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Get rid of Warts on Face with Homeopathic Medicines

Warts are small, fleshy non-cancerous bumps that form on the skin. Such warts may pop up on any part of the body including the face. Warts that surface on the face are known as facial warts. From the face, these warts may spread to other body parts as well if a person touches the wart and then touches some other part of the body. Warts are caused by many strains (about 150) of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and approx. 10 strains out of these are known to cause facial warts. These are highly contagious and tend to spread from direct skin-to-skin contact. These also spread by touching surfaces contaminated with this virus. Children and those with a weak immune system are prone to such types of infections. Though facial warts are not harmful these may look unattractive and may cause irritation, itching and pain.  Touching it may give a sore feeling and it may also bleed. Warts could make a person self-conscious about their image. The common areas on the face where these mostly develop are lips, eyelids, and cheeks. The colour of these warts can be pink, skin colour, brown or yellow varying from one person to another. In some cases, a black dot is seen on the wart which indicates that such blood vessels can cause bleeding when pricked.

Types Of Warts

1. Flat warts:These warts have a flat appearance on the top of the surface. The size of these warts vary between 1 mm to 7 mm. These also vary in colour from flesh-coloured to yellow to brown colour. These are smooth textured. Usually, these appear in multiple numbers in the form of clusters (means in groups located close together in a small area). These tend to form near any cut or scratch in the skin. Mostly these are located on the cheeks and the forehead. Flat warts are more common in children as compared to adults. There is usually no irritation or pain present in such types of warts.

2. Filiform warts:Such warts mainly occur around the mouth, nose, near the eyelids, under the chin, and at times on the neck. These take the colour of the skin of the person. These are hard and rough types with spiky appearance. These warts may cause discomfort and can be painful mainly when these are formed near the eyelid.

Homeopathic Treatment

Warts can be effectively treated with the help of homeopathic treatment using a very conservative approach. Homeopathic remedies stimulate the body’s self-healing mechanism to fight the viral agent which causes warts. These medicines help in curing warts naturally with no side effects. Apart from healing the warts, these also help in managing any related symptoms. These include pain, itching, and any discharge or bleeding from the warts. Homeopathic medicines are also useful in helping overcome a tendency to have recurrent warts on the face. These medicines provide a permanent and completely safe solution. Homeopathic medicines are administered on a case-to-case basis keeping in consideration the location, size of the wart, and any associated complaint linked to it like pain, itching, soreness, or bleeding. Therefore, it is advised to take any medicine after getting your case completely evaluated by a homeopath and avoid self-medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Trearting Warts 

1.Thuja – Top-Grade Medicine

Thuja is the most frequently used medicine for the treatment of warts in homeopathy. It is usually the physician’s first choice to treat warts occurring on any part of the body. It is very effective in treating the warts which appear on the face. Thuja helps a patient get rid of warts on the cheeks, forehead, nose, chin, and upper lip. To use this medicine, warts can be small or large in size, these may ooze fluid or may also bleed. Warts may also be itchy and in such cases, Thuja is the medicine to bank on.

2. Causticum – For Warts On the Eyebrow, Eyelid, Nose, Lips

Causticum works magnificently in those cases where warts form on the eyebrow, eyelid, nose, and lips. The warts can be tiny or large. The warts are painful and can be inflamed. Warts may ooze blood in those cases needing it. Most of the time the warts are hard to touch.

3. Dulcamara – For Flat Warts

Dulcamara is especially recommended to treat flat warts on the face. If warts come out in crops/clusters (multiple warts located close together), this is the medicine to rely on. The warts are soft to the touch. Warts may be large in some cases.

4. Nitric Acid – For Warts That Bleed

Nitric Acid is most effective in case of warts that bleed easily. Wart may Bleed due to touch. The warts may be present mostly on the upper lid, forehead, and upper lip. The warts are painful. Pain may occur on touching the warts. A pricking sensation in warts can be felt. Warts are soft and may be large and pedunculated.

5. Lycopodium – For Warts On the Chin

This medicine is useful for treating warts on the chin. The warts are small and white. These are pedunculated (attached to the skin via a stalk). These warts can be painful too.

6. Arsenic Album – For Warts On Cheeks

Arsenic Album is a helpful remedy to treat warts on the cheeks. These may be red-coloured. The warts may be painful and sore to touch. Burning can be felt in these warts. Warts may be inflamed also.

7. Cundurango – For Warts Around the Mouth

It is an important medicine for treating warts occurring specifically around the mouth. The warts are flat and can be aptly treated with this medicine. They may also ooze fluid and such warts are large in size. Deep cracks are mostly present at the corners of the mouth and are painful.

8. Calcarea Carb – For Multiple Small Warts

Calcarea Carb offers effective treatment in case of small-sized warts and multiple in number. These are soft at the base and rough and hard on the upper surface. Also, these are round. The colour of the warts is exactly like the skin of the person. Warts may be inflamed and it may bleed as well. There may be complaints of itching in the warts. A stinging sensation in the warts can be felt.

9. Sepia – For Itchy Warts

Sepia is highly beneficial to deal with in case of itchy warts. The warts are small and flat where sepia is required. These are hard to touch and rough at the top. The colour of these warts is dark. There is no accompanying pain. Mostly the warts appear around the mouth and on the chin. Warts may have a tendency to recur after treatment.


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Causes and Homeopathic Remedies to treat Swelling in Scrotum

Scrotal swelling refers to enlargement of scrotum, a sac that contains the testicles. It can arise from several reasons like fluid build–up in the scrotum, an injury or inflammation of the scrotum. The swelling can be localized to a part of the scrotum or may be present in the whole scrotum varying from case to case. Swelling can be on one side or both. It can come on suddenly or appear gradually over a period of time. Depending on the cause behind it, swelling can be attended with pain, lump, redness, heat and visible enlarged veins in the scrotum. Though scrotal swelling is usually harmless but in some cases it may lead to damage to the testicles and result in infertility, so one should always seek medical help in such cases for proper diagnosis and treatment at the right time.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in managing swelling of the scrotum. These medicines treat the underlying cause behind the swelling to bring great recoveries. Along with swelling, they also manage any associated pain or redness in the scrotum. These medicines are of natural origin that ensure natural recovery with zero side effects. The homeopathic medicines are prescribed for every individual case based on the characteristic symptoms. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self – medication. In case of excessive swelling, severe pain and serious causes like testicular torsion, immediate help from conventional mode of treatment should be sought as homeopathy has its limitation to handle such acute, severe and serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Scrotal Swelling

1. Apis Mellifica – Top Medicine

Apis Mellifica is a top grade medicine to help cases of scrotal swelling. The swelling could be due to various reasons including hydrocele, orchitis, epididymitis where this medicine is required. Pain in the testicles attends swelling which are sore to touch. The scrotum may be red too. Itching may also be felt on the scrotum.

2. Rhododendron – From Hydrocele

This is a leading medicine for swelling of the scrotum called hydrocele. Along with swelling, the testes are painful. Pain gets worse while sitting and gets better by walking. Testes may also be painful to touch in some cases. Pain may extend to the abdomen and thighs from the testes. It is also indicated when swollen scrotum occurs in case of orchitis (inflamed testicles).

