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5 Homeopathic Medicines for Post Herpetic Neuralgia

Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN) is a complication of Herpes Zoster also known as Shingles. Herpes Zoster is a viral infection caused by reactivation of Varicella Zoster virus (it is the same virus that causes chicken pox). Herpes Zoster is characterised by painful rash or blisters (fluid-filled bumps) on skin. The rash will only be on one side of the body, either right or left, in a particular area in a band-like pattern. If the pain of Herpes Zoster continues for more than three months in the affected skin areas after the skin rash has healed, then it is known as Post Herpetic Neuralgia. In one out of five people who get infected by Herpes Zoster, the person will have nerve pain following the healing of the rash. The stabbing type of pain may vary from discomfort to severe. Along with pain, burning, increased sensitivity, weakness of the affected skin area may also arise. The pain may continue for weeks, months or even a year after the rash has healed.

homeopathic medicines for postherpetic neuralgia

Homeopathy is highly effective in treating neuralgic complaints i.e. nerve pain. Homeopathic medicines for post herpetic neuralgia are deep acting remedies that can help resolve the problem.  As a first step, homeopathy controls the intensity and frequency of the pain. Then the medicines work to remove the chronic and recurrent pain. In mainstream medicine, painkillers, steroids, pain-relieving skin patches, anti-convulsants and anti-depressants are given to manage pain in cases of post herpetic neuralgia. These give temporary pain relief but the pain does not get cured completely. In homeopathy, the medicines are given to resolve the pain from its root and give a complete cure.

With the use of homeopathic medicines, the burning sensation, hypersensitivity, itchy feeling associated with this condition also gets healed. This is because the medicines are given keeping in mind the totality of the symptoms that work on every aspect of the disease. The symptoms though, get better gradually, may take some time but once relief sets in, the complaint gets better till it goes away completely in a few months’ time.

Homeopathy aims to fight the viral infection in PHN cases by boosting the self-healing mechanism of the body. This way it does not just work superficially; rather it works deeply to eradicate the root cause behind it. Therefore, it ensures that the condition gets treated from its origin and that too in the most harmless and natural way.

Homeopathic medicines used to treat post herpetic neuralgia are 100% safe with zero side effects as these are sourced from natural substances. These medicines are used in highly diluted doses that ensure safe recovery.

5 Top Homeopathic Medicines For Post Herpetic Neuralgia (PHN)

The top most recommended homeopathic medicines to treat PHN are Mezereum, Ranunculus Bulbosus and  Rhus Tox.

The top most recommended homeopathic medicines to treat PHN are Mezereum, Ranunculus Bulbosus, Arsenic Album, Dolichos and Rhus Tox.

1. Mezereum – For Postherpetic Neuralgia With Intense Burning

Mezereum is rated among the best medicines for post herpetic neuralgia. It is the best-suited prescription when PHN pains are violent and are attended with marked burning sensation. Mezereum also helps during active Herpes Zoster when eruptions arise on the skin. The key symptoms to look out for before prescribing Mezereum during Herpes Zoster infection are violently itching vesicles with shining red areola and intense burning.

When to use Mezereum?

Mezereum is a highly suitable medicine to manage post herpetic neuralgia with severe burning pains.

How to use Mezereum?

This medicine can be used once a day in 30C potency.

2. Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Sharp, Stitching Pains Coming In Paroxysms (Sudden Attack)

Ranunculus Bulbosus is indicated for sharp, stitching PHN pains that come in paroxysms. It is also one of the top listed medicines for intercostal neuralgia following herpetic infection. Ranunculus Bulbosus is well indicated for Herpes Zoster when the vesicle eruptions are bluish in color. The eruptions are attended with itching and burning symptoms which worsen on contact.

When to use Ranunculus Bulbosus?

It is an excellent medicine for PHN when pains are sharp, stitching type occurring in sudden attacks

How to use Ranunculus Bulbosus?

It is advised to use this medicine in 30C power once or twice a day.

3. Arsenic Album – To Manage Burning Sort of Nerve Pains

Another prominently indicated medicine for PHN with burning pains besides Mezereum is Arsenic Album. In cases needing this medicine, the burning pain is very severe at night. Arsenic Album is also given to manage itching on the skin. Restlessness can attend these symptoms. It is also indicated to manage active Herpes Zoster outbreak when marked burning pain is felt in the eruptions. These eruptions might be covered with scales like fish in most of the cases.

When to use Arsenic Album?

This medicine is well indicated to manage burning type of pains in PHN cases when pains are worse at night.

How to use Arsenic Album?

Arsenic Album 30C should be taken once a day only.

4. Dolichos – To Manage pain and Skin Itching Without Any Rash Or Eruptions

Dolichos is yet another natural remedy to relieve post-herpetic nerve pains. Along with pains there is skin itching occurring without any rash or eruptions. For Herpes Zoster, this medicine is mostly indicated when eruptions begin in the armpit, especially on the left side that spreads to the sternum (bone in middle of chest) and to the spine. It is accompanied by smarting and burning sort of pain.

When to use Dolichos?

Dolichos is of great use when there are pains attended with skin itching in cases of post herpetic neuralgia.

How to use Dolichos?

One may take this medicine in 30C power two to three times a day as per the intensity of the complaint.

5. Rhus Tox – For Pain With Restlessness And Sensitivity Of Skin To Cold Air

It is one of the best medicines for PHN where the pains are attended with marked restlessness. The skin is sensitive to cold air in such cases. In Herpes Zoster, Rhus Tox is the most preferred among medicines when the vesicles are yellowish with itching and stinging.

When to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine can be considered in PHN cases when pain occurs along with restlessness and sensitivity of skin to cold air.

How to use Rhus Tox?

Though it can be used in different potencies but in the beginning,  it is best to take it in 30C potency twice a day.

What are the Symptoms of PHN?

The symptoms appear on the skin area affected with Herpes Zoster eruptions and are usually one-sided.

1. Pain after rash of Herpes Zoster has healed – Pain remains for 3 months or more. In some cases, it may last for one year or more. Pain can be aching, sharp, stabbing, throbbing, electric shock like, or burning on nature. The pain can be continuous or intermittent. Pain may get worse at night or from cold or hot temperature.

2. Even the slightest touch on the affected area is painful, this area may also be sensitive to cold air.

3. Numbness, tingling or itching on the affected skin region, though it is not very common

4. Very rarely, muscle weakness and tremors occur, if the affected nerve involved controls muscle movement too

5. Scarring on skin on affected area may be seen

What are the Causes behind Post Herpetic Neuralgia?

Post Herpetic Neuralgia, as mentioned in the beginning, is a complication of Herpes Zoster. Herpes Zoster is a viral disease leading to painful skin eruptions caused by varicella zoster virus. Varicella zoster virus is the virus that causes chicken pox when a person gets infected with this virus initially for the first time. Though the person recovers from chicken pox within weeks, the virus remains in the nerve cells in an inactive state. This virus can reactivate any time it finds a suitable environment like low immunity, some sort of medicines, etc. When the dormant virus gets reactivated, it leads to Herpes Zoster or Shingles with painful skin eruptions. The Herpes Zoster rash resolves within two to four weeks’ time. In some cases, even after the skin eruptions completely resolve, the pain continues for months or years together. This nerve pain persists for more than three months. The PHN results from damage to nerve fibres caused by Herpes Zoster virus. As a result of damaged nerve fibers, the message of transmission from the skin to the brain cannot be passed normally. This nerve gets muddled, transmitting random pain signals to the brain when pain is burning, excruciating.

Risk Factors

Certain factors increase the risk of PHN as follows:

1. Old age: The risk of PHN increases with age. Those above 50 yrs of age are at risk, PHN is rare under 40 yrs of age.

2. Herpes Zoster on the face or trunk (body part except head, neck and limbs)

3. Weak immune system: The immune system may be compromised due to certain medical conditions, such as cancer or HIV, or certain medications, such as steroids, chemotherapy, and immunosuppressant medicines.

4. Intensity of the skin rash due to Herpes Zoster is highly intense

5. Women are more at risk than men

6. Diabetes

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Homeopathic Medicines for H.Pylori Infection

H. pylori is a bacterium named Helicobacter pylori that causes stomach infection. In most cases, H. pylori remains in the body without causing any illness with the carrier being unaware of its presence. Only in 20 per cent persons, it causes gastric issues and symptoms. Two gastric conditions that it can cause are gastritis (stomach inflammation) and peptic ulcers (open sores in the lining of the stomach or the initial part of the intestine called duodenum). Besides these, H. pylori infection is also a risk factor for stomach cancer. The infection is contracted through contaminated food and water. It is transmitted through direct contact with vomit, saliva and other body fluids of an infected person. H. pylori bacteria penetrates the lining of stomach and duodenum and starts multiplying. It secretes Urease enzyme which converts urea to ammonia. Ammonia helps this bacteria to survive in the stomach acid. With its multiplication, the lining of stomach and duodenum starts getting damaged resulting in gastritis or peptic ulcer.

Helicobacter pylori bacteria which causes stomach infection

Helicobacter pylori bacteria which causes stomach infection

Homeopathic Treatment 

Homeopathy is a wonderful science that treats H. pylori with natural and safe medicines. In H. pylori infection, homeopathy is the best alternative treatment. These medicines stimulate the disease fighting mechanism of the body to fight the H. pylori infection. As the healing system of the body is strengthened, the disease is completely eradicated. Homeopathy works especially well in the initial stages of H. pylori infection by providing symptomatic relief as well as preventing further progression of the infection. However, even in cases where pathological changes in the gastric tract such as gastric ulcers and gastritis appear, homeopathic medicines have a good scope of healing the H. pylori infection.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for H. Pylori Infection

The top recommended homeopathic medicines for H. pylori infection are Arsenic Album, Phosphorus and Nux Vomica.

1. Arsenic Album – For Managing Burning Sensation In Stomach

Arsenic Album is a highly recommended medicine to manage burning in stomach. The burning sensation is very severe which gets worse at night. Taking warm drinks offers relief. Nausea and vomiting may appear after eating or drinking something. The sight or smell of food may trigger nausea and vomiting in such cases. Weakness and weight loss may also attend. The use of this medicine is also indicated for stitching or stinging pain in abdomen. This medicine is best for treating gastritis as well as peptic ulcers.

2. Phosphorus – For Burning Sensation Relieved By Cold Drinks

Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus is helpful when there is marked burning pain in the stomach which gets relieved by cold drinks. Nausea and vomiting,bitter or sour burping may attend. Soreness is felt in the pit of the stomach. Like Arsenic Album, Phosphorus is also an important medicine to treat gastritis and peptic ulcers.

3. Nux Vomica – For Managing Stomach Burning And Vomiting

Nux Vomica is very helpful in managing burning sensation in stomach and vomiting. There is vomiting after consuming any solid or liquid food, even the smallest quantity of water is not tolerable and vomited soon. There is rumbling and gurgling in the abdomen and the abdomen feels distended with gas. Pain is felt in the abdomen  and passing stool brings momentary relief from pain.

4. Colocynth – For H.Pylori Infection With Marked Abdomen Pain

Colocynth is an effective medicine for H.pylori infection with abdomen pain. It is best indicated when the infection is characterized by agonizing, cutting pain in the abdomen. Pain of colicky, gripping nature is also treated well with Colocynth. Pressure and bending double ( bending forward and downward at the waist)relieves pain. It is well indicated to manage gastritis.

5. Carbo Veg – To Manage Bloated Abdomen And Burping

Carbo Veg is the most helpful where bloating of abdomen is a major concern. There is distension of abdomen with flatus. Sour burps are prominent in such cases. Burning sensation and soreness is felt in stomach.

6. Ipecac – For H. Pylori Infection With Intense Nausea And Vomiting

Ipecac is prescribed when nausea and vomiting are experienced. Nausea is present all the time. Vomiting of white glairy mucus or food appears, but the nausea is not relieved even after vomiting. Ipecac is one of the best homeopathic medicines for H. pylori infection with symptoms of this kind.

