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Sepia – Homeopathic medicine its uses indications and dosage

Sepia is pre-eminently a female remedy used in treating a number of female disorders. Use of Sepia is rare in males as compared to females where its use is much frequent. Sepia is prepared from the inky juice of Cuttlefish.

Clinical Indications for the use of Homeopathic Medicine Sepia

Bedwetting, Chloasma, Depression, Hairfall, Dyspareunia, Decreased libido in females, Leucorrhoea, Menstrual headache, Menstrual irregularities, Menopausal syndrome, Premenstrual syndrome, Pregnancy disorders, Prolapse of the uterus, Psoriasis, Ringworm, Urinary incontinence.

Clinical Details:

1.Bedwetting: Involuntary urination at night  (especially during first sleep), urine offensive.

2.Chloasma: Brownish discoloration across the nose and cheeks.

3.Depression: At menopause; after delivery; indifferent behavior to loved ones with sadness, anger, irritability and weeping spells.

4.Hairfall: Hairfall with chronic headache; hair fall at menopause.

 5.Dyspareunia: Painful coition in females due to  dryness in the vagina.

6.Decreased libido in females: Low sex drive or aversion to coition in females.

7.Leucorrhoea: Yellow-green vaginal discharge with itching.

8.Menstrual headache: Headache during menses; headache with scanty periods.

9.Menstrual irregularities: Early/late, copious/scanty or suppressed menses.

10.Menopausal syndrome: Various symptoms at menopause including hot flushes, bearing down pains, anxiety, irritability, indifferent behavior, depression, mood swings.

11.Premenstrual syndrome: Symptoms experienced by women few days prior to the onset of menses including anger, irritability, mood swings, headache, abdominal discomfort.

12.Pregnancy disorders: Complaints during pregnancy including constipation, piles and morning sickness.

13.Prolapse of the uterus: Lack of tonicity of uterine muscles; constant bearing down sensations in the uterus.

 14.Ringworm: Ringworm in isolated spots; ringworm in the bend of knees or elbows.

15.Urinary incontinence: Involuntary urination on sneezing, coughing or laughing.

Guiding Features for use of Sepia:

1.Sepia is prominently indicated medicine for various complaints women during pregnancy and menopause.

2.Persons needing Sepia are extremely sensitive to cold air.

3.Marked indifference towards family and loved ones is highlighting symptom.

4.Sepia forms the best choice of medicine in prolapse of uterus where constant bearing down feeling in uterus is present. Crossing limbs while sitting becomes important to lessen the dragging sensation.

5.Heat flushes with marked sweating calls for use of Sepia mainly at menopausal age.

6.Sepia has the ability to regularise a variety of menstrual disorders ranging scanty, copious, late, early, suppressed periods.

7.Headche during periods can also be corrected with use of Sepia. The headache is worse from motion, mental labour and better from pressure.

8.Sepia helps in relieving constipation during pregnancy. Stool is hard and passed with much difficulty in small balls.

  1. In skin complaints including ringworm, chloasma and psoriasis Sepia brings very wonderful results.

Dose: Sepia can be used from low potencies (30) to high potencies (1M) depending upon the case presentation.

Caution: Sepia should be used only after a physicians consultation. Self medication should be avoided.

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Rhus Tox – Homeopathic medicine its uses indications and dosage

Rhus Toxicodendron is a top grade homeopathic medicine very often for varying types of pains. Also called as Rhus Tox, finds its usage in pains including joint pains, muscle pain, backache and general body aches. Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox is a highly effective medicine for getting quick relief in general body aches. It also has marked action on ligaments and tendons. It is very useful in all cases of over-stretching, overexertion and overstraining.

Clinical Indications for the use of Rhus Tox:

Rheumatoid Arthritis , Body aches, Backache, Joint Pains, Muscle pains, Sprains, Injuries, Ligaments and tendons complaints, Over lifting, Fever blisters, Herpes zoster, Drenching in rain complaints, fever.

1.Body aches: General body aches, Body aches during fever, Body aches with restlessness, muscle pains.

2. backache: a Backache with stiffness.

3.Joint Pains: Joint pains as in rheumatism, gout, frozen shoulder.

4.Muscle pains: Pain in muscles, muscle pull, overstretched muscles, muscle pains following exertion.

5.Sprains: Stretching or tearing of ligaments due to falling or twisting.

6.Injuries: Injuries to muscle, tendons, and ligaments.

7.Ligaments and tendons complaints: Ruptured, torn, overstretched ligaments; Tendonitis.

8.Over lifting: Complaints due to over lifting, overstraining and overexertion.

9.Fever blisters: Fever blisters around mouth and chin.

10.Herpes zoster: Herpetic eruptions with much burning and intense nerve pain.

11.Drenching in rain complaints: Complaints from getting wet in rain including fever, cough, cold, body aches.

12.fever: Fever with chills and shivering, Body aches with fever.


Guiding Features for the use of Rhus tox:

1.Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox must be considered in any or every kind of body aches including general body aches, joint pains and back pain. It has great power to relieve the body aches quickly.

2.In cases of injuries to tendons, ligaments, and muscles Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox should be considered as the first line of treatment without a second thought for prompt and speedy recovery.

3.Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox must be used in all cases of sprains, strains, overstretching and over lifting to get excellent results.

4.Rhus Tox should be considered as the first homeopathic prescription in complaints after getting wet in rain including cold, cough, fever, body aches.

5.In most persons needing Homeopathic medicine, Rhus Tox restlessness accompanies the majority of complaints and continued motion seems to give relief. First motion is painful. 

6. Rhus tox leads the homeopathic table for treating Rheumatoid Arthritis, especially when morning stiffness and pain are the most predominant symptoms


Dose: Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox can be used in 30C to 1M potency depending upon the severity of the disease and can be repeated frequently.

Caution: Although Homeopathic medicine Rhus Tox is safe to use without any side effects but advice from homeopathic physician must be considered and self prescription be avoided.

