones). Further reasons are exostosis (extra bony growth on an existing bone), Paget’s Disease (a disease of bone interfering with normal bone remodelling process), sickle cell anaemia (a genetic disorder in which the red blood cells are shaped like crescent moon which decreases its blood-carrying capacity), leukaemia (cancer of blood cells), multiple myeloma (cancer forming in plasma cells which are a type of white blood cells) and bone cancer.
Bone pains can be effectively treated with natural homeopathic medicines. Apart from providing relief from pain in bones, these medicines also halt the disease process that is behind bone pain. Along with bone pain, the associated symptoms also get managed wonderfully with such medicines. Homeopathy has an excellent scope to manage most cases of bone pain with mild to moderate intensity. But it is also to be noted that homeopathy has its own limitation to help severe cases with serious causes like cancer, bone infection where it is strictly advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment.
Homeopathic medicines act deeply to treat root cause
The action of homeopathic medicines is not just superficial rather these are deep-acting medicines that focus to treat the root cause behind bone pain. These initially provide relief in bone pain. Following relief in acute pain, these medicines for bone pain will work towards root extraction of the disease. The results in homeopathy vary from case to case. In some cases, pain can only be managed while in others the pain resolves completely with homeopathic treatment. It depends on the cause of bone pain and severity of the pain.
Individualized medication
Homeopathic prescription for bone pain is done after considering the cause of the pain, the bone affected, the type of pain and the worsening and relieving factors in each case. For this, a detailed case history from the individual is taken. After this, case evaluation is done based on which homeopathic medicine is decided. It is followed by selection of potency and dosage selection for each case separately. Following such individualized treatment gives remarkable recoveries.
Safe, natural medication
Homeopathic medicines for treating bone pain are of natural origin and hence are highly safe to use. They have no side effects at all. These can be taken for as long as recommended as per the physician’s advice. They have no risk of dependency and can be easily stopped once the complaint is managed completely.
Top 7 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Bone Pain
The top seven top recommended homeopathic medicines for bone pain are Eupatorium Perfoliatum, Symphytum, Fluoric Acid, Mezereum, Aurum Met, Calcarea Phos and Ruta.
1. Eupatorium Perfoliatum – For Bone Pain in Fever
Eupatorium Perfoliatum is a top natural remedy for treating bone pain during fever mainly dengue, malaria or influenza fever. The bone pains are very severe and can be present in any bone or all the bones. The bones feel as if they are broken. The severe bone pain also leads to extreme restlessness. To bring about prompt relief from bone pain in fever, no medicine equals remedy Eupatorium Perfoliatum.
When to use Eupatorium Perfoliatum?
Eupatorium Perfoliatum is the best choice of medicine to manage bone pain during fever especially from dengue, malaria and influenza with a feeling as if bones are broken.
How to use Eupatorium Perfoliatum?
This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies but to start with it is recommended to take it in 30C potency one to two times a day.
2. Symphytum – For Bone Pain From Bone Injury and Fractures
Symphytum, also known as knit bone, is of great help in treating bone pain resulting from injuries of bone or fracture. It proves highly effective in healing injured bones and to promote joining of fractured bones. In most cases needing it the pains are pricking type. The pains are accompanied by utmost soreness in the affected bones.
When to use Symphytum?
Symphytum is an apt medicine to reduce pain, soreness of bones due to bone injury / fractures and aid natural healing.
How to use Symphytum?
Symphytum is mainly used in mother tincture (Q) form to get the best results that can be used once or twice a day.
3. Fluoric Acid – For Bone Pains Worse At Night
Fluoric Acid is of great use to manage cases of bone pains that get worse at night. This is attended with marked weakness. The bones are swollen and inflamed. There is also a tendency of bony outgrowths on existing bone (exostosis). Bone damage especially of long bones can be present where this medicine is required.
When to use Fluoric Acid?
This medicine should be selected to help cases of bone pains that are most troublesome at night.
How to use Fluoric Acid?
This medicine is available in both low and high potency but initially Fluoric Acid 30C is usually recommended that can be used once a day.