3. Clematis – For Swelling With Pain

Clematis is a prominent medicine for swollen scrotum along with pain. The pain gets worse from touch and when walking in cases requiring this medicine. There may be pain in the testicles that goes to the groins and the thighs. There may be swelling and inflammation in the testicles. It is very suitable for cases of orchitis and hydrocele.

4. Hamamelis – In Case Of Varicocele

This medicine is well indicated for swollen scrotum arising from varicocele (enlargement of veins). It can be accompanied with pain all the time. Hamamelis helps to bring relief in swelling and pain by promoting proper blood flow in the veins of the scrotum. In cases needing it, the pain may radiate to the groin and back. There may be heated sensation mainly in the right testicle.

5. Arnica – For Swelling From An Injury

Arnica is highly effective in managing swelling of the scrotum due to injury. The scrotum appears painful and tender. The scrotum may appear red. Arnica is also a prominent medicine to manage swelling of the scrotum due to varicocele.

6. Conium – With Pain Extending From Scrotum To Penis

Conium is indicated to manage scrotal swelling when pain from the scrotum radiates to the penis. There may be testicle pain too. It gets worse at night. It is a suitable medicine for treating orchitis. Testicles may be hard in cases requiring this medicine.

7. Pulsatilla – In Orchitis Cases

Pulsatilla is a highly valuable medicine to deal with cases of swollen scrotum due to orchitis. In cases needing it, there is pain in the testicles along with a burning sensation. The testicles may be sore to touch. The pain in testicles can be tearing, tensive or lacerating type.

8. Mezereum – For Painless Swelling

Mezereum is a prominent medicine when swelling of the scrotum occurs without any pain. The testicles may be enlarged in cases requiring it. The penis may be swollen. There may be a history of gonorrhea where this medicine is indicated.

What Causes Swelling In Scrotum?

1. Hydrocele – It is the most common cause of swelling in the scrotum as a result of fluid build-up in the sheath surrounding the testicles. It leads to heaviness and dragging sensation in the scrotum. One may feel pain in the scrotum.

2. Varicocele – It is an abnormal enlargement of the veins (pampiniform plexus) in the scrotum. It presents with scrotal swelling or a lump in the scrotum. In case of severe varicocele, enlarged veins may be visible in the scrotum. In most cases, varicocele generally causes no symptoms but dull, throbbing pain, heaviness in the testicles may indicate varicocele. It may lead to decreased sperm production and infertility.

3. Cysts – Cyst is a small pocket filled with fluid. These may occur after an infection or injury.

4. Hernia in groin (Inguinal hernia) – In this condition, a part of the intestine protrudes out through a weak spot in the lining of abdominal wall. This part of the intestine may drop down into the scrotum causing pain and swelling.

5. Orchitis – It means inflammation of testicles usually caused by a bacterial or viral infection. It can cause swollen scrotum, tenderness in scrotum along with testicle pain/heaviness. The rest of the symptoms can include groin pain, pain/burning during urination and painful ejaculation.

6. Epididymitis – It refers to an inflammation of the epididymis – coiled tube at the back of the testicle that stores sperms while they mature and then carried from the testes to the vas deferens. It results usually from a sexually transmitted infection (like chlamydia, gonorrhoea), or an infection of urinary tract. It may lead to scrotal swelling, pain in the testicles, redness and tenderness of the testicles, painful ejaculation and painful urination.

7. An injury

8. An infection of scrotal skin

9. Testicular torsion – It is a serious condition in which the testicle twists resulting in loss of blood supply to that particular portion. It needs immediate medical treatment because it can cause permanent damage to the testicular tissue if immediate treatment is not taken.

10. Tumor – In very rare cases, swollen scrotum may be resulting from a tumour or cancer.

11. Idiopathic – When no cause behind the cases of scrotal swelling is identified, it is referred as idiopathic case.



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Cholinergic Urticaria: How to get Relief through Homeopathy

Urticaria refers to a skin rash in which bumps known as wheals or welts suddenly appear on the skin. Also known as hives or nettle rash, Urticaria is of several types. One among them is cholinergic urticaria that refers to urticaria that gets triggered when the body gets warm and body’s temperature increases from exercise, being in a warm room or in hot weather or from sweating. It is also known as heat hives or heat bumps. Exercise is the most common of all the triggers for this type of Urticaria. Other triggers for this type of Urticaria include bathing with hot water, fever, exposure to sun’s heat, being near a stove, stress, nervousness, anxiety, being angry, eating spicy or hot food and alcohol consumption. The exact reason behind this type of urticaria is not clear yet. But it is believed that it may arise from an allergic response. In this condition, the body overreacts to heat and sweat. Heat and sweat, along with release of histamine, causes  reaction. Though it may affect both males and females, it is relatively more common in males. A person already suffering from an allergic condition like hay fever (allergic rhinitis), asthma, eczema or Urticaria from some other causes (like from eating certain food, pressure on the skin) are at a high risk of getting cholinergic urticaria.


Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing cholinergic Urticaria. These medicines are entirely safe to use as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances and have zero side effects. They help magnificently in healing the wheals.  Along with this any itching, burning, stinging sensation is well controlled with these medicines. After acutely managing the condition, homeopathic medicines work gradually to overcome the tendency of recurrence of this type of Urticaria.  For this, homeopathic treatment has to be continued for a few months depending on duration and intensity of case. Homeopathic medicines are selected for every individual case based on the symptom presentation so homeopathic prescription varies from case to case. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic doctor only. Homeopathic medicines are recommended only for mild to moderate cases of cholinergic Urticaria. Homeopathy has limitations in treating severe cases of urticaria, and the severe condition of anaphylaxis. So, in cases of severe intensity and where any signs of anaphylaxis are present, it is advised to take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines for Cholinergic Urticaria

1.Apis Mellifica – Top Recommended Medicine

Apis Mellifica ranks first on the list of homeopathic medicines for treating Urticaria. It is one of the best medicines when Urticaria gets triggered from heat, and warmth of the bed. It is also the most effective medicine for hives that occur in warm weather. Following heat exposure, red wheals appear on the skin. There is intense burning and stinging in the wheals. These are also very itchy, especially during night. There is relief from itching in open air. One may feel pain in the wheals. The wheals may be tender to touch. It is also a well-indicated medicine for managing hives that appear during fever.

wheals on the skin

wheals on the skin

2. Natrum Mur – For Urticaria After Exercise

This medicine is very beneficial for Urticaria occurring after exercise. The bumps may form over the whole body surface in those needing it. The bumps may be quite large. Violent itching is felt in the wheals. Burning and stinging sensation is felt too.

3. Rhus Tox – For Urticaria From Sweating

Rhus Tox is a well indicated medicine when Urticaria is triggered from sweating. Wheals appear with intense itching which worsens from rubbing. This medicine is also valuable to help cases of Urticaria during fever. In such cases, wheals appear all over the body along with itching. The wheals are dark red, circular and elevated. The surrounding skin may be swollen.

4. Urtica Urens – For Exercise Induced Urticaria

Just like medicine Natrum Mur, this medicine is also useful for cases of exercise-induced Urticaria. Red-colored raised bumps appear on the skin after exercise in cases needing it. This is accompanied with severe itching. Burning heat is also felt in the bumps. Formication (sensation of insects crawling under the skin) can be quite prominent where this medicine is required. In some areas, stinging sensation is felt in the wheals.

