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Homeopathic Treatment for Intertrigo

What is Intertrigo?

Intertrigo is an inflammatory skin condition in which there is a rash between the folds of the skin. The most common sites for intertrigo include the armpits, the inner thighs, the inframammary creases or the area under the breast, the groin area, behind the ears, spaces between the toes and the fingers, neck folds, and skin between the buttocks. Homeopathic treatment for intertrigo is very successful. Homeopathic medicines treat intertrigo in a very efficient manner. Medicines that are among the best homeopathic treatment for intertrigo are Causticum, Graphites, Petroleum, Sulphur, Silicea, and Merc Sol. The selection of homeopathic medicines should be made according to the individual symptoms in each case. These medicines are very safe and can be used for patients of any age group. They are free from side effects. These medicines also help in managing the symptoms of intertrigo like itching, burning, and soreness of the skin. Along with this, they assist in healing the rash on the skin in a very gentle and natural way.

Why does Intertrigo Occur and What are the Risk Factors that Lead to it?

Intertrigo occurs mainly because of the rubbing of the skin and the trapping of moisture between the folds, which leads to skin irritation. Obesity, diabetes mellitus, excessive sweating, improper air circulation in the folds of the skin, poor hygiene, heat, and use of diaper are the factors that predispose a person to intertrigo or worsen the intertrigo. The damaged skin provides an appropriate environment for the fungus, yeast, or bacteria to grow and flourish leading to secondary infections. Inverse psoriasis and dermatitis also make a person prone to intertrigo.

What are the Symptoms of Intertrigo?

The symptoms of intertrigo include redness, rash, rawness, and soreness in the affected skin. Itching and burning of varying intensity accompany the skin rash. In some cases, the skin may also show cracks and crusts. Along with the above symptoms, a foul smell or oozing of fluid may be present on the skin.

Homeopathic Medicines for Intertrigo

1. Causticum – Top Grade Homeopathic Medicine for Intertrigo

Causticum is a very good homeopathic treatment for intertrigo. The symptoms that point to its use are rash and soreness between the skin folds. The folds that are affected include the back of the ears and the area between the thighs. Sometimes cracks are also present in these regions. Causticum is also among the prominent homeopathic medicines for treating intertrigo in children which arise during the dentition period.

2. Graphites – Homeopathic Medicine for Intertrigo with Gluey, Sticky Discharge

Graphites is an excellent homeopathic treatment for intertrigo. It is beneficial when the rash or cracks between folds ooze a glutinous, honey-like, sticky discharge. The skin areas that are mainly involved include the crease of the neck, the groin, the bends of the limbs, the area between the toes, the area between the thighs and abdomen, and the skin behind the ears. The affected area becomes sore and raw and heals very slowly.

3. Petroleum – Homeopathic Medicine for Intertrigo with High Sensitivity of Skin

Petroleum is a beneficial homeopathic medicine for intertrigo in cases where the skin between the folds is raw and very sensitive. Even the touch of clothing on the affected area can be extremely painful. In some cases, there are cracks with bleeding; while in others, there are pus formation and crusts over the skin rash. In patients who have a rash in the armpits, there may be offensive sweat as well.

4. Sulphur – Homeopathic Medicine for Intertrigo with Intense Itching and Burning

Sulphur is an effective homeopathic medicine for intertrigo when it occurs with severe itching and burning of the skin. The itching is most severe in the evenings and at night. Even the warmth of the bed aggravates the itching. In some patients, itching is aggravated because of washing. Scratching leads to a burning sensation on the skin. Sulphur is also a good homeopathic medicine for the treatment of skin complaints that have a history of suppression due to prior application of ointments.

5. Silicea – Highly Suitable Homeopathic Medicine for Intertrigo Mainly Between the Toes

Silicea is a prominent homeopathic treatment for intertrigo which occurs between the toes. The skin between the toes shows cracks, fissures, and intense soreness. There is excessive sweat on the feet as well as an offensive odor. Silicea is also very beneficial for treating intertrigo when there is pus formation along with an infection between the toes.

6. Merc Sol – Excellent Homeopathic Medicine for Intertrigo with Offensive Sweating

Merc Sol is a well indicated homeopathic treatment for intertrigo which occurs with foul sweat on the skin. The skin remains moist through the day and night. In some cases, the sweat is sour smelling. The affected skin is raw, tender, and excoriated. Along with this, there is itching that gets worse with perspiration and the warmth of the bed.

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8 Remedies for Homeopathic Treatment for Pneumonia

Inflammation of the alveoli of the lungs due to different infections is called pneumonia. The infection may be bacterial, viral or fungal. Pneumonia arises when an infectious agent crosses the defense mechanism of the upper respiratory system and the alveolar macrophages, reaches the lungs, and causes inflammation. Pneumonia which affects the entire lobe of a lung is known as lobar pneumonia. Pneumonia affecting small areas in several lobes of the lungs is called bronchopneumonia. Although pneumonia can affect people of any age group, but children aged two years or younger, and individuals who are 65 years of age or more are at the highest risk. Homeopathic treatment for pneumonia is very beneficial for affected patients. These medicines help in providing symptomatic improvement from pneumonia and resolve the inflammation of the alveoli of the lung. In each case of pneumonia, homeopathic medicines need to be carefully selected based upon the individual symptomatic presentation.

When prescribed as per the prominent symptoms, homeopathic medicines have the ability to help in complete recovery from pneumonia. Homeopathic medicines that are highly effective for treating pneumonia are Bryonia, Arsenic Album, Phosphorus, Antimonium Tart, Hepar Sulph, Ipecac, Carbo Veg, and Senega.

Homeopathic Treatment for Pneumonia

1. Bryonia – Top Grade Medicine for Pneumonia with Chest Pain

Bryonia is an important treatment for pneumonia. It works well when chest pain accompanies pneumonia. The pain is stitching in nature. Chest pains get worse on coughing and deep breathing. While coughing, the patient needs to hold the chest because of the intense pain. Expectoration of rust or brick colored sputa is another characteristic feature. Along with these symptoms, there is difficulty in breathing, and there may be fever accompanied by chills.

2. Arsenic Album – For Pneumonia with Difficulty in Breathing

Arsenic Album is a suitable medicine for pneumonia when difficult breathing and shortness of breath are prominent features. Along with this, cough with scanty frothy phlegm is present. Arsenic Album is also an effective homeopathic medicine for treating pneumonia from consuming chilled food items. Pain located specifically in the upper third of the right lung is another guiding symptom for the use of Arsenic Album. Another feature is a suffocating feeling, which gets worse on lying down or while sleeping.