4. Mezereum – For Bone Pains Affecting Long Bones Mainly of Thigh and Legs
Mezereum is mainly used to treat bone pains that affects long bones. The pain is especially worse from the least touch. Pain is mainly felt in bones of thigh and leg. Stitching type of pain is prominent. There is tendency of pain to get worse at night. The bones may be swollen or inflamed. Worsening of bone pains in damp weather may also be noted.
When to use Mezereum?
This medicine can be considered to manage bone pains occurring in long bones of leg and thigh especially that get worse from slightest touch.
How to use Mezereum?
It is advised to take Mezereum 30C once a day.
5. Aurum Met – For Pain in Bones of Face, Skull, Fingers, Toes, Tibia (a Bone of Leg)
Aurum Met is an ideal medicine for managing bone pains felt in bones of face, nose, skull, fingers, toes, tibia (a bone of leg). The pains get worse at night. The bones especially of the face are inflamed and there is tearing, stitching or burning type of pain present. The nasal bone is painful to touch.
When to use Aurum Met?
Its use should be preferred to manage bone pains mainly of face, skull, nose, fingers, toes, tibia that are most troublesome at night.
How to use Aurum Met?
One may use this medicine once a day in 30C power.
6. Calcarea Phos – For Pain in Hip Bone and Bones of Arms
This medicine is beneficial to treat cases of pain in hip bone as well as the bones of arms. There is pain in all bones of the arms. In hip bone, the pain can be shooting or tearing type. At times, stitching pain is felt in hip bone that radiates up and down along with a sensation of warmth.
When to use Calcarea Phos?
Calcarea Phos proves effective to manage pain in hip bone and bones of arms.
How to use Calcarea Phos?
Among its different potencies, it is commonly utilized in 6X potency that can be taken three to four times in a day.
7. Ruta – To Manage Pain in Bones of Wrist, Hands, Feet
Ruta is very helpful to manage bone pains appearing in wrist, hands and feet. Sore bruised pains are marked. There is difficulty in stepping on the feet due to pain. It is accompanied with heated sensation. Ruta is also the best medicine when there is excessive soreness and bruised sensation in bones following injuries.
When to use Ruta?
Ruta is an important medicine to treat pain in bones of wrist, hands, and feet and also for bony pains due to injuries along with marked sore bruised feeling.
How to use Ruta?
Both 30C and 200C potency of this medicine give amazing results. In the beginning two to three doses of this medicine in 30C potency can be used per day.
Good morning sir, I am Sk Ahamad,52 yrs male maths teacher.when I tried teach my students 4 months back I experienced pain in chest and upper back.I consulted cordiologist.After all evaluations he said it’s not related to cordio.Later I started experiencing pain at epi gastic region now and then.I consulted Gastro’.After doing endoscopy he ruled out it’s not related to gastro.As the pain is in back and chest he adviced me to meet ortho’.orthopaedician after physical examination suggested pain killers….Now our schools are open .I take 3 classes daily and travel for 40+40 kms to school by a small 4 wheeler,not car.My main problem is experiencing pain in upper back bone and sternum.while teaching wearing mask the pain around sternum increasing.No suggest me homoeo medicines.Tq sir
My name is Noorul Imam. I am 50 years old. I belong to Karachi, Pakistan. The problem is that I have pain in my thigh bone and right hand on the back of the shoulder and it is due to cold. I usually have bone pain in some part of my body in cold weather, please prescribe medicine etc, thanking you for your reply
I have bone mass projecting upwards at Navicular bone of left foot which occured after sprain some years ago. i experience uncomfortness when ear shoes.
Which homeopathic medicine can help
Dear Doctor Sharma, My problem is pain from developing bunions in both feet.Walking is becoming very painful and oral pain relief (codeine) seems ineffective. I have begun using the corrective splints, but so far no improvement.Regards Diana
Hi I am Anita going through chemo for ALL
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia also I think I have osteoporosis bone pain what is a good med6
knee pain at pereostim when Istand vertically up
Sir, my left side collar bone is injured (no any cracks Only pain) in gym During (chest workout day) . From 2 weeks, I can do rest from 3 days but pain is as it is… Please suggest sone idea for medicine
Hallo Sir, i’m 65 years old man from India. I’m suffering more then 6/8 months from bone pain in my leg and thigh also feelings sensation of burning in my scin and muscle. So please cane you help me for remady my disease as soon as possible by your best prescribed medicine.
