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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines for Throat Pain Extending to Ears

Throat pain is a very common problem and in many cases, pain from the throat can extend to the ears. The throat and ears are connected via the eustachian tube, so any problem in the throat might extend to ears as well. It can be attended with other signs and symptoms as well. These include throat pain when swallowing food, redness in the throat, swelling of tonsils, hoarse voice, dryness in the throat, white/pus spots on the tonsils, fullness in the ear, fluid discharge from ears, decreased hearing and popping noises in the ears. Some general symptoms that can attend include fever, feeling unwell and headache.

Throat pain extending to ears can arise from various causes. The first reason behind this complaint includes throat infections and tonsillitis (inflammation of tonsils). These conditions usually result from viral infections but can occur from bacterial or other infections as well.

Another reason behind it is pharyngitis (inflammation of the pharynx i.e. the back of the throat), commonly referred as sore throat. Another cause could be sinusitis. Sinusitis refers to inflammation of the air-filled cavities in the skull. It can cause throat pain extending to the ears along with other main symptoms like nasal discharge, headache, stuffed nose, PND – post nasal drip where mucus from the back of the nose falls down in the throat, facial swelling and pain. Another reason is allergies. This can lead to throat pain and ear pain in addition to its major symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, stuffy nose, itchy, watery eyes.

Other reason includes TMJ disorders (i.e. temporomandibular disorders that affect the joint that connects jaw to the skull) that usually cause jaw pain, facial pain, headache, cracking sound from the jaw but can also cause throat pain extending to the ears.

Acid reflux is yet another cause. It refers to the back flow of stomach acid from stomach to the food pipe. This cause heartburn means burning in the middle of chest behind the breast bone, sour or bitter burps, chest pain, sensation of lump in the throat. Additionally, in some cases it may cause throat pain extending to the ear. Lastly, a tooth infection may cause throat pain or ear pain along with its main symptoms.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is very effective in managing complaintscauses of throat pain extending to the ears. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances, hence are entirely safe to use in these cases with zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines bring excellent results in such cases by aiming to treat the root cause behind it. There are numerous medicines for treating this complaint in homeopathy and the most suitable medicine has to be selected for every individual case separately after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptom presentation. So it is advised to get every case evaluated by a homeopathic doctor and take medicine under supervision of a doctor. Self-medication should not be done in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines for Throat Pain Extending to Ears

1. Merc Sol – Top Medicine

Merc Sol is the top recommended medicine to manage pain in the throat that extend to the ears. In cases needing it, pain gets worse when swallowing. Pain is usually stitching type in most the cases. The throat and tonsils are red and swollen. The tonsils are enlarged. A characteristic attending feature is ulcers on the tonsils and in the throat. Heated sensation is felt in the throat. A rough feeling is also felt in throat. An important accompanying feature is increased salivation in the mouth. Foul smell also comes from mouth.

2. Belladonna – With Intense Redness Of Throat And Tonsils

Belladonna is a highly effective medicine when there is marked redness of the throat and tonsils. The throat is swollen and looks shiny. The pain goes from thethroat to the ears. There is much difficulty in swallowing especially the liquids. Swallowing saliva is also painful. There is excessive dryness in the throat. The tonsils are enlarged. Fever attends above complaints. Cough spells can also attend.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Pain On Swallowing, Turning Head, Yawning, Coughing

Hepar Sulph is a useful medicine for managing throat pain extending to the ears on swallowing. The nature of pain can be stitching or shooting type. The pain also worsens when turning the head, yawning and on coughing. The tonsils are red, inflamed with pus points on it, in cases needing this medicine. An important feature that attends is a sensation of a lump or plug of mucus in the throat. In some cases, there is a feeling of splinter (a thin, small sharp piece of a wood, a glass or something else being broken from a larger piece) stuck in the throat. There may be difficulty in hearing.

4. Phytolacca – When Intense Heat / Burning In Throat Attends

Phytolacca can be considered when there is intense heat or burning sensation in throat along with throat pain radiating to the ears. In cases needing this medicine, the throat and tonsils appear dark red or bluish colored. The tonsils may be covered with greyish patches. The throat feels rough and dry. There is a disposition to hawk and clear the throat. Dryness of the throat is present thwhichat induces cough. A sensation of lump in the throat is also present. One is unable to swallow any hot liquid.

5. Lachesis – For Left-Sided Pain

Lachesis works well in cases of pain in the left side of throat extending to the ear. The pain worsens on swallowing. Swallowing liquids is more painful than solids. Swallowing saliva is also painful. The throat is also painful to touch and pressure externally. The throat and tonsils look purplish. There is a constant tickling in the throat. There is a feeling of bread crumb in the throat sticking in the throat. It feels better by hawking.

6. Lac Caninum – For RightRight-Sided Sided Pain

This medicine is suitable for right-sided throat pain extending to ear. The pain gets worse from swallowing which is almost impossible. The throat is painful to touch externally as well. Pearly white deposits may be seen inside the throat. On the tonsils, white ulcers are formed. There may also appear yellowish-white patches on the tonsils. There is marked dryness in the throat and the mouth. Tickling sensation is felt in the throat which causes cough.

7. Nitric Acid – With Intense Pain On Swallowing

This medicine is of great use when there is violent pain that extends from throat to ears on swallowing. Even swallowing a little amount of liquid causes pain. A pricking sort of sensation as from splinters is well marked in the throat. The tonsils are red and swollen. Small ulcers are present on the tonsils. In some cases, white patches occur on the tonsils.

8. Ignatia – With Pus In The Tonsils

This medicine is indicated when there are swollen tonsils with tiny openings filled with pus. Small ulcers may also develop on the tonsils. The throat is red and inflamed. Stitching pain extends from throat to the ears. It gets better on swallowing solids and worse during the act of swallowing. A crawling sensation occurs in throat. There is bad smell and taste in the mouth.



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Ear Pain with Discharge? Try Homeopathy

A very common complaint, ear pain can be frequently attended with ear discharge, apart from other symptoms. The discharge can be clear fluid, or white, yellow green, brownish-colored fluid. It can also be blood-stained or may have pus/cloudy fluid. It can be thin, thick or sticky. The discharge may smell foul. Depending on the cause, some other symptoms can also attend like itching in the ears, noises in ears (tinnitus), decreased hearing and a feeling of blocked ears.

Ear pain along with discharge can arise from various causes. One of the most important reason behind it is an ear infection. The infection could be otitis externa or otitis media. Otitis externa also known as swimmer’s ear is an infection in the canal between the outer ear and middle ear. Its symptoms might include earache, ear discharge, redness and swelling of the outer ear, itching in the ear and decreased hearing power. Otitis media refers to an infection in the middle ear i.e. the space behind the ear drum. This can result in ear pain, ear discharge, fullness in the ear and difficulty in hearing. Another reason could be injury/trauma to the ear or rupture of the eardrum. Another cause is an object stuck in the ear. Rare causes might include fracture of the base of skull and skin growth behind eardrum (cholesteatoma).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be of great help in managing ear pain along with ear discharge. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help in these cases by working to treat root cause behind it. Once the root cause is treated, magnificent relief follows in ear pain and discharge. Along with pain and discharge, any attending symptoms (like itching in the ears, fullness in the ears, noises in ears and decreased hearing) can also be well managed with these medicines. The most suitable medicine is selected after taking into consideration the characteristic symptoms and the cause behind ear pain and discharge. So it is advised to get your case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription as per every individual case. In no case, self – medication should be done. In cases where serious reasons are behind this complaint, like a ruptured eardrum, help from the conventional mode of treatment should be opted in first place.

