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Do Homeopathic Medicines contain Steroids? Find out

Do homeopathic medicines contain steroids or are steroids being used while preparing medicines? Many homeopaths have been asked such questions for long. A simple answer to this is NO. It is just a misbelief that homeopathic medicines contain steroids. These claims defame the homeopathic system of medicine. In this article, we will discuss this issue in more detail. But firstly, let us try to find out what steroids are and what their side effects are.

Are steroids natural or manmade?

Steroids are generally natural chemicals and hormones produced inside the human body naturally for normal physiological functions. These are secreted by the adrenal cortex, testis, and ovaries in the body and by the placenta during pregnancy. Steroids produced by the adrenal cortex are called corticosteroids which includes glucocorticoids such as cortisol and mineralocorticoids and those produced by ovaries and testis are termed sex steroids which include androgens, estrogens, and progestogens.

But steroids are also laboratory-made medicines of two types – corticosteroids and anabolic androgenic steroids. Corticosteroids are a type of anti-inflammatory drugs that doctors prescribe to reduce inflammation promptly in the body. These work by slowing down or suppressing the body’s immune system and reducing the production of chemicals that are causing the inflammation. These are used in treating many health issues like rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, asthma, lupus, multiple sclerosis, myositis, vasculitis, etc. Some examples of corticosteroids are prednisone, cortisone, and methylprednisolone. Anabolic steroids are man-made types of testosterone prescribed by doctors in cases where testosterone is not produced in the body in the right amount leading to medical problems and when a person has muscle mass loss from diseases like AIDS, cancer, etc. These steroids help build up muscles and prevent muscle breakdown.

Side effects of steroids

Though steroids may be life-saving in many health conditions, their overuse is linked with many side effects some of which can be life-threatening. The side effects depend on the type of steroids used, dose and for how long these have been used.

Use of corticosteroids can lead to weight gain, puffiness of the face, difficulty in sleeping, increased appetite, nausea, unwanted hair growth on areas like the face, increased blood sugar levels, rise in blood pressure, blurred vision, mood swings, acne and reduced immunity with increased susceptibility to catch infections because of suppression of the immune system. Their prolonged intake makes one prone to weakening of bones leading to breakage i.e. osteoporosis, muscle weakness, slow growth in kids, diabetes, and adrenal insufficiency which is a life-threatening condition.

Use of anabolic steroids can result in fluid retention, facial hair, male pattern baldness, stunted growth in teenagers, mood swings, aggression and changes in menstrual cycle in females. Due to their overuse, the body may stop producing testosterone leading to decrease in sperm count, reduced size of testicles, breast growth in men and infertility. Their long term consumption can damage the heart, liver and kidneys, and lead to high LDL (low density lipoprotein) increasing the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

What is homeopathy and what types of medicines it uses for healing?

Homeopathy is a 200-year-old system of medicine founded by German physician Dr Samuel Hahnemann based on the law of ‘Similia Similibus Curentur’ or ‘like cures like’.

As per the World Health Organization (WHO), homeopathy is the second largest medical system in the world. It is being practiced in over 84 countries. This globally trusted healing system is used by over 50 crore people worldwide. Homeopathy healing system is well-recognized under AYUSH which includes five alternative healthcare systems i.e. Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy.

Homeopathy is capable of healing many acute and chronic health issues. The medicines used in homeopathic treatment of diseases are all 100 percent natural medicines mainly sourced from plants and minerals with no chemicals or toxins. To date, no side effects have been noticed from the use of these medicines. Prescription of steroids is not allowed in homeopathy and no homeopathic medicine contains any steroid in any form. Only qualified allopathic doctors are allowed to prescribe steroids as required in some cases.

Homeopathy has abundant natural effective medicines, it does not require steroids

Homeopathy itself is a complete healing system highly enriched with a plenty of natural medicines that are very effective in managing health ailments. These can help as great anti-inflammatory medicines with zero side effects as well as no chance of suppression of the immune system. So, why would a homeopath use any steroid as homeopathy is itself blessed with safe, natural remedies that can do only good and no harm.

Quick homeopathic action may raise doubts

Whenever immediate relief in acute conditions occurs with homeopathic medicines, one might anticipate that these medicines may contain steroids as steroids work very quickly beyond imagination. There is also a belief that homeopathy works very slowly and quick relief can never happen with it, so how did I get instant relief? People who raise such doubts are not well versed with homeopathy and its principles, the types of medicines used in it so they might believe homeopathic medicines contain steroids.
Homeopathy works slowly is also a myth. The fact is that when homeopathic medicines are selected accurately based on homeopathic principles with the correct dose and potency, they can work significantly faster than one may think. They start acting as soon as these are absorbed on the tongue with the help of nerve endings. In acute cases like diarrhea, cold, cough, headache, and earache, the signs of improvement may be evident sooner as compared to chronic cases where it may act gradually. How fast these medicines act varies from case to case as per the nature of the disease, the chronicity of the complaint, and individual response to medicine.

If homeopathic medicines contain steroids, there would have been side effects as well

It is a well-known fact that the use of steroids can lead to multiple side effects as mentioned above. So, in case homeopaths would use steroids, then their side effects must follow the use of any homeopathic medicine. But none of these side effects have been ever reported with the administration of any homeopathic medicine.

Laboratory tests to find out presence of steroids in homeopathic medicines

Colorimetric method of testing steroids

A false positive result in this test may raise a question that homeopathic medicines contain steroids. Hence this test should not be followed to confirm steroid presence in homeopathic medicines.
This test is an old method to detect the presence of a steroid in a substance that uses tetrazolium blue salts. A highly-colored compound called Farmazan is produced in the substance on which this test is done if it contains steroids. The presence of a reducing sugar in a substance may lead to a false positive result. Homeopathic pills contain reducing sugars so there is always a chance that the medicine will give a false positive result. Further homeopathic medicines have a slight amount of dispensing alcohol that can give false positive results as well. Such tests cannot be followed for steroid confirmation in homeopathic medicines and pills.

What other tests can be followed for confirmation of steroids? 

The authentic tests to confirm the presence of steroids in homeopathic medicines include the thin-layer chromatography method, the Liebermann Burchard test and the UV absorption method. These tests are the most accurate tests for confirming steroids in any substance. Homeopathic medicines will never show a positive reaction in this test. Also to be noted that only FDA-approved laboratories should be chosen for testing homeopathic medicines as not every laboratory is equipped with appliances to carry out testing.

Conclusion: From the above discussion, it is very clear that homeopathy is a very natural healing system based on fixed principles. Neither do homeopathic medicines contain steroids nor do homeopaths prescribe steroids. We must never believe any hearsay lacking proof in this regard and look for facts in every case before getting convinced about the veracity of any rumors.



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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Cough And Cold

Cough and cold is quite a common complaint everyone faces. Cold indicates an infection in the upper respiratory tract (it consist of nose, mouth, pharynx, larynx and the paranasal sinuses). Cough refers to an act of forcing air out of the lungs to get rid of mucus, fluids, germs (like bacteria, virus) and other matter like dust from the airways. Though cough and cold affect persons of all age groups but kids less than 6 years are more prone to it and get frequently affected as compared to adults. A young child may get several episodes of cough and cold in a year as his/ her immune system is yet developing. Cough and cold are usually caused by viruses. Among the different viruses (more than 200 types), the most common cause is rhinovirus. A person tends to catch this infection from inhaling infected virus droplets present in the environment when an infected person present nearby coughs or sneezes. It may also spread by hand to hand contact with person having cough and cold. The infection can be contracted from touching a surface that carries viral droplets and afterwards touching the nose, eyes or mouth without washing the hands. A person may also get this infection by sharing objects like towels, utensils, etc. with person having cold. Cough and cold can be attended with other symptoms like blocked nose, sneezing, sore throat, headache, body aches, watery eyes, fever and tired feeling.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy proves highly successful in treating cases of cough and cold. Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s self – healing mechanism to fight with the germs that are causing infection and get them out of the body. This ensures natural and gentle recovery with zero side effects. The cough and cold are managed along with its attending symptoms like blocked nose, sneezing, sore throat, headache and body aches. Homeopathic medicines are suitable to manage cough and cold in persons of all age groups. As these medicines have no side effects, hence are very safe to use. One should take any homeopathic medicine for managing cough and cold after consulting a homeopathic doctor as the prescription varies from case to case as per individual symptoms. In case of persistent high fever, shortness of breath, chest pain and wheezing, it is advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Cough And Cold

1.Aconite – Topmost Medicine

Aconite is a top-rated homeopathic medicine to manage cases of cough and cold. The key feature to use this medicine is cough and cold triggered from exposure to cold air. In cases needing it, there is clear watery nasal discharge. The discharge feels hot. It is accompanied by sneezing and stuffed sensation in the nose. Along with cold, one also also complains of headache. The throat is red, inflamed with burning and stinging pain. The voice becomes hoarse along with pain in the throat while talking. The cough is dry, rough, short and barking type. It is usually worse at night time.

