Myopia or short-sightedness is a visual disorder that results in poor distance vision. Also known as nearsightedness, a person who has myopia can see nearby objects clearly, but the objects farther away appear blurry. In this condition, the light rays focus in front of the retina instead of focusing on the retina. Homeopathy for myopia aims to slow down the rate of progression of the problem. Physostigma Venenosum, Phosphorous and Ruta Graveolens are the top homeopathic medicines for progressive myopia.
About Progressive Myopia
Progressive myopia is one of the various clinical varieties of myopia. It is different from simple myopia (which is the most common variety not associated with any disease of the eye).
Progressive myopia is a severe condition that results in high myopia and degenerative changes in the eye which may result in vision loss. It is also known by some other terms, like pathological myopia and degenerative myopia.
In progressive myopia, there is a rapid axial elongation of the eyeball, stretching of the sclera and degeneration of the choroid, retina and the vitreous. It results in a rapid and quick progression of nearsightedness to an extremely high degree which may result in vision loss. It begins in early childhood between the ages of 5 – 10 yrs and results in high myopia during adolescence and adulthood.
What is the Reason for Progressive Myopia?
Progressive myopia is believed to be hereditary. It runs in families that have a genetic history of the disorder. Progressive myopia is common among certain races including Japanese, Jews, Arabs, and Chinese.
Further, there are some systemic diseases and eye diseases that are linked with progressive myopia. These conditions include Down’s syndrome, Marfan’s syndrome, Ehler’s -Danlos syndrome, ocular albinism, and infantile Glaucoma. A person having any of these conditions is at risk to suffer from progressive myopia.
Symptoms of Progressive Myopia
– Rapidly increasing high myopia (nearsightedness).
– Floating black opacities, spots (muscae volitantes) before the eyes that arise due to degenerated liquefied vitreous.
– Night blindness when marked degenerative changes occur.
– Prominent eyeballs.
– Progressive and irreversible vision loss.
Complications of Progressive Myopia
There are many ocular complications in progressive myopia. People who have progressive myopia are at risk of suffering from loss of vision, retinal detachment, complicated cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma, vitreous hemorrhage, choroidal hemorrhage, bleeding in the eye from abnormal blood vessel growth (neovascularization) and strabismus fixus convergence (a type of squint).
Homeopathic Treatment for Progressive Myopia
Various natural homeopathic medicines are well indicated for progressive myopia. These homeopathic medicines aim at slowing the rate of progression of myopia. The use of homeopathic medicines for progressive myopia is recommended along with the conventional treatment, and these should be used under the supervision of a homeopathic physician. Self-medication should be avoided.
Homeopathic Medicines for Progressive Myopia
Physostigma Venenosum – Top Homeopathic Medicine for Progressive Myopia
Physostigma Venenosum is prepared from a plant named Calabar bean. The natural order of this plant is Leguminosae. Physostigma is a highly beneficial homeopathic medicine where a person has a complaint of increasing myopia. The person is unable to see objects clearly at a distance, and the objects seem mixed. The distant objects can seem dim, hazy, misty and severely blurred as a result of this condition. There may be a pressure felt in the eye. A continued drawing sensation in the eyes may be present.
Pain in the eyes, the presence of spots (muscae volitantes) and partial blindness may be present. This medicine is also indicated for associated night blindness and glaucoma with progressive myopia.
Phosphorus – For Progressive, Rapidly Increasing Myopia
Phosphorus is used to treat cases of myopia where there is rapidly increasing myopia. The person requiring this medicine cannot clearly see objects at distance. The distant objects seem enveloped in a smoke or mist. This condition tends to worsen rapidly. In most cases, the eyes may be very sensitive to light, and there may be a burning sensation. A feeling of grittiness, like there is sand present in the eyes, may also be felt. Another primary symptom that indicates the need for this medicine is seeing spots before the eyes, i.e., muscae volitantes. The patient sees black points floating before eyes or sparks or flashes of light before the eyes. Occasional night blindness may be present. Marked degenerative changes in the retina are also present. Homeopathic medicine Phosphorus is also indicated when glaucoma or cataract is present in cases of progressive myopia.
Ruta Graveolens – For Progressive Myopia with Aching Eyes
Ruta Graveolens is prepared from a plant commonly named garden rue. This plant belongs to the family Rutaceae. It is used to treat cases of shortsightedness where the eyes ache. It is frequently indicated when the vision is very weak and there is high obscuration of objects at a distance. The distant objects seem blurred and extremely dim. Aching in eyes is experienced after using the eyes and straining them at fine work like sewing, or while reading a small print. A pressure in the eye orbits and a feeling of heat in the eyes may also be felt. Weak vision brought by overstraining eyes is a prominent feature to use this medicine.
Natrum Mur – For Progressive Myopia with Pressure in Eyes
Natrum Mur is used to treat conditions of progressive myopia where a person feels pressure in eyes along with nearsightedness. When looking at an object very intently, a pressure in the eyes may be felt. A headache may occur along with eye-strain. The person may see black specks before the eyes. Itching and watering from eyes may also be present.
Gelsemium Sempervirens – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Progressive Myopia
Gelsemium Sempervirens is an excellent homeopathic remedy for treating progressive myopia. It is prepared from the plant named Yellow Jasmine that belongs to the natural order Loganiaceae.
The characteristic features to use this remedy include dim and blurry vision. Distant objects seem indistinct. A feeling of fullness and aching in the eye orbit may be present. Dizziness and vertigo, an aversion to light and presence of black specks before the eyes are other symptoms.
Jaborandi – For Progressive Myopia where the Eyes Tire Easily
Homeopathic medicine Jaborandi is prepared from fresh leaves of the plant Pilocarpus Jaborandi. The natural order of this plant is Rutaceae. Jaborandi is indicated when eyes get tired quickly from the slightest use. There is a dim vision, and everything at a distance appears hazy. Pain and nausea may arise when looking steadily at a distance, and vertigo may also appear. Spots before vision, headache, aching of eyes upon using eyes and a convergent squint are other symptoms indicating the need for Jaborandi.