5. Pulsatilla – For Urticaria In Summer

This natural medicine is very effective for treating Urticaria that occurs in summer. In cases needing it, wheals occur on the skin with itching in hot weather. Itching gets worse at night.

6. Sulphur – During Fever

Sulphur is a suitable medicine for managing cases of hives that get triggered during fever. The wheals may appear on the arms, legs, face and neck. The hives can be quite itchy along with burning sensation.

7. Chloralum – For Hives From Alcoholic Drinks

For treatment of hives that get triggered from consuming alcoholic drinks, Chloralum is the best choice of medicine. It is also indicated for hives from drinking any hot liquid. Large patches of red-colored wheals appear on the neck, back, abdomen and the limbs. Violent stinging and itching occurs.

8. Conium – For Hives From Being Overheated

Conium is another very helpful medicine when hives appear due to the body getting overheated. It is effective when hives appear after intense body exercise. Itching is felt in the wheals. It gets worse from scratching. Burning and pain may also be felt.

Signs And Symptoms

In cholinergic Urticaria, tiny (between 1 – 5 mm) bumps appear on the skin surrounded by circles called wheals. The bumps may be skin colored or red. These may turn white when pressed. Itching, stinging, tingling or burning sensation may attend. Though the bumps may appear on any body part but more commonly occur on the face, chest, arms and upper back.  Palms, soles and armpits are never affected. The hives may develop within 5 -6 minutes of exposure to the trigger and may remain for half an hour to about two hours. This condition may vary from being mild to severe that requires immediate medical attention. Some of the symptoms of severe condition (called anaphylaxis) includes hives covering the whole body along with other symptoms like swelling in the deep layers of skin, swelling in the throat or of the tongue. This condition can block airways, cause contraction of the airways causing breathing difficulty, wheezing, weak and rapid pulse, dizziness and low blood pressure. When any of these severe symptoms are felt, it is advised to take immediate medical help as these point towards a life-threatening condition called anaphylaxis.




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Top Homeopathic Medicines for Eczema of Hands

Eczema (dermatitis) of hands refers to inflammatory condition of skin on the hands. It usually affects the palms though it can affect other parts of the hands too like back of hands, fingers, space between fingers, etc. Hand eczema usually occurs from chemical exposure or hands getting exposed to some irritant. Those who have jobs where chemicals are used like, laundry workers, hairdressers, healthcare workers, painters and chefs are more predisposed to develop hand eczema. Besides, chemicals and irritants, frequent hand washing (that causes dryness) also increases chances of hand eczema. Excessive washing results in weakening of the barrier of the skin making it prone to allergic reaction when it comes in contact with some allergen.

Stress is also linked with triggering hand eczema. Hormones produced during mental stress cause suppression of the immune system resulting in skin inflammation. Eczema may also get triggered or worsen in cold temperatures and winters. The signs and symptoms may include redness and dark spots on hands, dryness and itching on hands. Blisters (fluid-filled bumps) may form on the hands. In some cases, pustules (pus-filled eruptions) may appear or cracks may develop on the hands. Hands may be sore and at times, there may be bleeding from the affected area on the hand. Scales may appear and thickening of the skin on the palm may occur.  In some cases, peeling of the skin is present. In long term severe cases, marked pain may be felt in the hands that makes working with hands difficult.

It is of following types:

1.Irritant contact dermatitis of hands: It occurs when hands come in contact with some irritants like soaps, detergents, dust that can irritate skin of hand.

2. Allergic contact dermatitis of hands: It occurs from an allergic reaction to some allergen like nickel, rubber, fragrance substances when such an allergen comes in contact with hands.

3. Pompholyx eczema: Other names of this eczema are dyshidrotic eczema and vesicular hand dermatitis that occurs on hands and feet. Its cause is usually unknown but heat, sweating and stress are known to worsen this type of eczema. In this water-filled bumps called blisters form on the palms and soles that are very itchy.

4. Fingertip dermatitis: It can affect one or multiple fingers

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy offers a natural and effective treatment for eczema of hands. The homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances so do not have any side effects. They help in healing the eruptions and managing its discharges. The homeopathic medicines also help to heal the dryness, roughness and cracks on skin and its associated bleeding. Itching, burning sensation and any pain present in eruptions is also wonderfully managed with these medicines. Homeopathic medicines for treating hand eczema are selected based on individual symptoms in each and every case. Though it is safe to use homeopathic medicines, it is recommended to consult a homeopathic physician prior to taking any homeopathic medicines for treating eczema of hands.

Homeopathic Medicines For Eczema Of Hands

1. Graphites – For Small Fluid-Filled Bumps

Graphites is the most frequently used medicine to treat eczema of hands. It is well indicated for cases with small bumps (blisters) on hands and fingers. These ooze out a sticky fluid. There is itching and burning in these eruptions. Graphites is also useful for dryness, roughness and cracks on the hands. The skin on the hands becomes hard in cases needing it. Graphites can be helpful for healing eruptions or cracks developing between the fingers. Cracks on the ends of fingers can also be treated well with this remedy.

2. Petroleum – For Marked Roughness Cracks On Hands

Petroleum is a well-indicated medicine to manage roughness and cracks on the hands. The cracks may ooze blood. Thick crusts may be present on the skin. There is intolerable itching on the hands. Burning sensation is also felt. It is also indicated for fluid-filled eruptions with thick scabs that may ooze pus. Petroleum is a leading medicine for eczema that gets worse in cold environment or winters.

3. Arsenic Album – For Dryness Along With Scales

This medicine works well when the skin is dry and covered with scales. At times, pus like discharge may ooze out. There is intense itching on the affected area. It gets worse at night. After scratching, soreness and burning sensation occurs. The affected portion of the skin may be oversensitive to touch. The complaint may get worse from cold application.

4. Mezereum – For Eczema On Back Of Hands

This medicine is recommended for treating eczema on the back of hands. In cases needing it, small fluid-filled eruptions form in the affected area. They dry up and get covered with crusts. These eruptions are itchy along with a burning sensation. It gets worse from scratching. Putting water on affected area worsens the complaint.

5. Merc Sol – For Eczema On Back Of Hands With Peeling Of Skin

Merc Sol is also effective for eczema on the back of hands. It is used when there is peeling of the skin from back of the hands. It is accompanied with stinging, burning pain. The affected area is moist that may become dry afterwards, covered with yellow crust. After scratching, the surrounding skin may get inflamed.

6. Sulphur – To Manage Itching And Burning

Sulphur is a beneficial medicine to manage itching and burning on the hands due to eczema. The complaint gets worse at night. After scratching, bleeding may occur from the eczema spots. There is pain after scratching. Cuts and cracks appear on the hands. The skin of the hands is very hard and dry. Fluid-filled bumps may be present on the back side of hands.

7. Lycopodium – With Dryness Of Palms

Lycopodium is a useful medicine for eczema with dryness on palms. The skin of palms looks shrunken. The skin is also thick and hard. Cracks may be present in some cases. Besides these complaints, this medicine is indicated for managing pimple-like eruptions on the palms of hands and also in between the fingers. It can also be given for scaly eruptions developing on the back of hands and the fingers.

