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Gnaphalium Polycephalum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Gnaphalium Polycephalum is derived from plant commonly known as  ‘old balsam’ or ‘cud-weed’. This plant belongs to family Compositae. This fresh plant undergoes potentization process (process to prepare homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal powers of a crude substance) to prepare homeopathic medicine Gnaphalium Polycephalum. This medicine is of great service in treating cases of sciatica when pain is attended with numbness. Sciatica refers to pain in lower back going down the hips, back of thigh, legs up to the feet along the path of sciatic nerve.

Drug Action

The foremost and most outstanding action of Gnaphalium is seen on the sciatic nerve. This medicine acts well on legs, joints and back as well. Besides these, its action is marked on the gastric system. Lastly, its action is noted on the female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Sciatica, numbness, backache, joint pains, gout, anterior crural neuralgia, diarrhea, cholera, colic, dysmenorrhea

 Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Limbs (Sciatica, Joint Pains, Cramps, Gout, Anterior Crural Neuralgia)

The action of Gnaphalium is most marked on the limbs. It acts magnificently to manage sciatica. Sciatica refers to a pain that travels along the path of sciatic nerve. The pain marks its beginning in the lower back and then it radiates down the hip, back of thigh, back of leg up to feet. Here the classic symptom indication for its use is pain along sciatic nerve when pain alternates with numbness or pain is followed by numbness. This key symptom is specifically kept in mind when Gnaphalium is recommended for sciatica cases. The pain along sciatic nerve is quite intense where this medicine is required. In limbs, it is the most effective on the joints. A very peculiar sensation when the sufferer needs this remedy is pain in the joints as if they lack oil. In general, pain gets worse from motion, stepping and better by flexing limbs on the abdomen. It is well-indicated to manage pain in the ankle, knee, hip, elbow and shoulder joint. Among these, its action is most prominent on the hip joint. The pain can be cutting, darting or dull in nature. In majority of cases requiring it, pain from the hip joint radiates up to the foot. This pain is worse when lying down, stepping and from motion. It is relieved by sitting in a chair. Gnaphalium is also indicated for cases of gout (inflamed, red, hot, painful, swollen joints from rise in uric acid levels in blood). It works best in case of pain in big toes from gout. Another characteristic indication guiding its use is cramps in the calves (muscle in the back of legs) and feet when in bed. Other than these it is suitable for cases of anterior crural neuralgia. It refers to pain in the front of the thighs from compression of crural nerve (this nerve originates from lumbar nerves and supplies the muscles and skin of front part of the thigh).

Key Indicating Features

Pain along sciatic nerve with pain alternating with numbness or pain followed by numbness

Pain in the joints with sensation as if they lack oil

Pain in the big toes from gout

Anterior crural neuralgia – pain in front of thighs from compression of crural nerve

2. Back (Backache, Numbness)

Another action of Gnaphalium is prominent on the back. It can be used in cases of lower back pain. Persons needing it have relief in this pain from lying on the back. In addition to this, numbness may be felt in the lower back. A sensation of weight is felt in the pelvis.

Key Indicating Features

Lower back pain which gets better from lying on the back

Lower backache accompanied by numbness in the lower back

3. Gastric Troubles (Gas, Colic, Diarrhea, Cholera)

This medicine also acts well on the gastric system. Firstly, it is helpful for relieving gas in the abdomen along with burps of wind and nausea. Secondly, it is beneficial for colicky pains in different parts of the abdomen along with sensitivity to pressure. It can be used in cases of diarrhea. Here it is given when the stools are pale when passed in the morning and day accompanied by irritable temper. It can also be given for copious, watery stool at night with nausea, pain in the bowels and excessive weakness. Lastly, it is well indicated for first stage of cholera (an infection of the small intestine occurring from intake of food or water contaminated with bacteria named vibrio cholerae) with vomiting and diarrhea.

Key Indicating Features

Gas in abdomen along with burps of wind and nausea

Diarrhea when the stools are pale when passed in morning and day accompanied with irritable temper

Copious watery stool at night with nausea, pain in bowels and excessive weakness

First stage of cholera with vomiting and diarrhea

4. Female Problems (Painful Menses)

Here this medicine is effective to manage painful menses (dysmenorrhoea). The guiding feature for its use is painful menses with scanty periods. Pain is most marked on the first day of menses. Fullness and weight in the pelvis is also felt.

Key Indicating Feature

Painful menses with scanty periods


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in cold damp, from lying and walking

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from sitting in a chair and flexing limbs


This medicine can be used in both low and high potency. The potency and repetition of this medicine varies for every individual case. As a general rule the low potencies can be taken frequently but high potencies should not be repeated often.

Relationship with Other Remedies

It can be compared with other remedies including Colocynth, Chamomilla, Ipecac, Merc Sol, Pulsatilla, Lycopodium and Xanthoxylum


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Podophyllum Peltatum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Podophyllum Peltatum is derived from plant ‘may – apple’. This plant belongs to family Berberidaceae, or Ranunculaceae according to some. The root of this plant gathered after the fruit has ripened or the entire fresh plant or ripe fruit undergoes potentization (process to prepare homeopathic medicines that arouse medicinal powers of a crude substance) to prepare homeopathic medicine Podophyllum Peltatum. This medicine has well-marked action on rectum and female genitals. It is a wonderful remedy to manage diarrhea, rectal prolapse, ovarian pain and prolapsed uterus.

Drug Action

The principal action of this medicine is noted on the gastric tract mainly on rectum and intestines though it also acts on stomach. Its action is also marked on female genitals. The other parts of the body where it shows remarkable action include mouth, teeth, throat and liver.

Clinical Indications

Diarrhea, prolapsed rectum, piles, cholera, ovary disorders, ovarian tumour, prolapsed uterus, painful periods, abdomen pain, vomiting, taste disorders, tongue burning, difficult dentition, liver disorders

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1.Gastric Issues (Diarrhea, Cholera, Rectal Prolapse And Piles)

The most prominent action of this medicine is noted on the gastric system. Among the entire gastrointestinal tract, its most important action is noted on the rectum. It acts brilliantly on the rectum to manage diarrhea, cholera, rectal prolapse and piles. To begin with, its role in managing diarrhea is highly noteworthy. In case of diarrhea, it is mainly used when stool is watery, green or yellow, copious, gushing and has fetid smell. Sometimes mucus is present in the stool. Undigested food particles may pass in stool as well. It is a well-indicated medicine to manage diarrhea in children during dentition. Diarrhea in early morning is a characteristic feature to use it. Another notable feature for using it is diarrhea in hot weather. It can also effectively deal with cases of diarrhea after eating acid fruits. It offers great help in cases of cholera (infection of small intestine caused by bacteria vibrio cholerae). Here it is beneficial when watery foul-smelling painless stool is passed that comes out in a gush with marked weakness and vomiting. Besides the above, Podophyllum is one of the best medicine for managing rectal prolapse. The prolapse of rectum may occur before passing stool or while passing stool. It is also useful for piles along with anal prolapse and long-standing diarrhea. Anus is sore, swollen and sensitive. Sometimes bleeding may appear too.  It acts well on abdomen to give relief in pain. It can be given when pain in abdomen occurs from eating and drinking. The pain gets better by flexing the limbs. Its use is also done in cases of vomiting when hot, frothy mucus is vomited out, along with sour belching.

Key Indicating Features

Diarrhea with watery, green/yellow, copious, gushing stool having fetid smell

Diarrhea in children during dentition

Diarrhea in hot weather

Rectal prolapse before stool or while passing stool

Piles with anal prolapse and long-standing diarrhea

2. Female Problems (Ovarian Pain, Uterine Prolapse, Painful Periods, Piles)

This medicine acts well on female genitals to manage various complaints effectively. Firstly, it offers help to provide substantial relief in ovarian pain. Mainly it helps in cases of pain in right-sided ovary. There is shooting pain that radiates down the thighs. It gets worse before and during menses. The pain also gets worse at night disturbing sleep. The pain may be throbbing, beating or drawing type. Along with ovarian pain, there may be complaint of retarded menses. Podophyllum gives good results in cases of inflammation of ovaries and ovarian tumour. Secondly, it can handle cases of prolapse of uterus well. It is well indicated to manage cases of uterine prolapse that occurs after childbirth or from over-lifting. There is aching and bearing down pain in uterus. It is of great service in managing painful periods. There is bearing down in abdomen and back during periods, ovarian pain running down the thighs. Lastly, it is a wonderful medicine for piles and anal prolapse during pregnancy.

Key Indicating Features

Pain in right-sided ovary that may radiate down the thigh

Ovarian pain worse before and during menses and at night time disturbing the sleep

Uterine prolapse after childbirth or from over lifting with aching and bearing down pain in uterus

Piles and anal prolapse during pregnancy

 3. Mouth (Bad Taste, Offensive Mouth Odor, Difficult Dentition)

By acting on mouth, Podophyllum helps to manage cases of bad taste in mouth and odour. It can be given when there is foul or bitter taste in mouth. It can also be used for loss of taste. It is suitable to manage offensive odor in the mouth. Another indication for using it is coated tongue with roughness and burning sensation. The tongue may be coated white or yellow. It is an important medicine for handling cases of difficult dentition as well. It is useful when during dentition, there is excessive desire to press the gums together.

