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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Glossitis

Inflammation of the tongue is called glossitis. In this condition, the tongue becomes red and swollen. In some cases, the papilla (small raised protrusions) on the tongue may disappear. Glossitis is attended with pain and difficulty while eating and talking.

Homeopathy holds great promise to help cases of glossitis. Homeopathic medicines magnificently reduce inflammation and swelling of the tongue along with providing remarkable relief in associated symptoms like pain and burning sensation on the tongue.

Homeopathic medicines for treating glossitis are very natural and safe to use. In mainstream medicine, the treatment for glossitis mainly includes medications like antibiotics or antifungal pills and in some cases steroid applications which may have side effects from long term use. On the other hand, homeopathy works gently to aid natural recovery and never causes any side effects at all.

Homeopathic medicines fixes the root cause

Homeopathic medicines work beyond reducing inflammation and offering symptomatic relief in glossitis. These medicines work on a deeper level to eliminate the root cause from the body to provide relief in glossitis cases. These work effectively in acute and chronic cases of various types. The time taken for complete cure varies as per chronicity, severity of problem, cause behind it and individual response to medicines.

Individualized Medication as per homeopathic principles

In homeopathy, the medicines for glossitis are selected individually for every case according to fixed homeopathic fixed principles. As homeopathy is a symptom-based science, hence homeopathic prescription varies from case to case.  Even selection of potency (power), dose and repetition of medicines is done as per homeopathic guidelines. A properly selected and prescribed homeopathic medicine following homeopathic laws proves to be highly effective in showing great results.

Natural, harmless medicines

Homeopathic medicines for glossitis are prepared from naturally occurring substances and are used in highly diluted doses. Hence, these are 100 pc safe with zero side effects. These are safe to use in all the age groups.

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Glossitis

The top homeopathic medicines for treating glossitis are Merc Sol, Apis Mellifica, Belladonna, Crotalus Horridus, Nitric Acid and Natrum Mur.

1. Merc Sol – Top-grade Medicine For Glossitis

Merc Sol is a highly effective medicine for glossitis. In cases needing it, the tongue is markedly red with intense pain and burning. Pain gets worse when any drink or food touches the tongue. At times shooting pain or needle-like pricking is felt on the tongue. In some cases, ulcers and vesicles (tiny fluid-filled bumps) may be present on the tongue. The tongue is always moist with an excessive production of saliva, along with an extremely offensive smell in the mouth. There is difficulty in eating due to the inflamed tongue.

When to use Merc Sol?

This medicine should be preferred as the first line of treatment for glossitis with red tongue along with pain, burning sensation and difficulty eating.

How to use Merc Sol?

It can be used in both low and high potencies. To begin with, one may take Merc Sol 30C once or twice a day according to the intensity of the symptoms. Consider its higher potency only after consulting a homeopathic doctor.

2. Apis Mellifica – For Glossitis With A Burning Sensation

Apis Mellifica works well in cases of glossitis when it is accompanied by burning sensation. The tongue is fiery red and swollen. The tongue is dry with marked difficulty in swallowing food. At times, vesicles are present on the tongue along with a stinging sensation.

When to use Apis Mellifica?

Apis Mellifica can be used in cases where the tongue is red, swollen, dry with burning sensation.

How to use Apis Mellifica?

Though it can be used in different potencies like 30C, 200C and 1M,  usually this medicine is recommended in 30C power. Apis Mellifica 30 C can be used twice or thrice a day as per severity of the problem.

3. Belladonna – For Glossitis When Tongue Is Very Sore To Touch

Belladonna is a natural homeopathic medicine for glossitis when the tongue is extremely sore to touch. Tongue is red and dry with heat. Cracks are also present on the tongue in some cases. There may be inflammation in the entire buccal cavity (mouth) and even in the pharynx. An offensive smell from the mouth, especially in the morning, may also be noted.

When to use Belladonna?

This medicine is suggested when the tongue is sore to touch along with redness.

How to use Belladonna?

Consider using Belladonna 30C twice or thrice a day. If no changes are seen, Belladonna 200C can be used once a day.

4. Crotalus Horridus – For Glossitis When Tongue Is Fiery Red In Colour

It is an excellent medicine for glossitis when the tongue is fiery red and extremely swollen. The tongue is smooth and appears as if it has been polished. Along with this, there is fetid breath or a moldy smell in the mouth. Frothy saliva may also be noted.

When to use Crotalus Horridus?

This medicine is indicated when tongue is fiery red, smooth and looks as if polished in glossitis cases.

How to use Crotalus Horridus?

It is a strong medicine used in infrequent doses. It is advised to consider its use only after consulting a homeopath.

5. Nitric Acid – When Tongue Is Red And Dry Along With Fissures (cracks)

This medicine is useful when the tongue is red and  dry, and fissures are also visible. It is attended with pain. The tongue is so sensitive that even soft foods cause pain. Blisters or ulcers on the tongue may appear along with burning and pricking pain.

When to use Nitric Acid?

This medicine is best to handle cases where the tongue is red, dry, cracked, painful and sensitive to touch.

How to use Nitric Acid?

Its use can be done in 30C potency and the dose should be limited to just once a day. Do not self-medicate with its high potencies like 200C or 1M. Always seek homeopathic physician’s advice to use high potency.

6. Natrum Mur – For Geographic Tongue

Geographic tongue

Geographic tongue

Natrum Mur is helpful for cases of geographic tongue. In such cases, there are patches of red color on the tongue which look like a geographical map, hence the name. In some cases, ulcers or vesicles (tiny fluid-filled eruptions) appear on the tongue causing burning smarting pain. Pain gets worse when food or drink touches it.

When to use Natrum Mur?

Its use is recommended for red patchy discoloration on the tongue in geographical tongue cases.

How to use Natrum Mur?

It is available in different potencies but the most frequently used is 6X potency, to be taken three to four times a day.

Causes of Glossitis

1. An allergic reaction: This may happen from oral care products (like certain toothpastes, mouthwashes), medicines (for example medicines to treat high blood pressure), and certain food items.

2. Mouth injury: This may happen when dentures/tooth braces irritate and injure the tongue, or if there are burns or cuts on the tongue.

3. Nutritional deficiency: Iron deficiency or low vitamin B12 levels are associated with glossitis.

4. Tongue Irritation from eating spicy food, alcohol or tobacco use.

5. Mouth dryness: It is medically known as xerotomia which in some cases can be a part of Sjogren’s syndrome in which dry mouth and dry eyes are the main symptoms. Dry mouth favours the growth of bacteria that can result in an inflamed tongue.

6. Certain infections: A viral infection, like herpes simplex, may lead to tongue inflammation though its main clinical feature is blistering around the mouth. It may also occur from bacterial/fungal/yeast infection in the mouth.

7. Symptom of disease: Tongue inflammation can be a symptom of a disease like celiac disease (an autoimmune gastric condition in which eating gluten which is a type of protein found in wheat, rye, barley damages the small intestine) and pernicious anemia (a condition in which there occur decrease in red blood cells due to improper absorption of vitamin B12 by intestines).

What Are The Signs And Symptoms Of Glossitis?

Signs: Main signs are redness and swelling of the tongue. In some cases, the tongue looks smooth and glossy due to the loss of papillae (small bumps) from the surface of the tongue

Symptoms: Pain, tenderness and burning sensation on the tongue, and difficulty while eating or speaking.

Types Of Glossitis

1. Acute glossitis: Tongue inflammation occurs suddenly with severe symptoms

2. Chronic glossitis: Tongue gets swollen occasionally due to some underlying health condition.

3. Atrophic glossitis: Loss of multiple papillae from the tongue.

4. Geographic tongue: Map-like pattern on the tongue in which smooth red patches appear on the tongue surrounded by white borders.

5. Median rhomboid glossitis: It usually happens from a fungal tongue infection.

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Caladium Seguinum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Caladium Seguinum is prepared from the plant American Arum also known as ‘dumb cane’ from family Araceae. This fresh plant undergoes potentization that extracts and intensifies its medicinal properties and gives us a very important homeopathic medicine Caladium Seguinum. A remedy for male problems, it is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing cases of erectile dysfunction and genital itching in males.

Drug Action

This remedy’s sphere of action is mainly centered on male genital organs. Other than this, its action is also notable on female genitals. It also acts well on gastric system, skin and respiratory organs. Another beneficial action of this medicine is to lessen craving for tobacco which helps in withdrawing from its addiction.

Clinical Indications

Erectile dysfunction, impotency, spermatorrhea, pruritis vulva, itching, nymphomania, threadworms, mosquito bite, asthma, tobacco habit

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Male Problems (Erectile Dysfunction, Itching, Premature Ejaculation, Spermatorrhea)

The most prominent action of Caladium Seguinum is noted on male genitals. Firstly, it is a top most medicine to treat complaint of erectile dysfunction (inability to achieve or maintain erections firm enough to have sexual intercourse). Males needing it have sexual desire and thoughts but are unable to achieve erections. Penis remains relaxed even after sexual excitement. Caladium Seguinumcan be used when impotency is attended with mental depression. The use of this medicine is also considered to manage the effects of excessive masturbation. It also works well in cases where erections occur but do not last long. It is of great value in treating cases of premature ejaculation. Caladium Seguinum is a very beneficial medicine to manage itching of genitals. The eruptions on scrotum are dry and scaly, itching gets worse at night. Excessive sweating on the scrotum can be present. It is also well-indicated when glans is red and dry. It is covered with tiny red points. Along with this, the prepuce is swollen along the margins with soreness and pain. Other than this, it can be given in cases where erections occur without desire in the morning. It is also useful when painful erections appear without sexual desire. Lastly, it proves effective in cases of spermatorrhea and nocturnal emissions.