8. Staphysagria – For Pus Filled Eruptions On Hands

It is a highly valuable medicine to manage pus-filled eruptions called pustules on hands. A yellow fluid oozes out. There is marked itching on the eruptions in the evening. These also burn after scratching.

9. Cantharis – For Eczema On Fingers And In Between Fingers

Cantharis is a suitable medicine to deal with eczema on the fingers and in between the fingers. There are fluid-filled eruptions (vesicles). These soon dry into thin crusts. Itching and burning is marked in these eruptions. Pricking is also felt. The skin of the fingers may peel off causing loss of surface layer of skin. The complaint gets worse from cold water application, it gets better from warmth.

10. Juglans Cinerea – For Painful Eczema

This medicine is considered when there is marked pain in the eczema patches. The hands are sore (painful) to touch. In cases requiring this medicine, the eruptions appear on both the palms and back of hands. The eruptions may ooze fluid or pus. There is intolerable itching also. The eruptions get covered with crusts after fluid oozes out.




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Top 11 Homeopathic Medicines to treat Constipation in Old People

Constipation means having three or less than three bowel movements in a week, passing hard stool or incomplete bowel evacuation. Accumulation of stool in the colon for a long time makes stool hard and dry which passes out with difficulty requiring straining efforts for expulsion. Constipation is a very common problem in old age. The elderly are five times more predisposed to suffer constipation in comparison to younger people.

With age, body processes tend to slow down, person’s mobility reduces, changes in the diet occur, there is reduced appetite and decreased thirst that can contribute to constipation. Other factors that that can contribute to constipation include thickening of the colon, motility disorders, decreased strength of abdominal muscles, reduced tone of intestinal muscles, weakness of sphincter muscles and decreased strength of pelvic floor muscles and increased use of medicines (like antacids that contain calcium, diuretics, iron supplements and antihistamines) and anal stenosis. Besides these factors, elderly people face problems in eating routine meals due to dental issues and may prefer soft processed food low in fiber content that can also lead to constipation. Prolonged bed rest from some illness may lead to constipation in old people. Lastly some elderly people make themselves dependent on laxatives out of fear of constipation and those laxatives are habit forming. There comes a time when body’s natural mechanism stops to function without laxatives and rigid constipation follows.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy plays a great role in managing constipation in the elderly people. Homeopathic medicines are very natural remedies that help to soften stool and regularise bowel movements with zero side effects. They boost body’s own restorative mechanism to bring great relief in health problems. Any associated piles, fissures, pain, burning, bleeding from the anus and gas in the abdomen are also wonderfully managed with homeopathic medicines. There are numerous homeopathic medicines to manage constipation in old age and the most suitable medicine among these has to be selected for every individual person based on the characteristic symptoms. Hence it is recommended to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self – medication.

Homeopathic Medicines For Constipation In Old Age

1. Alumina – Topmost Remedy

Alumina is a highly recommended medicine for managing cases of constipation in old age. This medicine is mainly helpful when there is a lack of urge to pass stool for many days together and a person skips days without passing stool. No urge for stool occurs until there is large accumulation of stool in the colon. The stool is passed with much straining efforts, whether stool is hard or soft it is difficult to expel. The hard stool may be covered with mucus in some cases. Cutting pains may be felt in the anus when passing stool. At times, bleeding from the anus may occur after passing stool.

2. Nux Vomica – For Constipation With A Constant Urge To Pass Stool

Nux vomica is the most prominent medicine to manage constipation with a constant desire to pass stool. Persons needing it goes to pass stool many times a day but inspite of that, there is a feeling as if some of the stool remains behind and the bowels are not completely emptied yet. Only small quantity of stool is passed at a time. There is never a get-done feeling quite marked in persons needing Nux Vomica. Stool is hard and may be accompanied with pain in the rectum. It is also one of the best medicines for managing piles along with constipation.

3. Bryonia – For Dry, Hard, Lumpy Stool

This medicine is very effective when the stool is dry, hard and passed in lumps. Stool seems dry as if burnt. Great straining is needed to pass stool. Bloating of abdomen may be present. In some cases, prolapse of the rectum occurs with the passage of stool.

4. Baryta Carb – With Burning In Anus And Rectum

This medicine is helpful when there is burning in the anus and rectum while passing stool. The stool is hard which passes out with much difficulty. Stool is scanty, abdomen is distended. Bleeding may occur with stool in some cases. Piles may be present in some cases that protrude out of the anus while passing stool. Shooting pain is felt in piles.

5. Antimonium Crudum – For Hard, Difficult Stool With Obstructed Gas

This medicine works well in cases of hard, difficult stool along with gas in the abdomen. The stool is large and hard and pain in the abdomen occurs while passing stool. Rectal pain may also appear on passing stool. Sometimes there is alteration between constipation and diarrhoea (loose stool).

6. Alumen – When Stool Is Very Hard

Alumen is a suitable medicine when stool is too hard like hard stone. Stool may occur in the form of a large lump or in form of small pieces and is passed with extreme difficulty. Stool may be laced with blood along with pain in the rectum. In some cases, itching may be felt at the anus.

7. Opium – For Hard Stool Passing In The Form Of Balls

Opium is very helpful when dry, hard stool passes in the form of balls. The stool passes with much difficulty. There may be constriction of the anus with marked constipation and difficult passage of gas as well. In some cases, blood-stained mucus may pass from the anus. In most cases, there is a loss of urge to pass stool for many days together.

8. Lycopodium – For Constipation And Excessive Gas In Abdomen

This medicine is recommended when there is excessive gas formation along with constipation. The stool is hard and dry along with constriction of the anus that prevents passage of stool. There may be narrowing of the rectum in some cases. Before passing stool, pain from gas may be felt in the abdomen. During evacuation of stool, intense pain is felt in the rectum. Burning sensation may also be felt at the anus. Headache may occur with passing o stool.

9. Natrum Mur – With Blood And Anal Fissures (Cracks)

This medicine can be used when there is hard stool with anal bleeding and cracks at anus. In cases requiring it, stool is markedly hard attended with pain. The stool may pass on alternate day. There is anal itching and also soreness at the anus.

10. Selenium – For Hard Stool Followed By Mucus Or Blood Discharge

Selenium is a well-indicated medicine when there is passage of mucus or blood along with hard part of stool. The stool is large and hard that needs great straining efforts for expulsion. In some cases, the rectum is weak resulting in constipation.

11. Hydrastis – For Constipation With Headache

Use of this medicine is considered for managing constipation accompanied with headache. In cases needing it, pain is mostly felt in the forehead. The stool passes infrequently after a gap of few days. Severe pain is felt in the rectum after passing stool. A person experiences sour burps and bad taste in mouth. This medicine also offers help in cases of constipation with piles. In such cases, burning and smarting pain occur during and after passing stool.


