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Homeopathic Remedies for Bed Sores

Bed Sores are commonly seen in persons who are immobilized and stay in bed or wheelchair for a long time. They do not change their position often and this results in damage to the skin and the underlying tissues because of the constant pressure on skin for a long duration. Bed Sores are also known as pressure sores or Decubitus Ulcers. When a person lies in bed for a long time — due to medical conditions like paralysis, spinal problems and several others — the skin is constantly pressed between the bones and the bed. As a result, the blood supply to skin is hindered, resulting in skin damage. Persons who involuntarily pass urine or stool are also prone to develop Bed Sores due to constantly moist skin. Elderly people and diabetics too are more likely to develop Bed Sores, which are mostly formed on the skin over bony prominences. Bed Sores are commonly seen on heels, hips, sacrum, elbows, shoulder blades and spine. Natural remedies are very beneficial in treating Bed Sores. These homeopathic medicines for bed sores are completely safe with zero side effects and treat Bed Sores effectively by providing relief from pain and curing blisters and pus in ulcers.  homeopathic medicines for bed sores

Signs and Symptoms of Bed Sores

In the beginning, Bed Sores show their presence as red skin area which soon turns bluish or purplish due to diminished blood supply. The patient experiences itching and pain. In the next stage, blisters appear on skin. When these eruptions of varying size containing fluid burst out, ulcers appear on the skin. The ulcers then start to find a way into deeper tissues. If the condition deteriorates, damage to deeper tissues, including muscles and even bones, may occur. Pus discharge or foul odour discharge is a warning sign and it needs immediate attention.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for Bed Sores

Arnica, Apis  Mellifica, Carbo Veg, Arsenic Album,  Silicea, Hepar Sulph, Paeonia, and Pyrogen are the top remedies for bed sores.

1. Arnica: For Bed Sores with Black and Blue Spots on Skin

Arnica is the best natural medicine for treating Bed Sores when the skin turns bluish or blackish in appearance. The colour changes are due to marked stasis of blood because of the constant pressure on the affected part. The bluishness is accompanied by marked soreness. The patient complains of bruised and sore feeling in the affected part and feels as if the bed is too hard to lie on. Along with soreness, the patient may also complain of itching. In such conditions, Arnica is the ideal Homeopathic prescription to reduce blood stasis and hence, the black or blue spots. The soreness and itching diminish with its use. Apart from these effects, Arnica also acts as a preventive medicine against pus formation that occurs in late stages of bed sores.

2. Apis Mellifica: For Rose-Colored Bed Sores with Burning Sensation

Apis Mellifica is the ideal natural remedy for Bed Sores where the skin appears rose coloured. There is a marked burning sensation in the spots. The patient complains of pain in the spots and it gets worse by touch. The condition also gets worse in a warm room or from heat of bed. The desire is to be in open air or uncover the affected parts to reduce the pain and burning. The pain may be of a stinging kind.

3. Carbo Veg: For Bed Sores with Blue Spots and Coldness of Affected Part

Carbo Veg is of great help for treating Bed Sores when the skin is bluish with coldness. Excessive sweat may also be present along with the coldness. The person needing Carbo Veg has bluish-coloured Bed Sores due to stagnation of blood in capillaries. Because of stagnated blood, there is imperfect oxidation, resulting in Bed Sores with a bluish tint. Apart from bluishness, coldness and sweat, the other complaint is itching. The itching most of the times gets worse by warmth. Itching may also be mostly experienced towards evening time. Bleeding from the sores is also narrated by a few patients. Marked weakness forms a part of the total symptom picture.

4. Arsenic Album: For Bed Sores with Offensive Discharge

Arsenic Album is the top natural remedy for Bed Sores where ulcers have formed with discharge of an offensive character. The discharge from ulcers is extremely putrid. Pain in ulcers, especially of a burning nature, is dominantly present. The pains in majority of cases get worse at night. Cold may also worsen the pain and burning in ulcers. The person also seems weak. Homeopathic medicine Arsenic Album efficiently helps in clearing the putrid discharge and ulcers as well as reducing the burning pain.

5. Silicea and Hepar Sulph: For Bed Sores with Pus

Silicea is a natural medicine that always stands out in the treatment of various medical conditions associated with formation of pus. Silicea is a very powerful and efficient medicine to get rid of pus discharges. It can be prescribed in all cases of Bed Sores with discharge of pus. Hepar Sulph is the remedy when the pus discharge is bloody. There is extreme pain and sensitiveness in the ulcer. The person needing Hepar Sulph may also have a burning and stinging feeling in the ulcers. So, while Silicea is selected when only pus oozes out of ulcers, Hepar Sulph is the best remedy when blood oozes out along with pus from ulcers.

6. Paeonia: For Bed Sores on Sacrum and Coccyx

Paeonia is the most efficient natural medicine for Bed Sores that show their presence on the skin covering sacrum and coccyx. Ulcers are present with pain and sensitiveness, Itching and pain in ulcers may also be felt and are effectively controlled by Homeopathic medicine Paeonia.

7. Pyrogen: For Bed Sores tending towards Sepsis

Sepsis is a very critical condition also called blood poisoning. In Sepsis, the septic or poisonous matter appears in blood and spreads to the entire body. In such cases of extreme Bed Sores where the infection has gained access to blood, Pyrogen is a very beneficial medicine. The patient shows symptoms of increased pulse rate and high fever with shivering. The skin is cold and sweaty and there is a presence of deep ulcers with horribly offensive discharge.