Key Indicating Features

Erectile dysfunction with sexual desire and thoughts but inability to achieve erections

Impotency with mental depression

Premature ejaculation

Itching of genitals

2. Female Problems (Itching)

In females, Caladium Seguinum is mostly prescribed to manage itching in vulva and vagina. In some cases, eruptions around the genitals may occur after itching. It is a leading medicine for cases of vaginal itching resulting from pinworms if these worms move to the vagina. It is useful for cases of cramping pain in the uterus, particularly at night.

Key Indicating Features

Vaginal itching resulting from pinworms

Cramping pain in uterus, particularly at night

3. Gastric Concerns (Burning, Stitching Pain)

If we talk of gastric concerns, it is well indicated for managing burning in stomach. It gets worse from drinking tea and eating chocolates, and also from deep breathing. Burps and vomiting may accompany. Caladium Seguinum is also indicated for needle-like stitching in the pit of stomach. It increases if one sits down. A unique sensation of a bird fluttering in the stomach can be present. In some cases, a person feels hollow in the stomach. This medicine can also be used for cutting pain in the navel region with need to bend double (bend forward and downward). Another symptom indicating its use is a pulsating burning sensation in the upper part of the abdomen. There may be distension and hardness in the abdomen, which gets painful on applying pressure.

Key Indicating Features

Burning in stomach, worse from drinking tea, eating chocolates and from deep breathing

Needle like stitching in the pit of stomach

Cutting pain in navel region

4. Skin Issues (Itching, Burning, Mosquito Bite)

Caladium Seguinum gives good results in cases of itching and burning sensation at the affected site of mosquito/insect bite. It can help cases of rough and dry skin. A characteristic feature for its use is itchy skin rash alternating with asthma. It can effectively manage burning on skin felt in spots. Burning mainly occurs on cheeks, nose, toes mainly at night. It can also be given for managing crawling and needle-like stitching on the skin. Next, it is useful for relieving itchy skin after going to bed. Besides, it is indicated for cases of pimples on nose, ear and scalp. A very peculiar indication to use it is sweat having sweet smell.

Key Indicating Features

Itching and burning sensation at site of mosquito/insect bite

Itchy skin rash alternating with asthma

Skin itching in the evening

Sweat having sweet smell

5. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Asthma)

Caladium Seguinum also acts well on the respiratory system, here it also helps in relieving cough. It is mainly used for sudden cough arising from irritation in the throat. There may occur expectoration of small lumps of mucus. Another well-known indication for its use is asthma and emphysema (lung condition that causes shortness of breath) from cigarette smoking. In asthma, heavy pressure is felt on the chest causing suffocation. There may be an asthmatic attack after eating.

Key Indicating Features

Sudden cough arising from irritation in the throat

Asthma and emphysema from cigarette smoking


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from sexual excesses, tobacco smoking, warmth, sudden noises

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in cold air, after sweating, from short nap


Depending on the symptoms in every individual case, it can be used from low to high potencies. In general, it can be repeated often in low potencies. Frequent repetition is usually not advised if using high potency.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Capsicum, Carbo veg, Ignatia, Hyoscyamus and Merc Sol

Followed well by: Aconite, Cantharis, Causticum, Pulsatilla, Sepia and Selenium



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Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Dry Throat

Dry throat is a very common problem that can arise simply from less fluid intake, dryness in air, cold winter months, or  it is a symptom of a medical health issue like allergic rhinitis, tonsillitis, strep throat, GERD, etc.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy is highly effective in managing cases of dry throat. Homeopathic medicines bring gradual relief by targeting the root cause behind it. Along with dryness of throat, they also help to manage the attending signs and symptoms like sore, painful throat, inflamed tonsils, cough, voice hoarseness, and heartburn. The homeopathic prescription for dry throat cases varies depending on the attending symptoms and the cause behind it. So it is advised to consult a homeopathic physician before taking any homeopathic medicine. It is to be noted that when shortness of breath, wheezing, chest pain, high fever accompany throat dryness, one should take help from the conventional mode of treatment on urgent basis.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Dry Throat

1. Belladonna – For Throat Dryness And Sore, Inflamed Throat / Tonsils

This medicine is prepared from the plant ‘deadly nightshade’ of family Solanaceae. It is a very effective medicine for cases in which there is dryness, and inflammation of throat and tonsils. There is marked dryness on the roof of mouth and fauces (arched opening at the back of the mouth leading to pharynx). Burning and scraping sensation is felt in the throat and mouth. Swallowing may be difficult due to red, swollen tonsils with shooting, stinging type pain in the throat while swallowing. A lump in the throat sensation is also felt. Dry cough with tickling in the throat is yet another symptom. Fever may accompany the above-mentioned signs and symptoms.

2. Bryonia – For Excessive Roughness And Dryness Of Throat

It is prepared from root of the plant Bryonia Alba from family Cucurbitaceae. Use of this medicine is considered for cases in which there is excessive roughness, rawness and dryness of throat. There may be stitching pain in the throat while swallowing which causes irritation in the throat. Sometimes, there may be burning or crawling sensation in throat that induces cough.

3. Hepar Sulph – For Dry Throat And Tonsillitis

It is another medicine very helpful for relieving throat dryness and tonsillitis. There is usually stitching type of pain in the throat which extends to the ear. It worsens while  swallowing food. Smarting sensation and rawness is also felt in the throat. It appears as if a splinter or of a plug of mucus is stuck in the throat. The tonsils are red and swollen, studded  with enlarged reddish follicles or white pus points.

  4. Natrum Mur – For Dry Throat With Allergic Rhinitis

This medicine works well in cases of dry throat and allergic rhinitis. In cases requiring it, there is a feeling as of a plug in throat, rawness and burning pain in the throat. Besides, there is sneezing and watery discharge from the nose, some may complain of a blocked nose. Redness, itching and watering from eyes may be present. There may be cough with a tickling sensation in a dry sore spot in the throat.  Lastly, bitter or salty mucus is hawked from the throat.

5. Pulsatilla – For Dry Throat And Cold

This medicine is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans commonly called wind flower, from family Ranunculaceae. It is beneficial for cases in which a dry throat accompanies a cold.  A scraping sensation, rawness and scratching is felt in the throat, leading to cough in some cases. Dryness is mostly marked in the morning, when this medicine is required. Greenish yellow discharge comes out from the nose which gets worse indoors but better in open air. Nasal blockage and frequent sneezing can attend above symptoms.

6. Causticum – For Dry Throat And Voice Hoarseness

Causticum is an effective medicine when there is dryness of throat and hoarseness in voice. A constant desire to clear the throat occurs, there may be rawness and tickling in throat along with dry cough.

7. Drosera – For Throat Dryness And Cough

This natural medicine is prepared from plant Drosera Rotundifolia with common name ‘round leaved sundew’ from family Droseraceae. It is useful when the throat is dry along with dry, irritating cough. It may end in vomiting sometimes. There is stinging in throat while swallowing.

8. Phytolacca – When Burning In Throat Attends

It is prepared from plant Phytolacca decandra commonly known as ‘poke root’ or ‘red ink plant’ from family Phytolaccaceae. This medicine is recommended when the throat is dry, rough, sore and is accompanied by burning sensation. There is disposition to hawk frequently and clear the throat accompanied by cough sometimes. Swallowing is difficult along with the above symptoms. The tonsils are dark red, bluish, dark purple, congested and swollen. The breath is offensive.

9. Merc Sol – When Throat Is Constantly Dry

This medicine is indicated for constant dryness of throat. The tonsils are red, dark, enlarged and may have whitish spots or ulcers on them. It is attended with sharp pain. The pain may radiate to the ears. Swallowing is difficult along with bad odor from the mouth.

10. Robinia – For Dry Throat And Acid Reflux Symptoms

It is prepared from the fresh bark of young twigs of the plant Robinia Pseudacaciafrom family Leguminosae. It is an important medicine for managing throat dryness along with acid reflux. Persons needing it have dryness and scratching in throat. They have acid reflux symptoms like heartburn, sour belchings and vomiting of intensely sour fluid. The acidity symptoms are most marked at night on lying down.

What Causes Dry Throat?

The first medical issue that can lead to dryness in the throat is hay fever/allergic rhinitis. It is an auto-immune disease, in which the person’s immune system overreacts to allergens that are normally harmless to the people who are not suffering from allergy. Some of the common allergens are dust mites, pollen, grass, pet dander, mold,etc. Its symptoms are sneezing, runny nose or stuffed nose, itching in nose, eyes and cough. In case of nose blockage, the person breathes through the mouth that can lead to dryness in the throat.

Second is common cold, a viral infection of the nose and throat. Dryness, soreness and a scratchy sensation is felt in the throat. The other symptoms of common cold include runny nose, stuffy nose, cough, sneezing, bodyache and mild fever.

Next it can arise in case of flu (influenza), a respiratory illness caused by influenza virus. The symptoms in case of flu are quite similar to common cold but are severe than common cold. These includes stuffy nose, runny nose, dry throat, sore, scratchy throat, fever, chills, weakness, cough, and pain in head and muscles. It can have various complications including ear infection, sinus infection, pneumonia (inflamed air sacs in lungs) and bronchitis (inflamed bronchial tubes) and pharyngitis (inflamed throat).

Tonsillitis (Inflamation of tonsils, a mass of lymphoid tissue in the back of the throat one on either side) is yet another reason behind dry throat. Its signs and symptoms include sore throat, red swollen tonsils, dry throat, white spots on tonsils in some cases, fever, headache and bad breath.

Other than these, it can arise in case of strep throat, an infection of the throat caused by bacteria Streptococcus pyogenes. Its signs and symptoms are sore throat, dry throat, red, swollen, inflamed tonsils, white patches on the tonsils, fever, bodyache, swollen lymph nodes in the neck.

