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Borax Veneta: Homeopathic Medicine — Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Borax Veneta is prepared from sodium biborate. Sodium biborate is inactive in its crude form but when it undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it gets converted into a highly beneficial homeopathic medicine Borax Veneta. It is a leading medicine in homeopathy for managing mouth ulcers, fungal infection of the mouth and certain women-related problems, mainly vaginal discharge and infertility.

The ‘Borax Veneta’ Constitution

It is mainly recommended to children suffering from mouth ulcers and diarrhea, especially during dentition period.

Drug Action

This medicine has a well-marked action on mind, mouth, eyes and female genitals. Other than this its action is noted on breast, gastric system, urinary organs and skin.

Clinical Indications

Mouth ulcers, aphthae, oral thrush, eye disorders, entropian, noise sensitivity, fears, leucorrhoea, galactorrhea, sore nipples, painful menses, sterility, diarrhea, plica polonica (an uncommon condition in which hair get matted together), cystitis, offensive urine.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Mind (Fears, Oversensitivity To Noise)

Borax acts magnificently on the mind to manage multiple concerns. Its use is mostly recommended to manage certain fears. The first and foremost among these is fear of downward motion like going downstairs and of falling. The person feels anxious while descending stairs and is afraid of falling. Borax Veneta can be useful for babies who fear moving down on stairs, who cry and cling to attendant when being laid in a cot/ crib/bed. Such babies are also fearful while rocking, swinging and dancing. Its use can also be considered in children who suddenly get up at night and begin screaming without any reason. Next fear where it is indicated is fear of thunder. Other than this, persons having fear of suffering from a contagious disease can find this medicine quite helpful. Apart from fears, its use is highly recommended in persons who are oversensitive to sudden noise. They get startled and frightened from the slightest noise, for example sneezing, hawking.

Key Indicating Features

Fear of downward motion like going downstairs, and of falling

In babies, fear of downward motion and who start crying and cling to attendant when laid down

Babies who are fearful when rocking, swinging and dancing

Oversensitive to sudden and slightest noise like sneezing, hawking

2. Mouth (Ulcers, Oral Thrush And Bitter Taste)

This medicine has a marked action on mouth. It proves to be highly effective for treating ulcers in the mouth, on inner surface of the cheeks and on the tongue. These ulcers have a tendency to bleed easily on touching and while eating. There is heat in mouth and excessive salivation. It is useful for painful ulcers in the mouth of babies that hinders normal breastfeeding.  It is one of the best medicines for treating oral thrush (white fungal infection in mouth caused by fungus candida albicans). There is intense redness in the mouth covered with ulcers having cheesy appearance. Lastly, it is beneficial to manage bitter taste in the mouth while eating.

Key Indicating Features

Mouth ulcers having tendency to bleed easily

Fungal infection in mouth (oral thrush)

Redness in mouth covered with ulcers that have cheesy look

3. Eyes (Crusts On Eyelashes, Inward Eyelashes, Entropian)

Borax also acts well on the eyes. First, it is an important medicine for those with dry, crusty, gummy matter on the eyelashes along with its sticking during the morning hours.

Crusty eyes in the morning

Crusty eyes in the morning

Second, it works well on inflammation of eyelids. It is well indicated when the eyelashes turn inwards and cause inflammation of the eyes, especially in the region of outer canthus. It also helps in case of itching in the eyes including when there is a foreign body sensation in the eyes. A characteristic feature for its use is at the time of burning in the eyes soon after putting spectacles. Last, it is indicated for entropian (inward turning of eyelid margins) cases.

Key Indicating Features

Dry, crusty, gummy matter on eyelashes along with its sticking in morning

Inward turning of eyelashes causing eye inflammation

4. Female Problems (Vaginal Discharge, Infertility, Heavy Menses)

It is a very suitable medicine to deal with certain female problems. To begin with, it proves to be highly effective to manage vaginal discharge (medically known as leucorrhoea). There is discharge like egg whites with feeling as if warm water is flowing. It may occur specifically two weeks in between the menstrual period. Along with this, swelling of the labia is present. It is a wonderful medicine for treatment of infertility. This medicine is known to favour easy conception in females. Its use is recommended for cases of early and heavy menses. The bleeding is of pale red colour. It is accompanied with pinching and gripping pain in the abdomen extending to lower back and nausea. During periods, throbbing, pulsating pain in the head, buzzing in the ears and tiredness are also felt. Last, it offers relief in itching of vulva.

Key Indicating Features

Vaginal discharge like egg whites with feeling as if warm water is flowing


Early and heavy menses with gripping pain and nausea

5. Breast Complaints (Galactorrhea, Pain)

Borax is also administered to manage some of the breast complaints as well. It is of great use in managing galactorrhea cases. Galactorrhea means milky discharge from nipples not associated with normal milk production for breastfeeding. In cases one needs Borax, there is milky nipple discharge that gets curdled readily. It is next utilised in cases of breast pain in mothers when nursing the child. A unique feature is when pain occurs in the non-feeding breast at the time of breastfeeding a child. After feeding, there is emptiness in breast with stitching pain. It can also be administered for managing ulcers on nipples too.

Key Indicating Features

Galactorrhea with milky nipple discharge that gets curdled readily

Breast pain on opposite side when breastfeeding the child

6. Gastric Issues (Diarrhea, Flatulence)

With its action on gastric system, it can manage diarrhea well. The stool is green and has mucus and there occurs colic (a type of pain) before passing stool and it is accompanied by an offensive smell. It is followed by weakness. During stool, there may occur burning sensation in the rectum. Pinching in abdomen also occurs. Other than this, it is used when there is excessive accumulation of gas in the abdomen. There occurs abdominal distension after eating with pain and loose stool. There is excessive passage of gas.

Key Indicating Features

Diarrhea, when stool is green, offensive with mucus and colic before passing stool

7. Urinary Problems (Frequent And Urgent Urination, Cystitis)

If we talk of urinary problems, this medicine is mainly used to prevent frequent urination at night. The urgency to urinate is felt and person is scarcely able to hold urine. It is also effective for treating cystitis (inflammation of urinary bladder). The urine is warm, has offensive odour accompanied by smarting pain. It is well-indicated for children who screams before urination and are afraid to pass urine due to pain.

Key Indicating Features

Frequent urine at night and urgency to urinate

Warm urine with offensive odor & smarting pain

Screaming of children before urination

8. Skin and hair-related problems (eczema, psoriasis, chilblains and rough frowsy hair)

Lastly, it proves beneficial for various skin concerns and hair-related problems. It offers help in cases of eczema. It is particularly indicated for eczema on fingers and toes with nail damage. It is also indicated for eczema of vulva. It is helpful for psoriasis cases as well. Psoriasis is an auto-immune skin disorder characterized by the presence of inflammatory patches on skin covered with silvery white scales. Apart from these, its use is recommended in case of ulcers on the feet caused by the shoe getting rubbed against the skin of feet.



One may find it useful for chilblains (swollen itchy skin especially on fingers and toes occurring from cold weather and resultant poor blood circulation). For hair related issues, this medicine can be given for managing rough, frowsy hair that split and get tangled easily. The hair tends to stick at the ends that cannot be separated and form bunches. After cutting these bunches, they form back again.

Key Indicating Features

Eczema of fingers, toes attended with nail damage

Ulcers on feet from rubbing of shoes

Chilblains better in open air

Rough, frowsy hair that splits and gets tangled easily

Sticking of hair at the ends that cannot be separated and form bunches


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from downward motion, in warm weather and after menses

Relieving factors: complaints get better in cold weather, in the evenings, and by applying pressure.


As per the case presentation it can be used from low to high potency. It can be repeated often in low potency but in high potency frequent repetition is usually not recommended.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Chamomilla and Coffea Cruda

Followed well by: Arsenic Album, Bryonia, Calcarea Carb, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus and Silicea


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Homeopathic Treatment for Trigger Finger

What is Trigger Finger?

Trigger finger, also known as stenosing tenosynovitis, is a condition affecting the tendons of the hand. It is a painful condition in which the fingers or thumb get locked in a bending position. There is difficulty in straightening the affected finger. Clicking or popping sound is heard on straightening the finger. Trigger finger can appear in one finger or may involve many fingers at a time.

Though commonly affecting the right hand, it can affect both hands as well. Trigger finger makes a person anxious and frustrated since it interferes with daily life and work. It affects the efficiency of a person adversely, especially while performing tasks to be done with the hands.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic treatment for trigger finger is very effective. With the use of homeopathic medicines, the intensity of symptoms like pain, stiffness, and frequency of episodes gradually declines.

To treat any case of trigger finger, case details of characteristic symptoms of the person are required to find the underlying cause. The symptoms are important for the selection of the most suitable medicine for the patient. Homeopathic medicines treat trigger finger by correcting the underlying cause –inflamed, thick tendon sheath in most cases. Homeopathic treatment for trigger finger is natural, safe, and has no side effects. These are recommended for mild to moderate cases of trigger finger. In severe and advanced cases with fixed locking of finger, homeopathy is not helpful and conventional treatment is recommended.