2. Natrum Mur – With Marked Sneezing And Watery Nasal Discharge

Natrum Mur is a very effective medicine when there is intense sneezing and watery discharge from the nose. There is watering from eyes as well. Sneezing gets worse in the early morning. The nose feels painful internally. Sense of smell and taste get reduced. There is cough with hawking of mucus. Cough is attended with suffocation which gets worse at night when lying down. While coughing, bursting type of pain occurs in the head.

3. Arsenic Album – For Thin Nasal Discharge, Cough With Marked Weakness

This medicine is highly recommended when there is thin discharge from the nose and  cough with intense weakness. The nose feels stuffed along with discharge. Burning and itchy sensation in the nose is well-marked. The cold gets worse in open air and gets better indoors. Cough is dry and alternates with loose cough. Cough gets worse after midnight which is a highly characteristic feature to use this medicine. Cough gets better by sitting.

4.Belladonna – For Dry Cough, Cold With Sore Throat

Belladonna is a prominently indicated medicine for cough, cold accompanied with sore throat. There is frequent sneezing along with tickling sensation in the nostrils. There is watery discharge from one side of the nose. There occurs dry, tickling, and short cough. It increases at night. The throat and tonsils are markedly red, inflamed with a heated sensation. Dryness is felt in the throat along with marked throat pain. Pain gets worse while swallowing, especially anything liquid.

5. Hepar Sulph – For Loose Cough And Cold From Cold Air Exposure

This medicine is best suited for cases when loose cough and cold occurs after cold air exposure. Initially, there is watery nasal discharge. Afterwards, the discharge gets thick along with an offensive smell. The nose also feels stuffed up. There is PND (post nasal dripping) in which dripping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat. The cough that occurs is loose with mucus expectoration. The phlegm expelled out is thick, yellow and sticky type. The cough gets better by wrapping up warmly.

6. Pulsatilla – For Cough And Cold With Thick Yellow Green Discharge

This medicine works well in cases having cough cold with thick yellow green discharge. There is thick discharge from the nose which gets worse indoors. It gets better in open air. The nose feels blocked. It is accompanied with loss of smell and taste. There is loose cough in the day and dry cough after sleep. Yellow, green phlegm is expectorated along with loose cough.

7. Spongia – For Cold And Dry Cough

Spongia is a highly beneficial medicine to manage cold along with a dry cough. In cases requiring it, there is watery nasal discharge alternating with nose blockage. The attending cough is absolutely dry in nature. Cough is short, dry and irritative type with a rough hoarse feeling in the larynx. Cough results from a tickling sensation in the throat. There is relief in cough from eating or drinking, among which warm things offer more relief.

8. Allium Cepa – With Intense Sneezing

This medicine is helpful for cases of cough and cold with intense sneezing. Sneezing occurs almost continuously with excessive watering from the nose. Sneezing gets worse in a warm room in most cases needing it. The nasal discharge causes burning sensation in the nose and on the upper lips. A lump is felt at the root of nose. Along with the above complaints, excessive eye watering occurs. Along with cold, there is headache and hoarseness of voice. Cough gets worse from inhaling cold air and also in the evening. A tickling sensation is felt in the larynx that results in constant hawking to get relief.

9. Euphrasia – For Cold, Cough And Eye Watering

This medicine is useful when there is cold and cough along with marked eye watering. There is watery nasal discharge during the day and nasal blockage at night. The watering from eyes causes burning in the eyes. There is cough with profuse expectoration in the day time. Cough gets better at night.


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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines For Chest Pain Due To Gas

Chest pain can occur from several reasons and one among these could be gas. Chest pain due to gas is quite common. Gas in the chest feels like tightness in the chest and other symptoms that might occur include burping, passing gas, reduction in appetite, indigestion, pain in the abdomen in various parts and nausea. Chest pain from gas can occur from various causes. It can simply arise from swallowing air, intake of carbonated drinks like soda, intake of excessive fiber in diet, artificial sweeteners, and use of certain medicines or supplements. In other cases, it can result from some medical condition. These conditions include gallbladder issues, food poisoning, food intolerance, food allergy, GERD, IBS, and Crohn’s disease. Among these,  gallbladder issues include gallbladder inflammation (cholecystitis) and gallstones. These conditions are explained further. Food poisoning also called food-borne illness refers to gastric conditions arising from consuming contaminated food or drink. Food intolerance indicates intolerance to digest certain types of foods due to sensitivity of the gut to these foods. For example, lactose intolerance in which a person is unable to digest lactose which is a sugar present in the milk due to a lack of lactase enzyme in the body.

Food allergy means a condition in which the body gives exaggerated immune responses to certain foods like egg, milk, wheat, etc. GERD is gastroesophageal reflux disease in which there is backflow of the stomach acid into the food pipe. It occurs due to defective functioning of the LES i.e. lower esophageal sphincter which is a muscle ring at the area where the lowest part of food pipe joins with stomach and that normally functions to prevent back flow of the stomach acid upwards in the food pipe. IBS refers to irritable bowel syndrome which is a functional disorder of the colon i.e. the large intestine that results in symptoms including diarrhea, constipation or alternate diarrhea and constipation, gas, bloating in the abdomen and cramps / pain in the abdomen. Crohn’s disease is an autoimmune condition in which inflammation may occur in any part of the GIT (gastrointestinal tract). Crohn’s disease is one of the two conditions included in IBD i.e. inflammatory bowel disease, the other condition being ulcerative colitis.

Is the chest pain due to gas or is it heart pain?

Pain in the chest from gas may mimic pain from heart problems like heart attack and it may become difficult to differentiate between these two. But certain points help in differentiating these two. In case, chest pain is accompanied by symptoms such as gas in the abdomen, heartburn, abdomen pain then it usually suggests that the pain is occurring due to gas. There are some features indicating that it is arising from a heart attack. These include pain in the chest like an intense pressure on the chest in the center or left side of chest; severe stabbing sort of chest pain; pain from the chest radiating to shoulders, arms, neck, back or the jaw; shortness of breath; dizziness, excessive sweating and feeling nauseated. In case such symptoms appear suggesting chest pain from heart attack, immediate medical help should be taken. It is advised that one should always watch symptoms of chest pain very carefully and hurry to a doctor in case even a slight doubt occurs and the condition seems serious or when one is not sure or confused about the cause.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very natural treatment for cases of chest pain arising from gas. There are numerous medicines in homeopathy to address this concern magnificently. These medicines treat this complaint with zero side effects. They help in effectively managing other attending complaints like nausea, abdomen pain, indigestion associated with it. The best suited medicine has to be selected from a list of medicines based on the individual symptoms in each and every case. So, it is advised to consult a homeopathic physician for taking any homeopathic medicine for managing chest pain from gas. Self-medication should not be done in any case. As chest pain can arise from several causes, some of which can be serious, it is very essential to rule out its cause by consulting a doctor. In case of chest pain from gas, homeopathy is suggested to get great relief. While in case chest pain and its attending symptoms point towards any heart issue like heart attack, then homeopathy is not recommended due to the seriousness of this condition and an immediate help from conventional mode should be taken in this case.

Homeopathic Medicines For Chest Pain Due To Gas

1. Carbo Veg – Top Recommended Medicine

Carbo veg is a top-listed homeopathic medicine to help cases of chest pain from gas. Those needing it have excessive gas formation. It is attended with distended abdomen especially in the upper part. It gets worse from lying down. There is excessive burping. The burps can be sour or bad-smelling. They appear mainly after eating or drinking. Pressure and discomfort also occur in the stomach after eating. They may face heartburn (burning sensation in the center of chest behind the sternum). Burning in the stomach may also occur. Other than this, pain in the abdomen is felt which gets worse from eating even the smallest quantity of food. It gets better by passing gas.