Another cause for dry, scratchy throat is mononucleosis caused by an infection by the Epstein Barr virus (EBV). Its signs and symptoms are swollen tonsils, dry, scratchy throat, tiredness, fever, headache, muscle weakness, swollen lymph nodes in neck and armpits. Acid reflux, GERD (gastroesophageal reflux), can also lead to it when the stomach acid back-flows into the food pipe from stomach. Its common symptoms include burning sensation in chest behind sternum (breast bone), problem in swallowing, lump in throat sensation, nausea, and vomiting.

Sleeping with an open mouth can also lead to dry throat. The saliva that helps moisten the mouth and throat is dried by the air that result in dryness in the mouth and throat. A person who keeps the mouth open during sleep may also have other signs and symptoms that include bad breath, snoring and weakness during the day.

Some other causes for dryness in throat are dehydration, tobacco use, voice strain, some medication side effects (like from use of antihistamines), pollution, coughing and vomiting.

What Signs And Symptoms Can Attend It?

Dryness of throat can be accompanied by other signs and symptoms depending on the cause behind it. These include sore, painful throat; enlarged, swollen, inflamed tonsils; white patches or pus on the tonsils; cough, voice hoarseness, heartburn, vomiting and difficulty while swallowing. Some general symptoms that can attend are fever, fatigue, bodyache and muscle weakness.


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Zincum Metallicum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Zincum Metallicum is derived from metal zinc which undergoes potentization. With this process, zinc is converted into a very important homeopathic medicine Zincum Metallicum. Potentization is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines by arousing the medicinal properties of a crude substance.

This medicine is highly recommended to treat various complaints related to nerves mainly tremors, twitchings, nerve pain and nerve weakness.

The ‘Zincum Metallicum’ Constitution

This medicine is highly suitable for persons suffering from nerve-related complaints like tremors, twitching, numbness, etc

Drug Action

Zincum Metallicum has marked and widespread action on the brain, nervous system and nerves. Other areas of its action include mind, neck, back, spine, face, head, eyes, female genitals and skin. Zincum Metallicum manages mental issues arising from suppressed eruptions, suppressed discharges, and head injury.

Clinical Indications

Tremors, twitching, brain fag, chorea, convulsions, epilepsy, nerve weakness, neuralgias, Parkinson’s Disease, restless leg syndrome, meningitis, ataxia, formication, fatigue, back pain, neck pain, spinal irritation, spine disorders, trigeminal neuralgia, squinting, ptosis, pterygium, conjunctivitis, suppressed eruptions, varicose veins, somnambulism

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Complaints related to nerves and brain (tremors, twitching, brain fag, chorea, convulsions, neuralgias, Parkinson’s disease, restless leg syndrome, meningitis, ataxia)

Zincum Metallicum is a great nerve remedy. Among various areas of its action the most important action is on brain, nervous system and nerves. It proves highly effective in treating numerous nerve issues.

Firstly, it acts wonderfully to manage trembling of hands and feet. It works well when hand trembling occurs at rest or while writing. Trembling of feet may result in frequent stumbling, sometimes all the limbs may tremble. There may be trembling from the slightest emotional excitement. There may be worsening of symptoms of trembling of hands and feet during menses.

Zincum Met is one of the top grade medicines to manage Parkinson’s Disease. It is a nervous system disorder beginning with tremors in hands at rest which is followed by other issues like slow movements, impaired posture, balance issues, muscle stiffness and changes in speech.

This medicine is very beneficial for managing muscle twitchings (involuntary muscle contraction). It offers help in cases of twitching of facial muscles, eyelids and muscles of the upper lip, especially on left side.

Another main use of Zincum Met is to relieve nerve pain (neuralgia). It can be used for medical conditions like facial/trigeminal neuralgia, intercostal neuralgia and post-herpetic neuralgia.

Trigeminal neuralgia refers to intense excruciating pain in the face resulting from compression, damage or injury to trigeminal nerve. Persons needing it for this complaint have worsening facial pain from touch and in the evening time.

Intercostal neuralgia is nerve pain in the area just under the ribs, Zincum Met relieves pain mostly on the left side, especially when movement and tiredness make it worse.

Post herpetic neuralgia is a complication of shingles (viral infection causing painful skin rash caused by varicella zoster virus) in which burning pain persists for a long time after the rash has healed.

Its use is recommended for chorea cases also. Chorea refers to repetitive, rapid involuntary muscle movement, here the main symptom to use it is chorea caused by fright or suppressed eruptions. The jerking occurs in the whole body during sleep, at times accompanied by screaming.

Other than these, Zincum Met gives superb results in restless leg syndrome (RLS) which is a condition in which there is uncontrollable urge to move legs due to some uncomfortable sensation in legs.

People who experience formication (sensation of insects crawling under the skin) on feet and legs may also find this medicine helpful. It gets better by applying pressure and rubbing in cases needing this remedy.

It is a valuable medicine for managing locomotor ataxia cases. In ataxia, there is lack of muscle control and coordination of muscle movement. A person has stumbling gait, sometimes there may be lightening like pain in ataxia cases with sweaty feet.

Zincum Met is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing brain and nerve fatigue (tiredness). Brain fatigue due to excessive and prolonged studying sessions can be managed with this medicine in a very effective manner. It also has great capability in helping cases of brain fag which is a set of symptoms including loss of concentration, memory problems, confusion of mind and sleep-related problems.

Its use is considered in meningitis (inflammation of meninges – membranes covering brain and spinal cord) attended with sharp pain in head.

Lastly, it can be used for managing convulsions (fits), mainly the ones that occur during dentition. There is twitching of shingle muscle, rolling of eyes, and gnashing of teeth. Another very prominent indication is convulsion after childbirth and from suppressed eruptions.

Key Indicating Features

Trembling of hands and feet

Parkinson’s disease

Twitching of facial muscles, eyelids and muscle of upper lip on left side

Neuralgia – trigeminal neuralgia, intercostal neuralgia and post herpetic neuralgia

Jerking in whole body during sleep, at times with screaming

Restless Leg syndrome (RLS)

Formication on feet which gets better from pressure and rubbing

2. Neck And Back (Pain, Stiffness, Burning In Spine)

It shows effective action on neck, back and spine. It is well indicated to manage pain and stiffness in neck. The pain can be cramping or tearing in nature. One feel tired feels tired as pressure is mostly felt on the neck after mental exertion and from writing. There is marked pain in the neck muscles at night. Pain from the side of the neck may extend to the shoulders. Zincum Met gives excellent results in cases of lower back pain which gets worse while sitting, stooping or turning in the bed. Lower back feels weak on standing for too long but gets better from continuous walking. A very important symptom is burning sensation along the spine which gets worse on sitting.

Key Indicating Features

Pain, stiffness, tiredness in neck

Lower back pain worse when sitting, from stooping, turning in bed and better from continuous walking

Burning sensation along the entire spine worse when sitting

Sensitive spine that cannot bear touch

3. Face (Twitching And Trigeminal Neuralgia)

Zincum Met can treat twitching in the face and trigeminal neuralgia. Twitching means involuntary jerking or contraction of muscle. Along with facial twitching, there may occur nausea and vomiting. In case of trigeminal neuralgia, it can be used when the complaint gets worse in the evening. The face is sensitive to touch and sometimes stitching pain is felt as from needles piercing the face.

Key Indicating Features

Twitching of facial muscles

Trigeminal neuralgia worse in evening and from touch

4. Head And Scalp (Manage Headache, Head Injury, Hydrocephalus And Hair Fall)

This medicine successfully manages headache, head injury, hydrocephalus and hair fall. The foremost indication for its use is headache occurring from drinking wine even in very small quantity. Pain in the head is attended with low vision. There is aching in temples of head with pressive pain on top of head and root of nose. Violent throbbing and tearing pain is felt in the whole head. Zincum Met is also recommended in cases of head injury followed by constant pain in the head which gets worse on walking. Another complaint where it is useful for management is hydrocephalus (fluid build-up in the ventricles of brain). Here its use is suggested when the person shows symptoms like rolling his head from side to side in pain, presses head against the pillow to get relief, there is constant motion of his feet and keeps grinding his teeth. Lastly, it works well to reduce in hair fall cases particularly when hair fall occurs from top of the head. It is attended with soreness of the scalp.

Key Indicating Features

Headache occurring from drinking wine even in very small quantity

Head injury followed by constant pain in head worse from walking

Hydrocephalus with symptoms like rolling of head from side to side, boring head in pillow, constant motion of feet and teeth grinding

5. Eyes (Twitching, Squinting, Ptosis, Pterygium, Conjunctivitis)

The major indication for its use is twitching of eyelid specifically lower eyelid on left side. It is also recommended in cases of squinting and ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid). Further use is indicated to treat pterygium cases attended with itching, smarting and excessive eye watering (lachrymation). Pterygium refers to abnormal tissue growth on the conjunctiva. Lastly, it is helpful in treating conjunctivitis (inflammation of the membrane covering eyelid and eyeball) with redness and pain which worsens at night.

Key Indicating Features

Twitching of eyelid specifically lower eyelid on left side

Ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid)

6. Female Problems (Heavy Menses, Vaginal Discharge, Ovarian Pain, Nymphomania, Hair Fall)

Females may find this medicine quite useful for managing certain complaints. It is firstly indicated for early, and heavy menses with the flow increasing while walking. It is attended with pain and bloated abdomen. Secondly it is useful for vaginal discharge that is blood-stained after menses attended with burning and itching. It can help cases of ovarian pain, mainly in the left ovary. During ovarian pain, there occurs pain in the limbs with an urge to move them constantly. A very significant symptom is relief in ovarian pain from excessive menstrual flow. Zincum Met is well-indicated to control excessive sexual desire in women (nymphomania). It also helps to manage hair fall from genitals of females.