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  1. Sudhamay Karan says:

    My father is 84 yrs ole and suffering from shortness of breath from last one month. he is able to speak, see and walk. His sugar and pressure is normal. Now we are seeing 1 big red colour spot and 2 -3 small black spot on buttocks from last one week . Pls help me.

  2. Ku santosh says:

    My sister 52year old ledy two month bed par unke bake porsan me deep bedsore ho gaya pleas help me

  3. Nidhi saxena says:

    Dear dr
    My mother’ condition is very bed .she can not speak, see and walk . She is on bed completely for 1 year. She has beome like skelton. There are 5-7 bedsores on her waist.few bedsores are very big in size and pus is coming out from 2 bedsores . She is having fever too from last one week . Shecis 85 years old . Pls help .

  4. manaar Zehra says:

    My sister is suffering from cardiac arrest from lSt 21 years and about last six month she has a beds ores with pus and blood we tried so many ointment but in vain please suggest dose and ointment which we can apply for fastest recovery. Thans

  5. manaar Zehra says:

    I want to know the best medicine for severe bed sores with blood and puscoming

  6. prashant mutha says:

    A 80 year old patient of lumbar stenosis, had mandiblectomy of left jaw, has devloped bed sores in buttock region. Patient is hypertensive, diabetic and with hypothroidism.
    What can be the drug of chioice ?

  7. Saurav kumar says:

    Sir 45yrs patient male operated twice with brain tumor and unable to move having bed sore at back since last 4months calendula q is applied and atking staphygeria 1m 3dose daily no improvement

  8. Humayun mirza says:

    Patient has had 2 heart attacks. Lungs are weak owing 2 excessive smoking. About 3 weeks ago he had a cerebral stroke whereby left side paralysed. Speech is ok . Was in hospital for 12 days . Developed bad bed sores in the back lower spinal area. At home on surgical bed & water mattress . Very slow improvement with Allopathic medicine pus formation with foul smell without blood.. kindly advise medicine for d bed sores with dosage.. thanks . He is 58 years old

  9. Humayun mirza says:

    Patient has had 2 heart attacks. Lungs are weak owing 2 excessive smoking. About 3 weeks ago he had a cerebral stroke whereby left side paralysed. Speech is ok . Was in hospital for 12 days . Developed bad bed sores in the back lower spinal area. At home on surgical bed & water mattress . Very slow improvement with Allopathic medicine pus formation with foul smell without blood.. kindly advise medicine for d bed sores with dosage.. thanks

    • Rajendra kumar says:

      My mother has 65 yrs old.she got femur fracture so she is in bed.Now she had 4 stage bed sore. I have operated my mother bed sore .Now bed sore looks like red and some yellow dead cell skin.Sir please advice to quickly heal to mother bed sore.Thanks

  10. Ashutosh Kumar Verma says:

    My father is suffering from bed sore since November 2018

  11. My father 85 years old, one month back he had a pelvic surgery, surgery is ok but he is suffering from bed sore, kindly suggest if he can take pyrogen 200 & how many times, regular dressing is going on & taking antibiotic pills, whether he should continue the antibiotics while he start pyrogen. I am very much worried, kindly help.

  12. Sutirtha das says:

    Respected Doctor,
    My mother is 68 years old and she suffering from bedsores and IBS for long time
    She treated under homeopathy, she intake medicine podophyllum-30 three times per day and dressing with calendula two drop mixed with hot water.

  13. Navrang Kothari says:

    my mother’s 91 bed redden she haven’t given deep ulcer in below bumbs bum started others parts of body she kant speak she lost momery wat medicine we have giv in this condition.
    we are giving some antibiotics and silverx ointment and she sleeping on Air bad pl adivasis medicines for her she having pain also

  14. gayle jacker says:

    my mom is 89 years old and has a bed sore on her heal from being in a rehab center. we have been treating this for about 7 weeks now the nurses have tryed medihoney and other things im feeling very discourged as well my mom is very discourged her other leg is badly broken and cannot have surgery I seriousley need some help to get this healed

  15. Prasad Dharu says:

    Dear Doctor my wife is having osteosarcoma and suffering from bedsores. I would like to meet you and consult you on this. Please let me know the contact details and how and when I can meet you in person. Prasad Dharu Mobile No. 9372270966 I live in Pune.

  16. Birender Singh says:

    I have bed sore on right buttack(spine injury 1985 L1-L3) inn may 2018 bedsore becomes septic and I was on NWPT
    For one month but wound does not heal.bedsore. Reach up to bone and pockets on upward and down in hip and leg with watery pus discharge.(discharge was plenty and smelly but now only approx 50ml pus without ant smell)
    Please suggest some homeo medicine.there is numbness in hip area.

  17. Dear Dr. Sharma,

    My mother 85 years, has just been diagnosed bed sores, is there any remedy in homeopathic

  18. Niladri Sekhar Singha says:

    My grandmother suffering from bed sore, she is 90. Plz suggest medicine.

  19. engr. anil bhowmick says:

    i have a sore at left glutial zone (at seating position) for last 60 days which forms a sinus around 50 mm deep. I have been getting dressing at the wound once a day with sterile gauze and povicef.
    Most of the antibiotics are resistant to my body.
    i want to take homeo medicine to get it cured.Please note that i am wheelchair bound due to tetraplegia for last 36 years.I am a service holder ad need to sit on my wheelchair 8-10 hours a day.Now i am completely on bed rest.
    Looking ahead for your advice.

  20. Dr.syed saleh shah.BHMS. says:

    Dear Dr.Sharma
    A very helpful article about bed sores
    Thanks for detailed information about multiple remedies regarding bed sores
    Keep it up sir
    With best regards

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