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Natrum Salicylicum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The homeopathic remedy Natrum Salicylicum is derived from sodium salicylate which is inert in its crude state. When it undergoes potentization (a process of preparation of homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties from its crude form), it becomes a very valuable homeopathic medicine — Natrum Salicylicum. Its use is primarily indicated to treat ear complaints, including Tinnitus and Meniere’s disease.

Drug Action

The action of this medicine is limited to certain organs only. This medicine’s sphere of action mainly centers around the ears. It also has a wonderful action on the joints. Besides these, it acts well on the limbs. Lastly, its action is noted in the eyes and the skin.

Clinical Indications

Tinnitus, Meniere’s disease, hearing difficulty, vertigo, joint pain, abscess, iritis, amblyopia, squint, urticaria, pemphigoid

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Ear Complaints (Tinnitus, Hearing Difficulty, Meniere’s Disease, And Vertigo)

Natrum Salicylicum has a deep effect on the ears, especially, the inner ears. It is mainly indicated to help cases of tinnitus. Tinnitus refers to hearing noises in the ears in the absence of an external source (ringing, buzzing, whistling, etc). Those who need this medicine mainly experience tinnitus of low noise. Most of the time the patients tend to hear constant noise in the ears. It is often accompanied by difficulty in hearing. Next, it works very well in cases of vertigo that is linked to inner ear problems. Natrum Salicylicum is a wonderful medicine and manages cases of Meniere’s disease. It is an inner ear disorder characterized by symptoms including tinnitus, vertigo, fluctuating hearing loss, and a sensation of fullness in the ears. The medicine is used when tinnitus is intense and accompanied by deafness and vertigo spells. Vertigo in such cases worsens from the raising of the head. It also worsens when one rises after having lied down for a while, and upon subsequent sitting up. Those who need this medicine suffer from vertigo and seem to have the kind of sensation as though all the objects are moving to the right side. They feel that lying down helps in relieving vertigo.

Key Indicating Features

Tinnitus of a low tone

Tinnitus with constant noises in the ears

Tinnitus with difficulty in hearing

Vertigo linked with inner ear problems

Meniere’s disease with intense tinnitus, deafness, and vertigo spells

2. Joints And Limbs (Joint Pain, Itching On Hand, Swollen Feet, And Axillary Abscess)

The second action of Natrum Salicylicum is seen on the joints and limbs. It manages complaints of joint pains very well. Its use is suggested to relieve pain in the joints resulting from joint inflammation arising from gout (joint inflammation, swelling, pain, heat, tenderness from high uric acid levels) or some other reason. It also proves effective in managing itching on the back side of the right hand. It can help in relieving swelling on the feet and tenderness on the soles. Its use can also be done in cases of an axillary abscess (a pus-filled lump in the armpit).

Key Indicating Features

Pain in the joints from joint inflammation arising from gout or some other reason

Itching on the back side of the right hand

Swelling of the feet and tenderness on the soles

Abscess in the axilla (armpit)

 3. Eye Complaints (Iritis, Squint, And Amblyopia)

This medicine also acts well on the eyes. It proves to be an effective medicine in cases of iritis (inflammation of the iris – the pigmented structure in the eye that regulates the amount of light that can enter the retina) that occurs from an injury. This medicine is also well-indicated for treating cases of squint specifically the divergent squint in which one eye diverges to the corner (in the direction of the temple) while looking at an object. Next, its use is considered in managing cases of amblyopia. It is also known as lazy eye in which poor vision occurs in one of the eyes.

Key Indicating Features

Inflammation of the iris (iritis) from an injury

Divergent squint when one eye diverges outwards while looking at an object

4. Skin Concerns (Urticaria, Itching, And Pemphigoid)

Lastly, it acts on the skin though in a very limited manner. Firstly, it is well indicated to manage cases of urticaria.

Urticaria also known as hives and nettle rash refers to a skin condition in which there appear red, itchy bumps (wheals) on the skin due to an allergic reaction. For those who need this medicine, urticaria occurs in most body parts. But it is marked most prominently on the abdomen and the legs. The rash is red-coloured and appears in circumscribed patches. It can be accompanied by swelling in the arms. Next, it proves beneficial in cases of itching and tingling sensation on the skin. Another skin complaint where its effectiveness is markedly seen is pemphigoid (It is an autoimmune disorder that leads to skin rash and blisters, meaning thereby fluid-filled eruptions on the arms, legs, and abdomen). It is suitable when these eruptions appear mainly on the hands though other body parts may be affected as well. Besides these, it is indicated when there occur very red circumscribed patches on the skin, especially on the face, forehead, and legs. The redness disappears when pressure is applied.

Key Indicating Features

Urticaria on most body parts especially on the abdomen, and the legs

Itching, and tingling sensation on the skin

Pemphigoid (a skin condition with formation of blisters means fluid-filled eruptions on the skin) mainly on hands

Very red circumscribed patches on the skin especially on the face, forehead, and legs


Use of this medicine is recommended in both low and high potencies. A general rule to be followed is that the lower potencies can be repeated frequently while higher potencies should be used in not so frequent manner.

Relationship With Other Remedies

In case of Meniere’s disease, it can be compared with some other medicines including China, Kali Iodatum, and Carboneum Sulph.

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Stannum Metallicum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The homeopathic remedy Stannum Metallicum is derived from metal tin. Metal tin is inert in its crude form. When it undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines by arousing the medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into an excellent homeopathic medicine Stannum Metallicum. This medicine is highly effective to manage various respiratory troubles, certain female problems, typist’s paralysis and writer’s cramp.

Drug Action

The seat of action of the highest affinity for this medicine is respiratory system and nervous system. Its action is also marked on female organs, limbs, head and throat. Lastly, it acts well on throat and gastric system. Its action in dealing with weakness related to respiratory problems is marvellous.

Clinical Indications

Cough, weak lungs, asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, uterine prolapse, leucorrhoea, weakness, Writer’s cramp, paralysis, tremors, headache, sore throat, laryngitis, voice weak, colic, constipation, excessive sweating

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Respiratory Complaints (Cough, Difficulty In Breathing)

Stannum Metallicum has a great clinical reputation in treatment of several respiratory complaints. Firstly, it proves to be highly effective in managing cases of cough. The characteristic feature to use it is worsening of cough by talking, singing and also by laughing. Green coloured expectoration may occur along with cough. It has a sweetish taste. Sometimes blood may get spilt. The cough is worse during the day. Other than this, Stannum Met is also well indicated for dry cough in the evening that lasts until midnight. One very peculiar symptom is cough occurs in paroxysms of three at a time. This medicine is useful when there is difficulty in breathing on exertion. Difficulty in breathing gets worse on ascending stairs and on the slightest motion. It gets worse in the evening that causes the sufferer to loosen clothing. Difficult breathing may be attended with stitching pain in the left side of the chest while breathing or lying on the left side. The lungs also feel weak. Stannum Met is recommended for managing certain respiratory problems including asthma, emphysema and pneumonia. Its use is also suggested for managing symptoms in cases of tuberculosis. In most cases needing it, expectoration occurs that may taste salty, sweet or sour with putrid smell. It may consist of yellow green pus in some cases. An important symptom for using this medicine is an empty, weak sensation or a raw, hollow sensation in the chest. Chest may also feel oppressed. Besides these, a marked symptom for its use is intense weakness from some long term lung complaint with expectoration of mucus and pus. The sufferer is unable to talk and drops in the chair instead of sitting in a comfortable position due to weakness.

Key Indicating Features

Cough worse from talking, singing and laughing

Cough with green-coloured expectoration

Cough occurring in paroxysms of three

An empty, weak sensation or a raw, hollow sensation in the chest

Intense weakness from some long-term lung complaint with expectoration of mucus and pus

2. Female Problems (Leucorrhoea, Uterine Prolapse)

Stannum Metallicum proves effective in managing few female problems. To begin with, its use is preferred to manage vaginal discharges (leucorrhoea). The characteristic to use it is gushing vaginal discharge along with weakness. The discharge can be yellow white, thin watery or of transparent mucus. Secondly, it is well suited for managing cases of uterine prolapse. Here it is accompanied by bearing down in uterine region with weak, sinking feeling in stomach. Weakness is marked and sufferer drops down suddenly. Lastly, it can help in cases where menses come too early and are too profuse. Before periods set in,  sadness is present.

Key Indicating Features

Gushing vaginal discharge yellow white, thin watery or of transparent mucus with weakness

Uterine prolapse with bearing down in uterine region and weak, sinking feeling in stomach

3. Limbs (Writer’s Cramp, Weakness Of Arms, Paralysis, Tremors)

Action of this medicine is marked on the limbs. This medicine is of utmost importance in managing cases of Writer’s Cramp (a disorder in which there occurs involuntary contraction of hands, fingers while writing). It suits people in whom fingers become rigid all of sudden, distort or contract on attempting to pick a pen or after using hands for a long time. Person may have to open the contracted fingers with the other hand. Jerking of fingers when holding a pen may also appear. Stannum Metallicum can be given in cases of heaviness and weakness in arms as well. It gets worse from movement. Weakness can be so intense that everything that is held in hands tend to fall. This medicine is well indicated to manage cases of Typist’s Paralysis. It provides substantial relief in cases of trembling of hands.