Homeopathic Medicines For Trigger Finger

The top homeopathic medicines for trigger finger are Rhus Tox, Ruta Graveolens, Arnica Montana, Causticum, Merc Sol, and Sulphur.

1. Rhus Tox – Top Grade Medicine

Rhus Tox is a highly recommended medicine for cases of trigger finger. It has magnificent action on tendon and its sheath. Any complaint that arises from overuse or overstraining of tendons can be addressed wonderfully with this medicine. Here overuse or overstraining of tendons of fingers is the root cause behind trigger finger for which Rhus Tox is the leading medicine. In case joint inflammation is associated with trigger finger, there too Rhus Tox is effective. It is helpful in cases of trigger finger where there is noticeable rigidity and stiffness in the fingers during initial movement especially in the morning. Patients needing this homeopathic medicine get relief by moving their fingers and hands continuously. The problem may aggravate by resting the hand.

When and How to use Rhus Tox?

Rhus Tox can be used as a first line of treatment in cases of trigger finger where stiffness is marked in fingers. It will reduce inflammation of tendon, its sheath and reduce stiffness of fingers. It can be used in different potencies from low (30C) to high (200C, 1M) potencies. Initially, Rhus Tox 30C is the most preferred potency that can be taken three to four times a day at a three-hour interval. High potencies are usually not repeated too often and homeopathic physician’s advice is a must.

2. Ruta Graveolens – For Overstrained, Inflamed Tendons And Nodes On Tendons


Ruta is a natural medicine prepared from ‘garden rue plant’. It is very effective in treating trigger finger caused by overstrained or inflamed tendons of the hands. Additionally, nodes get formed on the tendons. The fingers get contracted. Tearing or drawing pain is felt in the fingers and hands.

When and How to use Ruta Graveolans?

Ruta can be used in case of pain in fingers and hands where tendons are inflamed along with node formation from over-straining. Though it can be used in varying potencies, the most frequently used potency is 30C which can be taken two to three times a day.

3. Arnica – For Complaint From Overstraining Or Overexertion Of Hands

Arnica is similar in action to the above two medicines. It is well-indicated when trigger finger develops due to over-straining or overexertion of the hands. The patient needing it has soreness and pain in the fingers that gets worse with the slightest touch.

When and How to use Arnica?

When this condition arises from overstraining of hands along with pain and soreness of hands, Arnica can be used. It gives excellent results in 30C potency. Arnica 30C can be taken two to three times a day as per severity of pain.

4. Causticum – For Stiff Fingers With Difficulty In Moving Them

Causticum is a very useful medicine for cases having marked stiffness of fingers. The fingers get bent over the palmar side with difficulty in moving them. These can only be moved with the help of the other hand. Tendons of fingers get contracted and hardened from long-term inflammation.

When and How to use Causticum?

Consider this medicine’s use when fingers are stiff and bent from contracted and hard tendons. 30C is the right potency to use in beginning. Causticum 30C can be taken once or twice a day as per the intensity of complaint.

5. Merc Sol – When There Is Locking Of Fingers / Thumb

Merc Sol is valuable for cases of trigger finger where there is locking of fingers or thumb. The fingers/thumb may be completely bent on the palms. There is excessive struggle to open the locked fingers without assistance from the other hand. Besides, there is stiffness in hands while using them. On moving the hands, fingers make a cracking sound.

When and How to use Merc Sol?

Merc Sol can be used when there is the tendency of fingers or thumb to be completely bent on the palm and get locked there. This medicine will gradually help to reduce frequency and intensity of such episodes though it may not help much in unlocking if the fingers are acutely bent. It can be taken in 30C potency twice a day for good results.

6. Sulphur – For Locked Fingers When Grasping Something

Sulphur can be considered in cases where the fingers lock when the person tries to grasp something. There may also be nodules on the fingers and cracking of finger joints in such cases. A tearing pain may be felt in the hands. Burning sensation in palms may attend.

When and How to use Sulphur?

When there is tendency to get locked fingers on grasping some object, Sulphur can be considered. Sulphur 30C once a day can be taken to reduce such tendency. In case no changes occur, higher potencies can be used after consulting a homeopath.

What Are The Causes Of Trigger Finger?

Trigger finger is caused by irritation, inflammation, scarring and thickening of tendon sheath of the fingers and thumb. Tendons are the strong tissue bands that link muscles to the bones. There is a covering on the tendon called the sheath. In normal conditions, there is smooth movement of the tendon within the sheath while bending and straightening the thumb and fingers. In cases of trigger finger, the space between the tendons and its sheaths becomes narrow due to inflammation or thickening of tendons or sheath of the affected fingers or thumb. This narrowing leads to pain and restricts the movement of fingers.

What Are The Risk Factors For Trigger Finger?

1. Overuse of hands with frequent and repetitive movement of hands and fingers puts a person at risk of getting trigger finger. Individuals who carry out regular or continuous straining movements, like gripping something for a prolonged time are prone to getting trigger finger. Persons in certain occupations or activities in which there is a constant straining of the fingers and hands tend to suffer from trigger finger. Musicians, farmers, and laborers are at high risk of developing trigger finger.

2. Apart from overuse, medical conditions like diabetes mellitus, rheumatoid arthritis (an autoimmune condition that causes inflammation of joints) and gout (inflamed joints from high uric acid levels) also make a person prone to trigger finger.

3. Age: Persons between 40-60 yrs of age at risk

4. Sex: Females are more likely to suffer from trigger finger than males

5. Surgery of carpal tunnel syndrome (numbness and tingling in fingers from pressure on median nerve)

What Are The Symptoms Of Trigger Finger?

Trigger finger can affect any finger or thumb, and either hand can be affected. It can affect multiple fingers at the same time.

1. Mild stiffness or tenderness at the base of the thumb or affected fingers. It is the initial symptom. The stiffness is more in the morning or when the person initiates movement. In some cases, the patient may get relief by continuous movement of the fingers.

2. Pain at the base of the affected finger/ thumb. It is felt on movement or applying pressure. With the progression of the condition, pain may be felt even when the hand is at rest.

3. Affected fingers get locked on bending as the disease progresses and the person finds it difficult to straighten locked fingers.

4. Popping or clicking sound on moving or straightening the affected finger.

5. Locking of finger in the bent position which the person may have to unlock with the help of the other hand in advanced cases. At times there is inability to straighten the finger.

6. Formation of nodosities at the base of the affected fingers in palms.

Grading of Trigger Finger

Grade 1: Only pain and tenderness in palm or fingers; there may be a history of bent finger

Grade 2: There is catching (bending) of finger but can be actively extended

Grade 3: Unlocking of finger requiring passive extension (using the other hand to unlock)

Grade 4: Fixed locking of finger


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Natrum Phos: Homeopathic Medicine —Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Natrum Phos is derived from sodium phosphate which is inert in its crude state. When it undergoes potentization (process of preparation of homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it becomes a very valuable homeopathic remedy Natrum Phos. It is one amongst the 12 biochemic medicines in homeopathy also known as Schuessler’s twelve tissue remedies. It is a leading homeopathic remedy to treat acidity, indigestion and heartburn.

The ‘Natrum Phos’ Constitution

Natrum Phos suits people prone to frequent acidity and indigestion.

Drug Action

This medicine acts wonderfully on the gastric system and has great affinity in treating certain gastric issues. Next its action is seen on eyes, mouth, throat, limbs and skin. Besides, it also acts well on the male and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Acidity, dyspepsia, heartburn, belching, indigestion, colic, peptic ulcer, diarrhea, vomiting, flatulence, jaundice, joint pains, gout, hives, leucorrhoea, infertility, morning sickness, post nasal drip, worms, conjunctivitis.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

 1. Gastric Complaints (Acidity, Acid Reflux, Indigestion, Heartburn, Ulcers, Worms, Jaundice)

The supreme action of this medicine is seen on the gastric system. To begin with, it is one of the leading medicines in homeopathy to bring relief in acidity, dyspepsia (also known as indigestion in which there occur discomfort in upper abdomen with gastric symptoms such as burning in stomach, gas, bloating, nausea vomiting) and acid reflux (back-flow of stomach acid in the food pipe due to improper functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter). Here, firstly it can be given to relieve heartburn (a burning sensation felt in the center of the chest behind the breastbone). Next, it can manage complaints of sour belching and sour vomiting. Natrum Phos is very suitable to treat cases of peptic ulcers. Peptic ulcers refer to open sores in the lining of the stomach or upper part of the small intestine. It can be given to manage fullness in the abdomen arising from even little eating and also noisy flatus (escape of gas from anus). Another indication for using it is diarrhea (loose stool) when stool is green. Its use is highly recommended for getting rid of worms, especially round worms or thread worms. Anal itching is well marked if one is infested with worms which gets worse at night. It is suitable for children if they have stomach pain along with green stool having sour smell, and curdled vomiting. Apart from the above, it is prominently indicated for jaundice (yellow discoloration of skin and white of eye due to increased bilirubin levels in blood).

