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Diaper Rash – Natural and Safe Treatment with Homeopathy

A diaper rash is a frequent condition noted amongst babies where a red rash develops on the baby’s bottom (hips).

Diaper Rash

A diaper rash affects the skin covered by a diaper.

It primarily affects the area that is covered by a diaper. Every child tends to get a diaper rash at some point, especially during the first two to three years of life. The chances of developing a diaper rash are unusually high during the first year of a child’s life. However, it is important to note that a diaper rash can happen to an adult using adult diapers for management of problems like fecal incontinence and more. Homeopathy can offer a natural, effective solution for diaper rash. Borax Veneta, Calendula Officinalis, Merc Sol, Nitric Acid, Sulphur, and Sulphuric Acid are the top-rated homeopathic medicines used to treat diaper rash.

Homeopathic Treatment of Diaper Rash

Homeopathic medicines for diaper rash are very mild and treat the condition in a very gentle manner. There are no side effects linked with homeopathic medicines as they boost the self-healing mechanism of the body to ensure natural recovery. Homeopathic medicines help the rash heal gradually while also managing other skin conditions in the form of eruptions (like pimples, blisters, and pustules) in the diaper area. In case of a diaper rash caused by a fungal infection, homeopathic medicines treat the infection. There are various medicines used to treat a diaper rash in the homeopathic system of medicine. The most suitable homeopathic medicines among them are selected for a child based on individual symptoms. These should be used only under the consultation of a homeopathic physician and self-prescription should be avoided.

Risk Factors for Diaper Rash 

One of the main reasons that lead to the development of a diaper rash is leaving a diaper on a baby for too long. Diapers have a threshold limit and must be changed well within that time to avoid rashes and discomfort for the baby. Leaving a diaper on for too long can result in the bottom area remaining in contact with the stool or urine for too long. This can cause skin irritation and lead to a rash. It is also very unhygienic. Frequent bowel movements and diarrhea also make a child predisposed to get a diaper rash.

Yeast Infections – An infection by Candida, fungi, yeast may result in a diaper rash. These fungi tend to grow in warm and moist areas, like the area of skin covered by a diaper.

Sensitivity – A diaper rash is also typical in babies who have sensitive skin and an allergic constitution. Soaps, detergents and baby wipes may lead to diaper rash as a result of an allergic reaction. Sometimes introducing new products in diet tend to change the frequency and composition of stool, which can again lead to a rash.

Bacterial Infections – Other slightly less common causes of a diaper rash include bacterial infections, like a staphylococcus infection.

Use of Antibiotics – Recent use of an antibiotic can cause an increase in the growth of yeast in the gut since antibiotics affect the good bacteria in the stomach (that keep the yeast in check). The increased amount of yeast can cause an infection and lead to a rash in the diaper area.

Signs and Symptoms of a Diaper Rash 

The primary sign of diaper’s rash is red, slightly raised rash on the skin of bottom area (buttocks) of the baby. The rash may spread to the genitals and thighs. In some cases, erosion of the top layers of the skin may be noted.  The skin is sore and may feel hot and tender to touch. In some cases, pimples, blisters or pustules may appear on the rash. These can together cause the baby to be irritable and cry incessantly. Touching or washing the diaper area while a rash is present makes the child cry out in pain.

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Homeopathic Treatment of Felon

A felon is the formation of an abscess on the distal part of the finger of the hand, on the side of the palm. Felon usually occurs as a result of a bacterial infection, but can also be caused by a viral infection. A herpes virus known as herpetic whitlow causes the viral infection.

Felon homeopathy

A felon on the hand, on the side of the palm.

Very rarely, fungi may cause felons. Felons are one of the most common types of hand infections. In a majority of the cases, felons affect the index finger and the thumb. Homeopathic medicines treat felon very effectively and can help avoid surgical incision and drainage of the infected part. The top homeopathic medicines that are used to treat felon include Silicea, Myristica Sebifera, Hepar Sulph, Apis mellifica, Fluoric Acid, and Tarentula Cubensis.

The most common bacteria that causes this infection is Staphylococcus Aureus. A cut, or a punctured wound as from a splinter, a nail or a pin near the fingertip usually allows the entry of bacteria.

Homeopathic Treatment of Felon

Felon can be excellently treated with homeopathic medicines. These medicines boost the self-healing mechanism of the body to fight the infection and ensure natural healing. With the use of homeopathic medicines, the pus in the felon gets discharged. Alongside that the redness, swelling, pain, numbness in the felon gets relieved. Use of the homeopathic medicines in the very beginning of a felon infection can prevent the complications associated with it. Remedies like Silicea, Myristica Sebifera, Hepar Sulph, Apis mellifica, Fluoric Acid, and Tarentula Cubensis are anti-suppurative remedies that treat the felon and cause no side effects. Depending on individual symptoms, the prescription may vary from case to case.

Clinical Features of Felon

A Felon presents as a pus-filled pocket (small abscess) at the fingertip. There may be a discharge of thick white pus from the felon. The fingertip affected becomes swollen and red. It can also be hot to touch. Pain in the affected fingertip is present which is usually of throbbing nature. The affected finger area may also be extremely tender to touch.
In some cases, the affected finger may become numb. In case a felon is not appropriately treated the infection can spread to the flexor tendons and the bone (causing osteomyelitis). Untreated, it also carries a risk of permanent damage to the finger due to reduced blood circulation from compression of the blood vessels.

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Remove Tonsil Stones Naturally with Homeopathic Remedies

Tonsil stones refer to the accumulation of bacterial and cellular debris in the crypts of the tonsils. These are usually hard and can be yellow or white. The medical term for tonsil stones is tonsilloliths. A person may have single or multiple stone formation in the tonsil crypts. The size of tonsil stones varies from a few millimeters to a centimeter. Homeopathic medicines can help treat tonsil stones very effectively. The most prominent homeopathic remedies for tonsil stones include Calcarea Fluor, Merc Sol, Phytolacca Decandra, Belladonna, and Hepar Sulph.

homeopathy tonsil stones

Homeopathic medicines for Tonsil Stones.

Homeopathic Treatment of Tonsil Stones

Homeopathic medicines for tonsils stones are prescribed symptomatically for every individual case. These medicines are made of natural substances and cause no side effects. They help remove and dissolve the existing tonsil stones from the folds of the tonsils and also help reduce the body’s tendency to create tonsil stones.

Homeopathic Medicines for Tonsil Stones

Calcarea Fluor- Top Homeopathic Medicine for Tonsil Stones

Calcarea Fluor is one of the top listed homeopathic medicine for tonsil stones. It works very effectively in dissolving hard, calcified tonsil stones. The symptoms that may be present to use this medicine are prickling sensation in the throat, and mucus dripping in the throat. The symptoms may get worse from taking cold drinks and get better from warm drinks. Night aggravation of the symptoms is also noted. In some cases, a burning sensation in the throat may be present.

Merc Sol – Homeopathic Remedy for Tonsil Stones with Bad Breath

Merc Sol is an excellent homeopathic medicine for the treatment of tonsil stones where there is a bad breath in the mouth. The tonsils look swollen, red and there may be a stinging pain present. Whitish concretions are well noted on the tonsils. The pain from tonsils may seem to radiate to the ear in some cases. A sensation of something sticking in the throat, the presence of excessive saliva and a bad or metallic taste in the mouth may also be present.

Phytolacca Decandra – Effective Homeopathic Remedy for Tonsil Stones with Difficult Swallowing

Phytolacca Decandra is a natural treatment for tonsil stones when the person experiences difficulty in swallowing. Small, yellow-white spots on the tonsils are visible. Rawness and excoriation in the throat are also present. A rough, burning, smarting sensation in the throat may also be present with the given symptoms.