2. Lycopodium – With Bloating And Pain In Abdomen

Lycopodium is of great use to manage chest pain from gas when there is bloating and pain in the abdomen as well. Eating even a very small amount of food leads to fullness in the abdomen. Soon after eating, the abdomen gets bloated. A sensation of a band is felt around the waist. There is a rumbling of excessive gas in the abdomen. Much noisy flatus passes. Sour burps occur. There is abdomen pain that gets better by rubbing the abdomen. Lycopodium is a prominent medicine to manage complaints arising from food allergies.

3. Asafoetida – When Gas Pushes Up And None Downward

This medicine is highly recommended when gas from the abdomen pushes upwards and not downwards. This leads to pain in the chest. There is excessive gurgling and rolling of gas in the abdomen. There occur loud and forcible burps with great difficulty. The burps smell bad like garlic. There may be pain in the abdomen. The nature of pain can be cutting, stitching or pressing type. Heated sensation in abdomen occurs too.

4. Natrum Phos – With Heartburn, Sour Burps, Acid Reflux

Natrum Phos is an important medicine when chest pain from gas is attended with heartburn, sour burps, and acid reflux. In cases needing it, there is passage of noisy gas. The abdomen gets full with small potions of food. There is a marked burning sensation in the chest. Sour burps arise and sour vomiting happens along with the above complaints.

5. China Officinalis – With Abdominal Bloating And Bitter Burps

This medicine is suitable for cases of chest pain from gas along with abdominal bloating and bitter burps. There is relief in bloating by movement. Pain in the abdomen arises due to gas. It gets better by bending double. Vomiting may also occur on undigested food. It gets worse at night. It works well when indigestion results from eating fruits, fish and drinking tea.

6. Raphanus Sativus – For Cases Of Gas Stuck In Abdomen

This medicine is beneficial for cases having much gas that gets stuck in the abdomen. It causes chest pain. There is loss of appetite where this medicine is required. Vomiting can also be present. Griping around the navel can be felt. The abdomen feels hard and swollen. It is painful when pressure is applied.



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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Pain In Forehead

Pain in the forehead may be due to different reasons. To begin with, one of the main cause behind forehead pain is sinusitis, more specifically frontal sinusitis. Sinusitis refers to inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (air-filled spaces in the skull). Frontal sinusitis refers to inflammation of the frontal sinuses located behind the brow ridges one on the either side. Secondly, it may arise in cases of cold, emotional stress and eyestrain(excessive use of computer screen/mobiles). Other reasons could be different types of headache like migraine, tension headache and cluster headache. Migraine is one- sided headache mainly throbbing/pulsating type usually attended by nausea and vomiting. Tension headache is a type of headache that feels like a tight band across the forehead. The tight feeling may also occur on the sides and the back of the head. Cluster headache refers to pain on one side of the head daily for several weeks or months, afterwards there occur a remission phase where no headache occurs for months or even years. Another reason could be high blood pressure (hypertension). Hormonal changes may sometimes be the reason behind forehead pain. One may also experience forehead pain in case of withdrawal of alcohol or caffeine. Besides the above, there may be few serious reasons like stroke (it is a medical emergency in which interrupted oxygen supply to the brain cause death of the brain cells and loss of brain function) and meningitis (inflammation of meninges i.e. protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord) that needs to be immediately and carefully treated. Depending on the cause, pain in the forehead could be attended with other symptoms. These includes nasal discharge, blocked nose, nausea, vomiting, pain in the eyes, dimness of vision, pressure in the ears, pain in the neck and scalp, fever and weakness.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy proves highly effective in managing complaint of pain in forehead. Homeopathic medicines give good results in such cases by targeting the root cause behind it. With its use, the intensity and frequency of the headache reduces gradually. Homeopathic medicines are entirely safe to use with zero side effects as these are prepared from naturally occurring substances. The use of homeopathic medicines is recommended for mild to moderate cases. The most suitable homeopathic medicine has to be selected individually for every case after detailedcase evaluation based on the characteristic symptoms. So one should take homeopathic medicine under supervision of a doctor and avoid self-medication. In cases, forehead pain occurs from some serious health issues like meningitis or stroke, it is advised to get immediate help from conventional mode of treatment as homeopathy has limitation in handling serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Pain In Forehead

1.Belladonna – Top Recommended Medicine

Belladonna is a top ranking medicine in homeopathy to manage cases of forehead pain. Along with pain, a feeling of fullness is felt in the forehead. The pain may extend to the sides and the back of head. The nature of pain is throbbing type. Headache is worse from exposure to light and noise. Exposure to cold air also increases the intensity of the pain. There is relief in pain by applying pressure over the forehead. While in pain, marked heat and redness is observed of the face. It is a highly recommended medicine for headache occurring from migraine or sinus infection.

2. Kali Bichrome – For Forehead Pain Due To Cold and Sinusitis

Kali Bichrome is one of the best homeopathic medicines to manage pain in the forehead in cases of cold and sinusitis. Discharge from the nose and eyes, along with headache, is prominent. The nasal discharge is thick, greenish-yellow, sticky, and ropy. There may be a characteristic complaint of post nasal discharge (PND) in which mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat. The sufferer may complain of a blocked sensation in the nose. Fetid smell comes from the nose. Additionally, pain at the root of the nose is well marked. There is relief in headache by drinking something warm. Headache also gets better by pressing at the root of the nose.

3. Ruta – To Manage Pain In Forehead From Eye Strain

Ruta is the topmost medicine for managing pain in the forehead that results from eye strain. Mostly pressive pain or pulsating pain is felt in the forehead where this medicine is required. The pain from the forehead may radiate to the sides of the head. A pressure on the eyebrows is quite prominent. The headache gets worse from reading. Besides, pain and pressure is felt in the eyes. There is redness in the eyes along with the above symptoms. Additionally, a burning sensation is well marked in the eyes. One may feel restless.

4. Iris Versicolor – For Forehead Pain With Nausea, Vomiting

Iris Versicolor is an outstanding medicine for managing forehead pain accompanied by nausea and vomiting. A dull heavy feeling occurs in the forehead. A constricted sensation is also felt around the forehead. Excessive weakness is felt along with headache. There is sleeplessness due to pain in the forehead. There is reduced appetite. In some cases, along with pain in the forehead, there is pain in the right eye also. This gets worse during rest.

5. Silicea – To Manage Forehead Pain From Long Term Cold

Silicea is a well-indicated medicine for managing pain in the forehead in cases of long term (chronic) cold. There is a throbbing type of pain in the forehead. The frontal sinuses are also inflamed. There is a thick, yellow-green discharge from the nose in the morning after waking. The nose feels blocked along with the above features.

6. Natrum Mur – For Forehead Pain Better From Pressure

This medicine is recommended for forehead pain that gets better by applying pressure. Throbbing is felt in the forehead. A very characteristic sensation that one feels is a thousand little hammers knocking on the brain. A sensation of weight is also experienced in the forehead. This sensation gets worse when bending the head down. In some cases, pain in the forehead is accompanied with pain in the eyeballs. The next very prominent feature to use this medicine is pain in the forehead which gets worse from coughing and sneezing. During coughing, it feels as if the head would burst.

7. Gelsemium – For Forehead Pain Worse From Exertion

Gelsemium is an important medicine to manage forehead pain that gets worse from exertion. There is pain in the forehead over one or both eyes. The pain may occur on the top of the head as well along with forehead pain. Besides, there is a dimness of vision. Heaviness can also be felt in the head. There is also a sensation of a tight band around the head.

8. Bryonia – For Pain In Forehead Extending To Back Of Head

Bryonia is a suitable medicine to manage pain in the forehead extending to the back of the head. The pain gets worse from movement. Along with the above, there appears fullness and heaviness in the forehead. It is relieved by applying pressure on the forehead or by closing the eyes. Burning sensation is felt in the forehead. This medicine is also recommended to manage forehead pain that gets worse from stooping.



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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Gritty Eyes

Gritty eyes refer to an irritated, scratchy feeling in the eyes as if there is a particle of sand in the eye while nothing is present in the eye. Depending on the cause, some other signs and symptoms may attend gritty eyes. These include dryness in the eyes, itchy eyes, and eye redness, burning in the eyes, watering from the eyes, pain in the eyes and blurred vision.

