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Vertigo and Dizziness making Life Unlivable ? Homeopathy has a treatment for it !

Homeopathic Remedies for Vertigo

Vertigo is a sensation in which a person feels that he or she is moving or the things in the surrounding are in motion which is not so in reality. The person with vertigo may have difficulty maintaining balance while walking and standing. Improper imbalance can also result in falling. Nausea and vomiting may also accompany vertigo.

Homeopathy offers excellent treatment in cases of vertigo. With zero side effects and  a natural composition, homeopathic remedies for vertigo give wonderful results. Homeopathic medicines provide cure in vertigo cases by working at a deep level to root out the cause. Besides relieving vertigo, these medicines also help to manage attending symptoms like nausea, vomiting, headache, noises in ears (tinnitus), a sensation of fullness in the ears that may occur in some cases depending on the cause behind it. Unlike medicines used in the conventional mode that work temporarily and can have side effects, homeopathic medicines give long term relief with zero side effects.

Initially, homeopathy aims to give relief in acute vertigo episodes. Afterwards, it works to reduce the intensity and frequency of vertigo attacks in future. Its main motive is to help to cure it entirely with proper treatment. As vertigo can arise from varying causes, homeopathy focuses to fight back this cause to give excellent cures.

Homeopathy is a highly reliable healing science based on fixed principles to prescribe medicines. It does not follow a hit and trial approach to address health issues. Rather the medicine prescription, potency selection, dosage and repetition — all are done according to fixed laws of homeopathy. It makes it a very safe and reliable treatment option for vertigo cases. Homeopathic treatment as guided by a homeopathic physician results in cure in most of the vertigo cases having mild to moderate intensity.

Every person has an inbuilt self-healing mechanism in the body that can help to overcome health issues naturally. Some type of stimulus is needed for this mechanism to self-heal. Homeopathy uses medicines for vertigo in a highly diluted form that works to stimulate this self-healing mechanism for natural recovery.

7 Best Homeopathic Remedies For Vertigo

Homeopathy provides several remedies to treat Vertigo. The topmost among these are Conium, Gelsemium, Cocculus Indicus, Chininum Sulph, Belladonna, Bryonia and China.

1. Conium – Top-Grade Medicine

Conium leads the chart of homeopathic medicines for managing vertigo. The persons needing it feels as if he/she is moving around in a circle. Worsening of vertigo from head movement is the key indication to use this medicine. It is one of the best medicines to deal with cases of BPPV (a condition in which vertigo occurs from head movement). It is also well indicated when vertigo worsens from turning in bed. It works well when vertigo gets worse while rising from a seat or bed. Besides, its use is suggested when vertigo occurs while walking. There may be a tendency to fall sideways. Lastly, for elderly people who experience vertigo, Conium is very beneficial.

When to use Conium?

This medicine should be used as a first remedy in cases of vertigo especially one that worsens from head movement, walking and turning in bed.

How to use Conium?

It can be used in varying potencies like 30C, 200C, 1M. Most commonly it is used in 30C potency once or twice a day. To use high potencies, kindly consult a homeopathic physician.

2. Gelsemium – For Vertigo With Loss Of Balance

Gelsemium is a natural medicine prepared from the plant ‘yellow jasmine’. It is a very effective medicine when vertigo is accompanied by loss of balance. It poses difficulty in walking which causes a staggering gait (unsteady walk as if drunk). Other than this, it is indicated when vertigo is attended with dim vision, double vision and heaviness of eyelids. In cases needing gelsenium, vertigo gets worse from walking mostly.

When to use Gelsemium?

Consider its use in cases where vertigo is accompanied by loss of balance while walking or dim vision / double vision or heaviness of eyelids.

How to use Gelsemium?

It is usually given in 30C potency two to three times a day. Its higher potencies can be used only on the advice of a homeopathic doctor.

3. Cocculus Indicus – For Vertigo With Nausea, Vomiting

Cocculus Indicus is a highly suitable medicine for vertigo accompanied by nausea and vomiting. In cases needing it, vertigo worsens while sitting up or standing. It is also a top-listed medicine for vertigo with nausea and vomiting during travelling. Besides, cocculus is an important medicine to manage vertigo worsening from loss of sleep. Besides, there is a feeling as if one will faint.

When to use Cocculus Indicus?

This medicine should be preferred in all cases where nausea and vomiting occurs along with vertigo.

How to use Cocculus Indicus?

It is mainly recommended in 30C potency. It can be taken once or twice a day as per the severity of the complaint.

4. Chininum Sulph – For Vertigo In Cases Of Meniere’s Disease

Meniere’s Disease refers to a condition in which hearing loss, noises in ear (tinnitus) and vertigo occur. Chininum Sulph is of great help when there is vertigo with noises in the ear. The noises can be buzzing, ringing or roaring in nature varying from case to case. The person needing it has difficulty in standing and frequently falls down. Vertigo mainly worsens on stooping. In some cases, vertigo is accompanied by headache.

When to use Chininum Sulph?

This medicine should be the first choice to manage vertigo in case of Meniere’s disease with buzzing, ringing or roaring noises in ears and hearing difficulty.

How to use Chininum Sulph?

From low to high potency it works well in all potencies. Initially, it is best to use 30C potency once a day or twice a day. In case no changes occur, one may use high potencies under the supervision of a homeopathic expert.

5. Belladonna – For Vertigo During Headache

Belladonna is a leading medicine for treating vertigo that occurs along with headache due to cervical spondylosis. In cases needing it, vertigo worsens from movement, when turning in bed. It may also increase while stooping and from rising from stooped position. A tendency to fall to the left side or backward may be present. Headache attends vertigo. Headache gets better by applying pressure or binding the head.

When to use Belladonna?

This medicine is best for vertigo that gets worse while stooping or when rising from stooping attended by headache.

How to use Belladonna?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency twice or thrice a day as per the intensity of complaint.

6. Bryonia – For Vertigo In Case Of BPPV

BPVV (Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo) refers to a condition in which vertigo appears on the head’s movement or changing the head’s position. Bryonia is an excellent medicine for BPVV other than Conium. It works well when vertigo appears from sudden motion of the head in any direction. It seems as if all objects are moving in a circle. The condition improves when the head is in an absolute rest position without even the slightest motion.

When to use Bryonia?

Bryonia can be used in cases in which vertigo triggers from the sudden movement of head and gets better with complete rest with no head movement.

How to use Bryonia?

Bryonia is mostly used in 30C potency. One may take it twice or thrice a day depending on the severity of the problem.

7. China Officinalis – For Vertigo Worse On Movement And Walking

China is an important medicine when vertigo worsens with movement and walking. The person is unable to walk straight and staggers while walking. The problem gets relieved by lying down. With vertigo, fainting spells may occur. A tendency to fall backward is mainly present.

When to use China Officinalis?

The use of this medicine is highly applicable for cases of vertigo which worsens on movement and while walking and relief is noted by lying down.

How to use China Officinalis?

China Officinalis 30C twice a day is an ideal dose to start with.

Causes Behind Vertigo

1. Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV): It is the most common cause behind vertigo. In this case, vertigo occurs from a sudden change in head position. For example, it may trigger from moving head up or down or turning in bed.  BPPV happens when calcium particles that are present in utricle move into semi-circular canal of inner ear that control balance. On head movement, these particles touch and stimulate the cilia (sensory hair cells via which the body’s balance and position information is signalled to brain) of these canals. Due to this, wrong information is processed about body’s position resulting in vertigo.

2. Labyrinthitis: Inflammation or infection of labyrinth which is part of inner ear

3. Vestibular neuritis: Inflammation of vestibular nerve that processes signal to brain about balance

4. Meniere’s disease: An inner ear disorder that causes triad of complaints including vertigo, tinnitus (noises in ear) and hearing loss.

5. Cholesteatoma: A cyst growing in middle ear behind the eardrum

6. Migraine headache: One-sided severe throbbing headache attended with nausea vomiting. Sensitivity to noise, light, odors can be there. Vertigo can also attend these symptoms.

7. Otosclerosis: Condition arising from abnormal bone growth in the middle ear

8. Ear surgery, head/neck injury, low blood pressure, certain medicines which damage ear for example diuretics, salicylates, aminoglycoside antibiotics and stroke (damage to brain from interrupted blood supply to brain)

What are the symptoms of  Vertigo?

Persons who have vertigo feel as if they are spinning or objects around them are moving or they are swaying or feeling unbalanced. They may have some other symptoms as well depending on the cause behind vertigo. These include nausea, vomiting, balance issues, headache, noises in ears (tinnitus), fullness sensation in ears, sweating and nystagmus (rapid, repetitive, involuntary eye movement).



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Asafoetida: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications and Dosage

The homeopathic remedy Asafoetida is derived from the plant ‘Narthex Asafoetida’. This plant belongs to family Umbelliferae. The gum resin obtained by incising the living root of this plant undergoes potentization (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines that extract and intensify the medicinal properties of a crude substance). With this process, it gets converted into a very important medicine Asafoetida. It is a prominent medicine in homeopathy to treat gastric problems mainly gas, bloating and also bone-related complaints majorly bone decay and bone pain.