Belladonna – Natural Homeopathic Remedy for Tonsil Stones with Inflamed Tonsils

Belladonna offers an effective natural cure for tonsil stones coupled with inflamed tonsils. The tonsils appear red, swollen and enlarged. A sensation of a lump is present in the throat along with a constant desire to swallow. Coughing spells and dryness of the throat with a constant desire to drink water is also present.

Hepar Sulph – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Tonsil Stones with Ear Ache

Hepar Sulph is a well indicated homeopathic medicine for tonsil stones when an earache and a pain in the tonsils are present. Pain from the throat radiates to the ears. In most cases, this pain is present while swallowing. The pain is stitching in nature, and a sensation of a splinter in the throat is an important attending symptom. History of chronic tonsillitis is often present in most cases needing Hepar Sulph.

What are Tonsil Stones?

Tonsils are a mass of lymphoid tissue located in the back of the throat on both sides. Tonsils have natural folds in them known as crypts (approx 10 to 20 in number). Sometimes mucus, debris, dead cells, bacteria, food can trap and accumulate in these crypts. These materials get stuck in the folds of the tonsils and become hard and calcified. People with recurrent/chronic tonsillitis are most prone to develop tonsil stones. A long-standing sinus complaint, poor dental hygiene, under active salivary glands, a large size of tonsils, and post nasal drip are some of the factors that can contribute to the formation of tonsil stones.

Symptoms of Tonsil Stones 

In most cases, tonsil stones (especially small ones) don’t lead to any symptoms. The symptoms may appear in case of large tonsil stones. The most prominent symptom of tonsil stone is bad breath (medically known as halitosis). Other symptoms include general pain in the tonsils, difficulty swallowing foods, and liquids, a general cough and pain in the ear. Some other symptoms that may be present include the sensation of something being stuck in the throat and bad taste/metallic taste in the back of the throat. The affected tonsil may be swollen and enlarged. White/yellow solid concretions can be seen in the pockets of tonsils, but they may not be visible if they lie deep inside the tonsils. In some cases, there may be an abscess formation in the tonsil as a complication.

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Calcarea Phos – When Your Teething Kid Needs It

calcarea phos teething homeopathic

Calcarea Phos is known to most mothers as a ‘teething supplement,’ and the fact that it is a homeopathic medicine with its particular healing properties is often overlooked. In the practice of homeopathy, Calcarea Phos is majorly indicated for specific dentition issues. It is not a ‘cure all’ for dentition issues and should not be used as one. Its blatant use as a supplement is an abuse of homeopathy.

When Should Calcarea Phos be used?

It offers significant help in cases of delayed teething, slow teething, and retarded dentition. A child’s first teeth usually appear around the age of six months, and all the 20 primary teeth (also known as ‘milk teeth’) appear by the age of three. However, these are ballpark numbers as every child meets the milestones at a different pace. There can be a delay beyond six months for the first teeth to erupt.
An approximate timeline of the appearance of teeth is as follows:

6-10 months: Lower central incisors.
8 to 12 months: Top central incisors.
9 to 13 months: Top lateral incisors.
10 to 16 months: Bottom lateral incisors.
13 to 19 months: First upper molar.
14 to 18 months: First lower molar.
16 to 22months: Upper canines.
17 to 23 months: Lower canines
23 to 31 months: Second lower molar.
25 to 33 months: Second upper molar.

Delayed teething is a cause for concern if a child shows no signs of teething by the age of 1. The long-term effects of late teething are an inability to chew food properly, and the possibility of permanent teeth growing in a crooked manner. Some children grow a double row of teeth because the permanent teeth begin to grow in front of the milk teeth, resulting in two rows of teeth. The teeth remaining beneath the surface of the gums may lead to infection around the crown that can spread to surrounding tissue.
In such cases of delayed dentition, Calcarea Phos can be safely used to promote teething. It can also be used to hasten the process of eruption of teeth from the gums in cases of slow teething.

Calc Phos  for Irritability in Children During Teething

Irritability, incidents of diarrhea during dentition, and excessive wind in the abdomen are some other dentition-related issues in children where Calcarea Phos can prove to be useful.
Most babies begin teething around six months of age. Teething might not cause any trouble in many babies while in others it can be troublesome. In the latter cases, the baby may suffer from excessive irritability, crying, swelling of gums, tender gums, flushing of one cheek, increase salivation, putting fingers and other things in mouth, chewing things, and poor feeding. Fever and diarrhea may appear (though not directly linked with teething). Teething children tend to put various objects in the mouth, making them vulnerable to catch an infection that brings on fever and diarrhea.

In addition to the above, Calcarea Phos is also considered in cases where the teeth tend to decay rapidly (as soon as they appear).

Key Indications of Calcarea Phos for Teething:

Calcarea Phos is a biochemic Schuessler tissue salt (named after Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler), primarily used to restore mineral deficiencies that are causing disorders in the body. Its common name is ‘calcium phosphate,’ and it is prepared from dilute phosphoric acid and calcium hydroxide through the process of potentisation.

Calcarea Phos is most commonly recommended in 6 X potency for the following dentition-related concerns:

– Delayed teething
– Slow or retarded teething
– Rapid decaying of teeth soon after they appear
– Excessive irritability during teething
– Diarrhea and gas during dentition


Homeopathic medicines are prescribed as per the “law of similia.” It means that homeopathic medicine is given by matching the symptoms of a person with the symptoms indicated for a particular remedy. The homeopathic medicine that closely matches the symptom picture of the person should be prescribed for best results. The same law is applicable when it comes to using Calcarea Phos.

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Treat your Stiff Neck With Natural Homeopathic Medicines

Homeopathic medicine for stiff neckA stiff neck can be the result of an injury or strain on the muscles and ligaments of the neck. A neck strain is the result of damage to the tendons and muscles or the ligaments that connect the muscle to the bone. A neck sprain, on the other hand, occurs as a result of the tearing of ligaments. Homeopathic remedies for neck stiffness work by treating the root cause of the problem. The top homeopathic treatments for a stiff neck include Rhus Tox, Cimicifuga, and Arnica.

Neck injuries include sports injuries, repetitive strain injuries, brachial plexus injuries and more. Poor posture is also a major contributing factor towards neck pain.

Homeopathic Medicines for Stiff Neck

Rhus Tox – Natural Treatment for Neck Pain

Rhus Tox is a top listed homeopathic remedy for treating neck pain. It works very effectively to treat general neck stiffness and pain resulting from neck strain, overuse of neck muscle, wear and tear of structures of the neck, repetitive stress on neck muscles, muscles spasm in the neck, injuries to the neck (whiplash injury) and carrying heavy weights on shoulders. There might be marked stiffness in the neck along with a pain in the shoulders. Rhus Tox also helps in cases where a stiff neck results from sleeping wrong. People needing Rhus Tox may feel relief by moving the neck and feel discomfort while at rest. For them, warm applications or a gentle neck massage may help relieve the pain.

Cimicifuga Racemosa – Effective Natural Cure for a Stiff Neck

Cimicifuga Racemosa is prepared from the root of a plant named black cohosh. This plant belongs to natural order Ranunculaceae. Its use is highly suggested when marked stiffness attends neck pain. The neck feels tensed and contracted. The neck is also sore and sensitive to touch. Pressure tends to worsen the symptoms. The motion of the head aggravates the neck pain. These symptoms that tend to result from degeneration or wear and tear in the neck structures are treated well with Cimicifuga.

Arnica – Natural Medicine for Neck Pain from Injury

Arnica is prepared from a plant called ‘Leopard’s Bane.’ This plant belongs to the family Composite. It is highly suitable for neck pain that arises from an injury, fall, and blows or overstraining of the neck muscles. The neck feels sore and bruised and is highly sensitive to pressure. The cervical muscles are often weak in such cases. Arnica helps manage neck pain, soreness and aids recovery from neck injuries and neck strains.

