If you experience a persistent drowsiness and a feeling of fatigue throughout the day and you need cups of cappuccino to get yourself going, chances are you suffer from a chronic condition of low blood pressure, for which natural medicines offer a suitable treatment. In numerical terms, if the figure drops to 90 mmHg/60 mmHg or less it is counted as low blood pressure. Medically talking, low blood pressure is termed as hypotension. The various causes of low blood pressure include dehydration, blood loss, anaemia, folate deficiency, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, and heart disease (including valve problems, heart failure). Certain medicines like anti-depressants, diuretics and alpha and beta blockers also lead to low blood pressure. The symptoms of low blood pressure are dizziness, vertigo, nausea, cold skin, fatigue and fainting spells. Homeopathic medicines for low blood pressure offer ideal treatment as they are devoid of any side-effects and are the most natural method for treating this problem and how.
Homeopathic Medicines for Low Blood Pressure
Homeopathy is helpful in both cases of a sudden, acute drop in blood pressure as well as in persons with persistently low blood pressure. The first aim of these medicines in treating low blood pressure is to provide symptomatic relief to persons in acute cases. And the next aim is to strengthen the heart muscles and boost the blood circulation to maintain normal blood pressure. While making a prescription for low blood pressure, the cause behind the condition is always taken into consideration. Another advantage of medicines for treating low blood pressure is that they can be used among all age groups with significant success.
The most effective medicines for low blood pressure are Gelsemium, China, Naja and Viscum Album. Gelsemium is opted when vertigo, dizziness and lightheadedness is marked on account of low blood pressure. China is highly beneficial for low blood pressure from dehydration after diarrhea and from blood loss. And last two medicines Naja and Viscum Album are an excellent choice when valvular heart lesions lead to low blood pressure.
1. For Low Blood Pressure with marked dizziness and Vertigo
The top-grade medicines for low blood pressure with marked dizziness and vertigo are Gelsemium and Viscum Album. Gelsemium is an excellent choice when dizziness, vertigo and dullness are marked. Drowsiness and a feeling of tiredness accompany the condition. Heaviness of head and eyelids is also present. Pulse is also slow. Gelsemium is also effective when blood pressure drops suddenly from emotional excitement. The emotional excitement may be triggered by any bad news, fright, sudden grief and other causes. Next medicine Viscum Album is an appropriate choice when persistent vertigo from low blood pressure is present. Pulse is small and weak. Aching and dull pain in the head also appears. These medicines improve the sluggish circulation and ensure complete recovery.
2. For Low Blood pressure after Sun Exposure
Highly effective medicines for low blood pressure following sun exposure are Glonoine and Natrum Mur. Glonoine is one of the best medicines for low blood pressure after sun exposure. It is indicated when head heaviness, vertigo and fainting spells appear after sun exposure. Vertigo is marked in an upright position. Next medicine Natrum Mur is selected when headache, exhaustion with nausea and vomiting appear after being exposed to the sun for long hours. Blood pressure is lowered with a slow, weak pulse. These medicines can be repeated frequently in an emergency condition to recover from low blood pressure.
3. For Low Blood pressure from Dehydration
Two of the most suitable medicines for low blood pressure after dehydration are Carbo Veg and China. Both these medicines help in improving blood pressure. These medicines for low blood pressure are effective when severe diarrhea with dehydration is the cause. There is marked exhaustion with episodes of fainting. Blood pressure is low. The pulse is slow, weak and often imperceptible. The body is cold to touch with sweating. The person presents a picture of collapse. These medicines help to restore normal blood pressure when started well in time.
4. For Low Blood Pressure from Blood Loss (Hemorrhage):
The predominant medicines for low blood pressure following blood loss are China and Ferrum Met. These are natural medicines that help in complete recovery from low blood pressure resulting from blood loss. The persons needing these medicines have low blood pressure with marked debility and exhaustion. Dizziness and vertigo are also complained of. Pulse is feeble, soft, weak, small and irregular. Marked anaemia is present in such persons. These medicines are like a tonic to improve low blood pressure resulting from haemorrhages.
5. For Low Blood Pressure when Diastolic Pressure is Low
Baryta Mur is one of the best medicines for low blood pressure when specifically diastolic pressure is lowered. Head heaviness and lassitude in the morning time are marked. Baryta Mur is of profound help in elderly people suffering from low blood pressure. Along with head heaviness, weakness in the legs is also complained of. Pulse is also slow and in a few persons is imperceptible when Baryta Mur is indicated.
6. For Low Blood Pressure with Valve Problems in Heart
The significant medicines for low blood pressure from valvular heart complaints include Naja and Viscum Album. Naja and Viscum Album are highly useful medicines for low blood pressure with valve problems in the heart. They are indicated for low blood pressure when the pulse is small, weak, irregular. Weight and oppression in the heart region is also complained of. Palpitations may also accompany.
Management of Low Blood Pressure:
Some quick fixes for avoiding this condition are:
- Increase fluid intake.
- Increase salt intake.
- Drink coffee in an emergency.
Hello, I have POTS and low blood pressure is a classic symptom. what homeopathy product would be best for this situation
My Dad has heart and kidney failure. He’s in the hospital tonight and his blood pressure is low. They think he’s dying. Is there any homeopathy I can try to raise it since they say that the medicines are too dangerous for his other conditions. Thank you, Marian
My daughter was diagnosed with Low Blood Pressure with a Valve Problem in her Heart. Numbers 6 and 1 in this article address the symptoms that she is having and what was described by the cardiologist. They want to put her on a Beta blocker. I wanted to know what Potency of Viscum Album she would need to treat this and the frequency in which she should take it.
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