3. Phosphorus – For Pneumonia with Chest Oppression

Phosphorus is a highly useful medicine for pneumonia. Phosphorus is indicated for pneumonia when accompanied by chest oppression. There is a heaviness in the chest and respiration is also quickened. There is also a dry, hard, racking cough. Along with this, bloody or purulent sputa may also occur. Phosphorus is very suitable for pneumonia of the left lower lung. In such cases, lying on the left side worsens the symptoms.

4. Antimonium Tart – For Rattling Mucus in the Chest

Antimonium Tart is an effective treatment for pneumonia when there is an excessive rattling of mucus in the chest. Lungs are full of mucus which is not expectorated. Short and difficult breathing accompanies this. Antimonium Tart works well in the last stages of pneumonia. Another important indication for using Antimonium Tart is the occurrence of jaundice with pneumonia.

5. Hepar Sulph – With Purulent Sputa

Hepar Sulph is a highly effective medicine for pneumonia when the sputa are purulent. The pus in such cases may be offensive. Hepar Sulph is basically a homeopathic medicine for pneumonia in the suppurative stage. There is a loose cough with a rattling of mucus. Patients needing Hepar Sulph may have a fever with chills accompanying the above symptoms.

6. Ipecac – For Pneumonia Accompanied by Nausea and Vomiting

Ipecac is a good treatment for pneumonia in cases where nausea and vomiting accompany other respiratory symptoms. The respiratory symptoms include a suffocating loose cough without expectoration, shortness of breath, and constriction in the chest. The cough is spasmodic and often ends in vomiting. Along with this, bubbling rales in the chest are present. Bloody sputa may also arise.

7. For Pneumonia in Infants and Children

Most common treatment for pneumonia in infants and children are Antimonium Tart, Ipecac, and Bryonia. Antimonium Tart should be used when there is an excessive rattling of mucus in the chest. Along with this, rapid breathing is present. The pulse rate is also rapid and weak. Ipecac works well when there is a cough with bubbling rales in the chest. The child turns stiff and blue. Vomiting with a cough may arise. Bryonia is recommended when there is a cough with rust colored sputa.

8.For Pneumonia in Older People

Top treatment for pneumonia in older people are Carbo Veg, Senega, and Phosphorus. Carbo Veg works well for pneumonia with a cough and quick, short, labored breathing. Yellow and sticky expectoration may be present. A burning sensation in the chest is another accompanying symptom. Senega is useful when the chest feels sore along with coughing. The sputa are very tough and expectorated with much difficulty. Phosphorus works well when there is a cough along with oppressed breathing and bloody sputa. It is also recommended for threatened paralysis of the lung from pneumonia in older people.

Causes of Pneumonia

Micro organisms including bacteria, virus, and fungi can cause pneumonia. The common bacteria for pneumonia include streptococcus pneumoniae, Hemophilus influenza, and klebsiella pneumoniae. Influenza virus causes pneumonia of viral origin, and adenovirus and rhinovirus pneumonia from fungi affect immuno-compromised patients. Fungi such as candida albicans, Histoplasma capsulatum, and Apergillus fumigates, are the fungi that are involved in causing pneumonia. Cigarette smoking, asthma, COPD, liver disease, and a weak immune system are risk factors for pneumonia.

Symptoms of Pneumonia

The symptoms of pneumonia include a productive cough, chest pain on taking deep breaths or while coughing, difficulty in breathing, shortness of breath, fever, and chills. The phlegm may be rust colored, blood stained, purulent, yellowish or greenish. Other attending symptoms are nausea, vomiting, and fatigue.

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Best Homeopathic Treatment for Lack of Self Confidence

The faith in oneself and one’s abilities is known as confidence. A confident person has the courage to stand up for his or her beliefs and is ready to face challenges. Confident people don’t fear failure and are willing to learn new things and take risks. They also have a positive view about life and circumstances. On the other hand, a person who lacks self confidence doesn’t have faith in their abilities. They have a negative view of life and low self esteem. They also criticize their own self. Individuals who suffer from low self confidence feel that they are not good enough and won’t be able to perform. There is also a fear of failure. It is not as if the patient lacks the ability to perform a task; rather they lack faith in their abilities. Lack of self confidence may lead to anxiety, depression, social withdrawal, avoiding new challenges and facing new situations, and poor relationships. Such patients may also start taking drugs or alcohol. Lack of self confidence and low self esteem usually begins in childhood. Low confidence can arise from a number of factors. Some of these are a profound mental or physical insult in the past, being bullied, facing excessive criticism from others during childhood, being overprotected, having domineering or over demanding parents, and high expectations from others.Homeopathic treatment for lack of self confidence uses natural medicines that help a person build up confidence levels. These medicines can be taken along with psychotherapy to achieve the best results. They help change the patient’s perspective from negative to positive thoughts.

Homeopathic Medicines For Building Up Self Confidence

A homeopathic medicine for lack of self confidence is best selected after taking a complete case history in an individual case. While taking the case history, the emphasis should be on identifying the reason for low esteem and low self confidence; since the origin of the problem in such cases is deeply rooted. Homeopathic treatment for lack of self confidence helps in removing obstacles that hinder healthy psychological development leading to low esteem and its results like depression.The most prominent medicines for the homeopathic treatment for lack of self confidence are Aurum Met, Lycopodium, Staphysagria, Silicea, and Argentum Nitricum.

1. Aurum Met – Homeopathic Medicine to Boost Self Confidence in Persons with a Self Criticizing Nature

Aurum Met is a useful homeopathic medicine for lack of self confidence. This medicine is suitable for patients lacking in confidence and suffering from a self-criticising nature. They feel that they are worthless and have no value. They blame themselves for trivial things that go wrong and have difficulty dealing with contradiction from others. Aurum Met is also used for people with poor confidence levels who go into depression due to the loss of love. Hopelessness is another feature that accompanies the above symptoms. Some patients may get suicidal. Aurum Met also works well in individuals who have been burdened with a lot of responsibility at a very early stage in life.

2. Lycopodium – Homeopathic Medicine for Boosting Self Confidence in Persons who Avoid Undertaking New Tasks

Lycopodium is an important homeopathic medicine for lack of self confidence. It is used for individuals who lack self confidence and are averse to taking on new tasks. They fear failure and don’t like to face new situations. Lycopodium is also used when there is an aversion to take on responsibilities because of the fear of failure. Lycopodium also works well when a person has been dominated by parents during childhood.