Homeopathic Medicines For Ear Pain With Discharge

1. Kali Mur – Top Recommended Medicine

Kali Mur is the most widely used homeopathic medicine for managing ear pain and discharge. This medicine works wonderfully in cases of infection of the middle ear or internal ear. It works well when along with ear pain, there appears white-coloured discharge from the ear. Noises in the ear can also be felt. There mainly occur crackling noises in the ear usually on swallowing food. There also occurs a feeling of a plug in the ears. Reduced hearing/deafness can attend the above complaints in some of the cases.

2. Pulsatilla – With Yellowish Green Ear Discharge

This medicine is recommended for managing ear pain with yellowish – green ear discharge. The discharge smells offensive. The pain is worse in evening and night. The nature of pain can be pulsating, tearing, shooting or stitching type. The pain can extend to the head in some of the cases. At times, pain from the head may extend to the teeth or lower jaw. Along with this, there is a feeling as if the ears are blocked. The external ear is markedly red and swollen. Humming/ roaring, wind like or sound of rushing water like sounds are heard in the ears. Itching is also felt in the ears. One may become hard of hearing.

3. Silicea – For Pus Discharge From Ears

Silicea is a highly effective medicine for managing pus (purulent) discharge from the ears along with pain. The discharge appears thin, watery and curdy (means like curd). The discharge can be blood stained. The ear discharge has a very bad smell. The pain can be stitching, shooting, boring, throbbing or drawing in nature. Itching is felt in the inner and the outer ears. The ears feel blocked. The external ear is swollen. There is difficulty in hearing. The ear is sensitive to noises. Roaring, ringing or hissing noises can be felt in the ears.

4. Belladonna – With Sensitivity To Touch Ear

Belladonna is a suitable medicine when ear are sensitive to touch along with earache and ear discharge. The discharge mainly is of pus. Ear pain is worse from slightest noise. Pain can be tearing, shooting or stitching type varying from case to case. Noises in the ear are also heard like roaring, ringing or humming noises. Ears are inflamed in cases needing Belladonna.

5. Merc Sol – With Thick Yellow Discharge

Merc Sol is a well-indicated medicine for managing ear pain with thick yellow discharge. The discharge is fetid. It is also indicated for managing bloody, bad smelling discharge from the ears. The ears are inflamed and appear red, hot and swollen. Pain is worse when chewing food. Pain also gets worse at night time and also from warmth of the bed. The pain can extend to the cheeks or the jaw. A person may become hard of hearing. Roaring type of noises in the ears can attend.

6. Ferrum Phos – For Initial Stage of Ear Infection

Ferrum Phos is the most valuable medicine for earache along with discharge in the initial stage of infections. In cases needing it, there is redness, and swelling of the ear canal. Besides, throbbing type of pain occurs in the ears. This is attended with ear discharge of mucus along with pus matter. There is increased sensitivity to noises.

7. Graphites – With Gluey, Sticky Ear Discharges

Graphites is a prominent medicine when there is earache with gluey, sticky ear discharges. A bad smell emanates from the ears. Stitching type of pain is felt in the ears. A pressure is also felt in the inner ear. Noises like humming, ringing and roaring are felt in the ear. Cracking is felt in the ears when eating or on jaw movement.

8. Hepar Sulph – With White, Cheesy Blood Stained Pus Discharge

This medicine is recommended when there is pain in the ears with white, cheesy blood stained pus discharge. It has a fetid smell. The pain is darting type. The ears are sensitive to touch. Itching is also felt in the ears. Along with the above, a person becomes hard of hearing.

9. Psorinum – For Earache With Thin, Bad Smelling Discharge

Psorinum is a beneficial medicine to manage ear pain with thin, bad smelling discharge. There is pain in the ear along with swollen ears. Ear discharge is accompanied with headache. This medicine is also indicated for brown-colored discharge from the ears especially from the left side. Itching in the ears attend. There can occur impaired hearing along with humming, buzzing noises in the ears.

10. Petroleum – For Ear Pain With Blood Stained Pus Discharge

Petroleum is useful to manage ear pain with blood-stained pus discharge. There is pain in the ear along with swelling, inflammation in the ear canal that lies between the outer and middle ear. Roaring, ringing noises can be heard in ears along with above complaints.



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Suffering from Leg Pain at Night? Try these Homeopathic Medicines

Leg pain at night is quite a common problem that leads to a lot of discomfort, and tends to disturb sleep followed by tiredness in the day. There may be many reasons behind leg pain. The symptoms that attend it are numbness, tingling, throbbing sensation, cramping, heaviness and restlessness in the leg. The leg can be swollen, the skin of legs can be red, warm, and itchy. Veins of the legs may become prominent and appear bluish.

Leg pain at nighincludet could simply be arising from excessive exercise or prolonged standing or walking during the day, advancing age, poor sleep posture, dehydration, nutritional deficiencies, cramps (sudden tightening of muscles with pain) in the calf muscles, and use of certain medicines (like steroids, antidepressants).

But recurrent pain in legs could indicate some underlying health condition that needs to be ruled out followed by its proper treatment. These issues, firstly, include problem with blood circulation in the legs. Some of its examples reaching varicose veins, blood clot in vein – DVT, peripheral arterial disease. Varicose veins refer to twisted, dilated, enlarged veins that though can affect any vein in the body, but are most common in the veins of legs.

DVT refers to Deep Vein Thrombosis in which a blood clot forms in the deep veins mostly in the leg. It is a serious medical condition because the clot carries the risk of being detached and reach the lungs via blood stream and block blood supply there.

Peripheral artery disease (PAD) is a condition in which the arteries get narrow and there is decreased blood flow to the legs and arms. It usually results from the building up of fatty deposits in the arteries medically known as atherosclerosis.

Other causes can be nerve pain (for example sciatica – it refers to pain in the lobloodstreamwer back radiating down to legs and even feet from compression of the sciatic nerve), arthritis (joint inflammation), diabetic neuropathy (it is a kind of nerve damage that tend to affect persons suffering from diabetes), bone fracture (broken bone) and restless leg syndrome (RLS –  a condition in which the sufferer has an irresistible urge to keep the legs moving due to some sort of unusual sensations felt in legs).

Another reason can be muscle (myositis) or tendon inflammation (tendonitis). In kids growing pains (an aching or throbbing pain in legs in the calf muscles, front of the thighs and behind knees in the children) can be the cause.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy offers a natural and very effective treatment for cases of leg pain. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances to treat thepain naturally without side effects. They help in reducing pain wonderfully by treating the root cause behind it. Besides, they tend to relive any attending symptoms like heaviness, numbness, formication, tingling, restlessness and swelling in the leg if present. Homeopathic medicines for treating leg pain are selected based on the cause and characteristic individual symptoms in each and every case. It is recommended to consult a homeopathic physician prior to taking any of the homeopathic medicines for treating leg pain and avoid self-medication. As the cause behind leg pain can be serious in some cases, like blood clot in the vein of leg, it is advised to always consult a physician to rule out the reason behind leg pain and for its proper treatment. In serious cases of leg pain, like DVT, homeopathy has limitations, in such cases help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken.