 7. Antimonium Crudum – Homeopathic Medicines For H. Pylori Infection With Belching

The most effective homeopathic medicines for H. pylori infection along with belching is Antimonium Crudum. It is recommended when belching is constant. Belching in such cases tastes mainly of eaten food. Dyspepsia and vomiting may also be present.

8. Natrum Phos – For Burps Having Sour Taste

Natrum Phos is one of the best homeopathic medicines for H. pylori with belching of sour, acrid nature. Water brash may appear along with belching. Intense acidity and flatulence is also marked.

 9. Lycopodium – For H. Pylori Infection With Bloated In Lower Abdomen

Homeopathic medicines Lycopodium is recommended for H. pylori infection with a bloated abdomen in the lower part. Lycopodium is helpful when abdomen gets bloated soon after eating. Little eating leads to a distended abdomen in such cases. This is often attended with dyspepsia, gas and burping.

10. Top Homeopathic Treatment For H. Pylori Infection With Peptic Ulcers

Natural medicines Argentum Nitricum, Kali Bichrome, Graphites and Uranium Nitricum offer the best homeopathic treatment for H. pylori infection that leads to peptic ulcers. Argentum Nitricum is most prominently suited for treating gastric ulcers in this condition. The main symptom is pain in the stomach radiating to other parts of abdomen. The pain is mainly of stitching, gnawing and burning in nature. Kali Bichrome and Graphites are two other wonderful homeopathic medicines for H. pylori with peptic ulcers. They are prescribed when gastric symptoms include burning pain in abdomen, belching and nausea. All these symptoms get better with eating. Uranium Nitricum is useful when burning pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating and burping are present.

What Are The Symptoms Of H. Pylori Infection?

Symptoms may not appear in most cases of this infection. When symptoms occur, these are related to gastritis or peptic ulcer occurring from damage of inner lining of stomach. The symptoms of H. pylori infection include:

1. Pain or burning in abdomen. The pain is worse when stomach is empty or in early morning. Eating something relieves the pain

2. Bloated abdomen

3. Nausea, vomiting, belching

4. Loss of appetite

5. Weight loss

6. Bloody/ black tarry stool or bloody or black vomit or vomit looking like coffee grounds. These are serious sign and if one has any of these signs, urgent medical help should be taken.

How does H. Pylori infection spread?

The mode of spread of H. pylori is still not fully clear. However, it is believed to spread by:

1. Direct contact with saliva, stool or vomit of infected person

2. Consuming contaminated food or water

Risk factors

This infection is usually contracted during childhood. Following factors increases the risk:

1. Unavailability of clean water

2. Living in crowded environment and living with someone having this infection

3. Living in a developing country as sanitary conditions are unhygienic


H. pylori infection may lead to gastritis and peptic ulcers.

A) The complications mainly related to peptic ulcers as follows:

1. Internal bleeding presenting as bloody/ black stool or bloody/ black vomit

2. Perforation (hole) in stomach wall. It increases chance of serious infection in abdominal cavity called peritonitis

3. Obstruction blocking food passage in digestive tract

B) Another complication is stomach cancer: H.pylori increases risk of stomach cancer (mainly adenocarcinoma)


In cases suspected of H.pylori infection, following tests are suggested to confirm diagnosis

1. Breath test (Urea breath test): In this test, the sufferer exhales in a bag after drinking a liquid containing harmless carbon molecules. In case H. pylori bacteria is present, carbon is released when the swallowed liquid gets in contact with H.pylori in stomach. When sufferer exhales in the bag, a device is used to check for carbon molecules emitted via breath.

2. Stool test

3. a) Stool antigen test: It is a common test to check for presence of antigens linked with H. pylori in stool

b) Stool PCR (polymerase chain reaction) test: It can find H. pylori infection in stool and can also find strains that are resistant to antibiotics but it is an expensive test.

4. Upper endoscopy:  In this test, a tube with a camera is inserted into the stomach via mouth and a tissue sample (biopsy) is taken to detect H.pylori infection.

Prevention Of H. Pylori infection

The main tip to prevent this infection is following good hygienic habits. Following measures may reduce risk of this infection:

1. Wash hands properly with soap and water before eating and after going to the toilet

2. Drink clean water

3. Avoid consumption of food not cleaned properly

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Top 8 Homeopathic Remedies for Depression

It is a mood disorder in which a person feels persistently sad and has a loss of interest in everyday activities. Many people feel low, upset, and sad from time to time. It happens to everyone at different times of their lives but being sad is not the same as being depressed. In depression, there is constant sadness accompanied by feelings of hopelessness continuing for weeks together which interfere with everyday activities and affect one’s personal and professional life. This is indicative of clinical/ major depression that requires treatment.

Homeopathy offers a very safe and gentle treatment for cases of depression. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that work at a very deep level of the mind to help overcome this condition. The main objective of homeopathy in depression cases is not merely giving symptomatic relief but to effect a cure. With its use, initially the severity of the complaint reduces gradually. Afterwards, a state of well-being is regained. Suppressing a complaint is also not the nature of homeopathic remedies in any form. Homeopathy is helpful both for acute as well as chronic cases of depression. In mild to moderate forms of depression, there are high chances of recovery with homeopathic medicines. But it has limitation in helping very severe forms of depression, especially with suicidal tendencies where other treatment options need to be looked out for.

Constitutional remedies

Homeopathy deals with treating depression with well-selected constitutional remedies which refers to medicines selected based on a person’s emotional, mental and physical state that brings forth his/her personality.  These medicines do not act just superficially, rather work on a deep psychological level and treat the person holistically rather than just the symptoms. With proper constitution treatment in homeopathy, this derangement in the mental health of a person is corrected to offer a feeling of comfort and well-being and restoration of mental health. It leads to effective cure in depression cases.

Highly reliable, alternative treatment choice

Homeopathy is a 200-year-old healing science founded on the basis of fixed principles. So the hit and trial method of treating is not followed here. Right from the case taking, its evaluation, the medicine selection, potency choice, dosage and repetition all are done as per the specified laws of homeopathy. This is what makes it a very reliable treatment option for depression cases. With a complete course of homeopathic treatment as guided by a homeopathic physician in most of the cases of mild to moderate depression, a successful cure follows.

Natural medicines with no side effects

The greatest advantage of using homeopathic medicines for depression is that they are free of any side effects. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances. These lack any harmful chemicals or toxins. So, no adverse effects follow the use of homeopathic medicines. On the other hand, the medicines used in conventional mode like antidepressants, sleeping pills, and mood stabilizers are known to cause many side effects. Here, opting homeopathy can help prevent facing such side effects.

Non habit-forming medicines

Homeopathic medicines for depression are non-habit forming means it does not create any dependency thus one doesn’t have to take it for whole life. Its dose is gradually reduced when recovery begins and completely stopped when the patient gets better. But in conventional mode, the medicines are habit-forming and one may become dependent on those medicines. So here too preferring homeopathic treatment is advantageous to save oneself from lifelong dependency on conventional medicines.

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Depression

The top 8 homeopathic medicines for depression are Ignatia, Natrum Mur, Aurum Met, Kali Phos, Sepia, Cimicifuga Racemosa, Lachesis and Coffea Cruda.

1. Ignatia Amara – For Acute Cases That Follows Some Grief

Ignatia Amara is a leading medicine to treat cases of depression. It works wonders in case of acute depression that has just taken off from some sort of grief. For example, depression triggered by acute grief like the death of a loved one, broken relationships and disappointments in life can be treated wonderfully with it. Those who need it remain sad all the time. With this, they have weeping spells. They also isolate themselves and avoid social engagements. They brood all the time ie; lost in deep thought which makes them sad and worried. Along with the above-mentioned symptoms, they may be very irritable. Their mind gets dull with weak memory. Excessive weakness also appears among them. It is also an excellent medicine to treat bipolar disorder.

When to use Ignatia Amara?

It should be the first choice of medicine to deal with cases of depression of recent origin triggered by acute grief like the death of a loved one, broken relationships with marked sadness, and weeping spells.

How to use Ignatia Amara?

Both low and high potencies of this medicine work well, however, it is advised to begin with low potency. So, initially, it can be taken in 30C potency two to three times a day.

2. Natrum Mur – For Chronic Cases

Natrum Mur is preferred to treat cases of chronic depression. It suits those who are very sensitive and sad, accompanied by sporadic episodes of weeping. They remain absorbed in grief all the time and dwell on the unpleasant memories of the past. They don’t like consolation, and it worsens the complaints. They tend to get offended easily.  Along with it, they don’t have an interest in doing any sort of work. It is also beneficial to manage depression in women before their periods.

When to use Natrum Mur?

Natrum Mur is the best choice of medicine to manage cases of chronic (i.e. long term) depression with sadness, weeping, and aversion to being consoled.

How to use Natrum Mur?

Use of this medicine is advised in 30 C potency that can be taken one to two times a day.

3. Aurum Met – For Suicidal Thoughts, Hopelessness, Worthlessness

Aurum Met is useful to those who have constant suicidal thoughts with extreme sadness accompanied by hopelessness. Along with this, they feel that they are worthless and of no value. They assume negative thoughts and the future seems dark to them. They feel that life is a burden, it’s useless to live, and they long for death.

When to use Aurum Met?

This medicine can be selected for managing depression when suicidal thoughts, hopelessness are prominent with sadness.

How to use Aurum Met?

It is best suited in 30C potency that can be taken up to 2 times in a day.

 4. Kali Phos – For Depression With Intense Stress and Worries

Kali Phos is the next top-listed medicine for depression. It mostly helps people who are over-stressed and have much to worry about. They remain constantly sad, and gloomy. With this, they have negative thoughts in their minds. Those who need it feel mentally and physically exhausted. Other symptoms that they may present include anxiety attacks and spells of weeping. Apart from the above-mentioned symptoms, complaint of sleeplessness is another major concern among them.

When to use Kali Phos?

It is suitable for managing depression attended with extreme stress and worries with marked exhaustion.

How to use Kali Phos?

This medicine is usually recommended in 6X potency. Kali phos 6X can be taken three to four times a day depending on the intensity of the problem.

5. Sepia – For Depression During Menopause

Sepia is an excellent medicine to deal with cases of depression in women during menopause. The most important symptoms present in them are sadness, aversion to seeing family members, and loss of interest in doing any work either mental or physical, even missing out on daily routine activities. There is also indifferent behaviour towards life and family. Such people are constantly lost in worries and are stressed with self-pity. They are very irritable and get offended easily. Sporadic weeping spells seeking consolation, and sympathy. Loss of sexual desire is another major complaint in them with the above symptoms. Apart from depression, during menopause, it is also helpful to treat such cases triggered after childbirth.

When to use Sepia?

It is a highly preferred medicine in women who suffer depression around menopause time with sadness, indifferent behavior, lack of interest in any work, and aversion to family members.

How to use Sepia?

Sepia can be taken in 30 C potency once a day. To use its high potencies like 200C one needs to consult a homeopathic physician.

6. Cimicifuga Racemosa – When It Begins After Childbirth (Post-Partum Depression)

The use of Cimicifuga is highly considered in cases of depression among women that begin after childbirth. Women who need this medicine suffer extreme sadness. They feel that they are enveloped in darkness from which it is difficult to come out. They also feel exhausted by these symptoms. Other symptoms that accompany the above-mentioned symptoms are excessive talking, indifferent behavior, fear of death, and fear of going mentally insane.

When to use Cimicifuga Racemosa?

The use of Cimicifuga Racemosa is especially suggested for managing depression in women triggered after childbirth with extreme sadness and the sensation of darkness all around her.

How to use Cimicifuga Racemosa?

It works most wonderfully in 30C potency and can be taken once or twice a day.