Key Indicating Features

Early, heavy menses with pain and bloated abdomen

Blood-stained vaginal discharge after menses attended with burning and itching

Ovarian pain which gets better from excessive menstrual bleeding

7. Sleep Issues (Jerking, Disturbed Sleep, Sleepwalking)

Certain sleep issues can be magnificently managed with this remedy. It is a well indicated medicine for jerking during sleep, cries out and wakes frightened and startled from sleep. Loud screaming occurs during sleep. It can be given for disturbed sleep from cramps in legs, and headache. Lastly, it is indicated for treating sleepwalking (somnambulism) following suppressed eruptions.

Key Indicating Features

Jerking and waking up frightened from sleep

Disturbed sleep from cramps in legs and headache

Sleepwalking following suppressed eruptions

8. Skin Complaints (Suppressed Eruptions, Itching, Varicose Veins)

Lastly it acts well on the skin. A very well-known action of this medicine is to help complaints caused from suppressed eruptions (e.g. nerve-related complaints like chorea, convulsions, etc). It helps treat varicose veins (enlarged, dilated, twisted veins) on legs and varicose veins of genital organs. It can be given in cases of eczema of hands. In cases of itching in the hollow of knees, this medicine tends to works wonderfully to relieve it.

Key Indicating Features

Complaints arising from suppressed eruptions

Large varicose veins on legs and varicose veins of genital organs

Itching in hollow of knees


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from exhaustion, suppressed discharges or eruptions, noise, taking wine, consuming milk, and after eating

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by discharge, movement, appearance of eruptions, rubbing, scratching and from hard pressure


It can be used in both low and high potencies. It can be repeated frequently in low potency but taking high potencies frequently are inadvisable.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Hepar Sulph, Ignatia and Camphor

It antidotes: Baryta Carb

Followed well by: Sepia, Pulsatilla, Ignatia and Sulphur

It follows well: Apis Mellifica and Belladonna


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Top Homeopathic Medicines For Brachial Neuritis

What Is Brachial Plexus And Brachial Neuritis?

The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that runs from the spinal cord in the neck to the armpit and supplies nerve fibers to the chest, shoulder, arm and hands. These nerves give sensation and movement signal to the arms, forearms, hands and fingers. Here, there are two exceptions – brachial plexus doesn’t provide nerve supply to trapezius muscle (on the back of the shoulder) and an area of the skin near the armpit.

Brachial neuritis is a condition that arises when nerves of the brachial plexus are inflamed or get damaged. It is also referred to as brachial neuropathy and brachial plexus injury. Other names for brachial neuritis are Brachial Plexitis, Parsonage-Turner Syndrome or Neuralgic Amyotrophy.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathic medicines are highly reliable to manage symptoms of brachial neuritis. Homeopathic medicines stimulate the healing mechanism of the body to reduce the inflammation of nerves naturally and relieve the symptoms like pain, numbness, tingling, weakness in shoulders and arms. It is advised to take any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician who will prescribe the required medicine after complete case evaluation. Homeopathy is recommended when the problem is mild to moderate in intensity but in severe cases, and when there is paralysis of the arm or difficulty in breathing, then urgent help from conventional mode of treatment should be taken.

Homeopathic Medicines For Brachial Plexus

1. Rhus Tox – For Pain Management

It is a leading homeopathic medicine for managing pain. Persons needing it may have tearing, burning or stitching type of pain in the shoulder. They may feel pressure on the shoulders like one feels when carrying a heavy weight. There is worsening of the symptoms at rest, while movement often relieves the symptoms. They also complain of weakness in the shoulders. They have sensation of numbness around the hands. Sometimes, they have drawing or stitching pain in the shoulders that radiates down the arms. They can also have violent tearing or shooting pain in the arm.  There is a feeling of the arm hanging lifelessly.

2. Hypericum – For Neuritis Related To Injury

It is a general medicine in homeopathy which is highly recommended to manage nerve inflammation consequent to an injury. It is prepared from a plant Hypericum Perforatum, commonly called St John’s Wort. It belongs to family Hypericaceae. It is an effective medicine to manage symptoms of nerve inflammation including numbness, tingling sensation and burning type of pain.

3. Sanguinaria Can – To Manage Right-sided Shoulder Pain And Weakness

It is prepared from a plant Sanguinaria Canadensis commonly known as ‘blood root’. It belongs to family Papaveraceae. It is beneficial in managing right-sided shoulder pain. The pain is also felt in the upper part of the right arm. The pain gets worse at night. Another indication for using it is drawing pain in the shoulders and the arms during sleep. Lastly, it is also useful for cases having weakness in the shoulders.

4. Pulsatilla – To Manage Numbness

It is prepared from the plant Pulsatilla Nigricans, commonly named as ‘wind flower’ and ‘pasque flower’. This plant belongs to family Ranunculaceae. It is useful for managing numbness in shoulders and arms. Heaviness is also felt from the shoulders down to fingers.  Raising the arms worsens the pain. Other than this, drawing, jerking and tearing pain can be felt in the shoulder. Drawing pain from the shoulder may extend down the hands in some cases.

5. Picric Acid – For Weakness In Shoulders

It offers help in cases having weakness in the shoulders. Persons needing it, feel lame in the shoulders, along with tiredness and soreness of the shoulders. There is heaviness in the arms which is felt mainly on exertion.

6. Chamomilla – For Left Shoulder Pain And Tingling In Shoulders

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Matricaria chamomilla. It belongs to family Compositae. This medicine is considered when there is left-sided shoulder pain. The pain may be jerking, stitching type which sometimes feels like electric sparks. It may extend to the neck also. Tingling or pricking sensation may be felt in the shoulders. There may be pain in the arms that cannot bear the slightest movement. Other than the above, its use is also recommended for pricking numb sensation mainly in the right arm, felt mostly when one wakes up from sleep at night.

7. Phosphorus – For Managing Weakness In Upper Arm

This medicine works well in cases of weakness of upper arms. Along with this, drawing pain is felt in the shoulder and the upper arm.  Next there can be tearing in the left shoulder. It is felt mainly at night in bed.

8. Bryonia – For Pain In Right Shoulder

This medicine is prepared from root of the plant Bryonia Alba, commonly known as ‘white bryony’ and ‘wild hops’. This plant belongs to family Cucurbitaceae. It is effective for managing pain in the right shoulder. It gets worse on touching. A tension and pressure builds up on the shoulders. Other than this, pain is also felt on the upper arm which is drawing and tearing in nature.

9. Ledum Pal – For Severe Stitching Shoulder Pain

When there is pain in the shoulder on raising or moving the arm, this is the best medicine which can come to your rescue. It is prepared from plant Ledum Palustre, commonly called ‘wild rosemary’ and ‘marsh cistus’. This plant belongs to family Ericaceae. It is also indicated to manage throbbing type of pain in right shoulder.

10. Ferrum Met – For Shooting Type Of Shoulder Pain

It is a prominent medicine when there is shooting type of pain in shoulder. The pain travels down the arm where it is indicated. It also manages boring type of pain in the right shoulder which hurts more from movement. Heat application may relieve when the right shoulder is sore to touch.

11. Sulphur – For Shoulder Pain At Night

This medicine is beneficial for managing shoulder pain that occurs mostly at night. The pain is mainly lacerating type with a bruised pain in the left shoulder. Along with this, one feel pressure on the shoulders as if carrying a heavy weight.

What Is The Cause Behind It?

It arises from damage to the nerves of the brachial plexus (network of nerves in the neck and arms). When the nerves are damaged, they are unable to send and carry signals to the spinal cord resulting in pain and other symptoms like burning sensation, numbness, tingling and weakness in shoulders. The damage may be due to an injury or infection. Brachial neuritis may also be genetic or related to autoimmune diseases in which the immune system attacks and damages the healthy tissue of the body itself out of a misdirected response. The Parsonage-Turner Syndrome is a type of brachial neuritis that arise without any cause and is linked to autoimmune inflammation. According to a research, brachial neuritis may also arise from damage to the protective myelin sheath that covers the nerve.

Any recent infection of the upper respiratory tract, flu or typhoid can also cause brachial neuritis, or it may be idiopathic (without any cause).

Though it may affect people of any age group, it frequently affects people aged between 20-60 yrs of age. The chances of brachial neuritis are more in males as compared to females.

What Are Its Symptoms?

In this condition, the pain arises mostly in the shoulder or the upper arm, sometimes the neck too.  The pain may radiate from the shoulders to the arms and the hands. The pain occurs suddenly and increases on moving the shoulder and the arm. The pain varies in nature, can be sharp, intense, stabbing, burning or electric shock like that varies from case to case. The pain is generally felt on one side but sometimes may occur on both the sides. With time, the pain goes away, but numbness, weakness and the tingling sensation stays in the shoulders. These symptoms may also occur in the arm and the hands. Severe cases of brachial neuritis  may lead to paralysis, and decrease in the muscle mass in the shoulder or the arm. Lastly, if the nerve to diaphragm is affected then it may lead to shortness of breath.


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Euphrasia Officinalis: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Euphrasia Officinalis is derived from the plant eyebright. It belongs to family Scrophulariaceae. There is a black spot in the petals of flowers of this plant that look like pupils of the eye that made ancient people use this medicine for eye complaints. Its utilization for treating various eye problems has been confirmed in homeopathic experiments too. When this plant goes through potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it gets converted into a brilliant homeopathic remedy Euphrasia Officinalis. It is a top-listed and highly recommended medicine in homeopathy for treating numerous eye-related concerns mainly eye allergies, conjunctivitis and excessive eye watering (lachrymation) along with itching and burning.

The ‘Euphrasia Officinalis’ Constitution

This medicine mostly suits people who are predisposed to eye complaints. It is also helpful in treating nasal allergy.