Key Indicating Features

Foul or bitter taste in mouth or loss of taste

Coated tongue with roughness and burning sensation

Difficult dentition with excessive desire to press the gums together

4. Throat (Sore Throat, Goitre)

If we talk of throat, then this medicine can be considered for cases of sore throat when the complaint begins on the right side and then goes to the left. In such cases, there is pain in the throat extending to the ears where this medicine is required. Pain in the throat occurs during swallowing. The throat is dry. Second complaint in which it is recommended is goiter (swelling in front of the neck from enlarged thyroid gland).

Key Indicating Features

Sore throat starting on right side then going to the left

Pain in throat extending to the ears

Pain in throat while swallowing

5. Liver Complaints (Pain, Hepatitis)

Lastly, podophyllum has affinity to manage liver complaints too. Its use is preferred for managing liver pain that is stitching in nature. The pain increases while eating. Soreness and pain in liver which gets better by rubbing is a noteworthy symptom to prescribe this medicine. Its use in cases of hepatitis (liver inflammation) can also be done when there is constipation, liver pain and tenderness. In liver disorders, when there is constipation, dark stool and yellow furred tongue, this medicine can prove very effective.

Key Indicating Features

Liver pain, stitching type worse during eating

Liver pain which gets better by rubbing

Hepatitis with constipation, liver pain and tenderness

Liver disorders accompanied by constipation, dark stool and yellow-furred tongue


Worsening factors: Complaints worsen by eating, drinking, from motion, in early morning, in hot weather, from exertion, during dentition, in open air and from washing

Relieving factors: Complaints get better by lying down, pressure, rubbing, lying on abdomen


Use of this medicine can be done in low as well as high potencies. In low potency, it can be repeated frequently but in high potencies frequent repetition of this medicine should be avoided.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Colocynth, Nux Vomica, Leptandra and Lacticum Acidum

It antidotes: Merc Sol

It can be compared with some other homeopathic medicines including Aloes, Aesculus, Bryonia, Chelidonium, Collinsonia, Nitric Acid, Iris Versicolor and Sulphur


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Homeopathic Medicines for Dengue Prevention

Dengue Fever triggers an instant scare, and rightly so. It’s a viral fever that spreads by the bite of female mosquitoes of Aedes genus mainly Aedes aegypti which is itself infected with dengue virus. The mosquito gets dengue virus on biting a person carrying dengue virus in his/ her blood. It is also known as ‘break bone fever’. Dengue fever can range from mild to severe. Severe dengue fever can be life-threatening and needs to be urgently treated at a hospital. In any case of dengue fever, one needs to be vigilant regarding the signs and symptoms and if any warning signs of severe form come up, take immediate help from conventional mode of treatment without any delay.

Homeopathic Treatment

Homeopathic medicines for dengue fever are very effective. Eupatorium Perfoliatum leads the chart of homeopathic medicine to manage dengue fever. These medicines are made of natural substances, are completely safe with no side effects and have shown effective cure in treating thousands of dengue cases. These medicines can be considered in mild to moderate cases under the supervision of homeopathic physician. In no case self- medication be done. In case of severe cases/dengue hemorrhagic fever, dengue shock syndrome immediately rush to the hospital for emergency help from conventional mode of treatment.

Homeopathic Remedies For Dengue Fever

Homeopathic Remedies For Dengue Fever

NotePlease note that Dengue and Dengue Hemorrhagic fever can turn into a critical life-threatening condition, hence should not be treated only with homeopathic medicines and they should only be considered as an additional help along with conventional mode of treatment. Hospital supervision of the patient is very essential.

Top Homeopathic Medicines For Dengue Fever

1. Eupatorium Perfoliatum – One Of The Best Homeopathic Medicines For Dengue Fever

Homeopathic physicians rank Eupatorium Perfoliatum as the best Homeopathic medicine for Dengue Fever. It is undoubtedly the first medicine to be used in dengue fever cases. The characteristic feature to use it is severe muscle, bone and joint pains with high fever. This medicine is also popularly known as ‘bone set’ as it brings about the quickest relief in severe bone and joint pains in fever. The pain can be present in any bone or it may generally be felt in the whole body. In general body ache, it feels as if the whole body is broken. Apart from relieving joint pains, it is also very beneficial if there is severe pain in the eyeballs caused by dengue fever. It helps in recovering from headache with nausea and vomiting too. The headache is present mostly on the top (vertex) of head. Mainly the patients requiring this remedy for Dengue have severe chill with shivering and severe body pains. After the chill is over, vomiting occurs. In majority of the cases, sweat brings relief in all the symptoms, with the exception of pain in head. Weakness, tiredness may attend above symptoms.

Eupatorium Perfoliatum as a preventive homeopathic medicine for dengue

Although there is no concrete research on the role of Eupatorium Perfoliatum as preventive homeopathic medicine for dengue fever, it is widely used as a prophylaxis for dengue. It is used as its usage is in accordance with homeopathic laws of prophylaxis (Laws stated in homeopathic philosophy suggest that the homeopathic medicine that is closest in symptom-match to the symptoms of an outbreak of a disease can be used as a prophylaxis). The homeopathic medicine which closely matches the symptoms of dengue outbreak is Eupatorium Perfoliatum. It can be used in 30C potency twice daily during an outbreak of dengue fever.

2. Bryonia Alba – To Manage Fever And Muscle / Joint Pains

Bryonia Alba is of great help in providing relief from muscle/ joint pains in dengue fever. This medicine offers the best help when there is worsening of pains by any movement even in the least degree. Complete rest gives relief from pain. There is fever with marked chills. With chills, there is heat in the head.  Extreme thirst for water with a dry mouth may be felt along with this specific feature.

3. Rhus Tox – To Relieve Pain (Muscle, Bone, Joint Pains)

Rhus Tox is another highly recommended medicine to relieve pain in body during fever. It works best when muscle bone or joint pains get worse from rest and are better from movement. There is fever with alternating heat and chill stage. There occur burning heat in body followed by chills and shivering.

4. Gelsemium – For Dengue Fever With Weakness And Prostration

Gelsemium is the best for dengue fever patients who experience utmost weakness and prostration. A state of dullness, dizziness and drowsiness is the perfect description to select gelsemium. The patients needing it seem lethargic and have a desire to lie down in perfect silence without any disturbance. He or she also wants to be quiet and dislikes conversation. The patient experiences shaking chills which is most typically marked in the back and travels up and down the back. Another feature is headache with heaviness of eyes. The headache is mainly present in the back of the head that in most cases travels up to the forehead and eyes. There is also an absence of thirst in majority of cases. Muscle pains may attend above symptoms.

5. Belladonna – To Manage Headache, Pain Behind Eyes And Fever With Marked Heat

Belladonna is the best choice to manage headache. In cases needing it, though pain may be felt in any part of the head but is mostly marked on the sides of head (temples). For using Belladonna, the pain is very violent, and throbbing in nature. Tight binding of the head provides relief. It is also helpful in relieving pain behind the eyes. During fever, there is intense heat in body with red flushed face and lack of thirst.

6. Arsenic Album – To Manage Weakness And Fever

Arsenic Album is an ideal homeopathic medicine to manage weakness during fever. Even standing and walking result in fatigue where this medicine is required. There is a need to lie down all the time because of tiredness. There may be internal chills in the body but the body is hot to touch from outside. Fever mostly comes at night and is attended with marked anxiety and restlessness. There is thirst for little quantity of water at very small intervals. Arsenic can also be given for managing nausea and vomiting. Nausea gets worse by the smell or sight of food and vomiting gets worse from eating or drinking anything.

7. Ipecac – To Manage Nausea And Vomiting

For relieving nausea and vomiting, Ipecac can be used as a first medicine. It is of great help when there is persistent nausea and vomiting. Nausea does not get better even after vomiting. There is vomiting of watery fluid, along with cutting pain in abdomen.

8. Homeopathic Medicines For Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

Although there are certain homeopathic medicines to manage bleeding in dengue hemorrhagic fever, it is strictly advised to take urgent medical help from conventional mode of treatment in such cases as this condition can be life-threatening and may need urgent hospitalization. For help to manage bleeding, homeopathic medicines can be used along with conventional treatment and should not be in any case considered as a substitute treatment to conventional mode. The main homeopathic medicines that can help in dengue hemorrhagic fever are Hamamelis and China.

Hamamelis is a brilliant medicine to manage bleeding from any body part. It is indicated to manage bleeding under skin, from nose, gums, rectum, in urine, in vomitus. There is excessive exhaustion. China is equally important medicine to manage bleeding. It is of great help when there is profuse bleeding along with marked exhaustion. Debility and utmost prostration with hemorrhages is its main indication.

Symptoms Of Dengue fever

The symptoms start anytime between 4 days to 14 days after bite of an infected mosquito. However, in 80% cases no symptoms arise. Recovery occurs in three to seven days approximately in most cases. But it may develop into a severe disease known as dengue hemorrhagic fever/ dengue shock syndrome.