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Homeopathic Remedies For Parkinson’s Disease

Muhammad Ali is probably the all-time greats of boxing, but his battle with Parkinson’s Disease has been no less extraordinary. The champion boxer was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease at the age of 42, and his brain injury may have been caused by the repeated blows to the head. In the majority of cases, however, there is no known reason for the appearance of Parkinson’s Disease. A disorder of the nervous system, it affects movement. Parkinson’s Disease manifests itself gradually, at times with a tremor in a hand that may even go unnoticed. The symptoms are usually stiffness or slowing of movement, with a slurred speech, and the condition worsens over time. There is no cure for Parkinson’s Disease as such, but the Homeopathic mode of treatment can bring about improvement in the symptoms. The Homeopathic Remedies for Parkinson’s Disease are made of natural substances and are completely safe, with no side effects.  homeopathic remedies for Parkinson's disease

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Parkinson’s Disease

1. Causticum: For Parkinson’s Disease with Excessive Rigidity

Causticum is the top natural medicine for treating Parkinson’s Disease. It is ideal for patients with excessive rigidity. The muscles get hardened, leading to extreme body stiffness. The muscles of lower limbs and back are very rigid too. Such patients have great difficulty in maintaining balance while walking. They walk slowly but have a tendency to fall easily. Another marked feature for the use of Causticum in patients of Parkinson’s Disease is great difficulty in getting up from a sitting or lying position. The patient may also experience pain in the limbs and get relief from warm applications. The trembling of hands is a very dominant symptom.

2. Gelsemium Sempervirens: For Shaking of Hands

Gelsemium Sempervirens can be considered as the top natural treatment for Parkinson’s Disease. It shows wonderful effects in treating diseases of nervous origin. Gelsemium Sempervirens is of great help for nervous and sensitive patients who get excited very easily from a sudden fear or emotions. The patients experience vigorous shaking of hands or the shaking of legs or tongue. This shaking is accompanied by excessive weakness and the condition gets worse by sudden mental excitement. The patient always feels tired, dull and drowsy. The coordination of muscles is diminished and the muscles do not work according to the person’s will. Such persons exhibit difficulty in maintaining balance while walking and the gait is very sluggish. Homeopathic medicine Gelsemium Sempervirens is also very beneficial for patients who complain of slurring of speech. The patient has no yearning for water.

3. Plumbum Metallicum: Where there is Slowness in Movement

Plumbum Metallicum is a very beneficial natural medicine for patients of Parkinson’s Disease with marked Bradykinesia or slowness in movement. In such patients, the body muscles work at a very slow pace and in a very sluggish manner. The patient does all the work at a very slow speed. The slowness is always accompanied by wasting or emaciation of the affected muscles. Slowness is also noted in the mind. The ability to perceive slows down and the comprehension power and memory of the affected person also get weak. There is instability while walking, leading to tottering. The hands too start trembling. The hands remain cold with trembling and withering of hand muscles. The face also gives a blank look, lacking expression.

4. Mercurius Solubilis: For Vigorous Trembling of Hands

Mercurius Solubilis is a natural medicine of great help for patients of Parkinson’s Disease with vigorous trembling of hands. The shaking of hands is present to an extreme degree. The drooling of saliva from the mouth in patients of Parkinson’s Disease can be wonderfully controlled with medicine Mercurius Solubilis. Trembling of the tongue with difficulty in talking may also be noticed. It is accompanied by an offensive odor emanating from the mouth. There is a general worsening of symptoms at night. All the patients requiring this medicine perspire a lot and the sweat has a very offensive odor. Extreme sensitivity to hot and cold temperatures is another marked feature for the use of Mercurius Solubilis in Parkinson’s Disease patients.

5. Zincum Metallicum: For Trembling of hands, Constant Shaking of Feet

Another natural medicine for treating Parkinson’s Disease is Zincum Metallicum. This medicine is recommended for treating the tremors of hand. It provides strength to the weakened nerves and one major indication for its use is the constant movement of feet.

6. Argentum Nitricum: For Lack of Control and Trembling of Hands

Argentum Nitricum is the top natural medicine for treatment of Parkinson’s Disease in patients who experience trembling of hands and lack of control and balance while walking. The patient keeps on falling due to impaired balance and has a very unsteady gait. The rigidity of calf muscles is also present where the muscles in the back of the lower leg get hardened and stiff, adding to more suffering while walking. An unusual craving for sweets is noticed in patients requiring medicineArgentum Nitricum.

Other Important Remedies

7. Where Patients Complains of Tremors

Zincum Metallicum and Stannum Metallicum are very effective natural remedies for Parkinson’s disease that can deal with tremors in Parkinson’s patients. The hands shake a lot while at the resting position. Silicea is another good medicine for trembling of hands that gets worse when the patient is sitting. Gelsemium Sempervirens is a natural medicine that is very beneficial for controlling the tremors that get worse from sudden emotional excitement.

8. Where there is Rigidity of Muscles

Causticum, Rhus Toxicodendron, Bryonia Alba and Ruta Graveolens can prove to be natural treatments for Parkinson’s and are of great help in reducing the stiffness in body due to stiff muscles. In patients requiring Causticum, the muscles get very tight and feel shortened. Rhus Toxicodendron is the ideal remedy for patients who complain of excessive rigidity in body while at rest, but comparatively less rigidity while walking. Such patients have difficulty in getting up after sitting for long and also in taking the first few steps initially, but the rigidity gradually lessens as the patient keeps on walking. Bryonia Alba, on the other hand, is a natural medicine that is recommended for patients where excessive rigidity gets worse while walking. The patients requiring Ruta Graveolans complain of rigidity and shortening of tendons mainly in the thigh region.

9. Top Homoeopathic remedies for Slowness in Movement

The natural medicines that are of great help in dealing with slowness in patients of Parkinson’s Disease are Calcarea Carbonica, Phosphorus and Plumbum Metallicum. All these are equally helpful but the selection of the best medicine out of these three for the patient is always made on the basis of the unique symptoms narrated by each individual.