Bryonia Alba – Homeopathic Remedy for Stiff Neck that Worsens from Movement

Homeopathic Medicine Bryonia Alba is prepared from tincture of roots of a plant called Wild Hops of the family Cucurbitaceae. In cases where neck pain or stiffness worsens with movement and touching the neck worsens the pain, this remedy works well to help alleviate pain.

Guaiacum – Homeopathic Medicine for Stiff Neck

Guaiacum offers great help in cases of a stiff neck. In a majority of the cases needing Guaiacum, stiffness from the nape of neck extends towards the shoulders and scapulae. In some cases, the stiffness may extend down to the lower back. Stiffness worsens from cold. Neck pain is present on both the left and right side and extends to the head.

Lachnanthes – Natural Homeopathic Medicine for Wry Neck

Lachnanthes is a homeopathic remedy prepared from a plant named ‘Spirit Weed’ of the natural order Hemodoracae. As a remedy, it effectively treats a stiff neck. It also works well in cases where the neck gets drawn to one side- Wry Neck (also at times referred to as Torticollis). The pain and stiffness are felt from the neck and in the whole head, and bending the head backward worsens the pain.

Kalmia – Effective Natural Medicine for Neck Pain Extending Down the Arms

Homeopathic medicine Kalmia is prepared from the fresh leaves of a plant named ‘Mountain Laurel.’ This plant belongs to natural order Ericaceae. Kalmia is well indicated for neck pain that extends down the arms. The pain also extends to the fingers, particularly to the fourth and little finger. Sensations such as weakness, prickling, and tingling in the arms may be felt. The neck muscles feel sore and tender to the touch, and the pain worsens from neck movement. Neck pain worsening at night is also indicative of Kalmia.

Gelsemium – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Neck Pain with Headache

Gelsemium is a natural remedy prepared from the bark of the root of a plant called ‘Yellow Jasmine.’ The natural order of this plant is Loganiaceae. Gelsemium remains highly effective for cases of a stiff neck with a headache. Muscular pains in the neck are marked, and the neck and shoulders feel sore. The neck may be sensitive to pressure, and a contracted feeling is present. Some people also experience dizziness.

Paris Quadrifolia – Natural Treatment for Stiff Neck with Numbness of Fingers

Paris Quadrifolia is prepared from a plant called ‘One Berry.’ The natural order of this plant is Trilliaceae. Use of Paris Quadrifolia is highly recommended for neck pain attended with numbness of fingers. The neck feels painful, stiff and swollen, and the person feels as if there is a heavy load on the head. These symptoms extend across the shoulders and fingers. Exertion tends to worsen the complaints, while rest offers relief.

Hypericum – Homeopathic Medicine for Stiff Neck due to Whiplash Injury

Hypericum is a plant remedy prepared from a fresh plant called ‘St. John’s Wort.’ It belongs to family Hypericacea. Hypericum yields wonderful results in neck pain that results from whiplash injury. The key features that indicate its use are – intense pain in the neck with extreme tenderness. Neck and upper limbs are also sensitive to touch, and the slightest movement of arm or neck intensifies pain.

Causes of Stiff Neck

Stiff Neck due to Sports Injuries

During an intense physical activity, the muscles and ligaments in the back, neck, and shoulders can get strained or sprained. This is more likely in cases of jerky movements (as in tennis), if it is a new activity, or if the player stretches an arm too far. Sportspersons who are involved in contact sports like football are also vulnerable.

Stiff Neck due to Brachial Plexus Injury

The brachial plexus is a complex network of nerves responsible for sending signals from the spinal cord to the hand, arm, and shoulder. A brachial plexus injury occurs when these nerves get compressed, stretched, or torn apart. A minor injury of the brachial plexus can cause an electric-shock-like feeling in the arm, a burning sensation shooting down the arm or weakness and numbness. These sensations often begin near the shoulder and can aggravate neck pain.

Whiplash Injury Leading to a Stiff Neck

A whiplash injury occurs on the soft tissues of the neck. It can cause pain and stiffness in the neck as well as the shoulder and arm. Headaches following a whiplash injury are also common. Such an injury is usually noted in cases of high-impact road accidents or an impact that leads to a forceful, sudden movement of the neck and head. The severity of such an injury can vary from slight stiffness and tenderness to restricted movement or temporary loss of sensation.

Repetitive Strain Injury and Stiff Neck

Repetitive movements of muscles can lead to pain in the surrounding muscles, tendons, and nerves. This condition is known as a repetitive strain injury. These usually occur due to repeated movements performed on a regular basis like during exercise, lifting objects, improper support on the arm, sitting in one position for too long, overuse of a hand, etc. It is also commonly known as a work-related upper limb disorder. It can cause long-term damage to the muscles and tendons if not treated on time.
An RSI mostly affects the upper body parts like the wrists, hands, shoulder, elbows, forearms and the neck.
The main symptoms of an RSI include throbbing, pain, tenderness, and cramps.

Neck Spasm

When the muscles of the neck contract involuntarily, it leads to a neck spasm. Neck spasms can cause stiffness and pain in the neck.
Some of the most common causes of neck spasms are prolonged or repetitive movements of the neck, using a computer or laptop for an extended period, turning awkwardly while sleeping, putting excessive weight on one shoulder or balancing a phone without using hands.

A Stiff Neck as a Result of Poor Posture

Posture directly affects the working of the neck and spine muscles. The most common cause of a stiff neck is straining of the neck muscles. There is a thin muscle known as the levator scapula muscle (found at the back and side of the neck) that connects the top of the cervical spine to the upper part of the shoulder. Two cervical nerves – C3 and C4 control this muscle and it is responsible for a wide range of neck movements like tilting the head or rotating it from side to side.
A poor posture, like slouching or hunching, over a period of time impacts the cervical curve and pulls the spine out of alignment.

The most common postures that lead to a stiff neck include excessive use of handheld devices like mobiles, tablets, laptops and more, which make a person tilt the head forward. This strains the muscles connecting the head and the neck.
Using pillows that are too thin or too high can also lead to stiffness since the neck is in one position and not well-supported.

The Link Between Stress and a Stiff Neck 

Stress and anxiety lead to increased inflammation and tension in the muscles. The shoulder muscles tend to react to physical as well as emotional tension, leading to a strain on the neck. Stress causes the muscles to contract and tighten in an attempt to protect the body, and so a stiff neck often follows an episode of stress, fatigue or anxiety.
A general lack of rest and relaxation, consistently poor sleep, increased inflammation due to a sedentary lifestyle, bad habits like smoking and a poor diet can also contribute to the condition.

General Wear and Tear

With age, almost all joints and muscles tend to weaken. Similarly, the neck joint also begins to wear down with age. Cervical problems, osteoarthritis, and other degenerative conditions can cause stiffness in the neck.

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Homeopathic Medicines Can Help Avoid Varicose veins Surgery

Varicose veins refer to enlarged, twisted, or engorged veins. Varicose veins can develop in any part of the body but most commonly appear in the legs and feet. Varicose veins in the legs develop as a result of the pooling of blood due to improper functioning of valves in the veins of the legs.     homeopathic medicines for varicose veins

Homeopathy has an excellent scope for treating varicose veins. It can effectively manage its symptoms like pain, cramping, tiredness, and a feeling of heaviness in the legs. Homeopathy works on strengthening the valves of the veins in the legs, reducing blood engorgement to give symptomatic relief in the varicose veins. One of the biggest benefits of using these remedies for varicose veins is that they cause no side effects. These medicines are made of natural substances and are highly diluted, yet potent, and they work to prevent the backflow of blood in the veins.