 Homeopathic Medicines for Leg Pain

1. Rhus Tox – Top Recommended Medicine

Rhus Tox is the most important medicine to manage leg pain at night. This medicine is indicated for pain related to muscles, tendons, joints and nerves. Pain occurring from over-activity of legs as from some exercise, excessive walking can be effectively dealt with this medicine. Pain from inflamed muscles or tendons can be relieved with this medicine. In case of muscle cramps also, Rhus Tox is very effective. Cramps in calf muscles when lying in bed or after midnight can be treated with this medicine. Next, Rhus Tox is indicated for leg pain due to nerve involvement, like sciatica. In cases needing it, the sciatica pain can be left or right side. It gets better by rubbing or warm applications. It can be attended with numbness and formication (feeling of ants crawling on skin) in legs. Marked restlessness in legs attends the pain at night.

2. Magnesium Phos – To Relieve Leg Cramps

This medicine is highly recommended to manage leg cramps at night. This medicine is highly suitable when cramps result from overexertion. Besides cramps, this medicine is also indicated for nerve pain in legs along with cramps. If nerves are involved, pain keeps shifting between left and right side in cases needing it.

3. Colocynth – To Relieve Nerve Pain (Sciatica)

This is a top medicine to manage nerve pain in the leg in case of sciatica. The leg is sore to touch along with pain. The pain gets worse at night. Warm applications on the leg provide relief. Rubbing the leg offers relief.  Though it can be used for leg pain on either side, it is most prominently indicated for left-sided pains.

4. Arnica – For Pain With Soreness

This medicine is effective for pain in legs along with soreness (pain on touch). Pain in legs from overexertion and tiredness are wonderfully managed with Arnica. In cases needing it, tingling in legs can also be felt. Leg pain from an injury is also best treated with this medicine.

5. Gelsemium – For Pain In Calf Muscle In Back Of Leg

Gelsemium is very beneficial for managing pain in calf muscles (present in back of legs) at night. The pain in muscles is quite deep-seated. It gets better by movement. The legs feel heavy with pain. Besides the above, this medicine is helpful for burning type of pain in legs due to sciatica.

6. Agaricus – For Pain In Bones Of Lower Leg At Night

This medicine is highly valuable to manage pain in bones of lower legs at night. Pain in legs gets better by walking. The legs feel heavy along with weakness. Numbness can also be felt in legs. Increased sweating occurs on lower legs.

7. Medorrhinum –Pain All Night With Restless Legs

This medicine is indicated when the legs pain the entire night. This prevents sleep. Restlessness is marked in legs. There is inability to keep the legs still. There is a desire to stretch the legs. Legs feel heavy and cold. Cramps are felt in calf muscles at night. There is relief in pain by stretching the legs. This medicine is very useful in cases of restless legs syndrome (RLS).

8. Ferrum Met – For Cramps In Legs And Nerve Pain

Ferrum Met is well indicated for cramps in legs as well as for nerve pain in the leg. Cramps in legs, feet, and toes can be well managed with this medicine. This medicine is suitable when there is nerve pain in legs at night. Standing worsens pain. Continuous walking however seems to bring relief. Throbbing is felt in legs. A drawing sensation is also felt in legs with pain. Legs feel heavy as well as stiff along with the above complaints.



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What Causes Painful Erections and its Homeopathic Remedies

The erection of penis is never painful and if pain occurs during erections, then it needs medical help to rule out the cause, and proper treatment at the right time. In case of painful erections, the pain can occur in the whole penis or a part of it. The intensity of pain may vary from mild to severe. Pain can be felt every time an erection occurs or just during erections at night. In some cases, immediate treatment is required. There are multiple causes for painful erections. The first reason behind painful erections is Peyronie’s disease. It is the most common reason behind painful erections. This condition results when scar tissue occurs in an area inside penis resulting in an abnormal curve of penis. This results in pain during erection. The reason behind this condition is not clear but it is thought to be arising from some injury to the penis that leads to formation of scar tissue as a part of healing of the injury.

Peyronie’s disease can also arise without any history of injury to penis. Having family history of this condition, diabetes, erectile dysfunction (inability to attain or maintain an erection strong enough to have sexual intercourse) and surgery of prostate cancer increases the risk of Peyronie’s disease. This condition affects men aged 40 yrs or above. It has been estimated that about 65% of persons suffering from this disease face issues of painful erection.

Other reasons include an injury to the penis or pelvic area, urinary tract infections (UTI), sexually transmitted infections (STIs), penile fracture (rupture of membrane that surrounds corpora cavernosa, means the erectile tissue, which is a medical emergency), use of some medicines like certain medicines for treating high BP, use of recreational drugs like cocaine, marijuana and alcohol, benign penile tumour (non-cancerous tumour forming on the blood vessel or nerve of the penis).

Another reason could be a condition called priapism. It refers to persistence of an erection for several hours in the absence of sexual stimulation. This is of three types. First is ischemic priapism that is the most common type. In this type, blood is unable to withdraw from penis after an erection. The reasons might include use of recreational drugs, certain medicines, blood cancer, cancer of penis. Second type is intermittent/stuttering priapism which is a variant of ischemic priapism that is usually linked with sickle cell disease that affects the shape of red blood cells and makes them crescent-shaped that slows down or blocks the blood flow. Last is non-ischemic priapism in which the body keeps on pumping excessive amount of blood in penis leading to engorgement. This type usually results from an injury to perineum (area between anus and scrotum) or the penis. Painful erections happen in cases of ischemic priapism and not non-ischemic type.

Priapism is a medical emergency when erections last for 4 hours or more with increasing pain. The blood accumulated in the penis tends to lose its oxygen that leads to damage of tissue of penis that can be permanent. This can result in erectile dysfunction, change in penile appearance, scar tissue formation in tissues of the penis, infertility and rarely gangrene. So, priapism should be treated promptly because priapism can cause permanent damage to penis if not treated early.

Last reason for painful erections is SRPE (sleep related painful erection), a rare condition that refers to occurrence of painful erection during sleep but normal erections when awake.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful in cases of painful erections. Homeopathic medicines give excellent results by treating the root cause behind this complaint. Homeopathy is recommended only for mild to moderate cases and not serious and severe ones. Before prescribing any homeopathic medicines, several factors (like frequency and intensity of problem, the reason behind it, duration for which the erections with pain last) are taken into consideration and evaluated. After this homeopathic medicines are prescribed individually in every case only after making sure that the condition is not serious. Homeopathic medicines should be taken under supervision of a homeopathic physician and in no case should self-medication be practiced.

Homeopathy is recommended when case is of mild to moderate intensity and when painful erection lasts only for a very short time. In any case the condition seems serious, or there are prolonged erections usually 4 hours or more than that, it is a medical emergency and should be immediately attended to by conventional mode of treatment. Homeopathy has limitation in helping severe cases or when occurring from some serious cause (like priapism, penile injury).

Homeopathic Medicines for Painful Erections

1. Cantharis

Cantharis is a very effective medicine to manage cases of painful erections. Males needing this medicine may get erections at night attended with sore pain along the urethra. They have an increased sexual desire. It tends to disturb sleep at night. After coition, burning may be felt in urethra. The glans may be swollen and painful to touch. This medicine is also a top remedy for urinary tract infections and its associated symptoms. Cantharis is also specifically indicated for cases of painful erections occurring without sexual stimulation in cases of gonorrhoea.

2. Argentum Nitricum

This medicine is well indicated when there occur painful erections along with difficulty in passing urine. These erections may occur without any sexual stimulation. Cutting type of pain can be felt in the urethra with painful erections. There can be a reduced desire for coition. Like Cantharis, this medicine is also indicated for painful erection in gonorrhoea cases.