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Homeopathic Remedies For Liver Abscess

Liver Abscess refers to the localized collection of pus in the liver. The symptoms of this medical condition include pain in the right upper abdomen, fever with chills, loss of appetite, jaundice, weight loss, loose stool and liver enlargement.The main pathogenic organisms behind Liver Abscess are pyogenic bacteria like Staphylococcus and streptococcus, Escherichia Coli and the parasite Entamoeba histolytica. When the cause is Entamoeba histolytica, it is referred to as an amoebic liver abscess. Any infection of the biliary tract or gastrointestinal tract may reach the liver to cause an abscess. Injury to liver may also give rise to Liver Abscess. Homeopathic treatment for liver abscess can completely and naturally cure Liver Abscess. The Homeopathic remedies for liver abscess are made of natural substances and have no side effect.

Homeopathic Treatment for Liver Abscess

Liver Abscess is completely curable with natural Homeopathic medicines. There are a number of Homeopathic remedies that are very beneficial in the treatment of Liver Abscess, but the medicines that best suit the patient are given after taking note of characteristic individual symptoms.

Top Homeopathic Remedies for Liver Abscess

Hepar Sulph: Best Homeopathic remedy for Liver Abscess when pain gets worse by walking

Hepar Sulph is one of the top natural Homeopathic remedies for various pus-related or suppurative diseases. It has a great power in abolishing the pus that has collected in any organ of the body. For using Hepar Sulph to treat liver Abscess, the pain in the liver region mainly gets worse by walking. The pain can be shooting or stitching in nature. Along with pain, the abdomen is very tense and distended. Hepar Sulph is also the ideal Homeopathic remedy when the patient complains of loss of appetite and has a specific aversion to fats and a desire for acidic things in food. The stool or poop is most of the times clay-coloured or white. The stool may also contain undigested food particles. Apart from these symptoms,the patient suffers from fever with chills and severe shivering. A continuous foul-smelling sweat may follow the chill.

Lycopodium: Homeopathic medicine for Liver Abscess when pain gets worse after eating

Lycopodium is a very beneficial natural homeopathic remedy for liver Abscess when the liver pain gets significantly worse after eating. The liver region gets tense and sensitive on eating a slight amount of food. The liver pain most of the times radiates to the right shoulder. Apart from pain, excessive flatulence in the abdomen may be present which is in most cases obstructed. The use of Homeopathic medicine Lycopodium must also be considered for patients with a decreased appetite. Here the person feels fullness in the abdomen and easy satisfaction from eating a very small quantity of food. Apart from these symptoms of pain, flatus, and decreased appetite, another peculiar symptom is noted in a specific craving for eating. Although the appetite is diminished, yet the person craves for hot drinks and sweets in diet. Fever with chills if present is most marked in evening time around 4pmto 8 pm.

Nux Vomica: Homeopathic treatment for Liver Abscess when pain in liver gets worse by slight touch or movement

Nux Vomica is a natural homeopathic medicine of great help in the treatment of liver Abscess when the pain in liver gets worse by a slight touch or movement. The pain can be throbbing, pulsating, shooting, stinging or stitching in nature. The liver region is also very sensitive. The sensitivity is so marked that even the clothing around the liver region seems to be unbearable. Another characteristic symptom to be borne in mind for selecting Homeopathic remedy Nux Vomica forever Abscess cases is a constant urge to pass stool. This symptom whenever present, is considered a highly significant one. The person has a constant urge to pass stool or poop but the stool passed is scanty with an unsatisfactory feeling. Nausea and vomiting may also accompany frequent passing of stool. Peculiar cravings in the diet are fats, spicy food and stimulants like coffee or alcohol. Apart from these features, fever with chills is marked. The person has a desire to be covered up warmly due to chills.

Phosphorus: Homeopathic medicine for Liver Abscess when pain gets worse from lying on right side or by applying pressure

When a person with Liver Abscess experiences pain in the liver which worsens by lying on the right side or because of pressure, then Phosphorus is the best natural homeopathic remedy. The pain can be shooting or very sharp in nature. Enlargement of the liver is also noticed along with pain. The person requiring Phosphorus gives a very important symptom of an empty sensation in the whole abdomen. Phosphorus is also a very efficient Homeopathic remedy for Liver Abscess with diarrhea. Such patients complain of loose stool shortly after eating anything. Diarrhoea is accompanied by utmost weakness. Apart from pain, liver enlargement, and loose stool, the person has peculiar cravings in the diet. The significant cravings are those for cold drinks, juices, and ice creams.

Bryonia Alba: Homeopathic remedy for Liver Abscess when pain gets worse from breathing

Bryonia Alba is the most suitable natural Homeopathic remedy when the liver pain due to abscess is aggravated by breathing. The liver also shows enlargement. The liver region is markedly swollen and tense. The person gets relief from the pain of liver by taking complete rest without any motion. The pain can be burning or shooting in nature and may extend to the stomach or to the back in most cases. The person also shows a disgust for food with a loss of appetite. The taste of mouth gets bitter in most cases. Another symptom of high value that is to be considered in the selection of Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba is a peculiar thirst. The patient desires large quantity of water at long intervals. Most patients needing Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba are constipated with a difficult and hard stool.



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Top 5 Homeopathic remedies for Styes

Stye, also called hordeolum, is a small lump that appears on the eyelid margin — either upper or lower — due to infection of the oil gland in the eyelid. It is painful initially but more importantly, it makes the sufferer feel conscious and awkward. A stye can be external or internal appearing on the outside or inside the eyelid, respectively. Styes are red and painful initially and later pus forms in them. Eventually, they burst and heal completely, with the pus getting dischareged. But sometimes, in case of an internal stye, a hard nodule or cyst filled with fluid remains behind due to improper drainage of discharge. The stye is attended with pain in the eyelid, swelling of the eyelid, itching, soreness and ne may feel grittiness (sand-like sensation) and excessive watering from the eyes.