The ‘Asafoetida’ Constitution

This medicine is suitable for nervous and hysterical persons (showing uncontrollable extreme emotions).

Drug Action

This medicine manifests its chief action on the gastric system and the bones. It also acts well on the female genitals and breast. Lastly, its action is noted on the ears, nose and the throat.

Clinical Indications

Gas, bloating, burping, diarrhea, bone diseases, bone decay, decreased breast milk production, ear discharge, ozaena, globus hystericus

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1.Gastric System (Gas, Bloating, Burping, Pain And Diarrhoea)

This medicine has vast action on the gastric system. It is a very effective medicine to manage excessive gas and stomach bloating. The most characteristic feature is that the gas pushes upwards and none passes downwards. There is much rolling of gas in the abdomen which is followed by loud burps that smell like garlic. It can be given to manage rhythmic pain (frequent pain at regular interval) in the abdomen from gas. Heat is felt in the abdomen. Another important feature for its use is regurgitation of liquids (back flow of liquid from stomach into food pipe and mouth). It is also helpful to manage cutting and burning type of pain in the stomach. The stomach feels full of gas. It offers help to manage empty sensation in the pit of the stomach from hunger, specifically gets worse around 11 am. Lastly it is beneficial to manage diarrhea. It is used when there is watery, dark stool having an offensive smell with tight distended abdomen and regurgitation of food. Offensive gas passes along with stool.

Key Indicating Features

Excessive gas in abdomen that pushes upwards and none downwards

Rolling of gas in abdomen followed by loud burps smelling like garlic

Diarrhea with watery, dark, offensive stool with tight distended abdomen and regurgitation of food

2. Bones (Bone Pain, Bone Decay)

This medicine has great affinity to manage bone-related issues. It is successfully used in managing bone pain and bone decay. For using it, the pain in bones vary from case to case. The pain can be sharp, stitching, pressive, aching, boring or darting type. The pain may wander from one bone to the other. In case of bone decay, its use is preferred when there is intense bone pain of throbbing type at night. It is attended with marked sensitivity in affected bones.

Key Indicating Features

Bone pain sharp, stitching, pressive, aching, boring or darting in nature

Bone decay with throbbing pain at night attended with sensitivity

 3. Female Problems (Scanty Periods, Short Periods, Vaginal Discharge, Uterine Ulcers)

Asafoetida has marked action on female genitals as well. It can effectively deal with cases of scanty/ short/ early periods. During periods, a person feels irritable. It is of great value to manage vaginal discharge. It works well for cases having green, thin vaginal discharge that is profuse and has offensive smell. It can also be used to control excessive sexual desire in women (nymphomania). Its last indication is management of uterine ulcers. Here it is given when ulcers in uterus are painful and sensitive accompanied by offensive discharge.

Key Indicating Features

Scanty, short and early periods

Green, thin, profuse, offensive smelling vaginal discharges

Ulcers in uterus that are painful, sensitive accompanied with offensive discharge

4. Breast Complaints (Nipple Discharge And Galactagogue)

Its action is also noted on the breast. Firstly, it is a highly valuable medicine to manage cases of galactorrhea (means milky discharge from the nipples that is not associated with normal milk production that occurs for breast feeding). Secondly, Asafoetida can be given if there is decreased breast milk production. This medicine is known to act as a galactagogue that promotes milk production during breastfeeding in women who are sensitive by nature.

Key Indicating Features

Galactorrhea i.e. milky discharge from the nipples, not associated with milk production during breast feeding

To promote breast milk production during breastfeeding

5. Ears (Ear Discharge And Hardness Of Hearing)

By acting on the ears, Asafoetida helps to manage otorrhoea (ear discharge). It is recommended for offensive pus-like ear discharge accompanied with boring pain in the mastoid bones. One may also find it useful to manage hardness of hearing along with thin, offensive pus discharge from the ears.

Key Indicating Features

Offensive pus-like ear discharge accompanied with boring pain in mastoid bones

Hardness of hearing along with thin, offensive pus ear discharge

6. Nose (Discharges, Ozaena And Decay Of Nasal Bones)

Use of Asafoetida is also considered in managing certain nasal complaints. This medicine works wonderfully to manage offensive discharge from the nose. It is a brilliant medicine to handle cases of decay of nasal bones. It is a top-listed medicine to manage ozaena. Also known as atrophic rhinitis, ozaena refers to chronic nasal condition in which there occurs atrophy (shrinkage) of the nasal mucus lining and the underneath bone. In ozaena cases, its use is done when there occurs offensive-smelling pus discharge from the nose.

Key Indicating Features

Offensive nasal discharge

Atrophic rhinitis with offensive pus discharge from the nose

Decay of nasal bones

7. Throat (Globus Hystericus, Burning, Tenderness)

Asafoetida is also recommended for managing problems related to the throat. Firstly, it is the main medicine for treating globus hystericus. It refers to sensation of a lump lodged in the throat which is actually not present. Persons needing this medicine feel a pressure in the throat as if some lump is rising in the throat from the stomach or food pipe and has to be swallowed frequently. Secondly, it can manage well burning sensation in pharynx. Burning is followed by soreness. Lastly, it is used to manage tenderness in throat felt while swallowing.

Key Indicating Features

Globus Hystericus

Tenderness in throat felt when swallowing


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse at night, during rest, from warm applications, when sitting and after eating / drinking

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in open air


Its use can be done in both low and high potencies. The potency and repetition varies from case to case depending on the type and duration of complaint. In general, low potencies can be repeated often while high potencies should not be repeated frequently.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Causticum, Camphor, China and Pulsatilla

It antidotes: China and Merc Sol

Followed well by: China, Merc Sol and Pulsatilla


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Beat your Climacteric Blues with Natural Homeopathic Remedies for Menopause

Homeopathic Remedies for Menopause

Menopause is a natural biological process faced by women that leads to the permanent end of menses. It is the final result of a gradual decline in the functioning of the ovaries. As women reach menopause, their periods become irregular and scanty, until they permanently cease. In some cases, there are no periods for one month or many months altogether, then appear again until they cease permanently while in others, the periods cease suddenly. After one year of no menstruation, a woman is said to have gone through menopause. Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 yrs and 52 yrs, although in some it may start as early as the late thirties and early forties.

Homeopathy is a very safe, harmless option to manage complaints related to menopause. Natural homeopathic medicines are of great help in dealing with various symptoms experienced by women during menopause.  Complaints like heat flashes, hair fall, headache, weight gain, facial hair, depression, low mood, and vaginal dryness can be wonderfully managed with homeopathy. In conventional mode, hormonal therapy is mostly recommended for managing menopausal complaints but it has its side effects. The use of hormones for treating menopause has always been questioned, so the need for a completely harmless treatment becomes stronger than ever. So, here homeopathy serves as a great boon to manage menopausal complaints.

Holistic treatment

Homeopathy prescribes medicines following a holistic approach in each and every case of menopause. Holistic means treating the person as a whole taking into consideration the symptoms of emotional, mental, physical sphere collectively to finalise a homeopathic prescription. As the signs and symptoms vary from one woman to the other, so does the homeopathic prescription. Further the potency, dose and repetition of medicines is finalised from case to case. Hence, self-medication should be avoided and one should always consult a homeopathic doctor for the correct prescription.

 Safe, gentle medicines

As mentioned earlier homeopathic remedies are entirely safe with no adverse effects. This is due to the fact that homeopathic medicines do not contain any harmful chemicals or toxic components. They boost the body’s natural healing mechanism to get relief in a very natural manner.

Top 7 Homeopathic Remedies For Menopause

The top homeopathic medicines for menopause include Sepia, Lachesis, Amylenum Nitrosum, Graphites, Ignatia, Sabina and Calcarea Carb.

1. Sepia – Top Homeopathic Remedy For Menopausal Complaints

There are many natural homeopathic remedies to consider, but Sepia tops them all when it comes to the treatment of symptoms associated with menopause. Sepia can work wonders, making the woman’s transition through menopause a comfortable one and bringing back her vivaciousness. This medicine proves highly effective in managing numerous complaints related to menopause. Firstly, Sepia is extremely helpful in managing heat flashes during menopause. It is beneficial when women suffer from intense hot flashes with fainting spells. The whole body gets drenched with sweat. Secondly, it is beneficial to manage hair loss and headache during menopause. Further, Sepia is well-indicated to manage weight gain (obesity) during menopause. Next, Sepia is recommended for managing vaginal dryness, decreased libido (sexual desire) and painful intercourse. Besides, females needing Sepia may feel a dragging or bearing down sensation in the uterus, feeling the desire to cross their legs to hold everything in. It also aids in managing heavy vaginal bleeding (flooding) during menopause. For women requiring Sepia, a change in temperament requires a special mention. From being calm and gentle before menopause, she gets irritated at the slightest cause, shows indifferent behaviour towards family. She becomes less caring towards her family. The feeling of sadness, with no desire to meet friends and no interest in daily activities, makes her feel worse. She feels tired easily.