3. Caladium

Caladium is an important medicine for painful erections without sexual desire. Mostly this occurs in morning time. The glans can be very red. The foreskin is swollen and very painful. Biting pain is felt in foreskin when urinating. This medicine is also indicated when painful erections occur after coition.

4. Cannabis Sativa

This medicine suits males who feel a stretching sort of pain in penis during erections. There is increased sexual desire. In some cases, swelling may appear in penis, glans and prepuce (foreskin). The glans and prepuce may be red. Besides above symptoms, soreness can be felt in penis when walking.

5. Capsicum

Capsicum is a highly beneficial medicine for painful erections occurring at night. This can be attended with a cream-like discharge from the urethra. Sometimes the discharge contains blood too. Pain may be felt in urethra, that can be cutting or stinging type. While urinating, a burning type of pain may be felt in the urethra. The urethra may be painful to touch.

6. Nux Vomica

Nux Vomica is a useful medicine for cases of painful erections in the morning, though erections are weak and not strong enough. There is an increased desire for sex in those needing this medicine. They may also have complaint of involuntary discharge of semen during sleep with dreams. It is attended with backache, irritability and weakness.

7. Cannabis Indica

This medicine works well when painful erections appear without any thoughts about sex. It can occur when walking or sitting. Burning sensation in the penis and urethra may be there. This is attended with frequent urge to pass urine.

8. Phosphorus

Phosphorus is a valuable medicine to help case of painful erection with an increased and irresistible urge for coition. Frequent erections occur along with pain. There may be involuntary semen discharge at night.


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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) in Children

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is quite common in children. Urinary tract infection refers to infection in any part of the urinary tract including urethra, bladder, ureters or kidneys.  Urinary tract infections result mainly from a bacterial infection. 90% of UTI cases are caused by E. coli (Escherichia coli) that resides in digestive tract normally and passed in the stool. Some other UTI-causing bacteria include klebsiella, enterobacter, proteus and enterococcus. The bacteria gain access to urinary tract via the urethral opening. From there, they get into the urinary bladder and multiply here leading to an infection. UTI is classified into two types: a lower UTI that affects urethra (urethritis) and bladder (cystitis), and an upper UTI that affects ureters (ureteritis) and kidneys (pyelonephritis).

The risk factors for urinary infection in kids includes wiping anus from back to front after passing stool that increases chance of gut bacteria to enter urinary tract. Babies passing stool in a diaper might soil the urethra, weak immunity, poor hygiene, use of antibiotics for prolonged time and wearing diapers that are super absorbent types are the other causes. Holding urine in bladder even when there is urge to pass urine also increases risk. Girls are more at risk of UTI as compared to boys because the urethra is of short length in females and its opening lies close to the anus. As a result, the bacteria can gain easy access to the urethra from anus in the girls. Besides, boys who are uncircumscribed (with the presence of foreskin over penis head) below one year of age are slightly at little more risk of UTI as compared to other boys.

Constipation is also a risk factor because this can put pressure on the bladder and as a result bladder cannot empty naturally causing retained urine increasing the chance of infection. Another condition is vesicoureteral reflux in which urine goes from bladder back into the ureter and kidneys from an issue in valves of ureters.

Signs And Symptoms of UTI in Children

The signs and symptoms in infants (babies less than one year of age) and toddlers (kids between age one year and three years) cannot be clear as they cannot communicate the symptoms. There occur vague and general symptoms in them like fever, irritability, foul smelling urine, pain in the abdomen, taking feed poorly/loss of appetite, weakness, vomiting and not gaining weight.

In older children, specific symptoms can occur and that might include pain or burning with urination, crying when they urinate, passing only few drops of urine, passing urine involuntarily, bedwetting, frequent urination, urgency to pass urine, foul smell in the urine, pain in the abdomen, nausea, vomiting, fever and chills. Some of the serious symptoms that indicate an infection in the kidney might include high fever with chills and shaking, irritability, intense tiredness, pain in the back or sides of the abdomen (flank region), nausea and vomiting.


Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very safe and natural treatment for cases of UTI in children. These medicines help to fight with the infectious agent and eliminate it from the body. Side by side, they gradually decrease the intensity of the symptoms. Homeopathic prescription for UTI varies from case to case as medicines are selected based on the characteristic symptoms in each and every case after detailed evaluation of the symptoms. These medicines are recommended in mild to moderate cases. Each and every case of UTI in children should be monitored carefully and any of the homeopathic medicine should be taken under supervision of a homeopathic physician and self-medication should be avoided in any case. Homeopathy has a limitation in helping severe cases of UTI, and in cases where infection has spread to kidneys, help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken immediately.

Homeopathic Medicines for UTI in Children

1. Borax – Top Medicine

Borax is a widely recommended medicine for managing urine infection in children. The main characteristic feature to use this medicine is that the child cries or screams before passing urine out of pain. There is increased frequency to pass urine as well. Sometimes there is an urge to urinate at every 10-minute interval. There is also an urgent desire to pass urine. The urine has foul smell. In some cases needing borax, tiny red particles can be seen on the child’s diaper.

2. Lycopodium – With Frequent Urine

This medicine is indicated when there is frequent urination. The urine is pale in color. The urine contains foul-smelling sediments. Child cries before passing urine.  Pain is felt in the bladder region. In some cases, urine passes involuntarily.

3. Sarsaparilla – When Child Scream Before And During Urination

This medicine is recommended when a child screams before as well as while passing urine. The child can pass urine only while standing. Urine passes in thin stream. A severe pain at the end of urination may be felt. The bladder region might be distended and painful to touch. Urine may pass involuntarily at night. Urine may contain white sand-like particles.

4. Cantharis – For Pain / Burning During Passing Urine

Cantharis is a very effective medicine when there is marked pain or burning while passing urine. Pain may also be felt before and after passing urine. The child doubles and scream with pain. There is pain in the bladder along with frequent urination. There is an urge to urinate even if there is little urine in the bladder. Shortly after passing urine, the urge to urinate renews. The urge to pass urine is less while sitting but increases when standing or walking. In some cases needing it, urine passes drop by drop.

 5. Apis Mellifica – For Burning When Passing Last Drops Of Urine

This medicine is well indicated when a burning sensation is felt while passing the last drops of urine. There is frequent urination. Urine passes with much difficulty. The urine may also pass involuntarily in some cases. Itching in urethra may occur.

6. Sanicula – When Child Cries Before Urinating

This medicine, like borax, is indicated when a child cries before urinating. There is an urgent desire to pass urine. Urine passes in small quantities at long intervals. The child may strain to pass urine when passing stool.

7. Kreosote – With Offensive Smelling Urine

Kreosote is a valuable medicine when the urine smells offensive. There is frequent urination during day. The child has to hurry up when the urge to urinate occurs. There may also occur involuntarily urination at night during sleep.

8. Petroselinum – With Sudden Urgency To Urinate

This medicine is the best when there is sudden urgency to pass urine. Children needing it have a sudden urge to urinate and if the urge is not attended immediately, they jump up and down with pain. Excessive pain occurs while passing urine. They also have a frequent urge to pass urine. There may be an urge to urinate every half an hour.

9. Merc Sol – With Frequent And Urgent Urination

Merc Sol can be considered in cases with frequent and urgent urination. The child needing it shows increased frequency to pass urine but passes only a little urine at a time. There is an urge to urinate every hour. There is also a need to hurry to urinate otherwise urine passes on its own. The urine flows in thin stream. The child tends to hold the urethra and cries from pain. Pain or burning is felt in the beginning of urination in most cases.