Styes can be safely treated with natural homeopathic medicines with no side effects. Homeopathic medicines fight with bacterial infection to give a complete cure in these cases. With its use, the stye dissolve gradually and its attending symptoms of pain, itching, soreness, eye watering are relieved wonderfully. In modern medicine, antibiotic pills, eye drops or topical antibiotic creams are usually prescribed in cases of a stye while surgery is also advised to drain pus in some cases. This treatment can have side effects. Homeopathy, however, is a great alternative that functions to resolve this condition naturally without any adverse side effects.

homeopathic remedies for stye

Homeopathy leads to natural recovery

Homeopathy boosts self-healing forces in the body that aids to fight bacterial infection in a natural way. The infection gets eradicated completely and stye is cured from its root. Homeopathy works well in both external and internal styes. Homeopathy can also help prevent the need of surgery in most cases of stye.

Homeopathy is effective for acute as well as recurrent stye

Homeopathic remedies for stye not only help in dissolving the stye in an acute condition but also work effectively to eradicate the tendency to have a stye again. Homeopathy also offers effective cure for hard nodes that may be left in cases of incompletely resolved styes.

Personalized medicine prescription

Homeopathy prescribes a medicine for stye individually for every case. Various factors are taken into consideration before finalizing the homeopathic medication for a given case of stye. These include the side of the eye—right or left, whether the stye is formed on the upper or lower eyelid, the type of pain and any other attending symptoms present and if there is a tendency of repeated formation of the stye. After noting these details, the case is evaluated by a homeopathic doctor to find the most suitable medicine for a case. A properly selected medicine is capable to heal the stye completely.

Homeopathy Is Free Of Side Effects

Homeopathy prescribes medicines made up of natural substances to treat cases of stye. They treat stye in a harmless and gentle manner that does not have any kind of side effects.

Top 5 Homeopathic Remedies for Styes

Silicea, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox, Conium and Staphysagria are the top homeopathic remedies to treat styes.

1. Silicea – Top Recommended Medicine For Stye

Silicea is a prominently indicated medicine for the treatment of stye. Silicea is the best cure when pus has formed in the stye. Silicea helps in the pus getting absorbed or drained out, resulting in proper resolution of the problem. Whether pus is absorbed or discharged varies in each case. If it’s the beginning of pus formation, the pus is usually absorbed. But when complete pus has been formed in the stye, Silicea will help in proper draining out of the pus. Silicea is a natural medicine that also makes sure that no resultant nodule is left after the stye is gone.

When to use Silicea?

Silicea is the best medicine to help cases of stye with marked pus formation.

How to use Silicea?

Silicea gives best results in 6X potency. Silicea 6X can be taken three to four times a day.

2. Pulsatilla – For Upper Eyelid Stye

Pulsatilla is the ideal remedy to treat the stye formed on the upper eyelid. Along with this, the white of the eye gets inflamed. Next, there occurs drawing pain in the eyes. It is felt when there is movement of facial muscles. Other than this, the eyelids are swollen along with itching and burning.

When to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla is an excellent choice of medicine to treat stye on the upper eyelid.

How to use Pulsatilla?

Pulsatilla 30C can be used once or twice a day.

3. Rhus Tox – For Styes On Lower Eyelid

Rhus Tox is a well-indicated medicine to treat styes that form on the lower eyelid. There is a hard red swelling on the lower eyelid needing this medicine. The stye is mainly formed towards the inner canthus. It is attended with a pressive type of pain. The lids can be swollen. Besides, there is prickling sensation, itching and burning sensation.

When to use Rhus Tox?

The use of this medicine should be opted to treat stye that forms on the lower eyelid.

How to use Rhus Tox?

Among its various potencies, it is best to begin with 30C potency twice or thrice a day.

4. Conium– When Hard Nodes Are Left Behind From Styes

Conium is the best medicine for taking care of the hard nodes that remain after improper healing of styes. These are referred to as Indurated Styes. Conium has the ability to soften such hard knots and make them disappear completely. In such cases, Conium is of great help in completely curing styes and never disappoints.

When to use Conium?

Conium should be highly preferred to treat hard nodes on eyelids that may be left after improper healing of styes

How to use Conium?

It is advised to take this medicine once a day in 30C power.

5. Staphysagria – For Recurrent Styes

Staphysagria is very beneficial in the treatment of recurrent styes. This medicine possesses a powerful ability to prevent the formation of recurrent styes. It also aids in dissolving the styes that appear as hard nodes in eyelids with dry margins of eyelids.

When to use Staphysagria?

It is recommended to use this medicine to treat the tendency of recurrent stye formation.

How to use Staphysagria?

It should be used in 30C potency once a day only.

Cause and risk factors

It mostly occurs from infection of the oil gland with Staphylococcus bacteria. There are some factors that increase the risk of stye formation. These include touching the eyes with dirty hands, using old cosmetics on the eyes, wearing contact lenses without proper disinfection, dry skin, dandruff and blepharitis (inflammation of eyelids).

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Homeopathic remedies for pregnancy related complaints

Pregnancy is the most joyous but also trying time for a mother-to-be. She’s not only carrying a child, but along with it several dreams and hopes. Pregnancy, however, brings its fair share of medical complications and bodily changes, and though Homeopathic medicines are completely safe with zero side effects, extra caution is required on which Homeopathic remedy to give an expectant mother. You have to be cautious about the dosage, potency and repetition of Homeopathic remedies for pregnancy related complaints. In fact, for pregnancy-related complaints, Homeopathic medicines are not selected on the basis of a single symptom but are always ruled out after taking proper stock of each case. Homeopathic remedies should also not be taken haphazardly to cure pregnancy-related complaints.

Top Homeopathic remedies for pregnancy related complaints

Nux Vomica, Sepia and Ipecac: Homeopathic medicines for morning sickness during pregnancy

Nux Vomica is a natural Homeopathic medicine for treatment of morning sickness during pregnancy. Nux Vomica can be used when the nausea and vomiting are worse in the morning. Such women may also suffer from acidity and constipation. Homeopathic medicine Sepia is suited for those women who have extreme nausea even on smelling or looking at food. Vomiting occurs after eating. Craving for pickles may also be found. Ipecac is also one of the best homeopathic remedies for pregnancy nausea when nausea and vomiting persist throughout the day. The tongue usually remains clean in the mother-to-be requiring Ipecac.