When to use Sepia?

Sepia is the most commonly used homeopathic medicine to manage various menopausal complaints like hot flashes, headache, hair fall, weight gain, vaginal dryness, sadness, and indifferent behavior.

How to use Sepia?

It can be used in low and high potencies, the most preferred being 30 C potency. Sepia 30 C can be taken once or twice a day depending on the symptoms severity.

2. Lachesis – To Manage Heat Flashes And Depression

One of the main symptoms that may cause great discomfort during menopause is heat flashes – it is a feeling of extreme heat, mostly in the upper parts of the body, accompanied by drenching sweat. Lachesis is a useful remedy (other than Sepia) for extreme heat flashes during menopause. The woman requiring Lachesis cannot bear tight clothing mainly around the neck or waist. The next sphere where Lachesis works wonders is depression during menopause. Here, it is indicated when there is an aversion to social interaction. There is a desire to run away from the world. There is aversion to doing any work; lack of interest in daily routine work is common.

When to use Lachesis?

This medicine is a great choice to manage hot flashes when tight clothing is unbearable, especially around the neck and waist. It is equally good for managing depression during menopause.

How to use Lachesis?

This medicine is mostly recommended in 30C potency. This medicine is usually not repeated often and is given once or twice a week in most of the cases. Do not use it too frequently as it is a strong medicine.

3. Amylenum Nitrosum – For Managing Hot Flashes And Headache

Amylenum Nitrosum is also recommended for managing hot flashes in women in the menopausal stage. Its use is mainly considered when heat flashes are accompanied by anxiety and palpitation. After heat flashes, excessive sweating follows. There is a desire to go out in the fresh air. The bed coverings are always unbearable from excessive heat. Next Amylenum Nitrosum can also relieve headache during menopause with marked congestion in the head. In cases needing it, there is a sensation that the head would burst due to pain and congestion.

When to use Amylenum Nitrosum?

This medicine can be used to manage heat flashes when accompanied by anxiety and palpitation. It can also be given in cases of headache during menopause.

How to use Amylenum Nitrosum?

This medicine can be used in 30 C potency once a day.

4. Graphites – For Obesity During Menopause

Graphites is another useful medicine for menopausal suffering. It mainly helps in controlling obesity (weight gain) during menopause. It suits women having marked sensitivity to cold air. One feels sad and cannot make decisions easily.  They may begin to weep easily even while listening to music.

When to use Graphites?

Graphites is used in menopause when weight gain is the main issue during this phase.

How to use Graphites?

Graphites can be taken once a day in 30C potency.

5. Sabina –  To Manage Heavy Bleeding During Menopause

It is a natural medicine prepared from the plant Juniperus Sabina. Its use is considered when there is heavy, gushing, bright red vaginal bleeding. The bleeding is watery mixed with clots. During bleeding, there is pain in the uterus. Pain from the sacrum (a triangular bone at the base of the spine) to the pubis (area in front of the pelvis) is a key symptom attending it.

When to use Sabina?

Sabina can be given for controlling excessive vaginal bleeding or flooding during menopause.

How to use Sabina?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency – two to three times a day as per the severity of the complaint.

6. Ignatia – To Manage Depression During Menopause

In a few women, symptoms of clinical depression — excessive weeping, sadness, feeling of loneliness, sleeplessness, and reduced social interaction — are seen during menopause. Natural homeopathic medicine Ignatia is a good choice for coping with depression during menopause other than Sepia and Lachesis. It can be used in all cases where a woman feels sad all the time with no desire to talk to others. She may sit alone and continue weeping for long. She excludes herself from society and does not want to talk to anybody. She wants to be left alone all the time. Homeopathic medicine Ignatia can also best control mood changes during menopause. The woman needing Ignatia has sudden changes in her mood. The mood shifts rapidly from happiness to sadness without any apparent cause.

When and How to use Ignatia?

Ignatia should be considered in cases of depression and mood swings during menopause.

How to use Ignatia?

Though Ignatia can be used in different potencies (like 30C, 200C, 1M), it is best to begin with 30C potency. It can be taken twice a day in 30C potency. Do not use high potencies without a doctor’s advice.

7. Calcarea Carb – To Manage Osteoporosis

One of the main effects of menopause is osteoporosis. It refers to the progressive loss and weakening of bones. Bone mass loss averages 1-2 percent every year after menopause and results in easy fractures and other symptoms related to osteoporosis such as backache and pain in bones. Natural homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb is the top remedy for women who are suffering from osteoporosis and helps in managing bone pain. It helps in decreasing the loss of calcium from bones and also increases its absorption from food.

When to use Calcarea Carb?

This medicine is indicated for cases where the pain in bones occurs as a result of osteoporosis during menopause.

How to use Calcarea Carb?

Calcarea Carb can be used in 30C potency once a day.


1. Menopause occurs naturally when there is a decline in hormones estrogen and progesterone in a woman around her 40s. As the hormones decline, active ovarian follicles get lost and the release of eggs stops and no periods occur.

2. Surgical removal of ovariesmay also result in menopause all of sudden. The symptoms that occur are severe in this case because the hormonal changes occur suddenly and not gradually as in natural menopause.

3. Chemotherapy and radiotherapyto ovaries can cause menopause.

4. Sometimes there may occur premature menopause inaround 1% of females when ovaries fail to produce hormones adequately.

Symptoms of Menopause

All women have to go through menopause, but it affects each woman differently. The symptoms of menopause are many, and most women go through a body and mind-altering period during menopause. The symptoms of menopause may range from hardly any to severe ones. The common menopausal symptoms may be divided into three categories:

Physical symptoms: Among these, the most common is hot flashes (feeling warm suddenly usually attended with sweating) that can be mild to intense, weight gain (obesity), hair loss, joint and muscle pain, headache, skin dryness, urinary urgency, sleeplessness, facial hair

Mental symptoms: Depression, low mood, mood swings, anxiety, irritability, sleeplessness

Local symptoms: Vaginal dryness, loss of libido (sexual desire), excessive vaginal bleeding (flooding)



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Dulcamara: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Dulcamara is derived from the plant ‘woody nightshade’ also known as ‘bitter-sweet’ that belongs to family Solanaceae. It is prepared by potentization (a process to prepare homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance) from fresh green stems and leaves of this plant gathered just before flowering. It is a magnificent medicine to manage nasal problems predominantly for managing stuffy nose and various skin complaints mainly urticarial and warts.

The ‘Dulcamara’ Constitution

This medicine is well suited to people having irritable and restless nature who are very sensitive to cold and damp weather conditions.  They are prone to get infected by cold easily from exposure to cold damp environment or weather. Persons who suffer from health complaints as a result of living or working in damp, cold environment are ideal subjects for using this medicine.

Drug Action

This medicine has vast action on different body parts among which it manifests its chief action on nose, skin and joints. Other than these, its action is also seen on face, throat, glands, mucous membranes, muscle tissues, gastric system, neck, back, and female genitals. The most peculiar action of this medicine is to treat complaints arising from cold and damp, rainy, wet weather and also when days are hot and nights are cold towards the end of summer.

Clinical Indications

Nasal stuffiness, colds, nasal allergy, urticaria, warts, herpes, skin eruptions, hard swollen glands, itching, cough, asthma, joint pain, facial pain, tinea capitis (fungal infection of scalp), diarrhea, back pain, neck stiffness.

 Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

 1. Nose (Stuffy Nose, Cold, Nasal Allergy)

It proves to be effective in managing numerous nasal problems. It is one of the best medicines for managing nasal stuffiness that causes trouble in breathing through nose. It is most helpful when the nasal blockage worsens in cold rainy weather / from exposure to cold air. Second main indication where it is beneficial is if one is suffering from cold with thick yellow nasal discharge. There can be bloody crusty nasal discharge too. It suits well new-borns suffering from cold. Hay fever or nasal allergy can also be well managed with this medicine. For using it, constant sneezing and watery nasal discharge that aggravates in open air is a guiding feature. Copious eye discharge can attend. Sensitivity to newly mown (trimmed) grass is an important feature that can be present in persons needing it.

Key Indicating Features

Stuffy nose from cold exposure and in cold rainy weather

Cold with thick yellow or bloody crusty nasal discharge

Hay fever with constant sneezing, watery nasal discharge worse in open air

2. Skin (Urticaria, Warts, Itching, Eruptions, Eczema)

Dulcamara has extensive action on skin where it helps to rectify a number of complaints. The most important skin issue where it helps is urticaria which refers to red, itchy bumps (wheals) on the skin from an allergic reaction. For this complaint, it is selected when urticaria worsens from exposure to cold. Red spots appear on the skin, mostly on the entire body that is accompanied by intense itching. A pricking needle-like sensation is also felt. This medicine also offers benefits in cases of warts (small, painless bumps on skin caused by human papillomavirus). Large and smooth textured warts mostly indicate its use. The main location of these warts is on palms of hands and face. Another striking feature to use it is skin itching that increases in cold, wet weather. There can occur skin eruptions that are thick, covered with scales or crusts, sometimes these bleed too when scratched. Skin eruptions around menses especially on face, hands and arms is another peculiar indication for using this remedy. It is useful for eczema cases when eruptions occur on face and limbs. There appear vesicles (fluid-filled skin eruptions) that itch and pus may develop in them. These can get covered with crusts too. It can also be given for managing cases of eczema in infants. Besides these, it can be used for ringworm of scalp and fungal infection of scalp (tinea capitis).