Homeopathy can be of great help in cases of gritty eyes. Homeopathic medicines are natural remedies that help bring relief in gritty eyes with zero side effects. Along with the gritty feeling, they also help to manage attending signs and symptoms. These might include itching in the eyes, dryness, redness, burning, pain in the eye and watery eyes. Conventional treatment usually recommends eye drops for managing gritty eyes. These offer relief but it is short term in many cases. Homeopathic medicines aim to give long-term relief by acting on a deeper level to treat core issue rather than superficial management. Following a proper course of homeopathic treatment as per homeopathic guidelines gives wonderful results in cases of gritty eyes.

There are magnificent medicines in homeopathy to treat cases of gritty eyes. Homeopathic medicines proves most effective when prescribed as per individualisation. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for gritty eyes is selected after taking into consideration the characteristic individual symptoms in every case that brings great results. It is advised to always get any case of gritty eyes evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right diagnosis and prescription. Self-medication should not be done in any case.

Homeopathy helps treat gritty eyes by addressing the root cause behind it. Homeopathic medicines are used in highly diluted forms that stimulates the body’s immune system. This promotes self-healing by overcoming the cause behind gritty eyes naturally. It initially brings relief in gritty eyes and gradually helps to completely resolve this complaint.

Homeopathy is completely safe and a totally harmless mode of treating complaint of gritty eyes. Homeopathy makes use of natural remedies to treat these cases. This ensures that the complaint is treated gently with no side effects at all which is the best part of using homeopathy.

Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Gritty Eyes

The most important homeopathic medicines for managing gritty eyes are Euphrasia, Aconite, Arsenic Album, Natrum Mur, Sulphur, Pulsatilla, Belladonna, Apis Mellifica and Fluoric Acid.

1. Euphrasia – Leading Homeopathic Medicine

Euphrasia is one of the best homeopathic medicines to manage cases of various eye-related complaints including gritty sensation. Persons needing this medicine complain of sand or dust-like particle present in the eyes. Besides, a burning sensation is also felt in the eyes. There is excessive watering in the eyes. The eyes feel itchy too. Another complaint that may attend is pain in the eye that can be pressive, cutting or stitching type.

When to use Euphrasia?

Euphrasia proves highly effective to manage gritty eyes with sand / dust like sensation in eyes along with itching, burning sensation and eye watering.

How to use Euphrasia?

Though it can be used in both low and high power, it is mostly used in 30C power. Initially, Euphrasia 30C can be taken twice or thrice a day.

2. Aconite – For Gritty Eyes Along With Dryness In Eyes

Aconite is a highly beneficial medicine to deal with cases of gritty sensation in the eyes attended with dryness. The eyes may be red and inflamed. A heated sensation is also felt in the eyes. Eyes may become painful, and the nature of pain may be pressive, shooting or burning type. Pain becomes worse on the movement of the eyeballs. The eyelids can be swollen and red. Burning sensation may occur in the eyelids. The eyelids are also sensitive to air.

When to use Aconite?

This medicine should be considered to treat gritty eyes when accompanied with marked dryness in the eyes.

How to use Aconite?

Aconite gives excellent results in 30C potency that can be used one to two times a day.

3. Arsenic Album –For Grittiness With Burning In Eyes

Arsenic Album is the next effective medicine for managing gritty sensation in the eyes. It is accompanied with marked burning in the eyes. Sand-like sensation in the eyes becomes worse in the evening. It is attended with rubbing of the eyes. There is excessive eye watering that makes the cheeks and eyelids sore. Next stinging pain may be felt in the eyes on opening the eyelids. There is sensitivity to bright light. Pain in the eye gets worse from eye movement. It may be accompanied by a runny nose with a feeling of stuffed sensation in the nose.

When to use Arsenic Album?

Arsenic Album can be used for managing gritty eyes attended with burning sensation in eyes.

How to use Arsenic Album?

Arsenic Album 30C can be taken once a day.

4. Natrum Mur – For Gritty Eyes In Morning

Natrum Mur is well indicated to manage gritty sensation in the eyes felt in the morning. The eyes become red and there is watering from the affected eye. Sneezing and watery nasal discharge may also be present. Burning pain is felt in the eyes. A sensation of salt-like particles in the eyes may also be felt. Another attending complaint can be sensitivity to light, especially sunlight and bright light. There is pain in the eyes while looking down. Eyes may be itchy, the eyelids may feel heavy.

When to use Natrum Mur?

Natrum Mur is an important medicine to manage grittiness in eyes occurring in morning along with red eyes and watering from eyes.

How to use Natrum Mur?

Natrum Mur is mostly utilized in 6X potency twice or thrice a day.

5. Sulphur – For Gritty Sensation With Itching And Burning In Eyes

Sulphur is of great use to manage gritty eyes along with itching and burning. Itching gets worse in the evening. Cutting pain is felt in the eyes along with grittiness. There is watering from the eyes in the morning followed by dryness. The eyelids become very dry on the inner surface. There is also redness and inflammation in the eyelids. It is attended with itching, burning and swelling of the eyelids. A prickling sensation is also felt on the eyelids leading to scratching and rubbing. The eyelids may be sticky in the morning.

When to use Sulphur?

This medicine is highly recommended to deal with cases of gritty sensation in the eyes when itching and burning sensation in eyes occurs.

How to use Sulphur?

Sulphur 30C can be used once a day. Higher potencies should not be taken without advice of homeopathic physician.

6. Pulsatilla –For Gritty Eyes In Conjunctivitis Cases

Pulsatilla is a prominent medicine for managing grittiness in the eyes in cases of conjunctivitis. In cases needing this medicine a particle of sand is felt between the eye and eyelid. There is excessive eye watering during the day. Burning sensation and itching also occurs in the eyes. Pain of tearing or stinging nature may also be felt in the eyes. There may be sticking of the eyelids in the morning. Besides conjunctivitis, this medicine is also suitable when sand sensation is felt in the eyes while reading.

When to use Pulsatilla?

This medicine should be selected to manage gritty eyes when linked with conjunctivitis along with itchy, watery and painful eyes.

How to use Pulsatilla?

It is available in different potencies from low to high potency, however initially it is advised to take it in 30C potency one to two times a day.

7. Belladonna – For Grittiness With Redness Of Eyes

Belladonna is a good choice of medicine to manage cases of gritty eyes along with marked redness of the eyes. Burning sensation is felt in the eyes. Itching and smarting occurs in the eyes. Eyes may become painful which becomes worse from movement of eyeballs and exposure to light. There is dryness in the eyes. The eyelids become red, congested and swollen. The lids are sore to touch.

When to use Belladonna?

To use this medicine for gritty eyes, the symptoms to look for are grittiness in eyes with red, painful eyes worse from eyeball movement and light exposure,

How to use Belladonna?

It can be used in different potencies from low to high like 30C, 200C, 1M. Most commonly it is used in 30C potency two to three times a day. To use high potencies, consult a homeopathic doctor.

8. Apis Mellifica For Gritty Eyes With Stinging, Burning Sensation

Apis Mellifica is useful when gritty eyes are accompanied with a stinging and burning sensation in the eyes. The eyes look very red. The eyelids may be puffy, and swollen as well. There is itching in the eyes which may be sore to touch.

When to use Apis Mellifica?

This medicine suits well cases of gritty sensation in eyes occurring along with stinging, burning in eyes and puffiness of eyelids.

How to use Apis Mellifica?

Apis Mellifica is usually preferred in 30C potency one to two times a day.

9. Fluoric Acid – With Increased Watering From Eyes

This medicine is helpful when there is a sensation of sand in the eyes with increased watering from the eyes. Burning sensation is also felt in the eyes. Heaviness may be felt above the eyes. There may occur a feeling as if a cold wind is blowing through the eyes.

When to use Fluoric Acid?

Fluoric Acid is a well indicated medicine to treat gritty eyes appearing with excessive watering from eyes.

How to use Fluoric Acid?

One may take this medicine once a day in 30C power.