Key Indicating Features

Writer’s Cramp: Fingers become rigid, contract on attempting to pick pen or after using hands for a long time

Heaviness and weakness in arms with falling of objects from hands

4. Head (Headache)

With its action on the head, Stannum Metallicum can effectively deal with cases of headache. Pain is felt in the forehead and the sides of head and gets worse from movement. The nature of pain can be beating type with a feeling as if the head would burst. It can be given for headache in the morning over either eye that gradually extends over the entire forehead accompanied by vomiting. Its use can be done in migraine cases too when vomiting relieves pain in head.

Key Indicating Features

Headache, felt in forehead and sides of head, which gets worse from movement

Headache in the morning over the eyes gradually extending over the forehead, along with vomiting

Migraine with relief in headache from vomiting

5. Throat Concerns (Laryngitis, Hoarse Voice, Sore Throat)

Coming to throat concerns, Stannum Met is very useful for laryngitis cases. It is a wonderful medicine for cases of hoarse voice attended with weakness of voice. The voice may be deep or hollow. Hawking relieves it. Stannum Met can also settle complaints of sore throat. There is dryness and stinging sensation in throat. Pain is felt in the throat while swallowing. There is sticky mucus in the throat which is difficult to detach. Efforts to raise it causes nausea. Thick mucus of grey green colour with blood is detached from the throat.

Key Indicating Features

Hoarse voice attended with weakness of voice

Sticky mucus in throat which is difficult to detach

Thick mucus of grey green colour mixed with blood detaches from throat

6. Gastric Issues (Abdomen Pain, Navel Pain, Nausea, Vomiting, Constipation)

Another magnificent action of this medicine is seen on the gastric system. It is a superb medicine which helps manage abdomen pain with hunger better from hard pressure. Loose motions may be an accompanying factor. It can also alleviate cramping cutting, or pinching pain around the navel. The abdomen is distended and also sensitive to touch. It also gives substantial relief in case of nausea, and vomiting. It is of great help when nausea and vomiting occurs owing to the smell of food at the stage of it being cooking. Besides all these, it is of great value in helping manage constipation. It works well when the stool is dry, hard, knotty with just an urge to pass it.

Key Indicating Features

Abdomen pain with hunger better from hard pressure

Cramping, cutting, pinching pain in navel region

Nausea and vomiting from the odor of the food at the stage of it being cooked

Constipation with dry, hard, knotty stool with just an urge to pass it

7. Perspiration (Night Sweats)

Lastly, it can be given in cases of excessive sweating. Its use is mainly preferred when there are night sweats with marked exhaustion. Sweating mostly takes place at 4:00 am. The forehead and nape of the neck sweat the most. The sweat smells offensive or musty.

Key Indicating Features

Excessive night sweats with marked exhaustion

Excessive sweating on forehead, and the nape of the neck


Worsening Factors: Complaints get worse when one talks, sings, when one lies down, touch, laughing, due to cold, warm drinks, and at the time of the passing of stool

Relieving Factors: Complaints get better by applying pressure, bending double, from coughing, in the open air and from quick movement


This medicine can be used from low to high potency. If used in low potency, then there can be repetition. But in higher potencies, frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Phosphorus and Pulsatilla

Followed well by: Calcarea Carb, Bacillinum, Selenium, and Sulphur

It follows well: Causticum and Cinais is converted into an excellent homeopathic medicine Stannum Metallicum. This medicine is highly effective in managing various respiratory troubles, certain problems of women, typist’s paralysis and writer’s cramp.


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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Corns

Corns (also called helomas or clavus) are thick, hard, rough, dead areas on the skin caused by excessive friction or pressure. The most common sites for corns are feet, toes, hands, and fingers. Corns get formed due to excessive friction, rubbing, or pressure on the skin. Corns appear as thick, rough, raised areas on the skin. Corns can either be hard or soft. Hard corns appear majorly on top of the toes or on the sides of the feet while soft corns form in between the toes. They cause pain while walking or standing.  

Corns can be successfully treated under the homeopathic mode of treatment that uses a very gentle approach. Homeopathic remedies for corns are very effective and treat the problem at the roots. They help to provide relief in pain, swelling, and tenderness of the corns simultaneously dissolving the corns. Conventional mode recommends medicated patches or surgical removal of corns which is temporary, corns tend to recur afterward. Removing the corns with surgery also carries the risk of infection, while natural homeopathic medicines provide a permanent and completely safe solution to treat corns.

Homeopathy does not recommend any external application for corns. Homeopathy uses oral medicines taken through the mouth that work internally to heal corns. It gives remarkable results in corns, hard or soft, and also in both painless and painful corns. Infected corns also recover wonderfully with homeopathic medicines.

As usual, the treatment plan for corns involves an in-depth analysis of the case. The type of corns and its attending signs and symptoms are given importance while selecting homeopathic medicine in each individual case. This individualized approach of prescribing medicines yields excellent results in cases of corns.

Homeopathy uses gentle medicines for corns which are natural and therefore safe to use. They donot cause side effects in any case, persons of any age group can take them.

homeopathic medicines for corns

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Corns

The homeopathic medicines for corns that are found to be most beneficial are Antimonium Crudum, Silicea, Hepar Sulph, Ranunculus Bulbosus, Sulphur and Lycopodium.

1. Antimonium Crudum – Top-rated Remedy For Corns

Antimonium Crudum tops the list of natural medicines for corns. This medicine is often the first choice of prescription in complaint of corns. The most prominent symptom indicating the use of Antimonium Crudum is the presence of large, horny corns on the feet, which may or may not be inflamed. Antimonium Crudum is also one of the best medicines for corns where the corns are very tender. The corn may be present on soles or toes. Pain is felt in the corns while walking. Pain can be stinging, pressing, or burning type.

When to use Antimonium Crudum?

This medicine is highly recommended as a first remedy to use in cases of corns, either painless or with pain and tenderness.

How to use Antimonium Crudum?

This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. However, it is suggested to begin with in low potency like 30C that can be taken one to two times a day.

2. Silicea – For Soft Corns

Silicea is another of the top-grade medicines for corns that are soft. Soft corns mainly appear between the toes, Silicea is one of the most effective medicines for treating them. Corns between the toes may be sore and painful. Patients may also feel burning or tearing or violent stitching pain in these types of corns. Silicea also works wonders to treat corns between toes that tend to suppurate (discharge pus). There may be excessive sweating with an offensive odor on the foot where the corn is.

When to use Silicea?

It is an excellent choice of medicine for corns that are soft and form between toes along with pain and also with the tendency of pus formation.

How to use Silicea?

This medicine is frequently prescribed in 6X potency that can be taken three to four times per day as per case requirement.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Infected Corns With Pus Formation

Hepar Sulph is an effective medicine for corns that magnificently heal corns that tend to suppurate (have pus formation). The kind of corns for which Hepar Sulph would be the most suitable prescription are corns infected with pus formation and pricking pain. Burning, and stinging pains may also be experienced in cases where Hepar Sulph would be one of the ideal medicines for corns. Such corns may also be highly sensitive to touch.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

Hepar Sulph is mostly suited to manage corns that get infected with pus and pricking type of pain.

How to use Hepar Sulph?

One may take this medicine in 30C potency one to two times a day as per the intensity of symptoms.

4. Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Corns With Smarting Or Burning Pain

Ranunculus Bulbosus works well in cases where corns have marked smarting or burning pain. The corns are highly sensitive to touch. The corns are hard, and horny. The corns in this case are very sensitive to touch.

When to use Ranunculus Bulbosus?

This medicine is recommended for cases of corns with smarting, burning pain along with sensitivity to touch.

How to use Ranunculus Bulbosus?

It is advised to use this medicine once or twice a day in 30C power.

5. Sulphur – For Inflamed Corns

Sulphur is well indicated for corns that are inflamed (red, swollen, hot, painful). In cases needing it, a burning sensation is most prominent in corns. Besides the pain of stinging, pressive, boring, and stitching pain can be present.

When to use Sulphur?

This medicine is highly valuable for managing corns with inflammation i.e. when corns are accompanied with redness, heat, swelling and pain.

How to use Sulphur?

Sulphur 30C can be taken once a day.

6. Lycopodium – For Painful Corns

In cases where the most prominent symptoms are thick, indurated (hardened) corns on the feet with pressing, stitching, tearing, aching, and drawing pains, Lycopodium shows the best results. Lycopodium is also one of the best medicines for corns which are inflamed and result in sore, stinging, burning pain.

When to use Lycopodium?

Lycopodium is a useful medicine when corns are painful with varying types of pain like stitching, tearing, pressing, aching or drawing pain.

How to use Lycopodium?

Lycopodium can be administered once a day in 30C potency.