Key Indicating Features

Urticaria from cold exposure

Warts on palms of hands and fingers

Skin itching in cold, wet weather

Skin eruptions on face, hands, arms around menses

3. Limbs And Joints (Joint Pain, Warts, Exostosis, Muscle Pain)

Dulcamara has wide action on limbs and joints. It works well in case of joint pain after exposure to cold or being wet for a relatively long time. The affected part feels as if beaten. The pain worsens if kept still in one position and gets better by moving about. A unique feature that indicates the use of this remedy is joint pain alternating with skin eruptions. It can also be given for cold feet, limb swelling and warts. The feet are icy cold. Swelling of limbs and calf muscles is present. It helps when warts appear on fingers and palms of hands. Apart from these, Dulcamara is indicated for exostosis (extra bony growth on the top of existing bone). It is a prominent medicine to dissolve extra bony outgrowths in arm bones and the upper part of tibia bone present in leg. It can be given for muscle pain and stiffness, attended with soreness. It gets worse from cold exposure.

Key Indicating Features

Joint pain after exposure to cold or wet

Warts on fingers and palms of hands

Muscle pain, soreness and stiffness from cold exposure

4. Face (Facial Pain, Herpes, Warts, Twitchings)

With its action on face, Dulcamara can manage well facial pain, facial neuralgia, skin eruptions, herpes, warts and twitchings. In case of facial pain, it begins around the cheeks and then radiates to eyes, ears and jaw. Pain increase from even little exposure to cold. External warmth reduces pain. It can be given for warts and herpes on the face. Herpetic eruptions (cold sores) appear on lips or around the lips. Skin eruptions appear on the face, especially on the cheeks. The bumps are thick that may be covered with brown yellow crust. Its use is also recommended for lip twitching that occurs in cold air.

Key Indicating Features

Facial pain that worsens from exposure to cold

Herpes eruptions on lips or around the lips

Warts on face

Lip twitching in cold air

5. Throat And Cough (Tonsillitis, Cough, Asthma)

Use of this medicine is also recommended for certain throat issues and cough. The foremost symptom pointing towards its use is tonsillitis from change of weather. It is primarily indicated for cough that worsens in cold, wet weather, and winter. The cough may be dry or lose rattling type. Cough may occur from tickling in the back of the throat. Tough green expectoration comes out. Cough worsening from physical exertion is also an important symptom to use Dulcamara. This medicine is very useful to manage cough in elderly people and in infants. It also proves to be effective in treating asthma that gets worse during wet weather with loose rattling cough with excessive phlegm expectoration, and difficulty in breathing.

Key Indicating Features

Tonsillitis from change of weather

Cough worse in cold, wet weather, winters and from physical exertion

Asthma worsens during wet weather

6. Neck And Back (Lower Back Pain, Neck Pain)

Dulcamara is of great value to manage back and neck complaints. It is beneficial to manage lower back pain. It worsens in damp, cold weather. Heat is felt in the back. It is used for neck pain and stiffness. The stiffness extends to shoulders which increases after getting cold or wet.

Key Indicating Features

Lower back pain in damp, cold weather

Neck pain and stiffness after getting cold and wet

7. Gastric Complaints (Stomach Pain, Diarrhea)

When it comes to gastric issues, Dulcamara is beneficial to manage stomach pain, vomiting, and diarrhea. It helps to alleviate cutting type of pain felt in the navel region. Green, slimy stool follows pain. Vomiting is of green, yellow slimy matter or white thick mucus. It is prescribed when diarrhea mainly occurs during damp cold weather. The stool is watery, green, slimy, sour smelling. It may have undigested food particles.

Key Indicating Symptoms

Cutting pain in navel region followed by green, slimy stool

Diarrhea in damp, cold weather

8. Female Problems (Genital Herpes, Skin Rash, Suppressed Menses)

This medicine is also known to be helpful in managing some female problems. Dulcamara can help to heal genital herpes. There are eruptions on vulva in cases needing it. These get worse in cold and damp surroundings. Another notable symptom to use it is skin rash that appears specifically before menses. Not only this, it can also be given for suppressed menses in cold and damp weather and when menses are delayed and of too short duration.

Key Indicating Features

Genital herpes when eruptions get worse in cold and damp weather

Skin rash before menses

Suppresses menses from cold and dampness


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold, damp, rainy weather, sudden temperature change, from getting chilled while heated, when days are hot and nights are cold, from taking cold drinks or ice creams and at night.

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in dry weather, by external warmth and moving about


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. One can repeat this medicine in low potencies frequently but in high potency, frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Cuprum Met, Ipecac, Kali Carb and Merc Sol

Followed well by Belladonna, Calcarea Carb, Lycopodium, Rhus Tox and Sepia


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Ammonium Carbonicum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The homeopathic remedy Ammonium Carbonicum is derived from carbonate of ammonia. In its crude state, carbonate of ammonia is inert. When it undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that extracts medicinal properties from a crude substance), it turns into an important homeopathic medicine Ammonium Carbonicum. It is a very effective medicine for managing nasal blockage, certain female problems and various respiratory issues.

The ‘Ammonium Carbonicum’ Constitution

It suits persons who are obese (fat), who always feel tired and have a tendency to catch cold easily. It is also suitable to persons who are overweight along with a weak heart and a suffocating sensation. Other than this, it suits well children and obese women having a sedentary life.

Drug Action

This medicine acts well on the nose, female genitals and the respiratory system. Its action is marked on the limbs and the gastric system.

Clinical Indications

Nose disorders, blocked nose, nose bleeding (epistaxis), heavy periods, obesity, hemorrhages, emphysema, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma, cough, colic, constipation, piles, heart weakness

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nasal Complaints (Blocked Nose, Nasal Bleeding And Ozaena)

This medicine is of great service to manage nasal blockage. There is marked difficulty in breathing through the nose resulting in mouth breathing. It is a prominent medicine for managing nasal blockage in children. In some cases needing it, there is cold with profuse watery discharge from the nose. The discharge causes burning in the nose. Along with this, there is a constant urge to sneeze. Another top-listed complaint where its use is highly suggested is nose bleeding. The peculiar feature to use it is bleeding from the nose when washing hands or face in the morning. Lastly, it is well indicated for ozaena cases. Ozaena, also known as atrophic rhinitis, refers to chronic nasal condition characterized by atrophy (shrinkage) of the nasal mucus lining and the underneath bone. For ozaena, its use is indicated when blood-stained mucus discharge occurs from the nose.

Key Indicating Features

Nasal blockage with marked difficulty to breathe through nose

Nose bleeding when washing hands or face in the morning

Ozaena with bloody mucus discharge from the nose

2. Female Problems (Heavy Periods, Leucorrhoea)

Ammonium Carbonicum has a prominent action on the female genitals. Here it is well-indicated to manage heavy periods. Females needing it also tend to get early periods with black, clotted bleeding. It is attended with colicky pain. There also occurs hard and difficult stool. Other symptoms that tend to occur during menses are sadness, weakness, fatigue and chill. This medicine can manage leucorrhoea (vaginal discharge) well. It works well for cases having copious, watery burning vaginal discharge. A very striking feature for its use is diarrhea (loose stool) at the beginning of menses.

Key Indicating Features

Heavy, early periods with black, clotted bleeding, colicky pains, weakness and hard, difficult stool

Copious, watery, burning vaginal discharge

Loose stool at the beginning of menses

3. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Bronchitis, Emphysema, Asthma And Pneumonia)

Ammonium Carb works well on respiratory organs. Here it is well indicated to manage cough, bronchitis, emphysema, asthma and pneumonia. For cough the major indication is dry cough caused by tickling in the throat as from dust or a feather in the throat. Cough occurs at night and in the morning, particularly at about 3:00 am. Its use is also recommended for cough with blood spitting. It can be given in cases of bronchitis (inflamed lining of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) in aged people. Here it is used when there is thin, foamy sputa with rattling of bubbles in chest. Ammonium Carb is considered one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing cases of emphysema (lung condition in which damage to air sacs occurs causing shortness of breath). The main indication is difficulty in breathing from exertion or walking or ascending even a few steps. It gets better in cool air. In asthma cases, it can be given when there is asthmatic cough with painful, contracted feeling in the chest. Asthma gets worse in the evening in bed and from exertion. Lastly, it is indicated for the management of pneumonia (infection and inflammation of air sacs of lungs). It is used mainly when pneumonia is accompanied by marked weakness.