Thanks lot.
Krishna Jiban Chowdhury
India, Birati-BBT, Kolkata 700051
Bone pain in both leg , my age is 60 suggest homeopathy medicine
Dear Dr. Sharma
I read your articles on homeopathic medicines for different ailments since long. The presentation of your articles is excellent. Your work is great and highly beneficial. The description and healing properties of your best chosen medicines is briefly and nicely described therein. You are truly helping the mankind. YOU ARE GREAT SIR. GOD ALWAYS BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY WITH PEACE AND HAPPINESS AND LONG LIFE.
Best regards.
Dr. Sharma,
Can you recommend a homeopathic for bone pain related to an arm fracture?
My mom is 50 years old. She is suffering from pain in shoulders,thighs,back, and backside of her head.
2 months before her uterus has been removed through an operation.plz suggest medicine for her pain.
I have consulted a homoeo doctor for my father who is having skull base osteomyelitis due to unresolved ear infection.the problem had started one year before on the right ear ,then penetrated to petrous bone.Now he has no pain in right ear but the pain started towards left ear and head .left ear seems to be normal after consulting with ENT.Still undergoing Meropenem IV for the last 10 months.Started consulting homeo last month.Doctor had prescribed Echinacea, selenium 3x,Hekla lava and Lachesis for 2 months.whether we are following the right medications.please suggest
I had an bike accident 5 years ago and got severe injury in left hip bone. No problem throught the year but this winter it is severe pain for 15 days.
I do feel pain as mentioned at 09 (For Long Bone Pains (thigh, leg, upper arm and forearm).
I am serving in Arunachal Pradesh at Demwe near Tezu, Dist- Lohit in Army.
Can you send medicine at this location. Here facilities available to receive item purchased through on line.
I have pain in upper arm bone not move hsnf in back side ihad dtmach cancer 6years ago
How homepathic is treated for osteomyelitis. Plzz let me know if any treatment in homeopathy
My problem right knee leg Osteomyelities last 15 years
I have navicular pain in my left foot. What homeopathic medicine should I take for the cure.
السلام عليكم
مريضة مصابة بالام شديدة في عظام الحوض بسبب انتشار السرطان
Namaste Dr. Sharma,
I am a professional homeopath but don’t have much experience with treating “bone pain”. A 70 yr. old male friend is complaining of bone pain ever since his recent diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes, pain worse at night. Also, his legs feel as if they might cramp, but they don’t. He has also recently lost a lot of weight (due to adhering to a strict diabetic diet), he is very chilly and complains of “bone pain” especially at night in the long bones of his legs. He is quick tempered, highly intelligent, impatient, intolerant and irritable.
However, he actively seeks company and becomes sad when alone. I have given just one dose of Arnica 200c with little if any relief, and he has also just finished taking Kali Muriaticum for trouble hearing ever since a sinus infection about 2-3 months ago. I’m at a loss as to how to treat his “bone pain”, can you help please? Thank you and shanti on, blessings
I just had molar in lower jaw removed. I have tenderness in lymphs under jaw which could be bone infection?
I am taking Silica cell salts. What can I use for infection if there is one? It has been 4 days since removal. Jaw is very sore and limited range of motion is improving. Don’t want or need infection. I do not eat bread or starch or sugar or nightshades. Please can you help. Thank you. Kelly
Hi Dr Sharma, I am female 63 yrs and have spent a great deal of my life unwell. In Nov 2016 it was discovered that a tooth fragment had been left in my upper jaw where a wisdom tooth had been extracted some 40 yrs earlier. Although this has now been resolved and I’ve lost the majority of my teeth only in the past few years, I have now been diagnosed with chronic osteomyelitis of my upper and lower jawbone. I also have a mercury/heavy metal issue although all my amalgams were removed many years ago and I’ve spent all this time trying to detox without much success.
Any suggestion would be most helpful.