Key Indicating Features

Acidity, acid reflux (back flow of stomach acid in food pipe)

Indigestion or dyspepsia

Heartburn (burning in the center of chest behind the breastbone)

Sour belching and sour vomiting

Worms with marked anal itching

2. Eyes (Conjunctivitis)

Natrum Phos relieves conjunctivitis (inflammation of conjunctiva which is the membrane lining the eyeball and eyelid). It helps when the eye discharge is particularly golden–yellow and creamy. Eyelids tend to stick to each other when you wake up in the morning. Next, it can be given to manage burning sensation and stitching cutting pain in the eyes. One feels sensation of a sand particle stuck in the eyes. It can be used for itching, burning and soreness of the eyelids. Lastly, it is indicated for red eyes along with burning eye watering.

Key Indicating Feature

Conjunctivitis when eye discharge is golden – yellow, creamy

3. Mouth (Coated Tongue, Blisters, Ulcers)

It acts well on the mouth to help cases of coated tongue, blisters and ulcers. For coated tongue, the main indication is yellow-colored creamy coating specifically at the base of the tongue and roof of the mouth. Natrum Phos is also indicated for blisters developing on the tip of the tongue. Natrum Phos is recommended for ulcers that peculiarly get worse from acid foods and appear on the lips or inside the cheeks. It is also suggested for gumboils, a localised pus collection in soft tissue of gums. Another characteristic feature indicating its use is a sensation of hair on tongue. It also helps to manage teeth grinding in children.

Key Indicating Features

Yellow creamy coating specifically at the base of tongue and roof of mouth

Ulcers on lips or inside of cheeks that gets worse from acid foods

Sensation of hair on tongue

4. Throat (Sore Throat, Post Nasal Drip)

Natrum Phos gives great results in cases of sore throat when there is specific yellow creamy mucus coating on the throat and tonsils. One feels a lump-in-throat sensation. A pricking sensation as from pins may be felt in the right side of the throat. There is difficulty in swallowing. Other than this, it is an important medicine to relieve post nasal drip (dropping of mucus from back of the nose into the throat).  Here it works wonders when there is dropping of thick yellow mucus from the posterior nares of the throat. This complaint gets worse at night forcing the person to get up and clear his throat.

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat with specific yellow creamy mucus coating on throat and tonsils

Post-nasal drip when there is dropping of thick yellow mucus from posterior nares in the throat

5. Limbs (Joint Pain, Cramps, Numbness)

It is highly valuable in treat complaints including joint pain, cramps and numbness in arms and hands. It is well indicated when there is pain in wrist, shoulder and finger joints. Pain occurs especially in the right shoulder joint or wrist and pain from the wrist extends to the palm. It is also indicated to manage stitching type of pain in the knee mostly in the left one. The tendons of the knee feel as if shortened. Natrum Phos is also given for cases of gout (red, swollen, hot, inflamed joints from increased uric acid levels). It is suitable for cramps in hands felt while writing. There may also occur trembling of hands.  Besides, it is a significant medicine for managing numbness in arms, hands and fingers mainly on the right side.

Key Indicating Features

Joint pain mainly in wrist, finger, shoulder

Cramps in hands when writing

6. Skin Issues (Hives, Eczema, Itching)

This medicine deals with skin issues effectively. First among these is hives (itchy, raised bumps medically called wheals that appear on skin mainly from an allergic reaction). People needing it have itching on the entire body, like insect bites, that peculiarly gets worse from acidic food. Second is eczema when there is creamy, honey colored discharge from eruptions. Lastly, it is very helpful in relieving itching on ankles.

Key Indicating Features

Hives with itching on entire body like insect bites

Eczema with creamy, honey-colored discharge from eruptions

Itching on ankles

7. Male Problems (Involuntary Seminal Emissions, Itching, Burning)

This medicine can manage some male problems too. It is mainly given to manage involuntary seminal emissions at night with weakness in the back and trembling of limbs. The semen is thin and watery. It can also bring relief in itching of scrotum and prepuce. Males may also find it useful to manage complaints of itching and burning at urinary meatus felt after coition.

Key Indicating Features

Involuntary seminal emission at night with weakness in back and trembling of limbs

Itching and burning at urinary meatus after coition

8. Female Problems (Vaginal Discharge, Infertility, Morning Sickness)

It can prove beneficial to females having complaint of creamy or honey-colored vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). The discharge is watery with sour smell. It is a leading medicine to manage infertility in women having acidic vaginal discharge. It is next indicated to manage morning sickness (nausea and vomiting that occurs during pregnancy) with vomiting of sour fluid.

Key Indicating Features

Watery, creamy or honey-colored vaginal discharge

Infertility in women having acidic vaginal discharge


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from fatty food, acids, citrus food, from milk, sugar and also mental exertion

Relieving factors: Complaints get relieved from cold


This medicine can be used from 3X – 12X potency. The most commonly recommended potency is 6X potency. This medicine can be repeated three to four times a day depending on the case presentation.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Sepia specifically eruptions and swelling of joints; Apis to relieve hives

It can be compared with remedies Carbo Veg, Nux Vomica, Robinia, Kali Carb and Carbolic Acid


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Alumen Crudum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Alumen Crudum is derived from Potash alum. In the crude form, potash alum is inert. When its pure crystals undergo potentization process, its latent medicinal properties get aroused and get converted into a wonderful homeopathic medicine Alumen Crudum.  It is a very effective medicine for treating various rectal complaints among which constipation tops the list. Even the worst type of constipation cases with hard, dry stool are known to respond well to this remedy.

Potash alum

Potash alum

The ‘Alumen Crudum’ Constitution

It is mostly recommended for elderly persons and children having tendency of mucus build-up in the bronchi/ bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs. Elderly people complaining of complaints related to urinary bladder may find this medicine highly suitable.

Drug Action

Alumen Crudum shows marvellous action on rectum and intestines primarily to treat constipation. Next it acts well on the tissues and glands that have been hardened. Besides these, its action is marked on gastric system, skin, throat, mouth, lungs and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Constipation, ulcers, piles, hemorrhages (bleeding), cancer, nausea, vomiting, colic, chilblains, eczema, throat disorders, hardened glands, bronchitis, cough, vaginismus, leucorrhoea, gonorrhoea.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Rectal Complaints (Constipation, Rectal Ulcers, Piles, Bleeding And Cancer) 

Alumen Crudum acts magnificently on the rectum to settle down various complaints. Its most important indication for use is constipation. It is majorly indicated when the stool is very hard and dry that may be described as hard as stones. This characteristic symptom forms the main indication for using this remedy. The stool is passed with great difficulty with slight blood. It may pass as a large hard lump or in little pieces resembling sheep’s dung. Sometimes the first part of stool is hard followed by soft stool. Even after passing stool, a fullness sensation in the rectum is still felt. Pain and smarting (burning) sensation may occur after passing stool. Itching at the anus after passing stool is the next attending symptom. The persons needing it have no desire to pass stool for days together. It proves very effective if there are ulcers in the rectum. In such cases, its use is considered when there is passage of blood-stained, foul-smelling fluid from the rectum. Another complaint where it is utilized is piles that are painful and bleed too. Further, Alumen Crudum is valuable for managing itching at the anus in the evening. It is also recommended for treating diarrhea when stool is yellow, slimy, mixed with blood of foul odor accompanied by excessive weakness. It can be given for managing cases of intestinal bleeding as in case of typhoid fever when there is passage of blood in large quantity. If bleeding from anus occurs specifically after taking wine or whiskey, then Alumen can prove to be very beneficial. Besides,  it plays a role to manage cases of cancer of rectum when there are hard growths in the rectum with intense pain after stool.

Key Indicating Features

Constipation with very dry, hard stool like stones

Rectal ulcers with passage of bloody fluid from rectum having fetid smell

Painful and bleeding piles

Bleeding from anus specifically after taking wine or whiskey

2. Gastric Issues (Pain, Burning, Nausea, Vomiting)

Alumen can effectively deal with gastric issues. Firstly, it is useful for treating abdomen pain accompanied with heaviness and fullness in abdomen. The pain increases from walking, and gets relieved by applying pressure. This medicine also offers relief if there is burning sensation in stomach relieved by drinking cold water. It helps treat nausea and vomiting cases. Nausea mainly occurs in the morning before breakfast, along with weakness and  restlessness. There is vomiting that is of tough glairy mucus. Person may also vomit everything eaten.

Key indicating features

Abdomen pain which gets worse by walking and better by applying pressure

Stomach burning relieved by drinking cold water

Nausea in the morning before breakfast

Vomiting of tough glairy mucus or of everything eaten

3. Skin Issues (Ulcers, Dryness, Chilblains, Varicose Veins & Eczema)

It acts wonderfully on the skin. The most characteristic feature regarding its use is ulcers with a hard base. It can be used for skin hardening as well when it has resulted from long-term inflammation. For inflamed and hardened glands too it can be administered. Another use of it is for dry, rough skin with cracks from exposure to cold air. It can also be used for chilblains (red, swollen, itchy skin especially on toes and fingers due to cold weather and poor blood circulation), varicose veins (means enlarged, swollen, dilated and twisted veins) that bleed, and eczema of scrotum.