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Effective Homeopathic medicines for Breast Pain before Periods

A number of symptoms, like mood swings, bloating, headache, fatigue, etc show up in a woman before her periods and breast pain can be one among them. Breast pain before the periods is also known as premenstrual breast pain or cyclic mastalgia. Along with pain, there may occur heaviness, swelling and tenderness (pain on touch) in the breasts. Non – cancerous lumps before periods may be felt in the breast that move when touched and shrink when periods get over. The intensity of pain varies from mild to severe though severe pain is very rare. Pain occurs in both the breasts. It is felt in the upper and the outer area of the breast. The pain may radiate to the armpits. The pain may begin a week or two before the period and goes away when menstrual bleeding starts, during menses or immediately after completion of the menstrual bleeding. It affects females between the 20- 40 age group. Breast pain before periods could be a part of PMS (premenstrual syndrome) in many cases. PMS refers to a set of symptoms that a woman experiences before the onset of menses like anxiety, restlessness, mood changes, sadness, irritability, weeping spells, appetite changes, emotional outbursts, low appetite, sleep issues, decreased sexual drive, weakness, body aches, bloating, pimples, headache, diarrhoea, constipation, light / sound sensitivity, back pain and muscle pain.


Homeopathic Management

While pain in breasts before periods occurring from natural hormonal changes tend to subside on its own, sometimes medicine is required to ease the discomfort and reduce the level of pain. Here homeopathic medicines can be of great help to manage this pain. Along with pain, these medicines also manage any associated swelling, heaviness feeling and tenderness (pain on touch) felt in the breasts. The homeopathic medicines act in the most natural manner to relieve breast pain with zero side effects. These medicines are recommended only for managing cyclic breast pain before menses arising from normal hormonal changes. One must consult a doctor for proper diagnosis in case of any sudden change in nature of breast pain before menses, or nipple discharge or appearance of some lump in breast especially on one side not present earlier.

What Causes Breast Pain Before Periods?

Breast pain before menses is usually related to hormonal changes that take place during the menstrual cycle. The hormones, estrogen and progesterone, cause changes in breast resulting in its growth before menses. Estrogen leads to enlargement of breast ducts (the ducts that carry milk to the nipples) and progesterone result in swelling of the milk glands. As a result of these changes the breasts may start feeling heavy along with pain and tenderness. The pain occurs and goes away cyclically every month due to rise and fall of these hormones. Such pain is usually nothing of worry and it goes away once menstrual bleeding begins. In case, there is some sudden changes in the type of breast pain before menses as compared to earlier pattern or there is nipple discharge or some unusual lump in breast especially only in one breast that was not present earlier and does not go away after periods are over, then it might be something other than pain related to normal hormonal changes. Here, one should consult a doctor for the diagnosis. Besides normal hormonal changes, taking birth control pills may also cause breast pain before periods as these medicines contain hormones, like estrogen and progesterone, that can start swelling and soreness of the breast tissue. Eating high fat diet and long-term stress are known to contribute in making cyclic breast pain worse.

Homeopathic Medicines For Breast Pain Before Periods

1. Conium – Top Remedy

Conium is the top most medicine to manage breast pain before periods. It is the most frequently used homeopathic medicine to manage such a complaint. In women needing it, soreness and swelling of breasts can also be present along with pain. The pain may get worse while walking.  Stitching pain may occur at night or while taking a deep breath. Crying spells and anxiety before menses is another symptom. Restlessness and general body aches may also be felt along with the above symptoms.

2. Calcarea Carb

Calcarea Carb is the next well-indicated medicine for managing breast pain before periods. It is useful when breasts are swollen along with pain before periods. Along with swelling, a heated sensation is felt in the breasts. Pain may be felt in the armpits. Females needing it may also have headache and pain in back and hips before periods.

3. Lac Caninum

This medicine is effective when the breasts are painful and very sensitive to touch before periods. Breasts are sensitive to least touch and pressure. The breasts feel enlarged along with fullness. A dull aching pain is marked in the evening. The slightest jar (sudden jerk) also makes the pain worse. There is relief in pain when menses appear.

4. Phytolacca

Phytolacca is a prominent natural medicine for managing various kinds of breast-related complaints. This medicine is well indicated for painful breasts which also become hard. The breasts also feel heavy and swollen. The beasts are tender to touch. Pain is felt before and during menses.

5. Sepia

Sepia is a great remedy to manage numerous female concerns arising from hormonal changes. Breast pain preceding menses is one among these. It is suitable for cases where breasts are swollen, painful, and sensitive before the appearance of menses. The breasts feel enlarged and painful to touch. A stitching type of pain may be felt in the breasts. Besides this, Sepia is a foremost medicine to manage many complaints that occur before menses like sadness, weeping spells, irritability, constipation and headache.

6. Bryonia Alba

Bryonia is a useful medicine when breasts feel very heavy along with pain. There may be heated sensation in the breasts. Breasts may feel hard. It is also helpful for tearing type of pain in the breasts.

7. Merc Sol

This medicine is used when there is pain, swelling and stiffness in breasts before and during period. The breasts are sore to touch.

8. Magnesia Carb

The last medicine in the list to manage breast pain before periods is Magnesia Carb. Females needing it may also complain of several other health issues before menses, besides breast pain. They may complain of backache and abdomen pain. Some may have sore throat every time before menses. Some complain of weakness. Lastly, a chill may be felt in the body.



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Top Homeopathic medicines for Heavy Bleeding from Uterine Fibroids

Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths made of muscle and connective tissue developing in the uterus. These can lead to various symptoms among which heavy menses is the most important. Heavy menses means bleeding more than the typical menstrual blood loss or passing of large clots frequently in bleeding which may last for more than 7 days. Heavy and prolonged menses is medically known as menorrhagia. Other symptoms of uterine fibroids include prolonged periods, clots in the menstrual blood, menstrual cramps, pelvic pain, bleeding in between the periods, frequent urination, painful intercourse, back pain, pain in legs, miscarriage and infertility.

There may be many reasons for heavy bleeding from uterine fibroids. These include fibroids that may put pressure on the uterine lining or cause growth of the blood vessels that tends to cause excessive bleeding. Fibroids may also interfere with normal contraction of the uterus resulting in excessive bleeding. Additionally, fibroids may cause an increase in some hormones (prostaglandins) that might lead to heavy bleeding. Bleeding from fibroids depends on the location of fibroids. The fibroids that grow inside the inner lining of the uterus tend to cause the most heavy bleeding. Bleeding may be so heavy that it interferes with doing daily activities. Heavy bleeding may lead to tiredness, dizziness and anemia (a condition in which blood lacks enough red blood cells to carry adequate amount of oxygen to body tissues).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy has great scope in treating cases of heavy bleeding due to uterine fibroids. Homeopathic medicines help in gradually decreasing heavy bleeding. These work magnificently in overcoming a tendency of heavy bleeding by targeting to dissolve the uterine fibroids. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating these cases is selected after detailed analysis in every individual case. The best part of homeopathic medicines is that these work in the most natural way to treat a condition without any side-effects.

Homeopathic Medicines For Uterine Fibroids

1.Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris – Top Recommended Medicine

Thlaspi Bursa Pastoris is the topmost medicine to manage cases of heavy bleeding from uterine fibroids. In cases needing it, there occurs heavy, bright red, uterine bleeding. Clots may also be present in the menstrual blood. It is attended with intense pain and cramps in the uterus. Vomiting can also occur along with these complaints. There is also tendency to have early periods. The periods also last for long duration for about 10 days to 2 weeks.

