Atopic Dermatitis is a chronic skin condition characterized by dry, itchy skin and skin inflammation. It is non-contagious which means it does not spread from one person to another via direct skin-to-skin contact. It is also known as atopic eczema,yet another name for it is endogenous eczema. When atopic dermatitis occurs in infants, it is referred to as infantile eczema. Atopic dermatitis begins in childhood (before the age of 5 yrs and in most cases around 3 months to 6 months) and may continue till adulthood in a few cases. Atopic dermatitis shows a remitting (during this phase, skin inflammation clears off) and relapsing (during this phase, this condition flare ups) type of course.
Homeopathy offers a very effective treatment for atopic dermatitis cases. Homeopathic remedies for atopic dermatitis are made from natural substances, they help in decreasing the severity of the complaint, itching and healing of rashes and eruptions. Homeopathic remedies help in eradicating dermatitis from the roots by increasing the patient’s immunity to the optimal level so that there are no hypertensive flareups. Mainstream medicines rely on ointments/creams containing steroids to deal with cases of atopic dermatitis. Though they provide relief by way of suppression but do not address the problem at its roots, so the issue is temporarily healed but it tends to recur again and again. On the other hand, homeopathic treatment for atopic dermatitis though does not show instant results, it leads to remarkable results and addresses the complaint to aid permanent cure. The treatment time varies from months to a year depending upon the severity, duration of dermatitis, plus the individual response to the remedy taken.
Individualized medication
Every case of atopic dermatitis presents differently, hence medicines in homeopathy are selected individually for every case. The homeopathic medicine selection is based on the totality of symptoms including the site and type of eruption, the worsening and relieving factors, time of itching, sensitivity towards heat and cold, etc.
Biphasic treatment
Homeopathic treatment for atopic dermatitis is provided in two phases. In the first phase, homeopathic medicines manage acute signs and symptoms. In the second phase, they work to eradicate the disease with the use of constitutional natural homeopathic remedies selected solely on the basis of individual symptoms.
Non-suppressive treatment
Homeopathy follows a non-suppressive way to treat atopic dermatitis as it does not prescribe any ointments which only treat the problem superficially. Deep down, the disease still lurks and remains untreated. Homeopathy uses oral medicines that work on the internal body to treat atopic dermatitis and gives permanent results.
Homeopathy is a safe treatment option
Homeopathic medicines are prepared from naturally occurring substances that do not have any harmful chemicals in it. They work very gently in a harmless manner, hence are very safe to use with zero side effects.
Top 7 Natural Homeopathic Remedies For Atopic Dermatitis
The top listed homeopathic medicines for treating cases of Atopic Dermatitis are Graphites, Petroleum, Sulphur, Natrum Mur, Rhus Tox, Arsenic Album and Mezereum.
1. Graphites – Top Homeopathic Remedy For Atopic Dermatitis
Graphites is one of the best homeopathic medicines for managing atopic dermatitis. It proves highly effective for treating dry, rough skin which may develop cracks . Though it can be used for any affected skin area, it works most prominently on lesions in the bends of elbows or bends of knees, neck and behind the ear. Keeping aside dryness, it is equally effective for cases where skin vesicles (fluid-filled bumps) appear that ooze sticky, gluey discharge. Graphites also brings good results in eczema on the face, nose, and chin.
When to use Graphites?
This medicine is well indicated to manage atopic dermatitis with rough, dry skin and also when fluid-filled eruptions oozing sticky discharge are present.
How to use Graphites?
It gives best results in 3X potency that can be used one to two times a day.
2. Petroleum – For Dry, Cracked Skin
Petroleum is an ideal medicine when the skin gets dry and cracked. Bleeding occurs from the cracks. With time, the lesions become thick and get covered with crusts. There is marked burning and itching. Atopic dermatitis with dry, cracked skin in winter is highly characteristic to use Petroleum.
When to use Petroleum?
This medicine is recommended when the skin is very dry with cracks in cases of atopic dermatitis. Dry, cracked skin in winters is also treated magnificently with this medicine.
How to use Petroleum?
This medicine can be used once a day in 30C power.