Bryonia Alba, Alumina and Nux Vomica: Homeopathic medicines for constipation during pregnancy

Homeopathic medicines Bryonia Alba, Alumina and Nux Vomica are natural remedies for pregnancy related complaints and is of great help in treatment of constipation during pregnancy. There are a few symptoms that characterise which of these three Homeopathic medicines you should take. The characteristic symptom for using Bryonia Alba is constipation with difficult and dry, hard stool or poop. To use Alumina for constipation during pregnancy, the prominent guiding symptom is absence of the urge to pass stool for many days. The stool remains in the rectum for several days together. When the stool has to be passed, much strain is required even if the stool is soft. And in contrast to Alumina, Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica is used when the urge to pass stool is very frequent or almost constant. But only a little stool is passed in every effort, and the stool is insufficient and unsatisfactory. After passing stool, the urge is renewed immediately.

Aesculus and Collinsonia: Homeopathic medicines for piles during pregnancy

Homeopathic medicine Aesculus is very effective treatment of piles during pregnancy. It’s a remedy for both types of piles during pregnancy — either bleeding or blind. Aesculus is as a natural medicine for pregnancy related complaints and is indicated when woman complains of sharp shooting pains in the rectum with burning. It seems as if small sticks are filling up the rectum causing severe pain. Homeopathic medicine Collinsonia is the ideal choice when constipation of utmost severity accompanies the piles problem during pregnancy. Pain in rectum and itching of anus are mostly experienced.

Nux Vomica and Calcarea Carb: Homeopathic medicines for indigestion (Dyspepsia) during pregnancy

Homeopathic medicine Nux Vomica is mainly prescribed when a bloated abdomen follows eating. There is pressure and heaviness in the stomach. The mother-to-be also complains of gas in the stomach with nausea and burning in the stomach. Constipation may also be experienced. Homeopathic remedy Calcarea Carb should be taken when sour belching, sour vomiting and acidity are experienced. The odour of stool is sour smelling.

Arnica and Hamamelis: Homeopathic medicines for varicose veins during pregnancy

Homeopathic medicines Arnica and Hamamelis are very effective herbal remedies for pregnancy related complains. Homeopathic medicine Arnica is a very good cure of varicose veins occurring during pregnancy. Amica can be used when sore and bruised pains are felt in the legs with varicose veins. Homeopathic medicine Hamamelis is also a very beneficial medicine for varicose veins during pregnancy. Hamamelis can be used when tiredness and soreness are felt in the legs with varicose veins.

Aesculus and Kali Carb: Homeopathic medicines for backache during pregnancy

Both Aesculus and Kali Carb are natural Homeopathic medicines that are of great help for the treatment of backache during pregnancy. For using Aesculus, the main complaint is pain in the lower back in sacrum and hips. The pains are most severe while walking. The back is very weak and stooping may also worsen the backache. Homeopathic medicine Kali Carb should be taken for backache during pregnancy when stiffness accompanies backache. Excessive weakness of the back may also be felt and the pain from back may extend down to the thighs.

Magnesium Phos and Sepia: Homeopathic medicines for cramps in calves during pregnancy

Magnesium Phos is the top Homeopathic medicine for relieving cramps in calves during pregnancy. When the legs and cramps feel warm and there is pressure while walking, Magnesium Phos provides the relief. And when the legs and feet remain cold with cramps in calves, Homeopathic medicine Sepia can bring relief.

Homeopathic medicines for urinary bladder disturbance during pregnancy

Equisetum is a very good Homeopathic medicine for urinary troubles during pregnancy. This medicine is used when the woman feels a constant desire to pass urine. This is accompanied by pain in the bladder. The urine is passed in a large quantity but the frequency of urine is maintained. Homeopathic medicine Staphysagria is recommended when the woman feels her bladder has not completely emptied even after passing urine. Homeopathic medicine Thuja is beneficial if the expectant mother feels her bladder has not emptied in one go. She has to go to the toilet to pass urine five or more times to empty the bladder.

Bryonia Alba, Ipecac and Belladona: Homeopathic medicines for cough during pregnancy

Homeopathic medicine Bryonia Alba is usually recommended for dry cough during pregnancy. The cough can be accompanied by difficult respiration and pain in chest. An increased thirst for a large quantity of water may also be felt. Ipecac is the Homeopathic remedy for loose cough during pregnancy. During loose cough, the mucus rattles in the chest. The spitting out of mucus gives relief. Belladona is the Homeopathic treatment when a pregnant woman coughs with pain in the throat. The throat is dry and very sore.

Homeopathic medicines to tackle vaginal bleeding during pregnancy

Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy is an alarming sign indicating abortion. So, even a slight bleeding from the vagina during pregnancy should not be neglected and medical advice should always be sought. To select a suitable Homeopathic medicine to control vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, various factors including mental and physical conditions are taken into account. A few causative factors that are to be noted include any kind of anger outburst, listening to any bad news, exertion, fright, grief, trauma or injury or lifting of heavy weight. The month of pregnancy in which the bleeding has appeared is also a significant feature to be noted. And also, any history of abortion is sought to rule out if the woman has the tendency to go in for an abortion. The Homeopathic medicines for halting the bleeding include China, Sabina, Arnica and Ipecac. The appropriate medicine is prescribed only after taking into account the case history.

Ferrum Phos: Homeopathic medicine for Anemia during pregnancy

Ferrum Phos is a very safe and efficient natural Homeopathic medicine for supplementing the iron requirement during pregnancy. Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Phoshas zero side effects and is easily absorbable. Ferrum Phos helps meet the iron requirement during pregnancy without diarrhea, constipation or any other gastric trouble.

Homeopathic medicines for Diabetes, Mellitus, Hypertension, Eclampsia and Thyroid troubles during pregnancy

There are various effective Homeopathic medicines for dealing with these medical conditions during pregnancy but they are not specific for all the women suffering from the same complaint. The appropriate Homeopathic medicine is selected on an individual basis after taking into account the detailed case history. For dealing with Diabetes, Podophyllum and Zincum Met are beneficial Homeopathic medicines. To tackle hypertension and Eclampsia, Homeopathic medicines Ignatia, Belladona and Nux Vomica are of great help. For treatment of Thyroid troubles, Calcarea Iod and Hydrastis are very effective Homeopathic remedies. But again, these Homeopathic medicines are selected and prescribed after noting down the detailed case history of women.