3. Staphysagria – Homeopathic Medicine to Help Build Self Confidence in Persons with Low Self Esteem Due to a Deep Insult in the Past

Staphysagria is another prominent homeopathic medicine for lack of self confidence. Staphysagria works well in a patients with a history of humiliation; some mental, physical, or sexual abuse; a profound insult; or some shameful incident. Staphysagria is also used for children who feel unloved or uncared for, and end up with low confidence levels. Staphysagria helps raise self confidence in persons who are weak spirited and have low self esteem. Such patients are also extremely sensitive. They get hurt very easily, tend to get offended, feel insulted too often because of little things, and are very concerned about the opinions of others.

4. Silicea – Homeopathic Medicine for Lack of Self Confidence Levels in Persons Who are Timid and Suffer from Low Confidence

Silicea is an effective homeopathic treatment for lack of self confidence. It works well for raising the self confidence levels in individuals who are very timid and lack self-confidence. They are uncomfortable appearing in public and lack the courage to speak in front of a group of people. They are unable to express themselves properly and have a very mild, sensitive, nervous and yielding nature. Such people consider themselves incapable of doing any work because of the fear of failure.

5. Argentum Nitricum – Homeopathic Treatment for Lack of  Self Confidence when Accompanied by Marked Anxiety

Argentum Nitricum is a well indicated homeopathic medicine for lack of self confidence in cases where it is accompanied by anxiety. These individuals do everything in a great hurry and are very impatient. They also suffer from marked anticipatory anxiety. If they have to go to a new place, do something new, or appear somewhere, the anxiety levels shoot up. Diarrhea may also accompany anxiety. Such patients fear crowds, a mishappening, an impending evil, and even high buildings.

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6 Best Homeopathic Remedies for an Overactive Bladder

An overactive bladder refers to a condition in which there is a frequent, sudden, and uncontrollable urge to urinate. This urge to urinate may occur only during the day or night; or both. The urinary bladder is a sac-like muscular organ. It stores urine produced by the kidneys until it passes out of the body through the urethra. When the urinary bladder fills up completely, there is an exchange of a series of nerve signals between the urinary bladder, the brain, and the pelvic floor. The coordination between these nerve signals makes the detrusor muscle of the bladder contract, the pelvic floor and the external sphincter of the bladder relax, and helps the urine to drain out. In the case of an overactive bladder, the bladder muscles contract involuntarily and make the person feel the need to pass urine even when the bladder is only slightly filled.

Homeopathy is a wonderful treatment option to manage cases of overactive bladder. This treatment is completely safe and natural that works wonderfully to give symptomatic relief to the patient. It works by treating the root cause and strengthening the bladder muscles and improving their function. In overactive bladder cases, the conventional mode of medicine mainly utilises medicines that aid relaxation of bladder muscle, botox injection in bladder, nerve stimulation and for severe cases surgical treatment. They can lead to many side effects. Homeopathic medicines have a great advantage as they have no side effects and have natural components.

Homeopathy addresses root cause

Homeopathic medicines address the core of the problem to treat the root cause and give wonderful results in overactive bladder cases. Initially, it reduces the intensity and frequency of symptoms. With a complete course of treatment as suggested by a homeopath, complete recovery and cure occur in mild to moderate intensity cases.

Symptomatic medicine selection

The selection of homeopathic medicines for an overactive bladder is done based on a complete symptom picture of the individual case. So, the characteristic symptoms in every case are essentially given supreme importance to aid homeopathic prescription. A patient should avoid self-medication and consult a physician for the homeopathic treatment of an overactive bladder to get the best results.

Homeopathy can help prevent surgical intervention

Homeopathy is an effective alternative treatment choice in overactive bladder cases. When homeopathy is opted in early stages it shows excellent results and help to avoid surgical intervention in many cases. However, the results vary according to the nature, severity of symptoms, age of person and individual response to homeopathic treatment.

Gentle, harmless remedies

Homeopathy make use of natural and totally harmless medicines to treat overactive bladder cases. These medicines work gently in a very safe manner making it a great choice to treat these cases.

Top 6 Homeopathic Treatment For An Overactive Bladder

Some of the top medicines for the homeopathic treatment for an overactive bladder are Kreosotum, Lycopodium Clavatum, Merc Sol, Causticum, Equisetum Hyemale and Sepia.

1. Kreosotum – Top Grade Medicine

Kreosotum is an effective homeopathic medicine for an overactive bladder with a sudden urge to urinate. In such cases, the patient needs to hurry to urinate whenever the urge arises. The frequency of urination is also high. Usually, the smell of the urine is highly offensive. Kreosotum is also used in cases where there is involuntary urination on lying down or while coughing.

When to use Kreosotum?

This medicine is highly suitable for overactive bladder cases with urgent need to pass urine along with foul smell in urine.

How to use Kreosotum?

It can be taken in 30C potency two to three times a day initially,  decreasing the dose gradually once relief sets in.

2. Lycopodium Clavatum – For Overactive Bladder With Frequent Urination At Night

Lycopodium Clavatum is an excellent homeopathic medicine for overactive bladder in cases of frequent urination at night. The quantity of urine in such cases is also very profuse. There is a feeling of bearing down on the bladder region along with the need to wake up at night because of the urge to urinate. Stitching pain in the bladder is also present in some cases. Lycopodium Clavatum is also helpful in cases of an overactive bladder in males suffering from prostate enlargement.

When to use Lycopodium Clavatum?

This medicine can be considered in managing cases of overactive bladder along with an increased frequency of urine, especially at night time.

How to use Lycopodium Clavatum?

It works well in both low and high potency. To start with 30C potency is usually preferred and can be taken once or twice a day.

3. Merc Sol – For Overactive Bladder with Frequent Urination Day and Night

Merc Sol is an important medicine for overactive bladder cases where there is frequent urination during the day and at night. Every time the urge to urinate arises, the person has to hurry. Any delay causes the urine to leak involuntarily. The urine flow may be scanty or profuse. In some cases, there is a feeling of soreness in the bladder.

When to use Merc Sol?

One may use this medicine to manage urgent and frequent urination both in the day and night in cases of overactive bladder.

How to use Merc Sol?

It can be used in low (30C) as well high potencies (like 200C and 1M). The dose varies from case to case. Usually in the beginning 30C potency can be used once or twice a day.

4. Causticum – For Overactive Bladder with Involuntary Passage of Urine

Causticum is a beneficial homeopathic medicine for overactive bladder in cases where there is an involuntary flow of urine. It is very troublesome when it occurs at night or if the patient is walking. Causticum also helps in strengthening the bladder sphincter and in controlling urinary incontinence.