 Drug Action

It acts most effectively on the mucus membrane of eyes and nose and helps to manage irritation and watery discharge from eyes. Its action on nose, chest and lungs is also marked. It also acts well on head, skin and male and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Eye disorders, eye allergy, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, iritis, ptosis, keratitis, corneal ulcer, hay fever, cold, cough, headache, warts and measles.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Eye Complaints (Eye Allergy, Conjunctivitis, Blepharitis, Iritis, Ptosis, Keratitis, Corneal Ulcer, Pterygium)

Euphrasia is a highly preferred and frequently used remedy as the first line of treatment for various eye-related complaints. Among its numerous indications, the first one is eye allergy. It has shown great clinical improvement in cases where there is excessive watering from eyes, swelling of eyes, redness of eyes and itching, burning in eyes. It is one of the major homeopathic medicines for hay fever (also called allergic rhinitis characterized by symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, watery, red itchy eyes). There is heavy eye-watering that causes irritation and burning sensation in the eyes, along with bland nasal discharge that doesn’t cause any irritation.  Secondly, it works well in cases of conjunctivitis (inflammation of conjunctiva that is the transparent membrane lining the eyelids and eyeball). Here, it is indicated when eyes are red along with watery mucus or thick yellow discharge, accompanied by itching and burning in eyes. A sensation of sand-like particle in the eyes is yet another attending symptom. Euphrasia proves to be very effective in treating eye pain. There is cutting, sharp, pressive or burning pain in eyes.

It is suggested for swelling of eyelids when accompanied with burning sensation. The eyelids may be agglutinated (sticking together). There is burning pain in the eyes along with watering (lachrymation) especially when its windy. Itching in the eyes with frequent wiping and frequent blinking of eyes can also be relieved with this remedy. Euphrasia has notable action in cases suffering from dryness of eyes and eyelids. Persons with photophobia means sensitivity to bright light can also benefit from it. If a person suffers from iritis (inflammation of iris i.e. the coloured part of eyes), Euphrasia is considered where eyes are red with aching darting pain, watery eyes and sensitivity to bright light. It is also recommended for treating Keratitis (inflammation of cornea which is a clear protective layer covering iris, pupil and anterior chamber of eye). Here, it is given when there is light sensitivity, excessively watery eyes, and pus like discharge.

Euphrasia is recommended for managing cases of corneal ulcer with excessive eye watering with smarting or clear mucus discharge or thick pus like discharge, accompanied by eye pain and light sensitivity. Its use is recommended for ptosis (drooping of upper eyelid) and pterygium (an abnormal tissue growth on conjunctiva and cornea) cases as well. One may find it useful to manage eye inflammation, pain in eyes, excessive eye watering and burning sensation after an eye injury. Lastly, it can be used for cases of blepharitis (inflammation of eyelids). There is redness, swelling, dryness of lids with itching, burning and watering from eyes in such cases.

Key Indicating Features

Hay fever with acrid eye-watering along with bland nasal discharge

Eye allergies with profuse watering from eyes, swollen, red eyes and itching, burning in eyes

Conjunctivitis with red eyes, watery mucus or thick yellow discharge from eyes along with itching and burning

Eye itching and burning

Excessive watering from eyes that cause irritation, itching and burning in eyes

2. Nasal Complaints (Hay Fever, Sneezing, Runny Nose)

This medicine has a prominent action on mucus membrane of nose. It is an effective medicine for treating hay fever which is a response to allergens (like dust mites, pollens) that causes symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, itchy, watery red eyes. The characteristic feature to use it is excessive, watery, bland (without any irritation or burning) nasal discharge and excessive acrid watering from eyes. Sneezing is frequent, inner nose feels sore and painful. The eyes are red and eyelids are swollen. Persons needing it may have runny nose in the day and suffer nasal blockage at night. Cough with expectoration may occur in the morning with above symptoms. Its use is also indicated for nose bleeding.

Key Indicating Features

Bland nasal discharge along with acrid eye discharge

 3. Chest And Lungs (Pain Behind Sternum, Cough)

Euphrasia mainly helps to manage pain under the sternum felt during inhalation. With its action on lungs, it is capable of managing cough occurring especially in morning with mucus expectoration and watery nasal discharges. It is also beneficial to relieve cough in daytime with excessive eye watering. Along with cough, a person may complain of difficulty in breathing. In cases needing it, cough occur in the morning as soon as one rises from the bed and does not occur at night at all. Cough is accompanied by excessive expectoration.

Key Indicating Features

Sharp pain under sternum during respiration

Cough in morning with mucus expectoration and watery nasal discharges

Cough in daytime with excessive eye watering

4. Head (Headache)

Euphrasia Officinalis acts well on the head to manage complaint of headache. The most important symptom to use this medicine is headache with cold, excessive discharge from nose and eyes. Its use is recommended when pain in forehead is present along with sensitivity to bright light.

Key Indicating Features

Headache with cold, excessive discharge from nose and eyes

5. Skin Issues (Measles, Warts And Eruptions)

It acts wonderfully in cases of measles with watery eyes and runny nose. It renders valuable service in treating warts (raised bumps on skin resulting from infection caused by Human Papilloma virus) that itch. Its use in treating eruptions around the eyes and on the nose also brings good results.

Key Indicating Features

Measles with watery eyes and runny nose

Itchy warts

Eruptions around eyes and on nose

6. Male Problems (Itching, Warts)

This medicine is beneficial for treating male problems like itching on glans and prepuce. Secondly, it can be given to treat warts on genitals, where there is itching and stinging in warts. There is soreness and burning pain in warts on being touched. Lastly, it can be used for cases of prostatitis.

Key Indicating Features

Itching on glans and prepuce

Warts attended with itching and stinging sensation

7. Female Problems (Late, Scanty Short Periods, Warts)

Females can find this medicine useful for late, scanty and short menses. The periods last just for an hour or a day in cases where this medicine is required. The flow of blood during menses is scanty, accompanied by pain. Its use can also be considered to treat warts on genitals. There is itching and stitching in these warts, mainly while walking.

Key Indicating Features

Late, scanty and short menses

Menses lasting just for one hour or a day

Warts on genitals with itching and stitching mainly when walking


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from sunlight, wind, in evening, indoors and from warmth

Relieving factors: Complaints are better in open air, in dark and from taking coffee


It can be used in both low and high potencies. Its frequent repetition can be considered in low potencies but in high potencies, frequent repetition of this medicine should be avoided. Its action lasts for about 7 days.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor and Pulsatilla

Followed well by: Aconite, Conium, Merc Sol, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Silicea and Sulphur


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Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS): Homeopathic Treatment, Causes And Symptoms

A concussion is a mild traumatic brain injury affecting brain function temporarily. Post-Concussion Syndrome (PCS) refers to a set of symptoms that continue to linger on for weeks, months or more even years after a concussion. The brain injury may occur from a blow, bump, jolt or a fall on the head. It may also occur from violent shaking of the head and the upper body. The reason may be an accident, a violent assault, blow on the head from playing certain sports like boxing, etc. In case of concussion, a person may or may not lose consciousness.

Homeopathic Management Of Its Symptoms

Homeopathy can effectively manage the symptoms of post-concussion syndrome (PCS). The medicines used in homeopathy for treating PCS are very safe and gentle without any side effects and can be used by persons of any age group. These medicines have a great effect on healing the injury even if it has been inflicted a long time ago, along with symptom management. These medicines can effectively manage its symptoms including headache, vertigo, tiredness, sleeplessness, concentration problems, memory issues, anxiety, irritability and depression. The most suitable medicine for a case of PCS needs to be selected individually based on the symptoms. So, it is advised to take homeopathic medicines after consulting a homeopathic physician who can after detailed case analysis recommend the best medicine.

Homeopathic Medicines For Symptom Management

1. Arnica – Top Grade Medicine

It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing symptoms that arise from concussion. It is a natural medicine prepared from a plant named Arnica Montana commonly called ‘leopard’s bane’ or ‘fallkraut’. It belongs to family Compositae. It is a first aid medicine for treating different types of injuries, including concussion, and to manage after-effects of injuries that have occurred in the past. Firstly, Arnica is very effective in managing a headache after concussion. Secondly, it offers help for relieving vertigo in these cases. Lastly, it is useful in managing depression in cases of head injury. Persons needing it feel pessimistic and indifferent.

2. Natrum Sulph – For Managing Headache And Depression

This medicine is very beneficial for managing headache following concussion. In most cases needing it, pain is felt at the base of the brain, sometimes at the back of the neck also. Besides, it also manages depression following a head injury. In such cases, symptoms include sadness, weeping, aversion to speaking and irritability.

3. Hypericum – To Manage Headache

This natural medicine is prepared from a plant named Hypericum Perforatum commonly called St John’s Wort. This plant belongs to family Hypericaceae. This medicine is of great help in managing headache in cases of concussion. The pain is usually located on the top of the head (means vertex). Pain may be pulsating or dull type. Heat and burning on the top of head accompany the pain. Soreness of the eyes may attend headache in some cases.

4. Cicuta – For Managing Vertigo, Sadness

It is prepared from fresh roots (gathered at the time of flowering) of plant Cicuta Virosa commonly known as ‘water hemlock’. It belongs to family Umbelliferae. Use of this medicine is considered for cases having vertigo. People who need it have vertigo mostly while getting up from bed or stooping. They feel as if everything is moving from side to side during vertigo attack. They may stagger and tend to fall. This medicine also manages depression in these cases, indifference may attend sadness.

5. Kali Phos – For Sleeplessness, Tiredness, Memory Issues

This medicine is highly valuable for managing sleeplessness. Secondly, it is very effective to manage tiredness and memory issues. Persons who require it may also have sadness, gloominess, dullness of mind, depression and forebodings (a feeling that something bad is going to happen soon).