3. Sulphur – To Manage Skin Itching
Sulphur is a leading medicine most frequently used in treating atopic dermatitis. The main complaint for which it is used is intolerable skin itching. The skin is excessively dry with scales and intolerable itching. In majority of cases, the itching is at its peak at night or when the person’s body gets warm in bed. Scratching is followed by a burning sensation on the skin. Relapse of dermatitis in the spring season or in damp weather is also effectively dealt with this medicine. Homeopathic remedy Sulphur must always be considered as the first line of treatment for atopic dermatitis that is being suppressed by the use of local medications like ointments or any other form of external medication.
When to use Sulphur?
This medicine works well to manage skin itching especially worse at night along with burning sensation in atopic dermatitis.
How to use Sulphur?
Sulphur is mostly recommended in 30C potency. The dosage varies from case to case. Sometimes, it is given in 30C power once a day while in some cases in infrequent doses, like once or twice a week depending on the intensity of the complaint.
4. Natrum Mur – For Rash / Eruptions In Bends Of Limbs And Scalp Margin
Natrum Mur is beneficial for treating rashes/eruptions appearing in the bends of limbs that include the crease of the elbow and the back of the knee. The eruptions may be dry or ooze fluid. Warmth and heat worsen the condition for using Natrum Mur. Additionally, the eruptions occur specifically at the margins of the scalp. The eruptions are dry with rawness of skin along the margin of the scalp. Crusting may also occur along the hairline. Taking salt worsens the condition. Persons needing it may also suffer nasal allergy with marked sneezing, runny nose along with dermatitis complaint.
When to use Natrum Mur?
This medicine should be selected to manage rashes or eruptions that occur in bends of limbs, like behind knees and on the elbow crease and at the margins of the scalp in cases of atopic dermatitis.
How to use Natrum Mur?
6X is the most frequently prescribed potency of this medicine that can be utilized two to three times according to case severity.
5. Rhus Tox – For Eruptions With Thick Crusts That Ooze Fluid
Rhus Tox is of great help for atopic dermatitis with eruptions covered with thick crusts that ooze fluid. The skin becomes red with excessive itching, or fluid-filled vesicular bumps appear on the skin. Marked burning and intense itching are felt. Scratching makes the itching worse. Scaling of skin may also appear.
When to use Rhus Tox?
Rhus Tox is an excellent medicine for treating atopic dermatitis where thick crusty eruptions oozing fluid form on the skin with marked itching.
How to use Rhus Tox?
It works well in both low and high potency. To start with, 30C potency is usually preferred and can be taken once or twice a day.
6. Arsenic Album – For Dry Scaly Eruptions
This medicine works well for cases having dry, rough scaly eruptions. In most cases, eczema is marked on the face. Intense itching and burning is felt in the eruptions. It is worse at night in most cases requiring it. The affected skin can be oversensitive to touch.
When to use Arsenic Album?
This medicine should be utilized to manage dry, rough eruptions covered with scales/flakes in atopic dermatitis cases.
How to use Arsenic Album?
It is advised to take this medicine once a day in 30C power.
7. Mezereum – For Eruptions That Discharge Sticky Fluid
Mezereum is very beneficial for treating atopic dermatitis with eruptions oozing fluid. The fluid is very sticky. It is also indicated when thick scabs form on the skin with pus under it indicating infection. At times blood may ooze out on touching crusty eruptions. The eruptions are attended with marked itching. It gets worse from bathing with warm water.
When to use Mezereum?
Mezereum is a wonderful medicine when it comes to treat atopic dermatitis presenting with eruptions with thick scabs oozing sticky fluid.
How to use Mezereum?
This medicine proves effective in 30C potency. Mezereum 30C can be taken once or twice a week as per case requirement.
Signs And Symptoms Of Atopic Dermatitis
Signs and Symptoms usually begin before 5 yrs of age.
1. Dry, rough, red, itchy skin is the main sign of atopic dermatitis. The itching is mild to intense, varying from case to case. Itching is worse at night due to the warmth of the bed.
2. Eruptions: In some persons, papular, vesicular or pustular eruptions appear on the skin. Papular eruptions are raised eruptions on skin, vesicular ones are fluid-filled eruptions and the pustular contains pus in it. When these eruptions start to ooze out fluid or pus, it is termed Weeping Eczema.