When to use Causticum?

Use of this medicine is suggested for treating overactive bladder cases where involuntary urination is prominent.

How to use Causticum?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency once a day.

5. Equisetum Hyemale – For Overactive Bladder with Frequent and Profuse Urination

Equisetum Hyemale is well indicated for overactive bladder cases with passage of frequent and large quantities of urination. There is a constant feeling of fullness in the urinary bladder. Inspite of passing large amount of urine very often, the bladder fullness is not relieved. Sometimes urine is passed involuntarily both in the day and at night.

When to use Equisetum Hyemale?

This medicine is preferred when there is bladder fullness constantly and large amount of urine passes frequently without relieving this fullness.

How to use Equisetum Hyemale?

It is advised to use this medicine in 30C potency one to two times a day.

6. Sepia – For An Overactive Bladder In Females

Sepia is a good homeopathic treatment for an overactive bladder in women. It is useful when a female has a sudden and uncontrollable urge to urinate. There is a constant bearing down sensation above the pubis. In most cases, the urine is foul smelling and may contain sediments.

When to use Sepia?

Sepia is a leading medicine to help overactive bladder cases in females with sudden, uncontrollable urine urge attended with a bearing down sensation above the pubis.

How to use Sepia?

This medicine can be taken once a day in 30C power.

Causes of an Overactive Bladder

The exact cause for an overactive bladder is not known. However, the chances of getting an overactive bladder increase with age. Other risk factors include obesity, menopause, an enlarged prostate gland, and poorly controlled diabetes. Intake of alcohol and caffeine may worsen the symptoms of an overactive bladder. Some of the other conditions and factors contributing to the symptoms of an overactive bladder are an increase in fluid intake, urinary tract infections, bladder stones, multiple sclerosis, and medicines that increase urinary output.

Symptoms of an Overactive Bladder

The primary symptom of an overactive bladder is a sudden and uncontrollable urge to urinate. Other symptoms include a frequent desire to urinate and involuntary passage of urine, also known as urinary incontinence. Urinary incontinence in cases of an overactive bladder is mainly urge incontinence; which means the involuntary passage of urine that occurs when a person does not promptly attend to the sudden, strong urge to urinate.



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Best Homeopathic Treatment for Mood Swings

Sudden, abrupt or rapid change in mood to extreme levels is known as mood swings. Everyone experiences mood swings. People are often happy and energetic for some part of the day, and during the same day, they may feel sad and tired. In ordinary people, these changes are not extreme and don’t interfere with day to day life. But in some people, these changes are so abrupt and severe that they interfere with daily life. Such people get sad and happy in quick succession, disrupting their lives as well as of those around them. In these cases, professional help is needed for the management of the patient and to determine the cause of such extreme behavior. Homeopathic medicines for mood swings offer a natural and safe way to manage such patients by moderating their mood swings. The major advantage of using natural medicine for mood swings is that it does not become habit-forming. Homeopathy does not have any side effects and can be gradually stopped once the person gets well.  homeopathic medicines for mood swings

What are the Causes of Mood Swings?

In some persons, an extremely sensitive nature may be the reason for mood swings. These mood swings make such individuals respond to a particular situation intensely and vigorously. Mood swings may also be a part of some mental illness. These conditions include bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, and major depression. Other conditions where mood swings are noticed include ADHD, autism, schizophrenia, and PTSD or post-traumatic stress disorder. In females, hormonal changes that arise during pregnancy, menopause, or premenstrual syndrome also leads to sudden mood swings. Thyroid related complaints are another reason for mood swings. Apart from these reasons, mood swings are also noticed in persons suffering from degenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and multiple sclerosis. Other factors that may lead to mood swings include stress, anxiety, changes in sleep pattern, drug use, alcohol intake, and eating excessive sugar.

Homeopathic Medicines for Mood Swings

To prescribe medicine for mood swings, a detailed analysis of the case as well as the constitution of the patient is required. The top listed remedies for treating mood swings are Ignatia Amara, Crocus Sativus, Pulsatilla Nigricans, Arsenic Album, and Sepia. Homeopathy for mood swings should be taken only after consulting a homeopath and self-medication should be avoided.

1. Ignatia Amara – For the Treatment of Mood Swings

Ignatia Amara is a very effective medicine for mood swings. It suits people who have sudden mood changes – from sadness to happiness, and from weeping to laughter. These patients experience uncontrollable emotions with a sudden alteration in mood. Ignatia also works well for persons with mood swings who are depressed. Such patients tend to dwell on some disagreeable events in the past, and may also have sleeping problems. Ignatia helps patients with mood swings who have a history of emotional shock or grief.

2. Crocus Sativus – For Treating Mood Swings

Crocus Sativus is a beneficial medicine for mood swings. Patients needing Crocus Sativus suffer from a rapid change in mood. One moment they are happy and in the next moment angry. Repentance rapidly follows anger, sadness shortly follows cheerful behavior, and tears suddenly arise after laughter. Listening to music makes the moods worse. Mental symptoms alternating with physical symptoms also point to the need for Crocus Sativus.

3. Pulsatilla Nigricans – For Mood Swings in People with a Sensitive Nature

Pulsatilla Nigricans is a well suited treatment for mood swings in people with an extremely sensitive nature. These individuals display a sudden change in mood. They alternate between tears and laughter easily. They are oversensitive and get offended quickly. Such patients look for consolation and feel better when consoled. Being in the open also makes them feel better. In such cases, very often, a history of silent grief may be found.

4. Arsenic Album – For Treating Mood Swings in Anxious Personalities

Arsenic Album is a highly beneficial treatment for mood swings in people with an anxious personality. Sudden mood changes along with anxiety, mainly about health and the future, are key symptoms. Extreme restlessness, both on the mental and physical plane, is another symptom. Sometimes these patients suffer from fears – like the fear of catching an infection or the fear of financial loss. Another characteristic constitutional symptom found among them is fastidiousness and the demand for cleanliness and order in everything.

5. Sepia – For Menstruation-related Mood Swings in Women

Sepia is a top-ranked medicine for mood swings in women caused due to hormonal changes, mostly arising before menses or around menopause. Along with mood swings, other notable symptoms include a lot of irritability, getting offended easily, and indifferent behavior toward family members and friends. They also suffer from low energy levels. Along with this, there is also a lack of interest in doing any sort of work.