Types Of Corns

1. Hard corns(Heloma durum or clavus durus): These are small hard areas on the skin with thick skin. These appear on top of the toes.

2. Soft corns(Heloma molle or clavus mollis): These are soft textured and whitish or grey coloured. These form between the toes

3. Seed corns: These corns form on the bottom of the feet and are small in size

4. Heloma neurovasculare– Corn that contains nerves or on the blood vessels

5. Subungual heloma– Corn that forms under the nail

Signs and Symptoms Of Corns

Location: Mostly corns form on the sole of the feet or on the side/top of the toes. But these may also form on the hands and fingers.

Color: Corns are mainly yellowish in colour. With time the colour may change to red, brown, or black

Signs and symptoms are:

1. Thick, rough round areas on the skin surface that are exposed to frequent pressure or friction. It has a pointy part that digs quite deep inside the feet

2. Raised hard bump on the skin

3. Pain and tenderness in these areas. Pain gets worse upon touch and pressure. While walking it may feel as if one is walking on stones.

Causes Behind Corn Formation

The major cause of corn formation is excessive friction, rubbing or pressure on the skin. Corns are actually formed out of a protective response to save the skin from the effects of excessive pressure and friction.

Some of the predisposing factors for corns are:

1.Wearing shoes that are too tight or too loose

2.Wearing high-heeled shoes cause corns and callus on the feet

3. Long, continued standing or walking schedule for extended time periods

4. Sports activities of some occupational work that puts pressure on the feet regularly

5. Excessive sweat on the feet

6. Walking barefoot, and not wearing socks while wearing the shoes

7. Walking improperly and  heavily on inner or outer margin of the foot

8. Long, continued use of tools or musical instruments or lifting heavy weights are the major factors that are predisposing conditions for corn formation on the hands.

9. Some types of corn (keratosis punctata) are inherited which means a person has a family history of corn formation.

10. Having medical conditions like bunion (bony bump forming on joint at the base of the big toe), hammertoe (a deformity causing the toe to bend downward), arthritis (joint inflammation) in feet.


If corns are left untreated,  they may grow in size. These may become painful making walking difficult. Secondly, there are chances of corn becoming infected. The redness of corn along with the oozing of fluid may be indicative of infection. If someone has some medical condition like diabetes which results in poor blood flow to feet, then the chance of complications increases.





Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Lithium Carbonicum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Lithium Carbonicum is derived from lithium carbonate. To prepare homeopathic medicine Lithium Carbonicum, lithium carbonate has to undergo potentization. This process extracts medicinal properties from its crude form. Via this process lithium carbonate is converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Lithium Carbonicum. It is a primarily useful medicine for treating joint pains, joint inflammation and gout.

The ‘Lithium Carbonicum’ Constitution

This medicine suits well those people who have tendency to have high uric acid levels in the blood.

Drug Action

The major action of Lithium Carbonicum is noted on the joints. Further action is marked on the urinary organs, the mind, head, heart, and skin.

Clinical Indications

Joint inflammation, joint pain, gout, urinary disorders, depression, claustrophobia, bipolar disorder, headache, heart disorders, barber’s itch, dry skin.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Joint Complaints (Joint Pain, Gout, Tophi)

The principal action of ‘Lithium Carbonicum’ is seen in the joints. It is of great value in managing cases of joint inflammation and joint pains. The classical symptom to use this medicine is when joint pains get better by the application of very hot water. Generally, it is administered for treating joint pain in the shoulders, arms, fingers, and small joints. The finger and the toe joints are swollen and tender. This complaint is relieved with a hot water application. Nodular swelling is there in the joints. It is useful for ankle joint pain felt while walking. It handles those cases of pain particularly well where the knee joint occurs mainly while climbing up the stairs. The knees feel weak. It also works well in case of pain in the foot on the right side. It is felt when one awakens at night and veers off in the morning when it is the actual time to wake up. It is a well-indicated medicine for managing cases of joint pain from gout (inflamed, red, swollen, painful joints from increased uric acid levels in the blood). In gout, it is majorly indicated when there is tophi formation. Tophi are large bumps on the joints that form due to the build-up of uric acid crystals around the joints.

Key Indicating Features

Joint pains get better by application of very hot water

Inflammation of small joints especially swollen and tender finger and toe joints

Nodular swelling in the joints

Gout with tophi formation (bumps on joint formed due to accumulation of uric acid crystals around the joints)

2. Urinary Issues (Bladder Pain, Frequent Urination, Kidney Pain)

The second locality of action of this medicine is urinary organs. This medicine offers help in managing pain in the urinary bladder. It can be given when there occurs a sharp sticking pain in the neck of the bladder on the right side. It is accompanied by soreness of the bladder. Flashes of pain in the bladder are felt before passing the urine. It can be used in cases of soreness of the bladder with frequent urination. Its use is also recommended when there is frequent copious urination disturbing sleep. ‘Lithium Carb’ is administered to manage kidney pain in the right kidney. There may be the presence of mucus in the urine. Red-brown sediments may also be present in the urine.

Key Indicating Features

Sharp sticking pain in the bladder neck on the right side with soreness of the bladder

Flashes of pain in the bladder before the passing of the urine

Soreness of the bladder with frequent urination

Frequent copious urination which disturbs the sleep

3. Mind Complaints (Depression, Claustrophobia)

The action of ‘Lithium Carb’ is also marked on the mind. It is a wonderful medicine that helps manage cases of depression. Sadness, discouragement with the disposition to weep are present. There is an aversion to being spoken to and being touched. There is anxiety, restlessness, and hopelessness. It is found to be highly effective for cases of claustrophobia. Those who need this medicine have a marked fear of narrow places. Lastly, its use is suggested in managing cases of manic depression (bipolar disorder). It is a mood disorder that causes intense shifts in mood and energy levels.

Key Indicating Features

Depression with sadness, discouragement with the disposition to weep

Claustrophobia with fear of narrow places

4. Head (Headache)

It can effectively manage complaints of headaches. The foremost indication for its use is when the headache gets better after a meal. Among the most who need it, the pain is marked over the eyes. It gets worse towards the evenings. The Forehead feels constricted. The head feels very large. The next main indication for its use is that the headache gets better by rubbing. It can also be used when the headache gets worse upon lying down, and it gets better while sitting. Lastly, it proves helpful in cases where headaches in females arise from sudden suppression of menses.

Key Indicating Features

The headache gets better after a meal

The headache gets better upon rubbing

The headache gets worse upon lying down and better while sitting

Headache from sudden suppression of menses

5. Heart Issues (Pain In The Heart Region)

‘Lithium Carbonicum’ also acts well on the heart. The first indication to use it is throbbing or dull but stitching pain in the region of the heart. The pain from the heart may extend to the head. Soreness is also felt in the vicinity of the heart which gets worse while stooping. A characteristic feature to use this medicine is when there is a worsening in the symptoms of the heart, particularly while bending forward, and relief after urination.

Key Indicating Features

Throbbing or dull but stitching pain in the heart region

Soreness in the heart region gets worse while stooping

Worsening of the symptoms by bending forward, and relief after urination

6.  Skin Concerns (Dry Skin, Barber’s Itch, Eruptions)

It also acts well on the skin. The first complaint where its use is suggested is upon dry skin. There is a rough rash all over the body, marked skin dryness with itching. Next, it can take care of cases of barber’s itch (ringworm of beard). There are circular patches on the affected portion of the skin covered with scales. Lastly, it can also be used in cases of eruptions on the head, cheeks, and hands preceded by redness, and rawness of the skin.

Key Indicating Features

Dry skin with a rough rash all over the body with itching

Barber’s itch with circular patches on affected skin covered with scales


Worsening Factors: Complaints get worse from motion, during the mornings, at night, and during the menses

Relieving Factors: Complaints get better after a meal, from rest, and from urination


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. The dose and repetition of this medicine is decided by the physician as per every individual case presentation.

Relationship With Other Remedies

‘Lithium Carbonicum’ can be compared with medicines — Benzoic Acid, Lycopodium, and Berberis Vulgaris in complaints of joint pains and gout.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Dissolve your Heel Spurs – Top 6 Homeopathic medicines for calcaneal Spur and Heel Pain

Homeopathic medicines for Calcaneal Spurs

Calcaneal Spur/ heel spur refers to a sharp, pointed, horny outgrowth on the calcaneal bone present in the heel. The main symptom of a calcaneal spur is pain in the heel around the spur. Pain in the heel not only restricts movement, but the general discomfort while walking or standing affects the persona.

Homeopathic medicines offer a very safe and complete treatment for heel spur / calcaneal spur. They prove to be strong in treating the condition. Homeopathic medicines help in both dissolving the spur as well as relieving the pain in heels due to spur, thus providing complete treatment for calcaneal spurs. Mainstream medicine mainly makes use of over-the-counter pain medications, corticosteroids and anti- inflammatory injections in heel spur cases. They might help but the results are short-lived and the condition may not be resolved.  On the other hand, homeopathy goes to the core of the problem to give permanent results.