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What is Alopecia Universalis and its Homeopathic Remedies

Alopecia Universalis (AU) refers to hair loss from the scalp entirely along with hair loss all over from the other body parts as well. Other body parts includes arms, legs, eyelashes, eyebrows, armpits, pubic region, chest and inside the nose. It is a severe form of alopecia areata (hair loss in round spots), the difference is alopecia universalis causes complete hair loss. The hair loss of this type is non-scarring and not permanent. So, chances of hair regrowth are there. The real reason behind alopecia universalis is not clear till now. However, it is thought to be an autoimmune process. In this process, the body’s immune cells that normally help to fight infections start to attack the hair follicles out of a mistake thinking it to be something harmful to the body. This result in hair fall and also hinders growth of new hair.

Genetic and certain environmental factors tend to play a role in triggering the process of hair loss. Some of the environmental factors here includes stress, viral infection, some hormonal imbalance, toxins and an injury. Those having a family history of alopecia are at risk of it. Here some particular genes from both the parents are needed to pass this condition to their child. Many persons having alopecia might also be having thyroid issues, diabetes and atopic dermatitis ( a skin condition leading to skin inflammation with dry itchy skin) and some form of other autoimmune disease like lichen planus (a skin condition causing flat-topped, purple papules on skin), vitiligo (a skin condition characterised by patches of white skin from lack of normal pigmentation). Sometimes in some cases chemotherapy (a medical treatment to treat cancer) can result in alopecia universalis. This condition can begin as single or two tiny patches of hair loss. This may proceed quickly to form bald spots within a few days. There comes a point when all the hair of body are entirely lost. Mostly no other symptom attend it, but in some cases, itching and burning may be felt on the area of hair loss. Hair loss increases chances of sunburn. Hair loss from eyelashes increase the chance of debris to enter the eyes. Loss of hair from inside nose also increase chance of germs like bacteria, virus to get into the body and cause illness. Sufferers of alopecia universalis are also at risk of mood disorders, anxiety and depression.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy carries good scope to manage cases of hair loss. These medicines are recommended when hair loss occurs from scalp, eyelashes, eyebrows, beard, moustache, and genital area. Homeopathic medicines firstly aim to prevent worsening of the problem by halting further progression of hair loss from different body areas. Next, they aim to help in hair regrowth. The chances of hair regrowth vary from case to case depending on the intensity of hair loss. Homeopathy uses natural medicines to treat hair loss that are made from naturally occurring substances, hence are very safe to use with zero side effects. Homeopathic medicines for hair loss are selected from a long list of medicines. The prescription varies from case to case based on detailed evaluation of the characteristic individual symptoms in every cases. Hence, homeopathic medicines to treat hair loss should always be taken under supervision of a homeopathic doctor. Self-medication should not be done with any of the homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Medicines for Alopecia Universalis

1. Phosphorus – For Hair Loss In Bunches

Phosphorus is a top medicine to manage hair loss. This medicine is very helpful when there is hair loss in large bunches from the scalp. This is accompanied with itching on scalp. Scratching worsens the itching. There may be sweating on the head.

2. Kali Carb – For Hair Loss From Scalp, Eyebrows And Beard

It is another magnificent medicine for managing cases of hair loss. In cases needing this medicine, hair loss occurs from scalp, eyebrows and beard. Hair are very dry. There may be itching on the scalp. Burning may also be present. Itching, burning is worse in morning and evening.

3. Baryta Carb – For Hair Loss In Young People

Baryta Carb is the most important medicine to manage hair loss in young people. This medicine is of use for hair loss from the scalp. Top of the scalp is most affected in cases needing it. The scalp is also sensitive to touch. A sensation of ants crawling on head can accompany. Skin over the scalp feels tight.

4. Selenium – For Hair Loss From Scalp, Eyebrows, Moustache, Genitals

Selenium is beneficial when hair loss is noticed from scalp, eyebrows, and moustache area. Itching may be felt on the scalp in the evening. A tingling sensation on the scalp may be felt. Additionally, hair loss may occur from genital area as well. Body parts other than the above-mentioned areas could also face hair loss in cases needing selenium.

5. Natrum Mur – For Hair Loss From Scalp, Moustache, Beard And Genitals

Natrum Mur is another effective medicine to manage hair loss. It is suitable in cases of hair loss from scalp, moustache, beard and from genitals. Scalp may be sensitive to touch. Itching may be felt on scalp. Itching on external genitals can also be present.

6. Lycopodium – For Hair Loss From Scalp With Itching, Burning

Use of this medicine can be considered when hair strands fall from the scalp, attended with itching and burning on the scalp. The itching and burning worsens on getting warm. Hair loss is most marked from the sides of the scalp and top of scalp (vertex).

7. Silicea – For Hair Loss From Scalp, Eyebrows And Eyelashes

This medicine is recommended for cases where hair loss is most marked from scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes. Excessive sweating is present on the scalp in most cases needing this medicine. The scalp is tender to touch. Itchy spots may develop on the scalp. After scratching, these spots feel painful.

8. Fluoric Acid – When Hair Become Dry, Break And Fall Out

This medicine is suited when there is dryness of hair followed by breakage and falling out. Hair fall occurs in well-defined spots. Along with hair loss, scalp is sensitive to touch.

9. Graphites – For Hair Loss From Scalp, Moustache And Beard

This medicine is recommended for managing hair loss especially from scalp, moustache and beard. Long-term eruptions on scalp may develop. Burning sensation is felt on the top of the head.

10. Phosphoric Acid – For Hair Loss From Scalp, Genitals And Beard

This medicine is indicated for persons having loss of hair from scalp, genitals and beard. The hair are very greasy and tend to fall out. Itching on scalp can be present in some cases along with hair loss. There might be a history of grief or sorrow where this medicine is required.



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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines for Impotency Due to Too Much Indulgence

Impotency, also called as erectile dysfunction, is a condition in which a man is either unable to get erections or maintain erections strong enough required to have sexual intercourse. Besides number of reasons linked with impotency (like diabetes, hypertension (high blood pressure, HBP), low testosterone levels, stress, depression, anxiety), too much indulgence in sexual activity may also be one of the reasons. It tends to drain the body’s energy and may in some cases result in erection issues. Hence a healthy man may find himself unable to perform sexual activity. Besides this, it also affects a person mentally and physically. It may cause weakness of the mind and physical weakness. The sufferer may feel lethargic with loss of strength. The person may also get lower back pain, muscle strain, genital pain, soreness of the penis, memory weakness and feelings of guilt and anxiety.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy is very effective in managing various sort of health concerns in males. One such concern where homeopathy proves very effective is sexual weakness or impotency from overindulgence. Homeopathic medicines are entirely safe to use with zero side effects as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. These medicines boost the body’s strength to overcome impotency. The results vary in such cases from person to person. There are a number of medicines in homeopathy for such cases but none is specific. It means there is no fixed formula of homeopathic medicines that can be used right away without any further questions in each and every case of impotency. Rather, the most suitable medicine for any given case has to be selected individually after detailed case evaluation as per the characteristic symptoms. So, it is advised to get every case evaluated by a homeopathic doctor and take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopath. Self-medication should not be done in any case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Impotency Due To Too Much Indulgence

1. Avena Sativa – Top Recommended Medicine

Avena Sativa is one of the best homeopathic medicines to deal with cases of impotency from overindulgence. This medicine suits males who suffer from impotency after sexual over-activity. They may face involuntary semen discharge without erections sometimes. There is a decrease in desire for sex. There is a general weakness and weakness of mind along with decreased concentration in cases needing this medicine. Along with weakness, there may be sleeplessness. Avena Sativa will work as a tonic to rejuvenate body and improve sexual function and general stamina of the body.