The conventional treatment for varicose veins usually involves techniques like sclerotherapy, laser surgery, endoscopic vein surgery, and endovenous ablation therapy. Despite an invasive surgery, the chances of recurrence of the problem are common. On the other hand, homeopathy can treat varicose veins gently and prevent surgical interventions in most of the cases having mild to moderate intensity. Homeopathy works to restore the internal healing mechanism of the body. This helps address the medical condition naturally and effectively. Unlike conventional treatment, homeopathy offers long-term relief from varicose veins. Once homeopathic treatment for varicose veins has been successfully administered, the chances of the condition recurring are rare or maybe none.
Homeopathic prescription for varicose veins is done based on the law of individualization. This means the characteristic symptoms in every individual case are studied in detail to decide homeopathic prescriptions for any case of varicose veins. Such individualized medicines work best to treat varicose veins. There is an excellent scope to treat mild to moderate cases of varicose veins in homeopathy. However, severe cases and cases having associated complications require conventional treatment as homeopathy has its limitations in helping such cases.

Top 9 Homeopathic Medicines for Varicose Veins

The top nine homeopathic medicines for varicose veins include natural medicines like Hamamelis Virginiana, Pulsatilla NigricansCalcarea Fluor, Fluoric Acid, Arnica Montana, Carbo Veg, Calcarea Carb, Vipera Berus, and Lachesis Muta.

1. Hamamelis Virginiana – For Tiredness/Aching in Legs

Hamamelis is prepared from a plant commonly named witch–hazel. This plant belongs to the family Hamamelidaceae. Hamamelis Virginiana is a highly effective remedy to reduce engorgement of blood in veins in cases of varicose veins. Its most prominent symptom indication is tiredness or aching in the legs. Along with this, a tense feeling in the legs may be present. The varicosities may look like hard and knotty swellings in the legs. A dragging sensation in the legs may be present. Pain in varicose veins from the slightest motion is another feature. Soreness of varicose veins may also arise. Hamamelis Virginiana can help to reduce the engorgement of blood in veins and its related symptoms. Deep-rooted, circular ulcers with stinging, pricking pain and high sensitivity are other prominent features of using the homeopathic medicine Hamamelis Virginiana.

When to use Hamamelis Virginiana?

This medicine is most recommended to manage varicose veins with tired, aching feeling in legs along with pain from the slightest movement by working to reduce engorgement of blood in veins.

How to use Hamamelis Virginiana?

One may take this medicine in 30 C potency one to three times a day depending on the severity of pain.

2. Pulsatilla Nigricans – For Varicose Veins that are Painful

Pulsatilla Nigricans for varicose veins in women when the symptoms worsen during menses and for varicose veins on lower limbs, forearms, and hands.

When to use Pulsatilla Nigricans?

It is a wonderful choice of medicine for varicose veins with pain of drawing, cramping type worse from hanging down limbs when sitting

How to use Pulsatilla Nigricans?

Its use is advised in 30 C potency once or twice a day.

3. Calcarea Fluor – For Hard, Knotty Varicose Veins

Calcarea Fluor is a highly recommended remedy for varicose veins. It is a biochemic medicine for varicose veins that works wonderfully in reducing the engorgement of blood in veins and improving blood circulation. A few indications for using Calcarea Fluor are enlarged veins, hardened veins, and knotty veins on lower limbs. The attending features are dry, cracked skin on the legs.

When to use Calcarea Fluor?

One may opt for its use in cases of hard, knotty veins on legs that can be attended by dry cracked skin on legs.

How to use Calcarea Fluor?

Its use is preferred in 6X potency and can be taken three to four times a day.

4. Fluoric Acid – For Varicose Veins Worsened By Warmth

Fluoric Acid is a valuable remedy for varicose veins treatment. The most characteristic feature of using Fluoric Acid is painful varicose veins in the legs that are made worse by warmth. Fluoric Acid is used to treat long-standing, obstinate cases of varicose veins. Apart from the above symptoms, Fluoric Acid is useful for varicose ulcers with red margins. Pain in ulcers is intense, and warmth worsens the pain while cold application relieves the pain.

When to use Fluoric Acid?

Fluoric Acid is suitable to treat varicose veins on legs when the condition gets worse from any kind of warm application externally. Besides, it is also beneficial for managing varicose ulcers with red borders attended with pain.

How to use Fluoric Acid?

Among various available potencies of Fluoric Acid, it is best to start with its 30C potency that can be taken once or twice a day as per the intensity of the problem.

5. Arnica Montana – For Varicose Veins with Soreness

Arnica Montana is prepared from the plant ‘Leopard’s Bane’ which belongs to the natural order Composite. Arnica Montana is a valuable remedy for varicose veins accompanied by extreme soreness. A fear of touching the legs is present as a result of the soreness. Exertion worsens the complaint. An aching, bruised sensation in the legs is also felt in some cases. A bruised feeling in the legs as if beaten may also be present. The skin of the legs may also be swollen, red, and hot.

When to use Arnica Montana?

This medicine can be selected for managing varicose veins attended with marked soreness means pain on touching.

How to use Arnica Montana?

It is most commonly used in 30 C potency. Arnica 30C can be used twice or thrice a day.

6. Carbo Veg – For Spider Veins

Carbo Veg is a prominently indicated remedy for spider veins. The veins appear reddish bluish. The skin feels cold and sweaty, and the person may experience itching that gets worse during the evening. Varicose ulcers that bleed easily also indicate the need for Carbo Veg.

When to use Carbo Veg?

It is a highly preferred medicine for spider veins with a reddish bluish appearance.

How to use Carbo Veg?

It has proven to be effective in 30C power that can be taken one to two times a day.

7. Calcarea Carb – For Painless Varicose Veins

Calcarea Carb is an excellent remedy for varicose veins. It is useful for varicose veins that are painless and appear only as prominent veins on the legs. Burning sensations in veins may be present in a few cases. A marked coldness in feet, excessive sweat on feet (sour-smelling), and varicose veins on the legs and thighs are well-treated with Calcarea Carb.

When to use Calcarea Carb?

This medicine can be used in cases of varicose veins without any sort of pain.

How to use Calcarea Carb?

This medicine can be taken in 30C potency only once a day.

8. Vipera Berus – For Bursting Sensation in Legs

Vipera Berus is a well-indicated remedy for varicose veins with a marked ‘bursting’ feeling in the legs. A pain of an unbearable nature that gets worse on hanging down the legs is present. Elevating the legs brings relief. Severe cramping pain in the legs is also present. Swollen, tender veins and blueness of overlying skin are highly indicative of using the medicine Vipera Berus.

When to use Vipera Berus?

Vipera Berus can be prescribed in cases of varicose veins with a prominent bursting sensation in the legs and pain in the legs which gets worse in the case of hanging legs and better by elevating the legs.

How to use Vipera Berus?

Its use is done on an infrequent basis like one dose once or twice a week in 30 C power.

9. Lachesis Muta – For Varicose Ulcers

Lachesis Muta is an important medicine for treating varicose ulcers. People needing Lachesis Muta have ulcers with bluish-purplish surroundings. There is a thin, offensive discharge from the ulcers. Pus discharges may also be there in a few cases. Bleeding may arise from the ulcers, and an intense burning sensation may be present. There is extreme pain and high sensitivity to touch on the ulcer. Applying warmth to the ulcers helps relieve the pain. Itching that gets noticeably worse after sleeping is another characteristic feature.

When to use Lachesis?

Lachesis is an excellent choice of medicine indicated for managing varicose ulcers having bluish-purplish margins with a thin, offensive discharge with a burning sensation.

How to use Lachesis?

It is a strong medicine so should not be taken frequently. It is advised to use Lachesis 30C one dose once in a week only.

What are the Symptoms of Varicose Veins?

Varicose veins may not cause any symptoms in most of the cases and only appear as dark/purple-colored prominent veins in the leg. General symptoms include aching, tired or heavy feeling in the legs, throbbing and cramping in legs, and worsening of pain from sitting or standing for extended periods.
Color changes, swelling/inflammation, and ulcers on the legs may be indicative of severe changes like phlebitis (inflammation in a vein) and venous ulcers and should be addressed promptly.