 7. Lachesis – When Delusions Attend Depression (Psychotic Depression)

Lachesis is well-indicated among cases where delusion is present along with depression, such as in cases of psychotic depression. Delusions are false, fixed beliefs that cannot be shaken off even when evidence is provided against that belief. Lachesis is administered when people have sadness, feelings of being abandoned, excessive talkativeness, and delusions. Such persons indulge in excessive talking and frequently jump from one subject to another. A lot of ideas crowd their mind at a given time. Sometimes violent anger and a state of madness are witnessed. When it comes to delusions, a person may get suspicious and he or she may feel as if someone may poison or harm him or her. Other symptoms that appear in them are restlessness, aversion to work, and running away from the world.

When to use Lachesis?

The use of Lachesis is highly recommended for cases of depression with marked delusions, sadness, excessive talkativeness, and suspiciousness.

How to use Lachesis?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency just once a day.

8. Coffea Cruda – For Managing Sleeplessness

Coffea Cruda is very effective for managing sleeplessness in these cases. It is indicated when there are constant chains of thoughts in the mind that lead to sleeplessness. There is marked restlessness at night with tossing and turning. Other symptoms include mood changes, irritability, anxiety, weeping, and weakness.

When to use Coffea Cruda?

This medicine can be prescribed to manage complaints of sleeplessness in depression cases.

How to use Coffea Cruda?

Consider its use in 30C potency once or twice a day.

What Causes Depression?

The causes of depression are not fully understood. But certain factors are thought to play a role.

These are as follows:

1.Genetics – Those with a family history of depression are at risk of developing it. The exact genes involved here are not known but research is going on to ascertain the genes that are involved.

2. Changes in brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) – It is through the transmission of these chemicals from one nerve cell to the other that the communication of the brain with its different parts occurs. The chemicals include serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. They play a role in controlling a person’s feelings, moods, emotions, happiness, and pleasure. An imbalance between these chemicals is thought to play a role in causing depression.

3. Hormonal changes – Certain hormonal changes can be involved in causing the onset of depression. These changes can arise during pregnancy, after childbirth, during menopause, and due to thyroid.

4. Some changes in the structure of the brain, and the frontal lobe being less active are the other reasons that can trigger depression.

5. Having a history of disorders like anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder
(PTSD) and bipolar disorder increases the risk of depression.

6. Those having some chronic illness, chronic pain, and chronic disease are also prone to develop depression.

Who Is At Risk of Depression?

1. Those having some blood relatives suffering from depression

2. Those who have low self-esteem and are self-critical

3. People with negative thinking

4. Who have long-term stress

5. Women are more at risk as compared to men

6. Having a history of mental trauma like the death of a loved one, physical or sexual abuse

7. Those going through financial problems, difficult relationships, issues at workplace or job loss, divorce

8. Who have some serious chronic illness like cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic pain

9. Those abusing recreational drugs, and alcohol

10. People taking medicines like sleeping pills, certain medicines to control high blood pressure, and corticosteroids

What Are Its Symptoms?

Persistent sadness and depressed mood are the main symptoms. Many other symptoms accompany depression.  These mostly include hopelessness, tearfulness, lack of pleasure, interest in activities that were previously enjoyed, isolation, and withdrawal from social engagement.

Other symptoms that may appear with this are feeling of guilt, feeling of worthlessness, negative thoughts in mind, tiredness, changes in sleep (either excessive sleep or loss of sleep), and loss of sexual desire. In severe cases, thoughts of death and suicide may come across one’s mind.

In addition to the above, the rest of the symptoms that may appear include outbursts of anger, irritability, anxiety, concentration difficulties, difficulty in completing tasks, appetite changes (either loss of appetite or increased appetite), weight loss or even weight gain.

Some physical symptoms may also appear that include headaches, body aches, and gastric issues.

It can affect relationships with family members. Certain conditions can also get worse due to depression like heart disease, joint pains, asthma, obesity, cancer, and diabetes.

A) Among men, the main symptoms are sadness, hopelessness, anger, aggressiveness, anxiety, irritability, lack of interest in activities that previously gave them pleasure, tiredness, drugs /alcohol, thoughts of death, decrease in sexual desire, difficulty in concentration, changes in sleep patterns (excessive sleep or no sleep), bodyache, headache, digestive complaints.

B) In women the main symptoms are sadness, hopelessness, irritability, social withdrawal, loss of interest in activities, thoughts coming slowly/ talking, changes in sleeping habits (excessive sleep, difficulty in sleep or early waking), thoughts of suicide, decreased energy levels, changes in weight/ appetite, pains, and headaches.

C) Among children, irritability, mood swings, anger outbursts, feeling of incompetence, refusal to go to school, a decline in academic performance, and avoiding friends.

Are there any tests to diagnose it?

There are no tests that can diagnose it. The diagnosis is made based on clinical symptoms. Sometimes thyroid tests and Vitamin D and B12 tests are conducted as they can trigger depression.

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Anosmia – Top 6 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Loss of Smell

Homeopathy for loss of smell

Anosmia is a condition in which a person loses his/her sense of smell. The odor molecules in the air surrounding us enter our nostrils, and are detected by the olfactory receptors. These receptors send a signal to the brain center via a nerve where the smell is identified, this is how we identify different smells and odors. Loss of smell makes a person unable to perceive pleasant odors (like fragrances) and also sense danger situations that can be detected by smelling (like gas leakage or smoke). Our sense of smell also plays a significant role in how food tastes, and so anosmia can also lead to a loss of taste (ageusia) and lack of interest in eating. A person may suffer from partial or total loss of smell (conditions known as hyposmia and anosmia respectively). Loss of smell can be present since birth, in such a case a child is born without any sense of smell. Anosmia may be temporary or permanent depending upon the cause behind it.

Homeopathy offers natural and effective treatment for anosmia. These medicines are suitable to treat anosmia in people of all age groups. Since these medicines are made of natural substances, they treat the condition in a safe manner. They treat the root cause of anosmia to bring about excellent recovery. Homeopathy is recommended for treating cases of both partial and total loss of smell.

Homeopathic treatment is based on the totality of symptoms. So homeopathic medicines while treating anosmia also manages the attending symptoms. These give remarkable relief in accompanying symptoms like nasal blockage, post nasal discharges, nasal discharge, sneezing etc. This way homeopathy offers a great solution simultaneously to all issues related to anosmia at the same time.

As anosmia occurs from various causes such as nasal allergy, chronic cold, sinusitis, so to treat it from its root, the cause needs to be identified and treated. Homeopathy works in such a manner that it addresses the root cause and aids great recovery. If a person follows a complete course of homeopathic treatment under the guidance of a homeopathic doctor, complete recovery occurs in most cases of anosmia. The results vary depending on the chronicity of the problem, the cause behind it and the response of the individual to homeopathic medicines.

Among the different available homeopathic medicines to treat anosmia, the most suitable medicine is finalised after a thorough assessment of the detailed symptoms of the individual. The potency, dose, repetition of medicine is also done individually for every case as per homeopathic principles. With individualized treatment, wonderful results follow.

Homeopathy treats anosmia very safely and gently with natural remedies. There are no chances of any side effects of these homeopathic medicines.

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Anosmia

The top indicated homeopathic medicines for anosmia include Natrum Mur, Silicea, Pulsatilla, Calcarea carb, Kali Bichrome and Lemna Minor. 

1. Natrum Mur – For Anosmia With Nasal Allergies

Natrum Mur is an effective homeopathic medicine for anosmia due to nasal allergies, along with nasal discharge that looks like egg white. Other features include nose blockage that makes breathing difficult and violent sneezing (especially during the morning). A very specific squirming sensation of a worm crawling in nostrils may be present along with the symptoms mentioned.

When to use Natrum Mur?

Its use is highly suggested to deal with cases of loss of smell linked to nasal allergies with intense sneezing and nasal discharge.

How to use Natrum Mur?

Among its different potencies 6X is most commonly recommended. Natrum Mur 6X can be taken three to four times a day as per case severity.

2. Silicea – For Anosmia Linked With Chronic Cold

Silicea is a well-indicated homeopathic remedy for anosmia where the person suffers from chronic cold. The people needing Silicea have a history of yellowish, chronic, offensive, fetid nasal discharge prior to loss of smell. For using Silicea, the symptoms that may be present along with a loss of smell include a burning sensation, dryness and the presence of hard crusts in the nostrils. In some cases, soreness and itching in the nostrils may also be present.

When to use Silicea?

Silicea is a great choice of medicine for handling cases of anosmia associated with tendency of chronic cold with bad smelling yellow discharge.

How to use Silicea?

Silicea is mainly used in 6X power two to three times daily.

3. Pulsatilla – For Loss Of Smell With Loss Of Taste

Pulsatilla is a wonderful medicine for anosmia attended with loss of taste. In some cases, the person may experience loss of appetite. Other attending features include thick greenish nasal discharge and sneezing. The symptoms tend to worsen indoors and get better in open air. In some cases, itching in nostrils may be felt mostly in the evening. Nose blockage in the evening while going to bed is another symptom that may be noted.

When to use Pulsatilla?

Its use is recommended where loss of smell along with loss of taste is present with thick green discharge from the nose.

How to use Pulsatilla?

The potency of this medicine differs from case to case from low to high. Usually, it is used in 30C potency that can be taken one to two times a day.

4. Calcarea Carb – For Anosmia And Nasal Blockage

This medicine offers great help when there is loss of smell and nasal blockage. Nasal blockage makes breathing through nose difficult especially at night. There may be nasal dryness while in some cases yellow-colored nasal discharge flows. It also offers best help when loss of smell is linked with nasal polyps.

When to use Calcarea Carb?

Calcarea Carb should be considered in anosmia cases where blockage of nose is marked with difficulty in breathing through the nose.

How to use Calcarea Carb?

It is advised to take Calcarea Carb 30C once a day.

5Kali Bichrome – For Anosmia with Sinusitis

Kali Bichrome is a natural homeopathic medicine for anosmia that is linked with sinusitis. The main symptoms that indicate the need for Kali Bichrome include constant stuffiness in the nose, stringy/sticky/ropy nasal discharge and fullness at the root of the nose. A sinus headache also appears along with nasal symptoms. Other accompanying symptoms include a tickling sensation in the nostrils and postnasal discharge of mucus.

When to use Kali Bichrome?

It is the best choice of medicine to help cases of loss of smell occurring in persons who suffer from sinusitis with sticky/ropy nasal discharge.

How to use Kali Bichrome?

This medicine can be taken in 30C potency once or twice daily.

6. Lemna Minor – Homeopathic Cure for Anosmia with Nasal Polyps

Lemna Minor is an important homeopathic medicine for anosmia in cases of nasal polyps. The person requiring this remedy experience loss of smell, obstruction in nostrils, and frequent sneezing attacks. The other symptoms include a thick, viscid or excessive purulent (pus-like) discharge from the nose. The nasal symptoms tend to get worse in damp surroundings and rainy weather.

When to use Lemna Minor?

Lemna Minor is the most helpful medicine when it comes to treat loss of smell linked with nasal polyps.

How to use Lemna Minor?

It is frequently given in mother tincture (Q) form. Lemna Minor Q can be used one to two times a day.

Symptoms Attending Anosmia

Depending on the cause behind anosmia, a person shows symptoms like nasal discharge, post nasal drip, sneezing and nasal blockage.

Persons having anosmia may also have loss of taste

Complete loss of smell may make it difficult to sense a dangerous circumstance and take measures to stop it, for example if there is gas leakage from cylinder or fire, a person suffering from anosmia may be unable to sense it and seek help.

Sometimes loss of smell may lead to depression.

Causes Of Anosmia

The reasons behind anosmia are variable. Anosmia may arise due to swelling in the nose, blockage in the nose that hinders odors reaching the top of the nose or due to damage to brain /olfactory nerve (that sends signal of smell from nose to brain) /olfactory receptors.  However, in approximately 20 per cent of the cases, anosmia has no cause (a condition known as idiopathic anosmia). The causes of anosmia are summed below:

Causes related to nasal irritation or congestion:

1. Sinusitis (acute or chronic) –Inflammation of the lining of paranasal sinuses

2. Hay fever (allergic rhinitis) – Nasal allergy where inhalation of allergens like dust mites, pollen leads to symptoms including sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, itching in nose or eyes, watering from the nose

3. Common cold – Viral infection of upper respiratory tract

4. Influenza – Viral infection of respiratory tract caused by influenza virus

5. Non-allergic (vasomotor) rhinitis – In this condition, symptoms similar to allergic rhinitis appear, but without any known cause.

6. COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) – An infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus

Causes related to blockage / obstruction of nasal passage– Anosmia

1. Nasal polyps – Soft, non-cancerous growths in the lining of nasal passage or paranasal sinuses

2. Tumours in the nose

3. DNS (deviated nasal septum) –  Displacement of thin wall separating right and left nasal passage to one side.

Causes related to damage to brain or nerve

1. Ageing

2. Parkinson’s Disease – A nervous system disorder characterized by hand tremors, slowness of movement, muscle rigidity, impaired posture and balance

3. Alzheimer’s Disease – A neurological disorder that leads to decline in memory, forgetfulness and problems with thinking, reasoning and communication

4. Brain tumours

5. Multiple sclerosis – A disease in which myelin sheath of nerve cells gets damaged which impairs communication between brain and the rest of the body parts

6. Hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), diabetes, head/brain injury, epilepsy (tendency to get fits)

7. Chemical exposure that causes burns inside nose, certain medicines (like antibiotics, antihistamines)
8. Zinc deficiency, poor nutrition

9. Smoking, alcohol misuse

10. In some cases a baby is born with anosmia, then the condition is called congenital anosmia.

Anosmia linked with COVID-19

Loss of smell is one of the prominent symptoms of COVID-19 but the mechanism behind it is unknown. It is also one of the earliest and the most common symptom reported in COVID-19. This symptom is the most prominent predictive factor for COVID-19. Researches are still trying to find the underlying mechanism behind it. A research has found that COVID-19 does not cause permanent anosmia.

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5 Natural Homeopathic Medicines for Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy refers to facial paralysis (loss of muscle function) affecting one side of the face and the onset is sudden. The cause in most such cases is not found. The cause is presumed to be inflammation of the facial nerve or reactivation of a previously acquired viral infection. The viral infection behind the cause is herpes simplex viral infection. The triggers which reactivate the latent viral infection include environmental changes like cold air exposure, trauma, and emotional factors. Homeopathic remedies for Bell’s Palsy are made of natural substances and with no side effects, provide a very effective treatment against the disease.

Homeopathic Treatment For Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy can be effectively treated with natural homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic treatment for Bell’s Palsy can help in complete recovery without any side effects. The results, however, vary from person to person depending on how chronic the problem is, and the degree of facial damage.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies For Bell’s Palsy

The top recommended homeopathic medicines to treat Bell’s palsy are Causticum, Belladonna, Aconite, and Hypericum.

1. Causticum

Causticum is the top recommended medicine to treat cases of Bell’s Palsy. This medicine is usually the first choice to treat cases of Bell’s Palsy. Though it can be used for paralysis of any side, it is more prominently indicated for facial paralysis of the right side. Those who need it have loose muscle function of the face on the side from forehead to chin. Pain in the jaws may also be present. The pain can be tense or drawing in nature. It is accompanied by difficulty in opening one’s mouth.


This is another natural medicine of great help in Bell’s palsy cases. Its use is suggested when the muscle of the face fails to function on one side. There may be numbness on the face. Additionally, twitching of facial muscles can be present. In most cases, the face goes red, flushes, and may as well witness a burning sensation. Besides, increased sensitivity to noises may be present.

3. Aconite

Aconite is used when there is a complaint of numbness or tingling sensation on the face on the affected side. The face also feels cold on the affected side. Apart from this, drawing pain in jaws can be felt. It is used in acute conditions in the very beginning when facial paralysis follows from sudden cold air exposure.

4. Hypericum

To deal with facial paralysis because of an injury to a nerve, the best homeopathic medicine is Hypericum. It can be of great help in the complete recovery of the patient with facial paralysis following injury. Tingling, numbness, or burning sensation on the affected side of the face may be experienced in addition to other symptoms of bell’s palsy. Hypericum is the top natural Homeopathic remedy for nerve injuries, and it always proves its worth by bringing positive results.

5. Ignatia

Ignatia is a very frequently used natural Homeopathic medicine for a variety of conditions arising out of grief. It is a very beneficial medicine in cases of Bell’s Palsy particularly triggered by grief too. Those who need this medicine carry symptoms of Bell’s Palsy and may also complain of frequent tooth bites while talking or swallowing. He or she may also have a mouth filled with excessive saliva. Other symptoms of grief like weeping, brooding and sadness are also present.

6. Agaricus

Agaricus is helpful when there is a dropping in the mouth corner due to facial paralysis. It is accompanied by drooling of the saliva. Twitching of the facial muscles may also be present. Tearing pain in the jaw may assist these symptoms.

7. Cadmium Sulph

It is administered when the patient has a distorted face. The swallowing of food becomes difficult. He or she also has difficulty speaking properly. And there is also an inability to close the eye on the affected side.

8. Homeopathic Medicines As Per The Side Of The Face Affected By Bell’s Palsy

The naturally efficient homeopathic medicines for Bell’s Palsy on the right side of the face are Belladonna, Causticum, and Kali Phos. For treating Bell’s Palsy on the left side, the efficient natural homeopathic medicines are Alumina, Cadmium Sulph, and Sulphur. To select the suitable medicines out of these, a proper case investigation needs to be carried out. Homeopathic remedies cannot be selected solely as per the side of the face affected by facial paralysis. The side of the face involved only forms a part of the totality of other symptoms narrated by the patient. So, the side of the face involved should be considered among other symptoms but not the only pointer to select this homeopathic remedy.

Symptoms Of Bell’s Palsy

In the majority of cases, the paralysis is unilateral. It means the disease occurs on one side of the face. In just one per cent of cases, it can involve both sides of the face. The onset of Bell’s Palsy is always sudden. The symptom intensity varies from case to case — from the slight weakness of the facial muscles to the entire paralysis (loss of muscle function). The signs and symptoms include:

1. Weakness or numbness of the face on one side

2. Drooping of face to one side

3. Drooling of saliva or drying of the mouth

4. Lachrymation (watering from eyes) or dryness of eyes due to inability to close eye on the affected side

5. Loss of facial expressions like frowning, and smiling

6. Pain about the jaw and behind the ear, sensitive hearing, inability to have a taste for food

7. Other symptoms include difficulty in eating and speech, headache, eye irritation on the affected side, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), tingling in the face, and twitching of facial muscles

 What Is The Recovery Time In Bell’s Palsy Cases?

The symptoms of Bell’s Palsy in most cases begin to get better within a few weeks (approx. 3 weeks). In the majority of the cases (about 80 per cent) of them, full recovery with complete resolution of the symptoms takes place in three months to 9 months time period. Though, in minor cases, complete recovery may take somewhat longer. In rare cases, the symptoms may be permanent. There are very few chances of recurrent Bell’s Palsy.

Causes Behind Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s Palsy results from compression, swelling/inflammation of the facial nerve (the seventh cranial nerve). This nerve goes through a narrow passage within the skull. Its swelling leads to its compression by the nearby hard surface in the skull and affects the nerve functioning as well.

When this nerve gets inflamed, the nerve cells get deprived of blood and oxygen resulting in the weakness or paralysis of the facial muscles. The reason behind the nerve damage has not been determined yet, it is widely believed that a viral infection sets off this damage.

There are various infections (viral and bacterial) associated with Bell’s Palsy. It mainly includes herpes simplex virus 1 which causes cold sores. Other viruses include Epstein – Barr virus, herpes zoster virus, HIV, cytomegalovirus, mumps virus, rubella virus, influenza B virus, coxsackie virus, and Lyme disease. Some factors linked with the reactivation of latent viral infection in the body and which may provoke Bell’s Palsy include stress, physical trauma, loss of sleep, some recent illnesses, and auto-immune health disease.

Risk Factors

Though anyone can suffer from Bell’s Palsy, those with the following symptoms are in a bigger risk zone:

1. Having diabetes or high blood pressure

2. Obesity

3. URTI (upper respiratory tract infection) like cold, flu

4. Pregnancy mainly in the third trimester (last three months of pregnancy), and the first week after giving birth to the child.

5. Family history of Bell’s Palsy (especially when there may occur recurrent episodes of Bell’s Palsy)

6. Have an autoimmune disease (in such diseases the infection-fighting cells start to damage the body’s own healthy tissues out of a misdirected response)

7. Cold sores


Mild cases of Bell’s Palsy are self-resolvable. In severe cases, complications may arise:

1.Permanent facial nerve damage that controls muscles of the face

2. Ulcers in the eye even blindness due to the drying of the cornea. Also, scratching the eye in the affected area. Blindness can be partial or complete.

3. Synkinesis – a condition in which one part of the face can be moved willingly, and there occurs simultaneous involuntary movement of another part of the face like the closing of the eye especially when one smiles. Synkinesis occurs when during the healing process/regrowth of nerve fibers, controlling the muscles of one part of the face also regrow on another part of the face.


There is no lab test to diagnose Bell’s Palsy. It is diagnosed based on the physical examination of the face, and observing the muscle movement of the face when the eye is closed, or when one is asked to frown, or asked to show teeth or any form of a grimace. There are some medical conditions that can cause weakness or paralysis of facial muscles like stroke, tumours, lyme disease. If the cause is not clear, then the physician may advise some tests. These include

1. MRI and CT scan to rule out causes like skull fracture, and tumour

2. Electromyography: This test is to rule out the severity of nerve damage


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8 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Urticaria

Urticaria, also called hives or ‘nettle rash’, refers to raised, elevated, itchy bumps (wheals also called welts) on the skin surface that results from an allergic reaction to certain allergens. Hives can be accompanied by burning, and stinging pain.

There is excellent scope to treat urticaria in homeopathy with natural homeopathic medicines. Homeopathy proves helpful for treating hives that have occurred recently (acute) as well as the ones that have been there for longer duration (chronic). Homeopathic medicines initially help to clear the acute outbreak of wheals. These medicines help to heal the welts along with relief in itching, burning, and stinging sensations. Afterwards, these help to reduce the recurrence and intensity of urticaria gradually.

To overcome this complaint entirely, homeopathic remedies work on treating its root cause. The reason behind urticaria is a hyperactive immune system and overproduction of histamine in response to an allergen leading to welts on the skin and attending symptoms like itching, burning, and stinging. So, to completely cure this condition, homeopathy works in optimizing the immune system and lowering the overproduction of histamine naturally. With homeopathic treatment, the dependency on use of antihistamines and other conventional medicines is also reduced. Additionally, homeopathy has an advantage of being safe and natural with no unwanted adverse effects.

In homeopathy there is no particular medicine which can be used in every case of urticaria. Rather the most suitable medicine has to be selected from the list of different medicines for urticaria as listed in homeopathic therapeutics. Homeopathic medicines for treating urticaria are selected as per the individual characteristic symptoms, the type of urticaria, its trigger factors, and the worsening & relieving factors in its symptoms. It is best to get any case of urticaria evaluated by a homeopathic doctor and take medicines as prescribed and self-medication be avoided.

Homeopathy is recommended for mild to moderate cases of urticaria. But in severe cases and cases of anaphylaxis, urgent help from conventional systems should be taken as it is a life-threatening condition and homeopathy has limitations to help such cases.

.homeopathic medicines for urticaria

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Urticaria

The top 8 homeopathic medicines to treat urticaria are Apis Mellifica, Natrum Mur, Urtica Urens, Rhus Tox, Dulcamara, Astacus, Sulphur and Chloralum.

1. Apis Mellifica – For Urticaria With Burning, Stinging Sensation

It is a leading medicine for the treatment of urticaria. The key feature to use it is red inflamed wheals with marked burning, stinging sensation. There is itching that gets most intense during the night. The wheals may be painful and tender to touch. They usually appear from heat. The Hives which trigger in warm weather are also indicative of its use. Other than that, Urticaria from insect bite is another characteristic to use it.