2. Lycopodium – For Impotency And Premature Ejaculation

Lycopodium is another prominent medicine for cases of erectile dysfunction resulting from over-indulgence. In cases requiring this medicine, premature ejaculation (too quick emission of semen during coition) is an additional concern most of the time. Many males who need this medicine may face performance anxiety (negative thoughts in mind like fear, and worry about the ability to perform during sexual activity) as well. They have a strong desire for sexual activity but have weak and imperfect erections not sufficiently strong enough. Pain on the inner surface of the foreskin (prepuce) can attend above complaints. Lycopodium works to improve erectile power, treat premature ejaculation and relieve pain of the foreskin.

3. Agnus Castus – For Impotency With Loss Of Sexual Desire

Agnus Castus is an important medicine to help cases where there occur erection issues with markedly diminished or complete loss of sexual desire. The penis remains relaxed with no erections occurring at all even on sexual stimulation. In some cases, involuntary discharge of semen occurs when passing urine or stool. The semen is thin, watery in most of the cases.

4. China Officinalis – With Involuntary Semen Discharge

China Officinalis is another highly effective medicine to treat impotency occurring from sexual excesses. Males needing this medicine also have frequent involuntary semen discharges at night. It is accompanied by excessive weakness. They have an increased and almost constant urge for sexual activity. This medicine will help to improve erections and manage involuntary semen discharges.

5. Kali Phos – For Erectile Dysfunction and General Weakness

Kali Phos is a general tonic in homeopathy to improve overall weakness in general or weakness related to different body parts including male genitals. This medicine helps in increasing stamina and improving erection issues in cases of impotency from sexual excesses. Kali Phos helps to enhance energy levels to overcome erection issues. Males who need this medicine may have painful semen discharge at night. They tend to have weak or no erections during sexual excitement but at times may have involuntary erections in the absence of sexual stimulation. These erections occur usually in the morning. Apart from the above complaints, there is excessive weakness in general both mentally and physically. Kali Phos works wonderfully to increase energy levels in general as well as in sexual experience.

6. Phosphorus – For Impotency With Irresistible Desire For Coition

This medicine can be used when there is impotency and excessive irresistible desire for coition. Though desire is enhanced, the erections are absent. There might also occur involuntary semen discharges at night. This is accompanied by marked weakness, burning, and pain in lower back. Besides, it may be accompanied by headache.

7. Kali Bromatum – For Impotency With Sadness And Mind Weakness

This medicine is suited to manage various issues resulting from sexual excesses. Firstly, it is helpful for managing weak erections or absent erections. This is attended with sadness and weakness of mind. Another use of this medicine is to avoid loss of memory from sexual over-activity. Further, it is beneficial for improving numbness and tingling in the limbs from overindulgence in the sexual activity. In cases requiring this medicine, there is increased desire for sex with involuntary erections at night. This is accompanied with restlessness and backache. The  person may have dreams related to sex along with above complaints.

8. Staphysagria – For Erection Problems With Constant Sexual Thoughts

This medicine is suggested for males having erection issues from overindulgence along with constant thoughts about sexual subjects. There may be tendency of involuntary seminal discharges with weakness and restless, and disturbed sleep. Some other prominent symptoms along with the above-mentioned symptoms needing Staphysagria are memory weakness, back pain, weakness in the legs, hair fall issue, headache and even shrinking of testicles.

9. Graphites – With Increased Uncontrollable Sexual Desire

Graphites is a well-indicated medicine when there is an increased and uncontrollable sexual desire with sexual weakness and weak erections. Males needing it also have too early discharge of semen (premature ejaculation) during coition. There is involuntary semen discharge at night. This is accompanied with dreams related to sex which tend to awaken the sufferer from sleep.

10. Alumina – For Impotency But Involuntary Erections At Night

Alumina is helpful when there is impotency from overindulgence but involuntary painful erections occur at night in many cases. During sexual activity, erection does not occur but occurs involuntarily at night. There can occur involuntary discharge of semen while passing stool. The desire for sexual activity is increased but power for the act is reduced due to sexual excesses in the past.



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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Painful Ejaculation and its Causes

Ejaculation refers to the discharge of semen from penis during orgasm (climax of sexual excitation) in males. Ejaculation is a normal process and should not cause any pain or discomfort. But some males, feel pain during ejaculation. This might occur due to several causes. Painful ejaculation is medically known as dysorgasmia or odynorgasmia. Pain can occur during ejaculation or soon after it, varying from case to case. Pain may be felt in the penis, urethra, scrotum, perineum (the area between genitals and the anus), urinary bladder, rectum, groin (crease between lower abdomen and thigh) or the lower abdomen.

Painful ejaculation can be acute which appears suddenly for a short time span, or chronic which appears gradually and remains for a long period of time. It might happen from multiple reasons. The first and most important reason behind it is prostate gland inflammation i.e. prostatitis. In this condition, painful ejaculation may occur with other symptoms including pain / burning while passing urine, pain in the pelvic area or pain/burning genitals or groin, frequent urine, urgency to urinate and blood in urine. It may also occur in case of enlarged prostate i.e. BPH – Benign Prostate Enlargement.

This can cause pain during ejaculation along with symptoms like frequent urination, straining to pass urinate, sudden urge to pass urine, weak urine stream, dribbling at the end of urination and incomplete emptying of bladder.  Painful ejaculation can also arise from sexually transmitted infections STIs (for example in case of chlamydia and trichomoniasis), lower urinary tract infections – UTI (inflammation / infection of bladder or urethra), epididymitis (inflamed epididymis i.e. coiled tube at back of the testicle which store sperms during maturation process and then transport sperms from the testes to vas deferens)).

Another cause can be nerve injury to the pelvis (pudendal neuralgia). It can also be a result of a surgery like prostatectomy (removal of the prostate gland entirely or a part of it) to treat prostate cancer and surgical procedure to repair inguinal hernia.

Other reasons are use of certain medicines (antidepressants like anafranil, norpramin, Prozac), pelvic radiation, cyst/stones in the ejaculatory duct, nervous system issues that damage the nerves linked with ejaculation (like from diabetes or an injury to spinal cord), certain psychological reasons (like stress, anxiety and depression) and prostate cancer.

As per the cause behind painful ejaculation some other symptoms can also attend like burning with ejaculation, urinary symptoms like painful urine, burning while passing urine, frequent urination, urgency to urinate, blood in the urine, abnormal discharge from the penis and blood in the semen.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy carries a great scope in managing cases of painful ejaculation. Homeopathic medicines help in gradually decreasing the frequency and intensity of this complaint. They work magnificently in both acute as well as long term cases by targeting the reason behind it. Homeopathic medicines work in the most natural way to treat this condition and there are no side effects of these medicines. Along with pain, homeopathic medicines also manage well any associated symptoms like painful/burning urination, frequent urination, urgency to urinate, erection issues or premature ejaculation.

The most suitable homeopathic medicine for treating these cases is selected after detailed analysis in every individual case taking into consideration the cause and the characteristic symptoms. So, it is advised to take homeopathic medicine under guidance of a homeopathic physician after detailed case evaluation and avoid self – medication.