Spider Veins are Not Varicose Veins

Spider veins are dilated clusters of tiny (<1mm diameter) superficial blood vessels developing close to the surface of the skin. They are also called telangiectasias. Spider veins appear as thin, red, blue, and purple lines or as web-like networks of blood vessels on the surface of the skin. These look like a spider’s web. They mostly appear on the face, legs, and feet. They don’t usually cause any problems and are mainly considered to be a cosmetic issue. These are generally common in older adults.

Varicose Veins – How Do They Develop?

The veins in our legs contain one-way valves. These valves of the veins in the legs allow only one-way blood flow (from the legs to the heart) when the muscles squeeze the veins in the leg.
When the muscles contract, the valves open and blood from the legs pushes upwards to reach the heart. When these muscles relax, the valves close to prevent the reverse flow of blood back into the legs. In case these valves don’t function properly, it results in a reverse flow of blood and stagnation of blood in the leg.
This causes the veins to become enlarged, twisted, and engorged, and they are known as varicose veins.

Factors that Contribute to Varicose Veins

Obesity: Obese people often develop varicose veins without any knowledge, as the veins are not visible beneath the layers of the skin (due to accumulated fat). With time, the pressure from the leaking veins causes damage on the surface of the skin, and the problem becomes visible. This also puts many overweight people at a higher risk of developing leg ulceration.

Standing/Sitting for a Long Time: Sitting or standing for long durations causes leads to poor blood circulation in the legs. When we sit, it becomes harder for the veins to move the blood to the heart. Over time, this can cause swelling in the ankles, blood clots, and varicose veins. Sitting with the legs crossed or bent for long durations can make the problem worse.

Old Age: With age, the veins lose elasticity and cause them to stretch. This causes the valves in the veins to become weak. As a result, the blood that should be moving towards the heart starts flowing backward.

Pregnancy: During pregnancy, it is very common for a woman to develop varicose veins since the volume of blood in the body increases, but overall, the flow of blood from the legs to the pelvis decreases. Varicose veins often develop or become worse during the later stages of pregnancy since the uterus starts to exert increased pressure on the veins in the legs. This condition often improves post pregnancy within three to twelve months.

Age: The chances of developing varicose veins increase with age. Aging causes the wear and tear of the valves in the veins, allowing blood to flow back into the veins where it gets collected.

Gender: Females are more likely to develop varicose veins due to hormonal changes they experience throughout their lifetime. Pregnancy, pre-menstruation, menopause, hormone replacement therapy, and the use of birth control pills all cause hormonal changes in a woman’s body. Female hormones are known to relax the walls of the veins.

Family History: A family history of varicose veins makes a person susceptible to developing the condition.

Complications Related to Varicose Veins

1.Bleeding: Veins that are close to the skin may rupture and bleed. The bleeding may occur spontaneously or be the result of a minor injury.

2.Venous Ulcers: A venous ulcer is a painful sore that develops on the skin of the inner side of the leg, immediately above the ankle in case of varicose veins. Swelling of the leg, ankle, and heaviness in the leg, foul-smelling discharge from the ulcers, itching, burning, and pain of varying intensity may be present. A high fever may also be present in cases of infection.

3. Varicose Eczema: Varicose eczema (also known as stasis / gravitational eczema) is another complication of varicose veins. It affects the lower legs, where the skin gets dry, red, itchy, scaly, and flaky.

4. Superficial Thrombophlebitis: Superficial thrombophlebitis refers to an inflammation of the veinnear the surface of the skin caused by a blood clot.

5. DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis): Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) refers to the development of a blood clotwithin a vein deep inside the body (usually in the leg). DVT may lead to severe complications like pulmonary embolism (when blood clots in veins break and travel via the bloodstream to lodge in the lungs) which is an emergency condition needing immediate medical help. Common symptoms of pulmonary embolism include sudden shortness of breath, chest pain, dizziness, rapid pulse, and spitting of blood.


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Top 7 Homeopathic Remedies for Orchitis

Orchitis refers to the inflammation of testicles. It can be one-sided (unilateral) or on both sides (bilateral). In most cases, orchitis is caused by a bacterial infection or a viral infection. A viral infection that mainly leads to orchitis is mumps. Bacterial orchitis primarily results from epididymitis (infection of epididymis – a coiled tube at the back of the testicle that stores sperm while they mature and transports sperms from testicles to vas deferens). Bacteria mainly associated with orchitis are E.coli and staphylococcus.

Homeopathic treatment for orchitis carries excellent scope to treat the problem for long-term results. They help reduce the inflammation in the testicles and manage the associated symptoms like pain in the testicles, heaviness in the testicles, groin pain, painful/burning urination, painful ejaculation, and discharge from the penis. Use of homeopathic medicines can prevent the use of antibiotics as recommended in mainstream medicine for orchitis treatment.  Homeopathic medicines boost the body’s immunity to fight infection-causing orchitis and promote natural healing.

There are no patent medicines in homeopathy that can be used in every case of orchitis. Rather the most suitable medicine for every case of orchitis is selected from the list of homeopathic medicines for orchitis treatment given in homeopathic therapeutics. Characteristic symptoms of an individual are taken into consideration for finalising the prescription in every case. Hence it is advised to always consult a homeopathic doctor for medicine prescriptions. Self – medication should be avoided.

Homeopathy cures orchitis by fixing its root cause which is an infection. Initially, it treats the severity of acute symptoms of orchitis. Following this, it works to treat the infection naturally by boosting immunity to aid complete recovery and cure. However, the results vary from case to case based on the duration and intensity of the complaint.

Homeopathic medicines do not cause any side effects as these are prepared from natural substances. These medicines work in a very gentle way and prove effective for both acute and chronic cases of orchitis.

Top 7 Homeopathic Remedies for Orchitis

The leading homeopathic medicines for orchitis treatment are Clematis, Rhododendron, Spongia, Conium, Pulsatilla, Merc Sol and Cantharis.

1.Clematis – For Orchitis with Painful, Inflamed, Swollen Testicles

Clematis is a natural homeopathic medicine used to treat orchitis. A person needing Clematis has painful, inflamed, and swollen testicles. A bruised feeling in the testicles may be felt, along with a drawing or shooting pain in the testes. The pain from the testicles tends to extend to the groins and thighs. Swelling in the groin on the same side as that of the inflamed testicle also appears. Sometimes, a pinching pain is felt in the testicles. The testicles are also painful to touch. Walking worsens the pain. Clematis is also indicated for a burning pain that appears during ejaculation. The patient may have a history of gonorrhea.

When to use Clematis?

This medicine can manage orchitis with inflamed, swollen testicles and pain of drawing, shooting or pinching nature. The pain from the testicles may extend to groins and thighs as well.

How to use Clematis?

Its use is preferred in 30C power that can be taken twice or thrice a day as per intensity of the problem.

2. Rhododendron – For Orchitis When Testicles Are Sore And Painful To Touch

Rhododendron is effective in orchitis cases when testicles are very sore and painful to touch. The soreness extends from the testicles to abdomen, thighs or perineum. The nature of pain in the testicles varies from drawing, sticking, bruised, pressing, pricking or tearing type. The pain in testicles gets worse from sitting, and there is relief by walking. A thin discharge from the urethra may be present. Fever may attend orchitis. There may be enlargement of the testicles after chronic orchitis and swelling of the testicles post gonorrhea.

When to use Rhododendron?

This medicine can be used for orchitis cases presented with soreness and pain in testicles from touch and also from sitting. Relief is noted from walking.

How to use Rhododendron?

It is most frequently used in 30C potency and initially it can be taken once or twice a day.