The main symptoms of dengue fever are:

1. Sudden onset High fever (over 104 degree F). Fever is saddleback (or biphasic) type means after the first peak of fever, subsidence of fever occurs for at least a day which is followed by a second peak of fever for a day or two.

2. Pain typically behind eye worsened by eye motion or pressure

3. Severe muscle, bone and joint pains

4. Severe headache

5. Nausea or vomiting

6. Skin rash: It is noted in about 50 % to 80% of the cases. Initially, skin appears red, flushed and later on a measles-like rash occurs.

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever

A few cases of dengue fever (around 1 in 20) progress to a serious disease called dengue hemorrhagic fever. It is a serious life-threatening condition needing emergency medical help in hospital. In this serious form, bleeding occurs from different body parts. It usually starts to happen in 24-48 hrs after fever has subsided. In such cases, the platelets (cells responsible for clotting of blood) in the blood significantly decrease leading to hemorrhages (bleeding).

The bleeding may be

1. Under the skin

-Petechiae – tiny bleeding points under skin

– Ecchymosis – blue or purple spots on skin from breaking of blood vessels near skin

– Purpura is similar to ecchymosis but lesions in it are small as compared to ecchymosis

2. From the nose (Epistaxis)

3. From gums

4. Vomiting of blood (Hematemesis)

5. Blood in stool

6. Blood in urine

Along with bleeding, severe abdomen pain and persistent vomiting, fatigue, restlessness, irritability can attend. Those having weak immunity and those having dengue infection for the second time are at a high risk to suffer dengue haemorrhagic fever.

Dengue Shock Syndrome

Like dengue hemorrhagic fever, it is also a serious life-threatening condition needing emergency medical help at hospital.

In case severe bleeding occurs, shock may develop with very low blood pressure, rapid or weak pulse with cold clammy skin and restlessness. It may eventually result in death. Such severe cases with shock are referred to as Dengue Shock Syndrome.

Cause of Dengue Fever

Dengue fever is caused by dengue virus. A person gets this virus infection on being bitten by Aedes mosquito itself infected with dengue virus.

After the entry of dengue virus into the skin of the person, it enters white blood cells and starts reproduction. Certain proteins – cytokines and interferons – are produced by WBCs as a response to virus multiplication resulting in symptoms like fever and pains. If infection gets severe, virus multiplication increases rapidly and affects organs like liver and bone marrow. This may decrease the number of platelets required for blood clotting that may lead to bleeding from various body parts.

Dengue fever cannot pass directly from person to person like via direct skin contact. But one may get infection if they come in contact with infected blood.

In pregnant women, dengue virus can pass to the baby in womb.

There are five strains of dengue virus that can cause dengue fever. Getting infected by any dengue virus strain gives you lifetime immunity to that particular strain of dengue virus. But this does not nullify the chances of getting infected by rest of the strains of dengue virus. A person may suffer infection from all the five strains (only once with each of them) of dengue virus in his/her life. The chances of severe dengue rises on getting dengue fever more than once.


The complications include internal bleeding, seizures (fits), brain inflammation and damage, liver damage, lung damage, shock due to low blood pressure from excessive bleeding that if not promptly treated, can turn fatal.  In pregnant women having dengue infection, the dengue virus may pass to the baby in womb, it also increases the risk of miscarriage and the chance of low birth weight of baby and pre-term birth also increases.

Diagnostic Investigations

1. Dengue RNA PCR test:  It can detect dengue virus in early stage of infection and also help to detect the particular strain of dengue virus causing infection.

2. Viral antigen detection test – NS1 (named Dengue NS1 Antigen Test). NS1 means non structural protein 1. It can also detect virus in early infection stage and should be done within the first 5 days of appearance of symptoms.

3. Dengue serology – Dengue virus-specific antibodies IgG and IgM test.

Among these, IgM antibodies appear in early stage of infection and their detection while symptoms have already appeared indicates dengue infection. The presence of IgM antibodies cannot be detected one to three months after infection.

IgG antibodies detects infection in late stage as IgG levels increase slowly. It can be detected till over 60 yrs age or even through a lifetime indicating past infection.

4. Platelet count: This is lowered in dengue hemorrhagic fever. Normal platelet count is 1.5 lac to 4.5 lac/microliter of blood. Low platelet count is medically termed thrombocytopenia. In dengue cases platelet count may drop to as low as 20000 to 40000 / microliter of blood.

Prevention of Dengue Fever

1. The best possible way to prevent dengue fever is to prevent mosquito bites and control mosquito breeding.

2. Take measures to stop breeding of mosquitoes. Do not let water collect in any pot, can, old tyres or any other box as mosquitoes breed in standing water. Throw away any pots or boxes where rainwater can collect.

3. Keep windows and doors closed as far as possible to prevent mosquito entry in house.

4. When going out, wear full sleeves clothes, and clothes that cover legs and also wear socks.

5. Use mosquito repellents containing 20% to 30% of DEET.

6. Use of mosquito nets can be helpful.

Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Natrum Sulphuricum: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Natrum Sulphuricum is prepared from sodium sulphate. With potentization (process of preparing homeopathic medicines that arouses medicinal properties of a crude substance), sodium sulphate is converted into a highly beneficial homeopathic medicine Natrum Sulphuricum. It is one among the Schuessler’s twelve tissue remedies. It is a magnificent medicine to treat respiratory issues especially cough, asthma; and managing head injury.

 The ‘Natrum Sulphuricum’ Constitution

This medicine is suitable for persons who live in damp houses and basements because of which they suffer medical problems. It also works best to treat complaints arising from exposure to damp and cold weather.

Drug Action

This medicine has the foremost action on the respiratory tract. It acts well on the mind, head, gastric system, liver, limbs, joints and skin.

Clinical Indications

Asthma, cough, depression, head injuries, headache, diarrhea, liver disorders, jaundice, joint complaints, gout, paronychia, warts, nausea, vomiting, colic

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Respiratory Problems (Asthma, Cough)

Natrum Sulphuricum manifests its chief action on the respiratory tract. It is of great service in managing cases of cough and asthma. In cases of asthma, it is a principal remedy when asthma gets worse in damp weather. Persons needing it have rattling sound in the chest, cough and expectoration of thick, greenish, ropy mucus in excessive quantity. It also proves effective when asthma attack follows any kind of exertion. For asthma attacks occurring in early morning around 4 or 5 am, this medicine offers great help. Cough occurs with glairy (slimy, viscous and transparent) expectoration. Sometimes, there is pressure like a heavy load on the chest. On coughing, chest feels sore. It is a leading medicine for managing asthma in children. It can be given for cases of difficult breathing. It works well when there is difficulty in breathing while walking which improves with rest. There is a desire to take a deep, long breath.

Natrum Sulphuricum can be used for dry as well as lose cough. For dry cough, it is considered when cough is accompanied with roughness in throat. It gets worse at night. The sufferer has to sit up and hold chest with hands. It is useful in loose cough when there occurs thick, ropy, and green expectoration. It is attended with tickling in the throat. In some cases, pus-like expectoration occurs along with pain around the last ribs especially left-sided.

Key Indicating Features

Asthma worse in damp weather

Asthmatic attacks in early morning around 4 or 5 am

Lose cough with thick, ropy, green expectoration

2. Complaints Of The Mind (Depression)

Nat Sulph works wonderfully to treat depression cases. Those needing it have sadness and irritability. They become ill-humored and do not wish to speak to or be spoken to. They have loss of affection for family. They have aversion to life and tend to have suicidal impulses. It is one of the best medicines to help certain mind-related complaints, especially depression arising after head injury, fall or blow on head.

Key Indicating Feature

Depression with suicidal impulses

3. Head (Head Injury, Headache)

Natrum Sulphuricum has a remarkable action on the head. It is a magnificent medicine to deal with cases of head injury. Many of the after-effects of head injury are well managed with this medicine. Most prominently it is highly suitable to manage headache occurring after head injury. The pain is most marked at the base of the brain and back of neck. Epilepsy (tendency for recurrent fits) after head injury is also indicative of its use. It is also useful for headache that gets worse from noise and light. There is relief in pain of head in dark room. Natrum Sulphuricum is also indicated for managing headache during menses. Females needing it feel pressure along with heat in the top of head during menses. Pulsations are felt in head. Its use can also be done in case of periodical headache that returns at regular intervals. In this case, pain mainly occurs in the right side temple of the head. Burning sensation in stomach pit and bitter taste are felt before headache begins. There occurs vomiting of bile that relieves the headache.

Key Indicating Features

Headache after head injury, pain mainly at base of brain and back of neck

Epilepsy after head injury

Headache worse from noise and light, better in dark room

4. Gastric Issues (Cramps, Diarrhea, Gas)

Action of Natrum Sulphuricum is also noted on gastric system. Firstly, it is useful for managing cramping pain in abdomen in umbilical region. It is attended with gas in abdomen. The cramps and gas in abdomen get worse before breakfast. There is relief in pain from rubbing or lying on the side. There is also distension and heaviness in the  stomach.