Homeopathic medicines for feeble development of fetus

If the development of fetus is not progressing in a usual or expected way or it is at a slow pace, it should trigger an alarm. Homeopathic medicines can be of help depending upon each individual case. Secale Cor is a Homeopathic medicine that can be considered if the growth of fetus is arrested. And if the motion of fetus is decreased or stops suddenly, then Homeopathic medicine Caulophyllum may help.

Homeopathic medicines for violent movement of fetus

The Homeopathic medicines that are of help for dealing with violent movements of fetus in the womb are Lycopodium, Crocus Sativus and Thuja. Which of these Homeopathic medicines you should take is prescribed only after taking into account the pregnant woman’s case history.

Homeopathic remedies for abnormal position of fetus in womb

Homeopathy can even help in correcting the position of the fetus placed abnormally in the uterus of the pregnant woman. But the results vary from one woman to the other. Homeopathic medicines that are considered for such a situation include Pulsatilla, Arnica, Sepia and Aconite.



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Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines For Nerve Pain

Nerve pain can feel like an electric shock, or like a pinprick or even a burning sensation. It may be attended with other symptoms like tingling sensation and numbness. Nerve pain is a symptom of various medical conditions. It can disturb and alter your life. The countless nerves are the body’s messaging system — conveying sensations, like pain, to the brain. In case of nerve pain, the messaging system gets disturbed because of damage to the nerve from a physical injury or a disease or from a compressed nerve.

Homeopathic medicines for nerve pain are of great help in providing relief to the patient without any side effects as these are made of natural substances. They gradually bring down the intensity of the nerve pain. They work effectively in acute as well as chronic nerve pain cases. Along with nerve pain, they also extend help to manage attending symptoms like numbness, tingling, burning sensation. Conventional mode employs pain killers, antidepressant medicines, anticonvulsants, nerve blocks (injecting medicine in nerves) to deal with nerve pain cases. They provide short-term relief and additionally may lead to side effects if taken for long duration. Homeopathic medicines are free from side effects and carry great scope of complete recovery in many cases.

Homeopathic medicines for nerve pain are selected individually for every case. These remedies are given after carefully noting down the symptoms and identifying the reason for nerve pain. A well prescribed medicine in every case of nerve pain brings great results.

Homeopathy does not work only superficially rather works on a deeper level and aims at extricating the root cause of nerve pain varying from case to case to promote great cures.  For complete relief, a complete course of homeopathic treatment for specified duration needs to be followed as guided by a homeopathic doctor.

Homeopathy is a natural mode of healing and homeopathic medicines are undoubtedly safe and natural medicines that works in a very natural manner in cases of nerve pain to provide long-term results in these cases.

homeopathic medicines for nerve pain

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Nerve Pain

The leading homeopathic medicines for treating nerve pain are Magnesium Phos, Hypericum, Colocynth, Causticum, Spigelia and Ranunculus Bulbosus.

1. Magnesium Phos – For Nerve Pain Better From Warm Applications And Pressure

Magnesium Phos is the top natural medicine to treat nerve pains. It is very beneficial in cases of severe nerve pain where warm applications or pressure to the affected painful area provides relief to the patient. The pain may get triggered by exposure to cold air. The nerve pain can be of shooting, cutting or stitching type. The pain is almost unbearable. This medicine is especially helpful for cases of sciatica and trigeminal neuralgia.

When to use Magnesium Phos?

This medicine should be considered to manage nerve pain that worsens with cold air exposure and gets better from application of warmth and pressure over affected part.

How to use Magnesium Phos?

This medicine gives excellent results in 6X potency that can be taken three to four times a day.

2. Hypericum – For Nerve Pain From An Injury

Hypericum is a powerful natural medicine prescribed for treating nerve pain occurring after trauma or injury to nerves. This medicine is best for patients who complain of tingling and burning pains in nerves. Numbness accompanies the pain at times. Pain in the back after spinal injuries can be wonderfully treated with this medicine. Hypericum is also very effective in treating nerve pain in fingers and toes after injury from sharp instruments like needles.

When to use Hypericum?

Hypericum is the best remedy to deal with cases of nerve pain especially burning, tingling types resulting from any nerve injury.

How to use Hypericum?

From low to high potency it works well in all potencies. Initially, it is best to use 30C potency two to three times a day.

3. Colocynth – For Nerve Pain In Legs (Sciatica)

Colocynth is the most prominently indicated medicine for managing leg pain from sciatica. It is especially suited for left-sided sciatica pain in the leg. The pain begins in the lower back and radiates down the leg to toes where this medicine is required. The guiding feature for its use is relief in pain from pressure and warm applications.

When to use Colocynth?

Colocynth should be highly preferred to manage sciatica especially of the left side with pain in the lower back going down the left leg.

How to use Colocynth?

Though it can be taken in any potency from low to high but the most frequently recommended is 30C potency that can be taken twice or thrice a day for good results.

4. Causticum – For Nerve Pain in Hands from Compressed Median Nerve (CTS)

Causticum is an important medicine that can be given to patients who have nerve pain in hands in cases of CTS i.e. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.  Those needing it complain of numbness and weakness in hands in addition to pain in hands. There may be thinning out of muscles of hands.

When to use Causticum?

Causticum is highly effective to help cases of pain in hands along with numbness and weakness in cases of compression of median nerve in carpal tunnel syndrome.

How to use Causticum?

It is recommended to use Causticum 30C once a day.

5. Spigelia –  For Nerve Pain In Face

Spigelia is a wonderful medicine considered an ideal remedy for nerve pain in the face (trigeminal neuralgia). It is mainly indicated for left-side nerve pain in the face. In cases requiring Spigelia, worsening of pain is seen from touch and cold.

When to use Spigelia?