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Top 5 Best Homeopathic Remedies for Anal Itching

The anus is the opening at the lower end of the gastrointestinal tract through which feces get eliminated from the body. Anal itching refers to the itching at the anus and the skin surrounding the anus. Anal itching is medically called Pruritus Ani and is a common condition. Usually, anal itching gets worse at night and after the passing of stool. In some cases, there may also be burning and redness around the anal area. Scratching of the anal area may lead to cracks and raise the chances of local infection.
Anal itching can be treated successfully with homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic treatment for anal itching helps cure anal itching using medicines that are prepared from naturally occurring substances. Hence, these medicines are safe to use for people of all ages. Homeopathic medicines give long-term results by treating the underlying cause behind it. In mainstream medicine, creams, ointments, antibiotics and antifungal medicines are given as per the case. They may give relief soon, but because the cause is not addressed, the results may be temporary and itching may reappear. Additionally, these medicines can have side effects as well. Here homeopathy is a great alternative and side-effect free treatment option for anal itching that gives cure by treating the root cause behind it.

Homeopathic Medicines Do Not Suppress
Homeopathic medicines do not suppress the complaint of anal itching by recommending use of external creams applications (creams, ointments). These topical creams suppress the problem and give temporary results. There is always a chance of the problem recurring again even in a more worse form than the original. Homeopathy uses non – suppressive oral medicines that heal the internal body conditions to give permanent results.

Homeopathy fixes the root cause
Homeopathic medicines always focus on treating health issues from its roots. In anal itching cases, they initially brings down the intensity of the itching followed by treating the root cause behind it to give long term results and cure. Using homeopathic medicines under the guidance of a homeopathic doctor for the prescribed period gives excellent recovery.

Individualized treatment
There is a long list of medicines in homeopathy for treating anal itching. In every case, the medicine is selected individually from among the list of medicines. The reasons behind anal itching as well as the associated symptoms like burning, soreness, and pain in the anus are taken into consideration while identifying the most suitable medicine. Individualized treatment promises great cures in cases of anal itching.

Safe treatment option
Homeopathy is a highly reliable 200-yr-old healing science which is a natural mode of treatment. It is an entirely safe treatment option for anal itching cases. Homeopathy treats this complaint naturally with the use of natural medicines that are 100% safe.

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines for Anal Itching

Some of the most commonly used homeopathic medicines for anal itching include Teucrium, Nux Vomica, Ratanhia, Sulphur, and Silicea.

1. Teucrium – For Anal Itching from Pinworms

Teucrium is a top grade homeopathic medicine for treating anal itching caused by pinworms. In such cases, there is an increase in anal itching in the evening. Along with itching, the patient experiences restlessness as well. Due to itching, the patient’s sleep may be disturbed. In some patients, itching may increase after passing stool. Teucrium also works well in cases of itching from ascarides.
When to use Teucrium?
It is a top recommended medicine to deal with cases of anal itching occurring from pinworms. Itching is most marked in the evening.
How to use Teucrium?
Two to three doses of Teucrium 30C per day can be taken as per the intensity of the complaint.

2. Nux Vomica – Homeopathic Medicine For Anal Itching From Piles

Nux Vomica is a highly effective homeopathic medicine for piles along with anal itching . Besides, there is an ineffectual urge to pass stool. The patient feels the need to pass stool very frequently and ends up passing a small quantity of stool at a time. In addition to frequent stool, there is a burning sensation in the anus. Nux Vomica is also helpful in cases where the intake of coffee or highly spicy food worsens anal itching.
When to use Nux Vomica?
It is a very useful medicine for managing anal itching occurring along with piles with characteristic symptom of constipation with an ineffectual urge to pass stool.
How to use Nux Vomica?
It is mostly used in 30C power that can be repeated two to three times a day.

3. Ratanhia – For Anal Itching In Anal Fissures

Ratanhia is an effective homeopathic treatment for anal itching caused by anal fissures. In such cases, anal itching is accompanied by cracks in the anus. Along with itching, there is a burning sensation in the anal area. The burning gets better after washing with cold water. In addition to this, sharp splinter-like pains may be felt in the anus.
When to use Ratanhia?
This medicine is of great help to manage itching of anus occurring from anal fissures along with burning and splinter-like pains.
How to use Ratanhia?
Among its various available potenices, it is mostly recommended in 30C potency that can be taken twice or thrice daily.

4. Sulphur – For Anal Itching With Redness, Soreness And Burning At Anus

Sulphur is a beneficial homeopathic medicine for anal itching accompanied by a red and sore anus along with a burning sensation in the anus. Diarrhea and constipation may occur alternatively, along with the above symptoms. Involuntary passage of stool, while sneezing or passing flatus, is another indication for using Sulphur. An itchy anus, because of skin complaints like eczema, is another symptom that requires the use of Sulphur.
When to use Sulphur?
Sulphur can be considered for cases of anal itching attended with sore, red anus and with a burning sensation. It is also the best choice to manage skin itching related to skin conditions like eczema.
How to use Sulphur?
It is advised to use Sulphur 30C once a day.

5. Silicea – For Anal Itching During and After Passing Stool

Silicea is an excellent homeopathic treatment for anal itching that occurs during and after passing stool. There is moisture around the anus that worsens the itching. In such cases, constipation is also a symptom. Though the stool is soft, it is passed with a lot of strain. In most cases, the stool recedes in the rectum after partial expulsion. Silicea is also an effective medicine when anal itching arises in cases of anal fistula.
When to use Silicea?
Silicea can be considered when anal itching is felt while passing stool and after passing stool. It can also be used when anal itching occurs along with anal fistula.
How to use Silicea?
Its use is preferred in 6X potency that can be taken two to three times daily.

Causes for Anal Itching

Anal itching is a symptom not a disease, and can arise due to various reasons. It can arise simply from eating very spicy food, peppers, caffeine and chocolates, use of certain soaps or lotions and due to improper hygiene of the anal area. While in other cases, several medical conditions are linked with it. These commonly include pinworms, piles and anal fissures. Pinworms are tiny worms causing enterobiasis. Piles are dilated, enlarged, swollen, inflamed veins in or around the anus or in the lower rectum. Anal fissures refer to a tear / cut in the anus. The other causes include anal fistula and genital warts. Anal fistula is a small tunnel having an internal opening in the anal canal and an external opening in the skin that surrounds the anus. Genital warts are caused by sexually transmitted infection caused by Human papilloma virus causing warts on genitals or anus.
Yeast infection is another reason for anal itching. Diabetes mellitus predisposes a person to yeast infection. Continuous moisture around the anus from sweat or loose stool is another reason for anal itching. Other causes of anal itching include skin tags; taking strong antibiotics; use of some ointments around the anus; skin problems like eczema (chronic skin condition causing inflamed, itchy skin). In some cases, there is no particular cause for anal itching. This condition is called Idiopathic Pruritus Ani.