Secondly, it can be given for heartburn and, sour vomiting. Next indication to use it is diarrhea. There is loose, watery, yellow stool. It is mixed with green slimy matter. The loose stool mainly occurs in morning, with sudden urge driving the person out of bed. There is rumbling in abdomen followed by noisy spluttering stool with passage of much gas. After passing stool, burning is felt in anus. Anal itching also appears. Diarrhea occurring in wet weather is an important indication guiding its use.

Key Indicating Features

Cramping pain in abdomen in umbilical region along with gas

Diarrhea with loose, watery, yellow stool mixed green slimy matter

Loose stool mainly in morning, with sudden urge driving person out of bed

Diarrhea in wet weather

5. Liver Complaints (Hepatitis, Liver Pain)

It is a highly valuable medicine managing liver problems too. It can be given for hepatitis (inflamed liver) cases with jaundice. It gives immense relief in liver pain. Persons needing it have liver pain worsening on deep breathing, jarring. It is attended with soreness. Pain is usually stitching in nature.

Key Indicating Feature

Liver pain worsening on deep breathing and jarring

6. Limbs (Joint Pain, Sciatica And Paronychia)

This medicine has some of its action on limbs as well. Prominently its action is noted on the joints. It effectively works to manage cases of joint pain. The foremost indication is joint pains occurring in damp, cold weather. There is pain in hip joint. It is worse when sitting down, on stooping and on rising. There also occurs pain in fingers with swelling and stiffness. In some cases, there is knee stiffness along with cracking. Its use is also indicated for gout (inflamed, swollen, painful joints due to high uric acid levels) cases. The feet joints are affected with gout. An important complaint where it is beneficial is sciatica (pain along the sciatic nerve beginning in lower back and radiating down the hip down the back of thighs and legs up to feet). There is worsening of sciatica when turning in bed and when rising from the seat where it is required. Another complaint where it seems to help is hand trembling. It works best when hand trembling occurs on waking or when writing. It also works wonderfully to treat hangnails (a little, jagged, torn piece of skin near root of nail). Paronychia (skin infection around fingernails) cases also recover wonderfully with Natrum Sulph. In such cases, there is water-filled blister with much swelling around along with redness and pain.

Key Indicating Features

Joint pains in damp, cold weather

Sciatica when turning in bed and when rising from seat

Hand trembles on waking or while writing

Paronychia with water-filled blister with swelling around along with redness and pain

7. Skin Complaints (Eczema, Pemphigus, Warts, Jaundice)

With its action on skin, it can successfully handle eczema cases. It is well-indicated for eczema that is moist and ooze watery fluid. It is a significant medicine for pemphigus (a skin disease in which painful blisters form on skin and mucus membrane) treatment. In such cases, it is given when there are blisters with yellow watery fluid. It is a leading medicine for jaundice (yellow discoloration of white of eyes and skin due to increased bilirubin levels) management. Lastly, it is helpful for warts (small growths on skin caused by human papilloma virus) treatment mainly warts on genitals.

Key Indicating Features

Eczema that is moist and ooze watery fluid

Pemphigus with blisters having yellow watery fluid

Warts mainly on genitals


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse in damp weather, from dampness in cellars, from head injuries, cold food and drinks, from touch, pressure, from music

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in warm dry air, in open air, lying on back and pressure


Though it can be used in different potencies but the most preferred is 6X potency. It can be taken in 6X potency three to four times a day. If using it in high potencies, frequent repetition should be avoided.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Followed well by Belladonna and Thuja



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Arum Triphyllum: Homeopathic Medicine: Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Arum Triphyllum is a natural homeopathic medicine prepared from plant ‘jack-in-the-pulpit’ also known as Indian turnip. It belongs to family Araceae. When this plant undergoes potentization (a process via which homeopathic medicines are prepared by arousing the medicinal properties of a crude substance), we get a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Arum Triphyllum. It is a very important medicine in homeopathy for managing cases of nasal allergy (hay fever, allergic rhinitis), laryngitis and clergyman’s sore throat.

Drug Action

Arum Triphyllum manifests its primary action on nose and throat. Other than this, its action is noted on skin and mouth.

Clinical Indications

Hay fever, acrid discharges, sneezing, clergyman’s sore throat, laryngitis, aphonia, sore mouth, cracked tongue and scarlatina

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Nasal Complaints (Hay Fever, Sneezing, Watery Nasal Discharge, Nose Picking)

The most important of all the actions of this remedy is seen on the nose. It is a very suitable medicine for managing cases of hay fever, also known as allergic rhinitis. It refers to an allergic condition resulting from an allergic response to allergens like dust mites, pollen leading to symptoms like runny nose, sneezing, nasal blockage and red, watery and itchy eyes. For hay fever, it is used when there is watery discharge from the nose which is acrid means irritation causing rawness, soreness and burning in the nostrils and the upper lips. Sometimes discharge from the nose can be blood-streaked too. In some cases, thick yellow mucus flows from the nose. Inspite of nasal discharge, one feels blockage in the nostrils. A person feels the need to breathe through the mouth. Sneezing may occur which gets worse at night. Pain at the root of nose is an attending symptom. The nasal discharge can smell offensive. It is well indicated for cases in which a constant desire of picking at the nose is present until it starts to bleed.

Key Indicating Features

Hay fever with watery discharge from the nose that causes irritation and burning in nostrils and upper lips

Complete stoppage of the nostrils inspite of nasal discharge

Sneezing worse at night time

Constant desire to pick at nose until it starts to bleed

2. Throat Problems (Laryngitis, Clergyman’s Sore Throat, Aphonia)

Arum Triphyllum acts wonderfully on the throat. It proves to be highly effective in treating laryngitis (inflammation of larynx – voice box). There is marked hoarseness of voice. It is one of the best choices of homeopathic medicines for treating ‘clergyman’s sore throat’. It refers to chronic throat inflammation in persons who overstrain their voice frequently like public speakers, singers, etc. In these cases, arum triphyllum  is used when voice is hoarse, uncontrollable and changes continuously, sometimes deep sometimes hollow. Its use is also recommended in cases of loss of voice (aphonia) after exposure to wind. This medicine is helpful in treating sore throat. Persons needing it feel burning and scratching in the throat. Burning also occurs in the root of the tongue along with dryness. Stinging is also felt in the throat. Swallowing is difficult. Sticky mucus may be present in the throat with tickling cough. In throat, ulcers may get formed along with the other symptoms. It can be given in cases where a person feels pain, soreness and burning in the palate. It gets worse from drinking and eating.

Key Indicating Features

Laryngitis with hoarseness of voice

Clergyman’s sore throat hoarse, uncontrollable voice that changes tone continuously, sometimes deep sometimes hollow

Loss of voice (aphonia) after exposure to wind

3. Mouth Complaints (Cracked Mouth Corners, Dry Lips, Sore Mouth, Cracked Tongue)

Arum triphyllum gives marvellous results in cases of sore cracked mouth corners. It can, secondly, be used when the lips are dry, chapped, swollen accompanied with burning pain. A very peculiar indication to use this remedy is picking of the lips until bleeding occurs. This medicine also works well for sore inflamed mouth. In cases needing it, the mouth is sore, raw, with profuse acrid saliva. Marked burning sensation is felt in the mouth. It acts well on the tongue as well. It is well indicated when tongue is cracked with bleeding along with redness and soreness. Burning sensation is felt on the tongue.

Key Indicating Features

Soreness and cracks at the mouth corners

Dry swollen lips with burning

Picking of the lips till they bleed

Red, sore tongue with cracks and bleeding

4. Skin Issues (Scarlatina, Pemphigus)

Arum triphyllum is prominently indicated for treating cases of scarlatina, also known as scarlet fever. It is a bacterial illness that may develop in persons having strep throat.

Scarlet fever

Scarlet fever

In this a bright red rash appears on the skin, attended by fever and sore throat. In such cases, arum triphyllum offers help when rashes occur on the entire body with itching and restlessness. Raw, bloody surface appear everywhere on the body. A person has tendency to pick and bore into raw surfaces. It is painful, and later on peeling of the skin occurs. Dry heat is present in the skin. Other than this, it is also indicated for managing cases of pemphigus (an autoimmune disease in which painful blisters appear which are fluid-filled bumps on skin and mucus membranes.



Key Indications

Scarlet rash on whole body with itching and restlessness

Raw, bloody surface on body with tendency to pick and bore though painful


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold wind, talking, singing, voice overuse and from lying down.


This medicine can be used from low to high potencies. It is a short-acting medicine and its action lasts for about one to two days. It can be repeated frequently in low potencies but in high potencies, its frequent repetition is not advised.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Acetic Acid, Belladonna, Lactic Acid and Pulsatilla

It can be compared with other medicines including Allium Cepa, Ammonium Carb, Cina, Arsenic Album, Hepar Sulph, Lycopodium, Silicea and Sulphur.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Opium: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

This medicine is derived from plant ‘papaver somniferum’ belonging to family Papaveraceae via potentization.  Potentization is a process that extracts and intensifies medicinal properties of a crude substance. This medicine is of great clinical significance in treating cases of constipation, sleeplessness and effects of fear.

The ‘Opium’ Constitution

This medicine is mainly suited to people with relaxed muscles and those who have are been habitual alcohol drinkers for a long time. It is also well-indicated for those in whom well-selected medicines produce no effect.