2. Sabina – For Bright Red Bleeding With Dark Clots

This medicine is highly recommended when there is heavy bleeding along with dark clots. The blood is bright red, watery and warm. It may have a foul odor. Even the slightest movement tends to worsen bleeding. The periods may also last for longer duration. Pain in the back starts from the sacrum (a bone formed by fusion of five sacral vertebra that lies at the bottom of spine) to the pubes (lower part of the abdomen in front of the pelvis). There is also tendency to have intermenstrual bleeding (bleeding in between two menstrual periods).

3. Calcarea Carb – For Early, Heavy And Prolonged Periods

It is a highly effective medicine for managing early, heavy and prolonged menses. In cases needing it, the periods may occur after every 15 days and each time bleeding may last for about fifteen days. Cutting pains may be felt in lower abdomen along with menstrual bleeding. There may be pain in the back, hips and arms. Bearing down sensation is felt in the pelvic region. There may be headache, vertigo may appear along with heavy bleeding. Anaemia may occur due to heavy bleeding.

4. Hamamelis – For Heavy Bleeding Of Dark Colour  

Hamamelis is the most suitable medicine when there is heavy bleeding that is dark in color. It is attended with soreness in the abdomen. The bleeding is heavy during the day and may cease at night. There is pain and weakness in the back. Bleeding may occur midway between periods.

5. Trillium Pendulum – For Gushing Of Blood From Slight Movement

This medicine is helpful for heavy bleeding when blood gushes out from the least movement. Blood is bright red. Dark clots may also pass out in the bleeding. Bleeding may occur every two weeks. Bleeding may last for a week or longer. Along with heavy bleeding, there is a feeling as if the hips and the back are falling apart into pieces. Frequent desire to pass urine is also present along with the above symptoms.

6. Phosphorus – For Frequent And Heavy Periods

This medicine is very useful when there is a tendency for frequent and very heavy menses. Bleeding occurs in between periods quite often. Blood is bright red. Periods last for too long. Hands and feet feel cold during menses. Severe pain is felt in the back as if it is broken. Nausea is also present. Excessive weakness is felt after menses with blue rings around the eyes. Bleeding may lead to anaemia in cases requiring this medicine.

7. Ustilago – For Dark Clotted Blood Forming Long Black Strings

This medicine is considered in cases where dark clots appear that form long black strings. The blood has a foul smell. The bleeding is prolonged lasting for about 10 to 14 days. Bleeding may occur every 3 weeks. Before bleeding, pain is felt in the back and across the abdomen. Pain ceases when bleeding starts occurring. Heavy dragging pain in the back during menstrual bleeding can occur on exertion.

8. Secale Cornutum – For Heavy, Thin And Black Bleeding

This medicine can be used for cases of thin and blackish bleeding. It has a bad smell. The bleeding is heavy and lasts too long. It is accompanied with cutting and tearing pain in uterus. The uterine region is sensitive to touch. The limbs become cold, besides excessive weakness.

9. Kali Iod – With Heavy Painful Menses And Frequent Urging To Urinate

This medicine is suggested when heavy painful menses occur along with frequent urge to urinate. During menses, uterus and thighs feel as if they are being squeezed. Pain is felt in the thighs, groin (crease at junction of lower abdomen and thighs) and lower back as well. Sitting worsens pain,weakness is felt along with heavy bleeding.

10. Nitric Acid – For Heavy, Thick And Dark Coloured Bleeding

Nitric Acid works well when there is heavy, thick and dark bleeding. During bleeding, cramping pain is felt in the abdomen. Besides feeling tired, pain also occurs in the back and down the thighs. Urine has a very offensive smell.

11. Platina – For Dark Clotted Heavy Bleeding

This medicine is indicated for dark-clotted, heavy bleeding. There is tendency for early periods.  Menses may occur every 14 days and are very profuse. The blood stinks, back pain is also felt. Periods are attended with bearing down pain. Pinching pain is also felt in abdomen.



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Headache along with Eye Pain? Treat with Homeopathy

Headache is sometimes accompanied with eye pain. It could be because of different reasons, but the first one that comes to mind is eye strain. It may be because of uncorrected refractive errors (myopia and hypermetropia). Other causes include migraine, cluster headache, sinus headache, tension headache and glaucoma.  Depending on the causes behind it, apart from pain in the eyes, other symptoms may appear, like nausea, vomiting, itchy eyes, watering from eyes, redness of eyes and sensitivity to light.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a highly effective solution for cases of headache along with eye pain. Homeopathic medicines boost body’s healing mechanism to overcome health issues naturally. These medicines target the root cause behind the problem for great relief with zero side effects. With use of these medicines, the intensity and frequency of complaint decreases gradually. Homeopathic prescription varies from case to case depending on the characteristic individual symptoms. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician and avoid self – medication. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for cases of mild to moderate intensity. In case of severe pain and when pain occurs from serious issues like glaucoma, kindly take help from conventional mode of treatment.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Headache With Eye Pain

1. Ruta – Due To Eyestrain

Ruta is a prominent medicine to manage cases where headache and eye pain are occurring from eyestrain. There is pain in forehead. Pain is pulsating or pressive type. Pain may extend from the front of the head to sides of the head. Heat may be felt in the eyes. Eye pain occurs along with redness, heat and burning sensation in eyes. A pressure is felt deep in the eyes. Pain may be experienced over the eyes. There is blurring of vision as well. Watering from eyes can appear too.

2. Natrum Mur – For Pain In Forehead And Eyes

Natrum Mur is highly beneficial when there is pain in forehead and eyes. A feeling of somebody beating your head is felt. A sensation of little hammers knocking on the head is marked. Heat is felt in the head along with redness of face. Headache may be accompanied by nausea and vomiting. A very characteristic feature is pain begins with sunrise and is at peak at noon and remains till sunset. Watering from eyes may occur. One may experience zig-zag dazzling in front of the eyes before headache sets in. The eye pain gets worse from eye movement. Along with this, bright light becomes unbearable to the eyes.

3. Cedron – For Pain Occurring At Same Hour Of A Day (Periodical Pain)

A very peculiar feature to use this medicine is pain occurring with clock-like accurate periodicity means pain appearing at the same hour of a day. Cedron is highly suitable for managing pain in head and deep in the eyes, forcing the sufferer to keep his eyes closed. There is marked pain in the eyeballs that radiates around the eyes as well. It is accompanied by watering from eyes along with a burning sensation. Eyes may look red. It is also one of the best medicines for cases of pain above the eyes (supraorbital pain) too. In cases needing it, there may occur pain emanating from above the eyes and spreading to the sides as well as back of the head.

4. Belladonna – For Pain From Side Of Head / Forehead To Eyes

This medicine is suitable for cases where pain travels from the side of the head or forehead to the eyes. The pain gets worse from the movement of head and eyes and also from the slightest noise. Pain also increases from bright light. There is relief from binding the head tightly or pressing the head with hands. There may be redness of eyes and face. Pain in head is throbbing, pulsating type.

5. Glonoine – For Pain With Excessive Heat In Head

Glonoine is a useful medicine for throbbing pain in the head which is worse on the sides of head and above the eyes. It is accompanied with marked heat in the head. Eyeballs protrude out during headache, along with eye redness. Headache gets worse from exposure to sun. Relief in pain sets in by sitting still, lying down and applying pressure over the head.