When to use Apis Mellifica?

The characteristic feature of using this medicine is red welts on the skin attended with burning and stinging sensation.

How to use Apis Mellifica?

This medicine can be taken in 30C potency twice or thrice a day as per symptom intensity.

 2. Natrum Mur – For Urticaria From Exercise And Heat (Cholinergic Type)

It is very effective for the treatment of hives that trigger too much exercise and heat. Those who need it get wheals over the whole body accompanied by excessive itching. The wheals appear like large red blotches. Burning and smarting sensation also appear in them. In many cases stinging sensation is also felt in the rash.

When to use Natrum Mur?

This medicine is well indicated to help cases of hives triggered by heat and excessive exercise.

How to use Natrum Mur?

It is advised to take Natrum Mur 6X three to four times a day as per symptom severity.

3. Urtica Urens – When Hives Appear Same Season Every Year

Use of Urtica Urens is considered when it appears in the same season every year. Wheals are red with itching and burning, and the patient constantly rubs skin to seek relief. Stinging also appears in welts. Swelling of the face may appear along with the above symptoms in some cases. Nettle rash from eating shellfish is also indicative of using this.

When to use Urtica Urens?

Urtica Urens can be used when there is a tendency to have hives in the same season every year.

How to use Urtica Urens?

It is recommended to use Urtica Urens 30 C two to three times a day.

4. Rhus Tox – For Water Induced/Aquagenic Type

It is helpful to people who suffer from water induced Hives. Here the patient gets wheals from skin contact with water. The appearance of wheals is accompanied by itching. After one scratches, a burning sensation appears. Stitching pain also accompanies.

When to use Rhus Tox?

Rhus Tox is an excellent choice of medicine to manage hives triggered from contact with water.

How to use Rhus Tox?

This medicine can be administered in 30C potency two to three times a day.

5. Dulcamara – From Cold Air Exposure (Cold Induced Type)

It is suitable for cases of cold-induced type. Those who need it get Hives from exposure to the cold air. They get red wheals on the whole body. It is accompanied by excessive itching. Needle-like pricking sensation also appears in the wheals.

When to use Dulcamara?

Opt its use to manage urticaria triggered from cold air exposure.

How to use Dulcamara?

Use of Dulcamara 30C is suggested once or twice a day.

6. Astacus – When Accompanied By Liver Complaint

Astacus is administered in cases where Urticaria is accompanied by liver complaints. The wheals appear over the entire body. They result in itching and stinging pain. It is mainly indicated in long standing (chronic) cases.

When to use Astacus?

This medicine is an ideal prescription for hives attended with some liver complaint.

How to use Astacus?

One may use Astacus 30C once a day.

7. Sulphur – To Manage Itching In Wheals

Sulphur is prominently indicated to manage itching in the wheals on skin. Itching gets better by scratching most of the time. The wheals may appear over the entire body. This is accompanied by an intense burning sensation besides itching. In addition to this, stitching-lia ke prickling sensation on the skin is also felt. Formication sensation as if an insect is crawling on the skin is another accompanied symptom.

When to use Sulphur?

Sulphur can be highly considered to manage itching in the welts in hives cases.

How to use Sulphur?

It is advised to limit use of Sulphur 30C to once a day.

8. Chloralum – For Urticaria From Scratching Skin (Dermatographic Type)

Chloralum is mainly recommended for dermatographic type of urticaria. Those who need it get welts on skin if the skin is scratched.  The patient complains of intense irritation, itching, and stinging feeling.  This medicine also helps cases of hives that appear at night and get better during the day. In such cases, wheals are large red, and sometimes accompanied by swelling of the face and the eyelid. The wheals have itching that compels a person to scratch until it bleeds. Apart from this, this medicine is also indicated when a complaint appears due to alcohol intake.

When to use Chloralum?

It is suggested to use this medicine for urticaria that results from scratching of skin.

How to use Chloralum?

Chloralum 30 C can be taken once or twice a day.

What Are Its Causes?

The reason behind hives is usually an allergic reaction due to an overactive immune system. This reaction may occur from the consumption of certain food products or touching something to which a person is allergic to. Hives result when there is release of histamine (a chemical produced by immune system during an allergic reaction to get rid of allergen) from mast cells and basophils under the skin’s surface. This results in dilatation of blood vessels under the skin and inflammation. Following this, these vessels become leaky, and cause fluid to accumulate under the skin causing wheal formation, and swelling. People who have allergic tendencies are at risk of hives. Other than allergies, hives may also result from other non-allergic conditions like stress, tight clothes and infections. Many times, in over half of the cases, the exact causes and trigger factors cannot be ascertained.

What Triggers It?

The main triggers include consumption of foods such as eggs, nuts, and shellfish. Also certain medications like some antibiotics, NSAIDs, even exercises, scratching, alcohol, insect bites may also trigger it. Other triggers include sun exposure, stress, extremes of heat or cold, some intestinal parasites, animal dander, pressure on skin, dust mites, water application, certain plants, such as poison ivy. In some cases, viral infections (like common cold, mononucleosis, hepatitis), and bacterial infections (urinary tract-infection, strep throat) may trigger it. Sometimes it can arise in patients who have thyroid and Celiac’s disease (gastric disorder in which an immune response in the small intestine is triggered from eating gluten that damages the small intestine).

What Are Its Signs And Symptoms?

Wheals: It is the major sign of urticaria. It refers to raised, elevated, smooth-surfaced, itchy bumps on the skin with clearly defined edges. They are itchy. Also, burning, and stinging sensation may appear.

Location of wheals: They may appear on the surface of the skin on any of the body part. They may be localised confined to one body part, or many, or may be present on the entire body.

Color of wheals: It may be pink, red, pale or skin-colored. On being pressed, they may turn white (blanching).

Size of wheals: They can be small like a pin point or may be several inches big. They may also join and form larger ones known as plaques.

Shape of wheals: They may be round, oval or ring-shaped.

Duration of wheals: They usually disappear within a few hours but will not remain present beyond one full day.

Angiodema: In some cases, angioedema arises. This means swelling appears under the skin mainly around the eyes, lips, mouth, and sometimes around the genitals, hands, and feet.

Anaphylaxis: Very rarely, Hives may appear from severe allergic reaction, and lead to anaphylaxis (in which intense swelling of lips, tongue, throat arise along with troubled breathing, rapid heartbeat, dizziness, and sometimes it may lead to fainting. Anaphylaxis is a severe life threatening condition and thus it should be treated urgently.


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Homeopathic Remedies For Bunion

If it hurts while walking, and there’s a swelling on the thumb-side toe of the foot (big toe), it could mean a bunion formation. Bunion refers to a medical condition affecting the big toe of the foot in which a bony bump on the joint at base of great toe forms on the outer side. There occurs enlargement of joint of the big toe (joint between the big toe and the feet called metatarsophalangeal joint). It is accompanied by displacement or tilting of the affected big toe inwards. There may occur redness and soreness of skin over the bunion. Hallux Valgus is a term used for bunion deformity. At times, little bunions may form on the joint of little toe which are known as bunionettes.



Homeopathic Treatment for Bunion

Homeopathic treatment provides complete cure for the Bunions. With the help of natural homeopathic remedies, the pain, and swelling around the big toe is reduced, followed by complete cure of the bunion. The homeopathic medicines are selected on the basis of characteristic symptoms described by each individual. The Homeopathic remedies for bunion are made of natural substances, are totally safe and have zero side effects.

Top Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Bunion

The top listed homeopathic medicines to treat bunion are Benzoic Acid, Silicea and Hypericum,  Rhus Tox and Ruta, Antimonium Crudum, Ammonium Carb and Zincum Met

1. Benzoic Acid – Top Medicine for Bunion

Benzoic Acid has given great clinical results in bunion cases. It is a top remedy for treating bunions with acute swelling and pain. Those who need this medicine have marked swelling and redness over the big toe, with severe pain. The pain can be varying in character like stitching pain or tearing pain. At times, the burning is also felt in the toe. The pain and swelling gets reduced very quickly with the use of Benzoic Acid. This homeopathic medicine is also of great help when the pain in the great toe worsens at night. Those who need it suffer from the numbness in the toes.

2. Silicea – For Bunion with Blister Formation

For treating bunions where blisters have been formed on the big toe along with other features, Silicea is the most beneficial natural homeopathic medicine. In most cases, the blisters contain fluid or pus and Silicea is a good homeopathic remedy in both the cases. Along with blisters, pain can be felt in the toe or it can extend throughout the sole of the foot. The pain can be boring, tearing or shooting in nature. The pain is so violent that the sufferer is unable to step on his feet. A marked characteristic feature that adds weightage for selecting homeopathic remedy — Silicea — is excessive sweating on the feet. The sweat is most of the times offensive in nature.

3. Hypericum – To Manage Severe Pain In Big Toe Due To Bunion

It is of great help in all those cases of bunions where severe excruciating pain is felt in the big toe. The pain can at times be specifically described by the patient like that of a pricking needle. The severe pain shows involvement of nerves. The toe is also sore to touch accompanied by swelling. The patient can get rid of the severe pain in the toe with bunion by using homeopathic remedy — Hypericum — without any side effect.

4. Rhus Tox and Ruta – Homeopathic Remedies For Bunion With Swelling

Natural Homeopathic medicines Rhus Tox and Ruta are very beneficial remedies for bunion with swelling and thickening of bursa of great toe. The toe is also distorted in shape. Both Rhus Tox and Ruta are top homeopathic remedies for conditions involving bursa of the joint. Pain in the toe and the feet can be noticed. Rhus Tox is the best homeopathic remedy when the pain in the toe and the feet shoots while resting, and it gets better upon walking. Ruta is the ideal homeopathic medicine when the pain gets worse while standing, and walking.

5. Antimonium Crudum – To Manage Corns And Callus On Toes

In some cases of bunion, corns or callus may form where the first and second toe rub with each other. Here, Antimonium Crudum is the most beneficial. It helps in healing treat corns and calluses. It also helps to manage pain and tenderness in corns, if present.

6. Ammonium Carb – To Relieve Redness, Swelling And Pain Of Big Toe

This medicine is well indicated to reduce redness, swelling and pain in big toe. In cases needing it, these symptoms get worse in evening. Besides, marked heat or burning sensation is felt in big toe. Pressure on the toe from wearing shoes worsens burning and pain.

7. Zincum Met – For Bunion On Little Toe

This medicine is recommended when bunion is present on the little toe. Though it can be used for bunion on any side but is most helpful for left-sided bunion on little toe. In cases needing it, stinging pain is felt in the bunion. The pain is felt usually while walking.

Signs And Symptoms Of Bunion

1. Bump on outer side of big toe

2. Turning of big toe towards other toes of affected foot

3. Swelling, inflammation or redness of area over the affected great toe

4. Pain in feet on walking or otherwise

5. Numbness in big toe

6. Limited movement of big toe

7. Thickening of skin under the big toe

8. Corn or Callus formation on second toe where it rubs with the great toe. Corns and callus are thick, hard, rough areas on the skin caused by excessive friction or pressure

9. In a few cases, fluid-filled eruptions (blisters) appear on the skin of great toe.

Cause Behind Bunion

Though there is no one confirmed cause behind bunion but certain factors are linked with bunion formation.

1.Genetics play a role, it is because of an anomaly in the foot structure that predisposes a person to bunion formation.

2. Flat foot or other foot deformities present at birth

3. Injury to feet

4. Wearing of tight shoes or pointed shoes or high-heeled shoes

5. Some types of arthritis (joint inflammation) especially rheumatoid arthritis

6. Standing continuously for prolonged period of time

Types Of Bunion

Most of the times, bunions form on the big toe. Rest of the types are:

1. Juvenile/adolescent hallux valgus: It develops between age of 10 to 15 years

2. Congenital Hallux Valgus: When a baby is born with bunion

3. Bunionette (Tailor’s bunion): It forms on the outer side of the base of little toe. Bunionette is called tailor’s bunion because tailors used to sit with cross legs for long durations of time that put pressure on the side of feet and consequent bunion formation on the little toe.