Drug Action

Action of opium is especially noted on gastric organs mainly rectum. It also acts well on the mind and nerves. It is a very effective medicine for managing sleep issues as well. Other than this, its action is noted on face, limbs, urinary organs and limbs.

Clinical Indications

Constipation, fear effects, sleeplessness, snoring, convulsions, delirium, hernia, drowsiness, colic, painful menses, paralysis, facial twitching, urine complaints

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Gastric Problems (Constipation, Diarrhea, Hernia, Vomiting)

Opium has a wide action on the gastric system. It has a prominent action on the rectum to help cases of constipation. There is intense constipation in cases needing it. The stool is passed in the form of hard, round balls which is the characteristic to use this medicine. Intense pain may be felt in the rectum. It can also be given for treating cases of diarrhea especially that follow some fright or sudden joy. The stool is fluid and frothy with anal burning. The stool has a very offensive smell. Stool may pass involuntarily from fright. Opium is a very useful medicine for cases of abdomen pain with passage of hard stool. Abdomen feels hard and bloated. This medicine is of great value for cases of umbilical or inguinal hernia. It can be used for cases of pressure and heaviness in stomach. Lastly, it is indicated for managing nausea and vomiting. The vomiting may be greenish or contains blood.

Key Indicating Features

Constipation with stool passed in form of hard, round balls

Diarrhea following fright or sudden joy

Umbilical or inguinal hernia

2. Sleep Issues (Sleeplessness, Drowsiness, Snoring)

Opium proves to be a very effective medicine to deal with certain sleep issues. It is a very suitable medicine for managing sleeplessness. Persons needing this medicine have acute hearing and noises coming from far away keep them awake. They are sleepy but cannot sleep. There is excessive restlessness with tossing in bed. On the other side, it can be given when a person has excessive drowsiness and goes into deep sleep. Its use is also recommended to manage jerking, and muscle twitchings happening during sleep. Lastly, it proves very beneficial for cases of snoring.

Key Indicating Features

Sleeplessness with acute hearing and noises coming from far away keeping the person awake

Jerking, twitching during sleep

Excessive drowsiness with deep sleep


3. Mind Complaints (Fright, Delirium, Convulsions)

It is a highly suitable medicine for complaints that occur from fright, excessive joy or anger. It is further well indicated for dullness of mind where brain works slowly. A person lacks mental grasp and is unable to comprehend whatever he is reading. The role of opium in managing delirium is also very important. Delirium is sudden change in brain resulting in confusion, unclear speech, clouded thinking, difficulty in paying attention, distraction and disorientation. In delirium, it works well when there is muttering (speaking in a low voice) with red, puffed, swollen face, wide open eyes and excessive physical activity. This medicine is prominently indicated for convulsions (fits) which get worse from fright, anger, insult and for convulsions in sleep.

Key Indicating Features

Complaints from fright, excessive joy or anger

Delirium with muttering, red, puffed, swollen face, wide open eyes and excessive physical activity

Convulsions (fits) worse from fright, anger, insult and in sleep

4. Limbs (Trembling, Weakness, Paralysis, Twitching, Jerking)

With its action on limbs, opium offers help to manage trembling of limbs especially due to fright. It is well indicated for managing numbness in hands and legs. It is also valuable for management of weakness and paralysis of legs. Its use is lastly considered for cases of jerking and twitching (spontaneous muscle contraction) of limbs.

Key Indicating Features

Limbs tremble following fright

Weakness and paralysis of legs

Jerking and twitching (spontaneous muscle contraction) of limbs

5. Face (Twitching, Cramps)

If we talk of facial concerns, opium is an important medicine for muscle twitching on the face mostly at the corners of mouth. In general, the face is red, flushed and swollen. It is effective in managing cramping in the lower jaw. Lastly, it is of service in case of swollen, distended veins on face.

Key Indicating Features

Facial twitching mainly at the corners of mouth

Cramps in lower jaw

6. Urinary Problems (Retention Of Urine, Kidney Pain)

Opium also cures urinary problems. The main complaint where it serves the best purpose is retention of urine or involuntary urine after fright. It is also indicated for retention of urine in females after childbirth. It can be used in cases of kidney pain when pain radiates from the kidneys to the bladder, and in males to testicles. Last indication for its use is weak stream of urine and slow initiation of urine.

Key Indicating Features

Retention of urine after fright or after childbirth

Involuntary urine after fright

Pain radiating from kidneys to bladder, and testicles in males

7. Female Problems (Suppressed Periods, Painful Menses, Suppressed Lochia)

Women may find this medicine highly useful for managing certain problems. The foremost indication for its use is the suppression of menses due to fright. Another concern that it can treat well is of painful menses. It is suited when pain during menses forces the patient to bend double along with urge to pass stool. Lastly, its use can be considered when lochia (vaginal discharge that occur after childbirth and last for about four to eight weeks) is suppressed from fright.

Key Indicating Features

Suppressed menses from fright

Painful menses with bending double and urge for stool

Suppression of lochia after fright


Worsening factors: Complaints are worse from fear, joy, heat, alcohol intake, odors and suppressed discharges

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from cold and from constant walking


It can be used from 30 C to 200 C potency. Its action lasts for about 7 days. In low potency, one may repeat it often but in high potency, frequent repetition is not advised.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Camphor, Belladonna, Ipecac and Nux vomica

Followed well by: Aconite, Antimonium Tart, Belladonna, Bryonia, Hyoscyamus, Nux Vomica, Nux Moschata and Sambucus


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Chelidonium Majus: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Chelidonium Majus is prepared from the plant ‘greater celandine’. It belongs to family Papaveraceae. For preparing this medicine, the entire fresh plant greater celandine is potentised at the time of flowering as per homeopathic formula that arouses its medicinal properties. After this process, we get a very important homeopathic medicine Chelidonium Majus. It is a renowned homeopathic medicine to treat various liver complaints.

 The ‘Chelidonium Majus’ Constitution

This medicine is well suited to people predisposed to or suffering from liver problems.

Drug Action

It is predominantly a liver remedy. It acts magnificently on liver. Other than this, its action is noted on gastric system, neck, back, joint, face and head.

Clinical Indications

Liver disorders, liver pain, fatty liver, liver enlargement, jaundice, gallstones, gall bladder pains, colic, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, joint pains, headache, neck stiffness,

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Liver And Gall Bladder Complaints (Liver Pain, Liver Enlargement, Fatty Liver, Hepatitis, Jaundice, Gall Bladder Pain And Gall Bladder Stones)

Chelidonium tops the list of homeopathic medicines for managing liver and gall bladder complaints. It is extensively used to treat numerous liver complaints including liver pain, enlarged liver, fatty liver, hepatitis and jaundice. With its action on gall bladder, it is beneficial for managing gall bladder stones and gall bladder pain. This medicine is well-indicated for shooting, stitching, pressive, dull or throbbing pain in the liver. The pain from liver radiates to the back and shoulder. Liver pain may get better from eating. A characteristic feature is liver complaints attended with sharp pain under the lower and inner angle of right scapula (scapula is a triangle-shaped bone in the upper back, one on the either side). In liver complaints, pressure, fullness and tension is also felt around the liver. It is a top-listed medicine for enlarged liver when liver is painful and sensitive to pressure. For fatty liver, Chelidonium Majus is considered when it is accompanied by jaundice. It is a leading medicine for managing jaundice (yellow discoloration of skin and white of eye from increased bilirubin levels) cases. The juice of plant Chelidonium is yellow-like bile which has been highly recommended since ages for managing cases of jaundice. In cases needing it, there is yellow discoloration of face, hands and white of eyes. The stool is dark and urine is offensive. There is sleepiness and low energy levels in daytime. Besides, this medicine is highly recommended to manage gall bladder pain and to dissolve gallstones.

Key Indicating Features

Shooting, stitching, pressive, dull or throbbing pain in liver

Liver complaints with sharp pain under the lower and inner angle of right scapula

Fatty liver with jaundice

Jaundice with yellowness of face, hands and white of eyes and sleepiness, low energy levels

Gall bladder pain and gall stones

2. Gastric Problems (Pain, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Constipation)

This medicine is very useful to manage various gastric concerns. It is effective for managing stomach pain especially when it gets better by eating. The nature of pain is aching, gnawing, scraping type. A sense of constriction in stomach attends pain. The pain worsens by applying external pressure on the stomach. Pain may radiate to back and right shoulder blade. It offers help in treating cases of nausea and vomiting, headache may also be present. Vomiting is acidic or of green mucus. A unique feature is relief in nausea and vomiting by drinking very hot water. This medicine can be given for managing pain around the navel region. Pressure is felt over the navel. Chelidonium also gives good results in cases of loss of appetite. It helps to boost the appetite of a person. It is recommended when a person has loss of appetite attended with nausea and weight loss. Those needing it have desire for very hot food and hot drinks in general. Another prominent indication for its use is chronic diarrhea (loose stool) in case of liver complaints. The stool is brown, watery, may have green mucus in it or can be thin, bright yellow. It can be given in constipation cases as well. There is hard difficult stool, or stool like dry clay or sheep’s dung. Constipation and diarrhea may alternate in cases requiring it.