6. Spigelia – For Left-Sided Pain

Spigelia is a highly recommended medicine for pain in the left side of the head and left eye. It is one of the best medicines when pain starts from the back of the head and then radiates upwards to the top of head and finally settles over the left side of eye. It is also indicated when there is pain in left eye and left side of head. Headache gets worse from movement and stooping while there is relief on pressing the head and taking rest. Excessive eye watering and eye redness on the affected side may be present.

7. Sanguinaria Can – For Right-Sided Pain

This medicine works well in cases of right-sided pain. It is of great value in treating cases where pain begins from the back of the head that extends to the top of the head and further to forehead and settles over the right eye. Headache gets better by sleep and if one vomits out. There may be pain in the eyeballs on movement. Burning and dryness may be felt followed by excessive eye watering. Redness of eyes may be there. The person is extra-sensitive to sound and odors.

8. Gelsemium – For Pain From Neck Towards Forehead And Eyes

This medicine can be considered when pain starts from the neck and extends over the head causing bursting pain in the forehead and eyes. It gets worse on lying down. Besides, one may feel nausea and vomit. A feeling of a band tied around the head may be present. Heaviness is marked in the eyelids, along with dizziness.

9. Phosphorus – For Pain Which Gets Better By Lying Down

Phosphorus is indicated when there is pain in the entire head and eyes which gets better by lying down and also after sleeping. Along with headache, one feels strain in the eyes. Increased sensitivity to odor and bright light is felt.

Causes Of Headache Along With Eye Pain

1. Eye strain: Using computers or mobiles for long without breaks could lead to eye strain. It may result in headache and eye pain. Besides, other symptoms may be felt like watering or dryness of eyes, sensitivity to light, itching, burning in eyes and pain in neck and shoulders.

2. Refractive errors: These include myopia and hypermetropia. Myopia is a condition in which a person can see close objects clearly but farther objects appear blurry. Hypermetropia is a condition in which a person can see far away objects clearly but the nearby objects look blurry.

3. Migraine: It is a type of headache in which throbbing type of pain occurs mostly on one side of the head often attended by nausea and vomiting. Eye pain can also occur, along with other symptoms like sensitivity to light, noise, odor, tender scalp and tiredness.

4. Cluster headache: Such headache appears in clusters in which a person gets frequent bouts of pain for weeks to months called cluster period, followed by a remission period in which there is no headache for months and years. It causes pain on one side arising behind or around eye that may radiate to head, face or neck. Besides, other attending symptoms include excessive tearing from eyes, redness of eye on affected side, swelling around eye on affected side and droopy eyelid or stuffy/runny nose on affected side.

5. Sinus headache: This type of headache arises from congestion of paranasal sinuses located in forehead, cheeks, behind nose and eyes. The pain may occur in the forehead, cheeks, root of the nose and behind the eyes depending on the sinus involved.

6. Tension headache: This type of headache is often felt like a tight band around the head. It can cause pain behind eyes, in head and neck.

7. Glaucoma: It is a serious eye condition caused by increased intraocular pressure in eyes that damages optic nerve. In case of angle closure glaucoma, eye pain and headache arise along with blurred vision and red eyes. It is a serious condition that needs to be treated immediately to prevent worsening of eyesight and loss of vision.



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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Acne Due To Hormonal Imbalance

A common problem, acne develops when the pores of the skin get clogged with sebum (an oily substance produced by sebaceous gland in skin) and dead skin cells. The acne may appear as small raised red bumps (papules) or these may be pus-filled (pustules). In some cases, these may be hard and sometimes form large painful lumps (cystic acne) under the skin. The acne occurring from hormonal imbalance / fluctuations are referred to as hormonal acne. Such acne breakouts occur when intense hormonal shifts or changes happen in the body.

Hormonal acne occurs more in women in comparison to men as fluctuation in hormones tends to be more in women. In women such hormonal fluctuations and sometimes associated acne occur during puberty, menstrual cycle (causing breakouts coinciding with women’s menstrual cycle), pregnancy, childbirth, menopause (causing menopausal acne) or some medical reason like PCOS and thyroid problems.  Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a syndrome affecting women of reproductive age group from hormonal imbalance that may cause acne along with other main symptoms like irregular periods, delayed menses, scanty or heavy periods, facial hair, weight gain, hair fall and darkening in the skin folds. Acne may also get triggered from taking oral contraceptive pills or steroids.  Hormonal acne usually occurs cyclically means it occurs each month around the same time and sometimes at the same place on the face. Depending on the cause, other signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance may attend acne like menstrual irregularities, heavy menstrual bleeding, facial hair, weight gain, hair fall, hot flashes and vaginal dryness.

Homeopathic Treatment

Acne due to hormonal imbalance can be successfully treated with homeopathic medicines using a very natural and gentle approach. These remedies are very effective at treating the problem at its roots. They target to set right the imbalance in hormones causing acne. These medicines prevent further formation of new acne and heal the acne already present. These are effective for acne of all types like simple acne, red pimples, pus-filled acne, hard acne or acne presenting as large lumps under the skin. Along with this, these also manage any itching, pain or burning sensation in the acne if present. Homeopathic medicines are natural medicines that provide a permanent and completely safe solution to acne.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Acne Due To Hormonal Imbalance

1. Sepia – Top Remedy

Sepia is a top recommended medicine to manage multiple complaints that arise from hormonal imbalance in women. It is a wonderful medicine to manage acne from hormonal imbalance. The key indication to use this medicine is acne worsens before menses. In cases needing it, small red pimples appear especially on the forehead. It is attended with roughness of skin. Besides acne, it is indicated for treating complaints including menstrual irregularities, facial hair, facial pigmentation, weight gain, hot flashes, hair fall, vaginal dryness – conditions that result from hormonal imbalance.

2. Pulsatilla – For Acne With Menstrual Irregularities

This medicine is very effective to help cases of acne along with menstrual irregularities. This medicine works best when acne occurs around puberty time of the girls.  In cases needing it there is sweating on the face especially more on one side. The facial skin is also sensitive and painful. Along with acne breakouts there is a tendency of late periods. The menstrual bleeding is also scanty. It may be dark in colour and clotted.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Pus Filled Acne

This medicine is most prominently indicated for managing pus – filled acne (pustular acne). It is highly suitable for acne with pus in youngsters. The pimples are attended with prickly pain. The pimples may also bleed at times. It is also indicated for pimples that are covered with crusts. Itchy pimples that occur specifically on the chin are also treated wonderfully with this medicine.

4. Silicea – For Acne That Itch And Burn

This medicine is suitable for treating acne attended with itching and burning. The itching and burning mostly occurs in the daytime. The acne contains pus in most of the cases. Silicea is also indicated for small skin-coloured pimples forming on the face as well as large painful bumps (cystic acne) forming under the skin.

5. Kali Bromatum – For Pimples On Face, Shoulders And Chest

This medicine is most helpful for pimples that appear on the face, shoulders and chest. In case of acne on the face, mostly cheeks and forehead are affected. The pimples may be bluish red and filled with pus. Hard pimples may appear as well. The pimples are itchy. This medicine is also useful for cases where acne leaves scars.