Complications Of Bunion

The complications that can arise in cases of bunion are:

1. Bursitis: Bursa is a small fluid-filled sac (bursa) that surrounds bones near the  joint. Bursa contains synovial fluid that helps to reduce friction of bone with other structures like ligaments, muscles and tendons during joint movement. It can get swollen and inflamed (called bursitis) when big toe joint gets bigger due to bunion formation.

2. Metatarsalgia: In this condition, the ball of feet becomes painful and swollen.

3. Hammertoe: Bending of middle joint of a toe especially the toe adjacent to big toe

Diagnosis Of Bunion

A doctor can diagnose bunion just by having a look at the big toe. An X-ray can however be recommended to look for joint damage.

Prevention Of Bunion

1. Select the shoes carefully. Avoid tight and narrow pointed toe shoes and choose wide toe box shoes.

2. Wear right fitting shoes. The shoes you wear should not squeeze any part of the foot

3. Avoid wearing high heeled footwear as it puts pressure in the front of the feet

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Homeopathic Remedies for Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a severe and complex mental health condition in which a person fails to understand or to differentiate between reality and unreality. It is mainly characterized by delusions and hallucinations. Delusions are fixed, false beliefs that cannot be shaken even when a reason is given against such beliefs. Hallucinations are sensory perceptions that occur in the absence of external stimuli like hearing a voice or seeing an image that is not present in reality. Disordered thinking and abnormal social behavior also accompany these characteristic features.

There is a vast scope for the treatment of many such psychological complaints with homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines are found to be very effective in treating Schizophrenia. Being of natural origin, they are free from any toxic side effects and are safe to use. Apart from safety, homeopathic medicines for schizophrenia are also not habit-forming, and one can withdraw their use once recovery begins. Homeopathic medicines act deeply and aim to work on correcting the root cause of the disease. Delusions of varying kinds, hallucinations, and the other accompanying features of Schizophrenia are treatable with natural homeopathic medicines. Due to the use of these medicines, the intensity of symptoms is seen to reduce gradually and there is a sense of general well-being.

Homeopathic Medicines for Schizophrenia

Homeopathic Medicines For Schizophrenia

There is a huge list of homeopathic medications to treat Schizophrenia, and the remedies are selected symptomatically depending on a case-to-case basis. The top-ranked homeopathic medicines for Schizophrenia are Lachesis, Anacardium Orientale, and Hyoscyamus Niger. The keynote symptoms of these homeopathic remedies are as follows:

1. Lachesis – Top-Grade Medicine

Lachesis is the top recommended medicine for schizophrenia treatment. Certain delusions are mainly indicated for the use of this medicine. These include the patient’s delusion about having been poisoned by someone, being harmed, or being followed by enemies. There is suspicion to an extreme degree towards everything. The sensation of being under the control of some superhuman power is yet another unique feature in persons needing Lachesis. Another delusion could be there are robbers in the house. In some cases, there is a delusion that she is dead and people are preparing for her funeral. A wish to isolate themselves, aversion to work, and a marked loquacity (excessive talking) are also present among such subjects. There is disorganized speech and continuous talking marked by quick jumping from one subject to another unrelated subject. Repetition of the same words over and over again is also present in the speech.

2. Anacardium Orientale – For Auditory Hallucinations

Anacardium Orientale is an important medicine for Schizophrenia where a person hears voices. The voices are mostly of spirits or dead people. A few patients narrate that the voices say that they are going to die soon. Some patients say that the spirits call their names, and command them to follow them. Some patients state that the voices inside them speak in abusive language. Those who need it experience delusion as if the mind and body are separated and delusion of being double or having two wills. A very unique delusion that may be present is that on one shoulder an angel is sitting commanding and doing good things, and on the second shoulder a devil is sitting asking to commit bad things. Other accompanying features are extreme sadness, absent-mindedness, suspicion, indifferent behaviour, and lack of interest in anything. Forgetfulness, aversion to work, desire to swear and curse, and talking in phrases that make no sense are also some characteristic symptoms that may be present. Another unique feature is the feeling that everything is a dream, and nothing is real.

3. Hyoscyamus Niger – For Delusion Of Being Poisoned And Seeing Absent Persons

Hyoscyamus Niger is useful in cases where the patient thinks someone is going to poison them. In most cases, as a result, they avoid eating or drinking offered by others. There is also a suspicion that family members are keeping a watch over them all the time.  Sometimes the patient does things that appear foolish. Laughing loudly at everything is also distinctly present. An impulse to strike and bite others may also arise along with delusions. Excessive and hurried talking, and unintelligible muttering can also appear. One may make strange and funny gestures like a clown dancing. The next important symptom to use this medicine is when a patient says he is able to see people who are not actually present.

4. Stramonium – Where Patients Talk with Imaginary Spirits

Stramonium works well in cases of Schizophrenia where the patient thinks that they can talk with spirits. Patients who need this remedy say that they are under the influence of these spirits. They may also say that they are in communication with God. They carry out conversations with imaginary people. A feeling of restlessness accompanies talking to spirits and imaginary people.  Delusions about the presence of multiple people in the room may also arise though none are there in reality. The patient sees people coming out of all corners of the chamber. Patients who hear voices that scold them are also treated well with Stramonium. Another delusion that points towards using Stramonium is a firm belief by the sufferer that he is going to die soon. As a consequence, they start to give directions for their funeral. A constant praying and recitation of religious rhymes also predominantly appear with the above features.

5. Platina – For Schizophrenia Accompanied By Delusions Of Grandiosity

Platina is a high-grade homeopathic medicine for Schizophrenia with delusions of grandiosity. Patients who need Platina think of themselves as superior to others, and of great value to humanity. They believe that they are better than everyone else, and that all others are insignificant in comparison. Even the closest family members seem to be of no value and inferior to them. They exhibit great pride and are extremely critical of others.

6. Baryta Carb – For Suspicion That A Person Is Being Talked About

Baryta Carb is helpful in treating Schizophrenia where sufferers have a high suspicion that other people are talking about them. There is also a feeling that they are being made fun of and people are always laughing at them. Other symptoms that accompany are difficulty in concentration and confusion of the mind. Childish behaviour is also common among patients who need the medicine — Baryta Carb.

7. Plumbum Met – For Delusions Of Conspiracies Of Being Murdered

Plumbum Met is administered for Schizophrenia among those suffering from delusions of others conspiring to murder them. These individuals think everyone around them is a murderer and their life is in danger. Sadness, melancholy, restlessness, anxiety, aversion to talking, and absent-mindedness also prevail.

8. Thuja Occidentalis – For Sensation Of Being Under Superhuman Control

Thuja Occidentalis is of help in cases where the patient feels as if he is under the control of some superhuman power. The patient has a vacant look with staring eyes and may talk in a hasty way or use the wrong words while talking. They are also sad, irritable, and suffer from insomnia. They are usually unable to manage daily life tasks.

9. Calcarea Carb – For Delusions Of Being Followed By Someone All The Time

Calcarea Carb is administered for Schizophrenia with a delusion of being followed by someone all the time. Along with this, there is the fear that something bad is going to happen. Fear of misfortune and of losing reasonableness in one’s life is also present. Anxiety, high irritability without any reason, and the constant fear of death also appear.

10. Kali Bromatum – Where Persistent Sleeplessness Attends Delusions

Kali Bromatum is a medicine for Schizophrenia where there is persistent insomnia accompanied by delusions. The delusions are of varying kinds. They mainly include delusions of conspiracy, and of persecution (as if someone is conspiring against them or pursuing them). Symptoms of depression, which include profound melancholy, indifference to life, and uncontrollable weeping, are also present. Such patients fear talking to people. Another marked symptom is a feeling of being singled out as the only person for divine wrath.

11. Cannabis Indica – For Disorganized Speech

Cannabis Indica is a very useful medicine for Schizophrenia with the presence of disorganized and incoherent speech, with the tendency to stammer. A person who needs Cannabis Indica begins speaking but is unable to complete a sentence. They forget words while talking. A lot of ideas tend to crowd their brain, and they get lost in thought and/or are unable to fix their attention on one subject. Uncontrollable laughter may arise when the patient laughs at every word spoken to him. They even laugh at serious matters. They, however, have the persistent fear of becoming insane.

12. Medorrhinum – When Nothing Seems Real

Medorrhinum is a medicine for Schizophrenia when nothing seems real, and the person feels everything is a dream. This is accompanied by feelings of anxiety and of always being in a hurry. Patients are also impulsive, and cruel and tend to use abusive language. As night approaches they are overwhelmed by the fear of someone following them. They have delusions of people looking at them from behind the furniture. Apart from the above symptoms, sudden mood changes may also be present. A very characteristic feature is that patients constantly think that they have done some unpardonable sin and are going to hell, so they keep praying.

13. Aurum Met – To Manage Depression

This medicine is of great value to manage depression in such cases. Those who need it have intense sadness, and hopelessness along with predominating suicidal thoughts. They feel as if life is a burden, and the future is all dark. They indulge in self-criticism. There is a desire to die, and such people constantly talk of self-destruction and suicide.

Reasons Behind Schizophrenia

1. The exact reason behind Schizophrenia is still not clear to the medical fraternity. However, a combination of genetic, and environmental factorsseems to play a vital role in making a person prone to developing Schizophrenia. It most commonly begins in teenage or early adulthood.

2. It is also thought that some imbalance in chemicalsused by the brain(neurotransmitters dopamine, glutamate, serotonin) for communication between one nerve cell to another nerve cell and losing connections in some brain areas may play a role behind its cause.

Risk Factors

There are certain factors that increase the risk of schizophrenia such as:

  1. Family history of schizophrenia
  2. Certain viral infections to the mother during foetal development, malnutrition, stress, exposure to toxins during foetal life, and having gestational diabetes, and preeclampsia increases the risk of schizophrenia in baby
  3. Infections and autoimmune diseases that affect the brain
  4. Prolonged stress for long time periods
  5. Using psychotropic drugs like cannabis
  6. Some factors like childhood trauma, abuse in childhood, dysfunctional families, death of mother/father, unemployment, being bullied or any deep insult in the past may increase the risk of schizophrenia in a person who has a predisposition for it.

Symptoms Of Schizophrenia

1)Positive/psychotic symptoms: These means symptoms related to actions and thoughts not based on reality

A). Hallucinations: Sensory perceptions that occur in the absence of external stimuli like hearing a voice or seeing an image that is not present in real. a). Mainly auditory hallucinations occur in schizophrenia, in which the sufferer hears voices in the absence of any sensory stimulus.

b) Hallucinations related to smell, taste, and vision may also occur though these are not common.

B). Delusions: It is a firm belief in something with a lack of evidence to support it. a) Delusions are mainly persecutory in nature. In these delusions, patients feel that someone is plotting to harm them, someone is spying on them, they are being followed by someone, or someone will poison them. b) A delusion as if someone is controlling their thoughts or is keeping a watch on them is also a prominent feature among some of those who suffer. c)Delusion that they are very important or have excess fame.d) Delusion of possessing extraordinary powers e) Delusion that another person is in love with you.

3. Disorganized Speech: Disorganized speech and confused thoughts are present. The sufferer may give an answer to a question that has no link to the asked question. Senseless talking, jumping from one subject to the other quickly while talking. Speaking in a monotone, and saying meaningless words may also arise. They may also feel as if some external source is controlling their thoughts or think that they have some extraordinary powers.

4. Negative symptoms: These refer to not showing normal behaviour by persons having schizophrenia: It includes social withdrawal, losing interest in life activities, weak expression of emotions (not sad on sad occasions or not happy on happy occasions), lack of facial expressions, fewer to no gestures, lack of emotions, lack of motivation, neglect in maintaining personal hygiene.