Key Indicating Features

Dry cough from tickling in the throat as from dust or a feather in the throat

Bronchitis in aged people with thin, foamy sputa with rattling of bubbles in chest

Difficulty in breathing from exertion, walking or ascending even a few steps

Asthma gets worse in the evening in bed and from exertion

Pneumonia with marked weakness

4. Limbs (Joint Pain, Heel Pain, Panaritium And Felon)

With its action on the limbs, it is useful to manage joint pains. The striking feature for its use is tearing type of pain in joints which gets better by the heat of bed with an inclination to stretch limbs. It can be given in cases of hip joint pain felt while walking. Ammonium Carb can be used in knee pain cases as well. The pain in knee can be drawing or boring type in cases needing it. Pain can be present in wrist joint, fingers, thumbs and ankles where it is required. Elbow joints crackle when moved. Ammonium Carb is helpful in relieving heel pain. The chief indication is heel pain when one wakes up in the morning, while standing and from prolonged walking. Its use is considered for cases of pain, swelling, redness and heat in the big toe specifically in the bed in evening. Besides, it is preferred for cases of panaritium (infected or inflamed tissue near a fingernail) with deep seated pain. It is used for cases of felon (bacterial infection of fingertip causing enclosed pocket of pus with pain) too in the initial stage.



Key Indicating Features

Tearing pain in joints better by heat of bed with inclination to stretch limbs

Heel pain when awaking in morning, when standing and from prolonged walking

Pain, swelling, redness and heat in big toe specifically in bed in evening

Panaritium with deep seated pain

Felon in initial stage

5. Gastric Issues (Constipation, Stomach Pain, Piles)

By acting on the gastric system, it helps to settle complaints including constipation, stomach pain and piles. In constipation, Ammonium Carb is helpful when there is dry, hard, difficult stool. It is attended by headache. It helps to manage stomach pain which occurs along with nausea and chill. It gets better on lying down and by applying pressure. Other than these, it can handle cases of piles (enlarged, swollen, inflamed veins in anus or lower rectum). The most notable feature is protrusion of piles after stool with long-lasting pain with inability to walk. It gets better on lying down.

Key Indicating Features

Constipation with dry, hard, difficult stool attended with headache

Stomach pain with nausea and chilliness, better from lying down and from pressure

Piles that protrude after stool with pain and inability to walk


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in cold damp, wet weather, on cold and cloudy days, during menses, from motion, during full moon and washing

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in dry weather, lying on painful side and from pressure


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. One can repeat low potencies frequently but high potencies should not be repeated often.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Arnica, Camphor and Hepar Sulph

Followed well by: Belladonna, Bryonia, Lycopodium, Phosphorus, Sepia, Rhus Tox, Sulphur and Veratrum Album


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Kali Sulphuricum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Kali Sulphuricum is prepared from potassium sulphate which is inactive in its crude form. After potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it gets converted into a highly beneficial homeopathic medicine Kali Sulphuricum. It is one of the 12 biochemic medicines also called Schuessler’s twelve tissue remedies. It offers great help in managing various skin complaints (like psoriasis, eczema), dandruff (seborrhoea) and cold.

Drug Action

The most important action of this remedy is noted on the skin, mucus membranes, scalp and respiratory system. Its action is well marked on the nose, ears and head. It is one of the best medicines in homeopathy for complaints presenting with yellow coloured discharge.

Clinical Indications

Dandruff, seborrhoeic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, cold, sinusitis, cough asthma, bronchitis, eustachian catarrh (mucus build up), headache, otorrhoea (ear discharges), ozaena, pneumonia, polyps

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Skin Problems (Scaling, Psoriasis, Seborrhoeic Dermatitis, Eczema, Ringworm, Itching And Ulcers)

Kali Sulphuricum acts magnificently on the skin to treat numerous skin concerns. It majorly helps skin conditions in which there occurs excessive scaliness, flakiness and peeling of the skin. The scales are specifically yellow in colour where it is required. It is a highly recommended medicine in homeopathy to treat psoriasis. Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin condition characterized by patches of inflammation on the skin covered with silvery white scales. It is given when there is marked flakiness of the skin. Its use is considered in cases of ringworm (fungal infection causing ring-shaped lesions on the skin). It gives good results when ringworm affects the scalp or the beard area. The lesions are covered with scales where this medicine is required. In seborrheic dermatitis, Kali Sulph can be very helpful when flakes are yellow.  It is a skin condition in which there occurs red, itchy rash with flaky scales mainly on the scalp, around the nose, behind the ears, eyebrows and the eyelids. Its role in treating eczema is also marvellous. It is well indicated when papular (solid raised area on the skin less than 1cm) eruptions appear on the skin along with itching and burning sensation. It is given in cases of skin itching. For using it here, the notable feature is skin itching getting worse from heat. Lastly, it is effective in treatment of skin ulcers, especially the ones that ooze thin and yellow watery liquid.

Key Indicating Features

Psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis with marked scaling on the skin

Ringworm on the scalp or in the beard area when lesions are covered with much scales

Eczema with papules attended with itching, burning

Skin ulcers oozing thin yellow watery liquid

2. Nose (Cold, Sinusitis And Ozaena)

It has marked action on the mucus membrane of the nose which helps manage cold. The guiding symptom to use it is yellow, thick and slimy discharge from the nose. Nose feels blocked. It can be used in cases of sinusitis (inflammation of the lining of the paranasal sinuses that are air – filled spaces inside the skull) as well. In such cases it can be given when there is thick and green nasal discharge. Kali Sulphuricum is also considered in treating ozaena. Ozaena is also called atrophic rhinitis in which there is shrinking of nasal mucus lining and the underneath bone due to long term inflammation. In these cases, it works well when there is thick yellow and offensive nasal discharge along with loss of smell and taste. It proves very effective for treating complaints that remain after removal of adenoids like swelling of the nasal membrane, mouth breathing and snoring.

Key Indicating Features

Cold with yellow, thick, slimy discharge from the nose

Sinusitis with thick, green nasal discharges

Ozaena with thick yellow offensive nasal discharge along with loss of smell and taste

Swelling of nasal membrane, mouth breathing and snoring remaining after removal of adenoids

3. Ears (Ear Discharge, Deafness, Polyps)

Kali Sulpuricum is the most helpful to manage ear discharges. It works best for yellow or brownish discharge from the ears which stinks. It also treats polyps (non-cancerous growths) in the ear when accompanied with offensive discharge. Lastly, it is well indicated for managing deafness caused by swelling and mucus build- up in the middle ear and the eustachian tube.

Key Indicating Features

Yellow or brown offensive discharge from the ears

Ear polyps with offensive discharge

Deafness from swelling and mucus build-up in middle ear and eustachian tube

4. Head (Dandruff, Headache)

Kali Sulph yields excellent results in cases of dandruff (seborrhoea). Kali Sulphuricum is one of the best homeopathic medicines for cases in which there occurs excessive scaling on the scalp and the scales are moist, sticky and yellow. It is recommended for treating headache. It is useful when headache occurs from head movement from side to side or backwards. Next characteristic is headache worsens in a warm room and relieved in open air.

Key Indicating Features

Dandruff with copious scaling on the scalp when the scales are moist, sticky, yellow

Headache from head movement from side to side or backwards

Headache worse in warm room and relieved in open air

5. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Pneumonia)

This medicine can handle well certain respiratory problems too. It works well in cases of cough. It is well indicated when cough gets worse in hot weather. It can take care of bronchitis (inflammation of the lining of bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs) cases. There is rattling of mucus in the chest. There is yellow, slimy and thin profuse mucus expectoration. Kali Sulpuricum can be utilized in asthma cases as well when there is yellow slimy expectoration. In pneumonia (infection and inflammation of the air sacs of lungs), it is recommended when there is wheezing in the chest and yellow rattling mucus that is expectorated with difficulty.

Key Indicating Features

Cough worse in hot weather

Bronchitis with mucus rattling and expectoration of yellow, slimy, thin profuse mucus

Asthma with yellow slimy expectoration

Pneumonia with wheezing and yellow rattling mucus that is expectorated with difficulty


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from noise, in evening, warm air, warm weather and heated room

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by walking, in cool open air, from passing gas and from fasting


This medicine can be used in both low and high potency but the most preferred is 6x potency. When using 6X potency it can be taken three to four times a day depending on the case details. In high potencies, frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Followed well by: Acetic Acid, Arsenic Album, Calcarea Carb, Hepar Sulph, Pulsatilla, Sepia, Silicea and Sulphur

It can be compared with other remedies including Kali Bichrome, Natrum Mur and Pulsatilla


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Wonderful Homeopathic Medicines For Chalazion

What is a chalazion?