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Best Homeopathic Remedies for Pinworms

Pinworms, also known as threadworms, are tiny, thin, white parasitic worms less than half an inch in length. Pinworm infection is one of the most common worm infections. The medical term used for pinworm infection is Enterobiasis. Pinworm infection is most common in school going children. Pinworms infect the large intestine and a primary symptom of the pinworm infection is anal itching. It is contagious and spreads easily among family members and caregivers. Homeopathy works very well in cases of parasitic infections like the pinworm infection. The homeopathic treatment for pinworms is very efficient and yields great results. Homeopathic medicines for pinworms are very safe to use and boost a person’s immunity to fight the parasitic infection naturally. They also help in relieving symptoms of the pinworm infection.

How Does a Person Get Pinworm Infection?

Pinworm infection is contracted by swallowing or inhaling pinworms eggs. Consuming contaminated food or drink, or touching a surface contaminated with pinworm eggs – then putting the same fingers in the mouth – is one of the leading causes of the infection. On swallowing, these eggs go into the intestine, hatch there, and grow into adult worms. The female pinworms then move to the anus and lay eggs. Anal itching occurs at this stage. When the patient scratches the anal area, the eggs stick to the fingers and get under the fingernails. From here, they may get transferred to the mouth again or contaminate surfaces and objects like toys. It is from these surfaces or objects that they get passed on to others.

Symptoms of Pinworms

The primary symptom of pinworm infection is anal itching, also known as Pruritis Ani. The itching is usually worse at night. The intensity of itching varies from a slight tickling to a crawling sensation, and severe itching. If the worms move to the vaginal area, then it may lead to vaginal itching. Itching often leads to a restless or disturbed sleep. Along with the symptoms listed above, irritability may also be present. In some cases, abdominal pain and nausea appear. Other symptoms include a loss of appetite, a loss of weight, bed wetting and painful urination. However, about one-third of the cases of pinworm infection present themselves without a symptom.

Homeopathic Medicines for Pinworms

Some of the best homeopathic medicines for pinworms are Teucrium Marum Verum, Sulphur, Spigelia Anthelmintica, Cina Maritima, Caladium Seguinum, and Sabadilla Officinalis. The most suitable homeopathic medicine for a particular case is chosen according to the symptoms. Teucrium Marum Verum works well in controlling anal itching because of pinworms. Such patients suffer from severe anal itching in the evening. The patient is also restless. In cases of itching and redness around the anal area, homeopathic medicine Sulphur should be used. Spigelia Anthelmintica is an excellent homeopathic medicine for pinworms in cases of anal itching and pain around the navel. Cina Maritima is an effective homeopathic treatment for pinworms in cases where intense irritability accompanies anal itching. Caladium Seguinum works well for cases of vaginal itching from pinworms. Sabadilla Officinalis is a useful homeopathic treatment for pinworms when the individual symptoms are anal itching alternating with the itching of the ears or the nose.

Preventive Action for Pinworm Infection

Primary measures that need to be kept in mind to prevent pinworms infection include maintaining personal hygiene, keeping fingernails short and washing hands properly, both after passing stool and before eating. Bed linen, undergarments, towels and night clothes should be washed in hot water to kill the pinworms. Avoid sharing of towels and other garments with the patient.

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Best Homeopathic Treatment for a Sprain

A sprain is the tearing, stretching, twisting or wrenching of a ligament. Ligaments are bands of tough, fibrous and flexible tissue that connect two bones and hold a joint together. Any joint can get sprained, but sprains usually occur in the ankles or the wrists. A sprain can be a minor twisting of a ligament or a severe rupture needing surgical repair. Homeopathic treatment for sprain has been found to be very successful. First and second-degree sprains are treated effectively with these medicines. They reduce the pain, swelling, and soreness of the sprained area. Along with this, the medicines work to heal the injured ligaments. Homeopathy for a sprain also helps in strengthening ligaments in patients prone to frequent sprains. Homeopathic Medicines for Sprain

Depending on the severity, a sprain is categorized into three grades. A first-grade sprain refers to only the stretching and twisting of a ligament without tearing. In a second-grade sprain, there is an incomplete tear of the ligament, making the joint slightly loose. A sprain with a complete tear of the ligament, which leads to the instability of the joint, is called a third-grade sprain. A sprain is different from a strain, which is the tearing or rupture of a muscle or a tendon.

Natural medicines for a sprain treat sprains in a very safe and gentle way without any side effects. First and second-degree sprains can be treated independently with these medicines. For third-degree sprains, surgical repair may be needed. But after surgical repair, natural medicines can be used to quicken the healing process.

What are the Causes of a Sprain?

A sprain, the over extension or tearing of a ligament, happens when a joint is severely stressed, or a person takes it beyond the normal range of movement. The joint most prone to getting sprained are the ankles. A sprained ankle can occur from the turning, rolling or twisting of the foot. The factors that increase the risk of a sprain in the ankle include walking or running on an uneven surface, activities like playing a sport, or wearing high heeled shoes. Other joints that have a high chance of getting sprained are the wrist, the knee, and the thumb. Wrists usually get sprained when a person falls on the ground with an outstretched hand. People playing different sports are more likely to sprain their knees. A thumb sprain mostly occurs while playing a sport like a tennis that involves holding a racket.

What are the Symptoms of a Sprain?

The symptoms of a sprain include swelling and pain at the site of the sprained joint. The intensity of pain varies depending on the severity of the sprain. In addition to this, there may be bruising at the injured site and a decreased ability to move the affected joint.

Homeopathic Treatment for Sprain

Some of the best medicines for a sprain are Arnica Montana, Rhus Tox, Ruta Graveolens, Ledum Palustre, Natrum Carb, and Strontium Carb. Among these, Arnica Montana is a useful treatment for a sprain when there is intense soreness, swelling and bruising at the affected joint. Rhus Tox and Ruta Graveolens are beneficial for sprains affecting any joint. In the first line of treatment for sprains, medicines that are most helpful include Arnica Montana, Rhus Tox, and Ruta Graveolens. Ledum Palustre is useful for persons prone to ankle sprains. Natrum Carb works well for chronic sprains that occur mainly in the ankle. Strontium Carb is an effective treatment for a sprain in the ankle or the wrist.