Key Indicating Features

Stomach pain worsens from pressure which gets better by eating

Pain in stomach radiates to the back and right shoulder blade

Nausea and vomiting get better by drinking very hot water

Long-standing diarrhea in case of liver problems

3. Neck And Back (Pain, Stiffness)

Chelidonium acts well on the neck and back. It can handle well cases of neck pain and stiffness. Neck muscles feel tense. The neck feels stiff on movement, crackling noises from vertebrae in neck are heard when neck is moved. Another complaint for which it is frequently used is pain under inner and lower angle of right scapula. In case of pain under right scapula which gets worse from moving right arm and inhaling air, Chelidonium is highly recommended. Pain and stiffness in the spine between the shoulders is also well treated with it. Last indication for its use is drawing, stitching pain in the muscles of the back along with stiffness. Burning sensation in the back may also be felt.

Key Indicating Features

Painful, stiff and tense neck

Pain under the inner and lower angle of right scapula

Pain and stiffness in spine between shoulders

Drawing, stitching pain in muscles of back along with stiffness

4. Joints (Joint Pain)

This medicine acts wonderfully on joints to manage joint pain. It can manage shoulder pain well. It is recommended for right-sided shoulder pain. The pain from the shoulder may radiate down to the wrist. Chelidonium is an excellent medicine for hip pain as well. The guiding feature for its use is right hip pain worse when rising from the seat. Pain can be drawing or shooting in nature. It acts well in managing knee pain too. Here it is prescribed when there is knee pain on right side along with stiffness and burning sensation. It gets worse from movement. Besides these, it is a valuable medicine for cases of right-sided ankle pain which gets worse with movement. The ankle is also stiff with pain.

Key Indicating Features

Right-sided shoulder pain that may radiate down to the wrist

Right hip pain worse when rising from seat

Right knee pain with stiffness and burning sensation, worse from moving

Right-sided ankle pain and stiffness worse when moving

5. Face (Pain, Pimples, Herpes)

With its action on face, it can successfully handle cases of facial pain, herpes on face, pimples, etc. In facial pain, this medicine is given when pain starts over the right eye radiating to eye and cheek. It can also be used when pain begins from the left eye and goes to cheeks, teeth and forehead. It occurs periodically in the evening in bed. Along with facial pain, there is eye pain, sensation of sand and tears in the eyes. It is effective for treating herpes (skin rash caused by varicella zoster virus) on the face, especially on chin. Itching is marked in herpes. Lastly, it works wonders in cases of pimples on the face mainly on chin and cheek.

Key Indicating Features

Pain starting over the right eye radiating to eye and cheek

Pain begins from the left eye and goes to cheeks, teeth, forehead

Facial pain with eye pain, sensation of sand in eyes and flow of tears

Herpes on face especially on chin

6. Head (Headache)

Chelidonium gives excellent results in treating headache. Its use is mainly preferred in right-sided headache. Along with headache, there occurs nausea and vomiting. Head feels heavy along with weakness and drowsiness. Headache gets worse by coughing, stooping and in open air. Persons needing it feel relief in headache after eating.

Key Indicating Features

Headache with nausea and vomiting

Headache worsens from coughing, stooping and in open air

Headache gets better after eating


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from motion, in early morning, from change of weather, touch and on right side

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from hot food, milk, from eating, lying on abdomen, pressure and from hot bath


This medicine can be used in the form of mother tincture, low potencies and high potencies as well. Among these, the most preferred is the mother tincture form that has shown great clinical improvements in various health conditions.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Aconite, Chamomilla and Camphor

It antidotes Bryonia

Followed well by: Aconite, Arsenic Album, Bryonia, Ipecac, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica and Sulphur

It can be compared with remedies Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Bryonia, China, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus, Podophyllum, Sepia and Sulphur


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Pareira Brava: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

Homeopathic medicine Pareira Brava is derived from the plant ‘velvet leaf’ and ‘virgin vine’. This plant is a native of the West Indies, Central America and India. It belongs to family Menispermaceae. The fresh root of this plant undergoes potentization process that extracts its medicinal properties and converts it into homeopathic medicine Pareira Brava of great clinical significance. Its use is highly recommended to manage urinary problems mainly painful, difficult urination, and also cases of prostate enlargement.

The ‘Pareira Brava’ Constitution

This medicine is highly suitable to persons prone to suffer from urinary issues like difficult painful urination, kidney stones and urethra inflammation. It is also well suited to males suffering from prostate enlargement.

Drug Action

The sphere of action of this medicine is not very widespread and is limited to urinary organs and male genitals. Then foremost and broad action is noted on urinary organs. Though it acts on male genitals as well, it does not have very vast action as that on urinary organs. In general, its action is mainly noted on the left side of the body.

Clinical Indications

Dysuria (painful difficult urination), urethritis, kidney disorders, kidney stones, kidney pain, prostate enlargement, gonorrhea

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Urinary Issues (Dysuria – Painful Difficult Urination, Urethritis, Kidney Pain, Kidney Stones)

Pareira Brava acts extensively on urinary organs to settle down numerous complaints. The most characteristic feature to use it is dysuria means difficult and painful urination, and passage of urine with excessive straining. Persons needing it have to strain a lot in order to pass urine. In the worst condition, urine passes by going down on the hand and knee position and pressing the head strongly on the floor to pass urine. There is extreme pain while passing urine that extorts screaming. Violent pain goes down the thighs sometimes even to the feet during urination in cases that require it. Males have pain in the glans penis while urinating. Urine may pass in drops or in interrupted stream. During urination, itching and burning sensation also occurs in the urethra. After urination, shooting pain in the urethral orifice is experienced. Dribbling occurs after urination. A sense of distension in the urinary bladder is also present. There is a constant urge to pass urine. Urine may possess thick, sticky white mucus or in some of the cases red sandy particles.

This medicine gives excellent results in urethritis cases. Urethritis refers to inflammation of the urethra. For urethritis, it is indicated when there is severe pain while passing urine as well as mucus discharge from the urethra. It is a highly recommended medicine for women who have complaint of painful, difficult urination after giving birth to a child.

Pareira Brava acts wonderfully on the kidneys. Here, it is an important medicine to manage kidney pain. It is mainly used when there is bruised or contusive sort of pain in the kidney area. Urine is scanty and red. In some cases, there is pain in the kidneys that shoots down the ureter of left side and urine passes drop by drop. Besides, nausea and vomiting may occur. Pareira is among the top listed medicines for treating kidney stones. In such cases, it is used when there is dull pain in the kidney region, painful urination and urine is scanty. Urine has brick dust sediments in it. Among various types of kidney stones, it is the most helpful specifically in uric acid stones.

Key Indicating Features

Difficult and painful urination with excessive straining

Passage of urine with great straining by going in hand and knee position and pressing head strongly on floor

Violent pain going down the thighs/feet during urination

Painful, difficult urination in females since childbirth

Kidney pain shooting down the left ureter with urine in drops and nausea, vomiting

Kidney stone with dull pain in the kidney region and painful, scanty urine

Uric acid kidney stones

2. Male Problems (Enlarged Prostate, Urethritis And Gonorrhea)

Males may find this medicine quite effective to manage certain problems. These include prostate-related complaints, urethritis and gonorrhea. This medicine works magnificently in cases of prostate enlargement. It is very suitable when enlarged prostate gland is attended with painful, difficult urination. Clinically it is also known to manage cases of prostate enlargement attended with retention of urine. In such cases, great straining is required to urinate and pain goes down the thighs while urinating. Pareira is an effective medicine for urethritis treatment as well. Here it is beneficial when there is painful urination and discharge of mucus from the urethra. It also works well when urethritis complaint occurs in cases of prostate disorders. Lastly, its use can be considered in gonorrhea cases in males. Gonorrhea is a STI (sexually transmitted infection) caused by bacteria Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Key Indicating Features

Prostate enlargement with painful, difficult urination and retention of urine

Great straining to urinate in enlarged prostate cases with pain going down the thighs when urinating

Urethritis with painful urination and discharge of mucus from  the urethra


Its use can be done in low and high potencies. It can also be used in the form of mother tincture. The potency of this medicine is selected as per individual case presentation. Its repetition also varies from case to case. In general, low potencies can be repeated often but high potencies should not be taken frequently.

Relationship With Other Remedies

This medicine can be compared with other remedies including Chimaphila (in prostate issues), Uva Ursi, Hydrangea, Berberis Vulgaris, Cocculus Indicus, Fabiana, Ocimum Canum and Hedeoma

In case of prostate complaints, it is compared with homeopathic medicine Sabal Serrulata.


Call Dr. Sharma's Clinic - From United States and Canada call 703-659-0873. Patients From rest of the world and India call +91-6283487321

Homeopathic Medicine: Kreosotum – Its Use, Indications And Dosage

This homeopathic remedy is derived from ‘beech wood kreosote’ (a product of distillation of wood tar). When this product undergoes potentization (process by which homeopathic medicines are prepared by arousing latent medicinal properties from a crude substance), we get a highly valuable homeopathic medicine Kreosotum. It is a wonderful homeopathic medicine primarily used for treating various female disorders and urinary complaints.