Homeopathy focuses on treating the underlying cause like damage to ligaments/muscles/tendons and control the inflammatory process as in case of arthritis, plantar fasciitis to yield excellent results in heel spur cases. Once the root problem is addressed, the bony outgrowth tends to dissolve gradually in a natural way.

The use of homeopathic medicines in calcaneal spur may also prevent surgical intervention in most cases of heel spur as recommended in conventional treatment for many cases. Homeopathic medicines work internally to dissolve calcium deposits. With a complete course of homeopathic treatment under the guidance of a homeopathic physician, a complete cure occurs in most of the cases of heel spur.

The homeopathic medicines for calcaneal spur are made of natural substances which are completely safe to use and have no side effects.

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Calcaneal Spur/ Heel Spur

The top remedies for treating Calcaneal / Heel Spur are Calcarea Fluor, Aranea Diadema, Ruta, Rhus Tox, Ammonium Mur and Pulsatilla.

1. Calcarea Fluor – Best Medicine For Dissolving Calcaneal Spur

Though there are several homeopathic medicines to dissolve heel spur, but Calcarea Fluor tops the list. It is a natural medicine with the best healing power to dissolve a calcaneal spur. This remedy is of great help in all cases of calcaneal spur whether painful or not. Not only the heel bone, this medicine is equally suitable to dissolve spurs in any bone in the body. This medicine is also indicated for extra bony outgrowths that tend to form after an injury.

When to use Calcarea Fluor?

Calcarea Fluor can be considered as the first choice of remedy in cases of calcaneal spur as it acts as the best resolving agent for bony outgrowths.

How to use Calcarea Fluor?

Its use is mainly done in 6X potency that can be taken three to four times a day.

2. Aranea Diadema – For Digging And Boring Heel Pain When Beginning To Walk

Aranea Diadema is the next well-indicated medicine for calcaneal spur. In cases needing it, there is heel pain that initially worsens on first steps when beginning to walk but is relieved after continued movement.  This remedy is best for getting rid of the digging and boring type of pain in the heel. The pain may alternate with a feeling of numbness in the heel. Extreme sensitivity to cold air can also be predominantly present.

When to use Aranea Diadema?

It is wonderful medicine to manage heel spur with digging or boring type of heel pain that worsens when starting to walk and goes away from continued movement.

How to use Aranea Diadema?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency once or twice a day.

3. Ruta – For Heel Spur Formed After Stressed Ligaments, Muscles And Tendons

Ruta works well in cases where ligaments, muscles and tendons are repeatedly stressed following which bone spurs get formed. It is indicated by a shooting pain in the heel. The pain from the heel radiates to the Achille’s tendon. The tendon that connects the calf muscle present in the back of the leg to the heels is known as Achille’s tendon also known as Tendo Achilles. For patients who have pain in the heel due to calcaneal spur with the extension of pain in Tendo Achilles, the best remedy for relief is Ruta.

When to use Ruta?

This medicine is of great help when heel spur forms due to repeated stress on ligaments, muscles and tendons of the heel along with a shooting type of heel pain.

How to use Ruta?

From its different potencies, 30C potency is the right choice to start with the treatment that can be taken twice or thrice a day.

4. Rhus Tox – For Sharp Pin like Heel Pain When Beginning To Walk

Rhus Tox is the top natural remedy for pain in the heel felt when stepping on foot. It gets worse from standing. If pain in the heel troubles you on the first standing in the morning, Rhus Tox is the best medicine. The person needing it feels as if he/she is stepping on a pin with the first step taken, though pain gets better by continuous walking. The pain experienced by the person on standing is most of the times stitching in character. Another expression used may be sharp pain as from a nail under the skin. Rhus Tox also helps in repairing the muscles and ligaments covering the heel bone, thus preventing further heel damage. Rhus Tox thus acts in three spheres for calcaneal spur patients — pain relief, strengthening the muscles or ligaments, and dissolving the spur.

When to use Rhus Tox?

It is an excellent medicine to manage sharp, stitching heel pain as from nail / pin under skin on putting pressure on feet when starting to walk and on first standing in the morning.

How to use Rhus Tox?

The use of this medicine is recommended in both low and high potencies. Initially, one may use its 30C potency twice or thrice a day. For using high potencies, prior consultation with a homeopathic physician is a must.

5. Ammonium Mur — For Pain In Heel On Walking

Ammonium Mur is a very beneficial medicine for calcaneal spur when pain in the heel is felt on walking. Ammonium Mur helps in decreasing the pain as well as dissolving the spur. Apart from specific worsening of pain on walking, the person also complains of pain in the heel in the morning. A few people needing Ammonium Mur may get relief by slight rubbing of the heel. The pain may be stitching, tearing or ulcerative.

When to use Ammonium Mur?

It is well-indicated to manage spur along with pain in the heel while walking and there is relief from rubbing the heel.

How to use Ammonium Mur?

It is advised to use this medicine in 30 C potency one to two times a day.

6. Pulsatilla – For Heel Pain Like From Pricking From An Iron Nail

This natural medicine works well when a person feels pain in the heel as from pricking from an iron nail. There is an inability to walk barefoot. Heels feel sore, pain gets worse with walking. Heel pain tends to increase in the evening.

When to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla can be used to manage pain in the heel as if occurring from an iron nail with worsening of pain in the evening and from walking.

How to use Pulsatilla?

It can be used in different potencies from low to high as per severity of the complaint. Initially it is advised to use it in 30 C potency once a day.

Symptoms Of Heel Spur

1. Heel spur mainly leads to sharppain in the heel. The pain arises from injury in the soft tissue in the heels caused by a bony spur. The pain gets worse when a person steps on the ground after a period of inactivity, especially in the morning following long rest. The pain increases while walking, running and standing. The character of pain may be described as sharp pain, dull pain, or pain as from pin-pricking.

2. The heel may be inflamed, swollen, and warm to touch

3. The heel may be tender to touch

4. In long-term cases, a bony growth may be visible on the heel

5. However in some cases, there may be no symptoms

Cause Behind Heel Spur

The bony outgrowth is the build-up of calcium deposits on the heel bone. A heel spur forms when excessive stress and strain is put repeatedly on ligaments, muscles, tendons, and fascia of the foot.  Due to repeated stress and strain, there is damage to muscles, ligaments, tendons, and plantar fascia (a band of tissue connecting the heel bone to the base of toes) that cover the heel bone. As a result, the heel bone is also stressed and becomes prone to trauma and formation of calcaneal spur. A single stressful episode on the heel like from a sports activity does not cause heel spur. These develop with repeated stress put on the heel over a period of time.

Risk Factors For Heel Spur

1. Recurrent stress on the heel from walking, jumping, jogging, running especially on hard surfaces is the main risk factor.

2. People who are either obese or athletic are prone to develop calcaneal spur.

3. Having Plantar Fasciitis (inflamed plantar fascia) increases the risk of developing heel spurs.

4. Wearing high heels and ill-fitted or worn-out shoes also puts a person at risk of formation of calcium deposits on the heel bone.

5. Having arthritis (joint inflammation), flat feet, diabetes and gait issues (it affects balance and coordination as a result of which the sufferer is unable to walk correctly) also puts a person at risk of heel spur

Are Heel Spurs And Plantar Fasciitis Same?

Heel spur and plantar fasciitis are often confused because both cause heel pain, but these conditions are not the same. A heel spur is calcium deposit that forms a bony outgrowth on heel bone. Plantar fasciitis is a condition where the plantar fascia (a tissue band that connects the heel bone to the base of the toes) is irritated and swollen. Plantar fasciitis increases the risk of heel spurs.

Diagnosis Of Heel Spur

Heel spur causes heel pain that may arise from other reasons as well (for example plantar fasciitis, gout, arthritis) and heel spur is not visible from outside, when we look at the heel, so it is difficult to confirm diagnosis only on the basis of symptoms.  X-ray is the most commonly used investigation to detect a heel spur.

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Restless and Painful legs at night? 6 Homeopathic Medicines That Work

Homeopathic medicines for restless leg syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS) refers to a condition whereby a person has an irresistible desire to move the legs to relieve discomforting sensations felt in the lower limbs. Not really a life-threatening disorder, this condition, however, could create inter-personal or social problems for the affected persons due to the annoyance or disturbance caused to people around them at home, work or public place.

Homeopathic system of medicine provides a simple, safe and successful line of treatment in cases of Restless Leg Syndrome. Homeopathic remedies are drawn from natural, non-toxic substances and thus have no side effects. They help to reduce the intensity of symptoms including restlessness and unpleasant sensation in the legs gradually. Not just symptomatic relief it further works to cure this condition. The medicines used in the conventional system for treating Restless Leg Syndrome are temporary and, beyond a point of time, they stop working and become ineffective. They also carry a risk of side effects, including day drowsiness, fatigue, and nausea. The homeopathic mode of treatment, on the other hand, offers complete riddance of Restless Leg Syndrome. There is no chance of any side effects in this mode.