5. Other symptoms are difficulty in recalling things, confusion of thoughts, poor concentration, moving slowly, writing excessively but meaninglessly, difficulty in making decisions, changes in sleeping patterns, and suicidal thoughts.

6. Catatonia:In some cases, the sufferer may stop talking with the body fixed in a particular position for long hours.


If not treated certain complications can arise such as:

Anxieties, obsessive-compulsive disorder, aggression, depression, suicidal thought or attempt, drug abuse, and alcohol abuse are a few things that may complicate Schizophrenia.


1.There are no lab tests to diagnose schizophrenia. It is diagnosed by ruling out other mental health conditions and substance-induced psychosis. Certain tests may be carried out like MRI, and CT scan to check for changes in brain structure; blood tests to rule out other causes of symptoms.

2. A detailed psychiatric evaluation and symptom study is required to diagnose schizophrenia

3. Criteria given in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders

(DSM-5) may be used to diagnose schizophrenia. As per this manual two diagnostic criteria have to be present for one month with a major impact on social or occupational functioning for minimum of six months. Among these one symptom is to become hallucinatory, one remains in delusion and disorganized speech and the second symptom is to be some among negative symptoms or disorganized or catatonic behaviour.


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Suffering From Intractable Anal Fistula? Safe Homeopathic Remedies for Anal Fistula


An anal fistula is a small tunnel with an internal opening in the anal canal and an external opening in the skin of the perianal area (an area that surrounds the anus). An anal fistula usually results after improper healing of an anal abscess following pus drainage.

Homeopathy is the best alternative for treating many surgical diseases including anal fistula. Homeopathic remedies for anal fistula treat the condition with gentleness and safety, and with no side effects because of their natural origin. In the first place these medicines help to manage the signs and symptoms like the pus discharge associated with anal fistula, pain, swelling, and itching around the anus. The natural medicines also assist in regularising bowel movements and treating hard stool, which could otherwise worsen the symptoms. Simultaneously, they halt the further worsening of the medical condition. Afterwards, with regular use of these medicines gradual healing of the anal tract takes place. The results, however, vary depending on the severity and complexity of the problem.

Homeopathy treats anal fistula cases by boosting body’s own restorative healing processes. It uses highly diluted substances to heal itself from within on its own. It helps to fight germs causing pus formation and throw them out of the body followed by gentle healing. Thus, it brings natural recovery in fistula cases with no harmful after effects.

Homeopathy employs the use of medicines as per case presentation. As the signs and symptoms vary from person to person, so does the homeopathic prescription. Also the potency, dose and repetition of medicines differs from case to case. So, it is advised to avoid self-medication and always consult a homeopathic doctor for the correct prescription.

Homeopathy is very beneficial for treating anal fistula both in recently-developed as well as long term (chronic) cases. In mainstream medicine, usually surgery is recommended to treat cases of anal fistula that carries a risk to re-form even after surgical correction. Here homeopathy can save a person from undergoing surgical procedures in most of the cases. Though cure with homeopathic medicines in fistula cases is a time-consuming process, it is the best alternative to surgical intervention.

Best 9 Homeopathic Remedies For Anal Fistula

The 9 medicines that top the list for anal fistula treatment are Silicea, Hepar Sulph, Myristica Sebifera, Calcarea Sulph, Berberis Vulgaris, Calcarea Phos, Paeonia Officinalis, Causticum and Thuja Occidentalis.

1. Silicea – For Anal Fistula With Copious Pus Discharge

Silicea is the most recommended medicine for anal fistula. It is the most widely used medicine for treating anal fistula in homeopathy. It carries a great ability to resolve multiple medical problems where pus formation occurs including anal fistula. The way it controls the process of pus formation is magnificent. It can be given in anal fistula cases with copious pus discharge. Sometimes blood may be present in this discharge. The discharge is also highly offensive and putrid smelling. The discharge is accompanied by perianal swelling. Sharp, stitching pain in the rectum may occur especially while walking. When passing stool, burning and itching at anus may be felt. Silicea is also a remedy for anal fistula with brownish fluid discharge and/or accompanied with constipation. Silicea is also applicable to treat hardness/indurations left around the anus after the healing of an anal fistula.

When to use Silicea?

This medicine is a wonderful choice to manage anal fistula with excessive pus discharge that can sometimes be blood stained.

How to use Silicea?

Among its different potencies, the most commonly used is 6X potency. Silicea 6X can be taken three to four times a day as per symptom intensity.

2. Hepar Sulph – For Intense Pain

Hepar Sulph is the most valuable medicine to manage anal fistula accompanied by extreme pain. It works in cases where the area around the perianal region is highly inflamed, hard and swollen, and is very sore and sensitive to touch. The pain, in most cases, gets worse at night. Cold worsens the pain. Other symptoms may include throbbing or beating sensation around the anus. It is indicated when pus is present in the tract but hasn’t begun to discharge. This medicine will aid pus drainage from fistula tract followed by relief in pain. The discharge of pus from the anal fistula may be blood-stained and may smell like decaying matter. The patient may also have fever with chills.

When to use Hepar Sulph?

Hepar Sulph is well indicated for cases of anal fistula with pus formation attended with marked swelling, throbbing pains and sensitivity to touch area around the anus.

How to use Hepar Sulph?

It is recommended to take Hepar Sulph 30 twice or thrice a day based on the severity of the condition.

3. Myristica Sebifera – Top Remedy For Fistula

Myristica Sebifera is another primary natural medicine of plant origin and is used for treating many suppurative (pus forming) conditions including anal fistula. This remedy works wonders in expelling the pus readily and in healing anal fistula. It has its most prominent action in speeding up the process of pus drainage and cut short the healing process of anal fistula. Use of this medicine often prevents the need for surgery in anal fistula cases.

When to use Myristica Sebifera?

This medicine can be taken in anal fistula cases to speed up the process of pus drainage and shorten the recovery period.

How to use Myristica Sebifera?

It is advised to use Myristica Sebifera in 30C power once or twice a day.

4. Calcarea Sulph – For Thick, Yellow Discharges

Calcarea Sulph is beneficial for the treatment of anal fistula with thick and yellow pus discharge. The discharge is often blood stained. It is indicated when the pus is already oozing out of an anal fistula opening on the skin. Calcarea Sulph aids in hastening pus expulsion. Pain is also prominent in the anal region where this medicine is required.

When to use Calcarea Sulph?

One may opt for it when there is thick yellow pus discharge along with anal pain.

How to use Calcarea Sulph?

Usually its biochemic form is preferred in 6X potency in most of the cases, Calcarea Sulph 6X can be used two to three times a day.

5. Berberis Vulgaris – For Shooting or Stitching Pain

Berberis Vulgaris works well in cases where there is shooting pain around the anus. In addition to this, a stitching pain around the anus also points towards the use of Berberis Vulgaris. The skin around the anus is very sore and is accompanied by itching, which gets worse in the evening.

When to use Berberis Vulgaris?

Berberis Vulgaris can be considered for managing anal fistula with shooting or stitching pain along with itching and soreness around anal region.

How to use Berberis Vulgaris?

This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. However, it is suggested to begin it in low potency like 30C that can be taken one to two times a day.

6Calcarea Phos – For Painless Fistula

Painless anal fistula points towards the use of Calcarea Phos. In these cases, there is blood and pus discharge from the anal fistula. These discharges can be accompanied by warm or burning sensation around the anus. Another striking indication for using Calcarea Phos is anal fistula alternating with chest complaints. Calcarea Phos hastens the healing process of anal fistula resulting in speedy recovery.

When to use Calcarea Phos?

This medicine is apt for cases of anal fistula with pus or blood discharge without any pain.

How to use Calcarea Phos?

This medicine is frequently prescribed in 6X potency. Calcarea Phos 6X can be administered three to four times per day as per case requirement.

7. Paeonia Officinalis – For Pain And Itching At Anus

Paeonia Officinalis is a natural medicine for anal fistula treatment. In cases needing it, there is persistent oozing of fluid from the fistula track. The fluid is extremely offensive in smell and there is also much pain in the anus region. Sitting makes the pain worse. Itching and biting sensation around the anus also attend. Burning sensation at the anus is also marked. Apart from anal fistula, Paeonia Officinalis is also a prominent remedy for treating anal fissures and piles.

When to use Paeonia Officinalis?

It is a prominent medicine to deal with anal fistula cases with persistent oozing from fistula along with anal itching and pain that usually gets worse from sitting.

How to use Paeonia Officinalis?

This medicine is best suited in 30C potency that can be repeated 2 times a day.

8. Causticum – For Pulsating Pain

Causticum works well when in anal fistula cases, pulsating pain is felt around the anus. The pulsations are of high intensity in the perineum. The anal fistula discharges pus, blood, and serum. Along with anal fistula, hemorrhoids may also be present. The hemorrhoids are hard, large and swollen.

When to use Causticum?

This medicine is beneficial to manage pulsating pains at the anus in anal fistula cases.

How to use Causticum?

Causticum can be taken in 30C potency twice a day for good results.

9. Thuja Occidentalis – For Fistula With Burning Around the Anus

Thuja Occidentalis is a beneficial medicine for anal fistula accompanied by burning pain around the anus. Soreness is felt around the anus the whole day, along with burning sensation. Stitching pain, as from a needle pricking in the perianal region, may also attend. Perianal pains get worse after walking. Offensive sweat around the anus may also be present along with the above symptoms.

When to use Thuja Occidentalis?

It is prescribed for anal fistula cases when attended with marked burning around anus and also stitching or pricking pains.

How to use Thuja Occidentalis?

It is a deep acting remedy mostly used in 30C potency, once a day only.

Signs And Symptoms Of Anal Fistula

1. An opening (hole) on the skin near the anus and fluid/pus discharge from that opening. The discharge may even be blood stained. The discharge may be foul smelling. Rarely, fecal discharge may occur.

2. Perianal swelling, redness, inflammation and pain. The pain could vary in nature from throbbing, pulsating, sharp and tearing, to a stitching pain. The pain usually gets worse during bowel movement and also while sitting or walking. There may be tenderness around the opening of fistula. After fistula drains, the pain may decrease.

3. Burning and irritation or itching in the perianal area are other attending symptoms

4. Fever and chills may also be present in a few cases

5. A feeling of weakness can accompany the above symptoms

Anal Fistula: What Causes It?

An anal fistula arises from a clogged anal gland, followed by an infection in anal gland. Anal glands are present in the wall of anal canal that secrete fluid. These may sometimes get clogged by foreign matter like fecal bacteria that may cause infection in anal glands. Due to the infection, an abscess is formed which drains by itself or via surgery through a skin point around the anus. Anal fistula refers to a tunnel that develops along this tract running from the anal gland to a hole in the skin surrounding the anus.