This medicine can be used in cases of nerve pain on the left side of the face that gets worse from touch and cold.

How to use Spigelia?

It is advised to take Spigelia 30C once or twice a day.

6. Ranunculus Bulbosus – For Post-Herpetic Nerve Pain

Herpes is a skin disease in which eruptions appear on the skin along the course of nerves with severe nerve pain. Even when the eruptions disappear, the nerve pain persists for a long duration, which is referred to as post-herpetic nerve pain. This condition can be very effectively treated with natural medicine Ranunculus Bulbosus which is the top medicine for nerve pain after herpes. This can be used when the nerve pain is sharp stitching type. It gets worse by touch.

When to use Ranunculus Bulbosus?

The use of this medicine should be done to manage sharp stitching type of post herpetic nerve pain.

How to use Ranunculus Bulbosus?

This medicine can be used one to two times a day.

Causes of nerve pain

Nerve pain can arise from various causes. It may result from nerve damage, nerve compression, nerve injury and certain infections. Compression of nerves is one of the important cause behind nerve pain. Some of the important conditions arising from compressed nerves are sciatica, trigeminal neuralgia, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Sciatica is a nerve pain that begins in the lower back and travels down the legs along the root of sciatic nerve. Trigeminal neuralgia (pain on one side of the face along the course of the trigeminal nerve). Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition affecting the hands resulting from compression of median nerve as it passes through carpal tunnel in wrist. Nerve pain can also result from diabetes, deficiency of nutrients like Vitamin B6 and B12, alcohol use disorder. Further causes are shingles (a painful skin condition with blisters on skin caused by varicella zoster virus), multiple sclerosis (an autoimmune disorder where the immune cells damage the protective covering of the nerves out of a misdirected response), injuries, radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

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5 Best Homeopathic Medicines for Housemaid’s knee

What is Housemaid’s knee?

Housemaid’s knee is the inflammation of the prepatellar bursa of the knee. It is also known as prepatellar bursitis. Bursa is a small fluid -filled sac located around a joint. A bursa acts as a cushion between the bone and tendons, muscles and reduces the friction when tendons/muscles move over a bone during joint movement. Inflammation of the bursa is known as bursitis. There are up to eleven bursae that surround the knee joint. The bursa present between the skin and the knee cap (patella) is prepatellar bursa. Inflammation of this prepatellar bursa is known as housemaid’s knee.

What are the causes for housemaid’s knee?

The common causes for housemaid’s knee include a fall/blow/injury of the knee, infection inside prepatellar bursa and excessive kneeling (as in carpet fitters, plumbers, gardeners). Gout and rheumatoid arthritis also raise risk for developing housemaid’s knee.

What are the symptoms of housemaid’s knee?

The symptoms of housemaid’s knee include pain and swelling in the affected side knee. Tenderness is also present over the knee. Redness and warmth over the knee are also noted.

Homeopathic treatment for housemaid’s knee

Homeopathic treatment for housemaid’s knee is quite effective . Homeopathic medicines for housemaid’s knee are very safe, gentle and effective way. Homeopathic medicines help in reducing the inflammation of the bursa in cases of housemaid’s knee. They also assist in relieving the symptoms of housemaid’s knee like pain, swelling, and tenderness of the knee. The prominent homeopathic medicines to treat housemaid’s knee includes Apis Mellifica, Bryonia Alba, Sticta Pulmonaria, Silicea, Kali Iodatum and Arnica Montana. The most suitable homeopathic medicine among them is selected based on the symptoms individual to each of them.

Homeopathic Medicines for Housemaid’s knee

1.Apis Mellifica – Homeopathic medicine for housemaid’s knee with highly swollen knee.

Apis Mellifica is highly suitable homeopathic medicine to treat housemaid’s knee. It is useful when the knee is highly swollen, sore and sensitive to touch. In some cases, the knee pain is of stinging nature. Heat in the knee is also present. Slight touch and pressure worsen the pain. Warmth also aggravates the pain over the knee.

2. Bryonia Alba – Homeopathic medicine for housemaid’s knee when slight motion worsens the knee pain.

Bryonia Alba is an excellent homeopathic medicine for treating housemaid’s knee. This medicine is helpful when the knee pain is worse from slight motion. Walking worsen the knee pain. The knee is red, swollen and hot. Absolute rest relieves. Warmth also decreases the pain of the knee. In some cases, knee pain is very violent and sharp in nature.

3. Sticta Pulmonaria – Homeopathic medicine for housemaid’s knee with severe, shooting pain in the knees

Sticta Pulmonaria is next well indicated homeopathic medicine to treat housemaid’s knee. The primary guiding symptom for using this medicine is severe shooting pain in the affected knee. The knee is also highly inflammed with marked redness and heat. The person requiring Sticta have an increase of knee pain from sitting and betterment from moving.

4.Silicea – Homeopathic medicine for housemaid’s knee with tearing knee pains.

Silicea is useful homeopathic medicine for housemaid’s knee when knee pains are tearing in nature. Pressure and exercise worsen the pain over the knee. The knee is also highly swollen and shining. In some cases, the knee feels as if it is tightly bound. Silicea also works well in cases where lancinating pains appear in housemaid’s knee.

5.Kali Iodatum and Arnica Montana – Other excellent homeopathic medicines for housemaid’s knee.