Homeopathic medicines focus on treating the underlying root cause of RLS and work to relax the nervous system. As a result, the various discomforting sensations in the legs that lead to Restless Leg Syndrome are wonderfully controlled with homeopathic medicines and the patient can enjoy a sound sleep.

There is a long list of homeopathic medicines to manage RLS. Among these, the selection of medicine is based on the individual constitution of the patient and customised to suit his/her unique requirements. Constitution means the sum total of symptoms related to the mind and physical body in addition to the unique emotional quotient of a person. Such well selected medicines bring great cures in cases of RLS.

Homeopathic medicines do not cause any type of dependency. These medicines have to be continued for the time duration as suggested by a homeopathic physician who recommends them according to the intensity and duration of the problem. One does not need to take these medicines for a lifetime. On getting the desired results, these can be easily discontinued gradually.

Top 6 Homeopathic Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome

The highly recommended medicines for Restless Leg Syndrome are Zincum Met, Tarentula Hispanica, Rhus Tox, Arsenic Album, Medorrhinum and Causticum.

1. Zincum Met – Top Most Medicine

Zincum Met is one of the best homeopathic medicines for treating RLS which disturbs the person at night. It is used when there is marked uneasiness in the legs. The person finds it impossible to relax and find a comforting place for the legs when at rest. The constant motion of the legs is needed to find little relief. The complaint is worse during sleep. The person keeps moving his feet in bed for many hours when he/she goes to sleep. A formication or insects crawling sensation can be felt in the legs. Sometimes, a tension or pressure is felt in the legs. At times, drawing pain in the legs may be felt in the evening.

When to use Zincum Met?

Zincum Met is recommended to manage RLS with excessive uneasiness in the legs which gets worse in bed for many hours.

How to use Zincum Met?

This medicine works wonders in 30C power that can be used once a day.

2. Tarentula Hispanica – For Restless Legs Worse In The Evening & Night In Bed

This medicine is highly valuable when there is marked restlessness of legs as well as hands which are in constant motion. Persons who need this medicine feel uneasiness in the legs that compels them to move their legs constantly. The uneasiness also makes the person wake up and move constantly to ease the symptoms. The complaint gets worse in the evening and at night when lying in bed.

When to use Tarentula Hispanica?

It is a very suitable medicine for RLS with excessive restlessness of legs which gets worse in the evening and also when lying in bed at night.

How to use Tarentula Hispanica?

One may use this medicine in 30C potency once a day.

3. Rhus Tox – For RLS Due To Pain In Leg Muscles

Rhus Tox is a wonderful remedy for RLS when the legs get restless due to pain in leg muscles. It is useful when a person finds it difficult to keep the legs in a relaxed position while sitting or at night after heavy exertion during day time. There is a desire to stretch the legs, rest worsens the symptoms. The constant motion of legs provides relief. Along with aching, a crawling, tingling sensation may also be felt in the legs at night. There is a desire to constantly move the legs back and forth which leads to sleeplessness. Rhus Tox is also considered when legs get restless at night after over-exerting in the daytime.

When to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine is apt for cases of restless leg syndrome due to pain in leg muscles with an urge to move legs constantly. The complaint gets worse at rest.

How to use Rhus Tox?

Though it can be used in different potencies, in the beginning it is best to take it in 30C potency twice or thrice a day.

4. Arsenic Album – For RLS Worse At Night      

Arsenic Album is useful when restlessness of legs gets worse at night. There is a desire to keep walking to get relief which leads to sleeplessness. Other than legs, restlessness may also be felt in the head with an urge to constantly move the head.

When to use Arsenic Album?

This medicine can be considered in cases of Restless Leg Syndrome worsening at night.

How to use Arsenic Album?

30 C is the most frequently suggested potency of this medicine for treating RLS. Arsenic Album 30C can be taken one to two times a day.

5. Medorrhinum – For RLS With Burning In Feet Worse At Rest

Medorrhinum is the appropriate choice when there is pain in legs with difficulty in keeping them still even for a moment. The complaint gets worse when relaxing and in bed, when trying to sleep. Burning in the feet may be an accompanying symptom.

When to use Medorrhinum?

This medicine can be used in RLS when there occurs burning in feet along with restlessness in legs worse at rest.

How to use Medorrhinum?

This medicine is mostly used in high potencies like 200C, 1M in infrequent doses. In the beginning it is advised to use it in 200C power just one dose on a weekly basis.

6. Causticum – For Restless Leg With Twitching And Heaviness In Legs

Causticum is considered when the person has a twitching sensation in the legs along with heaviness. There is a need to move the feet constantly or walk about to get relief. A drawing pain or a pulling sensation in legs also occurs. The sufferer keeps moving his legs constantly during sleep. Besides, there may be a complaint of an electric shock-like sensation in the legs.

When to use Causticum?

It is the best medicine for RLS when restlessness in legs is accompanied with twitching and heaviness in legs with an urge to move feet constantly.

How to use Causticum?

Causticum 30C can be used once or twice a day.

Symptoms Of Restless Leg Syndrome

The symptoms of RLS occur in both the legs in most cases, however, in some people, they affect only on one side. It affects the legs mostly, but the arms and head may be affected as well.

The Restless Leg Syndrome manifests itself in a couple of ways as follows:

1. Urge to move legs: A compulsive or uncontrollable urge to move legs to get rid of various unpleasant sensations felt in the legs.

2. Sensations in legs: The various sensations vary from creeping, tingling, crawling, and pin-pricking to aching and throbbing, burning, and electric sensations. Some people find it difficult to explain the sensations they have in their legs.

3. Worsening time:The symptoms get worse at rest mainly at evening/night; in lying or sitting position, when you are relaxing.

4. Relieving factors: Movements, stretching, and walking relieves the symptoms.

5. As the symptoms get worse at night, it makes sleeping difficult at night which causes daytime drowsiness, fatigue, irritability, diffand iculty in concentration the following morning.

6. The above-mentioned symptoms may come and go and vary in intensity. These may be only present at night or in some people the entire day and night. For some, it is a minor problem while for others, it can be quite troublesome, impairing quality of life. The symptoms seem to worsen with age.

Causes Of Restless Leg Syndrome

Restless Leg Syndrome cannot be attributed to any specific causes. However, certain pointers may indicate RLS, which are as follows:

1. A genetic tendency towards developing RLS has been noted. In about 90% of the people suffering from RLS, a family history of this complaint is often present.

2. It is also suggested that imbalance of dopamine levels (a brain chemical which sends signals for muscle movement) may cause RLS. Parkinson’s disease is also linked with reduced dopamine levels. This is the reason that some people having Parkinson’s disease are also seen to be suffering from RLS.

3. Low iron levels in the brain may contribute to Restless Leg Syndrome.

4. There are other many medical conditions linked with RLS like:

varicose veins (swollen, enlarged, twisted veins), depression, ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder), diabetes mellitus, peripheral neuropathy (weakness, numbness, or pain in hands or feet from nerve damage), rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune joint disorder that causes joint inflammation), hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid gland)

5. Use of certain medicines is also associated with the development of RLS, like antidepressants, medicines to treat allergies, nausea, etc.

6. RLS can occur during pregnancy. In some women, RLS develops during pregnancy and the symptoms mostly go away after delivery. While if a woman is already suffering from RLS, symptoms may get worse during pregnancy.

7. Women are more at risk of RLS as compared to males.

8. Alcohol and caffeine can trigger symptoms of RLS.

Types of RLS

RLS is of two types, primary and secondary:

1. Primary(Idiopathic) RLS: It includes RLS that occurs without any known cause and is more common among the two types. It starts before the age of around 40 and appears gradually. Its symptoms may go away after several months or years but it is a lifelong condition that tends to get worse with age.

2. Secondary RLS: RLS that occurs along with a medical condition or use of some drugs is referred to as secondary RLS. It starts suddenly after the age of 40.


There are no lab investigations to diagnose RLS. It is diagnosed based on the symptom picture given by the patient. The five major hallmark symptoms that confirm its diagnosis are as follows:

1. A strong irresistible urge to move legs attended with uncomfortable sensations in legs

2. Beginning or worsening of symptoms during rest, like lying down or sitting

3. Improvement in symptoms with activity

4. Worsening of symptoms in evening or at night

5. No explainable medical or behavioral cause for the symptoms is present

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Top 7 Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Pilonidal Cyst

 Homeopathic Remedies for Pilonidal Cyst

Pilonidal Cyst refers to the formation of a cyst at the cleft of the buttocks near the tailbone. Pilonidal term means ‘nest of the hair’. The pilonidal cyst contains hair and skin debris. It develops when hair penetrates the skin due to friction, and the body, considering it to be a foreign substance, forms a cyst around it. The cyst can get infected, get filled with pus, and form an abscess. A pilonidal sinus is formed when a tract begins from the infected cyst, and opens on the surface of the skin.