6. Conium – To Manage Vertigo

It is a well indicated medicine for managing complaint of vertigo. In cases requiring it, vertigo is worse when turning head towards sides. It also increases when turning in the bed. In some cases, worsening of vertigo can also occur on rising from a seat, while lying down or from shaking head.

7. Gelsemium – For Managing Weakness And Concentration Problems

Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium is prepared from bark of the root of plant Gelsemium Sempervirens commonly known as ‘yellow jasmine’. This plant belongs to family Loganiaceae. It is an important medicine that is helpful in managing weakness and concentration problems. People needing it feel weak and  tired, and want to lie down all the time. They have marked dullness and drowsiness. They are unable to concentrate and focus attention on anything. If they try to concentrate, they feel as if their brain is not functioning. A person is not able to think, when he/she tries do any mental exertion. Other than this, they may feel depressed, confused, and have anxiety issues also.

8. Aconite – For Managing Anxiety

Highly recommended for managing anxiety, it is prepared from plant Aconitum Napellus commonly known as ‘monkshood’. This plant belongs to family Ranunculaceae. Persons who need it have anxiety attacks and marked restlessness. They change their position frequently and do everything hurriedly. It is also indicated for managing panic attacks with palpitations and trembling of the body.

9. Natrum Mur – To Manage Depression

Persons needing this medicine are sad and want to weep all the time.  They are sensitive and hate to be consoled. Along with this, they have loss of interest in doing any kind of work. Lastly they have spells of irritability and also may have anxiety.

10. Phosphoric Acid – To Manage Weakness, Depression

It is another well-indicated medicine for managing weakness. Other than this, it can also manage depression. Sadness, disposition to weep and indifference to everything in life is felt. Lastly, it is helpful for managing memory issues in such cases.

11. Belladonna – For Managing Throbbing Headache

It is a significant medicine for managing throbbing type of headache. This medicine is prepared from plant ‘deadly nightshade’. It belongs to family Solanaceae. Persons who need it have marked pain in the sides of head (the temporal region). Heat and congestion are felt in the head. Applying pressure on the head may relieve pain.

12. Chininum Sulph – To Manage Noises In Ear

One may find this medicine very useful for managing noises in the ear. For using this medicine, the noises may be ringing, roaring or buzzing in nature. In some cases, vertigo may attend it.

What Are The Causes?

Not all people having concussion develop post-concussion syndrome. Why some develop it and some don’t is not clear yet.

However, there are some theories that are associated with it to explain the reason for it. Firstly, it is believed that PCS is due to some structural damage to the brain or damage to the nerve cells in the brain from injury. Another theory is that there is a high probability of PCS in persons who have a concussion or are already suffering from it or have a history of some pre-existing psychiatric condition, like depression, anxiety disorder and PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). Depression is a mood disorder characterized by persistent sadness, loss of interest in everything, attended with depressing feelings that continue for weeks together and interfere in everyday activities  and affects one’s personal and professional life. Anxiety disorder refers to repeated episodes of intense anxiety, worry, fear or terror and may result in a panic attack within minutes. PTSD is a mental health condition that may occur in persons who have experienced a terrifying event in life for example a serious accident, a natural disaster, childhood abuse, sexual violence.

Though anyone who has recently suffered a concussion can develop PCS, but the chances are high if a person is above the age of 40 yrs.

Women are diagnosed more often with this syndrome than men.

What Are Its Symptoms?

Its symptoms include headache, dizziness, vertigo, tiredness, sleeplessness, concentration problem, memory issues, anxiety, irritability, depression, restlessness, sensitivity to light and noise, double/ blurred vision and ringing in the ears. The post-concussive symptoms may occur in any person irrespective of the severity of the initial injury. The symptoms mostly begin within the initial 7 – 10 days of injury. PCS is diagnosed when the duration of symptoms of concussion exceeds three months following the injury.  At least three of the above symptoms, need to be present for diagnosing this syndrome.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Iodum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Iodum, called Iodum Purum, is derived from an element Iodine. Iodum is inert in its crude state. When it undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines which arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it gets converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Iodum. This medicine is extensively used to manage complaints of thyroid gland that mainly include hyperthyroidism, goiter and Graves’ Disease.

The ‘Iodum’ Constitution

This medicine is most suitable to persons who are thin and suffer from weight loss. Their appetite is good but inspite of that they lose weight. They have excessive weakness and may have enlarged lymphatic glands.

Drug Action

This medicine has an action on different body parts and organs. Among these the foremost and most important action is noted on glands primarily the thyroid gland. Other glands including mammary glands, mesenteric glands (lymph glands in abdomen), salivary glands, pancreas and lymphatic glands are also the seat of action of this medicine. There may either be hardness, swelling and heaviness of glands or atrophy (decrease in size) of glands. This medicine also acts well on testicles, ovaries and uterus. Other body parts where this medicine shows remarkable action include mind, throat, joints, lungs, gastric system and heart.

Clinical Indications

Hyperthyroidism, goiter, weight loss, increased appetite, breast lumps, ovary inflammation and pain, vaginal discharge, hydrocele, enlarged prostate gland, diarrhea, anxiety, laryngitis, throat pain, throat ulcers, enlarged tonsils, inflamed joints, enlarged adenoids, gas, bloating, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, pancreatitis, weakness, atrophy of testicles/ovaries/ breast, palpitations, myocarditis, pericarditis.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Thyroid Gland (Hyperthyroidism, Goiter, Grave’s Disease)

Iodum is of great service in treating a number of disorders of the thyroid gland. Thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped organ that lies at the base in the front part of neck. It secretes thyroid hormones that regulate body metabolism and help in growth and development.

This medicine is highly recommended to manage thyroid complaints especially hyperthyroidism, goiter, exophthalmic goiter. Hyperthyroidism refers to an overactive thyroid gland, while goiter is the swelling in the front of neck due to an enlarged thyroid gland. In exophthalmic goiter, also known as Grave’s Disease, the eyes bulge out, while the rest of the symptoms are the same as that in hyperthyroidism.

In exophthalmic goiter, the eyes bulge out, while the rest of the symptoms are the same as that in hyperthyroidism.  

In exophthalmic goiter, the eyes bulge out, while the rest of the symptoms are the same as that in hyperthyroidism.

Persons who need it have increased metabolic rate. They are thin and loses weight. A characteristic feature to note here is the person loses weight despite a good appetite and eating well. He/she feels hungry frequently and must have something to eat every hour. Excessive weakness is marked. The person feels excessive heat in the body and desires cold air. They also suffer from anxiety and restlessness. Sometimes they can have long term diarrhoea also. In goiter cases, the thyroid is hard and enlarged especially on the right side. Throat feels constricted, attended with rough voice. Difficulty in breathing occurs especially when lying on the back. Bulging out of eyes may be present like in exophthalmic goiter. Besides, it is an important medicine for helping cases of swollen thyroid and thyroid cysts. Swelling and pain in thyroid during menses is a peculiar symptom of this medicine.

Key Indicating Features

Hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)

Weight loss even after good appetite

Excessive weakness, excessive heat in body, anxiety, restlessness

Goiter with enlargement on right side, thyroid swelling, thyroid cysts

2. Mind (Anxiety, Restlessness, Impulsiveness)

Iodum has a marked action on mind where it addresses many complaints. Here, the  foremost indication is anxiety. Persons who need it mainly have anxiety about the present. Anxiety which gets better by eating is a salient feature to use this remedy. It may also be relieved by walking in open air. Along with this, there is restlessness which increases in a warm room. They are disposed to keep moving about but it leads to weakness. Being busy offers some relief to them. They may also show an impulsive behaviour with a sudden urge to harm someone or themselves or an impulse to run away. Next it is beneficial to manage complaint of forgetfulness. Sadness, depression, fear and irritability are its other indications.

Key Indicating Features

Anxiety about present and restlessness

Anxiety better from eating and walking in open air

Impulsive behaviour with desire to run away, harm himself or others

3. Male Problems (Hydrocele, Orchitis, Prostate Issues, Testicle Hardness Or Atrophy Means Shrinkage)

This medicine also settles many male problems effectively. It is one of the best remedies for hydrocele  in which there is swelling of scrotum resulting from fluid collection around the testicle. There is swelling in the scrotum without any pain, along with excessive offensive sweat on genitals. The testicles may be hard, a pressure is felt on the testicles which may extend to the abdomen. There may occur aching, twisting, pressing pain in spermatic cord after sexual activity. Inflammation of testicles (orchitis) also indicates the use of Iodum. This medicine can also be given in cases of prostate issues. The prostate is swollen, hard, urine may pass involuntarily in elderly from an enlarged prostate. Last noteworthy feature to use it is atrophy (decrease size) of testes with loss of sexual power.

Key Indicating Features

Hydrocele with painless swelling of scrotum and Orchitis

Prostate issues – swollen, enlarged, hard prostate gland

Atrophy of testes with loss of sexual power

4. Female Problems (Ovary Complaints, Vaginal Discharge, Irregular Menses, Breast Complaints)

This medicine is It is beneficial for ovary inflammation, swelling and pain in ovaries, ovarian cyst, vaginal discharge, irregular menses, suppressed menses (amenorrhea), breast lumps, galactorrhea (nipple discharge not related to milk production during breastfeeding), atrophy of breast and ovaries. There is inflammation in the ovary along with vaginal discharge. Ovary pain and sensitivity occur during menses. Pain is of pressing type mostly in the right ovary and may extend to the uterus. The vaginal discharge is thin, yellow, with burning in vagina which get worse during periods. The discharge causes soreness of thighs.  There may be atrophy (decreased size) of ovaries with sterility. Ovaries may become hard in some cases. Irregular menses are there which is painful with scanty flow. During menses, there is pain in the back and ovaries. There may be suppressed periods from long time. Iodum can be given for bluish red lumps in breast. For galactorrhea, it is given when there is thin watery milky nipple discharge along with weakness. Its use is also recommended for relaxed atrophied breasts. This medicine can also be considered in managing cases of cancer of uterus, cervix and ovaries as per symptoms.