Chalazion, also known as meibomian cyst, is a small cyst or lump in the eyelid caused by inflammation or blockage of the meibomian gland. Meibomian glands are sebaceous glands on the eyelid that produce an oily substance that prevents evaporation of the eye’s tear film and lubricates the eye. A most common condition resembling chalazion is the stye. The major difference between the two is that chalazion forms away from the eyelid margin and is painless, while a stye forms at the eyelid margin and is painful.

Homeopathic Treatment

Under the conventional mode of treatment, surgical removal of the chalazion is advised. However, homeopathy can treat chalazion very successfully in a non-invasive manner, taking a natural, gentle, yet effective approach. Homeopathic medicines dissolve the chalazion and may prevent recurrence.

Homeopathic Medicines For Chalazion

Some top-grade homeopathic medicines to treat chalazion are Conium Maculatum, Calcarea Fluor, Thuja Occidentalis, Staphysagria and Silicea. These medicines are known to show the most wonderful results in treating chalazion cases.

1. Conium Maculatum – Top Grade Medicine

Conium Maculatum is a very effective medicine for treating chalazion. It is best when chalazion is felt as a hard node. Watering from eyes may also be there. Eyelids may feel heavy. Conium aids to dissolve chalazion naturally without any side effects.

When and How to use Conium Maculatum?

Conium Maculatum can be used as a first line for treatment in cases of chalazion, especially hard ones. Conium shrinks and dissolves chalazion quite effectively. Conium 30 C once a day is an ideal dose to start with.

2. Calcarea Fluor – For Markedly Hard Chalazion

Calcarea Fluor has similar action to Conium to treat hard nodes on eyelids. It helps treat chalazion that are intensely hard. The hardness is sometimes known as ‘stony hardness’. This medicine acts wonderfully to soften the node and dissolve it.

When and How to use Calcarea Fluor?

This medicine is highly recommended to help dissolve chalazion that is extremely hard. It works best in 6X potency. Four tablets of Calcarea Fluor 6X can be taken three to four times a day at a minimum three-hour gap.

3. Thuja Occidentalis – For Chalazion With Heaviness Of The Eyelid

Thuja is a natural medicine prepared from green twigs of plant Arbor Vitae. This medicine is indicated for chalazion when heaviness of eyelid attends. In cases needing it, chalazion feels like a thick hard knot. Thuja halts further increase in the size of chalazion and helps dissolve the knot.

When and How to use Thuja Occidentalis?

It can be used for cases where chalazion is attended with heaviness in eyelid. Though it is available in different potencies from low to high, it is good to start with 30C potency once a day. Do not use high potency without consulting a homeopath.

4. Staphysagria – For Tendency Of Recurrent Chalazion

Staphysagria is a natural medicine prepared from dried seeds of plant ‘stavesacre’. It is best suited where there is a tendency for the chalazion to recur one after the other. This medicine works to eliminate the root cause behind chalazion to prevent its recurrence. It is also indicated when the stye turns into a hard node. In cases needing it, blepharitis may also be present.

When and How to use Staphysagria?

Consider this medicine in persons who have a tendency to get chalazion frequently one after another. This medicine will help in preventing frequent recurrence of chalazion in them. This medicine can be taken in 30C potency once a day.

5. Silicea – For Infected Chalazion

Silicea is the most helpful medicine for chalazion where it gets infected. Due to infection, the lump on the eyelid becomes red, painful and swollen. It is also tender to touch along with the appearance of a pus point.

When and How to use Silicea?

Silicea is the best prescription for infected chalazion with pain, swelling and pus point in the lump on eyelid. The most commonly recommended potency of Silicea is 6X. It can be used two to four times a day as per the severity of symptom.

Note Any of the above homeopathic medicines can be used for three to four weeks in the recommended dose. In case there is no relief, kindly seek advice from a homeopathic physician. Do not take these medicines more than a month or in high potencies without consulting a homeopath.

How is a chalazion formed?

Chalazion forms in three steps: blockage of the meibomian gland, followed by the retention of sebum secretions due to blockage of the meibomian gland and lastly, formation of the cyst or chalazion from the pent-up secretions. Over time, this cyst turns into a hard node.

Risk Factors For Chalazion

  1. Long-term blepharitis (eyelid inflammation)
  2. Seborrheic dermatitis (inflamed skin with redness, dryness, flakes with itching on scalp, eyebrows, eyelashes, behind ears)
  3. Acne rosacea (skin condition causing redness, flushing of face and acne)
  4. Dysfunction of meibomian gland
  5. Rarely viral conjunctivitis (inflamed conjunctiva means transparent membrane that covers the eyelid and white of the eyeball)
  6. History of chalazion in past
  7. Sometimes stye can develop into chalazion if after the resolution of infection some material remains behind clogging the meibomian gland.

Clinical Picture Of Chalazion

  1. Chalazion presents itself as a small bump in the eyelid. Initially the bump may be painful when it forms but it stops paining afterward.
  2. On examination, a small, hard, node in the eyelid away from the lid margin is felt. In most cases, chalazion is formed on the upper eyelid but at times may form on the lower eyelid as well.
  3. Slight irritation and eye-watering
  4. Blurred vision if a large chalazion presses against the eyeball
  5. Other features that may attend include heaviness of the eyelid and mild eyelid tenderness
  6. In a few cases, there are chances of calcification of the chalazion th, ough sometimes chalazion resolves on its own
  7. Sometimes a secondary infection may occur in the chalazion leading to the formation of hordeolum internum (a stye i.e. a red, painful bump forming inside the eyelid away from the eyelash base from a bacterial infection of the meibomian glands). In such cases redness, swelling and pain appear.





Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Antimonium Tartaricum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Antimonium Tartaricum is derived from tartar emetic (tartrate of antimony and potash). Tartar emetic is inert in its crude form. When tartar emetic undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines by arousing the medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Antimonium Tartaricum. It is a magnificent medicine in homeopathy to treat certain respiratory problems where loose rattling cough is the key indicating feature to use it.

The ‘Antimonium Tartaricum’ Constitution

This medicine suits people who suffer from respiratory problems. Among all age groups, it is most suitable to children and elderly people. Lastly, it is well suited to persons who are addicted to alcohol and hence suffer from gastric complaints (mainly loose stool).

Drug Action

The most prominent action of this medicine is noted on the respiratory system and is a highly reputed medicine in homeopathy to primarily treat cases of loose rattling cough. Other than this, it acts well on the face, back, gastric system and skin. Its use is noteworthy in treating certain sleep issues.

Clinical Indications

Cough, bronchitis, pneumonia, emphysema, drowsiness, cholera, colic, eruptions, gastric disorders, diarrhoea, vomiting, nausea, back pain and chickenpox.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Respiratory Complaints (Cough, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Emphysema)

This medicine is mostly indicated to treat various concerns related to respiratory system. It has a vast and magnificent action on respiratory system. First of all, it is well-indicated to treat cough. It works best when cough is specifically loose rattling type. In such type of cough, it is often considered as a first line of treatment in homeopathy. There is excessive rattling of mucus in chest and the lungs feel full of mucus with little expectoration where Antimonium is indicated. Cough may result in vomiting in some cases. Vomit may contain thin or tough slimy matter. Cough tends to get worse after eating. It is also worse after midnight. Sitting in an upright position, and expectoration helps to relieve cough. It also gives good results in cough cases that are worse in damp cold weather. 

It can be used in children having loose, rattling cough with excessive accumulation of mucus in bronchial tubes. The cough occurs day and night and can be attended with difficulty in breathing. The child tends to bend backward during coughing. In them, cough gets worse after eating or drinking. Antimonium Tart is the topmost homeopathic medicine for managing cases of bronchitis. Bronchitis refers to inflamed bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs. In bronchitis, though it works well in people of all age groups, it is most prominently indicated for bronchitis in infants and elderly people. There is excessive mucus production and bronchial tubes feel overloaded with mucus. Next it is a prominently indicated medicine for emphysema (a lung condition in which air sacs get damaged that mainly causes shortness of breath). Its gives excellent results in emphysema occurring in elderly people. Another complaint for which it is well indicated is pneumonia (inflammation and infection of air sacs of lungs). Here it is indicated when cough is rattling with tough foamy white frothy expectoration tinged with blood. It is gluey and sticky. Difficulty in breathing and suffocation attends it. Cough is accompanied with vomiting. Chest pain on coughing also occurs.

Key Indicating Features

Loose rattling cough, lungs feel full of mucus but only little gets expectorated

Bronchitis in infants and old people

Emphysema in elderly

Pneumonia with rattling cough, chest pain, tough, sticky, foamy white frothy expectoration tinged with blood

Cough in damp, cold weather

2. Face (Trembling, Pain, Burning, Pustules)

Next it acts well on the face. The main complaint where it is found to be effective is trembling or shaking of chin and lower jaw. It can be used to manage burning heated sensation in the face. Another indication for its use is tearing pain on one side of face, that may radiate to head and neck on the same side. Lastly, it can be given for cases of pustules (pus-filled eruptions) on face when they leave bluish – red scars.