3. Thickening, Crusting And Scaling Of Skin
4. Deep cracks and fissures with bleeding: It is noted in the long run.
5. Skin infection from excessive scratching can occur. Red bumps and at times pus formation indicates infection.
6. Body parts affected by atopic dermatitis:
Although atopic dermatitis can appear on any part of the body, its common sites are bends of elbows, behind knees, face and neck. Other sites of infection may be around eyes and ankles. Scalp and face are the common sites in Infantile Eczema. Atopic Dermatitis in bends of elbow, knees or behind ears is known as Flexural Eczema.
Signs And Symptoms In Infants (Babies Less Than One Year of Age)
In infants, there is dry skin with redness, itching and scaling. This may disturb sleep. Rashes on cheeks, scalp, front of arms or legs may occur. In some cases, fluid may ooze from rash.
Signs And Symptoms In Children
In children, a rash is frequently noted in the bend of knees and elbows. The rash is very dry and scaly. The affected skin patches may be thick and light or dark colored. Rash on the neck and face is also noted.
Signs And Symptoms In Adults
Dry scaly skin is seen commonly in adults. Hands and feet are commonly affected. Besides, the bend of elbows/knees, face, area around eyes and back of neck may get affected.
Causes Of Atopic Dermatitis Or Atopic Eczema
1. No cause has been detected behind atopic dermatitis, but its appearance is attributed to dysfunction of immune system. Due to a misguided immune system, there is an increase in inflammatory cells causing skin inflammation.
2. It is considered that genetic factors also play a role in it. This is based on the evidence that the person with atopic dermatitis usually shows a family historyof eczema or other atopic diseases like asthma, hay fever / nasal allergy or food allergies. The word ‘atopic’ refers to the tendency to produce a hypersensitive reaction to an allergen in a person with a strong genetic predisposing element. A person having a parent or sibling suffering from atopic dermatitis is at great risk of developing atopic dermatitis. Additionally, those with atopic dermatitis are at risk to get infected with other atopic conditions like asthma, nasal allergy, food allergy, etc. Persons having atopic dermatitis show changes in the gene affecting production of filaggrin. Filaggrin is a protein responsible for conserving skin moisture and keeping the skin barrier strong. If it is low, skin gets dry and the skin barrier is altered due to which irritants and even virus, bacteria can gain entry causing skin infections.
3. Hygiene Hypothesis – When children are exposed to microorganisms early in their childhood, it helps build up their immune system and protects them against allergic diseases. So children in less hygienic environment are at less risk of developing atopic dermatitis. On the other hand, in children living in highly clean environments, the immune system does not get an opportunity to develop, putting them at high risk of allergies.
4. In some, an excess of staphylococcus aureus bacteria on the skin can lead to atopic dermatitis
Trigger And Worsening Factors
Some of the trigger and worsening factors for atopic dermatitis include stress, weather changes (cold dry weather), woollens, synthetic clothes, dust mites, sweating, soaps, detergents, bathing with hot water. In some persons, certain food items, like eggs, cow milk, gluten and fish, can worsen the condition.
1.This condition begins when the normal protective skin barrier is disturbed. Following this, the allergens find a chance to reach the deeper layers of skin. It activates a large number of immune cells and a chain of immune reaction by these activated cells results in skin inflammation. Firstly, epidermal inflammatory dendritic and innate lymphoid cells are activated that invite Th2CD4+ helper T cells to the skin which results in skin inflammation causing lesions of atopic dermatitis. These Th2 helper T cells further lead to release of more inflammatory markers like cytokines (IL-4, IL-13 etc.) which further activates plasma and B lymphocyte cells to release antigen specific IgE adding to the inflammation.
2. Another reason is changes in the filaggrin gene affecting production of filaggrin, a protein produced by keratinocytes skin cells. Filaggrin makes skin cells secrete moisturising factors that keep the skin moisturised and maintain a strong skin barrier. If the low skin barrier gets disrupted, skin gets dry (xerosis). As a result, allergens, irritants and even virus, bacteria can gain entry causing skin infections.
3. In atopic dermatitis, there is release of pruritogens (mast cells, keratinocytes, T cells and eosinophils release pruritogens) that stimulate itching. These cells activate nerve fibers in the skin that lead to itching and pain sensation. Scratching the affected area of the skin also contributes to the release of pruritogens leading to itch scratch cycle in which scratching increases the itching. The more the person scratches, the more the itching gets worse or increases.