Some of factors that increases risk of anal fistula are as follows:

1. An infection or trauma to anal region

2. An improper healing of an anal abscess (pus filled mass) following pus drainage

3. A surgery near the anus

4. Having IBD means inflammatory disease, which includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. It is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in gastrointestinal tract, diverticulitis (infected pouch in colon), tuberculosis and certain sexually transmitted infections (eg HIV, syphilis)

5. Radiation treatment of anal cancer

6. Chances of anal fistula are more in males as compared to females

Diagnosis Of Anal Fistula

To diagnose anal fistula, a physician examines perianal area where a hole is seen in anal fistula (denoting its external opening) that in most cases is draining fluid or pus. To detect internal opening and the entire tract of anal fistula, the following tests are recommended:

1. Anoscopy: The doctor views inside the anus and rectum using an instrument

2. MRI and an ultrasound of anal regionto see complete path of fistula tract

3. Anal Fistulogram: It is an X-ray process (taken after injecting a contrast) to view fistula

4. Colonoscopy: If ulcerative colitis is also suspected

Complications Of Anal Fistula

If anal fistula is not treated rightly, then recurrence of abscess near anus is possible and there are chances of developing a complex fistula. Fecal incontinence (inability to hold stool), and cellulitis (skin infection) are other complications. The surgery of anal fistula also carries complications like fecal incontinence and recurrence of anal fistula.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Disc Prolapse can Save you from Sugery

homeopathy disc prolapse

Disc bulge refers to a condition in which the intervertebral disc bulges out of its place. Intervertebral discs are like cushions present between vertebrae that act as shock absorbers and allow flexibility to the spine. Vertebrae are the bones in the back that make the spine. With advanced age and due to wear and tear or injury, the discs begin to degenerate with signs of dryness, and breakage. The disc degeneration leads to the disc bulging out and compressing the nerves coming out of the spinal cord.
Homeopathy offers excellent treatment for cases of disc bulge. Homeopathic medicines for disc bulge help to manage the symptoms effectively. Symptoms such as back / neck pain, sciatica, numbness, tingling in limbs get relieved wonderfully. Though the already prolapsed disc cannot be brought back to the original, homeopathic medicines surely help in halting further degeneration of the disc. In mainstream medicine, anti-inflammatory medicines and steroid injections are mainly given in such cases which provides temporary relief, and may also lead to side effects over a period of time. In homeopathy, the relief is long term with zero side effects.

In many cases surgery is recommended in disc bulge cases. But timely use of homeopathic medicines for the time period as suggested by a homeopathic doctor can help to save the patient from surgery. Surgery can be prevented in mild to moderate cases if homeopathic treatment is followed. The results may vary based on various factors, like duration of the complaint, severity of symptoms and patient’s response to medicines. However, in advanced and severe cases with severe intensity of symptoms or with serious symptoms or complications like cauda equine, conventional treatment needs to be taken as homeopathy has a limitation to offer help in such cases.

Homeopathic prescription in disc bulge cases is entirely based on the particular symptoms described by each patient. A homeopathic doctor notes down the case symptoms in detail followed by its evaluation. The medicine that matches the strongest with the symptoms of the person, is prescribed. Then, the dosage, potency and repetition are finalized that differs for each case depending on chronicity, age and severity of symptoms.

Homeopathic medicines for disc bulge cases are of natural origin. They work very gently to boost the self-healing mechanism of the body to overcome health issues.

Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Disc Bulge or Disc Prolapse

The top-ranking 9 homeopathic medicines that treat disc bulge or disc prolapse effectively are Rhus Tox, Colocynth, Magnesium Phos, Gnaphalium, Bryonia, Hypericum, Guaiacum Officinale, Paris Quadrifolia and Kalmia Latifolia.

1. Rhus Tox – Top Medicine For Disc Bulge With Lower Back Pain

Rhus Tox is the best and the most frequently recommended natural medicine to treat disc bulge in the lumbar region. It is a great medicine for lumbar disc bulge causing pain in the lower back. Those who need Rhus Tox, complain of pain in the lower back which gets worse if one sits for long hours. Lying down or any resting position also worsens the pain. Such individuals get relief from motion or by walking. Rhus Tox is also a wonderful medicine for relieving stiffness in the spine. The stiffness gets much worse after a period of rest and gets better by walking. The people who have pain in the lower back that gets worse by lifting heavy weight or from straining the back, can benefit greatly from Rhus Tox.

When to use Rhus Tox?

The use of Rhus Tox is mainly suggested to manage lumbar disc bulge with pain and stiffness in the lower back that worsens from rest and relief from movement.

How to use Rhus Tox?

Initially, Rhus Tox 30C can be used three to four times a day. Once relief starts the dose should be reduced.

2. Colocynth – For Lumbar Disc Bulge Causing Left Side Sciatica

To seek relief from sciatica pain, Colocynth is the best remedy. Colocynth is mainly prescribed for sciatica on the left side. Those who require Colocynth have severe pain in the lower back which extends down the left lower limb. The pain mostly gets better by applying pressure or heat application. The nature of the pain can be cramping, tearing, shooting or drawing in nature.

When to use Colocynth?

It is recommended to manage left sided sciatica in disc bulge cases with relief from pressure and warm applications over painful area.

How to use Colocynth?

Among its various potencies ranging from low to high, it is best to start with 30C potency two to three times a day.

3. Magnesium Phos – For Lumbar Disc Bulge Causing Right Side Sciatica

Magnesium Phos is the best homeopathic remedy to relieve sciatica of the right side. For using Magnesium Phos, sciatica pains can be of varying nature like stitching, shooting or cutting. It is beneficial when there is relief from sciatica pain by applying pressure or warmth.

When to use Magnesium Phos?

This remedy is best suited for cases of disc bulge with right-sided sciatica with relief setting in from pressure and warm application on affected parts.

How to use Magnesium Phos?

It works great in 6X potency that can be taken three to four times a day. To get best results, Magnesium Phos 6X tablets should be taken by dissolving in one fourth cup of hot water.

4. Gnaphalium –  For Disc Prolapse Causing Sciatica Pains With Numbness

Gnaphalium is the top natural medicine to treat Sciatica pain accompanied by numbness. It is prescribed when the dominant complaint is of severe sciatica pains along with a feeling of numbness. Folding thighs towards the abdomen gives some relief. It is a remedy that is very beneficial for degenerative disc disease presenting itself with Sciatic nerve impingement, leading to pain and numbness.

When to use Gnaphalium?

Opt its use for managing sciatica pains attended with numbness.

How to use Gnaphalium?

It is advised to use Gnaphalium 30C once or twice a day.

5. Bryonia – For Lower Backache That Gets Better By Resting

Persons who have lower backache which gets better by taking rest will find natural remedy Bryonia of great help. Such persons experience worsening pain in the back from a slight movement or walking. Stiffness and rigidity also accompany pain in the back. The pain forces the patient to sit or walk in a bent posture. Such persons have difficulty in holding an upright position.

When to use Bryonia?

The most remarkable symptom guiding the use of this medicine is lower back pain worsening from slight movement and getting better from taking rest.

How to use Bryonia?

It can be used in 30C power two to three times in a day.

6. Hypericum – To Manage Numbness, Tingling In Legs

Hypericum is very beneficial to manage numbness and tingling in legs. Along with this, there is sharp pain in the legs. Pain may be felt in the lower back as well. The back may be very sensitive to touch. For disc bulge related to injury to the spine, Hypericum is the top most medicine.

When to use Hypericum?

This medicine proves effective in cases of disc bulge with numbness and tingling in legs along with lower back pain. It is also used as a first line of treatment when disc bulge occurs from an injury to the spine.

How to use Hypericum?

It works well in both low and high potencies. To start with, one can take this medicine in 30C power twice or thrice a day.

7. Guaiacum Officinale – To Manage Neck Pain

Guaiacum Officinale is highly effective when pain in the neck is present. Stiffness in the neck is also present. The shoulders may also be sore. In some cases, the stiffness radiates from the neck to the whole back on one side.

When to use Guaiacum Officinale?

This medicine is usually prescribed to manage pain and stiffness in the neck in cases of cervical disc bulge. The stiffness may extend to the entire back on one side.

How to use Guaiacum Officinale?

Among the various available potencies of Guaiacum Officinale, it is best to start with its 30C potency that can be taken once or twice a day as per the intensity of the problem.

8. Paris Quadrifolia – For Neck Pain With Numbness In Arms, Hands Or Fingers

Paris Quadrifolia is very suitable for managing pain in the neck accompanied with numbness in arms, hands or fingers. The pain from the neck extends to the fingers. This pain may worsen from exertion. A sensation of a heavy weight around the neck and shoulders may attend.

When to use Paris Quadrifolia?

The most striking feature to use this medicine in cervical disc bulge is pain in the neck attended with numbness in arms, hands or fingers.

How to use Paris Quadrifolia?

Its use can be done two to three times a day in 30C power.

9. Kalmia Latifolia – For Neck Pain and Numbness, Tingling, Pricking In Hands

Kalmia Latifolia offers help when pain from the neck radiates down the arms. It is attended by numbness, or tingling, pricking sensation in hands. Sometimes weakness is felt in the upper limbs.

When to use Kalmia Latifolia?

This medicine can be considered for managing pain in the neck radiating down arms along with numbness or tingling prickling sensations in hands.

How to use Kalmia Latifolia?

It is recommended to use this medicine in 30C potency one to two times in a day.

Most Commonly Involved Sites For Disc Bulge / Prolapse

Although the disc bulge can take place in any part of the spine, lumbar (refers to lower back disc) and cervical (refers to neck) regions are most frequently involved. In the case of lumbar disc bulge, 95 per cent of the bulge occurs at levels of L4-L5 or L5-S1.  In the case of the cervical disc bulge, the common location is C5-C6 and C6-C7.

Symptoms Of Disc Bulge / Herniation / Prolapse

Symptoms from lumbar (lower back) disc bulge

1. Lower backache and sciatica: Lower back pain is the most common symptom. The pain from the lower back can radiate down the hips, thighs, legs, and even till the feet which is referred to as sciatica. Pain may get worse from sitting, standing, walking, coughing, sneezing, etc

2. Numbness, tingling, burning, weakness in the affected area. Weakness may affect gait leading to stumbling.

3. In severe cases, loss of bladder or bowel control may occur. It requires immediate medical help.

Symptoms From Cervical (Neck) Disc Bulge

1. Pain in the neck: The pain may extend from the neck to shoulders, arms and sometimes hands and fingers. Pain may get worse from neck movement.

2. Numbness, tingling or weakness may also accompany pain in the neck, and arms.

3. Weakness in arms affects ability to hold objects resulting in frequent falling of holded things

Cause Behind Disc Bulge / Herniation

The main reason behind disc bulge and herniation is wear and tear of discs that occur with age. As a part of this wear and tear, the discs dry out and there is reduced flexibility. Due to this, the disc is at a risk of tear and rupture even from the slightest strain.

An intervertebral disc has a tough outer layer called annulus fibrosus, and a soft gel-like center called the nucleus. In case of disc bulge, the inner gel-like center remains as such within the outer portion and the intact disc bulges out of this place. However, in case the outer layer of the disc gets torn that causes the center to herniate, then it is termed as herniated disc (also called slip disc or ruptured disc). In herniated disc, there is a partial crack in the outer layer of the disc. If a total crack in the disc’s outer layer causes the leakage of the inner gel-like material through that crack, it is termed prolapsed disc.

Risk Factors

There are certain factors that put a person at risk of disc bulge or disc prolapse as follows:

1. Aging

2. Occupation involving lifting weights, pulling or pushing objects regularly

3. Suddenly twisting or straining the back

4. Obesity and excessive body weight

5. Lifting heavy objects with bent waist

6. Back injury / trauma, fall or a blow on back may cause disc bulge in rare cases

7. Driving for long hours regularly put pressure on back and raises the risk

8. Rest of risk factors includes a family history of disc bulge, smoking (reduce oxygen supply to discs causing disc degeneration) and sitting for prolonged hours daily with little to no physical activity


1. Saddle anaesthesia: Compression of nerves by disc bulge may lead to loss of sensation in inner thighs, back of legs and around rectum.

2. Cauda equine syndrome: Spinal cord ends above the waist. At the end of the spinal cord, a bundle of nerves called cauda equina (resembling the tail of a horse) are present. If the disc bulge compresses this nerve set, it is called cauda equina syndrome. This condition is a medical emergency needing immediate medical help. If not treated well in time, it may cause loss of bladder or bowel control, permanent weakness or paralysis of legs.

Investigations To Diagnose Disc Bulge

1. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging): It is the most commonly used investigation to diagnose cases of disc bulge / herniation. It will confirm disc bulge and its location in suspected cases.

2. X-ray: Though X- ray cannot detect disc prolapse, it may be recommended to rule out other causes of backache (fracture, tumor for example)

3. CT scan (computed tomography): With the help of CT scan, X-rays will be taken from different directions of the spine and structures around it

4. Myelogram: CT scan is done after injecting a dye in the spinal fluid. This will detect pressure on the nerves from disc prolapse.

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