Homeopathic Medicines for Painful Ejaculation

1. Conium – Top Recommended Medicine

Conium is one of the most important medicines for managing painful ejaculation. In cases requiring this medicine, the pain usually is felt in the urethra on ejaculation. The pain in most cases is cutting in nature. Pain can also be felt in the scrotum extending to the root of the penis. Sometimes pain may also occur in the testes. In cases needing it, inflammation of prostate gland (prostatitis) may be present. The prostate gland may be enlarged, swollen and also very hard as stone. In some cases, there may be weak erections or premature emission of semen (premature ejaculation).

2. Cantharis – Along With Pain / Burning Urination

This medicine proves highly effective when there is pain or burning before, during or after passing urine with burning sensation during or after intercourse. The semen may contain blood in some cases needing it. Pain may be felt in the penis during erection. There may be swelling of the penis and scrotum. Along with the above symptoms, there is a constant urge to urinate. Even the smallest amount of urine in the bladder causes an urge to urinate. There is also an increased desire for sex that disturbs sleep at night.

3. Sabal Serrulata – Attended with Prostate Complaints

This medicine can be considered when there is painful ejaculation and some prostate complaints are also present. The complaint can be enlarged prostate or inflamed prostate gland (prostatitis). The semen is thick along with heated sensation in the spermatic cord. There is low sex drive. An important symptom accompanying the above complaint is a constant desire to pass urine at night. Pain in the urethra occurs when initiating urine flow. Heaviness and pain is felt in the urinary bladder that extends to external genitals.

4. Clematis – For Burning In Penis During Semen Discharge

Clematis is a very beneficial medicine for males experiencing burning in the penis during semen discharge. Stitching pain can be felt in the urethra with violent erections. There may be a lack of interest in sex along with these complaints. The urge for urination may be frequent in cases needing it. Straining is needed to initiate urine flow. The urine stream is interrupted, which means it starts and stops several times till the entire urine is passed. Burning sensation may be felt while passing the last drops of urine. There may be inflammation, swelling and pain in the testicles. Pain in the testicles gets worse from the slightest touch. Epididymitis (inflammation of epididymis) can also be there where this medicine is required.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Burning, Stinging Pain

Calcarea Carb is a well-indicated medicine for managing burning and stinging (pain as if from a prick with a sharp pointed object) pains during ejaculation. In cases needing it, pain may occur in the testicles or pain may arise in the groin and spread to the testicles. Testicles may become hard. Males needing it may face issue of weak erections as well along with premature discharge of semen. Coition is followed by excessive weakness.

6. Agaricus – For Burning Urethra During Intercourse

This medicine is suitable when there occurs burning in the urethra during intercourse with excessive pain during ejaculation. There is a tendency for late ejaculation in most cases needing it. Drawing pain in the testicles can be felt besides heaviness and discomfort. Scrotum on the left side may be red and swollen in addition to above features.

7. Sepia – For Burning Pain In Urethra After Ejaculation

Sepia works well in cases where burning type of pain is felt in the urethra after passing semen. There is increased sexual desire in cases needing this medicine. Scrotum may be swollen. Cutting pain may be felt in the testes. Yellowish white discharge from the urethra may attend the above symptoms.



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Causes of Vaginal Pain and its Homeopathic Remedies

Vaginal pain may arise from several reasons. One of the main reasons for this is an infection in the vaginal area.  Firstly, the infection could be from bacteria. Some examples of bacterial infections are gonorrhoea (caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae), chlamydia (caused by bacteria chlamydia trachomatis), both of which are sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Viral infections in vagina can also lead to vaginal pain. In some viral infections like genital herpes (caused by Herpes simplex virus – HSV), blisters (fluid-filled bumps) occur in the genitals that can be painful. Fungal/yeast infections, also called vaginal candidiasis, can cause pain in the vagina along with itching and vaginal discharge.

Urinary tract infections (UTI) may cause pain in the urethra that may spread to the surrounding parts, including vulva and vagina. Bacterial vaginosis (BV) can also cause vaginal pain. This condition arises from an imbalance in the naturally occurring bacterial flora in the vagina. When the number of bad bacteria in the vagina increases and good bacteria in the vagina drop down, it results in bacterial vaginosis. Besides infections and BV, vaginal pain may occur due to irritation in the vagina from the use of some hygiene products, certain soaps, or any rash or eruptions in the vagina. Other reasons for vaginal pain can be from an inflamed vagina (vaginitis), an injury/trauma to vagina, pain from intercourse (dyspareunia), bartholin’s cyst and bartholin duct abscess.

Bartholin glands in vagina, responsible for fluid production and for lubrication, might get blocked and a bartholin cyst may form due to fluid accumulation. If an infection occurs in this fluid, an abscess (pus-filled) lump can form called bartholin duct abscess. In both these cases, a lump is formed in the vagina that causes pain.

Vaginal dryness (it can arise after menopause, or use of oral contraceptive pills) could also be one of the causes of vaginal pain. Another reason can be vaginal atrophy from reduced estrogen levels. Vaginal pain can also indicate vulvodynia. Vulvodynia refers to long-term pain in vagina, vulva or both without any identifiable cause. Some theories suggest vulvodynia occurs due to damage/irritation of the nerves surrounding the vulva or muscle spasm in the pelvic floor.

Lastly, it can arise in cases of Lichen Sclerosus (It is a condition in which discolored patches occur in skin along with skin thinning that affects the genital and anal areas). Depending on the cause behind pain, other symptoms can occur including vaginal itching, vaginal discharge, burning sensation, vaginal tenderness (pain on touch), eruptions in the vagina, foul smell and pain during intercourse.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy proves highly effective in multiple gynecological health complaints. It also carries a great deal of scope to manage cases of vaginal pain. Homeopathy does wonders in managing vaginal pain occurring from different reasons. Homeopathic medicines aim to treat the fundamental cause of vaginal pain. Once the primary cause is treated, there occurs great relief in vaginal pain. These are natural remedies that treat vaginal pain with zero side effects. These also manage any associated symptoms present along with pain like itching, vaginal discharge, vaginal dryness, burning and painful intercourse. Homeopathic prescription for vaginal pain differs from case to case based on the cause and characteristic individual symptoms, so one should take homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic doctor and avoid self–medication.

Homeopathic Medicines for Vaginal Pain

1. Sepia – Top Recommended Medicine

Sepia is the topmost homeopathic medicine to manage vaginal pain. In cases requiring Sepia, the vagina may be painful to touch. The pain is mostly stitching in nature. The vagina appears red and   inflamed. Vaginal discharge may appear. The discharge is excessive and can be yellow or greenish with bad smell. There is itching in the vagina. Burning sensation is also felt in the vagina. The pain in the vagina can be worse during intercourse. In some cases, dryness may be marked in the vagina. Sepia is a prominent medicine to manage various infections affecting female genitals.

 2. Natrum Mur – For Pain During Intercourse

Like the above medicine, Natrum Mur is also an effective medicine for managing vaginal pain during intercourse. Burning is felt in vagina along with pain. The reason behind pain here is dryness in the vagina. The vagina is very sore (painful on slight touching). It is accompanied with itching in the vagina. After urination, burning and pain can occur in the vagina where this medicine is required. This medicine is next indicated for burning sensation felt in the vagina before periods. In some cases, thick white vaginal discharge may be present attended with abdomen pain and weakness.

3. Merc Sol – With Burning Sensation

Merc Sol is a suitable medicine for vaginal pain along with burning sensation. The burning gets worse when the urine touches the affected parts of the vagina. Vaginal inflammation is present in cases needing this medicine. A throbbing pain is felt in the vagina. A yellow or green vaginal discharge may accompany it. The discharge can be blood-stained in some cases. The discharge is sticky. It causes itching in the vagina. Scratching the vagina is followed by a burning sensation. Itching is especially worse at night. There may be an increased urge to pass urine due to pressing pain in the genital organs.