Key Indicating Features

Skin ulcers with a hard base

Hard skin from chronic inflammation

Hard, inflamed glands

Dry, rough, cracked skin due to cold air exposure

4. Throat Complaints (Sore Throat, Hard Tonsils)

It wonderfully helps manage sore throat. The symptoms for its use in case of a bad throat are redness, swelling and dryness in the throat. Swallowing is difficult. Scraping sensation in throat with cough is present. Sometimes there is a prickling sensation in the throat, accompanied by burning sensation and pain. It is also used when uvula is inflamed, enlarged, elongated, and relaxed. Another important reason for its use is if there are enlarged and hard tonsils due to frequent cold. Besides, a noteworthy feature guiding its use is spasm (involuntary muscle contraction) of esophagus with problem in swallowing liquids.

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat with redness, swelling and dryness, burning, scraping sensation in throat

Inflamed, enlarged, elongated, relaxed uvula

Enlarged and hard tonsils due to frequent cold

Spasm of esophagus with problem in swallowing liquids

5. Mouth (Dryness, Altered Taste)

It manages the complaint of dryness of the mouth, throat and tongue quite well, however, the person may not necessarily feel thirsty. It also helps in managing cases of bitter, sweet or sour taste in the mouth. It gives good results when there is a burning sensation on the tongue in the evening hours. Tongue is clean with a little slimy coating at the back part. It is also used in managing cases of cancer of tongue.

Key Indicating Features

Dryness of mouth, throat and tongue with no thirst

Burning sensation on the tongue in evenings

6. Lungs (Bronchitis, Cough)

This medicine is suitable for bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) cases with ropy sputum. It is helpful to elderly persons who expectorate excessive ropy phlegm in morning. Cough in elderly during the morning hours can also be treated well with it. Its use is also done for dry cough cases when it occurs in the evenings after lying down. Cough may be a result of tickling in the larynx. Its use is also recommended in case of coughing in the morning soon after waking up which becomes better after breakfast.

Key Indicating Features

Expectoration of ropy mucus in elderly in morning

Dry cough in the evening after lying down

Cough from tickling in larynx

Cough in the morning soon after waking, but relieved after breakfast

7. Women-Related Problems (Ovarian Complaints, Vaginal Complaints, Gonorrhoea)

This medicine can be used in treating some of the women-related problems. It is given in cases of ovarian complaints on left side with excessive pain accompanied with constipation. There is scanty and watery menses. It is valuable for treating vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea) that is yellow coloured attended with weight loss. It can treat certain vaginal problems wonderfully. These includes ulcers in vagina, sensitive vagina, narrowing of vagina due to swelling. Next is vaginismus (involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles when anything is trying to enter it) complaint. It gives good results in gonorrhoea (sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae) cases with yellow discharge. It is well suited to treat sore, inflamed nipples. Lastly, it can be used for management of uterine cancer and breast cancer.

Key Indicating Features

Left ovary complaints with excessive pain and constipation

Vaginal discharge of yellow colour attended with weight loss

Vaginal ulcers, vaginal swelling causing its narrowing

Gonorrhoea with yellow discharge

Sore, inflamed nipples


Worsening factors: complaints get worse during sleep and from cold except headache


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. The highest potencies have proved to be the most effective. The dose and repetition of this medicine is decided by the physician as per every individual case presentation.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Chamomilla, Ipecac, Nux Vomica and Sulphur

It can be compared with other homeopathic remedies including Alumina, Aloe Socotrina, Nitric Acid, Muriatic Acid, Nux Vomica, Opium, Ratanhia and Sulphur


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Arsenicum Iodatum: homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Arsenicum Iodatum is derived from iodide of arsenic. To prepare this medicine, iodide of arsenic undergoes potentization . It is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines by arousing the medicinal properties of a crude substance. This process converts the iodide of arsenic into a very important homeopathic medicine Arsenicum Iodatum. This medicine is highly recommended to treat cases of nasal allergy (allergic rhinitis) and psoriasis (skin condition with inflammatory patches covered with silvery-white scales).

The ‘Arsenicum Iodatum’ Constitution

This medicine is mainly recommended for those having allergies mainly allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and asthma.

Drug Action

Among the various organs, Arsenic Iodatum acts best on the nose. Its action on the nasal membranes helps manage the thin, burning, and excoriating nasal discharge. Another important action of this medicine is seen on the skin where it is of great help to manage skin inflammation and scaly eruptions. It also acts well on the lungs, throat, gastric system and breast.

Clinical Indications

Hay fever, cold, sneezing, psoriasis, ichthyosis, eczema, lichen planus, pimples, tuberculosis, pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, cough, pharyngitis, goiter, diarrhea, leucorrhoea, breast tumor.

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nasal Complaints (Hay Fever, Runny Nose, Cold, Sneezing)

This medicine acts on the nose to manage different issues. It is one of the major homeopathic medicines for managing cases of hay fever (also known as allergic rhinitis). Hay fever refers to an allergic condition arising from an allergic response to allergens such as dust mites and pollen resulting in symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, stuffy nose and itchy, watery and red eyes. The characteristic feature for using it in hay fever is thin watery irritating, burning nasal discharge that reddens the upper lip. The nasal membrane is sore. Those in need of it also report excessive sneezing. There is irritation or tingling in the nose with urge for constant sneezing. It’s also used in cases of long-term cold when the nasal discharge is thick, yellow and profuse. This may be sticky gluey like honey as well. There may occur post-nasal drip (dripping of mucus from back of the nose down in the throat). Burning sensation in the eyes may be present along with the above-mentioned symptoms.

 Key Indicating Features

Hay fever with thin watery irritating, burning nasal discharge causing redness of the upper lip.

Constant sneezing from irritation or tingling in the nose.

Cold with thick, yellow and profuse nasal discharge.

Burning sensation in the eyes.

2. Skin Problems (Psoriasis, Ichthyosis, Eczema, Pimples, Itching)

It addresses various skin-related issues effectively. To begin with, it has shown great clinical results in treating issues pertaining to dry scaly skin conditions. First among these is psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disorder in which one can see inflammatory patches on the skin covered with itchy, silvery-white scales. The main indication to use this medicine in psoriasis is dry, itchy and scaly skin when large scales fall off from the affected spots on the skin. It leaves raw surface underneath. Secondly, scaly skin condition where Arsenicum Iodatum seems to work well is ichthyosis. Ichthyosis also known as fish scale disease is an inherited skin condition characterized by rough, dry, scaly skin from the accumulation of dead skin cells on the skin surface in the form of thick dry scales. Other than scaly skin conditions, its role to manage eczema is noteworthy. Its use is recommended specifically for eczema under the beard. Those who need it may have watery oozing under the beard. It is accompanied by itching. Upon washing, the complaint of eczema under the beard gets worse. It also proves effective in cases of acne (pimples).

Here it works well when pimples are hard at the base with pus at the top. It can offer relief from itching on various body parts especially the back. Another important skin complaint where it proves beneficial is lichen planus (an inflammatory skin condition of auto-immune origin characterized by small flat-topped purple-coloured bumps on the skin). It is of great service to manage cases of venereal bubo (enlarged, swollen, tender lymph nodes in the groin area in case of sexually transmitted infections).

Key Indicating Features

Psoriasis with falling of large scales from skin


lichen planus

2. Lungs Issues (Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Asthma, Bronchitis And Cough)

This medicine acts well on the lungs. Here it is used for managing tuberculosis, pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis and cough. It is prominently used for the management of pulmonary tuberculosis (it refers to bacterial infection caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis) means tuberculosis of the lungs. It gives supportive help to manage symptoms along with the conventional mode of treatment in these cases. It is very effective in the initial stages of tuberculosis. In these cases, its use is suggested when there is hoarse coughing and excessive expectoration of pus, profuse night sweats, weakness and weight loss. Next it is helpful in the cases of pneumonia. Pneumonia refers to infection that inflames air sacs of the lungs. In pneumonia, it is administered when there is expectoration of mucus and pus, difficulty in breathing and sweating at night. In asthma, it is useful when there is wheezing while lying down. It is also used in cases of bronchitis (inflammation of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from lungs). For cough, it works equally well for dry as well as wet cough. Coughing increases during night hours. It also worsens from exertion. When cough is wet, phlegm of mucus and pus is expectorated. In some cases, expectoration is yellow-green colored having foul odor.

Key Indicating Features

Management of tuberculosis of lungs with hoarse coughing, excessive pus expectoration, profuse night sweats, weakness and weight loss

Pneumonia with expectoration of mucus and pus, difficulty in breathing and sweating at night

Asthma with wheezing on lying down

Cough at night and from exertion

4. Throat (Inflamed Tonsils, Pharyngitis, Goiter)

Vis-a-vis throat, this medicine acts well in cases of inflamed, swollen, enlarged tonsils. It is also given in cases of follicular pharyngitis. People who need it have rawness and burning pain in the throat. In some cases, throat is dry. Sometimes there is hawking of thick mucus and clotted blood from the throat. Voice hoarseness may also be present. Lastly, it is indicated for goiter (swelling in front of the neck from enlarged thyroid gland) cases.

