Sepia is pre-eminently a female remedy used in treating a number of female disorders. Use of Sepia is rare in males as compared to females where its use is much frequent. Sepia is prepared from the inky juice of Cuttlefish.
Clinical Indications for the use of Homeopathic Medicine Sepia
Bedwetting, Chloasma, Depression, Hairfall, Dyspareunia, Decreased libido in females, Leucorrhoea, Menstrual headache, Menstrual irregularities, Menopausal syndrome, Premenstrual syndrome, Pregnancy disorders, Prolapse of the uterus, Psoriasis, Ringworm, Urinary incontinence.
Clinical Details:
1.Bedwetting: Involuntary urination at night (especially during first sleep), urine offensive.
2.Chloasma: Brownish discoloration across the nose and cheeks.
3.Depression: At menopause; after delivery; indifferent behavior to loved ones with sadness, anger, irritability and weeping spells.
4.Hairfall: Hairfall with chronic headache; hair fall at menopause.
5.Dyspareunia: Painful coition in females due to dryness in the vagina.
6.Decreased libido in females: Low sex drive or aversion to coition in females.
7.Leucorrhoea: Yellow-green vaginal discharge with itching.
8.Menstrual headache: Headache during menses; headache with scanty periods.
9.Menstrual irregularities: Early/late, copious/scanty or suppressed menses.
10.Menopausal syndrome: Various symptoms at menopause including hot flushes, bearing down pains, anxiety, irritability, indifferent behavior, depression, mood swings.
11.Premenstrual syndrome: Symptoms experienced by women few days prior to the onset of menses including anger, irritability, mood swings, headache, abdominal discomfort.
12.Pregnancy disorders: Complaints during pregnancy including constipation, piles and morning sickness.
13.Prolapse of the uterus: Lack of tonicity of uterine muscles; constant bearing down sensations in the uterus.
14.Ringworm: Ringworm in isolated spots; ringworm in the bend of knees or elbows.
15.Urinary incontinence: Involuntary urination on sneezing, coughing or laughing.
Guiding Features for use of Sepia:
1.Sepia is prominently indicated medicine for various complaints women during pregnancy and menopause.
2.Persons needing Sepia are extremely sensitive to cold air.
3.Marked indifference towards family and loved ones is highlighting symptom.
4.Sepia forms the best choice of medicine in prolapse of uterus where constant bearing down feeling in uterus is present. Crossing limbs while sitting becomes important to lessen the dragging sensation.
5.Heat flushes with marked sweating calls for use of Sepia mainly at menopausal age.
6.Sepia has the ability to regularise a variety of menstrual disorders ranging scanty, copious, late, early, suppressed periods.
7.Headche during periods can also be corrected with use of Sepia. The headache is worse from motion, mental labour and better from pressure.
8.Sepia helps in relieving constipation during pregnancy. Stool is hard and passed with much difficulty in small balls.
- In skin complaints including ringworm, chloasma and psoriasis Sepia brings very wonderful results.
Dose: Sepia can be used from low potencies (30) to high potencies (1M) depending upon the case presentation.
Caution: Sepia should be used only after a physicians consultation. Self medication should be avoided.