The ‘Kreosotum’ Constitution

Kreosotum is a suitable medicine for thin persons and persons disposed to being sad and irritable. It is suited to children who are poorly developed and suffer from malnutrition.

Drug Action

The most prominent action of this medicine is on the female genitals, urinary organs and teeth. Rest of its action is noted on ears, gastric system and skin. It has a marvelous tendency to check burning, excoriating and offensive smelling discharges. Its action in controlling hemorrhages (bleeding) is also highly noteworthy.

Clinical Indications

Leucorrhoea (vaginal discharges), vaginal itching, vaginitis, metrorrhagia (intermenstrual bleeding), PMS (premenstrual syndrome), dyspareunia (painful intercourse), warts, bedwetting, involuntary urination, hemorrhages, putrid odor, toothache, tooth decay, painful dentition, ear disorders, ulcers, colic, stomach disorders, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, vomiting, cancer, eruptions

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Female Problems (Vaginal Discharges, Vaginal Itching, Intermenstrual Bleeding, Pms, Painful Intercourse, Warts)  

This medicine has widespread action on female genitals and is well-indicated for treating numerous female problems. First of all, its use is highly recommended for managing vaginal discharge medically known as leucorrhoea. This medicine is selected for these cases when the vaginal discharge is yellow, that causes intense itching and burning in vagina and has a very offensive smell. It is worse between periods. Standing and walking also make it worse. It is better when sitting. Excessive weakness occurs with vaginal discharge. Its use is also considered for vaginal discharges consisting of bloody watery matter. It gives excellent result in vaginitis (inflammation of vagina) cases. Second prominent indication guiding its use is vaginal itching. There is excessive itching in vagina, after scratching soreness and burning is felt. Soreness in vagina is marked when urinating. There is swelling and heat in external genitals. Thirdly, Kreosotum can be given for cases of intermittent flow of menstrual bleeding. Females needing this medicine complain that the bleeding during periods is not continuous and it tends to come and go. It disappears while sitting and walking and occurs on lying down. The bleeding is excessive and lumpy type. Kreosotum is also recommended when menses comes early, is heavy and extend for a long time. Its use is suggested for metrorrhagia means inter-menstrual bleeding too. In such cases, the blood is dark, occurs in large clots with offensive smell. It works well in cases of PMS (premenstrual syndrome). In PMS, it is used when there is headache, irritability of mind, nausea and swelling in the body. This medicine is also known to be effective for cases of dyspareunia (painful intercourse). Females needing it complain of excessive pain and also burning sensation during sex . Kreosotum also manages well complaints of bleeding after intercourse. This medicine is also suitable for cases of warts on cervix.  Headache before and during menses is yet another important feature. It is also known to play an important role in managing cases of cancer of uterus, vagina or cervix.

Key Indicating Features

Vaginal discharges that are yellow, acrid, offensive smelling and cause intense itching and burning in vagina

Vaginal itching with soreness and burning after scratching

Intermenstrual bleeding with dark offensive bleeding occurring in large clots

PMS with headache, irritability of mind, nausea and swelling in body

Pain and burning during intercourse

Headache before and during menses

2. Urinary Issues (Bedwetting, Urgent Urination, Offensive Urine)

This medicine also has prominent action on urinary organs. It is one of the main homeopathic medicines for managing bedwetting cases. Here guiding feature is involuntary urination in first part of the night. Another important complaint where it proves to be effective is urgency to pass urine. A person has to rush to pass urine when urge occurs. The frequency to urinate increases during day. Urine is profuse. It can also be given for involuntary urination on coughing. Urine is very offensive where this medicine is required. Urine may be brown and deposit white or reddish sediment.

Key Indicating Features

Bedwetting in first part of night

Offensive urine

3. Mouth And Teeth (Putrid Odor, Toothache, Tooth Decay, Painful Dentition)

It acts wonderfully on mouth and teeth to deal with various complaints effectively. It is mainly useful for managing putrid odor from mouth. The taste in mouth may be bitter. It is also helpful for spongy, soft, bluish red, bleeding, inflamed or ulcerated gums along with pus in them. For teeth, its use is considered for decayed teeth. The teeth are dark and crumbling. There may be blackish spots on the teeth. It is given when teeth decay as soon as they appear with spongy and bleeding gums. It proves very successful in controlling oozing of dark blood, slightly clotted after tooth extraction. It is effective for toothache in case of decayed teeth. The pain from the teeth extends to the side of head and inner ear. It also plays an important role in painful dentition in children. The child is restless, is sleepless at night with screaming and wants to be in motion all the time.

Key Indicating Features

Putrid odor from mouth

Soft, spongy, bluish-red, bleeding, inflamed or ulcerated gums along with pus

Decayed teeth with dark and crumbling teeth or blackish spots on the teeth

Quick decay of teeth as soon as they appear

Persistent oozing of dark blood, slightly clotted after tooth extraction

4. Ears (Noises In Ears, Itching And Swelling)

It acts well on the ears. Here it can be used for managing tinnitus with buzzing noises in ears and hardness of hearing. A characteristic feature to use it is buzzing, roaring or humming noises with difficulty in hearing before and during menses. It is applicable to manage itching in ears. Another valuable indication is swelling and inflammation of ears accompanied with burning and tensive pain.

Key Indicating Features

Buzzing, roaring or humming noises and difficult hearing before and during menses

5. Gastric Complaints (Ulcers, Nausea, Vomiting, Pain, Diarrhea And Constipation)

This medicine is well-indicated to deal with certain gastric complaints quite effectively. These mainly include burning in stomach, ulcers, nausea, vomiting, abdomen pain, diarrhea and constipation. It is effective for stomach burning which is temporarily better from eating. It can be of great help for stomach ulcers. There is gnawing, ulcerative pain in stomach. It is helpful for vomiting of food occurring many hours after eating. It can be given for managing cases of hematemesis (vomiting having blood) too. It is the best choice of medicine for nausea and vomiting occurring specifically before menses. Another indication for its use is contractive or shooting pain in abdomen. There may occur griping pain around the umbilicus, particularly before menses. Burning pain in intestine can be there. It works effectively to manage diarrhea during menses. It can help constipation cases as well when stool is difficult with burning and cramping rectal pain during stool. Lastly, its use is also indicated for management of stomach cancer.

Key Indicating Features

stomach burning which is temporarily better from eating

Nausea and vomiting before menses

Diarrhea during menses

6. Skin Problems (Itching, Eczema, Urticaria, Bleeding)

By acting on skin, it can settle various complaints. To begin with, it works very well to manage violent skin itching in evening time. Secondly, its use to treat eczema is a significant feature. It is indicated for eczema of face, eyelids, back of hands and joints. It is useful when urticaria (a skin disorder characterized by itchy wheals means raised bumps on skin mainly occurring from an allergic reaction) occurs after menses. Another complaint where its use is suggested is to control bleeding from small, wounds.

Key Indicating Features

Violent itching in evening

Eczema of face, eyelids, back of hands and joints

Urticaria after menses

Bleeding from small wounds


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse during dentition, during and after menses, during intercourse, in summer, and when lying down

Relieving factors: Complaints get better from motion, warmth, pressure and after sleep


Depending from case to case, it can be used from low to high potency. It can be repeated often in low potency but in high potency, frequent repetition is usually not recommended.

Relationship With Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Aconite, Nux Vomica and Ferrum Met

Followed well by: Arsenic Album, Belladonna, Calcarea Carb, Nitric Acid, Sepia and Sulphur


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Agaricus Muscarius: Homeopathic Medicine – Its Use, Indications and Dosage

Agaricus Muscarius is a brilliant nerve remedy. It has a great ability to manage nerve issues like twitching, neuralgia, tics, chorea and epilepsy. It also has marked effect on back pain and spine complaints. Other than this, its role in treating chilblains and frostbite is noteworthy.

The ‘Agaricus Muscarius’ Constitution

This medicine is well suited to persons who are very sensitive to cold and damp. It also suits elderly people having poor blood circulation. Lastly, it is suitable to alcoholics especially to manage headache.

 Drug Action

The most prominent action of this medicine is on the nerves, back, spine, mind and skin. Other than these, it acts well on the face, head, eyes, limbs, male and female genitals.

Clinical Indications

Back pain, spinal irritation, chilblains, frostbite, acne rosacea, twitching, tics, neuralgia, chorea, epilepsy, paralysis, blepharospasm, nystagmus, painful menses.

Scope As A Homeopathic Remedy

1. Neck, Back And Spine (Pain, Stiffness, Weakness)

Agaricus Muscarius acts wonderfully on the neck, back and spine to help various complaints. It is a very effective medicine for managing cases of back pain. It gives good results in cases of lower back pain, especially the one felt after exertion. The pain tends to increase while sitting and stooping. The pain is severe confining the sufferer to the bed. There may be a feeling of heavy load in the lower back. The entire spine is sensitive to touch. Burning and shooting pain is marked in the spine. It feels as if the spine is being pierced with hot or cold needles, it feels very weak. A peculiar sensation as if ants are creeping along the spine can be present. The muscles of the back feel tight. It can be used for cases of neck pain and stiffness. Tightness is felt in the neck. Twitching may be felt in the neck muscles. There may also occur stiffness between the shoulders along with weakness.