Key Indicating Features

Rawness and burning pain in throat

Hawking of thick mucus and clotted blood from throat

5. Gastric Problems (Pain, Diarrhoea, Splenomegaly Means Spleen Enlargement)

For gastric troubles, it is mainly administered for managing stomach pain which worsens on getting up from a sitting position and from sitting down also. Pain mainly manifests in the afternoons. There is also heartburn (burning in chest felt behind the breastbone means sternum). Its use is also suggested for abdomen pain which one is relieved after passing stool. The abdomen is hard and distended with gas. Excessive wind-breaking may happen. Its use is also recommended for diarrhea with copious watery stool. Urge for passing stool occurs in the morning upon beginning to move about. Diarrhea does not occur at night. Lastly, it can be given in cases with long-term enlargement of spleen.

Key Indicating Features

Stomach pain worse on rising from sitting

Abdomen pain relieved after stool

Enlargement of spleen

6. Women-related problems (Vaginal Discharges, Breast Lumps)

Women may find this medicine useful to manage vaginal discharge. It is used when the vaginal discharge is yellow, blood-stained, irritating and foul-smelling. With this, there is swelling of the labia. Next, it also acts well on the breast and proves effective to treat cases of lumps in the breast. The lumps are painful and sensitive to touch, nipples are retracted. This medicine can also be recommended for the management of cancer of the breast after ulceration has started.

Key Indicating Features

Vaginal discharge that is yellow, blood-stained, irritating having foul odor with swelling of the labia

Lumps in breast that are painful and sensitive to touch


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in dry, cold weather, windy, foggy weather, in room and from exertion

Relieving factors: Complaints get better after meal and also in open air


Its use can be in both low as well high potencies. In low potency, one may repeat it often but in high potency frequent repetition is not advisable.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arsenic Album and Bryonia

It can be compared to homeopathic medicines Allium Cepa, Arsenic Album, Tuberculinum and Sanguinaria Nitricum


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Cuprum Metallicum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The homeopathic remedy Cuprum Metallicum is derived from metal copper. Copper is inert in its crude form, but after undergoing potentization (a process of preparing homeopathic medicines by arousing the medicinal properties of a crude substance), it gets converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Cuprum Metallicum. It is a magnificent medicine in homeopathy to treat muscle cramps, spasms, twitching and epilepsy.

Drug Action

This medicine has marked action on nerves, muscles and brain. Its action is noteworthy on the limbs to manage cramps and twitching. It has an affinity for managing certain complaints of face, head, gastric system and respiratory system.

Clinical Indications

Cramps, epilepsy, convulsions, spasms, chorea, bronchitis, asthma, cough, meningitis, colic, cholera, neuralgia (nerve pain)

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Limbs (Cramps, Chorea, Twitching, Weakness)

Cuprum Metallicum acts wonderfully on the limbs. It is highly effective in managing cramps, twitching and weakness in the limbs. It is mainly useful to manage cramps in the palms, soles, toes, fingers and calf muscles (muscles in the back of the leg). The cramps are of severe intensity that can even make a person cry in pain. It is helpful for managing twitching and jerking of the hands, arms, legs and feet. It is one of the best medicines for chorea management.

Chorea is a movement disorder causing involuntary jerking muscle movements.

Chorea is a movement disorder causing involuntary jerking muscle movements.

In chorea, its use is considered when jerks start in the fingers and the toes and then spread to the whole body. It affects one side of the body and is painful, but gets better on lying down. Lastly, it is beneficial to tackle weakness in the limbs, especially legs. The knees also feel weak with drawing pain on walking and standing.

Key Indicating Features

Cramps in the palms, soles, toes, fingers and calf muscles

Twitching and jerking of hands, arms, legs and feet

2. For Convulsions And Epilepsy

Cuprum Met is a very effective medicine in managing convulsions and epilepsy (tendency to have recurrent seizures or fits). Convulsions also known as seizures refer to uncontrollable shaking from rapid and repeated contraction and relaxation of muscles. The characteristic feature to use it is convulsions arising in the knees, toes or fingers and radiating to the entire body. The face becomes distorted with rolling of eyes. The person may become unconscious with foaming from the mouth. Urine or stool may pass involuntarily. After seizure attack, headache occurs. It is well-indicated for convulsions in children during dentition. When epilepsy occur during menses, at night, after fright or after a fall on the head, Cuprum Met proves very beneficial.

Key Indicating Features

Convulsions that begin in knees, toes or fingers and radiates to the entire body

Convulsions with distorted face, rolling of eyes, unconsciousness, foaming and falling

Epilepsy at night

Epilepsy during menses, after fright and a fall on the head

Convulsions during dentition

3. Face (Spasm)

It acts magnificently on the face to manage facial spasm (involuntary muscle contraction). It is prominently indicated for cases of spasm in which there is chewing motion of the lower jaw. It can also be given when face appears distorted from spasm. The face is red, sunken, pinched and may be icy cold. Its last indication is chorea with distortion of the mouth and eyes.

Key Indicating Features

Spasm of jaw with chewing motion of the lower jaw

Distorted face from spasms

Chorea with distortion of mouth and eyes

4. Head And Brain (Headache, Meningitis, Hydrocephalus)

Cuprum Met can effectively deal with certain issues related to head and brain. Firstly, it can offer help in relieving headache. It helps when burning, shooting type of pain occurs in the side of forehead and top of the head (vertex).  It also proves beneficial when pain is felt in the back of the head (occiput) and the neck on moving the head. It is also effective for managing sinus headache. Here it is used when there is pain in the forehead and pressure especially over left eye, nasal stuffiness, nasal discharge, and loss of smell. The pain gets worse from movement and better by lying down. It is of great value to manage headache that occurs after epilepsy. Another complaint for which its use is recommended is meningitis (inflammation of the protective membranes that cover the brain and spinal cord). In meningitis, it is recommended when the person violently shakes his head from side to side along with boring head in the pillow. Lastly, it can offer supportive help in hydrocephalus (abnormal fluid build-up in the ventricles of brain). It is prescribed in hydrocephalus when there are head convulsions, moving of head from side to side or drawing of head to one side or its falling forward.

Key Indicating Features

Burning, shooting pain in the side of forehead and top of the head

Pain in back of head (occiput) and neck on moving head

Sinus headache with pain in the forehead over left eye with pressure feeling, stuffy nose, nasal discharge and loss of smell

Meningitis with shaking of head from side to side or boring head in the pillow

Hydrocephalus with head convulsions, movement of head from side to side or drawing of head to one side or head falling forward

5. Gastric Issues (Pain, Vomiting, Cholera)

Cuprum Met manifests excellent action on the gastric system. The most important indications for its use are pain in the abdomen and cholera (infection of intestine caused by bacteria vibrio cholerae). It works well in cases of cutting, drawing pain in the abdomen. Abdomen is hot, tense and tender to touch. Pressure is felt in the stomach with nausea, belching and rumbling in abdomen. It gets better by wrapping a cloth tightly around the abdomen. In cholera cases, it is suitable when there is copious loose stool, frequent vomiting and is attended with cramps in the abdomen and calf muscles.  Cuprum Met is also prescribed to manage vomiting which also gets better from cold drinks. Vomiting occurs on waking in the morning and also on least movement.

Key Indicating Features

Cutting, drawing pain in abdomen

Pressure in the stomach with nausea, belching

Cholera with copious loose stool, frequent vomiting, cramps in the abdomen and calf muscles

Vomiting on waking in morning and from least movement

Vomiting which gets better from cold drinks

6. Respiratory System (Cough, Asthma)

Lastly it can handle respiratory problems including cough and asthma as well. To begin with it is of great service to manage dry suffocative cough at night. Cough has a gurgling sound as if water is being poured from a bottle. A very peculiar symptom is cough occurring in three attacks in quick succession. Another indicative feature is worsening of cough from laughing, inhaling cold air and eating solid food. It gets better by drinking cold water. Apart from cough, it is a well-indicated medicine for asthma cases. The asthma attacks come suddenly with breathing difficulty, cough with whistling breathing on taking deep breath and wheezing respiration.

Key Indicating Features

Dry suffocative cough at night time

Cough with a gurgling sound as if water is poured from a bottle

Cough occurring in three attacks in quick succession

Cough from laughing, inhaling cold air and eating solid food

Cough better by drinking cold water

Sudden asthma attacks with breathing difficulty, cough with whistling breathing on taking deep breath and wheezing respiration


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from loss of sleep, anger, fright, touch, pressure, cold air and before menses

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by drinking cold water, wrapping head and during sweating


It works well in both low and high potencies. The potency is selected individually for every case. In low potency like 30 C, it can be repeated frequently. But when using in high potencies like 200 C, 1M, frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Belladonna, Camphor, Cicuta, Conium, Ipecac, Merc Sol, Pulsatilla and Veratrum Album

Followed well by: Arsenic Album, Apis Mellifica, Causticum, Cicuta, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, Veratrum Album and Zincum Met


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top Homeopathic Remedies For Treating Throat Ulcers And Its Causes

Top Homeopathic Remedies For Treating Throat Ulcers And Causes

Throat ulcers refer to the formation of open sores in the throat, food pipe (esophagus) or voice box (larynx). Besides being painful, it can lead to difficulty in eating and talking. Ulcers in the throat can affect any age group, including children.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers an effective management of throat ulcers. These medicines help in preventing further worsening of the condition and healing of the ulcers in a gradual manner along with symptom management.  The reasons behind it may vary so it is advised to start any homeopathic medicine under the supervision of a homeopathic physician who can prescribe medicines after detailed case evaluation. Homeopathy is recommended only when symptoms are mild to moderate and no serious cause is linked with it. In case symptoms are serious, like high fever, choking, difficulty in breathing, fast heart rate, blue lips, confusion , loss of conciousness,  vomiting of blood or chest pain, it is advised to take urgent help from conventional  mode of treatment. Also, if cancer is diagnosed, one must take immediate medical aid from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Medicines For Throat Ulcers  

1. Merc Sol – Top Grade Medicine

Merc Sol is a very effective medicine for treating of throat ulcers. The primary indications are redness in the throat, the throat feels sore. A burning or tickling sensation is also felt in the throat. There may occur stitching pain in the throat on swallowing food. The stitching pain can extend from the throat to the ears. A bad putrid odor from the mouth may accompany above symptoms. There may be dark red tonsils with ulcers, dry throat and a hoarse rough voice.