Causes behind Gritty eyes

Gritty eyes may be due to numerous causes. First among these is dry eyes which is the most common cause. Dry eyes mean when tears are not produced in adequate amount. Not just reduced quantity but low quality of tears as well could result in dry eyes. Next very important cause is allergies. Another reason could be corneal abrasion. It refers to a scratch on the surface of the cornea which is a layer covering the iris and the pupil. Other reasons are blepharitis, conjunctivitis, pterygium and stye.  Blepharitis refers to swollen, red and itchy eyelids. Conjunctivitis refers to inflammation of the conjunctiva i.e. the transparent membrane lining the eyelids and eyeball. Pterygium is a raised, triangular growth on the conjunctiva of the eye. A stye is a red, painful lump that forms near the edge of the eyelid usually filled with pus that results from an infection of the oil glands in the eyelid. Gritty eyes may also occur in case of Sjogren’s syndrome and thyroid disease. Sjogren’s syndrome refers to an autoimmune disorder that predominantly leads to dry eyes and dry mouth. This disorder may also affect the joints, skin, thyroid gland, lungs, kidneys and liver. Other causes of gritty eyes include use of certain medicines (for example prostaglandin analogs which are eye drops used to treat glaucoma), use of contact lenses and deficiency of vitamin A.



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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Exercise-induced Headache

Exercise-induced headache or exertion headache refers to headache that occurs during or after some physical exertion like running, exercise, weightlifting, swimming. Doing exercise in hot weather increases the risk of such headache. Some other activities that may trigger such headache are rowing, playing sports like tennis, football, aerobics and also sexual intercourse. While exercising or carrying out any physical exertion, blood demand to the head, neck and scalp is increased. Due to this, blood vessels dilate to receive more blood flow which can result in exertion headache.

Dehydration and low blood sugar levels after exercise might also contribute to exercise-induced headache. Its symptoms include pain in the head either on one or both the sides, pulsating sensation in the head and pain in the neck. It may also have symptoms of migraine such as nausea and vomiting, sensitivity to light and vision changes. Having a family history or personal history of migraine increases the chance of such headaches. Exercise induced headache is categorised into two types primary and secondary. Primary exercise headache is the ones that is not caused by an underlying health problem. Secondary exercise headache is caused by some underlying health problem. These health issues can range from mild sinus like infection to serious causes including obstruction in CSF (cerebrospinal fluid) flow, tumours in the brain including cancerous and non-cancerous, bleeding in the brain, heart disease and stroke (interrupted blood supply to a part of the brain leading to death of brain cells).

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is of immense use to manage cases of primary exercise induced headache that occurs without any underlying health condition. Homeopathic medicines help in gradually reducing the intensity and frequency of this complaint. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin, so they are 100 percent safe and can be used with zero side effects. Homeopathic prescription is done based on the characteristic symptoms of the individual. The treatment is given purely based on the individual’s symptoms. Therefore, it is advised to get any case evaluated by a homeopathic physician for the right prescription and dosage. Homeopathic medicines are recommended only for primary exercise induced headache. These are not recommended for secondary exercise-induced headache that occur from some underlying serious causes. In such cases, the conventional mode of treatment is better since homeopathy has its limitations to handle serious cases.

Homeopathic Medicines For Exercise-Induced Headache

1. Epiphegus – Top Recommended Medicine

Epiphegus is a leading homeopathic medicine that helps manage cases of exercise-induced headache. Those who need this medicine usually feel pain in the sides of the head. It feels as if fingertips are pressing into the sides of head. Though pain can occur on any side, most of the times it affects the left side of the head. Headache can be preceded by hunger. There is excessive salivation in the mouth which is sticky. It is attended with a constant need to spit. Fullness sensation is also felt in the head. Additionally, the scalp feels tight during headache.

2. Belladonna – For Headache From Slightest Physical Exertion

Belladonna is another highly suitable medicine that helps to manage headache that occurs from the least physical exertion. It is also indicated when headache occurs from walking too fast. In cases needing this medicine, throbbing / pulsating (to beat with force and rapidity) pain occurs in the head. The pain can occur in any part of the head but gets worse on the sides of the head. There is marked heat and redness on the face along with headache. There is a feeling of fullness and a pressure is felt in the head. Besides exertion, it is indicated when headache gets worse from noise and exposure to bright light.  There is relief by binding the head tightly.

3. Natrum Mur – With Sensation Of Thousand Hammers Knocking On Head

The next prominent medicine in the list of managing exercise-induced headache is Natrum Mur. In cases needing this medicine, it feels as if a thousand hammers are knocking on the head. Along with headache, sensitivity to light is felt. Throbbing is felt in the head. Besides, heated sensation is also felt in the head. The face gets red. Nausea and vomiting may occur along with these complaints. Beating and pulsating sensation is felt in the head especially in the forehead. A sensation of heaviness is felt in the forehead. This worsens from bending the head down. There is relief in this complaint by applying pressure. Next, there may occur tearing or stitching pain in the head that compels the sufferer to lie down. The head feels as if it would burst. Besides the above, Natrum Mur is one of the best medicines to manage cases of headache occurring from sun exposure.

4. Ignatia – For Headache After Running

This medicine is highly recommended for headache that gets worse after running. In cases requiring this medicine, pain is felt in the frontal region of the head. It is a pressive sort of pain. Usually pain occurs on the right side of the forehead. This pain might extend to the right eye. In some cases, pain starts from the forehead and extends down to the nose or upwards to the middle of the top of the head. A pressure sensation occurs on the top of the head attended with nausea and vomiting. Heated sensation is felt in the head. There is relief in headache by taking rest.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Headache After Lifting Weights

Calcarea Carb is an important medicine for managing headache resulting from over-lifting weights. It is accompanied with nausea. An icy cold feeling is felt in the head. A sensation of weight is felt on the top of the head. The headache mainly starts at the back of the head (occiput) and extends to the top of the head. It feels as if the head would burst. There is relief in headache from vomiting, closing eyes or by tightly binding the head.

6. Argentum Nitricum – For Headache After Dancing

Argentum Nitricum is a beneficial medicine to manage headache from physical exertion especially after dancing. There is pain in the entire head. The nature of pain is pressing type. There is relief by tightly binding the head. Vertigo may occur along with the headache. The objects may seem double along with headache. The head and face feel congested and the head feels enlarged.

7. Gelsemium – For Pain In Neck, Back Of Head Extending Upward And Forward

Gelsemium is another very effective medicine to help cases of headache following physical exertion. Persons needing this medicine have pain in the upper neck and the back of the head that extends up and forward. The nature of pain can be drawing, tearing or cramp-like. They may also complain of pain in the forehead over the eyes (on one or both the eyes). Dimness of sight may occur along with headache. A fullness sensation is felt in the head attended with heat in the face. The head also feels heavy. The head feels enlarged. A sensation of a band around the head may be felt. Nausea may occur along with headache.

8. Calcarea Phos – For Pain On Top Of Head And Behind Ears

This medicine is useful for cases where pain is felt on the top of the head and behind the ears. Along with this, there occurs a drawing sensation in the muscles of the neck and the back of the head. Along with this, a heated sensation occurs in the head. Fullness and pressure are felt in the head.



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Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines For Bladder Outlet Obstruction

Bladder Outlet Obstruction (BOO) or Obstructive Uropathy refers to a urinary condition resulting from blockage of the neck at the bottom of the urinary bladder. Here the neck is the area where the urinary bladder joins the urethra. In this condition, urine flow is blocked either partially or completely varying on a case-to-case basis. Bladder Outlet Obstruction is more common in men as compared to women. Persons aged above 65 years are at greater risk of developing this condition though it can also occur in developing fetuses, babies, and children. Bladder Outlet Obstruction can arise from various causes. These include scar formation in the urethra/urethral stricture, stones in the bladder, enlargement of the prostate gland (BPH), tumours in the bladder/rectum/uterus/cervix and severe constipation. Other causes include pelvic muscles spasm (spasm is involuntary contraction of the muscles), inguinal hernia (bulge in the groin area due to pushing of abdominal contents like a part of the intestine via a weak spot in the abdominal muscles), use of certain medicines like anti-histamines and medicines to treat overactive bladder, cancer of urethra, vagina or cervix, prostate cancer and pelvic organ prolapse. Bladder outlet obstruction causes many types of symptoms. These includes difficulty in initiating urine, weak urine stream, straining to pass urine, frequent urge to pass urine, urgency (sudden urge) to pass urine, interrupted (intermittent urine stream), sensation of incomplete emptying of the bladder, dribbling at the end of urination, pain while passing urine and pain in the lower abdomen. Leaving Bladder Outlet Obstruction untreated carry a risk of many complications. These include Urinary Tract Infection (UTI), Urinary Incontinence (involuntary passage of urine on its own), developing bladder stones and kidney failure.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy can be very helpful for symptomatic management of the Bladder Outlet Obstruction. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from natural substances that offer a very safe treatment for cases of Bladder Outlet Obstruction with zero side-effects. These medicines prove highly effective in managing its symptoms. The symptoms such as thin urine stream, difficulty in initiating urine, frequent urination, urinary urgency, interrupted urine stream, dribbling after urination, sensation of incomplete emptying of bladder and pain while passing urine are managed wonderfully with homeopathic medicines. These gradually reduce the intensity and frequency of these symptoms. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed after detailed case evaluation in every individual case. Hence, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under supervision of a homeopathic physician. Self-medication should be avoided in any case. Homeopathy is recommended for cases of Bladder Outlet Obstruction with mild to moderate intensity. In cases having severe intensity of symptoms immediate help from a conventional mode of treatment should be taken as homeopathy has limitations in handling serious cases of Bladder Outlet Obstruction. Following are some of the medicines that offer symptomatic relief in cases of Bladder Outlet Obstruction in adults. In infants and children help from conventional modes of treatment should be sought.