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Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines for Gastritis

Gastritis is the inflammation of the stomach lining or the mucosa. The stomach is a hollow muscular organ located in the upper left quadrant of the abdomen lined with several layers of different tissues i.e. serosa, muscularis externa, sub mucosa and mucosa. Serosa is the outermost layer of the epithelial and connective tissue that is a part of the peritoneum. The next layer, or the muscularis externa, helps in churning, mixing the food, and propelling it towards the intestines by contracting and relaxing. The sub mucosa layer contains the blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves. The inner most layer or the mucosa is a soft, smooth surfaced layer that contains gastric glands and gastric pits. The gastric glands have various cells that produce mucus, an enzyme named pepsinogen, hydrochloric acid and the gastric intrinsic factor which helps in absorbing vitamin B12. The mucus protects the stomach tissue from being eaten away, damaged, or corroded by its digestive secretions. The hydrochloric acid kills microorganisms swallowed along with food and activates pepsinogen into pepsin to help in digesting proteins. Any factor that disrupts the protective mucus barrier of the stomach exposes the stomach tissue to harm by the strongly acidic stomach secretions. This results in the inflammation of the stomach lining or the mucosa and is called gastritis.
Homeopathic treatment gives remarkable results in cases of gastritis. Homeopathic medicines successfully reduce the inflammation of the stomach lining and manage the symptoms that arise subsequently. Symptoms of pain, burning, stomach fullness, nausea, vomiting are effectively relieved with these medicines. If started well in time, homeopathic treatment for gastritis is quite beneficial in preventing the development of sores and ulcers in the stomach lining as well. For gastritis cases mainstream medicine recommends antibiotics, antacids and medicines to reduce or block acid production. They give instant relief but can cause side effects with prolonged use, while homeopathy offers long term results and has zero side effects in gastritis cases.

Homeopathic treatment for gastritis is very helpful for both acute (short term) and chronic (long-standing) cases of gastritis. With well-prescribed homeopathic medicines, both types of cases recover completely. To obtain best results, proper treatment for the suggested time period under a homeopathic physician needs to be followed.
Homeopathic remedies help in decreasing inflammation of the stomach lining by treating the root cause behind it. This helps to fight the underlying cause of gastritis by boosting body’s natural self-healing mechanism. This way, it offers recovery in the most natural, harmless way.
In homeopathy, medicines for gastritis are selected for each case individually. Homeopathy never prescribes the same medicine in every case of gastritis based merely on diagnosis. Rather, it prescribes medicines based on the characteristic unique symptoms present in every individual case. After noting down all the symptoms in a case, a detailed case analysis is done by a homeopathic doctor as per fixed laws of homeopathy. These individualized well-selected medicines do wonders in treating gastritis cases.
To treat gastritis, homeopathy makes use of medicines prepared from naturally occurring substances used in highly diluted form. This ensures natural treatment with no side effects at all. Homeopathy is a great alternative natural treatment mode for gastritis cases that can be considered in persons of any age group.

Top 5 Homeopathic Medicines for Gastritis

The five leading homeopathic medicines for treating gastritis are Arsenic Album, Phosphorus, Lycopodium, Colocynth and Argentum Nitricum.

1. Arsenic Album – For Gastritis With Burning Pain In Stomach

Arsenic Album is one of the top homeopathic medicines for gastritis. It works well when there is a burning pain in the stomach due to gastritis. Ingesting even a little food or drink worsens the pain. Taking something warm may bring relief. Acidic and cold things worsen the pain and burning. Other accompanying symptoms are weakness, exhaustion, weight loss, and intense anxiety.
When to use Arsenic Album?
It is the best choice of medicine to manage burning pain in the stomach in cases of gastritis.
How to use Arsenic Album?
Arsenic Album can be administered once a day in 30C potency.

2. Phosphorus – For Gastritis With Stomach Pain

Phosphorus is wonderful homeopathic medicine for gastritis with marked stomach pain. The pain gets worse if even a little pressure is applied on the stomach. Cutting type of pain is usually present. Along with this, burning sensation is also present in stomach. There is relief in pain from intake of cold food / drinks. Nausea and vomiting can occur and the patient throws up food. There is constant nausea and a soreness in the pit of the stomach. Water brash and heartburn are other features that may arise. Some patients also complain of bitter or sour belching.
When to use Phosphorus?
Phosphorus is a highly suitable medicine to manage stomach pain in cases of gastritis when pain increases from the slightest pressure over the stomach and there is relief from cold food.
How to use Phosphorus?
It is advised to take Phosphorus 30C once a day.

3. Lycopodium – When Fullness Or Distension Of Stomach Is Prominent

Lycopodium is one of leading homeopathic medicine for gastritis in cases where fullness of stomach is the main symptom. The fullness appears soon after eating. Eating tiny quantities of food can also lead to fullness and distension of the stomach. Along with fullness, there is a gnawing, burning or constrictive pain in the stomach. The pain may get better on rubbing. Nausea and sour belching may also be present. In a few cases, there is vomiting of food and bile. Another marked feature is the loss of appetite.
When to use Lycopodium?
This medicine is highly suggested for gastritis when there is fullness, distension of stomach soon after eating.
How to use Lycopodium?
This medicine can be used once a day in 30C power.

4. Colocynth – For Stomach Pain And Vomiting In Gastritis

Colocynth is a prominent medicine to manage stomach pain along with vomiting in cases of gastritis. There is constant urge to vomit where this medicine is required. The stomach pain gets better by applying pressure and bending double means bending forward. Along with these complaints, there is bitter taste in the mouth.
When to use Colocynth?
Use of Colocynth is preferred to manage stomach pain and vomiting occurring from gastritis. Relief in stomach pain from pressure and bending forward is characteristic to use this medicine.
How to use Colocynth?
Though it can be used in different potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M, it is advised to begin with 30C potency two to three times a day. Use of higher potencies should be done only under supervision of a physician.

5. Argentum Nitricum – For Gastritis From Excessive Alcohol Intake

Argentum Nitricum offers excellent homeopathic treatment for gastritis caused by chronic alcohol intake. A primary symptom for using Argentum Nitricum is pain in the stomach which radiates to all parts of the abdomen. The pain may be gnawing, burning or constricting in nature. Another symptom is frequent belching. Distension of the abdomen may also occur. Argentum Nitricum is also an often used homeopathic medicine to treat ulcers in the stomach.
When to use Argentum Nitricum?
This medicine is well indicated to manage gastritis resulting from prolonged alcohol intake. The symptoms indicating its use are stomach pain (gnawing, burning or constricting type) that radiates all over the abdomen and excessive burping.
How to use Argentum Nitricum?
This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. However, it is suggested to start with low potency like 30C that can be taken one to two times a day.