Key Indicating Features

Lower back pain worse after exertion, while sitting and stooping

Sensitivity of whole spine to touch

Burning and shooting pain in the spine

Sensation as if spine is pierced with hot or cold needles

2. Nerves (Twitching, Tics, Neuralgia, Numbness, Chorea, Epilepsy, Paralysis)

Agaricus has great ability to help nerve issues like twitching (involuntary muscle contraction), neuralgia (nerve pain), numbness and chorea. It proves effective on twitching of facial muscle and eyelids. Muscle twitches occurring during sleep are very effectively managed with it. Agaricus is highly useful for cases of tics and chorea cases. Tics are sudden muscle twitchings, sudden repetitive muscle movement or sounds. Chorea is a movement disorder causing brief, abrupt, involuntary unpredictable body movement. In chorea cases, Agaricus can be used for jerking of a single muscle or several muscles together causing dancing like position of the body.



In neuralgia (nerve pain) cases, it is highly suitable to manage facial neuralgia. It is well indicated for epilepsy (tendency to have recurrent seizures means fits) cases as well. It is indicated for epilepsy that occurs after fright or from suppressed eruptions. Lastly, its use is recommended for managing cases of paralysis. It is mainly indicated for managing paralysis (loss of muscle function) of upper or lower limbs or of facial muscles.

Key Indicating Features

Twitching of facial muscle, eyelids

Chorea for jerking of a single muscle or several muscles together causing dancing of body

Epilepsy after fright or from suppressed eruptions

Paralysis of upper or lower limbs or of facial muscles

2. Mind (Depression, Delirium, Fears)

Agaricus has a wonderful action on mind. It can be given in cases of depression, delirium, and fears. In depression, it is indicated when there is aversion to work, indifferent behavior and weakness. It works well in delirium cases. Delirium is sudden change in brain causing confusion, unclear speaking and thinking, trouble paying attention, distraction and disorientation. In delirium, this medicine is mainly used when there is excessive talkativeness with change of subject from one to another suddenly and rapidly, incoherent talk, screaming, shouting, muttering, rhyming, desire to injure oneself, rage and muscle twitching. It is a prominent medicine for managing delirium of fever. Agaricus is an excellent medicine for managing certain fears. These include fear of cancer, of being left alone, of ghosts.

Key Indicating Features

Delirium with talkativeness, incoherent talk, screaming, muttering, rhyming, desire to injure himself, rage and muscle twitching

Delirium of fever

Fear of cancer, of left alone, ghosts

4. Skin Issues (Chilblains, Frostbite, Itching, Pricking, Acne Rosacea)

It has brilliant action on skin. It is one of the best homeopathic medicines for treating cases of chilblains and frostbite. Chilblains refers to inflammation of small blood vessels in skin that appear in response to cold exposure. In this itchy, swollen red areas occur on skin of hands or feet. In case of chilblains, it gives best results when there is intense itching and burning on skin.



Frostbite refers to skin injury resulting from exposure to very low temperature causing freezing of skin and underlying tissues. Agaricus is well indicated for marked pain, inflammation, redness, and swelling in cases of frostbite. A marked characteristic feature for its use is needle-like pricking sensation in different parts of the skin. This medicine proves beneficial in cases of skin itching as well. In cases needing it, itching is felt all over the body. Besides, there may be no eruptions. Itching disturbs sleep. After scratching, itching shifts places. Another marked indication to use this medicine is small, hard, red pimples scattered over body. Lastly, it is indicated for treating acne rosacea (skin condition causing flushing of facial skin that may be attended with pus-filled eruptions).

Acne rosacea

Acne rosacea

Key Indicating Features

Chilblains with intense itching and burning on skin

Pain, inflammation, redness, swelling in frostbite cases

Pricking sensation on the skin

Itching that disturbs sleep

5. Face (Twitching, Nerve Pain)

Agaricus Muscarius has marked action on the face. It proves to be a highly effective medicine in managing twitching (involuntary muscle contraction) of facial muscles. It is also an important medicine for managing facial nerve pain (neuralgia). Here the guiding symptom is pain with a sensation as if cold needles are passing through the nerves. This medicine can be used in cases of herpes eruptions present especially on the upper lip. It also helps cases where pain in cheeks is well marked. The pain can be throbbing, pulsating, lancinating or tearing type.

Key Indicating Features

Twitching of facial muscles

Facial nerve pain with feeling of cold needles passing through the nerves

Herpes eruptions on upper lip

Throbbing, pulsating, lancinating or tearing pain in cheeks

6. Eyes Complaints (Blepharospasm, Eye Floaters, Pain, Nystagmus, Squint)

Agaricus is a top-grade medicine for managing twitching of eyelids (blepharospasm). Another complaint for which it is prominently indicated is nystagmus which means rapid, repetitive, involuntary movement of eye.

Agaricus has also shown great clinical improvements in eye floaters complaint. Its use is recommended when eye floaters are yellow, black or brown, especially in front of left eye. Flickering may also be felt in front of the eyes while writing. It can be used to manage eye pain as well. There is eye pain, pressing and burning sensation is felt on the movement of eyeballs. Besides, it can be given in cases of squint too.

Key Indicating Features

Twitching of eyelids (blepharospasm)

Rapid, repetitive, involuntary movement of eye (nystagmus)

Eye floaters – yellow, black or brown mainly in front of the left eye

7. Head (Headache, Itching, Involuntary Movement)

By acting on the head, it offers help to manage headache. The key feature for its use is pain in head with bleeding from nose. It is also well indicated for headache faced by alcoholics. A very unique feature is relief in headache after stool or urination. Persons needing it may feel icy coldness in the head as if occurring from icy cold needles. It is very important indication is involuntary motion of the head. Agaricus is also useful in managing itching of the scalp that occurs early morning.

Key Indicating Features

Headache with bleeding from nose

Headache in alcoholics

Icy coldness in the head as if occurring from icy cold needles

Involuntary motion of the head

8. Limbs (Cramps, Numbness, Joint Pain, Weakness, Locomotor Ataxia)

With its action on limbs, it can manage cramps in hands or feet. It can offer help to manage trembling of limbs. Agaricus can also help to relieve numbness in lower limbs. Another complaint where it can help is tearing, stitching or pressing pain in hip joint. It works well for managing knee joint pain too. The pain aggravates by sitting and deteriorates by walking. Heaviness and weakness of lower limbs can be well managed with it. Lastly, it is indicated to manage pain in case of locomotor ataxia (lack of muscle control over voluntary movements) cases and also uncertain gait.

Key Indicating Features

Cramps in hands or feet

Trembling of limbs

Knee pain worse from sitting and better by walking

Heaviness and weakness of lower limbs

Pain in locomotor ataxia

9. Sleep Issues (Sleeplessness, Drowsiness, Twitching During Sleep)

Agaricus Muscarius can effectively deal with sleep issues. Firstly, it is useful for cases in which there occurs muscle twitching during sleep. Secondly, issue of sleeplessness due to rush of ideas in mind can be managed with this medicine. It can be of great help in cases of restless sleep arising from excessive itching and burning of skin. It may help people who feel drowsy in the daytime and are unable to resist sleep.

Key Indicating Features

Twitching of muscle during sleep

Sleeplessness from rush of ideas in mind

Restless sleep due to excessive itching and burning of skin

10. Male Problems (Weakness, Premature Ejaculation)

Males may find this medicine suitable to manage excessive weakness after sexual intercourse. With weakness there occurs excessive sweating and itching and burning of skin. It is a suitable medicine to manage burning sensation in urethra during ejaculation. Last indication for its use is premature ejaculation.

Key Indicating Features

Weakness after sex

Burning in urethra during ejaculation

Premature ejaculation

11. Female Problems (Bearing Down, Painful Menses, Leucorrhea)

In females, this medicine can be very useful to manage complaint of bearing down pain in pelvis mainly after menopause. It can be helpful to relive painful menses too.  There is labor-like cramping pain during menses with desire to lie down. Besides these, it can be used to manage leucorrhoea means vaginal discharge that are dark, blood-stained and attended with itching and sexual desire.

Key Indicating Features

Bearing down pain in pelvis mainly after menopause

Labor like cramping pain during menses with desire to lie down

Vaginal discharge that are dark and blood-stained, attended with itching and sexual desire


Worsening factors: Complaints get worse from cold air, in cold weather, from touch, from fright, during menses, from mental exhaustion, fright, from alcohol intake and after sexual intercourse

Relieving factors: Complaints get better in open air and by moving about slowly


Use of this medicine is recommended from 30 C to 200 C potency. In skin complaints and nervous exhaustion, its use is advised in low potencies.

Relationship with Other Remedies

Antidoted by: Calcarea Carb, Pulsatilla and Rhus Tox

Followed well by: Belladonna, Calcarea Carb, Cuprum Met, Merc Sol, Opium, Pulsatilla, Rhus Tox, Silicea and Tuberculinum


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