4. Kreosote – Along With Vaginal Itching

Kreosote is a very helpful medicine for managing vaginal pain along with vaginal itching. There occurs sharp pain in the vagina where this medicine is needed. The itching is quite intense. Burning sensation may also be felt. Yellow vaginal discharge may appear. Pain in the vagina may also occur during urination. Kreosote is also a prominent medicine for managing pain during intercourse along with burning sensation. Bleeding may occur from the vagina the next day. In cases needing it, there may be vaginal inflammation (vaginitis). The external genitals can also be swollen along with heated sensation. Lastly, this medicine is indicated for electric-like stitching pain in the vagina that seems to be originating from the abdomen.

5. Calcarea Carb – With Vaginal Discharge (Leucorrhea)

This medicine is highly valuable to manage cases of vaginal pain along with vaginal discharge. In cases needing this medicine, the vaginal discharge is white milky type. The discharge causes vaginal itching and burning apart from pain. The itching is quite intense in the evening or after going to bed. The discharge is more before and after menstrual period. There is excessive weakness. This medicine is also well-indicated for vaginal pain in cases of uterine displacements. There can be polyps (non – cancerous growths) in vagina in cases needing Calacarea Carb.

6. Nitric Acid – With Itching And Burning

Nitric Acid is recommended for cases of vaginal pain accompanied by itching and burning in the vagina. The pain is stitching type in most cases. Swelling in the vagina is also present. Vaginal inflammation is there along with cracks on the labia minora. Vaginal discharges may occur that are ropy and can be green or brown.  The discharges have an offensive smell. In some cases needing this medicine growths like warts can be present in the vagina.

7. Berberis Vulgaris – With Vaginal Tenderness (pain on touch)

This medicine is suitable when there is vaginal pain along with tenderness, means pain on touching vagina. It is accompanied by burning sensation. Soreness and burning can extend to labia. The vagina is reddened. Itching can also occur in vagina. It gets worse while sitting and walking. It gets better on lying down.


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Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines For Hair fall due to Folliculitis

Folliculitis refers to inflammation of hair follicles (pores in the skin through which hair grows) usually due to infection by bacteria, especially staphylococcus aureus. The bacteria get entrapped in the inflamed hair follicles leading to the formation of pus-filled bumps called pustules. It can affect any area of the skin where there is hair growth like the scalp (the most common area because of maximum number of hair follicles), armpits, beard, pubic area etc. When folliculitis affects the scalp and causes hair fall, then it is termed folliculitis decalvans. It causes patches of bald spots that can be round or oval shaped varying from case to case. The spots can be single or multiple in number.

Hair follicles that have been inflamed for long get destroyed which prevents new hair growth. When the hair strand falls off, scarring occurs that may cause permanent hair loss. The signs and symptoms of folliculitis may include pimples or pus-filled bumps around the hair follicles, when pustules break these get covered with scabs/crusts, pain, tenderness, itching and burning in the affected area. The exact cause behind this complaint is not clear. But it is thought to arise from infection with a bacteria known as staphylococcus aureus. The bacteria is normally present on the skin of every person but it does not cause any harm. In some persons, however, this bacteria may result in inflammation due to an abnormal response to this bacteria, the reason behind which is not clear yet. This inflammation can affect the hair follicle along with its destruction. With time, the hair strand falls followed by scar formation. That is why this hair loss is also known as cicatricial (scar formation) alopecia (means hair loss). Though this condition can occur in both males and females, men are more at risk.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very natural and effective treatment for cases of hair loss due to folliculitis. These medicines primarily help to halt further progression of the inflammation of hair follicles and prevent hair loss. They also work toward managing the pimples or pustules on the scalp and it’s attending itching, pain and burning. Following the arrest of further progression of the problem and control of its associated symptoms, they help in hair regrowth. The results of hair regrowth vary from case to case as per the duration and intensity of the problem. Homeopathic medicines in these cases is decided after detailed case analysis based on the characteristic features in every individual case. So, one should always consult a homeopathic doctor for best homeopathic prescription after getting an in depth case evaluation done.

Homeopathic Medicines For Hair Fall Due To Folliculitis

1. Silicea – Leading Homeopathic Medicine

Silicea is a topmost medicine in homeopathy to help cases of hair fall due to folliculitis. Its use is highly recommended when pustules (pus-filled bumps) appear on the head. Attended with itching, these eruptions are followed by hair loss. There is excessive sweating on the scalp in cases needing this medicine. The sweat smells sour. In some cases, the eruptions appear specifically on the back of the scalp. These eruption ooze pus followed by scab formation. Burning sensation and itching are felt in these eruptions. Silicea works both ways –preventing further pus-filled eruptions and healing of already present eruptions, as well as controlling its associated hair loss.

2. Mezereum – With Crusty Eruption With Pus Underneath

This is the next highly effective medicine to manage hair loss from folliculitis. The key feature to use this medicine is crusty eruptions on the head with pus underneath. Hair comes out in handfuls, besides the other complaints. There is oozing of sticky fluid from the eruptions present. There is intolerable itching in the eruptions. Burning sensation is also felt in them.

3. Hepar Sulph – With Painful Pimples Painful To Touch

Hepar Sulph gives wonderful results when there occur painful pimples on the scalp causing hair loss. The eruptions are sore to touch. The spots of hair loss can be large in cases needing this medicine. The eruptions itch intensely in the morning on waking up. On scratching, there is burning and pain in the eruptions. Eruptions are covered with scabs. When scabs tear apart, bleeding raw surface can be seen underneath. Along with the above complaints, there is excessive sweating on the scalp. The sweat has sour smell.

4. Sulphur – With Itchy Small Fluid-Filled Bumps

This medicine is highly useful for itchy, small fluid-filled bumps on the head especially on the top of the head. They may be covered with yellow or brownish crusts. It is attended with hair loss patches. Besides, Sulphur is also indicated for small pus-filled bumps that dry up and get covered with honey like scabs. Next, it is indicated for offensive-smelling eruptions on the scalp that ooze thick pus along with bleeding. Burning sensation is felt in these eruptions. In general, the scalp is sore to touch in cases needing Sulphur. There is also violent itching on scalp in evening time.

5. Arsenic Album – With Itching And Burning On Scalp

Arsenic Album is another beneficial medicine to manage hair loss. This medicine can be used when there occur circular patches of hair loss that are rough and covered with dry scales. It is accompanied by itching and burning, especially at night. The scalp is sensitive to touch and even combing or brushing is painful. There are pus-filled eruptions present on the scalp or scabs/crusts on scalp.

6. Phosphorus – With Itchy Pimples With Bald Spots

It is a very helpful medicine when there occur itchy pimples on the scalp and bald spots that are smooth and look clear and white or scaly. Hair loss usually occurs in bunches where this medicine is required. The scalp is quite itchy. Scratching worsens itching. Dryness and heat are felt on the scalp in addition to the above-mentioned features.

7. Merc Sol – For Pus-Filled Bumps With Yellow Crusts

This medicine can be considered in cases of moist pus-filled eruptions covered with yellow crusts. These eruptions tend to eat away the hair. The eruptions ooze fetid fluid. These are sensitive to pressure. There is bad-smelling, oily sweating on the head along with the above complaints. The hair loss is mostly visible on the sides of the scalp.



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