2. Nitric Acid – For Shooting Pain

This medicine is indicated for throat ulcers with shooting type of pain.  There may also occur sharp, stinging pain. The pain from throat may extend to the ears. The ulcers are red in the centre with bluish margins or there may occur white patches in the throat. Ulcers may appear on the tonsils, they are flat and may be white or grayish in color. The throat is also inflamed. Burning and soreness in the throat attends mostly while drinking liquid.  Dryness in the throat attends along with difficult swallowing when sharp splinter-like pain occurs. A metallic taste in the mouth and bad breath may also be present along with above symptoms.

3. Kali Bichrome – For Ulcers Filled With Cheesy-Looking Matter

Use of this medicine is considered when there are ulcers in the throat that are filled with thick white matter that looks like cheese. This matter has an offensive smell. The ulcers have well-defined borders and elevated edges. The tonsils are inflamed and have small ulcers on it. There is dryness in mouth and throat along with sore throat and tough mucus. The mucus is thick, viscid, stringy that can be drawn out like long threads.

4. Apis Mellifica – For Stinging, Burning In Throat

Apis Mellifica is the next important medicine for throat ulcers. It is indicated when stinging, burning is present in the throat along with ulcers. The throat is swollen, red, and inflamed. Along with hoarse voice, there is pain while swallowing solids and while talking. A feeling of a foreign body being stuck in the throat is also present.

5. Arum Triphyllum – For Ulcers With Fetid Discharge

This medicine is indicated for ulcers with fetid discharge. This is attended with a constant scratching and burning in throat.  Dryness in throat is there. Soreness of throat is marked. Swallowing is difficult with this. A thick mucus is present in throat with tickling cough.

6. Borax – For Ulcers In Fauces  

This medicine is indicated for ulcers in the fauces (the cavity at the back of the mouth which leads into pharynx).  There is tough white mucus in the throat, it can be loosened and expectorated with excessive efforts only. There is roughness and burning in throat with a feeling to scratch it from inside.

7. Hydrastis For Ulcers In Throat With Foul Odour

It is a natural medicine prepared from fresh root of the plant Hydrastis canadensis commonly known as Golden Seal/Orange Root or Yellow Puccoon. This plant belongs to family Ranunculaceae. This medicine is valuable for managing cases having ulcers in throat with foul odor.  An important accompanying symptom is hawking of yellow tenacious mucus from the posterior nares. Pain is felt on swallowing with constant rawness (irritation) in the throat. There is redness, swelling and itching in throat. Other than this, tingling and smarting (burning sensation) is felt in the throat .

8. Lac Can – For Swollen, Dark Red Throat With Small Ulcers

This medicine is valuable for managing cases having swollen, dark red throat with small ulcers. These ulcers are irregularly shaped. There is pain while swallowing and talking, where it is required. There is sore throat that begins with a tickling sensation leading to cough. Swelling and rawness is felt in the throat along with dryness. White ulcers are also present on the tonsils. Pricking and cutting pain may be felt. Along with the above, a lump is felt in the throat that goes down while swallowing and returns.

9. Iodum – For Inflammation And Ulcers In The Esophagus

This medicine works well in cases of inflammation and ulcers in the esophagus. Those who need it have pain in esophagus. They also complain of difficulty in swallowing. Burning and scraping sensation is also felt.

10. Psorinum – For Throat Pain When Swallowing

Psorinum is another medicine in the list for managing throat ulcers. Patients who require this have pain in the throat while swallowing. The pain felt is cutting or tearing in nature. Besides, there is accumulation of mucus in throat. Dryness, scraping sensation, burning and scalding is felt in the throat. Lastly, they complain of sensation of a plug or lump in the throat.

11. Spongia – For Ulcers In Larynx

Spongia is beneficial to manage cases in which ulcers are present in the larynx. Those needing it have cracked, hoarse voice. They have a feeling of plug in larynx. They feel pain in larynx while talking/singing. Other than this, they have burning, roughness, scraping and tickling in larynx. Dry cough is marked with the above mentioned symptoms.

Causes Of Throat Ulcers

It can arise from various causes. Firstly, ulcers found in the throat may be caused by infections. These may be bacterial infections (eg infection by group A beta hemolytic Streptococcus that cause tonsillitis known as strep throat). These may also arise from viral infections, like Epstein Barr Virus infection that mainly causes symptoms including sore throat, swollen glands in neck, weakness, rash, loss of appetite, and weakness in muscles.  Another viral infection linked to it is herpangina (a common childhood infection in which sores appear in the mouth and back of the throat). Other than this, the infection causing it can be fungal (like thrush which is an infection caused by a fungus known as Candida albicans).

Secondly, ulcers may arise after chemotherapy or radiation done for cancer treatment.

Third cause behind the ulcer could be Behcet’s syndrome which is an inflammatory condition in which ulcers appear in the lining of the mouth, genitals and other body parts.

The last probability can be cancer.

Causes For Ulcers In Esophagus (Food Pipe)

Ulcers in the food pipe may firstly arise from consumption of acidic foods, caffeinated drinks and alcohol in large quantity.

Secondly, these may occur in case of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease in which the stomach acid flows back from stomach to the throat due to relaxed lower esophageal sphincter).

It can be caused by various infections like HSV infection (herpes simplex virus infection), candida infection, CMV infection (cytomegalovirus infection), HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus infection).

Another cause is use of certain medicines (like NSAIDs – non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, some antibiotics, etc).

Intake of corrosive substance like ammonia, allergies, excessive vomiting are yet other reasons related to it.

It may also occur from chemotherapy or radiation treatments done for cancer.

Causes For Ulcers In The Vocal Cord

These may arise due to LPR (laryngopharyngeal reflux which is a condition in which stomach acid flows back into the back of throat, larynx).

Ilcers can arise from excessive talking, coughing or overuse of the voice box that irritates vocal cords.

Third reason is recurrent respiratory infections.

Yet another cause can be injury from endotracheal tube which is passed down the throat into the trachea which helps in breathing in some people who are unselfconscious or who are unable to breathe on their own.

Signs And Symptoms Of Ulcers In Throat

The signs and symptoms may include white or red patches in the throat, pain in throat, sore throat, lump-in-throat sensation, difficulty in swallowing, heartburn, mouth sores, pain in the mouth, bad breath, nausea, vomiting, voice changes, cough, throat clearing, choking sensation, chest pain, difficulty in breathing, fever, and lump in the neck.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Top 10 Homeopathic Medicines For Cracked Nipples

Cracked nipples is a complaint that is frequently faced by breastfeeding mothers. However, it may also happen in other women who are not breastfeeding. In the latter,  it may arise due to trauma, some skin conditions (like eczema, psoriasis), or infection affecting nipples. Cracked nipples can be accompanied by other signs and symptoms. These include redness, soreness, irritation, oozing, and scabbing/crusting on the nipples or around it. This area may be dry, painful, tender and sometimes there may be bleeding too. In some cases itching, scaling, blisters or ulcers may appear on nipples.

Homeopathic Management

Homeopathy offers a very safe, natural and effective management for cases of cracked nipples. Homeopathic medicines help to halt the further progression of the condition and heal the cracks that are already present in the nipples. They also manage signs and symptoms which accompany the disease. These include redness, soreness, oozing, scabbing / crusting, pain, tenderness, itching, bleeding, scaling, blisters or ulcers. The most suitable medicine for managing the complaints of cracked nipples needs to be selected on a case-to-case basis depending on the signs and symptoms. So it is advised to take any homeopathic medicine only after consultation with a homeopathic physician.

Top Homeopathic Medicines for cracked nipples

1. Graphites – Top-grade Medicine

Graphites is administered when the nipples are cracked and painful. The nipples also become sore. In some cases, small blisters (fluid-filled eruptions) may be present on the nipples. There may be ulcers on the nipples sometimes. It may ooze a thin fluid discharge or thick sticky fluid. It may be followed by formation of a crust. Graphites is well indicated for sore, cracked nipples that may ooze fluid in nursing women. Lastly, it is a highly valuable medicine for managing cases of eczema of the nipples.

