Homeopathic medicine Borax Veneta is prepared from sodium biborate. Sodium biborate is inactive in its crude form but when it undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it gets converted into a highly beneficial homeopathic medicine Borax Veneta. It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing mouth ulcers, fungal infection of the mouth and certain women-related problems, mainly vaginal discharge and infertility.
The ‘Borax Veneta’ Constitution
It is mainly recommended to children suffering from mouth ulcers and diarrhea, especially during dentition period.
Drug Action
This medicine has a well-marked action on mind, mouth, eyes and female genitals. Other than this its action is noted on breast, gastric system, urinary organs and skin.
Clinical Indications
Mouth ulcers, aphthae, oral thrush, eye disorders, entropian, noise sensitivity, fears, leucorrhoea, galactorrhea, sore nipples, painful menses, sterility, diarrhea, plica polonica (an uncommon condition in which hair get matted together), cystitis, offensive urine.
Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy
1. Mind (Fears, Oversensitivity To Noise)
Borax acts magnificently on the mind to manage multiple concerns. Its use is mostly recommended to manage certain fears. The first and foremost among these is fear of downward motion like going downstairs and of falling. The person feels anxious while descending stairs and is afraid of falling. Borax Veneta can be useful for babies who fear moving down on stairs, who cry and cling to attendant when being laid in a cot/ crib/bed. Such babies are also fearful while rocking, swinging and dancing. Its use can also be considered in children who suddenly get up at night and begin screaming without any reason. Next fear where it is indicated is fear of thunder. Other than this, persons having fear of suffering from a contagious disease can find this medicine quite helpful. Apart from fears, its use is highly recommended in persons who are oversensitive to sudden noise. They get startled and frightened from the slightest noise, for example sneezing, hawking.
Key Indicating Features
Fear of downward motion like going downstairs, and of falling
In babies, fear of downward motion and who start crying and cling to attendant when laid down
Babies who are fearful when rocking, swinging and dancing
Oversensitive to sudden and slightest noise like sneezing, hawking
2. Mouth (Ulcers, Oral Thrush And Bitter Taste)
This medicine has a marked action on mouth. It proves to be highly effective for treating ulcers in the mouth, on inner surface of the cheeks and on the tongue. These ulcers have a tendency to bleed easily on touching and while eating. There is heat in mouth and excessive salivation. It is useful for painful ulcers in the mouth of babies that hinders normal breastfeeding. It is one of the best medicines for treating oral thrush (white fungal infection in mouth caused by fungus candida albicans). There is intense redness in the mouth covered with ulcers having cheesy appearance. Lastly, it is beneficial to manage bitter taste in the mouth while eating.
Key Indicating Features
Mouth ulcers having tendency to bleed easily
Fungal infection in mouth (oral thrush)
Redness in mouth covered with ulcers that have cheesy look
3. Eyes (Crusts On Eyelashes, Inward Eyelashes, Entropian)
Borax also acts well on the eyes. First, it is an important medicine for those with dry, crusty, gummy matter on the eyelashes along with its sticking during the morning hours.
Second, it works well on inflammation of eyelids. It is well indicated when the eyelashes turn inwards and cause inflammation of the eyes, especially in the region of outer canthus. It also helps in case of itching in the eyes including when there is a foreign body sensation in the eyes. A characteristic feature for its use is at the time of burning in the eyes soon after putting spectacles. Last, it is indicated for entropian (inward turning of eyelid margins) cases.
Key Indicating Features
Dry, crusty, gummy matter on eyelashes along with its sticking in morning
Inward turning of eyelashes causing eye inflammation
4. Female Problems (Vaginal Discharge, Infertility, Heavy Menses)
It is a very suitable medicine to deal with certain female problems. To begin with, it proves to be highly effective to manage vaginal discharge (medically known as leucorrhoea). There is discharge like egg whites with feeling as if warm water is flowing. It may occur specifically two weeks in between the menstrual period. Along with this, swelling of the labia is present. It is a wonderful medicine for treatment of infertility. This medicine is known to favour easy conception in females. Its use is recommended for cases of early and heavy menses. The bleeding is of pale red colour. It is accompanied with pinching and gripping pain in the abdomen extending to lower back and nausea. During periods, throbbing, pulsating pain in the head, buzzing in the ears and tiredness are also felt. Last, it offers relief in itching of vulva.