Homeopathy provides wonderful treatment for pilonidal cyst/sinus cases. Homeopathic medicines help manage its symptoms like pain, swelling, itching and aids absorption of the pus discharge from the pilonidal sinus. It follows a curative approach to treat Pilonidal Cyst, rather than just provide initial relief from the symptoms. They help in dissolving the cyst. Homeopathy offers help for recent, long term as well as recurrent cases of pilonidal cyst. Under the conventional mode of treatment, a surgical incision of the Pilonidal Cyst is advised (which is painful, and temporary, and the cyst can recur even after surgery). Here homeopathy is a safe and efficient alternative treatment option. These cases respond exceedingly well to natural homeopathic treatment that treats it in a very safe, gentle manner and prevents the need for surgical procedures.

Individualized treatment

There are numerous medicines in homeopathy to treat Pilonidal Cyst cases, but the medicine prescription varies from person to person. The medicine selection is based on characteristics presenting signs and symptoms in every individual case. Such individualized treatment proves very effective and gives excellent results.

Homeopathy promotes self-healing

Our body has an inbuilt self-healing mechanism that can heal health issues naturally. homeopathic medicines boost the body’s self-healing powers to fight the infection.

Safe and natural medicines

Homeopathy uses natural medicines in treating Pilonidal Cyst cases which is its biggest advantage as it has zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines do not contain any harmful chemicals, so no immediate or long-term side effects occur from the use of homeopathic medicines.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Pilonidal Cyst / Sinus

Among a long therapeutic list for treating Pilonidal Cysts, the top-rated homeopathic medicines are Silicea, Myristica, Hepar Sulph, Calcarea Sulph, Calendula, Merc Sol and Phosphorus.

1. Silicea – Top Remedy For Pilonidal Cyst

Silicea is the most recommended medicine for Pilonidal Cyst. It is usually the physician’s first choice of medicine to deal with these cases.  This medicine is helpful when a cyst is present in the buttock cleft, and also in the case of the pilonidal sinus with pus discharge. The pus discharge may be very offensive and fetid. The pus can be scanty or copious. The pus can be thin, watery, or thick, jelly, and sticky. Hardness, and swelling at the cleft of the buttock are also present. Itching also appears mostly in the daytime. Silicea helps reduce the swelling and aids in the expulsion of hair and pus from the cyst.

When to use Silicea?

Silicea can be prescribed in cases of pilonidal cyst / sinus with passage of pus discharge whether scanty or copious that may be foul smelling.

How to use Silicea?

Its use is mostly preferred in 6X potency that can be repeated up to four times a day.

2. Myristica Sebifera – For Pilonidal Sinus With Pus Discharge

‘Myristica Sebifera’ is of unquestionable value when it comes to treating pilonidal sinus with pus discharge. The most important action of this medicine is to hasten the process of suppuration (pus formation) and aid in complete recovery. Myristica speeds up pus discharge from the sinus and shortens the time of complete recovery. Its use prevents surgical intervention in most cases of pilonidal sinus. Apart from Pilonidal Cysts, Myristica works wonders in treating suppurative diseases like boils, abscesses, carbuncles, and anal fistula.

When to use Myristica Sebifera?

This medicine is highly suggested in cases of pilonidal sinus to hasten pus discharge from sinus and cut the recovery period short.

How to use Myristica Sebifera?

The potency of this medicine differs from case to case from low to high. Low potencies like 30C can be taken two to three times a day. The use of high potency like 200C should be limited to once a day.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Pilonidal Cyst With Pain And Pus Formation

Hepar Sulph is recommended when there is pain in the cyst along with the formation of pus due to an infection. However, the pus isn’t in the stage of oozing yet. The pain is throbbing, beating, stinging, or pricking in nature. Hepar Sulph will aid the drainage of pus from the cyst. Once pus begins to come out there is relief from pain. The pus discharge is mostly watery and blood-stained. It has an offensive odour and appears like old cheese coming out from the pus. The skin above the cyst is highly inflamed, and hot. It is also very sensitive and sore to touch. In the majority of cases, the pain gets worse at night. Exposure to cold air also worsens the pain in some cases.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

It is highly recommended to use this medicine for managing throbbing, stinging, pricking, beating type of pains in the pilonidal cyst and also when there is watery blood-stained pus discharge from the pilonidal sinus.

How to use Hepar Sulph?

This medicine can be taken in 30C potency one to three times a day.

4. Calcarea Sulph – For Pilonidal Cyst With Yellow Pus

Calcarea Sulph is effective for Pilonidal Cyst when pus discharge has started oozing from the opening. The pus is yellow. The discharge is thick, and lumpy and may be bloody in some cases. Calcarea Sulph helps to hasten pus discharge and aid the effective healing of the cyst.

When to use Calcarea Sulph?

Calcarea Sulph is a highly effective medicine for managing thick, yellow lumpy sometimes blood-stained pus discharge from pilonidal sinus.

How to use Calcarea Sulph?

Usually its biochemic form in 6X potency is used in most of the cases. Calcarea Sulph 6X can be used two to three times a day.

5. Calendula – For Sore, Painful Pilonidal Cyst And Pus Discharge

Calendula is a natural herbal homeopathic medicine that can be administered when the infected area over the buttock cleft is sore, and painful with pus discharge. One feels pain as if the affected area has suffered a beating. The area surrounding the pus discharge point is red. There may be fever with stinging pain in the cyst. Complaints become worse at night. It is a great healing agent that heals skin infections with marked brilliance.

When to use Calendula?

One can consider its use for cases of sore, painful pilonidal cyst with pus discharge with redness around the point of pus discharge.

How to use Calendula?

It can be used in both low and high potencies among which the most commonly used is 30C potency once to thrice a day, depending on the severity of the symptoms.

6. Merc Sol – For Pus Discharge With Burning, Stinging Pain

Merc Sol is recommended when pus releases from the cyst, accompanied by burning and stinging pains. The pus discharge is profuse, green-colored, and may be blood-stained and sticky. The affected area is sore, and painful to touch. Itching may also be present. An increased amount of offensive sweat on the body is present. The symptoms worsen at night, and warmth tends to aggravate all these symptoms.

When to use Merc Sol?

It is the best choice of medicine to manage pilonidal sinus cases with pus discharge attended by burning, stinging pains. Pus is greenish, sticky and blood stained.

How to use Merc Sol?

It gives remarkable results in 30C potency that can be administered once or twice a day.

7. Phosphorus – For Pilonidal Cyst with Bloody Discharge

Phosphorus is recommended when there is a bloody discharge from the cyst. The blood is thin and profuse. Burning in the surrounding skin may also appear. Phosphorus is an excellent anti-hemorrhagic remedy. It helps in controlling the bloody discharge and also contributes towards healing the Pilonidal Sinus. It is also useful in cases where healing has taken place in the past, and the problem has arisen again with a bloody discharge.

When to use Phosphorus?

It is advised to use this medicine for managing Pilonidal Cyst with bloody discharge.

How to use Phosphorus?

Phosphorus 30C can be used one to two times in a day.

Signs and Symptoms of Pilonidal Cyst / Sinus

Sometimes Pilonidal Cysts do not give out any signs/symptoms. However, if it gets infected following signs and symptoms may appear:

1. A dimple or swelling, and pain in the cleft of the buttocks. The size of the cyst may be small or large. However, the cleft of the buttocks is the major location where ‘Pilonidal Cyst’ forms, rarely it may form in some other areas as well like the armpit, between fingers, navel, cheek, or genital area.

2. When this dimple gets infected a cyst is formed (a fluid-filled sac) that may turn into an abscess (pus-filled lump)

3. Redness, itching, and tenderness in the swollen area

4. Discomfort while sitting also arises from this cyst

5. Formation of sinus tract/holes in the skin. The sinus tract is a channel that starts from the source of infection and opens on the surface of the skin. Drainage of pus or blood from the ‘Pilonidal Sinus.’ The pus may be white or yellow or may have an offensive odour

6. Hair protruding from the affected area may be seen

7. Nausea, tiredness, and low-grade fever may also appear along with the above features in some cases.

Pilonidal Cyst And Its Causes

The exact cause of the Pilonidal Cyst is not clear. But a theory states that initially, loose hair penetrates the skin of the cleft between the buttocks. Friction (as from riding a bicycle) or rubbing makes the hair go deep into the skin. The body, considering this hair to be a foreign article, forms a cyst around it to push it out from the skin. If left untreated this cyst may lead to an abscess (pus-filled lump) or it may break open, and form a tract that emerges on the surface of the skin (which is called a Pilonidal Sinus). However, as per another theory, the trauma to the area between the buttocks is what may create this cyst.

Risk factors

Though anyone can get a Pilonidal Cyst but there are certain factors that increase the risk of a Pilonidal Cyst as follows:

1. Excessive body hair (especially thick and stiff) on the back

2. Inactive lifestyle, excessive sitting (as office workers, drivers) that puts pressure on the coccyx area

3. Obesity

4. The age group most prone to developing a Pilonidal Cyst is between 20 – 35 years

5. Pilonidal Sinus is more common in men compared to women. Men are three to four times more likely to get Pilonidal Cyst than women.