2. Phytolacca 

It is prepared from plant Phytolacca Decandra, commonly known as ‘poke-root’ and ‘red ink plant’. This plant belongs to family Phytolaccaceae.

This medicine benefits mothers with sore, sensitive, and cracked nipples. Sometimes small ulcers around the nipples may show up. It is very useful for nursing mothers,  whose nipples are intensely sensitive and there can be pain while breastfeeding. In such cases, the pain emanates from the nipple and goes to the entire body. It is also one of the best medicines for managing mastitis .

3. Silicea 

This medicine works well in case of cracked and ulcerated nipples.  The nipples can be inflamed too in some cases needing it. Soreness and tenderness is marked in the nipples. Lastly, darting or burning pain mainly in the left nipple can be felt.

4. Castor Equi – For Cracked Nipples During Breastfeeding

It is a very useful medicine for managing cracked nipples during breastfeeding. The nipples are sore and very tender also. The tenderness is so intense that even touch of the clothes is not bearable to the sufferer. In addition to the above, there may be redness of the areola.

5. Sulphur 

It is a very beneficial medicine for women with sore cracked nipples. They also present itching and burning pain. Cracks may be deep at the base of the nipples. Burning sensation is intense. Sometimes there may be smarting and stinging sensation that gets worse after every breastfeeding session. It is also administered for bleeding from the cracks that may occur after feeding the baby. Next indication for its use is in case of yellow scales on the areola. It may ooze fluid. Itching and burning is felt in it mainly during the night. Lastly, it is an important medicine when ulcers are formed on the nipples.

6. Sepia 

This medicine is prominently given when the nipples are sore, cracked, and bleed. It may be preceded by itching. Nipples are excoriated and also ulcerated.

7. Aurum Sulph 

This medicine offers help to those who have cracked painful nipples. Among those needing it, the nipple pain is sharp or piercing. In addition to this, there may be swelling of breasts that is sensitive to touch.

8. Fluoric Acid 

Use of this medicine is recommended for cases in which the nipples are red and itchy along with cracks.  The nipples are also sore. Swelling may also be there in the right nipple.

9. Lycopodium 

It is a natural medicine prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum having common name called ‘club moss.’ It belongs to family lycopodiaceae. This medicine is useful when there are cracked nipples that bleed easily. In some cases, moist scabs are present on the nipples. Soreness and rawness of nipples is also present. Pain is felt in the nipples with the above symptoms. The pain can be stitching or burning in nature. It may sometimes be of stinging nature as well.

10. Merc Cor

It is the last medicine in the list to manage cases of cracked nipples. The main indicating feature for using it is cracked nipples along with severe pain in the nipples while breastfeeding the child. Tendency of bleeding from cracked nipples may also be present in females who require this medicine.

What Are The Causes?

Though cracked nipples occur most commonly in breastfeeding mothers, there are some other causes too.

A) Causes of Cracked nipples in breastfeeding mothers

The first main reason behind cracked nipples is breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is not something that causes pain and not all breastfeeding mothers get cracked nipples. But in some of the nursing mothers, this may happen.

Firstly, it can be a result from poor latch (latch means how a baby puts his mouth on mother’s breast for sucking milk). A good latch (the nipple and large part of the areola is in the baby’s mouth) is needed for high milk flow and comfortable feeding session and the mother feels no pain or discomfort in the nipple. If the latch is poor, it means baby is latching only on to the nipple and not the aeorla and it leads to poor milk transfer to baby and may cause sore and cracked nipples on the breast. Nipple cracks from breastfeeding are mostly seen during the first month after delivery. This is because a newborn baby is still learning the right way to latch and take feed and in that process can cause trauma and cracked nipples. Poor latching may also occur if the baby has tongue tie, high palate or small mouth.

Next, it can arise if the baby is not positioned correctly during the breastfeeding session.

Breast engorgement is another condition that can lead to it. Breast engorgement refers to hard, swollen, painful, tender breasts due to increase in volume of breast milk. It can lead to changes in the shape of the nipple area and can cause hinderance in proper latching of the baby onto the breast.

The chances of cracked nipples are also more if the baby is made to use feeding bottle in addition to breastfeeding. This is because the method of milk sucking is separate for both breast and bottle. It may cause nipple confusion to the baby and trauma to the nipple.

Incorrect use of breast pumps, for example from very high suction level, may also lead to cracks.

B) Causes of cracked nipples other than breastfeeding

Among other causes the first is trauma to nipples from cuts, blows or friction (as from ill-fitted clothes) that can cause cracking or chafing of the nipple.

Next, are certain skin conditions. Its first example is eczema/dermatitis, a skin condition in which red, inflamed rashes on the skin that are itchy can be spotted. Roughness and cracking may be present too. In some cases, blisters appear that may leak fluid, followed by crusting and scaling.  It may also be caused due to some allergic reaction from direct contact of nipple with an irritant (like soap, lotion, certain fabrics, detergent).

Another reason could be psoriasis. It is an autoimmune skin disease in which red, inflamed patches appear on the skin covered by silvery-white scales/flakes. It may be attended with itching, soreness, or burning. Dryness and cracks may also occur in these patches. These may bleed too. Though psoriasis commonly affects knees, elbows, and scalp,  it may also affect other body parts including nipples in some cases.

Lastly, it can occur from bacterial or fungal infections.  An example of bacterial infection is infection from bacteria named Staphyloccus. Thrush is a fungal infection that can be passed from newborns (if they have it in mouth) to mother’s nipples  during breastfeeding.

 What Are Its Complications?

The complication that can arise in these cases is mastitis if the bacteria gain entry in the breast tissue through the cracked nipples and causes an infection.

Mastitis refers to inflammation of the breast tissue. Its signs and symptoms include swollen, red, painful and tender breasts. Heat and burning sensation in the breast, general malaise and fever may also be present. If left untreated or not treated correctly,  there are chances of formation of mammary abscess (pus-filled lump in the breast).

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Urtica Urens: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Urtica Urens is prepared from the plant Urtica Dioica commonly called ‘stinging nettle’ (bichhubutti). It belongs to the family Urticaceae. This homoeopathic remedy is prepared from a fresh plant when in flower via potentization. It is a process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extracts and arouses medicinal properties from crude substance. It is a superb medicine to manage complaints of urticaria/hives, gout, burns/scalds and kidney stones.

The ‘Urtica Urens’ Constitution

Urtica Urens is recommended to persons who suffer from joint pains due to high uric acid levels (gout).

Drug Action

This medicine mainly works on the skin and the joints. Other than this, its action is noted in the urinary organs, female genitals and breast.

Clinical Indications

Hives (urticaria), allergic reactions, burns, scalds, sunburn, bee stings, herpes labialis, prickly heat, gout, deltoid pain, kidney stones

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Skin Problems (Hives, Burns, Scalds, Sunburn, Herpes, Prickly Heat)

Urtica Urens treats skin problems very well. This medicine is extensively used in the treatment of urticaria also known as hives. Urticaria is a skin complaint in which red, itchy bumps (wheals) appear on the skin from an allergic reaction. There is violent itching along with burning heat in the affected area.



Other than this, formication (sensation of insects crawling on or under the skin) accompanies. For cases where hives are formed from eating shellfish, it is the best medicine. This medicine is also prominently indicated for cases in which urticaria occurs along with or alternating with joint pains. Its use is also suggested when urticaria gets worse every year in the same season.

Urtica Urens is a powerful medicine for managing cases of burns and scalds. It is mainly prescribed in cases of first degree burns (burns that affect the first layer of the skin). Its use is recommended in the form of external application as well for internal use. Urtica Urens is also a superior remedy for cases of sunburn (red, swollen, inflamed and painful skin that arises from overexposure to UV rays from the sun). In such cases,  this medicine helps to allay intense burning and itching on the skin.

Another complaint that this medicine can handle wonderfully is prickly heat (skin rash arising from sweat getting trapped under the skin). This medicine can be given in cases of herpes of lips (herpes labialis) caused by herpes simplex virus (HSV). A burning sensation on the skin is followed by painful blisters (fluid-filled bumps). In these cases, it can be used when there is marked itching and heat sensation. Lastly, its use is also considered in cases of bee stings. External application of Urtica Urens on the particular point of bee sting is known to give quick relief.

Key Indicating Features

Hives with raised red wheals with violent itching, burning and formication

Hives from eating shellfish

Urticaria occurring along with or alternating with joint pains

First-degree burns affecting the first layer of skin

Sunburn with intense burning and itching on skin

Herpes of lips with marked itching and heat sensation

Bee stings

2. Joint And Limbs Complaints (Gout, Deltoid Pain, Blisters)



Gout can be tackled magnificently with this medicine. Gout refers to pain, swelling, redness and inflammation of joints from increased uric acid levels in the blood. This medicine works equally well in acute as well as chronic cases of gout especially of wrists and ankles. Other than this, it is useful in managing stiffness and soreness on the inner side of the left knee.