Key Indicating Features
Vaginal discharge like egg whites with feeling as if warm water is flowing
Early and heavy menses with gripping pain and nausea
5. Breast Complaints (Galactorrhea, Pain)
Borax is also administered to manage some of the breast complaints as well. It is of great use in managing galactorrhea cases. Galactorrhea means milky discharge from nipples not associated with normal milk production for breastfeeding. In cases one needs Borax, there is milky nipple discharge that gets curdled readily. It is next utilised in cases of breast pain in mothers when nursing the child. A unique feature is when pain occurs in the non-feeding breast at the time of breastfeeding a child. After feeding, there is emptiness in breast with stitching pain. It can also be administered for managing ulcers on nipples too.
Key Indicating Features
Galactorrhea with milky nipple discharge that gets curdled readily
Breast pain on opposite side when breastfeeding the child
6. Gastric Issues (Diarrhea, Flatulence)
With its action on gastric system, it can manage diarrhea well. The stool is green and has mucus and there occurs colic (a type of pain) before passing stool and it is accompanied by an offensive smell. It is followed by weakness. During stool, there may occur burning sensation in the rectum. Pinching in abdomen also occurs. Other than this, it is used when there is excessive accumulation of gas in the abdomen. There occurs abdominal distension after eating with pain and loose stool. There is excessive passage of gas.
Key Indicating Features
Diarrhea, when stool is green, offensive with mucus and colic before passing stool
7. Urinary Problems (Frequent And Urgent Urination, Cystitis)
If we talk of urinary problems, this medicine is mainly used to prevent frequent urination at night. The urgency to urinate is felt and person is scarcely able to hold urine. It is also effective for treating cystitis (inflammation of urinary bladder). The urine is warm, has offensive odour accompanied by smarting pain. It is well-indicated for children who screams before urination and are afraid to pass urine due to pain.
Key Indicating Features
Frequent urine at night and urgency to urinate
Warm urine with offensive odor & smarting pain
Screaming of children before urination
8. Skin and hair-related problems (eczema, psoriasis, chilblains and rough frowsy hair)
Lastly, it proves beneficial for various skin concerns and hair-related problems. It offers help in cases of eczema. It is particularly indicated for eczema on fingers and toes with nail damage. It is also indicated for eczema of vulva. It is helpful for psoriasis cases as well. Psoriasis is an auto-immune skin disorder characterized by the presence of inflammatory patches on skin covered with silvery white scales. Apart from these, its use is recommended in case of ulcers on the feet caused by the shoe getting rubbed against the skin of feet.
One may find it useful for chilblains (swollen itchy skin especially on fingers and toes occurring from cold weather and resultant poor blood circulation). For hair related issues, this medicine can be given for managing rough, frowsy hair that split and get tangled easily. The hair tends to stick at the ends that cannot be separated and form bunches. After cutting these bunches, they form back again.
Key Indicating Features
Eczema of fingers, toes attended with nail damage
Ulcers on feet from rubbing of shoes
Chilblains better in open air
Rough, frowsy hair that splits and gets tangled easily
Sticking of hair at the ends that cannot be separated and form bunches
Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from downward motion, in warm weather and after menses
Relieving factors: complaints get better in cold weather, in the evenings, and by applying pressure.
As per the case presentation it can be used from low to high potency. It can be repeated often in low potency but in high potency frequent repetition is usually not recommended.
Relationship with Other Remedies
Antidoted by: Chamomilla and Coffea Cruda
Followed well by: Arsenic Album, Bryonia, Calcarea Carb, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus and Silicea