Types of Gastritis
Gastritis may be acute or short-term and chronic or long-term in nature. It can also be nonerosive or erosive. In nonerosive gastritis, only the stomach lining is inflamed. In erosive gastritis, the mucus lining erodes, which leads to breaks, sores or ulcers in the stomach lining. Another form of gastritis is atrophic gastritis in which the gastric gland cells are destroyed due to long-term inflammation and replaced by intestinal and fibrous tissue. This leads to the impairment of the production of hydrochloric acid, pepsin, and gastric intrinsic factor. Atrophic gastritis is either the result of long-term Helicobacter pylori infection or is autoimmune in origin.

The primary causes of gastritis are infection with Helicobacter Pylori bacteria, excessive use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and high alcohol intake. Other predisposing factors for gastritis include stress, injuries, burns, smoking, and Crohn’s disease (autoimmune disorder that may cause inflammation in any part of gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus). A person suffering from autoimmune disorders like Hashimoto’s disease (autoimmune disorder affecting the thyroid gland) and Type 1 diabetes is also prone to gastritis. Chemotherapy and radiation used for cancer treatment also increase the risk of gastritis.

Symptoms of Gastritis
The signs and symptoms of gastritis include pain in the upper mid abdomen that may be burning, aching or gnawing in nature, fullness or distension of the stomach soon after eating, nausea, vomiting, belching, loss of appetite and anemia.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Dementia

Homeopathy offers excellent treatment for dementia. Homeopathic medicine for dementia is prepared from naturally occurring substances which are completely safe to use. These medicines should be selected individually for every case. A detailed case taking is necessary for dementia; followed by an analysis and evaluation to finalize the homeopathic prescription. The best homeopathic remedies for dementia are Anacardium Orientale, Baryta Carb, Cannabis Indica, Medorrhinum, Graphites Naturalis, and Kali Phos. Homeopathic medicine for dementia should be taken after consulting a homeopathic physician; and self-medication must be avoided.

What are Dementia and its symptoms?

Dementia is a term used for a group of symptoms arising from various disorders affecting the brain. The primary symptoms of dementia include memory loss and a gradual decrease in the ability to think that is severe enough to interfere with daily life. The other symptoms of dementia include emotional problems, and difficulties in communication, finding words, planning, and solving problems. There is also a change in personality, irritability, anxiety, depression, confusion, hallucinations, social withdrawal, and disorientation. In the early stages of dementia, the person is afflicted by symptoms that are noticeable by those around him. These symptoms cause trouble in daily routine, but the patient is still able to take care of himself. In the later stages of dementia, the patient is unable to take care of himself and needs assistance and supervision most of the time.

Causes of Dementia

Dementia mostly arises from damaged nerve cells in the brain. Persons above 65 years of age and those with a family history of dementia are at a higher risk of developing dementia. Among the various causes of dementia, the most common cause is Alzheimer’s disease, which accounts for about 60 -70% of the total cases of dementia. Another major reason for dementia is damage to the blood vessels in the brain. This type of dementia is known as vascular dementia. Other disorders linked to dementia include Huntington’s disease, Creutzfeldt – Jakob disease, Lyme disease, and Parkinson’s disease. Deficiency in vitamin B12, thyroid problems, poisoning with heavy metals like lead, and brain tumors may also cause dementia.

Best Homeopathic Remedies for Dementia

1. Anacardium Orientale – A Top Homeopathic Medicine for Dementia

Anacardium Orientale is among the best homeopathic remedies for dementia. Patients needing Anacardium Orientale have impaired memory and marked forgetfulness. The patient suddenly forgets the names of those around and also forgets things he has recently seen. Forgetfulness makes the person low spirited. There is also a marked absent mindedness and a deficiency of ideas. Homeopathy also uses Anacardium Orientale for the treatment of Alzheimer’s.

2. Baryta Carb – A Homeopathic Remedy for Senile Dementia

Baryta Carb is an excellent homeopathic remedy for senile dementia. In such cases, there is progressing mental weakness. There is forgetfulness while speaking and the mind seems clouded. The patient tends to forget the words that he is about to speak. There is a loss of memory, and when the patient tries to recollect past events, he is unable to do so. Baryta Carb works well for the treatment of dementia in the elderly who may have lost mental function after a stroke.

3. Cannabis Indica – Homeopathic Medicine for Dementia with Difficulty in Communication

Cannabis Indica is one of the best homeopathic remedies for dementia in cases where there is difficulty in communication. Cannabis Indica is helpful where a person becomes extremely forgetful while communicating. He forgets the last words spoken by him as well as what he is about to say. He begins to speak a sentence and then suddenly loses the thread of conversation. While writing too, the patient forgets what he intends to write. The mind is foggy, and there is an inability to recall past events. Difficulty in focusing is also experienced.

4. Medorrhinum – Homeopathic Medicine for Dementia Where the Patient Forgets Names and Words

Medorrhinum is a suitable homeopathic medicine for dementia where the person forgets names and words. The main symptom that points to the use of Medorrhinum is forgetting the names of friends and familiar people. The patient may not even remember their own name. There is also forgetfulness while writing, both regarding the words that are to be written as well as their spelling. While speaking, the person may forget the appropriate words. During a conversation, the patient may forget what he was asked; and the question has to be repeated. Along with the above symptoms, there are severe mood changes as well. Happiness alternates with sadness. There is also marked irritability over small things.

5. Graphites Naturalis – Homeopathic Medicine for Dementia when Indifference Accompanies Memory Loss

Graphites Naturalis is one of the best homeopathic remedies for dementia in cases where indifference accompanies memory loss. The person forgets recent events but remembers past events that occurred at a young age. There is indifference to everything and everybody. Along with this, the patient may be obstinate and moody. Dullness and anxiety, mostly in the mornings, also occur.

6. Kali Phos – A Useful Homeopathic Medicine for Dementia when Prostration Accompanies Memory Loss

Kali Phos is an effective homeopathic medicine for dementia. The main symptom pointing towards the use of Kali Phos is memory loss accompanied by tiredness. There is exhaustion on both mental and physical levels. In such cases, the patient doesn’t recognize his surroundings and is not inclined to speak with others. Sometimes, gloominess, depression, nervousness, and anxiety are also present.


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