Key Indicating Features

Ovary inflammation, cyst, pain

Vaginal discharge which is thin, yellow with vaginal burning

Bluish red breast lumps

Ggalactorrhea with thin watery milky discharge from nipples

Atrophy (shrinkage) of breast or ovaries

5. Gastric system (Gas, Bloating, Diarrhoea, Splenomegaly, Hepatomegaly, Pancreatitis)

With its action on gastric system, it helps relieve gas trapped in stomach and bloating. There can be burping that can be sour or empty. It seems as if each food particle is converted into gas. After eating, bitter taste is felt in the mouth. Vomiting may consist of oily substance, water, tastes like salt and is attended with stomach pain. Another complaint where it is very useful is chronic diarrhea which occurs in morning. The stool is watery, whitish or brownish, frothy, fetid, accompanied with pinching pain around navel. There is increased appetite with desire to eat every hour. Its use is also preferred in cases of enlarged spleen (splenomegaly), enlarged liver (hepatomegaly). Lastly, its use is recommended for chronic pancreatitis (inflammation of pancreas).

Key Indicating Features

Abdominal gas, bloating with sour or empty burping

Increased appetite, must eat every hour

Diarrhea, watery, whitish/ brownish, frothy, fetid stool with pinching pain around navel and weakness

Splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, pancreatitis

6. Throat (Throat Pain, Ulcers, Laryngitis, Goiter)

Use of Iodum is highly recommended for throat pain and throat ulcers. Burning type of pain is felt in throat. Tonsils are enlarged and hard. Rawness and tickling occurs in the throat that causes dry cough. Other than this, it can be given for enlargement of glands of neck, thyroid gland enlargement (goiter) and swelling of submaxillary glands. Cases of inflamed larynx can be well managed with it. Such cases have rough, hoarse or deep voice. Lastly, it is an important medicine for ulcers of food pipe (esophagus) when the person has difficulty in swallowing.

Key Indicating Features

Goiter, hard with throat constriction

Ulcers in throat and food pipe

Enlarged, hard tonsils

Laryngitis with rough, deep, hoarse voice

Enlarged neck glands

7. Lungs (Cough, Difficulty In Breathing, Asthma, Pneumonia)

It has shown great clinical improvement in many complaints related to lungs including cough, asthma and pneumonia (inflammation and infection of air sacs). Iodum may administered for cough that is dry, short, and irritating which gets worse at night. Cough arises from tickling in the larynx. Sometimes yellow, tough mucus is expectorated. It can be blood streaked too. Cough can be attended with wheezing and difficulty in breathing from talking and slightest exertion. It is indicated for right sided pneumonia.

Key Indicating Features

Dry, short, irritating cough worsening at night

Asthma with shortness of breath that worsen from slightest exertion and talking

Right sided pneumonia

8. Limbs (Joint Pains, Trembling Of Limbs)

This medicine is mainly indicated for inflamed joints. There is stiffness in joints and pain which increases at night. There is pain in knee joint, and the slightest movement and pressure worsen the pain. Knee is also swollen with pricking and burning sensation. There is pain in hip joint which aggravates from movement. It can also be given for trembling of limbs attended with weakness. Hands and feet are cold. Palms of hands are sweaty. Feet can be swollen. Iodum can also be used for painful corns.

Key Indicating Features

Joint pain at night

Trembling of limbs with weakness

9. Heart Complaints (Palpitations, Myocarditis, Pericarditis, Anxiety)

This medicine is also prominent for managing many heart issues. Firstly, it is effective in managing palpitations. They get worse from the slightest exertion, bathing with warm water, etc. Cold bathing offers relief. The pulse can be small, weak, irregular or hard and rapid. Iodum is indicated for cases of myocarditis (inflammation of heart muscle) and pericarditis (inflammation of thin sac-like tissues that surround the heart). There is anxiety with desire to change position constantly and sensation as if heart is being squeezed by an iron hand.

Key Indicating Features

Palpitations from bathing with warm water and exertion

Myocarditis and Pericarditis


Worsening factors: Complaints worsen from warmth, fasting, talking and wrapping up

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in cold air, eating, walking in open air


Iodum can be used in both low and high potencies. It can be repeated frequently in low potency, but high potencies should not be taken frequently. The potency varies as per the nature of complaint and duration of the complaint. For using high potency, one must take physician’s advice regarding the duration and repetition of this medicine.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Apis Mellifica, Camphor, Coffea Cruda, Graphites, Opium, Spongia, Thuja and Sulphur

It antidotes: Merc Sol

Follows well: Arsenic Album, Hepar Sulph and Merc Sol

Followed well by Argentum Nitricum, Calcarea Carb, Kali Bichrome, Lycopodium, Merc Sol, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Breast Lumps And Knots

Breast lumps refer to a localized bump, a swelling in the breast, which feels different from the surrounding breast tissue. Common in females, most breast lumps are benign (non-cancerous) with smooth edges and move slightly when we push them. However, they can be cancerous, so any breast lump must immediately be shown to a doctor as early as possible to find the cause behind it.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathy offers a very natural and safe treatment for cases of breast lumps that are non-cancerous. Homeopathic medicines help to gradually dissolve and shrink the lumps in the breast. They also help to manage pain if present in these lumps. In many cases of benign breast lumps, surgical intervention can be prevented with the timely use of homeopathic medicines.  The medicine may vary from person to person which must be taken under supervision of a homeopathic doctor, only after complete evaluation of the breast lump and detection of the cause. Homeopathy is recommended only in case of benign lumps. If the lump is found to be cancerous, one should take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment. Homeopathy has a limitation in treating cases of cancerous breast lumps.  When a female discovers a new lump in breast, she should immediately get it evaluated by a doctor under the following circumstances:

If the lumps grows larger and doesn’t go away after periods

If the lump is hard or has an irregular shape

When lump is stuck to the skin/deep tissue within the breast

The lump appears bruised without any cause

Breast skin is red or puckered like orange peel,  the nipple gets inverted

Blood discharge occurs from the nipple

Any change in breast size, shape or its contour

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Breast Lumps

1. Conium – Top-Grade Medicine

It is a leading homeopathic medicine for treating breast lumps. It is indicated when the lump in the breast becomes hard attended with stitching or piercing type of pain. It is a well-indicated medicine for lump in the breast which develops after an injury. It is also a prominent medicine for breast inflammation with right breast becoming hard during breast-feeding.  It can be accompanied by burning type of pain. A characteristic indication for using conium is pain, soreness and swelling in the breast specifically before menstrual period.

2. Silicea – For Breast Lumps, Inflamed Breast, Abscess In Breast

It is the second most important medicine for managing breast lump. Firstly, it dissolves breast lumps, secondly, it manages breast inflammation when there is redness, swelling and hardness. The breast is also sensitive to touch, along with burning pain and fever. Lastly, it is indicated for managing abscess (lump having pus) in breast.

3. Calcarea Fluor – For Hard Lumps

It is very effective for dissolving lumps and knots in the breast, usually recommended when the lumps are hard.

4. Phytolacca – For Hard, Painful Nodes In Breast

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Phytolacca Decandra commonly known as ‘poke root’ and ‘red ink plant’. This plant belongs to family Phytolaccaceae. This medicine is beneficial for managing cases of hard, painful nodes in breast which are sensitive to touch. The pain worsens during menstrual periods. Sometimes the pain may extend down the arm of the affected side. It is a useful medicine to manage inflammation of breast when the breast is swollen, painful, hard and sore. It is also indicated for managing mammary abscess. Last indication to use it is hardness of breast after weaning.

5. Pulsatilla – For Breast Lumps In Young Girls

It is prepared from plant Pulsatilla Nigricans having common name ‘wind flower’ and ‘pasque flower’. It belongs to family Ranunculaceae. It is an effective medicine for treating breast lumps that occur in young girls. They may be painful in cases needing Pulsatilla. It is also indicated when there is discharge of thin, milk-white fluid from the breasts before puberty.

6. Belladonna – For Breast Lumps With Inflamed, Painful Breast

This medicine is prepared from a plant commonly called ‘deadly nightshade’. It belongs to family Solanaceae. It is indicated when there are nodes in breast along with swelling, heat and inflammation. Stinging, throbbing or tearing type of pain is felt in cases where Belladonna is required. It is also indicated for painful breast lumps when pain gets worse on lying down.

7. Calcarea Iodata – For Tender Lumps In Breast

Use of this medicine is considered when there are breast lumps that are tender to touch and keep shifting in the breast. Its use is also suggested when the breast lumps cause pain on moving the arm.

8. Thuja – For Breast Cyst And Lumps

It is prepared from fresh twigs of a plant Thuja Occidentalis, commonly known as Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family Coniferae. It helps in dissolving breast cysts and lumps. It is also indicated for hard breast lumps especially on the left side. Females who need it have heaviness in breasts after menses which also become sore.

9. Lycopodium – For Breast Nodes With Burning Sensation

This medicine is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as ‘club moss’. This plant belongs to family Lycopodiaceae. It is well indicated for cases having breast nodes attended with burning sensation and pain. For using it, the pain varies and can be aching or stitching in nature. It may be accompanied with soreness.

10. Kali Mur – For Nodes And Cysts In Breast

Kali Mur works well in cases of nodes and cysts in breast. In cases requiring it, the nodes are soft and tender. Pain may be felt in breast before and during menses.

What Are The Reasons Behind It?

These lumps may develop from various reasons.