Key Indicating Features

Trembling or shaking of chin and lower jaw

Pustules leaving blue red scars

3. Back (Back Pain)

It manages back pain very well, especially, when it is felt while sitting. Burning sensation can be felt in the back. It is also helpful in managing severe pain in the lower back. A peculiar indication for its use is sensation as if a heavy load is hanging on the end of tail bone (coccyx).

Key Indicating Features

Back pain while sitting

Feeling of a heavy load on the end of the tail bone

4. Gastric Problems (Abdomen Pain, Burping, Vomiting, Loose Stool, Cholera)

It acts well on the gastric system and manages well the abdomen pain when particularly accompanied with drowsiness. The pain is sharp and felt before passing the stool. Sometimes there is pain around the navel area with relief after passing the stool. Burning may be felt in the abdomen as well. Gas and rumbling in the abdomen may occur too. It can be administered in cases if there is heavy burping with bitter, salty or acidic burps. Sometimes, burps smell like eggs. Fullness, cramping in stomach may also be felt along with the above symptoms. Next, it is useful in cases of nausea and vomiting. It is indicated when vomiting is a result of ingestion of sour, and bitter food.

After vomiting, a person feels weak and sleepy. A very characteristic symptom is relief in vomiting from lying on the right side. This medicine is used for some of the rectal problems also. It is usually indicated for loose stool that occurs in case of eruptive fever in which eruptions occur with fever. Stool is yellowish brown, watery, slimy and may contain blood. Stool has an offensive odour, and is accompanied by passing of gas. After passing stool, burning is felt at the tip of the anus. Besides the above-mentioned, it is well indicated for cholera (an infection of the small intestine caused by bacteria vibrio cholerae) cases when there is excessive vomiting along with coldness.

Key Indicating Features

Abdomen pain accompanied by drowsiness

Burps that are bitter, salty, acidic or smell like bad eggs

Vomiting followed by weakness and sleep

Cholera with copious vomiting and coldness

5. Skin Complaints (Pustules, Vesicles, Itching, Chicken Pox)

For skin complaints its use is recommended for pustular (pus filled) eruptions on skin that leaves bluish red scars. These eruptions may be covered with brown crusts. These are painful too. Next, it can help when there occurs vesicular (fluid filled) eruptions on the entire body. Persons having itching and biting sensation over the whole body in the evenings can be greatly benefited with its use.  Another use of it is noted in chicken pox (viral infection caused by varicella zoster virus) cases.

Key Indicating Features

Pustular eruptions on skin leaving bluish red scars

Itching biting on skin in evening

6. Sleep Issues (Sleepiness, Trembling In Sleep, Restless Sleep)

Lastly, it works wonderfully well in managing some of the concerns related to sleep. The classic symptom to use it is excessive drowsiness with any type of complaints indicative of this medicine. The person who requires it has irresistible desire to sleep. Yawning occurs with this, next important symptom guiding its use is trembling and jerking during sleep. Next, this medicine is used if someone suffers from restlessness during sleep accompanied by tossing and turning. In the next morning, there occurs pressure feeling on the forehead and back of the head and dizziness.

Key Indicating Features

Intense drowsiness with any complaint indicative of this medicine

Trembling and jerking during sleep

Restless sleep with tossing about


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from heat, warm weather, and dampness, also from anger, if staying in warm rooms and from sitting down.

Relieving factors: There is relief in complaints by sitting erect, while in cold open air, lying on right side, from vomiting and from motion.


This medicine works equally well in both low and high potencies. In low potency, it can be repeated frequently but in high potency its frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Asafoetida, China, Cocculus Indicus, Ipecac, Laurocerasus, Opium, Pulsatilla and Sepia

It antidotes: Baryta Carb, Bryonia, Camphor, Pulsatilla and Sepia

Followed well by: Carbo Veg, Cina, Camphor, Ipecac, Pulsatilla, Sulphur and Terebinthina


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Mercurius Corrosivus: Homeopathic Medicine — Its Use, Indications And Dosage

The remedy Mercurius Corrosivus is derived from mercuric chloride, also called corrosive sublimate. When mercuric chloride undergoes potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines which arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), it is converted into a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Mercurius Corrosivus. This medicine is prominently used to manage cases of cystitis, urethritis, tenesmus and dysentery.

Drug Action

Mercurius Corrosivus has its most important action on urinary system and gastric system. It manifests its action on eyes, throat, male and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Cystitis, urethritis, bladder disorders, kidney disorders, nephritis, tenesmus, dysentery, diarrhea, intestinal ulcers, eye disorders, photophobia, corneal ulcers, iritis, conjunctivitis, sore throat, swollen tonsils, elongated uvula, post nasal drip, balanitis, gonorrhea, syphilis, chancre, vaginitis, leucorrhoea, cracked nipples

Scope as a Homeopathic Remedy

1. Urinary complaints (Cystitis, Urethritis, Vesical Tenesmus)

Mercurius Corrosivus stands out to be a prominent medicine to manage cases of urinary tract infection. It is highly recommended to manage cystitis (bladder inflammation) and urethritis (inflammation of urethra). The top most indication for its use is vesical tenesmus. It refers to a feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after urination with urge to urinate frequently despite there being no urine left in the bladder after urinating. Burning and painful urination are also present. A stabbing pain in urethra going into the bladder may occur too. In some cases, mucus and blood may appear during or after urinating. It can be used when there is frequent urination. The urine is hot, burning and scanty. Urine passes drop by drop with pain. Dribbling of urine may occur that is worse when sitting. Urine may contain brick dust sediments as well.

Key Indicating Features

Cystitis with marked vesical tenesmus and burning and painful urination

Mucus and blood discharge during or after urinating

Frequent urination with hot, burning, scanty urine

2. Gastric Problems (Dysentery, Tenesmus, Diarrhoea, Stomach Pain And Vomiting)

Mercurius Corrosivus has a superb action on gastric system. Among these, the leading action is seen on the rectum. It is of great value in managing cases of dysentery (an intestinal infection causing loose stool with blood and mucus). In cases needing it, there is blood and mucus in stool. A most important notable symptom attending it is tenesmus. It refers to a persistent feeling to pass stool even after passing stool and when the bowels are already empty. Tenesmus is very extreme with constant urge to pass stool and never-get-done feeling. The stool is scanty, hot and slimy with blood and shreds of mucus membrane. The stool is yellowish-green and has an offensive smell. It is attended with cutting and colicky pain. Burning in rectum and anus is also felt while passing stool.

In some cases, only bloody water passes through the anus. It proves beneficial for diarrhea (loose motion) cases as well. It can be given when there is loose stool with mucus and undigested food and abdomen pain. Anus prolapse may accompany it. With its action on stomach, Mercurius Corrosivus gives substantial relief in cases of stomach pain. The pain in stomach can be darting, burning, and gnawing type. Cramping may also be felt in stomach that gets worse from the slightest touch. Stomach is very sensitive to touch. The stomach is sore and distended. The abdomen is bloated and painful to least touch. It can offer relief in cases of vomiting. The vomiting is green-colored. It contains thick, sticky mucus with blood.

Key Indicating Features

Dysentery with blood and mucus in stool and extreme tenesmus

Scanty, hot, offensive, yellow green, slimy stool with blood and shreds of mucus membrane

Loose stool with mucus and undigested food and abdomen pain

Vomiting of green colour or that contains thick, sticky mucus with blood

3. Eye Complaints (Eye Pain, Photophobia, Corneal Ulcers, Iritis, Conjunctivitis)

It has magnificent action on the eyes. It can allay burning, soreness and eye pain. It can be used when pain is shooting, tearing or burning in nature. Pain is most intense at night. It can be given in cases of photophobia (sensitivity to bright light) and excessive acrid (that cause irritation, burning) eye watering. Its use is also recommended for managing cases of ulcers on cornea. The ulcers are red with itching and burning sensation. Its use is also suggested for management of iritis (inflammation of colored ring around the eye’s pupil i.e. iris). Here, Mercurius Corrosivus offers help when there is burning in eyes and pain over eyes which reaches the head. Further, it can take care of conjunctivitis. The conjunctiva is inflamed, with itching in eyes in evening and sensitivity to bright light.

Key Indicting Features

Tearing or burning pain in eyes, pain worse at night

Photophobia (sensitivity to bright light) and excessive acrid eye watering

Corneal ulcers that are red with itching and burning sensation

Iritis with burning in eyes and pain over eyes and through them to head

4. Throat Issues (Sore Throat, Swollen Tonsils, Elongated Uvula, PND)

Mercurius Corrosivus can also settle certain throat issues quite effectively. Firstly, it is a highly suitable medicine for cases of sore throat. Those needing it have dark red, swollen throat attended with burning and pain. Additionally, pricking in throat as from needles is felt. The sore throat gets worse from heat.  Swelling of tonsils is also noted. Ulcer formation may occur on tonsils. Next it can help when the uvula is swollen, red and elongated. Apart from these, it gives immense relief in complaint of PND (post nasal drip) in which mucus drips from the back of the nose into the throat. It is accompanied with sharp pain in the ears.