3. Spongia – For Orchitis With Stitching, Shooting Pain In Testicles

Spongia is indicated for orchitis with stitching and shooting pain in the testicles. The pain from the testicles may extend to the groins. Pain in the testicles can get worse from touch. Along with orchitis, the epididymis may be enlarged and hardened. A heated sensation in the scrotum, testicle and spermatic cord is usually present.

When to use Spongia?

Spongia is an ideal prescription for orchitis cases with stitching, shooting pain extending to the groin, and a heated sensation.

How to use Spongia?

The potency of this medicine differs from case to case from low to high. Low potencies like 30C can be taken two to three times a day. Use of high potency like 200C is limited to once a day.

4. Conium  – For Orchitis With Painful Ejaculation

Conium is a very useful medicine for orchitis where the affected person experiences painful ejaculation. The testicles are swollen with cutting pain in the testicles. The pain from testicles extends to the root of the penis. Sometimes, pressing and tearing pain in testes may be present. It is also indicated for very severe pain in the testicles that appear during the night, often waking the person from sleep.

When to use Conium?

This medicine is suitable when painful ejaculation is present with painful, swollen testicles in orchitis cases.

How to use Conium?

This medicine can be taken in 30C potency upto two times a day.

5. Pulsatilla – For Orchitis following Mumps Infection

Pulsatilla offers natural homeopathic treatment for orchitis that follows a mumps infection. There is an aching, burning pain in the swollen testicles. The testes are also sore with tearing, lacerating pains. Testicles are very tender to touch. Sometimes, there may be a severe, pressing pain in testicles. The pain may extend to the abdomen and the loin area. Standing and walking worsens the testicle pain. A deep-seated pain is felt in the groins too. Fever, nausea, and vomiting may arise with orchitis. Along with a swollen testicle, the epididymis is also swollen (a condition known as epididymitis). A thick yellow or yellow-green discharge from the penis may be present.

When to use Pulsatilla?

This medicine is prominently indicated for managing orchitis occurring after mumps infection.

How to use Pulsatilla?

To begin with, one may use its 30C potency once a day.

 6. Merc Sol – For Orchitis With Gonorrhoea Infection

Merc Sol is highly beneficial for orchitis linked to a gonorrhoea infection. The person needing Merc Sol has swollen, hard testicles with a drawing pain that extends to the groin, abdomen, and legs. There is a yellowish-greenish discharge from the penis. The discharge may be worse at night. Other symptoms include painful erections, burning in the urethra while passing urine.

When to use Merc Sol?

Merc Sol is mainly prescribed for managing orchitis cases associated with gonorrhoea infection. There is swelling, pain and hardness in the testicles along with yellowish greenish discharge from the penis.

How to use Merc Sol?

This medicine may be taken once or twice a day in 30C power.

 7. Cantharis – For Orchitis With Painful, Burning Urination

Cantharis is recommended for orchitis treatment when the testes are swollen, inflamed, and painful. A predominating symptom that indicates the need for this medicine is painful, burning urination. A burning, smarting, pain is intensely felt while passing urine. Sometimes, cutting pain in the urethra is also present. Another attending symptom is burning pain in the urethra after coitus.

When to use Cantharis?

This medicine is suggested for managing pain and swelling in testicles attended with painful, burning urination in cases of orchitis

How to use Cantharis?

This medicine works wonders in 30C potency. Its use should be limited to once or twice a day in 30C potency.

Risk Factors

The risk factors for orchitis from sexually transmitted infections include having a partner infected with a sexually transmitted disease, having unprotected sex with multiple sexual partners, or himself having a history of any sexually transmitted infection.

Risk factors for orchitis other than from sexually transmitted infection are – repeated urinary tract infections (UTIs), any surgery of urinary tract or genitals, congenital problems of the urinary tract, and not being vaccinated against mumps virus.

Signs and Symptoms of Orchitis

The signs and symptoms of orchitis may be present on one side, or on both sides. These symptoms include pain in the testicles, swelling in testicles, heaviness in the swollen testicles, pain in the groin, tenderness in testicles, painful and burning urination, painful ejaculation, blood in the semen, discharge, nausea, fever, vomiting, and swollen lymph nodes of the groin area.

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7 Homeopathic Remedies for Heavy Bleeding During Periods



Heavy and excessive bleeding during periods is not normal and calls for medical intervention. In medical terminology, excessive bleeding during periods and prolonged periods continuing for more than a week is referred to as Menorrhagia. The cause can be as simple as a little exertion to pathological conditions like fibroid in uterus and hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid). Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths made of muscle and fibrous connective tissue developing in the uterus. Hormonal imbalance as in case of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) may also cause heavy menstrual bleeding. Other causes can be uterine polyps (soft non-cancerous growths in the lining of the uterus) and adenomyosis (a condition where tissue lining the uterus grows in the muscle wall of the uterus). Women of menopausal age may also experience heavy bleeding known as flooding. Excessive bleeding can also be a result of an inflammatory condition in the uterus. The next cause can be certain sexually transmitted infections like chlamydia, trichomoniasis, etc. The use of some medicines like blood thinners and birth control pills may also lead to excessive menstrual bleeding. Bleeding disorders and cancerous growth in uterus are the other causes.

Homeopathic treatment offers complete recovery from heavy bleeding during periods in women. Made of natural substances, homeopathic medicines can cure heavy menstrual bleeding with zero side effects. Besides bleeding, homeopathic medicines also manage any attending symptoms like pain/uterine cramps, headache, nausea, vomiting, etc. Mainstream medicine generally recommends hormonal pills to help these cases that have its side effects. But homeopathy is a great alternative natural treatment mode to treat such cases that no zero side effects.

Homeopathy treats root cause

Homeopathy can completely cure cases of heavy bleeding during periods by treating the root cause behind it. Homeopathy boosts the self-healing forces in the body to fight back the cause behind heavy bleeding and aid a natural cure. For achieving cure, a complete course of homeopathic treatment needs to be taken under proper guidance of a homeopathic doctor.

Customised prescription for every case

Homeopathy follows an individualized approach to prescribe medicines in cases of heavy bleeding during periods. This means medicines are provided based on the in-depth analysis of symptoms in every individual case. There are a few key characteristics that are taken note of that include the color of the blood, the presence of clots, whether blood flow is oozing or gushing, any pain associated with bleeding and any additional symptoms like nausea, vomiting, loose stool or headache. Attention should also be paid to find out any underlying cause. The appropriate homeopathic medicine is recommended after going through all these details. It may sound that a lot of questions are being asked, but remember, selecting the right homeopathic medicine is important, as it will do wonders to cure heavy and excessive bleeding during periods.

Safe, natural treatment

Homeopathic medicines are very safe for managing heavy bleeding during periods. Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances, so these are devoid of any harmful chemicals or toxins. So, no side effects follow the use of such homeopathic medicines.

Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Heavy Bleeding During Periods

The top recommended homeopathic medicines for treating heavy bleeding during periods are Sabina, Millefolium, Hamamelis, Calcarea Carb, Ferrum Metallicum, China Officinalis and Thlaspi.

1. Sabina – Topmost Homeopathic Remedy for Heavy Bleeding

Sabina is the top medicine for controlling heavy bleeding during periods. This homeopathic remedy is very beneficial when the bleeding during periods is both excessive and prolonged. A few women may also have an early appearance of periods before the expected date. Bleeding increases with the slightest movement. The blood is partly fluid and partly clotted. The bleeding is accompanied by pain in the sacrum that radiates to the pubes. Sabina is also a great homeopathic remedy for women who have excessive bleeding from uterine fibroids and during menopause.

When to use Sabina?

Sabina is a highly suitable medicine for managing heavy bleeding during periods with partly fluid partly clotted blood flow that gets worse from the slightest movement.

How to use Sabina?