Homeopathic Medicines For Bladder Outlet Obstruction

1. Clematis – Top Recommended Medicine

Clematis is a top medicine in homeopathy to manage various symptoms related to Bladder Outlet Obstruction. This medicine is firstly administered to manage weak urinary stream. There is a need to strain to initiate the urine flow. Next, it is given to manage cases having interrupted urine flow. This means urine starts and stops many times before one urinates. The bladder is never emptied at once. Another indication to use this medicine is a sensation of some urine in the urinary bladder after one has urinated. Other indications for the use of this medicines are an urge to pass urine that is bare sufficient to pass, sharp stitching pain in the urethra and the dribbling of urine after passing urine.

2. Chimaphila – For Thin Urinary Stream And Straining To Urinate

Chimaphila is another top medicine administered to manage cases of bladder neck obstruction. This medicine is effective for those with very weak, thin urinary streams just like a thread. There is difficulty in initiating the urine flow. The urine passes with a lot of straining. Standing with the feet wide apart and forward stooping is required to strain and empty the bladder. Next, it is a helpful medicine when there is frequent urination after every one to two-hour intervals with passing of a very small quantity of urine. This medicine can also manage well pricking type of pains when passing urine.

3. Conium – For Interrupted Urine Stream

This medicine is very beneficial to manage interrupted streams of urine. For those who need this medicine, the urine starts and stops many times till complete urine is passed. Excessive time is taken to urinate. Sharp pressing pain is felt in the bladder. There is also a sudden urgency to pass urine in addition to the above symptoms. During urination, burning and cutting pain occurs in the urethra. After passing urine, sharp and stitching pain in the bladder can be felt for several hours. There is a frequent urge to pass urine. Even after the passing of urine, the urge to pass it does not go away.

4. Baryta Carb – To Manage Dribbling At The End Of Urination

Baryta Carb is a useful medicine to manage cases who complain of dribbling of urine post-urination. Frequency of urine increases when this medicine is required. There is also an urgency (a sudden uncontrollable urge) to pass the urine. For some patients, burning pain can be felt while the urine is passed.

5. Cantharis – To Manage Pain When Passing Urine

Cantharis is a top medicine for managing pain while passing urine. The pain can occur before and after passing the urine. The nature of pain can be burning or cutting. There is a frequent urge to pass urine. Even a small quantity of urine in the bladder leads to an urge to pass urine. Apart from the above symptoms, a gripping sensation of heaviness is felt in the bladder.

6. Thuja – For Urgent Need To Pass Urine

Thuja is a great medicine to manage cases having urgency to pass urine. Those who need it, complain of a sudden urge to pass uncontrollable urine. They have to hurry to pass urine. The urinary stream is thin. Cutting or squeezing sensations in the bladder and urethra are felt. There is also frequent urge to pass urine especially at night. Sensation of dribbling after urination also occurs.

7. Lycopodium – When Straining To Pass Urine Is Prominent

Lycopodium is another great medicine to manage those patients who strain to pass urine. Those who require this medicine, the urine is slow in the beginning and it needs much straining. There is also frequent urge to urinate mainly at night. Stitching pain occurs in the bladder. Besides these, bearing down sensation occurs over the bladder region.

8. Merc Sol – For Frequent Urination

Merc Sol is also an important medicine for frequent urination. The frequency of urination is increased both in the day and night time and that is where this medicine is required. The stream of urine is always thin. Urgency to pass urine also predominates with a need to rush to pass urine when urge appears. Burning pain is felt when beginning to pass urine.

9. Staphysagria – For Cases Having Sensation Of Incomplete Bladder Emptying

Staphysagria is a prominent medicine to manage cases having sensations as if the bladder didn’t empty. Pressure is felt in the bladder as if complete emptying of the bladder hasn’t taken place. There is a sensation as if a drop of urine is always rolling in the urinary tract. There is a frequent urge to urinate. The urine flow is weak and thin. Burning occurs while urinating. After passing the urine, pain is felt.



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Fear of failure? Try Homeopathy

The fear of failure is medically known as atychiphobia. It is something that everyone might have experienced in their lives. It may be mild to severe. But persons who have extreme fear of failure in doing every task so much so that it strongly impacts their routine life, then it is referred to as atychiphobia. It refrains the sufferer from doing tasks and avoiding certain situations that become a hindrance in achieving goals and leads to intense anxiety.  The symptoms that can occur in these cases can be emotional or physical. The emotional symptoms include anxiety, panic attacks in certain situations where failure is sensed, irritability, anger, sadness, depressed feeling, intense worries that failure will happen. Avoiding trying new tasks/facing situations that cause anxiety and where failure is sensed, postponing tasks, negative thoughts in the mind, feeling incapable of handling or finishing a task, inability to set goals, feeling of helplessness, self-doubt, feeling of being unreal and fear of losing control are some other symptoms.

The physical symptoms include sleep issues from overthinking, sweating, hot or cold flashes, tiredness, stomach problems, palpitations, trouble in breathing, trembling, tingling sensation and dizziness. This phobia may develop from a past experience of failure where a person had faced great distress, had been punished due to failure, had faced humiliation, or some intense outcomes due to failure. Next, it may arise from coming to know about this fear via books, news, etc.

One may have adopted or learnt this behavior from others after observing someone having a fear of failure that has deeply impacted their mind. Other than this, certain factors might contribute in developing this fear like facing criticism by others every time while growing up, having poor self-esteem, low self-confidence levels and being a perfectionist.  Having a family history of anxiety, phobia or depression increases the risk of developing atychiphobia.

Homeopathic Management

One may get great help from homeopathic medicines in cases of fear of failure. Homeopathic medicines are of natural origin that help to overcome fears and anxiety in a very safe, gentle manner with zero side effects. They also help in managing symptoms related to fears and anxieties very effectively. The results vary from case to case depending on the intensity, duration and frequency of the complaint. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed after a detailed case study based on the characteristic individual symptoms in each and every case. It is advised to consult a homeopathic physician. One should avoid self-medication with any of the homeopathic medicines.

Homeopathic Medicines For Fear Of Failure

1. Argentum Nitricum – Top Recommended Medicine

Argentum Nitricum is a top ranking homeopathic medicine to manage cases of different types of fear including fear of failure. People needing this medicine have marked fears and anxieties. They prominently have anticipatory anxiety. Anticipation means to remain preoccupied or keep thinking about something about to happen soon. They feel whatever task they will undertake they are sure they will fail in that. They may have fear of losing control as well. They lack ambition in their life. During the anxiety phase, they may also suffer gastric issues, specifically diarrhea (frequent loose stool). Besides fear of failure, Argentum Nitricum is also prominently indicated medicine for some other sorts of fear. These include the fear of crowds, fear of heights, fear of dark and fear of having a panic attack.

2. Lycopodium – For Fear With Low Confidence And Poor Self Esteem

Another highly recommended medicine in homeopathy for managing cases of fear of failure is Lycopodium. Persons requiring this medicine have low self-confidence levels and also poor self-esteem. They have indecisiveness and are not able to make decisions. They do not feel like undertaking any new task. They also have anxiety issues. They might also suffer panic attacks at times. They have fear of breaking down from stress. They worry excessively about the future. They feel sad, irritable and anxious on waking up. Other than fear of failure, Lycopodium is also indicated for managing fear of public speaking, fear of the dark, of ghosts and also cases of stage fright.