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat with dark red, swollen throat along with burning pain, worse from heat

Swollen tonsils with ulcers

Post nasal drip attended with sharp pain in the ears

5. Male Problems (Balanitis, Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, Urethritis, Chancre)

This medicine is suitable to deal with various male problems. This medicine is known to be helpful in treating balanitis (inflammation of the glans, head of the penis). Here its use is preferred when there are numerous excoriated places on glans along with greasy offensive-smelling discharge. Mercurius Corrosivus is useful in treating gonorrhoea (a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae). It works well in gonorrhoea cases with thick green-colored urethral discharge. The discharge is worse at night. Along with urethritis (inflammation of urethra) there is redness and swelling of orifice of urethra. The glans is sore, painful with heat. There is burning sensation while urinating. There is itching, burning, stinging and throbbing in urethra. Besides these, its use can be done in managing cases of syphilis with formation of chancre (an ulcer on genital that forms in primary stage of syphilis) on inner surface of prepuce (foreskin). Syphilis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by bacteria treponema pallidum. In cases needing it, the margins of chancre become dark red with pain and bleeding. Thin pus may get discharged from the chancre.

Key Indicating Features

Balanitis with numerous excoriated spots on glans along with greasy offensive smelling discharge

Gonorrhoea with thick green discharge that occurs from urethra, worse at night

Urethritis with redness, swelling of urethral orifice and burning, smarting when urinating

Chancre on inner surface of prepuce with dark red margins, pain, bleeding and thin pus discharge

6. Female Problems (Vaginitis, Leucorrhoea, Cracked Nipples)

Lastly, it can be used in the management of some health problems in females. Here it is primarily helpful in managing vaginitis (inflammation of vagina). In such cases, it can be given when there occurs pale yellow vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea). The discharge may be tinged with blood. In some cases, there is mucus discharge as thin as water. It offers help in cases of early and heavy menses. It can be of great service in cases of cracked nipples with bleeding. Pain is felt in nipples while breastfeeding the child.

Key Indicating Features

Vaginitis with pale yellow vaginal discharge that may be blood tinged

Cracked nipples with bleeding and pain when breastfeeding the child


Worsening factors: complaints are worse after stool and urination, from motion, at night, from cold and open air

Relieving factors: complaints are relieved at rest


This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. In low potencies, it can repeated frequently but in high potency frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Silicea


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Sticta Pulmonaria: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Sticta Pulmonaria is a highly recommended medicine for various nasal problems, respiratory issues and joint complaints. It is of great clinical significance in treating cases of dry cold with scab formation in nose and nasal stuffiness. It gives excellent results in cases of dry cough, inflammation of trachea or bronchial tubes. Sticta works wonders in cases of joint inflammation and housemaid’s knee (inflamed bursa, a fluid-filled sac in front of knee).

The ‘Sticta Pulmonaria’ Constitution

This medicine is well suited to people suffering from cold, cough or joint problems. It is also suitable for those having disposition to get nerve pain (neuralgia) often.

Drug Action

The principal action of this remedy is seen on the nose, respiratory organs and joints. Other than these, it also acts well on head, throat and trachea.

Clinical Indications

Cold, nasal allergies, post nasal drip, cough, lung disorders, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, asthma, ozaena, joint problems, house maid’s knee, headaches, clergyman’s sore throat

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nasal Complaints (Dry Cold, Allergy, Ozaena)

Sticta Pulmonaria manifests its chief action on nose and has a great affinity to treat various nasal problems. It is a brilliant medicine to manage cases of cold especially dry cold. In cases needing it, the secretions in nose dry up and form scabs causing nasal stuffiness. These scabs are difficult to dislodge. The entire nasal membrane dries up. There is marked obstruction in the nose mainly at night that hampers sleep. The person has a constant desire to blow nose but no discharge clears out. A very characteristic symptom to use Sticta Pulmonaria is fullness sensation at the root of the nose. Its use is recommended for cases of nasal allergy when there is continuous sneezing. Along with this, there may occur tingling sensation in the right nostril. Fullness in the right side forehead extending to root of nose is well marked. Sticta works well in cases of ozaena, also known as atrophic rhinitis. In this condition, there occurs atrophy (shrinkage) of the nasal mucus lining and the underneath bone. Here, it is indicated when there occur dry scabs in the nose that get dislodged with difficulty.

Key Indicating Features

Dry cold when secretions in nose dry up and form scabs that are difficult to dislodge

Obstruction in nose mainly at night preventing sleep

Fullness sensation at the root of nose

Ozaena with dry scabs in nose that dislodge with difficulty

2. Respiratory Issues (Cough, Bronchitis, Tracheitis)

Sticta has a remarkable action on the respiratory system. It is a magnificent medicine to manage cases of cough that is dry hacking type. Cough arises from tickling in larynx. Along with cough, there occurs splitting type of headache in frontal region.  In cases needing it, there may be either no expectoration or there occurs expectoration of white frothy, scanty matter. Cough is worse at night hindering a good sleep. Cough tends to get worse on inhalation. In cases of cough that occur after cold or measles, it gives good results. Besides, it is beneficial in treating cough that occurs in cold damp weather. In such cases, there may occur bloody expectoration with cough. This medicine is well indicated for bronchitis and tracheitis cases. Bronchitis is the inflammation of lining of the bronchial tubes that carry air to and from the lungs. Tracheitis is the inflammation of trachea (windpipe). In tracheitis cases, it helps to aid expectoration.

Key Indicating Features

Dry hacking cough that arises from tickling in larynx

Cough worse at night preventing sleep and worse on inspiration

Cough after cold or measles

3. Joint Problems (Joint Inflammation, Housemaid’s Knee)

This medicine is successfully used to treat joint inflammation. It is very effective in managing joint inflammation with redness, swelling and heat in the joint. There is excessive pain in the knee joint. The pain is sharp, darting, and lancinating in nature. The knee joint is swollen and stiff. Next, its use is recommended for shoulder joint pain on the right side. The pain may extend to the forearm and worsens at night. The pain is also felt in the deltoid and triceps muscle. It can also be administered to those who experience wrist joint pain with swelling. Pain increases during movement. Next, it can be used for pain and swelling in the right ankle joint. This medicine is also recommended if the pain starts from knee joint followed by elbow, shoulder, finger joints and rest of the joints throughout the body. The joint pain causes sleeplessness too. Apart from these Sticta is one of the best and almost specific medicine for treating cases of housemaid’s knee (also known as prepatellar bursitis which is inflammation of fluid filled sac in front of the knee). In these cases, it helps when there is intense swelling, pain, stiffness and sensitivity to the knee joint.

Key Indicating Features

Joint inflammation with redness, swelling and heat of joint

Sharp pain in the knee joint as well as darting, and lancinating in nature with swelling and stiffness

Shoulder joint pain on right side that worsens at night

Housemaid’s Knee – inflammation of prepatellar bursa i.e. fluid – filled sac in front of the knee

Bursitis of knee with intense swelling, pain, stiffness and sensitivity to the knee joint

4. Throat  Complaints (Tracheitis, Clergyman’s Sore Throat, PND)

It acts well on the throat and offers help in cases of tracheitis (inflammation of trachea – wind pipe). Next, it is a prominently indicated medicine for clergyman’s sore throat cases. Clergyman’s sore throat refers to inflammation of pharynx occurring in people who overstrain voice habitually like the public speakers, singers. In such cases, it works best when there is excessive dryness of mucous membrane of the throat. Its last indication is for use in post-nasal discharge (PND) means dripping of mucus from the backend of nostrils into the throat. It is attended with rawness in the throat.

Key Indicating Features

Tracheitis (inflammation of trachea – wind pipe)

Clergyman’s sore throat (inflammation of pharynx in those who overstrain voice habitually like the public speakers, singers) with excessive dryness of mucous membrane of throat

Post nasal discharge (PND means dripping of mucus from backend of nostrils into the throat) accompanied with rawness in throat.

5. Head (Headache)

It can effectively help in relieving headache. This medicine is suitable for managing dull headache attended with pressure in the forehead and root of nose. It can also be used if the pain is in the head in case of cold before nasal discharges begin. Besides these it is useful for headache that worsens from light and noise and is attended with nausea and vomiting.

Key Indicating Features

Dull headache with pressure in forehead and root of the nose

Pain in the head in case of cold before start of nasal discharges

Headache worsens from light and noise along with nausea and vomiting


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from lying down, at night, on movement, upon being touched and from sudden change of temperature

Relieving factors: Better in open air, and by applying pressure


It can be used from 6C to the subsequent higher potencies. In low potency, its repetition can be frequent. But in higher potencies frequent repetition is not recommended.

Relationship with Other Remedies

This medicine can be compared with Drosera, Rumex, Nux Vomica and Sambucus in complaint of cough and cold

In case of joint complaints, it can be compared with medicines including Actaea Racemosa and Stellaria media.


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