The breast lumps may form due to hormonal changes, some of them disappear on their own without any treatment.

Firstly, they may arise in case of fibroadenoma. These are solid, non-cancerous well-defined lumps in the breast with a particular shape. They feel smooth, round, rubbery or hard and move easily within breast. These are most common benign breast lumps that occur mostly in women between 15 yrs and 35 yrs age. No pain usually occur in these lumps.

Second cause is breast cysts. These refer to as benign fluid-filled sacs inside the breast. They may be single or multiple, common in women before menopause usually before 50 yrs of age, though they can occur in women of any age.  They may be painful and tender. The size of these lumps and tenderness may increase during periods. Nipple discharge can occur too in these cases (it can be yellow, clear, straw-colored, brown).

Third cause is intraductal papilloma. These are benign small wart-like growths that develop in the milk duct of breast. These may sometimes cause discomfort or pain. Nipple discharge may also appear.

Next cause is milk cysts. These are also known as galactocele or lacteal cyst. These cyst are filled with milk that can form in breast during or shortly after lactation (breastfeeding).

Lipoma is another cause behind breast lumps. These are non-cancerous lumps that are composed of  fat cells that grow slowly.

Lumps can occur in case of fibrocystic breasts (a benign condition in which the breast tissue feels lumpy in texture.  These changes can occur from hormonal changes that occur during menstrual cycle. These can occur in both the breasts and can feel tender just before menstrual period).

Another cause of breast lumps is an injury or trauma to breast.

Mastitis (inflammation of breast tissue) is also one of the reason behind it. Though it can occur in any woman but mostly develops in breastfeeding women. It occurs from any blockage that occur in the milk ducts resulting in milk stasis.

Infection in milk ducts that has entered from damaged or cracked nipples or direct injury to the breast can also result in lump formation. Its symptoms include pain, swelling, tenderness, heated sensation in the breast. There is also redness of skin over breast, bodyaches, general malaise, fever, chills, shivering and fatigue.

In some cases, breast lumps may also form in babies. This is a result of estrogen they receive from their mother during birth. These lumps tend to dissolve on their own as estrogen escapes their body.

It can also be caused by an abscess (a lump filled with pus). The last cause could be breast cancer.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Fluoric Acid: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications and Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Fluoric Acid also called Hydrofluoric Acid is prepared from chemical fluoric acid (made by distilling calcium fluoride in fine powder state with sulphuric acid). Chemical fluoric acid is inactive in its crude form. After potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it gets converted into a highly beneficial homeopathic medicine Fluoric Acid. It offers great help in managing hair loss, bone diseases and tooth complaints.

The ‘Fluoric Acid’ Constitution

This medicine suits well weak, thin people with pale skin. Other than this, it suits elderly people whose blood vessels have become weak and are dilated. This medicine is apt for alcoholics showing liver enlargement.

Drug Action

Fluoric acid has a marked affinity to treat hair complaints, bone diseases, skin issues and dental problems. Besides, it manifests its action on ears, eyes, throat and male genitals.

Clinical Indications

Hair fall, varicose veins, bone complaints, bone decay, exostosis, skin ulcers, scars, bedsores, keloids, varicocele, toothache, tooth decay, dental fistula, lachrymal fistula, sore throat, goitre and brittle nails.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Hair fall

Fluoric Acid is one of the best homeopathic medicines to treat cases of hair fall. It gives brilliant results in cases of general hair fall as well as hair loss in spots (alopecia areata). According to homeopathic therapeutics, this medicine can also be considered in cases of baldness. For cases where hair fall occurs after fever, Fluoric Acid is a leading medicine. Hair fall after typhoid fever is a specific feature for using this medicine. It is also of great service in cases of dry hair, and brittle hair too where hairs breaks off easily. The hair may also be dull and lacks shine. Hair also tend to tangle often.

Key Indicating Features

General hair fall

Alopecia areata means hair fall in spots

Hair fall after fever, typhoid fever

Dry, brittle, dull hair

2. Bones (Decay, Pain, Inflammation, Exostosis)

This medicine has an extensive action on bones where it helps to treat numerous complaints. Its use is highly recommended for managing cases of bone decay (necrosis). It mainly offers helps when decay of long bones or skull is involved. Fluoric Acid gives substantial relief in case of bone pain that typically worsen at night. It is attended with marked weakness. Use of this medicine is also preferred to manage bone swelling, inflammation and pus discharge from bones. Its action in treating cases of exostosis is well marked. Exostosis (also known as bone spurs) is the growth of new bone on the surface of the existing bone. This medicine helps to dissolve the new bone.

Key Indicating Features

Bone decay especially long bones and skull bones

Bone pain at night

Bone inflammation, swelling, pus discharge from bones

Exostosis, bone spurs

3. Varicose Veins And Varicose Ulcers

With its action on veins, it can effectively deal with cases of varicose veins which refers to swollen, enlarged, twisted, engorged veins overfilled with blood. Fluoric Acid mostly helps cases of varicose veins on legs. The varicose veins are attended with itching and burning pain. Presence of varicose ulcers is yet another striking feature to use this medicine. Burning pain predominates in varicose ulcers that gets worse from heat. Last, but an important indication, to use it are varicose veins in women that worsen after childbirth.

Key Indicating Features

Varicose veins on legs

Varicose veins with itching and burning pain

Varicose ulcers with burning pain

Varicose veins in women worsening following childbirth

4. Skin (Itching, Ulcers, Scars, Keloid, Bedsores) And Nails Complaints

Fluoric Acid has been successful in treating skin and nail issues. This medicine is of great value in treating skin itching that occurs in spots which gets worse from warmth. There is dryness of skin. Skin may be cracked too along with burning sensation. It is an important medicine to heal skin ulcers. It is indicated when skin ulcers have red margins and are painful. Fluid filled eruptions (vesicles) may surround the ulcers. Heat worsens the complaint and there is relief from washing with cold water. Another characteristic feature to use it is scars that itch. It is a principal remedy for old scars which become red at edges and begin to itch great deal. Vesicles may appear on or around the scar. Fluoric Acid is a chief medicine to treat keloid (extra scar tissue growth over a healed skin wound causing a hard, firm bump). This medicine also gives excellent results in cases of bedsores that worsen from warmth. For nails it works best for distorted, crumbling nails. Corrugated nails with lengthwise ridges is another peculiar feature for employing its use.

Key Indicating Features



Itching in spots worse from warmth

Ulcers with red edges and pain

Itchy scars and freshening of old scars with redness at edges and itching


Bedsores that are worse from warmth

Distorted, crumbled and corrugated nails with lengthwise ridges

5. Teeth (Toothache, Tooth Decay, Dental Fistula, Tooth Sensitivity)

It has marked action on teeth and jaws. It treatd toothache when it gets worse from cold drinks. This medicine is also used extensively for cases of rapid tooth decay. Tooth decay at roots mainly calls for this medicine use. It is a superb medicine for dental fistula where it works well when there is bloody and salty discharge. Weak, thin, deficient tooth enamel is also a noteworthy feature to use Fluoric Acid. Rest of the complaints that it can help with includes tooth sensitivity, delayed dentition and ailments from erupting wisdom teeth.

Key Indicating Features

Toothache worsening from cold drinks

Rapid tooth decay at roots

Dental fistula with bloody and salty discharge

Weak, thin, deficient tooth enamel

Ailments from erupting wisdom teeth

6. Ears (Itching, Noises In Ears, Otitis Externa)

Fluoric Acid can rectify many ear complaints.  It is used to control ear itching. Persons needing it feel burning in ear after scratching, though scratching eases itching temporarily. It also helps to manage noises in ear (tinnitus) mainly of ringing type. Next it can be given for cases of otitis externa (inflammation of the external ear canal) with excessive ear discharge.

Key Indicating Features

Ear itching

Otitis externa with copious ear discharge

7. Eyes (Lachrymal Fistula, Sand In Eye Sensation)

This medicine has shown clinical improvements in lachrymal fistula. Secondly it is useful to alleviate sensation of sand-like particle in eyes. It helps in managing itching in inner canthi, excessive eye watering and burning sensation in eyes.

Key Indicating Features

Lachrymal fistula

Lachrymal fistula

Lachrymal fistula

Sand like sensation in eyes

8. Throat (Sore Throat, Goitre)

This medicine is mainly recommended for sore throat. The throat is markedly red and swollen. There is pain in the throat while swallowing and talking. Throat feels constricted, offensive breath attends above features. There is sensitivity of throat to cold air, even a little exposure to cold air leads to throat inflammation. Other than this, it is an important medicine for goitre (swelling in the front of neck from an enlarged thyroid gland) cases.

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat with pain when swallowing

Throat inflammation from slightest cold exposure


9. Male Problems (Varicocele, Hydrocele, Increased Sexual Desire, Gonorrhoea)

It is a valuable medicine to manage certain male problems. It is highly suitable for cases of varicocele (enlarged, dilated, swollen veins in scrotum). This medicine is also well indicated for managing excessive sexual desire in men. Violent erections may take place in the night. Gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoea) is the next remarkable indication for using it. Here urethral discharge occurs at night that stains linen yellow. Lastly it is used for hydrocele cases. Hydrocele refers to swollen scrotum resulting from collection of fluid in the sheath present around testicle.

Key Indicating Features

Varicocele and hydrocele

Gonorrhoea with urethral discharge at night leaving yellow stains

Increased sexual desire with violent erections all night


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse from warmth, heat of room, rest, drinking coffee or alcohol, eating sour food.

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in open air, from walking and from cold bathing


Depending from case to case the potency of Fluoric Acid varies from low to high. One should be careful to not repeat its high potency frequently while in low potency it can be taken frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Silicea

Followed well by Graphites, Sulphur and Nitric Acid

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