6. Having a family history of Pilonidal Cyst (if thick, rough body hair runs in family)

7. Having congenital Pilonidal dimple

8. Excessive sweating

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Plumbum Metallicum: Homeopathic medicine – Its Uses, Indication And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Plumbum Metallicum is derived from metal lead. To obtain this homeopathic medicine metal lead is potentized (Process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses the medicinal power of a crude substance is called potentization). It is one of the best homeopathic medicines to manage cases of paralysis with muscle atrophy and wrist drop.

 Drug Action

The most marked action of this medicine is seen on nerves, muscles and limbs. Other than these, its action is noted on gastric system, mouth, female genitals and urinary system

Clinical Indications

Paralysis, muscle atrophy, wrist drop, numbness, spasms, sciatica, multiple sclerosis, colic, hernia, vomiting, constipation, rectal pain, ovarian pain, vaginismus, menorrhagia (heavy menses), kidney disorders, nephritis,

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Action On Limbs (Paralysis, Atrophy, Wrist Drop, Sciatica)

Plumbum Metallicum acts profoundly on limbs. The most important action of this medicine is to manage cases of paralysis (loss of muscle function). The hallmark indication to use this medicine is paralysis with muscle atrophy (thinning or loss of muscle mass). It is usually most helpful when there is paralysis of single muscles. It is a great medicine to manage paralysis of limbs especially lower limbs along with atrophy. There may be pain in atrophied limbs. It is also indicated for paralysis of right hand, wrist and forearm. It is a specific medicine for paralysis of legs with atrophy in females that occurs after childbirth. There is coldness of legs, stool and urination may pass involuntarily. It is well indicated for paralysis of wrist and arms, it begins with cramps followed by loss of sensation and sudden loss of flesh and body parts becoming cold. Plumbum Met is a leading medicine for cases of wrist drop (inability to extend hand at wrist caused by radial nerve palsy).

Plumbum Met is also considered for cases of trembling, twitching, numbness and tingling in limbs. Further it is a suitable medicine for cases of sciatica (pain that travels along the path of sciatic nerve that starts in lower back and radiates down the hip, back of thigh, back of leg up to feet). For its use in sciatica, the guiding feature is sciatica with muscle atrophy. Persons who need it have drawing, pressing pain from back of thigh to knee with difficult walking and exhaustion from walking. It can also prove effective in relieving lightning like pain in the lower limbs. Besides, it is a wonderful medicine for managing cases of multiple sclerosis (an autoimmune disease in which the protective myelin sheath covering nerve fibres is damaged).

Key Indicating Features

Paralysis with muscle atrophy (thinning or loss of muscle mass)

Paralysis of single muscles

Wrist Drop

Sciatica with muscle atrophy

Lightening like pain in the lower limbs

2. Gastric Concerns (Pain, Hernia, Vomiting, Constipation)

It acts wonderfully on the gastric system. It is well indicated to manage abdominal pain arising from obstructed gas. A very peculiar sensation as if abdominal wall is drawn by a string to the spine is present. The pain from abdomen may radiate to all parts of the body. It is a prominent medicine to manage cases of umbilical hernia. This medicine is helpful for stomach pain that gets better by bending backwards and with hard pressure. It can also be used for pain around navel with sensation as if bowels are twisted. It is also useful in managing vomiting. In cases needing it, the vomiting may be of blackish brown fluid, or green mucus. There may also occur vomiting of food. Lastly, there may arise vomiting of faecal matter with constipation and abdomen pain. With its action on rectum, the first complaint where it proves highly effective is constipation. In cases needing it the stool is hard, blackish lumpy or passed in form of hard black balls like sheep dung. Hard stool is attended with intense pain from constriction of anus.

Key Indicating Features

Abdominal pain from obstructed gas

Sensation as if abdominal wall is drawn by a string to the spine

Pain from abdomen radiating to all the parts of body

Stomach pain better by bending backwards and with hard pressure

Constipation when stool is hard, blackish lumpy or passed in form of hard black balls like sheep dung

3. Mouth Complaints (Ulcers, Excessive Salivation)

By acting on mouth, Plumbum Met gives excellent results in cases of mouth ulcers. Here it can be used when mouth ulcers are attended with fetid smell. These ulcers turn yellow. It can be given for cases of excessive salivation. The saliva may be sweetish in taste. It is attended with fetid mouth odor and pain in tongue and lips. Yellow purple ulcers are present on the tip of tongue and mouth. A distinct blue line along margins of gums is a peculiar indication to use it.

Key Indicating Features

Mouth ulcers attended with fetid smell

Excessive salivation, sweet in taste with fetid smell from mouth and pain in tongue and lips

A distinct blue line along margins of gums

4. Female Problems (Ovary Pain, Vaginismus, Heavy Menses)

Plumbum Met can help in treating certain female problems as well. Firstly, it can effectively deal with cases of ovarian pain. The guiding feature to use it is ovary pain getting better by stretching the legs apart. Secondly, it is of great service in cases of vaginismus (involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when something is trying to penetrate it) with constipation and weight loss. It can next give substantial relief in case of heavy menstrual bleeding (menorrhagia). Here it is indicated for managing heavy bleeding when accompanied with a particular sensation of a string pulling from the abdomen to the back. Bleeding contains dark clots and especially occurs during menopausal period.

Key Indicating Features

Ovary pain better by stretching the legs

Vaginismus with constipation and weight loss

Heavy bleeding accompanied with a particular sensation of a string pulling from the abdomen to back

5. Urinary Issues (Bladder Paralysis, Nephritis, And Strangury)

Besides, Plumbum Met has important action on urinary system. It is prominently indicated to manage cases of paralysis of bladder. Here it can be given if there is difficulty in passing urine or retention of urine. Plumbum Met is considered in cases of chronic interstitial nephritis (a kidney condition in which there occurs swelling in between kidney tubules). In such cases, it is prescribed when it is attended with marked pain in abdomen. Lastly, it can deal with cases of strangury (painful strong desire to urinate and urine emitted drop by drop due to spasm of urethra or bladder) effectively. Those needing it have urge for urination every ten minutes with discharge of urine in drops. It is accompanied with extreme pain. Burning is felt during and after urinating.

Key Indicating Features

Bladder paralysis with difficulty in passing urine or retention of urine

Chronic interstitial nephritis with marked pain in abdomen

Strangury with urge for urination every ten minutes with discharge of urine in drops with extreme pain


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from movement, touch, mental exertion, at night and in open air

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by hard pressure, rubbing, physical exertion, stretching limbs, at rest, bending double relieves abdomen pain


It can be used in both low and high potencies. It can be repeated frequently in low potency, but in high potencies it should not to be taken frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Alumina, Petroleum and Platina

Followed well by: Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Lycopodium, Merc Sol, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Silicea and Sulphur


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Cedron: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Cedron is derived from the plant — Simaruba ferroginea, also known as Simaba cedron. It belongs to family Ericaceae. To obtain this medicine the seeds of this plant have to undergo potentization. It is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines which arouse medicinal properties out of their crude form. After this process, it is converted into a magnificent homeopathic medicine — Cedron. It is the main medicine to handle cases of neuralgia (nerve pain), and headache that occurs at clock-like precision meaning thereby that the problem arises at the exact time every day like clock timings.

The ‘Cedron’ Constitution

This medicine suits well people who have a nervous nature, and get easily excited especially, women.

Drug Action

The predominant action of this medicine is on the nerves. Its action is marked on the eyes, head, face, and female genitals. Lastly, its action is seen in the limbs and the joints.

Clinical Indications

Neuralgia (nerve pain), malaria, headache, supraorbital neuralgia, trigeminal neuralgia, epilepsy, joint pain

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Eye Complaints (Supraorbital Neuralgia, Eyeball Pain, Eyelid Twitching)

Cedron shows magnificent action on the eyes. It has given great clinical improvements in cases of supraorbital neuralgia (nerve pain in the forehead above the eyes). Here the hallmark indication is that this neuralgia is periodic that repeats itself at regular intervals. Mainly severe shooting pain occurs over the left eye. It is an excellent medicine to manage pain in the eyeballs. This pain radiates around the eyes. It is attended with scalding lachrymation (eye-watering). Further, its use is considered in cases of eye redness and burning sensation in the eyes like fire. Lastly, it can be given in cases of twitching (brief, involuntary contraction or jerking of muscles) of the upper eyelid.

Key Indicating Features

Supraorbital neuralgia (nerve pain in the forehead above the eyes)

Supraorbital neuralgia occurring periodically means repeating itself at regular intervals

Severe shooting pain over the left eye

Pain in the eyeballs with radiating pain around the eyes with scalding eye- watering

Twitching of the upper eyelid

3. For Headache

It is a wonderful medicine for managing cases of headaches. The most prominent notable symptom of using this medicine is bouts of headaches occurring with clock-like precision. It means the headache returns at a specific time every day like a clock. In cases needing it, the pain is felt deep in the orbits that force the sufferer to shut the eyes. The pain may extend to the back of the head (occiput). It is also indicated when pain traverses from one temple to another across the eyes. Pressure may be felt on the top of the head (vertex). Mostly the headache gets worse in the open air and when one wakes up.