Kali Iodatum and Arnica Montana are other significant homeopathic medicines for housemaid’s knee treatment. The main feature to use Kali Iodatum is the pain over knee worse from lying on the affected side. Other symptoms indicating Kali Iodatum use are swelling over knee aggravated at night time; gnawing/boring knee pain worse at night time with the need to change the position frequently. Next medicine Arnica Montana is top most one for housemaid’s knee arising following injury, fall or blow over the knee. The affected knee is sore, painful, with great fear to touch the knee out of pain.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Uterine Polyps

Uterine polyps are the overgrowth of the endometrial lining of the womb or the uterus. Uterine polyps are also known as endometrial polyps. The size of the uterine polyps varies from few millimeters to a few centimeters. Uterine polyps may be single or multiple in number. They can be sessile or pedunculated, the second ones being more common. Sessile means they attach with the uterine cavity with a flat base, and pedunculated means they connect to the uterine cavity with a stalk. Uterine polyps are usually noncancerous or benign but have a 5% chance of being malignant or turning malignant. Chances of malignancy of uterine polyps are higher in postmenopausal women. Homeopathy treats many gynecological complaints with much success. Homeopathic medicines for uterine polyps are very effective and safe.  homeopathic medicines for uterine polyps

Causes and Risk Factors

The exact cause of uterine polyps is not clear, but they tend to arise from high levels of estrogen circulating in the body. Certain risk factors make women prone to uterine polyps. These include obesity, hormone replacement therapy, and high blood pressure. Apart from these, women taking tamoxifen, which is a drug for breast cancer treatment, are also prone to uterine polyps. Women around perimenopausal or postmenopausal age group are at the highest risk, but young women may also develop them.

Symptoms of Uterine Polyps

Uterine polyps can be both asymptomatic and symptomatic. The symptoms of uterine polyps include menorrhagia or heavy or prolonged periods, bleeding in between menstrual cycles or metrorrhagia, irregular periods, and bleeding from the vagina after menopause. Another symptom is pain or cramps because of the polyp trying to protrude into the vagina through the cervix. A uterine polyp may also make it difficult to get pregnant or carry the pregnancy to term.

Homeopathic Medicines for Uterine Polyps

From a huge list of medicines for the treatment for uterine polyps, the major ones are Calc Carb, Medorrhinum, Belladonna, Phosphorus, Sepia, Thuja Occidentalis, and Teucrium Marum Verum. The homeopathy prescription for uterine polyps varies individually for every case. Prescribing the most suitable medicine for uterine polyps needs a detailed case analysis. Homeopathy medicines help in managing the symptoms of uterine polyps as well as dissolving them. These symptoms include heavy, prolonged menses, intermenstrual bleeding, and uterine cramps. Homeopathy medicine for uterine polyps is safe to use and doesn’t have any side effects. These medicines for uterine polyps should be taken under the supervision of a physician and self-medication be avoided.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Nausea

Nausea is a sensation of uneasiness where a person feels the urge to vomit. Nausea can appear with or without vomiting. Nausea is not a disease, but a symptom arising due to a number of causes. Primary causes of nausea are stomach infection, indigestion, food poisoning, morning sickness during pregnancy, migraine headaches and travel sickness which includes car sickness, air sickness, and sea sickness. Homeopathic treatment for nausea is safe, natural and effective. Natural medicines for nausea are capable of dealing with nausea arising from various causes. Nausea from a stomach infection, indigestion, or a migraine can be managed easily with remedies. Motion sickness is also very well treated with these remedies. This mode of treatment is a safe option for dealing with morning sickness during pregnancy.

Homeopathic Treatment for Nausea

Recommended remedies for nausea are Ipecac, Arsenic Album, Cocculus Indicus, and Sepia. Ipecac is a good medicine for nausea that is constant. Arsenic Album is used for nausea caused by a stomach infection or by food poisoning. Cocculus Indicus works well for treating car or air sickness. Sepia is a recommended treatment for nausea during pregnancy.

1. For Nausea from Stomach Infection or Food Poisoning

Top medicines for effective treatment for nausea arising from a stomach infection are Arsenic Album and Nux Vomica. These two remedies give excellent results when nausea appears due to food poisoning. Arsenic Album is used for nausea accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. Nux Vomica is useful when nausea with ineffectual urging for ?? and abdomen pain are present.

2. For Nausea During Pregnancy or Morning Sickness

Natural remedies effectively manage nausea during pregnancy. Good remedies for morning sickness are Sepia and Symphoricarpus Racemosa. Sepia works well for nausea in the morning, or when nausea is aggravated by the smell or sight of food. Vomiting after eating may also occur. Symphoricarpus Racemosa is a good choice when nausea occurs along with an aversion to all kinds of food. In such cases, persistent vomiting is also a feature.

3. For Nausea During a Migraine

Remedies for nausea accompanied by a migraine are Iris Versicolor and Cocculus Indicus. Iris Versicolor is an excellent choice for treating a headache accompanied by nausea. A headache is felt in the frontal and temporal region. In such cases, acidity may also appear. Cocculus Indicus is useful when vertigo and headache accompany nausea. The headache is mainly centered in the back of the head. Loss of appetite, vomiting, and fainting may also occur.

4. For Nausea during Travelling or Motion Sickness

Motion sickness includes sickness caused while traveling by car, air or sea. Remedies for car sickness and air sickness are Petroleum and Cocculus Indicus. Tabacum is used to deal with sea sickness.

5. For Nausea with Indigestion

Remedies for nausea with indigestion are Nux Vomica and Pulsatilla. Nux Vomica works well when nausea and retching appear with indigestion. Pressure is felt in the abdomen after eating. The person considers vomiting to feel better. In such cases, constipation may also occur. Pulsatilla works well for nausea and indigestion arising from eating heavy food like fats, pastries, and cake. In such situations, there is an aversion to all food. Dyspepsia and flatulence may also appear along with nausea.

6. For Nausea Caused by the Smell or Sight of Food

Colchicum is a good homeopathic medicine for nausea caused by the smell or sight of food. Nausea in such cases is very intense and may lead the person to faint. Vomiting may also appear. Colchicum is very helpful when the very thought of food nauseates a person.

7. For Nausea Caused by Eating or Drinking

Effective medicine for nausea caused by eating or drinking are Cocculus Indicus and Pulsatilla. Along with nausea, vomiting may also occur. In such cases, acidity along with distress may be felt in the abdomen.

8. For Constant Nausea

Ipecac is a beneficial medicine for nausea that is constant. Nausea in such cases is very intense. Ipecac is the most frequently used remedy for persistent nausea, irrespective of the cause. Vomiting may also appear along with persistent nausea. The vomit is bilious or consisting of white, glairy, mucus. The patient does not feel any relief after vomiting. Profuse salivation may also accompany nausea.

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