Deltoid muscle on the shoulder

Deltoid muscle on the shoulder

Its use is preferred in cases of pain in deltoid muscle (muscles that help us move our arms). It gets worse on rotating the affected arm inwards. Mostly pain occurs in right sided deltoid and is continuous type. This medicine can be given in cases of blisters on the skin of hands and fingers which are raised and red with itching.

Key Indicating Features

Gout pains in ankles and wrist

Pain in deltoid muscle, worse on rotating arm inwards

Red, itchy blisters on skin of hands and fingers

3. Urinary Issues (Kidney Stones, Strangury, Bleeding)

Urtica Urens acts well on the urinary organs. Here it is effective in treating bladder and kidney stones. This medicine can be given when there is strangury means painful, frequent urination, with scanty urine expelled slowly with straining. Lastly, it is indicated for bleeding from urinary bladder.

Key Indicating Features

Bladder and kidney stones

Painful, frequent urination with scanty urine expelled slowly with straining

4. Female Problems (Pruritis Vulvae, Breast Swelling, Diminished Breast Milk)

For females, it is recommended to manage pruritis vulvae (itching of external genitals including mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora, and clitoris). Along with itching, stinging sensation and swelling can be present in vulva. This medicine acts well on breast. It proves very effective in complaints of swollen breasts with stinging, burning pain. It is also useful for cases of diminished breast milk in females after child birth.

Key Indicating Features

Itching in vulva along with stinging and swelling

Swelling of breast with stinging, burning

Diminished breast milk in females after child birth


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from touch, yearly, from cool moist air

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from lying down


Its use is recommended in mother tincture form and low potencies. This medicine can be repeated frequently depending on case presentation. In case of bee stings and burns, external application of this medicine is also suggested.

Relationship with Other Remedies

1.Urtica Urens can be compared with medicines Apis Mellifica, Natrum Mur and Astacus in case of urticaria.

2. Its comparison can be done with medicine Ricinus Communis in cases of diminished milk secretion in females after childbirth.



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Top Homeopathic Medicines For Treating Genital Sores In Women

What are female genital sores?

Female genital sores refer to flesh-colored red bumps or fluid-filled blisters/vesicles in or around the vagina. They may be single or multiple in number varying from case to case.

They may or may not be attended with any signs and symptoms. Itching, pain, tenderness, burning sensation, bleeding and discharge are some of its symptoms. Some of the sores may be contagious (spread from direct skin to skin contact).

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in treating female genital sores. These medicines help to heal the sores in the genitals and halt further progression of the sores. Besides, they help to manage any associated itching, pain, burning sensation, if present. It is advised to take homeopathic medicines for treating genital sores in women under the supervision of a homeopathic doctor. This is because a doctor can evaluate the cause behind it and based on the cause and the individual’s symptoms, he/she can give the best suitable medicine. Use of homeopathic medicines is recommended only when sores occur from a benign (non-cancerous) cause. While in case of cancerous causes,  it is strictly advised to take help from conventional mode of treatment.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Genital Sores In Women

1. Sepia – Top grade medicine

It is a leading homeopathic medicine for treating genital sores in women. Firstly, it is helpful for cases in which pimples appear all around the vulva. It is attended with severe itching of the vulva. Secondly, it is useful for treating non-painful fluid-filled eruptions on the outer parts of the vulva. The other indication for using Sepia is red, swollen inner labia with itchy eruptions. Lastly, it is a well-indicated medicine for managing vaginal inflammation. In such cases, yellow–colored vaginal discharge is present. It may be accompanied by a burning sensation. Besides, vagina may be tender with pain during sexual intercourse.

2. Natrum Mur – For Cases Of Genital Herpes

It is a well-indicated medicine for cases in which sores occur from genital herpes infection. Females needing it have soreness in the vagina along with itching. During intercourse, they feel burning sensation in the vagina. They may also feel soreness and burning in the vagina after urination.

3. Thuja – For Genital Warts

It is prepared from fresh twigs of a plant Thuja Occidentalis having common name Arbor Vitae. This plant belongs to family Coniferae. It is a very effective medicine for treating genital warts. It is indicated when there are warts around the vulva. The warts may be present on the labium. These are painful to touch and may bleed easily. Other than warts, it is also valuable for treating ulcers on the inner surface of vulva and labia majora. Pain in the vulva may be felt in the sitting position.

4. Graphites – For Pimples, Vesicles On Vulva And Eczema Around Vulva

This medicine is helpful for cases in which there are pimples or vesicles (fluid-filled eruptions) on the vulva. These are itchy. Smarting sensation(burning) and pain may also be felt in the pimples. In some cases needing it, there may be vesicles in the vagina and on the labia also. It is also a very suitable medicine for managing eczema around the vulva.

5. Nitric Acid – For Vaginal Inflammation

This medicine works well in cases of vaginal inflammation. Vaginal discharge can be watery, or stringy and is green or brown in colour. It has an offensive smell. Swelling, itching and burning sensation is felt in the vagina and vulva. Besides, cracks and ulcers may be present on the labia minora.

6. Petroleum – For Sore, Inflamed Vulva And Vaginal Burning

Petroleum is an important medicine for cases presenting with soreness in the vulva, inflamed vulva and burning in vagina. It is accompanied by profuse vaginal discharge which is irritating. It looks like egg white and it wears off the skin. Excessive itching and sweating in labia is felt. Weakness is another symptom.

7. Merc Sol – For Pimple Eruptions On Labia

This medicine is indicated when there are pimples on the labia. It gets worse at night. There may be inflammation of vagina and swelling of labia. In such cases, burning and itching of vagina is present. There is yellow or greenish colored discharge from the vagina. It is smarting corroding type. It may also look like pus sometimes. Other than this, whitish patches like ulcers on mucus surface of genitals can be present. There may be little red elevations on these patches. There is burning in vagina when urine passes through it.

7. Sabina – For Genital Warts And Cyst In Vulva

It is prepared from young, fresh tops of the branches of plant Sabina Officinalis commonly called ‘Juniperus Sabina’ and ‘Savine’. It belongs to family Coniferae. It is of great value for treating genital warts. These are attended with itching and burning where Sabina is required. Secondly, it is an important medicine to treat cysts in the vulva. They are sensitive to touch and pain of tearing nature may be felt in them while resting.

8. Kreosote – For Vulva And Vaginal Inflammation

It is a very suitable medicine for inflammation in the vulva and vagina. It is accompanied with itching in vagina and vulva. After scratching, soreness and burning is felt.  Swelling and heat is also there in external genitals. One feels pain in vagina while passing urine as it is sore. Pain in vagina during sex is another complaint. Vaginal discharge occurs follows which is yellow.  It mostly precedes every urination. Frequent urination is present along with these complaints.

9. Lycopodium – For Dry Warts On Female Genitals

It is prepared from plant Lycopodium Clavatum commonly known as ‘club moss’. It belongs to family Lycopodiaceae. It is a very beneficial medicine for treating dry warts on female genitalia. They are pedunculated (attached with a stalk) and painless. Lycopodium also helps in relieving serious cysts in vagina. It also manages burning of vagina during and after sexual intercourse.

What Are The Reasons Behind It?

In some cases, they appear without any cause and disappear by themselves. While in others, there may be a medical reason, like a skin disorder or sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The common cause that can cause sores in female genitals is sexually transmitted infections (STIs) that mostly include genital herpes and genital warts. Genital herpes is a very common sexually transmitted infection caused by HSV (herpes simplex virus). It causes sores in the genital area. The sores may be itchy and painful. In some cases, no signs or symptoms are visible.

Genital warts is a very common type of sexually transmitted infection. These are caused by some strains of HPV – human papillomavirus. These appear as small, flesh-colored bumps on the genitals. Some may also have a cauliflower-like appearance.

Some less common STIs that can cause genital sores are syphilis, chancroid and molluscum contagiosum.

Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Treponema pallidum. It starts as a painless sore on the genitals, rectum or the mouth. This is followed by a rash on the trunk that spreads to cover the entire body. Chancroid is an STI caused by bacteria Haemophilus ducreyi. In this infection, open painful sores develop in the genital area. The lymph nodes in groin may also swell and cause pain.

Molluscum Contagiosum is a skin infection that is caused by virus Molluscum contagiosum. Raised bumps that are small, smooth, shiny can develop on the face, thighs, buttocks, groin, lower abdomen, on the genitals and around the anus.

Other than STIs, there are some skin disorders that can cause genital sores. The first among them is eczema —

a skin condition in which patches of skin get red and inflamed attended by itching. Fluid-filled eruptions called blisters may develop on the affected skin area. It may also get rough and cracked in some cases.

Second is contact dermatitis, a skin condition in which the skin gets red, sore and inflamed after coming in contact with chemicals in some substances like detergents, perfumes, creams, feminine sprays, douches, etc). Another reason could be the formation of cysts (a lump that may be filled with fluid, semi-solid material or air). Inflamed vulva or vagina (vulvovaginitis) could also be a reason for sores in the private parts. In this case, increased vaginal discharge, itching and irritation in the genital area along with discomfort while passing urine may occur. Other than this, it may be caused by trauma or a scratch on the genitals that becomes infected. Lastly, these may be present in case of cancer of the vulva and other types of skin cancer (including basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma).


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