Key Indicating Features

Attacks of headaches occurring with clock-like precision

Pain in the orbits forces the sufferer to shut his eyes

Pain traverses from one temple to another right across the eyes

4. Facial Concerns (Trigeminal Neuralgia)

Its action is further noted on the face. It is prominently indicated to help cases of trigeminal neuralgia (sudden severe pain in the face resulting from pressure over the trigeminal nerve or from its damage/injury). For those who need it, pain occurs mainly on the right side of the face. It occurs at regular intervals at a fixed time with a clock-like accuracy. It is accompanied by distortion of the face from spasm of muscle on the affected side. Usually, it comes at 7 or 8 pm and lasts for about two to four hours. It is also indicated for nerve pain in the face that spreads from a decayed tooth. It is characteristically pressing and tearing pain with shooting pain sometimes.

Key Indicating Features

Trigeminal neuralgia, pain on the right side of the face at a fixed time in a clock-like accuracy

Nerve pain in the face spreading from a decayed tooth

5. For Fever (Malaria)

The use of this medicine is highly recommended to manage malaria fever. The key indication to use it is that there is a marked periodicity of fever that comes at the same hour every day. It starts at 6 pm with chills in the back and feet or with cold feet and hands. Before the onset of fever (about 20 to 40 minutes) mental excitement occurs with the sensation of heat. During the heat stage head feels heavy along with a red face, burning in the hands, and a desire for warm drinks. In some cases, chill starts at 4 am followed by sweat at 4 pm. During chills, congestion in the head occurs along with icy coldness of the hands, feet, and nose. Profuse sweating occurs every evening.

Key Indicating Features

Fever occurring with a marked periodicity that comes at the same hour every day

Fever starting at 6 pm with chills in the back, and feet or with cold feet, and hands

6. Female Problems (Leucorrhoea, Epilepsy)

This medicine is very suitable for managing certain female problems. Here it is a beneficial medicine to manage cases where vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) occurs in place of menses. The next characteristic feature of its use is epilepsy (fits) occurring during menses. Besides these, it is indicated for the excitement of genitals at daybreak along with vaginal discharge and swollen, painful breasts.

Key Indicating Features

Vaginal discharge in place of menses

Epilepsy (fits) occurring during menses

The excitement of genitals at daybreak along with vaginal discharge and swollen, painful breast

7. Limbs (Joint Pain)

If we talk of the limbs, it proves effective in cases of joint pains. It is most helpful for sharp or lancinating pain in the joints, especially in the feet, and hands. Another main indication for its use is pain from the ball of the right thumb up to the shoulder and from the ball of the right foot to the knees. This medicine can manage well elbow pain on both sides. It is a sharp cutting pain in nature. The last indication of its use is the icy coldness of the limbs.

Key Indicating Features

Sharp or lancinating pain in the joints especially the feet and hands

Pain from the ball of the right thumb up to the shoulder and from the ball of the right foot to the knees

Sharp, cutting pain in both the elbows


Worsening Factors: Complaints get worse periodically, at the same hour, upon lying down, after sleep, and in the open air.

Relieving Factors: Complaints get better from standing erect


The dose and potency of this medicine varies from low to high as per the case details. In low potency, it can be used often but in high potency frequent repetition is not advised.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Belladonna and Lachesis


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Coccus Cacti: Homeopathic Medicine — Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Coccus Cacti is a highly valuable homeopathic medicine for managing cases of cough. It has marked action on respiratory system and is predominantly a medicine to deal with cases of cough that end in vomiting (spasmodic cough). It is one of the best medicines to deal with cases of spasmodic cough that occurs on waking up in the morning. Other than this it helps in managing certain urinary concerns, throat issues and female problems.

Drug Action

This medicine manifests its chief action on the mucus membrane of respiratory system. It also acts wonderfully on the throat. Next it acts markedly on urinary organs and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Cough, bronchitis, vomiting, kidney pain, nephritis, kidney stones, menorrhagia (heavy menses), vaginitis, leucorrhoea

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Respiratory Complaints (Cough, Bronchitis)

Coccus Cacti is of paramount value in managing complaints of respiratory system. It has shown great clinical improvement in cases of cough. The striking feature to use this medicine is spasmodic cough ( attacks of cough ending in vomiting of mucus). There occur regular attacks of violent, tickling cough that ends in vomiting. Clear ropy tough mucus is expectorated. Cough may arise from rawness in air passages. The second noteworthy complaint to use this medicine is spasmodic cough which is at its worst on first waking or rising in the morning. It is mostly worse around 6:00 am to 7:00 am. Tough white mucus is expectorated with cough. There is severe headache along with cough. Its use is also preferred when cough is worse in warm room and gets better in cold air. It is also relieved by taking cold drinks. Its use is highly recommended for cough that happens from brushing teeth or rinsing mouth. It is also suitable to manage cough in alcoholics. It can also be used when there occurs barking type, tickling cough at night and morning.

After coughing for a while, there is expectoration of mucus like white of an egg, tough or whitish yellow that can be drawn into threads. It has a saltish taste. Coccus Cacti is also a good medicine when there is cough with expectoration of stringy, sticky, yellow mucus having sour taste. Other than this, it is beneficial for cough that gets worse from lying down. It can help relieve cough that occurs while exercising. Its use is also considered for bronchitis (inflamed bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) . In such cases, it is helpful when there occurs expectoration of sticky mucus. The bronchial tubes are loaded with mucus.

Key Indicating Features

Attacks of cough ending in vomiting of tough mucus

Spasmodic cough worse on first waking or rising in morning

Cough arising from brushing teeth or rinsing mouth

Cough with expectoration of tough mucus or clear ropy mucus

Cough in alcoholics

Cough worse during exercise

2. Throat Issues (Sore Throat, Irritation In Throat)

Coccus Cacti is useful for treating cases of sore throat when attended with excessive dryness. Rawness and scraping sensation are present in the throat. There may also occur burning and constricted sensation in throat. A peculiar sensation as if a crumb, lump or hair is lodged in the throat behind larynx is the guiding feature to use it. The lump sensation causes the sufferer to swallow constantly. Another feeling of a thread hanging down the back of throat is also indicative of the use of Coccus Cacti. The uvula may feel elongated.  It can also be successfully used in cases where any sort of irritation in throat brings cough and vomiting. There is accumulation of sticky mucus in the throat,hawking causes cough and vomiting. Coccus Cacti is highly valuable to manage cough arising from scraping sensation in the larynx with expectoration of little balls of mucus.

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat with excessive dryness in throat

Sensation of a crumb, lump or hair lodged in throat behind larynx

Sensation of a thread hanging down the back of throat

Irritation in throat leading to cough and vomiting

Cough arising from scraping sensation in the larynx with expectoration of little balls of mucus

3. Urinary Concerns (Kidney Pain, Nephritis, Bladder Pain)

Use of this medicine is recommended for certain urinary concerns as well. It is a well indicated medicine for managing kidney pain. For using this medicine, the pain in kidney can be sticking, dull pressing, spasmodic or cramp like. It gets worse from pressure and motion. Along with pain there is copious urination. This medicine is indicated for nephritis (inflammation of kidneys) cases. Its use is next considered in cases of cutting type of pain in bladder. Pressure builds up in the bladder with a constant urge to urinate. Another notable feature to use it is lancinating pain extending from kidney to bladder with difficult, painful urination. Lastly, it can be used in cases of kidney stones and blood in urine (hematuria).

Key Indicating Features

Sticking, dull pressing, spasmodic or cramp like pain in kidney

Kidney pain worse from pressure and motion

Cutting pain in bladder, pressure in bladder with a constant urge to urinate

4. Female Problems (Heavy Menses, Vaginitis, Leucorrhoea)

The most salient feature to use this medicine while dealing with women-related problems is heavy menses with thick, black blood and dark clots with difficult painful urination (dysuria). The menses also come early. There is passage of large clots from vagina while passing urine. The clots also pass when rising up and when quiet. Next complaint where its use is recommended is inflammation of vagina (vaginitis). The lower part of vagina is tender with irritation. It gets worse while urinating. It is also effective in managing vaginal discharges (leucorrhoea) that consist of mucus. It is preceded by drawing pain in groin, bladder and pubic region.

Key Indicating Features

Heavy menses with thick, black blood and dark clots with difficult painful urination

Vaginitis with tenderness and irritation in lower part of vagina, worse when urinating

Vaginal discharges that consist of mucus preceded by drawing pain in groins, bladder and pubic region


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from the slightest exertion, from heat, lying down, in early morning, at night, from brushing teeth, from touch

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from cold drinks, from washing in cold water and from walking


This medicine is generally recommended in low potencies though high potencies can be used as well. A general rule to be followed is lower potencies can be repeated frequently while higher potencies should be used in infrequent doses.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Coccus Cacti can be compared with medicine Kali Bichrome in case of sticky mucus in throat

It can be compared with homeopathic medicines Cantharis, Sarsaparilla, and Ocimum Can in case of urinary complaints


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