This medicine can be used in both low and high potencies. In most cases, 30C potency is selected to start with the treatment that can be taken one to two times a day.

2. Millefolium – For Bright Red, Heavy Bleeding During Periods

Millefolium is a very helpful homeopathic cure for halting heavy bleeding during periods when the blood is bright red in color. The periods are excessive as well as prolonged. The periods are painful too. In some cases, there is headache along with heavy menstrual bleeding.

When to use Millefolium?

Its use is highly recommended to manage bright red, heavy and prolonged bleeding occurring during periods with pain.

How to use Millefolium?

Usually its 30C potency is utilized in most of the cases two to three times a day,

3. Hamamelis – For Dark Heavy Bleeding During Periods

Hamamelis is very beneficial medicine for helping cases of heavy bleeding during periods when the blood is dark in color. The bleeding occurs during the day and stops at night. Bleeding is attended with pain in the back, along with weakness in the back.

When to use Hamamelis?

It is helpful when bleeding during periods is heavy and very dark in color.

How to use Hamamelis?

This medicine can be used in 30C potency twice or thrice a day.

4. Calcarea Carb – For Heavy, Prolonged Bleeding In Periods

Calcarea Carb is a highly effective remedy for managing heavy bleeding during periods when the duration of periods is also prolonged. There is also a tendency to have early periods. Pain in the abdomen and back occurs during menses. The woman may also have very cold feet with heavy bleeding. Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Carb also proves its effectiveness in controlling excess bleeding due to tumour in the uterus, like in fibroid or polyp uterus and hypothyroidism.

When to use Calcarea Carb?

The use of this medicine is suggested to manage heavy menses along with prolonged periods.

How to use Calcarea Carb?

It is advised to take this medicine in 30C power once a day.

5. Ferrum Metallicum – Watery Bleeding During Periods

Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Metallicum is useful in cases of heavy bleeding where excessive bleeding of very thin, even watery, form is experienced by women. The periods also continue for a long duration in addition to being profuse. Homeopathic medicine Ferrum Metallicum, or Ferrum Met as it is known, is also very beneficial for weak and anemic (lack of blood) women who suffer from heavy bleeding during periods.

When to use Ferrum Metallicum?

This medicine should be opted to manage very thin watery heavy bleeding during menses.

How to use Ferrum Metallicum?

Ferrum Metallicum 30C can be taken once or twice a day.

6. China Officinalis –  For Heavy Bleeding Followed By Weakness

Homeopathic medicine China Officinalis is the best choice of medicine for women who experience weakness after prolonged heavy menstrual bleeding. The bleeding is substantial and painful. Clots of dark blood may pass during bleeding. Homeopathic remedy China Officinalis has twin benefits: it halts the long continuing heavy bleeding and also helps the women recover promptly from weakness and exhaustion due to blood loss.

When to use China Officinalis?

This medicine should be highly preferred to manage weakness occurring after heavy bleeding during periods.

How to use China Officinalis?

It can be taken two to three times a day in 30C potency. Use of high potency like 200C should be limited to once a day.

7. Thlaspi – For Heavy Bleeding From Uterine Fibroids

Homeopathic medicine Thlaspi is the best haemorrhage controller in women who have very prolonged periods with heavy bleeding if they have a fibroid uterus. The blood also contains large clots. Severe colic in the abdomen and backache may be felt. The bleeding may continue up to two weeks.

When to use Thlaspi?

Thlaspi is the most important medicine for managing heavy and prolonged bleeding occurring from uterine fibroids

How to use Thlaspi?

This medicine is mainly prescribed in Q (mother tincture form) once or twice a day.

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Homeopathic Treatment for Venous Insufficiency

Venous insufficiency is a vein disease that arises when the valves in the veins (of the legs) do not function properly. Usually, the valves in leg veins allow only a one-way flow of blood – to the heart from legs – and prevent its backflow. In case these valves don’t work properly, then the blood flows backward, causing blood to pool in the legs, leading to venous insufficiency. Homeopathic medicines for venous insufficiency work according to the different symptoms presented as a part of the condition. The top homeopathic remedies for pooling of blood in legs are discussed below.

venous insufficiency homeopathy

Legs affected by Venous Insufficiency.

Homeopathic Medicines for Venous Insufficiency

Hamamelis Virginiana – Top Homeopathic Remedy for Venous Insufficiency and Varicose Veins

Hamamelis Virginiana is prepared from a plant commonly known as ‘witch – hazel.’ The natural order of this plant is Hamamelidacee. Hamamelis Virginiana is used in treatment for venous insufficiency with tiredness or aching in the legs. Along with this, the legs also feel tense, and a dragging sensation may be present. Varicose veins are present on the legs. The varices may be hard and knotty. Pain in the legs usually worsening from little motion is another main feature that appears. Ulcers on legs with prickling pain that are sensitive to touch also indicate the use of Hamamelis Virginiana.

Pulsatilla Nigricans – For Venous Insufficiency with Cramping and Pain in Legs

Pulsatilla Nigricans is a remedy of natural origin prepared from the plant ‘Windflower.’ This plant belongs to family Ranunculaceae. It works well when there is cramping and pain in the legs. Cramping mostly gets worse during the evening. Hanging down legs tends to worsen the complaint and legs feel heavy, coupled with a weary sensation. A drawing feeling in the legs, tension in legs and restlessness of legs are few of the accompanying features. Varices on the legs are prominently present, legs and feet may be swollen, and burning pains appear in the swollen feet. Pulsatilla Nigricans is also indicated for varices during pregnancy.

Fluoric Acid – For Venous Insufficiency with Leg Ulcers

Fluoric Acid has marked sphere of action on the venous system. It is helpful for treating ulcers on the legs due to venous insufficiency. Sores on the leg with red margins appear, and pain in ulcers is present in a marked degree. Burning sensation in the ulcers is present, and there may be a copious discharge from the ulcer. Warmth tends to worsen the pain, and the legs tend to be swollen.

Lachesis Muta – For Leg Ulcers in Venous Insufficiency with Offensive Discharges

Lachesis Muta is a natural remedy for leg ulcers with offensive discharges. There appear leg ulcers with bluish purplish surroundings. Bottom of the ulcers is uneven and dirty. Pimples or vesicles may surround the ulcers. Thin or pus discharges from the ulcers come out, and these are usually foul-smelling. Sometimes ulcers tend to bleed. The ulcers are painful and sensitive to touch and may have an intense burning sensation. Itching may be present in the sores. The legs are also swollen and red. Weakness and loss of strength attend the above complaint, and these symptoms tend to get worse during the night.

Graphites Naturalis – For Venous Insufficiency with Itching, Dryness, Cracks on Skin on the Legs

Graphites Naturalis is used to treat venous insufficiency with itching, dryness, and cracks on the skin of legs. Itching mostly is seen to get worse during the night. There may be oozing of discharge (mainly sticky and gluey). It may be used in cases of stasis eczema (inflammation of the skin due to poor circulation). Varicose veins are present on the legs, and small pimples may surround skin on these veins. A feeling of congestion the in legs and feet can appear while standing. Legs may feel heavy and tense. They also tend to swell up and have shooting pains.

Arsenic Album – For Venous Insufficiency with Swelling in Legs and Feet

Arsenic Album is valuable in homeopathy for treating chronic venous insufficiency with swollen legs and feet. Stabbing pains and burning sensation (that gets worse during the night) in legs, a feeling of excessive uneasiness and restlessness in the legs, apart from feeling weak and tired are the main symptoms. Varicose ulcers with gray colored crust and inflamed borders and thick edges are also indicative of using Arsenic Album. The surface of the ulcers appears unclean, blackish, with stinking discharges. Pustules around the edges of the ulcer may appear, and burning and stinging in these ulcers is also well marked.