3. Silicea – With Avoidance Of Undertaking Tasks Due To Fear Of Failure

Silicea is also a prominently indicated medicine for managing cases of fear of failure. Those needing this medicine avoid undertaking new tasks as they are fully convinced that they will fail. They anticipate failure. They keep postponing doing tasks. They have very low self-confidence levels and feel themselves incapable. They have fear of appearing in public and a fear of speaking in front of a group of people. They are very nervous and anxious people. They feel sad, and hopeless and get worse from mental exertion.

4. Arsenic Album For Fear Attended With Anxiety, Restlessness

This medicine can help with anxiety issues linked with fear of failure. This medicine is suitable when there is marked anxiety with restlessness. Due to this there is a desire for constantly changing the position. Chest may feel constricted during anxiety. The anxiety tends to get worse around midnight when this medicine is required. People needing this medicine tend to get anxious over little things in their life. There is also restlessness and trembling with intense fear. Cold sweating may attend to it. Additionally, there is marked fatigue and tiredness along with the above symptoms.

5. Aconite – To Manage Fear With Anxiety, Panic Attacks

Aconite is a prominently indicated medicine to manage anxiety and panic attacks attending the fears. Persons needing it feel restless along with marked trembling due to anxiety and fear. Cold sweating occurs. A chain of thoughts keeps going in the mind. The face is hot. Drinking cold water relieves the problem. Heart palpitations, numbness and tingling in the limbs or fingers, and fear of death are some other symptoms that may occur during panic attacks.

6. Lac Caninum – With Poor Self-Confidence And Hopelessness

Lac Caninum is the next beneficial medicine for cases of fear of failure. Those who need this medicine have very poor self-confidence. They start many tasks but are not able to continue with anything. They feel hopeless and think negatively. They think they are of no use at all. They fear that they won’t be able to perform their duties. Apart from fear of failure they might also have other fears as well. These might include fear of contracting diseases, fear of snakes or even fear of getting mad.

7. Gelsemium – With Marked Weakness And Drowsiness

Gelsemium is also a useful homeopathic medicine to handle cases of fear of failure. In cases needing this medicine, the fear is intense and is attended with marked weakness and fatigue. Drowsiness also occurs. There is nervousness, irritability and disposition to get angry quite easily. Other than failure, this medicine is well indicated for managing cases of fear of appearing in public, fear of losing control and fear of falling. It is also recommended for cases of anxiety. Anxiety about health, about the present and future are prominent among different anxieties.



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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Flat Warts

Flat warts are flat or slightly raised, smooth, non-cancerous (benign) growths that appear on the skin. These are small in size compared to other types of warts. The size of these warts varies from 1 mm to 3 mm in diameter. One may confuse flat warts with acne or age spots. Flat warts are also known as plane warts. These usually occur in big clusters (multiple numbers) so ensure to notice them. The number of these warts vary from about a dozen to 200 varying from case to case. These may develop on different body parts, such as on the face, back of the hands, neck, wrists, forearms, arms, legs and the knees. These warts are round or oval-shaped. The colour may too vary on a case-to-case basis. They may be flesh-colored, yellowish, brown, reddish – brown or pinkish. Irritation or itching can occur in these warts. Irritation usually is a result of scratching these warts. There is no pain in these warts.

Homeopathy provides excellent treatment to cure flat warts. It proves effective in treating warts by treating its root cause. Homeopathic medicines work to shrink and shed the warts present on the skin. With the use of homeopathic medicines, formation of new warts is also halted. These medicines are totally natural. These offers help in both acute as well chronic cases of flat warts. Mainstream medicine makes use of cautery, surgical incision to treat flat warts. This offers temporary results and the warts may reappear again as it works superficially where the root cause is left untreated this way. Homeopathic medicines work deeply on the root cause of flat warts to offer permanent results. The timely use of homeopathic medicines can prevent cautery ( a medical procedure that involves burning tissue using heat, chemicals, or electricity)  or surgery in most of the cases.

Homeopathic medicines fights the viral infection

Homeopathic medicines in cases of flat warts work by boosting the body’s natural defense mechanism to fight the viral infectious agent which is causing warts and eliminates it from the body in a very natural and safe manner. As the root cause is addressed, the warts already present on the skin are shed off and the chances of recurrence of warts again and again is also brought down to minimal.

Homeopathy prescribes as per fixed principles

Homeopathic prescription for every case of warts is done as per fixed homeopathic principles. For prescribing homeopathic medicine in case of flat warts, a detailed case evaluation is required based on the symptom picture in every individual case. So it is advised to always consult a homeopathic doctor for the prescription of medicines along with their dosage and repetition. One should avoid homeopathic self-medication.

Safe, gentle, natural medication

Homeopathic medicines to manage cases of flat warts are of natural origin. These medicines work very gently and safely to treat flat warts. These medicines suit people of all age groups and treat this condition with zero side-effects.

Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Flat Warts

The topmost homeopathic medicines suggested to treat flat warts are Dulcamara, Thuja, Sepia, Causticum, Calcarea Carb, Natrum Sulph, Berberis Vulgaris and Natrum Carb.

1. Dulcamara – Top Recommended Medicine

Dulcamara is a top ranking medicine in homeopathy to manage cases of flat warts. This medicine offers excellent results when the warts are flesh-coloured. These warts are smooth to the touch. Though the warts can occur anywhere on the body, for those who need this medicine the warts are prominently visible on the face and the back of the hands and fingers. The warts are present in groups or crops i.e. in multiples at a place. In general, the skin is dry and hot. Itchy spots can be present in different areas of the body.

When to use Dulcamara?

Dulcamara is a highly suggested medicine to treat flat warts that are flesh coloured and occur in groups at various places on the skin.

How to use Dulcamara?

It can be taken in 30C potency once a day. For using its high potencies like 200C, one needs to consult a homeopathic physician.

2. Thuja – For Warts On Neck, Back Of Hands, Chin, Forehead

Another highly recommended medicine to manage flat warts is Thuja. Not just flat warts, this medicine helps manage different types of warts. Thuja is the best choice of medicine for treating the warts that form on the neck and hand. There are several warts on the neck and back of the hands. The warts on the hands are small like little seeds and have smooth surfaces. This medicine can also help when warts form on the chin and the forehead.

When to use Thuja?

Thuja is a very effective medicine to treat flat warts that look like small seeds, especially forming on neck, hands, chin and forehead.

How to use Thuja?

The use of this medicine can be done in both low and high potencies. Initially one may use its 30C potency once a day. To use high potencies, prior consultation with homeopathic physician is a must.

3. Sepia – For Warts On Face, Hands and Fingers

Homeopathic medicine Sepia is of great use to manage warts, especially, which form on the face and the hands. The warts on the face keep on forming one after the other. The warts are small-sized and have a flat top. They can be itchy as well. The warts are mainly located around the mouth and the chin. There is also a possibility that the warts may appear on the face even after treatment. The warts can also occur on the sides of fingers where this medicine is required.

When to use Sepia?

This medicine can be considered to manage flat warts forming on the face around the mouth, chin and also on hands and fingers.

How to use Sepia?

This medicine can be used once a day in 30C potency.

4. Causticum – For Warts Near Eyebrows, On Nose And Fingers

Causticum is an effective medicine to manage small warts forming on different body parts. Firstly, it is helpful to manage warts growing near the eyebrows and on the nose. Secondly, this medicine is useful for managing warts developing on the arms. Next, this medicine is administered for warts on the fingers. The warts may be present on the tip of the fingers as well. The warts can also be present on the back of the fingers specifically near the nails.

When to use Causticum?

Causticum is a well-indicated medicine to treat flat warts near eyebrows, on the nose, arms, fingers and near the nails.

How to use Causticum?

It is advised to take Causticum 30C once a day.

5. Calcarea Carb – For Managing Skin Colored Warts

Calcarea Carb is another medicine that manages flat warts well. This medicine is indicated for managing cases having skin-colored warts. The warts are round and soft at the base. The warts are multiple in number appearing at several places. Though they can be present on any part of the body, most of the time they appear on the hands and arms especially, for those who need Calcarea Carb. For those who need this medicine, itching is felt in the warts.

When to use Calcarea Carb?

This medicine is prominent to manage flat warts that are skin coloured especially that form on the hands and arms, frequently attended with itching.

How to use Calcarea Carb?

It is available in different potencies among which 30C is the most commonly used, usually once a day.