6. Eugenia – For Painful Pimples Worse During Menses

It is an excellent medicine for cases where pimples get worse during menses. In cases needing it the pimples are quite painful. The pimples are sore to touch. This medicine works well in case of simple as well as hardened pimples.

7. Graphites – For Pimples Occurring Before Menstrual Period

Graphites works well in cases of acne breakouts that occur before menses. The pimples are itchy, small and red tipped with pus. On scratching the pimples, fluid may ooze out. Burning may also appear after scratching.

8. Psorinum – For Small Red Pimples Worse During Menses

This medicine is well indicated for small red pimples that are worse during menses. The acne appears on the forehead, middle of cheeks, chin and nose. There is burning heat and redness of face along with acne. This medicine is effective for treating acne of all kinds.

9. Magnesia Mur – For pimples triggered before menses

It is another beneficial medicine that gets triggered before menses. The pimples are the most marked on forehead. Itching occurs in pimples at night. Itching may get worse in a warm room.

Causes Of Acne

The hormones that lead to such acne may result from fluctuations in the estrogen and progesterone hormones, and an increase in androgen levels like testosterone. The proportion of estrogen and progesterone hormones with each other also influences testosterone levels in the women resulting in hormonal acne. Increase in hormone testosterone tends to increase oil production in skin pores which along with the dead skin cells and dirt cause clogging of pores along with skin inflammation. These pores may get infected with bacteria that tend to cause acne. Fluctuation in the sex hormones including progesterone may stimulate the sebaceous glands in the skin during periods that may lead to acne. During menopause, hormonal imbalance (normal androgens but reduced estrogen levels) may cause an increase in the sebum production and cause acne flare-ups.



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Losing Balance while Walking? Causes and its Homeopathic remedies

While walking we tend to have a certain level of balance, with which we are able to walk straight and do not fall. Sometimes, a person may have trouble standing with feet together and walking straight. It may simply be a part of ageing or could be arising from a medical condition. The main problem may lie in the inner ear (vestibular problems). Other causes can include muscle weakness, nerve damage, brain injury and certain neurological disorders.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing complaints of imbalance while walking. These medicines are entirely safe to use with zero side effects as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Homeopathic medicines bring excellent results in such cases by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines bring gradual improvement in such cases and results vary from case to case. Homeopathic medicines are recommended for mild to moderate cases. There is no specific medicine in homeopathy for these cases and the suitable medicine has to be selected for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptom presentation. In some cases, imbalance while walking could point to serious health problems so it is advised to get every case evaluated by a doctor and take medicine under supervision of a doctor. Self-medication should not be done in any case. In case of a serious health issue, like brain stroke, immediate help from conventional mode should be taken.

Homeopathic Medicines For Imbalance While Walking

1. Agaricus

It is a top recommended medicine to manage cases of imbalance while walking. Persons needing it have an unsteady walk and have a tendency to fall frequently. They may have heaviness and weakness in the legs. Numbness in the legs may also be there. There may also be trembling of the legs along with weakness. Electric shock like sensation in the legs may attend.

2. Alumina

Alumina is a well indicated medicine for cases of imbalance while walking along with heaviness in the lower limbs. When walking there is uncertainty in the lower limbs along with weakness. The person requiring it staggers on walking. There is a desire to sit down while walking. There is numbness and stiffness in the legs mainly at night. A tension can be felt in the thighs and legs like a cramp.

3. Gelsemium

This medicine is helpful for cases in which there is imbalance while walking and the person staggers as if he is drunk. There is tiredness in the legs. It feels as if there is less control over muscle movement causing difficulty in standing and walking. A crampy pain in the legs can be felt while walking. Marked dizziness and drowsiness may be present along with above symptoms.

4. Argentum Nitricum

This medicine is effective for cases where legs feel weak and heavy. The sufferer feels as if he has no idea where to put the feet while walking. Staggering (walking in an uncontrolled way as if about to fall) gait is witnessed. There is also stiffness of the legs. Jerks may occur in the toes. Pain may be felt in the calf muscles, especially at night.

5. Conium

Conium works well in cases of imbalance while walking, along with dizziness, vertigo and weakness. There is marked muscle weakness in the legs. It seems as if there is loss of power in the limbs. Turning head sideways while walking worsens the imbalance and may also lead to falling.

6. Lathyrus Sativus

This medicine is useful when there is imbalance while walking along with marked stiffness and rigidity in the legs. Trembling is felt in the legs. Knees may knock together while walking. Cramps may be felt in the legs which get worse from cold. Legs feel cold during the day, while hot at night. There may be loss of muscle mass in the legs.

7. Stramonium

Stramonium can be used when there is unstable walking and staggering along with dizziness. Persons needing it are unable to walk in a straight line. Falling to the left side and backwards is prominent. There may be a feeling that the legs have become longer. A person may suffer from vertigo along with staggering and reeling gait as if drunk, along with obscuration of vision. There may be flickering before the eyes as well.

8. Phosphorus

Phosphorus is another effective medicine for imbalance while walking. There is weakness in the legs with unsteady gait. Trembling may be felt in the limbs. There is difficulty in speech. This medicine is well indicated for managing cases of multiple sclerosis.

Causes Of Imbalance While Walking

1. Problem in the inner ear (vestibular problems): Vestibular system in the inner ear is involved in maintaining balance. If there is some issue in its proper working, it is unable to collect information on motion, equilibrium and position of body, and fails to send proper signals to brain. It can cause a floating sensation.

2. Poor eyesight: It leads to poor focus on things in the surrounding when walking and may lead to imbalance.

3. Muscle weakness, unstable joints and brain injury may also cause imbalance while walking.

4. Nerve damage in legs (peripheral neuropathy): It mostly happens in diabetics though it may arise from some injury, alcoholism or an infection in a person.

5. Multiple sclerosis: It is a disease affecting the brain and the spinal cord. In this condition, the cells of the immune system damage the protective myelin sheath of the nerve fibers which disrupts communication between brain and rest of the body parts. It can lead to unsteady gait along with other symptoms including numbness or weakness in the limbs, tingling sensations, lack of coordination, vision loss, vertigo, weakness, blurred or double vision, slurred speech and cognitive issues.

6. Certain neurological problems, for example Parkinson’s disease, stroke, etc can also cause balance issues. Parkinson’s disease is a disorder affecting the nervous system that usually begins with hand tremors at rest followed by other complaints that include stiffness of the muscles, stooped posture, impaired balance, changes in speech, reduced or no expression on the face, reduced arm swing while walking and changes in handwriting. Another reason could be brain stroke which is a medical emergency requiring immediate medical help. In a brain stroke, there is interrupted oxygen supply to the brain resulting in death of brain cells and loss of brain function. It can cause loss of balance and difficulty while walking along with other symptoms including weakness in the legs, slurred speech, dizziness, weakness in the arms/face and confusion.

7. ALS: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a nervous system disorder which affects nerve cells of brain and spinal cord leading to loss of muscle control. It causes symptoms like problems in walking, falling and tripping, weakness in legs, feet, hands, problem while swallowing, slurred speech and muscle cramps.

8. Dementia: It affects memory and causes memory loss, which in turn affects thinking and social interaction of a person.  Dementia can cause disorientation, confusion, problem with communication.



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