Vipera Berus – Indicated for Venous Insufficiency with Swollen, Sensitive Veins in Legs

Homeopathic medicine Vipera Berus is used to treat venous insufficiency with swollen and tender veins in the legs. Veins are blue and very tender to touch, and there is marked venous stasis in the legs. It is attended by pain and a bursting sensation in the legs. Hanging the legs down worsens the complaint. Elevating the legs bring relief. The person also complains of a severe, cramping pain in the legs.

Signs of Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Swelling in legs or ankles mainly after long periods of standing.
Pain in the legs that mostly get worse when walking, standing and better from rest or from raising the leg.
Cramping in the legs.
Tiredness in the legs.
Dull aching, heaviness in the legs.
Tightness in the calf muscles of the legs.
– Brown colored skin on the legs and near ankles.
– Thick, hard skin on the legs and ankles.
– Itchy, cracked, flaky, crusty skin on legs sometimes with oozing of fluid (stasis eczema or stasis dermatitis).
Varicose veins ( enlarged, twisted and engorged veins ) on the legs.
Leg ulcers that are slow to heal.

The risk factors for developing venous insufficiency are:

– Women are at high risk than men.
– Being overweight or obese.
– A family history of chronic venous insufficiency.
– Pregnancy
– Smoking
– Lack of exercise.
– Sitting or standing for long periods.
– History of blood clots in legs or pooling of blood in feet.
– Weak leg muscles.
– History of trauma, injury or any surgery of the leg.

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Treating Reflux in Babies with Homeopathy

Reflux in babies is the process of backing up of the stomach contents into the esophagus or food pipe (a tube that carries food from throat to stomach). All babies have some level of reflux. For some babies, the reflux may be more severe, or they may be more sensitive to the effects of reflux. Infants are more prone to reflux due to physical factors. Aethusa Cynapium, Chamomilla, and Natrum Phos are the top homeopathic remedies for reflux in babies.

homeopathy reflux in babies

Homeopathic treatment for reflux in babies.

Homeopathic Treatment of Reflux in Babies

Homeopathy helps in treating acid reflux in babies in a safe, gentle manner. Medicines for reflux in babies prescribed in homeopathy are all of natural origin and babies tend to tolerate them well. These can help resolve the condition in a very mild and gentle manner without causing any side effects, which is often a point of concern when it comes to medicines for babies.
The top grade homeopathic medicines used to treat reflux in babies include the following:

Aethusa Cynapium – Homeopathic Medicine for Reflux in Infants who Vomit After Intake of Milk

Aethusa Cynapium works very well to treat reflux in babies. It is prepared from a plant commonly named ‘Fool’s Parsley’ belonging to the natural order Umbelliferae. Aethusa Cynapium is useful for treating vomiting in babies soon after taking milk. The child tends to throw up all the milk immediately after its intake forcibly. The character of vomiting is like curdled milk or cheesy matter, but may also look like frothy white matter. The child may get drowsy after vomiting. Another attending symptom is repeated hiccoughing.

Chamomilla – Natural Medicine for Reflux in Irritable and Restless Infants

Chamomilla is a natural homeopathic remedy prepared from the plant Matricaria Chamomilla. The natural order of this plant is Compositae. The child who needs Chamomilla has wind colic and regurgitation of food. Colic in babies causes pain in the stomach due to obstruction of wind in the intestines. The baby tends to vomit out whatever has been drunk or eaten, and this vomit is usually slimy and sour smelling. The abdomen is distended, full and tensed.
Along with these symptoms, hiccough and foul smelling belches may be present. The child becomes very irritable and restless and may be experiencing stomach problems. The child cries, screams, groans and asks to be carried around.

Natrum Phos – Homeopathic Remedy for Acid Reflux in Babies with Vomiting and Colic Abdomen

Homeopathic formulation Natrum Phos is highly beneficial for acid reflux in babies. This remedy works by neutralizing the stomach acid and promotes healthy digestion. It is indicated for children who vomit out curdled milk or cheesy masses. They may also experience abdominal colic. The child may experience several attacks of acid reflux during the day, along with vomiting. The abdominal colic is usually very intense and can lead to restless sleep. A characteristic yellow, creamy coating on the back of the roof of mouth and tongue usually indicates the need for this medicine.

Robinia – Homeopathic Treatment for Reflux in Babies that is Worse at Night

Robinia is prepared from a plant named Robinia Pseudacacia. This plant belongs to family Leguminosae. It is very helpful in treating acidity in babies. It is used for acid reflux in babies when there is a regurgitation of stomach acid with sour vomiting. The child tends to have a rancid odor all over the body. The symptoms get worse during the night time and disturb the child’s sleep. Abdominal distension is well noted, and burps may be present. Burping can bring temporary relief, but the child may cry with colic after eating.

Calcarea Carb – Natural Treatment for Gastric Reflux in Babies with Sour Smelling Vomiting

Calcarea Carb is used to treat reflux in babies. The key indication for the use of this remedy is sour smelling vomit. Whatever has been eaten gets vomited, and in some cases, curdled milk or milk in the form of cheese may also be vomited. Stomach cramps may appear along with vomiting. The abdomen is hard and tense, and there are frequent hiccoughs and belching. Calcarea Carb is also indicated for vomiting in infants during the teething period.

Carbo Veg – Natural Cure for Acid Reflux in Babies with Excessive Burping

Carbo Veg is indicated for acid reflux in babies with excessive burping. Violent belchings that are foul-smelling are a common symptom that indicates the need for this medicine. These offensive belchings occur after eating or drinking, along with gagging and vomiting. The child feels very uncomfortable after eating even the smallest amount of food. Pain in the abdomen may arise with much flatus. The stomach is distended and seems full to bursting with trapped wind. The release of gas brings comfort to the baby.

Sanicula Aqua – Effective Homeopathic Medicine for Reflux with Vomiting of Food or Milk Soon After Consumption

Sanicula Aqua works wonders in cases where the child vomits food or milk soon after its consumption. Vomiting of food arises shortly after eating. All the food comes up with a gush immediately after eating. The child usually tends to fall asleep after this. It is prominently indicated for vomiting of milk soon after nursing. The vomiting looks like large and tough curds. Abdominal bloatedness may be present with gurgling sounds.

Symptoms of Reflux in Babies

The most common symptoms of reflux in babies include:

-Spitting up or Throwing up / Vomiting.
– Refusal to take feed or eat anything.
– Difficulty swallowing with gagging or choking during feeding.
– Crying, irritability, fussiness or being uncomfortable soon after eating.
– Arching back after eating.
– Gas and colicky abdominal pains.
– Sour breath, burps, and hiccups.
– A frequent cough, breathing difficulties and wheezing.
– Poor or disturbed sleep.

Causes of Reflux in Infants

Infants are more prone to reflux. There are various contributing factors for reflux of stomach contents in babies as given below:

Underdeveloped lower esophageal sphincter ( LES )

LES is a muscular ring at the junction of the lower end of esophagus and stomach. It opens when food has to enter the stomach from the throat. It remains closed at all other times to prevent the backflow of stomach contents into the food pipe. In babies, this LES is not entirely developed and can lead to a frequent backflow of stomach contents.

– A baby lying in a horizontal position during feeding or when placed horizontally soon after feeding is more prone to reflux since the muscles relax and make it easy for the contents in the stomach to reflux into the esophagus.

– Short Length of the Esophagus: Infants, being small, have a very short esophagus.

Congenital Hiatal Hernia: a Hiatal hernia present at birth can cause gastric acid to reflux from the stomach into the esophagus. In a hiatal hernia, the upper part of the stomach bulges into the chest through the hiatus opening in the diaphragm.

Overfeeding: Feeding the baby too much food in one go puts pressure on the lower esophageal sphincter.

Certain foods including citrus fruits, tomato, fatty food may contribute to acid reflux

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