6. Natrum Sulph – For Red Colored Warts

This medicine can be considered when the warts are red. The warts may be present on any skin area, however, the warts are mainly present on the arms.

When to use Natrum Sulph?

One may consider use of this medicine for treating red-colored flat warts.

How to use Natrum Sulph?

Natrum Sulph can be utilized in 6X potency once or twice a day as per case severity.

7. Berberis Vulgaris – For Warts On Fingers

This medicine is of great value to manage warts that form on the fingers. The warts are tiny and flat in appearance. The skin around the warts becomes itchy and the condition worsens from scratching.

When to use Berberis Vulgaris?

Berberis Vulgaris should be preferred to treat small flat warts forming on the fingers.

How to use Berberis Vulgaris?

Berberis Vulgaris should be used in 30C power one to two times a day.

8. Natrum Carb – For Warts On Arms And Back Of Hands

This medicine is suitable for managing warts that form on the arms and back of the hands. For those who need this medicine, the skin is dry and rough in general. At some places, cracks may develop on the skin. Sensation of insects crawling on the skin may be reported by the patient.

When to use Natrum Carb?

This medicine is mostly prescribed for treating warts that develop on the back side of the hands and arms.

How to use Natrum Carb?

Generally its 30C potency is suggested most of the times, once a day.

Causes Behind Flat Warts

Flat warts are caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Many different types of strains of HPV can lead to warts.  Among these, usually four strains are known to cause flat warts. These four strains of HPV include 3, 10, 28, and 49. Flat warts are contagious i.e. they spread from skin-to-skin contact with a person infected with this virus. Though these are contagious, they are not highly contagious like many other types of warts. One may also get this infection by touching surfaces carrying this virus. Sharing towels, clothes, razors and other personal objects of an infected person also carries the risk of getting this infection and wart formation. This virus gains entry into the skin via a small cut or crack in the skin. After entering the skin, it causes infection of the cells in the top layer of the skin (epidermis) and results in quick multiplication of these cells causing the development of flat warts. Not everyone who has this infection develops warts as several factors increase the risk of the formation of warts after exposure to HPV. These factors mainly include low immunity, maintaining poor hygiene, having a cut or break in the skin, chemotherapy treatment and a genetic tendency. In a person with flat warts at one place on the skin, they may also spread on his/her other body parts. This is known as autoinoculation. Flat warts affect children more frequently than adults due to this reason. These warts are also known by the name of juvenile warts. Most commonly, these affect children between ages of 12 years and 16 years.


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Top 8 Homeopathic Medicines For Solar Urticaria

Solar urticaria is a rare skin condition characterised by an itchy, red rash on the skin on exposure to sunlight. The rash develops a few minutes after exposure to the sun. Solar urticaria is also known by the name of sun allergy. Solar urticaria does not occur due to the heat of the sun but from a reaction to the UV rays (ultraviolet rays) in the sunlight. Such reactions may also occur from exposure to ultraviolet light emitted from artificial sources of light. Solar urticaria is different from heat rash. Heat rash occurs from clogged skin pores and accumulation of sweat under the clothes, especially, in the skin folds. This may even happen in the absence of exposure to sunlight. While solar urticaria typically arises from exposure to sunlight, it is believed that it arises from an over-reaction of the immune system in some persons when their body is exposed to sunlight. In those suffering from solar urticaria on exposure to sunlight, histamine (a chemical released by the immune system that is known to cause allergy symptoms) is released. This results in a reaction leading to redness, rash, and itching on the skin along with other symptoms. This condition usually affects people in their mid-30s. Both men and women can be equally affected by this condition. Though, anyone can suffer from solar urticaria people with lighter skin complexion are at more risk. Having a family history of this condition also increMases the risk of developing the same. People who are already suffering from some allergies are also at risk of this condition. Further, the use of dyes, perfumes, sunscreens or use of certain medicines like antibiotics may trigger solar urticaria. Solar urticaria causes skin rash with round bumps on the skin when exposed to the sun. These bumps may form clusters on the affected skin area. The rash is itchy. A stinging or burning sensation may also be felt. Pain may also be felt at times. In some cases, there forms fluid-filled eruptions called blisters and crusts on eruptions. The rash goes away in a few hours after the sun exposure ends. The reaction varies from mild to severe. The intensity of the reaction depends on how much skin area is exposed to the sun and for how long. When a large area of skin is exposed for a long time then there are chances of a severe reaction. In severe cases, there might occur headache, nausea, vomiting and lightheadedness as well. Rare solar urticaria can lead to a serious reaction called anaphylaxis. It is a life-threatening condition which needs immediate medical help. Its symptoms include difficulty in breathing, wheezing, rapid heartbeat, feeling faint, confusion, swelling in deep layers of skin, anxiety, low blood pressure and loss of consciousness.

Homeopathic Management

There is great scope of managing solar urticaria in homeopathy. Homeopathic medicines moderate the overactive immune system naturally to help in healing the rash in acute cases and to manage attending symptoms like itching, burning, stinging and pain in the eruptions. They also help in long-term (chronic) cases of solar urticaria by gradually reducing the intensity and frequency of symptoms. Homeopathic medicines are prescribed individually in every case of solar urticaria after detailed case evaluation based on the characteristic symptoms. So, it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine for solar urticaria under supervision of a homeopathic doctor. Though these medicine are very safe to use, caution is needed in serious cases with anaphylaxis. In anaphylaxis, which is a life threatening condition, homeopathic treatment is not recommended. In such cases immediate help from the conventional mode of treatment is strictly advised.

Homeopathic Medicines For Solar Urticaria

1. Natrum Mur – Topmost Homeopathic Medicine

Among the various homeopathic medicines for managing solar urticarial, Natrum Mur tops the list. This medicine is indicated when a large red rash is formed with bumps on the skin. The rash covers a large surface area of the skin. It is accompanied by violent itching in most of the cases. A stinging sensation is felt in the rash. There is a crawling sensation on the skin all over the body. Besides the above indications, this medicine is also recommended when fluid-filled eruptions (blisters) appear on the skin.

2. Apis Mellifica – For Urticaria With Burning, Stinging Sensation

The other highly recommended medicine to manage cases of solar urticaria is Apis Mellifica. The most prominent feature to use this medicine is the urticaria rash with prominent burning and stinging sensation. It feels as if it is occurring from bee stings. Red inflamed patches appear on the skin. Wheals are formed which may be red spots or white spots with redness in the center. There is itching and prickling sensation on the affected skin area. Along with the above features, there may be sensitivity of skin to touch where eruptions appear.

3. Urtica Urens – For Urticaria With Intense Itching

Urtica Urens is another well indicated medicine for managing cases of urticaria with violent itching. In cases needing this medicine, raised red patches appear on the skin with intense itching. There is marked redness on the skin, along with burning heat. There is formication (a sensation as if insects are crawling on or under the skin). Stinging points may appear on the skin. There is a desire to rub the skin constantly to get relief where this medicine is required.

4. Bovista – For Widespread Urticaria Rash

Bovista is a highly valuable medicine for managing cases where hives are widespread on the skin. The wheals are quite large in size. Itching gets worse from heat. Itching continues even after scratching.

5. Histaminum – For Red Itchy Eruptions Better By Scratching

Histaminum is an important medicine in homeopathy to manage many allergic reactions. It is well indicated when red itchy eruptions appear on the skin which get relieved by scratching. Burning sensation attends it. The affected skin is sensitive to touch. There is marked redness and heat on the face along with above features.

6. Astacus Fluviatilis – For Urticaria With Itching and Stinging

Astacus Fluviatilis is another effective medicine for cases of urticaria. This medicine is indicated for managing urticaria with itching in various areas. Additionally, there is stinging pain on the skin. The rash may cover a large area.

7. Copaiva – For Urticaria With Isolated Patches On Skin

Copaiva is recommended for treating urticaria with isolated patches of rash on the skin. These may be pale red or bright red. There is excessive itching. Urticaria may be widespread attended with a red face. The skin is dry along with a heated sensation. The affected skin area is sensitive to touch. Pricking sensation is felt on the skin.

8. Arsenic Album – For Urticaria With Burning Sensation

Arsenic Album is of great use when urticaria is accompanied with a burning sensation in the rash. Along with this there is marked restlessness. In general, the skin is dry, rough and scaly. Peeling of the skin may occur in some cases requiring this medicine. The skin is also oversensitive to touch. Itching is felt in the skin rash which gets worse by scratching.






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